# 675 protects FLC4 cells *G*GG decreases +/-2 +1 +2 subsites -- 10 part -- calcineurin B -1 -1 translational frameshift sites -10 ( 5-TAGCGT-3 ) sequences -10 and -35 binding domains -10 and -35 boxes -10 and -35 consensus sequence -10 and -35 consensus sequences -10 and -35 hexamers -10 and -35 promoter regions -10 and -35 regions -10 and -35 sequences -10 and -35 sites -10 and/or -35 regions -10 box -10 element -10 extended motif -10 promoter consensus sequence -10 promoter region -10 region -10 regions -10 sequence -10 to -35 regions -10-like site -106 to -77 -10th and -35th promoter regions -124 and -106 -126 to -82 -161 and -147 upstream -178 and -72 bases upstream -191 bp upstream -192 to +581 bp -222 to -244 nt upstream -24bp -293 to -242 -329/-144 fragment -35 -35 and -10 -35 and -10 boxes -35 and -10 consensus promoter sequences -35 and -10 elements -35 and -10 regions -35 and -10 sequences -35 binding domains -35 element -35 hexamer box -35 promoter region -35 promoter regions -35 region -35 regions -35 sequence -35 sequences -35-like site -37 and -36 -39 to -31 -40 to -50 -424 bp -45 to -25 region -46bp -50 to -60 -59 and -39 nucleotides -72 to -44 bp -7B -85 and -120 -A -alpha-methylene benzylpenicillin -aminoglycoside phosphotransferase -B -B0 -beta-D-glucan 3 ( 4 ) -glucanohydrolase -butyrolactone autoregulators -C -C-S-S-C- fragment -C0 -C2 -C3 -C4 -C5 -CH2- unit -COOH -epimerase -F -G -galactosaminidase -glucanase -glucose synthase -glucose-1-phosphate-cytidylyltransferase -H -I -II -IIb -III -independent cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterases -insensitive chitinases -isomer -IV enzymes -J -J genes -lysine 2-aminotransferase -MCAT -methionine synthetase -N genes -N proteins -NMR -NPP -OH -olivosyltransferase -ORF3 -ORF4 -ORF5 -ORF6 -oxo-avermectin -UMB -VII -Z //proteom.biomed.cas.cz //www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/S_coelicolor/ /2-oxoglutarate ( 2-OG ) -dependent oxygenases /Ala /alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily /APH /APH ( 2 ) /DD-transpeptidase /DNA molecule /flavin adenine dinucleotide ( FAD ) synthetase /H ( 2 ) O /LPA ( 3 ) receptor /nonribosomal peptide synthetase /P3 /POPC /PPA complex /sec /sigma [ Fo 0.2-kbp DNA fragment 0.4-kilobase DNA fragment 0.4-kilobase-pair fragment 0.4-kilobase-pair Micromonospora DNA fragment 0.45-kbp DNA fragment 0.45-kbp PCR product 0.5 kb fragment 0.5-kb EcoRI-SalI fragment 0.53kb insert DNA fragment 0.5kb korB fragment 0.5kb Spel-BclI fragment 0.5M 0.6 kb fragment 0.6-kb PCR product 0.7 kb Bc/I -- Bg/I fragment 0.7-kb monocistronic transcript 0.7-kilobase region 0.8 kb fragment 0.8-kb Bg/II fragment 0.8-kb BglII fragment 0.8-kb direct repeats 0.8-kb sodF transcript 0.8-kb terminal direct repeats 0.84-kbp open reading frame 0.85 kb fragment 0.8kb kilB fragment 0.9 kb glycerol-inducible transcription unit 0.9 kb PstI-HinCII fragment 0.9 kb PstI-SphI fragment 0.9 kbp SmaI fragment 0.9-kb segment 0.9-kbp fragment 0.90-kb HindIII-BamHI fragment 0.93 kb reiterated fragment 0.96-kb SacII fragment 0.972-kilobase pair DNA fragment 000 kDa 000 Mr subunit 000-bp region 000-dalton subunits 000-M ( r ) protein 000-M ( r ) species 006-bp probe 017 bp cDNA fragment 023 bp sequence 0231A 1 0231B 2 025-bp squalene-hopene cyclase-encoding gene 052 complex 066-bp region 092-bp open reading frame 1 1 188 bp and 793 939 bp regions 1 188 bp region 1 base pair per alkylation site 1 copy per 10 chromosomes 1 kb fragment 1 kb repeat 1 kb repeats 1 kb sequence 1-2 1-alpha-santonin 1-aminocyclopropane 1-carboxylic acid synthase 1-beta-O-acyl glucuronides 5a-f 1-carbon unit 1-Cu complex 1-hydroxylated anthracyclines 1-kb region 1-kb SalI DNA fragment 1-kb SalI-MboI fragment 1-kb-repeat-encoded proteins 1-kilobase DNA fragment 1-LDHAP 1-LGP 1-liter broth culture 1-N-acyl side chain 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-3-phosphocholine ( POPC ) liposome 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine ( POPC ) liposomes 1.0-kb AluI fragment 1.0-kb deletion 1.04 kb Sph I-Sac I fragment 1.05-kilobase DNA sequence 1.1 kb BclI fragment 1.1-kb fragment 1.1-kb transcript 1.1-kilobase ( kb ) fragment 1.1kb promoter 1.2 kb BamHI fragment 1.2 proteins per gene 1.2 x 10 ( -6 ) ( p.f.u ) -1 1.2-kb monocistronic transcript 1.2-kb SphI-FspI fragment 1.2-kbp plmS ( 2 ) ORF 1.25-kb region 1.25-kb SalI-EcoNI fragment 1.28-kb N-terminal segments 1.3 kb DNA fragment 1.3 kb phage fragment 1.3 kb segment 1.3-kb BamHI fragment 1.3-kb BglII-SstII fragment 1.3-kb complementing subclone 1.3-kb PstI-BamHI fragment 1.3-kilobase fragment 1.35-kb BamHI- ApaI fragment 1.4 kb DNA fragment 1.4-kb BamH I DNA fragment 1.4-kb BclI-Sau3A fragment 1.4-kb DNA fragment 1.4-kb monocistronic transcript 1.4-kb NotI-SacII fragment 1.4-kb SsH fragment 1.4-kbp DNA fragment 1.45-kb DNA fragment 1.4kb DNA fragment 1.5 kb fragment 1.5 x 10 ( 5 ) CFUs/microgram plasmid DNA 1.5-kb BamHI-PvuII fragment 1.5-kb DNA fragment 1.5-kb fragment 1.5-kb genomic fragment 1.5-kb PstI-SstI fragment 1.5-kb RNA 1.5-kb SalI fragment 1.5-kbp monocistronic transcript 1.52-kb essential region 1.56-kb DNA fragment 1.6 kb BamH I fragment 1.6 kb glucose isomerase gene 1.6 kb region 1.6 kb Sph I-Sac I DNA fragment 1.6 kilobases BamHI fragment 1.6-kb DNA fragment 1.6-kb DNA region 1.6-kb DNA sequence 1.6-kb minimal replication region 1.6-kilobase insertion sequence 1.6-kilobase pair SmaI-SmaI fragment 1.6-kilobase PvuII-ClaI segment 1.7 kbp DNA fragment 1.7-kb BamHI-SphI genomic DNA fragment 1.7-kb BclI cat fragment 1.7-kb BclI fragment 1.7-kb DNA fragment 1.7-kb fragment 1.7-kb insert 1.7-kb pabS transcript 1.7-kb snbA gene 1.7-kb SphI-BglII subfragment 1.7-kilobase ( kb ) fragment 1.77 kb region 1.8 kb DNA fragment 1.8 kb Eco47III restriction fragment 1.8 kb fragment 1.8 Kb gene fragment 1.8 NcoI-BclI fragment 1.8-kb BamH I-Bgl II fragment 1.8-kb Eco47III DNA fragment 1.8-kb fragment 1.8-kb HindII-SphI DNA fragment 1.8-kb thiostrepton resistance gene 1.8-kbp BglII/SalI fragment 1.8-kbp fragment 1.85-Mb linear plasmid 1.8kb fragment 1.9 kb BclI fragment 1.9 kb fragment 1.9 kb segment 1.9-kb 1.9-kb DNA fragment 1.9-kb dnrR2 segment 1.9-kb fragment 1.9-kb SacI-XbaI DNA fragment 1.9-kb SalI DNA fragment 1.9-kb segment 1.9-kb transcript 10 amino acid consensus sequence 10 amino acids 10 chimeric GT genes 10 chromosomes 10 enzymes 10 genes 10 kb chromosomal telomeric segment 10 kb DNA fragment 10 kb SstI fragment 10 kDa 10 kDa degradation product 10 kDa proteins 10 NRPS genes 10 open reading frames 10 proteins 10 putative Tra proteins 10 residues 10 separate sequences 10-12 times per genome 10-12-kb BamHI fragments 10-aminocarboxylic acid substrate 10-bp target site 10-deoxynystatin 10-kb fragment 10-kb region 10-kb SacI-KpnI DNA fragment 10-kd calcium-binding protein 10-kDa cationic protein 10-kDa KorB protein product 10-kDa protein 10-kDa proteins 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 10-nt direct repeat 10-phenanthroline-treated enzyme 10-residue alpha-helix 10.1 kb terminal sequence 10.1-kb recombinant plasmid 10.2-kb fragment 10.4-kb BamHI fragment 10.5-kilobase DNA sequence 10.5-kilobase EcoRI fragment 10.9-kb mobile integrative genetic element 100 base-pair long inverted repeats 100 bp 100 bp upstream 100 different proteins 100 genes 100 kb DNA fragment 100 kb region 100 kb segments 100 kDa 100 micrograms/mL lysozyme 100 probes 100 protein-coding genes 100 residues 100 Streptomyces genes 100 units 100- to 10 100-115 kDa proteins 100-200 copies/chromosome 100-200-copy-number plasmid 100-amino-acid-residue N-terminal domain 100-bp insert 100-bp open reading frame 100-bp PCR product 100-kb fragments 100-kb linear chromosome 100-kb linear plasmid 100-kDa PPi-PFK 100-nucleotide transcript 100-times 1000 kDa 10031 bp fragment 1005 annotated genes 101-132 nt upstream 102 amino acid residues 102 amino acids 102-bp insert 103 open reading frames 104-bp segment 104-kDa exocellulase 105 kDa 105-kDa fibronectin fragment 105-kDa fragment 105.6 kb fragment 106 sequences 106-amino-acid sequence 106-kDa recombinant enzyme 107 amino acids 107.054kDa 107L family 107L subfamily 108 genome 1096-bp cDNA clone 1096-bp foreign cDNA fragment 10aS-8-acetyl-6a 10kDa 10kDa domain 10kDa KorB protein 10R 10Sa RNA 10th position 11 amino acid residues 11 bacterial genomes 11 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 11 bp direct repeat units 11 bp sequence 11 eukaryotic-like Ser/Thr kinases 11 fragments 11 genes 11 globally acting genes 11 kb 11 kb BamHI fragment 11 kb integrating element 11 kb integrative element 11 kDa 11 modules 11 proteinases 11 transcriptional units 11 wbl genes 11-carbon tunicamine sugar motif 11-epi-deoxydihydroartemisinin 11-kb B. stearothermophilus DNA insert 11-kb DNA 11-kb DNA fragment 11-kb element 11-kb integrating element 11-kb multicopy plasmid 11-kb plasmid 11-kbp 11-kbp multicopy plasmid 11-kDa protein 11-kilobase integrating element 11-nt consensus sequence 11-nt direct repeats 11.1-kilobase element 11.2 kDa 11.3-kilobase-pair plasmid 11.8-kb sequence 110 amino acid residues 110 amino acids 110 amino-acid residues 110 base pairs 110 bp upstream 110 common probes 110 kDa 110 putative promoter regions 110 x 10 ( 6 ) daltons 110-fold purified enzyme 110-kb TTM biosynthetic gene cluster 1100bp amplified fragment 1100bp fragment 111-bp DNA fragment 111-bp fragment 111-bp segment 112 bp sequence 112-base-pair att sequences 112-base-pair DNA sequence 1129-bp BclI-PstI fragment 113 234 bp 113 aa protein 113 amino acid residues 113 residues 113-residue apoprotein 1131-nt open reading frame 114 dnd genes 114-bp fragment 114-bp promoter 114-bp sequence 114-nucleotide sequence 115 amino acids 115 genes 115-kb segment 116 kb genetic locus 1164-base pair open reading frame 117 base pair fragment 117 base pair segment 117-base-pair fragment 1194-bp region 11AG8 cell2A gene 11beta 11S 12 12 alpha-helical regions 12 amino acid N-terminal region-encoding sequence 12 amino acid sequence 12 genes 12 horseradish peroxidase 12 identical subunits 12 kb DNA fragment 12 kb fragment 12 kb linear plasmid 12 kDa 12 kilobase pairs farther upstream 12 membrane-spanning domains 12 modular repeats 12 palindromes 12 putative Km biosynthetic genes 12 putative transmembrane-spanning segments 12 residues 12 restriction endonucleases 12 sites 12 transmembrane segments 12- ( 4-aminophenyl ) -10-hydroxy-6- ( 1-hydroxyethyl ) -7 12-100 kDa 12-14 glycerophosphate elements 12-20 DNA fragments 12-base region 12-base-pair direct repeat sequences 12-bp deletion 12-bp direct repeat sequence 12-bp nucleotide sequence 12-bp perfect inverted repeats 12-bp repeat sequence 12-bp sequence 12-deoxy-nogalonic acid oxygenase 12-desnitrile-12-methyl-borrelidin 12-h cells 12-h cultures 12-h old S. antibioticus cells 12-h-old 12-hydroxywarfarin 12-kb DNA fragment 12-kb region 12-kb segment 12-kDa heat-stable protein 12-kDa protein 12-MTA 12-residue N-terminally extended peptide chain 12-residue subsequences 12-week-old cultures 12.1 kb region 12.4-kb plasmid 12.4-kilobase BglII AUD-Sar 1-chromosome 12.5-kbp region 12.6-kb DNA fragment 12.8 min t1/2 beta 12.9 kb region 120 bp 120 bp upstream 120 genes 120 kDa 120 nt variable gamma-region 120-bp fragment 120-bp nucleotide sequences 120-bp region 120-MDa plasmid 120-nucleotide variable gamma region 1203-bp open reading frame 1206bp sequence 121 amino acid residues 122 kb contiguous DNA 124 amino acids 124 nucleotides 1250 bp DNA fragment 125I-cholera toxin 125I-cytotoxin 125I-fibrinogen 125I-heat-labile toxin 125I-labeled streptavidin 125I-labeled succinoylstreptavidin 125I-labelled cholera toxin 125I-labelled heat-labile toxin 125I-labelled toxins 125I-plasminogen 126 bp intergenic region 127 kb region 128 amino acids 128 kb region 128 kbp region 129A3 12kb cloning vector 12q22 13 actI mutants 13 bp direct repeats 13 chitinase genes 13 complete genes 13 fragments 13 genes 13 hybrid plasmids 13 kb DNA segment 13 kb region 13 kDa 13 known bap genes 13 recognition sites 13 residues 13 sublibraries 13 substrates 13- and 15-methoxy side chains 13-bp tandem repeat 13-kb chromosomal DNA fragment 13-kb region 13-kDa subunit 13-kilobase fragment 13-kilodalton polypeptide 13-mer AT-rich sequences 13-residue flexible C-terminus 13.0 kDa 13.0-kDa subunit 13.3 kb plasmid 13.3-kb plasmid 13.4 kb gene cluster 13.4 kDa 13.4-kDa subunits 13.5-kb insert 13.5-kb region 13.5-kilobase fragment 13.57 IU/mg protein 130 base pairs upstream 130 kb continuous DNA 130 kDa 1300 bp DNA segment 1304-bp sequence 131 natural avian ovomucoid third domains 132 amino acid residues 132 nucleotides long transcript 1320 bp DNA fragment 1326 cells 133 amino acid residues including 18 half-cystine residues 1332-bp fragment 1339 bp DNA fragment 134 IPNS-related enzymes 134-bp putative type III polyketide synthase 1344-bp open reading frame 135 135-kb DNA region 1359-bp long open reading frame 136 heterogeneous loci 136 kDa protein 136 residues 137 kDa 137-amino acid protein 138 open reading frames 1384 bp fragment 1384-1399 cm ( -1 ) and 909-939 cm ( -1 ) regions 139 apparent streptomycete transcriptional start sites 139 genomic library 139 total genomic DNA 139A 13bp AT-rich regions 13C NMR 13C-labeled glucose units 13C-labeled precursors 13C-NMR 13C1 13C2 13CNMR 13CO2 14 14 amino acid residues 14 and 17 transmembrane domains 14 bp direct repeat 14 bp inverted repeat regulatory sequence 14 genes 14 gvp genes 14 kb insert 14 kb upstream 14 kDa 14 open reading frames 14 recognition sites 14 residues 14 sites 14 weakest and 14 strongest promoters 14-17 transmembrane domains 14-bp inverted repeat 14-bp palindrome 14-bp palindromic sequence 14-bp sequence 14-carbon fragment 14-hydroxyisochainin 14-kb chromosomal region 14-kDa endoproteinase 14-kDa protein 14-kilobase fragments 14-kilobase insert 14-membered ring macrolactone products 14-nucleotide sequence 14-step sequence 14-triene 14.04 kb-region revealed twelve open reading frames 14.3 kDa 14.4 kDa 14.9 kDa 140 kDa protein 140-kDa protein 140-kDa tyrosine kinase 1400-base DNA fragment 141 kDa protein 1410 bp DNA region 1410 bp open reading frame 141kDa 142-230 domain 143 gene clusters 143 open reading frames 143-base-pair fragment 144-amino acid protein 1449 bp open reading frame 145 amino acid residues 145 residues 145 TTA-containing genes 145-kb DNA region 1457 bp element 146-amino acid protein 1467 bp fragment 147 genes 147 screened isolates contained plasmids 149-bp genomic sequence 14alpha-sterol demethylases 14C ] benzylpenicillin-PBP complexes 14C-acetate into nonactin 14C-labeled substrates 14C-labeled water-soluble products 14C-labelled substrates 14C-oleate substrates 14CO2 14S epimers 15 amino acid residues 15 amino acids 15 and 16 fragments 15 auxotrophic loci 15 feed proteins 15 genes 15 histidine codons 15 open reading frames 15 residue N-terminal sequence 15 RESIDUES 15 sta genes 15 unique cloning sites 15- and 20-kb DNA sequences 15-34 nucleotide sequences 15-carbon ( farnesyl ) isoprenoid chains 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15-kb 15-kb Bcl I-DNA segment 15-kb genomic region 15-kb segment 15-kDa protein 15-kDa subunit 15-ketoprostaglandin 15-ketoprostaglandins 15-methyl-6-deoxyerythronolide B 15.1 kDa 15.5 kDa 15.7 kb sequence 150 bp upstream 150 kDa 150 Streptomyces promoters 151-amino-acid C-terminal region 1512 bp whose deduced amino acid sequence 1513-DMIb 152 genes 157 amino acid residues 158-bp upstream 1596-bp open reading frame 15N NMR 15N2 16 and 12 fragments 16 and 23S rRNA genes 16 bp inverted repeat 16 bp sequence 16 bp sequences 16 brpA-dependent gene products 16 genes 16 kb fragment 16 kDa 16 kDa endonuclease 16 loci 16 marker loci 16 nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) genes 16 open reading frames 16 rRNA gene 16 S and 23 S sequences 16 sequences 16 sites 16 structural genes 16-bp direct repeat sequences 16-bp perfect inverted repeat 16-bp region 16-bp sequence 16-bp sequence motifs 16-kb clone 16-kDa fragments 16-nt sites 16.5 kb fragment 16.5-kb hybrid plasmids 16.6 kb shuttle plasmid 16.9-kb element 160 amino acids 160 bp fragment 160 bp sequence 160 homologues 160 kDa 160 residues 160-aa polypeptide 160-kbp plasmid 160-nt fragment 160-residue potassium channel 161 bp downstream 161-amino-acid high-molecular-weight protein 1 1617 base pairs nucleotide sequence 1617-bp open reading frame 162 bp-fragment 1629-bp A21 DNA fragment 163 kb circular plasmid 163 residues 1638-member pyridinopolyamine library 165 C-terminal amino acids 165 residues 166 bp downstream 166-bp DNA fragment 167 residues 167-bp telomere DNA 168 and 180 base pairs 168 csn gene 1682-bp DNA segment 1687 bp suppressor DNA 169 kDa protein 16alpha-hydroxylase 16F4 16S 16S and 23S genes 16S and 23S rRNA 16S and 23S rRNA genes 16S and 23S rRNA/DNA 16S and 23S rRNAs 16S ARDRA 16S gene 16S rDNA 16S rDNA 120-bp sequences 16S rDNA clone library 16S rDNA fragments 16S rDNA gene 16S rDNA gene sequence 16S rDNA genes 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences 16S rDNA probe 16S rDNA sequence 16S rDNA sequences 16S rDNAs 16S ribosomal ( r ) DNA 16S ribosomal DNA 16S ribosomal DNA sequence 16S ribosomal DNA sequences 16S ribosomal RNA 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences 16S ribosomal RNAs 16S RNA 16S rRNA 16S rRNA 16S rRNA gene 16S rRNA gene amplification-restriction fragment length polymorphism 16S rRNA gene fragments 16S rRNA gene libraries 16S rRNA gene promoter 16S rRNA gene sequence 16S rRNA gene sequences 16S rRNA gene-targeted probes 16S rRNA genes 16S rRNA genus probe 16S rRNA genus-specific probe 16S rRNA methylase 16S rRNA methylases 16S rRNA methyltransferase 16S rRNA molecule 16S rRNA partial sequence 16S rRNA promoter 16S rRNA sequence 16S rRNA sequences 16S rRNA-based primers 16S sequences 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer ( ITS ) region 16S-23S ITS region 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions 16S-23S rDNA internally transcribed spacer ( ITS ) sequences 16S-23S rRNA gene region 16S-23S spacer region 16S-23S-5S 16S-epimer 16S-rRNA-encoding gene 16SrRNA 17 000 DD-carboxypeptidase 17 base pairs upstream 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 17 biosynthetic loci 17 bp drastically reduced promoter 17 bp motif 17 genes 17 kb linear plasmid 17 kb plasmid 17 kb segment 17 kb sequence 17 kDa proteins 17 monosaccharide units 17 newly detected linear plasmids 17 residues 17 transmembrane domains 17-18 per chromosome 17-AAG 17-DMAG 17-Hydroxycyclooctatin 17-kb linear plasmid pSLA2 17-kb plasmid 17-kb spectinomycin biosynthetic gene cluster 17-kDa protein 17-megadalton plasmid 17-nucleotide sequence 17.2-kb genetic element 17.2-kbp genetic element 17.5 kDa 17.5-kDa cyclophilin 17.6 kDa protein 17.6 kDa subunits 170 genes 170 residues 170-kDa subunits 170-loop 170bp long BamHI-Sau3A DNA fragment 1719 bp long open reading frame 172 bp 172 kDa 172 residues 172 to 219 bp upstream 172 transposon integration sites 172-kb DNA region 173 amino acids 173-kDa tetrameric complex 174 amino acid residues 174-amino-acid insert 1740-bp region 175-bp DNA fragment 176 amino acids 177 bp upstream 178-bp fragment 179 total fragments 1794-bp BglII-BamHI fragment 17beta-HSD 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 17bp highly conserved inverted repeat ( CIR ) sequence 17th genes 18 amino acids 18 and 34 kDa 18 cytochrome P450 ( CYP ) genes 18 fragments 18 kb region 18 kDa 18 kDa calcium-binding protein 18 P450 genes 18 recognition sites 18 S. lividans tRNA genes 18 structural genes 18 subunits 18-amino-acid peptide T22 18-bp inverted repeat 18-bp inverted repeated sequences 18-hydroxynapyradiomycin A1 18-kDa antigen 18-kDa cyclophilin 18-kDa nuclease 18-kDa proteins 18-O acyltransferase 18.4-kDa serine protease 18.6 kDa 18.7 kDa 18.8 kDa 180 bp upstream 180 kDa 182-nucleotide open reading frame 183 genes 183-kDa subunits 184-amino acid protein 185-amino-acid protein 1860-bp region 1861-bp 3-noncoding region 187 amino acids 187A/191Y/385R 187H/191Y/385R 187M/191Y/385R 187T/191Y/385R 187X/191Y/385R 189 792 bp region 189-amino-acid protein 18G7 18O2 18S rRNA A-site 18S rRNA gene fragments 19 amino acids 19 kb DNA fragment 19 kb SphI DNA fragment 19 kDa 19 kDa recombinant protein 19 open reading frames 19 sequences 19-amino acid linker region 19-bp region 19-kb plasmid 19-kDa ( Rv3763 ) proteins 19-kDa polypeptide 19-kDa protein 19-kilodalton protein 19-nt sequence 19-nucleotide palindromic iron box sequence 19.112kD 19.3-kb open reading frame 19.5-kb contiguous segment 19.8-kDa protein 190 residue mature protein 191 amino acid 191 amino acids 191-base-pair region 194 amino acids 194-residue mature protease 195 base pairs 195 nt upstream 196 amino acids that resembeled sequences 196 positive clones 1964.-Mutants 197-bp blaL-blaA intergenic region 1970s 197bp open reading frame 198 amino acids 198 residues 198-residue mature enzyme 1980s and 170 199 bp sesquiterpene alcohol ( germacradienol ) synthase-encoding gene 199-amino-acid protein 1b 1D 1H-NMR 1F8 1H NMR 1H-NMR 1K3 1N1 2 2 bp AG sequence 2 center dot 7 kb BamHI fragment 2 FLP recognition target sites 2 kb BamHI-SmaI fragment 2 kb DNA fragment 2 Kb DNA-fragment 2 kb region 2 kb smaI-XhoI restriction fragment 2 kbp fragment 2 Mb chromosomal region 2 regulatory genes 2-4 kb BamHI-SalI fragment 2-acetyl-CoA molecules 2-acetylaminofluorene 2-AP 2-base-pair sequence 2-benzanthracene 2-bp frameshift deletion 2-butyl chain 2-C-methyl erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2-cyclohexadienylcarbonyl CoA 2-dCF 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine dehydrogenase 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose ( DOI ) synthase 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose aminotransferase 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose product 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase 2-deoxyinosose synthase 2-deoxystreptamine ( DOS ) biosynthetic gene 2-deoxystreptamine ( DOS ) biosynthetic genes 2-deoxystreptamine biosynthetic enzymes 2-desmethyl-2-methoxy-DEB 2-desmethyl-6-DEB 2-dioxygenase 2-dioxygenase ( C12O ) gene 2-dioxygenase ( GDO ) genes 2-DOS 2-endo-alcohol isomer 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone 7-kinase 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone synthase 2-epi-5-epi-valiolone synthases 2-epi-streptamine were excellent substrates 2-GMP 2-GMP complex 2-HIBA-induced protein 2-His-1-carboxylate family 2-hydroxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase 2-kb BclI-BglII fragment 2-kb DNA fragment 2-kb HindIII fragment 2-kb region 2-kb SmaI DNA fragment 2-kb V1 DNA 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase 2-mannosidase 2-mannosidases 2-methylsuccinyl-CoA starter unit 2-MIB 2-micron plasmid 2-N-acetlyglucosaminyltransferase 2-N-acetyl ABK 2-NH2 2-nitropropane dioxygenase 2-OG oxygenase 2-OG oxygenases 2-oxoacid-dependent dioxygenase family 2-oxoglutarate 6-aminotransferase 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylases 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase protein family 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase 2-oxoglutarate-linked dioxygenases 2-oxoglutarate-related dioxygenases 2-phosphinomethylmalic acid ( PMM ) synthase 2.0 kb Sau 3AI fragment 2.0 kb Sau3 AI fragment 2.0-kb BalI-SacII fragment 2.0-kb DNA fragment 2.0-kb dnrR1 segment 2.0-kb MIuI/EcoRV DNA fragment 2.0-kb SmaI fragment 2.0-kb XhoI restriction fragment 2.07-kb segments 2.08kb DNA fragment 2.1 kb BamHI fragment 2.1 kb BamHI-HindIII fragment 2.1 kb fragment 2.1-kb SacII DNA fragment 2.1-kilobase SalI fragment 2.1-kilobase-pair fragment 2.16 kb fragment 2.2 kb BglII DNA fragment 2.2 kb DNA fragment 2.2 kb genomic DNA fragment 2.2 kb region 2.2-kb DNA fragment 2.2-kb indigenous plasmid 2.2-kb region 2.2-kb Sau3A fragment 2.2-kb segment 2.2-kilobase direct repeat 2.2-kilobase-pair redD-complementing region 2.2-kilobase-pair restriction fragment 2.27 kb fragment 2.3 kb BamHI BglII fragment 2.3 kb Sal I -BamH I DNA fragment 2.3 kb transcript 2.3 Md PstI fragment 2.3-kb DNA fragment 2.3-kb fragment 2.3-kb HincII fragment 2.3-kb PvuII fragment 2.3-kb SphI fragment 2.4 kb DNA fragment 2.4 kb fragment 2.4 kb KpnI-SstI fragment 2.4-kb DNA fragment 2.4-kb DNA segment 2.4-kb segment 2.4-kb transcript 2.4-kilobase pair insert 2.45-kilobase insert 2.5 kb ClaI fragment 2.5 kb DNA fragment 2.5 kb mRNA transcript 2.5 kb S. venezuelae DNA fragment 2.5 kb segment 2.5 kilobase pair fragment 2.5-kb chromosomal DNA fragment 2.5-kb DNA fragment 2.5-kb fragment 2.5-kb PstI fragment 2.5-kb region 2.5-kilobase ( kb ) DNA region 2.5-kilobase fragment 2.5-kilobase segment 2.6 kb fragment 2.6 kb HindIII-BamHI fragment 2.6 kb SphI fragment 2.6-kb BamHI fragment 2.6-kb BamHI region 2.6-kb BamHI-SstI restriction fragment 2.6-kb fragment 2.7 kb fragment 2.7 kb polyketide synthase ( PKS ) gene 2.7-kb BamHI-SstI fragment 2.7-kb DNA fragment 2.7-kb fragment 2.7-kb insert 2.7-kb region 2.7-kb self-replicating DNA fragment 2.7-kb visC-visD transcript 2.75-kb NcoI fragment 2.75-kilobase NcoI fragment 2.8 kb BamHl fragment 2.8 kb BamHl-Sacl fragment 2.8 kb DNA fragment 2.8 kb EcoRI fragment 2.8 kb fragment 2.8 kb KpnI fragment 2.8 kbp DNA segment 2.8-kb BamHI fragment 2.8-kb BglII-EcoRI DNA fragment 2.8-kb chromosomal fragment 2.8-kb fragment 2.8-kb KpnI-BclI fragment 2.8-kb XhoI fragment 2.8-kilobase-pair chromosomal sequence 2.8-kilobase-pair XhoI fragment 2.86 kb DNA fragment 2.8kb DNA fragment including whiB-like gene 2.9 kb BclI fragment 2.9-kb replicon segment 2.9-kilobase transcript 20 20 amino acid residues 20 and 18 kb fragments 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 20 bp downstream 20 bp each amplified target template DNA 20 bp inverted repeats 20 coded P1 variants 20 copies per chromosome 20 fragments 20 gene clusters 20 genes 20 kDa 20 kDa protein 20 open reading frames 20 P1 variants 20 recognition sites 20 restriction fragments 20 S proteasome 20 sites 20-22 kDa enzymes 20-22 kDa nucleases 20-50 per chromosome 20-kb 20-kb plasmid 20-kDa fragment 20-kDa polypeptide 20-kDa protein 20-kDa secreted enzyme 20-ku subunit 20-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe 20.1 kDa 20.2 kb sequence 20.5 kDa 20.5kDa 20.6S 200 bp 5-untranslated mRNA region 200 bp fragment 200 bp upstream 200 kDa 200 TTA-containing target genes 200-amino-acid region 200-base pair EcoRI fragment 200-kb linear plasmid 200-kb terminal inverted repeats 200-l compost vessels 200kb linear plasmid 202 residue VanX protein 203 and 204 204 amino acids 205 kb DNA region 205-kb region 2052 bp DNA fragment 2058-PR complexes 2058-progesterone receptor 205bp DNA fragment 206-bp fragment 206-kb linear plasmids 207 bp DNA fragment 207 bp sequence 2070-DTI 209 amino acid residues 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 20S proteasome 20S proteasome structural genes 20S proteasomes 20S protein 21 amino acid residues 21 beta-glycanases 21 genes 21 genomes 21 kDa 21 kDa and 31 kDa XYNB proteins 21 recognition sites 21 residues 21-aa Gly-Pro-rich region 21-amino acid peptides siamycin II 21-base-pair repeat 21-kD proteins 21-kDa protein 21-mer oligonucleotide 21-mer sequence 21.3 kb gene cluster 21.6 kDa 21.7 kDa 21.7-kDa regulatory protein 21.9 kDa 210 residues 210-A 210-kb linear plasmid 2110-bp Streptomyces lividans 66 DNA fragment two transfer RNA genes 212 amino acid residues 213 amino acids 215 coding DNA sequences 216 bp downstream 216 kDa 217-amino-acid open reading frame 217-bp regions 219 nucleotide fragment 219-amino acid ( aa ) protein 22 and 30 fragments 22 bp downstream 22 bp palindrome 22 bp palindromic binding site 22 disruption mutants 22 genes 22 kb segment 22 kb TIRs 22 kDa 22 open reading frames 22 structures 22-kb mmy-mmf gene cluster 22-kDa protein 22-kDa proteinase 22-residue amino-terminal sequence 22.0 kDa 22.2-kDa subunits 22.4-kb plasmid 220 bp upstream 220-kb Asel fragments 22076-Mr Zn2+-containing D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving carboxypeptidase 220bp sequence 221-amino-acid protein 223 amino acids 223-residue hybrid SGT molecule 224-bp lcp-homologous genes 225 codons 225 kDa 226 probes 227 amino acid residues 227-bp upstream 228 residues 23 base pairs 23 genes 23 kDa 23 kDa protein 23 proteins 23 PstI fragments 23 restriction enzymes 23-amino-acid deletion 23-bp protein-binding site 23-bp sequence 23-kb fragment 23-kDa fragment 23-kDa subunits 23.8 kDa 230 kDa 230-Kilodalton Membrane Protein 230-residue protein 230K membrane protein 2326 bp BamHI-PstI DNA fragment 2326 bp DNA fragment 2326-bp BamHI-PstI DNA fragment 2326-bp sequence 233 actinobacteria-specific proteins 233th base 234 base pairs 234-amino acid polypeptide 236-amino-acid protein product 238 amino acids 239 bp 239-amino-acid protein 23beta-O- ( 2-methylbutanoyl ) milbemycin alpha 23S and 5S rRNAs plus flanking regions 23S ribosomal RNA 23S RNA 23S rRNA 23S rRNA A1067 methyltransferase 23S rRNA adenine ( 2058 ) -N-methyltransferases 23S rRNA adenine-N6-methyltransferases 23S rRNA cDNA clones 23S rRNA domain 23S rRNA gene 23S rRNA genes 23S rRNA methylase 23S rRNA methylases 23S rRNA methyltransferase 23S rRNA methyltransferases 23S rRNA MTases 23S rRNA nucleotide G748 23S rRNA nucleotides G748 23S rRNAs 23S-rRNA gene 24 amino acid sequence 24 amino acids 24 genes 24 h. PVA-alginate immobilized cells 24 kDa 24 open reading frames 24 parS sequences 24 Streptomyces-specific proteins 24-h-old cultures 24-hydroxylase 24-hydroxymethyl-H2B1b 24-kb terminal inverted repeat 24-kDa catalytically active fragment 24-kDa GyrB fragment 24-kDa N-terminal domain 24-mer mixed-DNA probe 24.1-kb deletion 24.3 kDa 24.5kDa 240 amino acid ( aa ) precursor 240-bp segment 240-kDa protein 241-bp fosmid insert revealed 29 complete open reading frames 241-bp region 241-kDa large polymerase ( L ) protein 2420-bp region 243-bp intergenic region 243-nt RNAs 244 genes 245-kDa bimodular nonribosomal peptide synthetase 2464-S5 247 amino acids 247 bp DNA sequence 247 bp segment 249 bp fragment 25 amino acid residues 25 bp downstream 25 bp upstream 25 detected sequences 25 kb act cluster 25 kb plasmid 25 kDa 25 open reading frame anthramycin cluster 25 residues 25-ADP-Sepharose 4B 25-bp region 25-hydroxylation activity toward 1alpha 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 were 6.9 micrograms liter-1 min-1 25-kb DNA region 25-kDa protein 25.4 kDa 25.5 kDa 25.6 kb revealed genes 25.6-kDa necrosis-inducing protein 25.809-kbp fragment 250 base pair sequence 250 kb plasmid 250 kDa 250 nt upstream 250-Da protein 250-kDa synthetase 2500-kb DraI-II fragment 2527 bp transposable element 252Cf 253 sequenced ( completely and unfinished ) genomes 253-residue polypeptide chain 255 amino acid precursor 255 carboxyl-terminal amino acids 257-amino-acid protein 259 amino acids 259 bp upstream 26 000-Mr penicillin-binding protein 26 bp sequence 26 kDa 26 kDa endochitinase 26 known malate synthase enzymes 26 nt ARE sequence 26 open reading frames 26 phylogenetically diverse species encoded uncharacterized proteins 26 restriction endonucleases 26-aa signal sequence 26-amino-acid signal sequence 26-bp terminal inverted repeats 26-kb DNA fragment 26-kDa protein 26-mer DNA probe 26.0 kDa 26.2 kDa 26.4 kDa 26.8 kDa 260 amino acids 260-residue alpha-helical protein 2600 nucleotides ( nt ) long transcript 261-amino-acid protein 262 amino acid residue long DD-transpeptidase/penicillin-binding protein 262-amino acid polypeptide 262-amino-acid-residue Streptomyces K15 DD-transpeptidase/penicillin-binding protein 263 amino acids 263-bp DNA fragment 264 genes 2657 bp DNA fragment 266 amino acids 267 amino acid residues 267 residues 268 to 241 bp ( BARE-2 ) upstream 269 amino acids 26S proteasome 27 27 genes 27 kb aur gene cluster 27 kDa 27 novel proteins 27 open reading frames 27 potential genes 27-kDa chitosanase 27-kDa Mip-like protein 27-kDa protein 27.1 kDa 27.4 kDa 270-loop 272 amino acid residues 272-amino-acid protein 273a1 beta 274 amino acids 276 amino acids 276-amino-acid protein 278 amino acids 28 amino acids 28 genes 28 kDa 28 kDa 2-cyclohexenylcarbonyl-CoA isomerase 28 kDa chitosanase 28 kDa endo chitinase 28 kDa enzyme 28 kDa protein 28 open reading frames 28 open-reading frames 28 residues 28 spontaneous variants 28-bp sequence 28-kDa protein 28.5-kDa major outer membrane protein 28.9 kDa fully processed product 280 genes 280-kDa peptide synthetase 283 amino acid residues 283-aa gene product 286 amino acids 287 amino acids 289 actinomycete colonies 289 amino acids 29 29 amino acids 29 hypothetical genes 29 kb chromosome segment 29 kDa 29 nucleotides upstream 29 open reading frames 29 promoters 29 restriction endonucleases 29 site-directed mutant enzymes 29 type 1 and 2 type 2 ribosome-inactivating proteins 29-amino acid signal sequence 29-kDa 29-kDa extracellular protein 29-nucleotide ( nt ) sequences 29.1 kDa 29.1 kDa protein 29.5 kDa 29.5 kDa protein 29.7 kDa 29.7-kDa ImpA protein 290 amino acid residues 290 amino acids 290 bp HindIII -- EcoRI fragment 290-bp DNA fragments 290-bp PCR product 291 amino acids 291-amino acid-residue precursor 293-PB [ EGFP ] report cell line 293T cells 294 amino acids 295 codons 296 amino acids 296-amino-acid-residue C-terminal catalytic domain 297-303 298 bp BamHI fragment 299 residues 2AA molecules 2alpha- 2b 2b complex 2dgalR 2L16 2NH3 2P-15 2P6 2QN 3 -carbamoylated products 3 ( 17 ) beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 4 per genome 3 and 5 flanking regions 3 dioxygenase 3 end flank region 3 fragments 3 genes 3 kb BamHI-NotI fragment 3 kb DNA fragment 3 kb gene 3 kb genomic fragment 3 kb upstream 3 region 3 regulatory genes 3 site 3 terminal CCA sequence 3 untranslated region 3-5-exoribonuclease 3-7 residues 3-amino-3-dATP pyrophosphohydrolase 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid ( AHBA ) starter unit 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid ( AHBA ) synthase 3-aminoacylated tRNAs 3-Aminoglycoside phosphotransferases 3-aminomutase 3-beta-1 3-beta-D-glucan 3-glucanohydrolase 3-beta-glucanase 3-beta-glucanases 3-bis ( hydroxymethyl ) -1 3-bp target duplication upon insertion 3-cyclic monophosphokinase 3-D-galactanase 3-D-galactanases 3-day-old colonies 3-dehydratase 3-dehydratases 3-dehydroquinate ( DHQ ) synthases 3-dehydroquinate synthases 3-demethylchartreusin 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase-encoding genes 3-dephospho-CoA 3-dideoxy-scyllo-inositol kinase 3-dihydroxybenzoic acid-activating enzyme 3-dimethylallyl naringenin 3-dioxygenase 3-dioxygenase enzymes 3-dioxygenase gene 3-end region 3-flanking sequence 3-fucosyltransferase 3-glucanase 3-glucanase amino acid sequence 3-glucanase enzymes 3-glucanases 3-GMP complex 3-HK 3-hydroxy termini 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl CoA ( HMG-CoA ) reductase gene 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl ( HMG ) -CoA synthase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA ( HMG-CoA ) reductase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A ( HMG-CoA ) reductase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A ( HMG-CoA ) reductase gene 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzymeA ( HMG-CoA ) reductase 3-hydroxyanthanilate-4-methyltransferase 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid 4-methyltransferase 3-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase 3-hydroxyhexanoate unit 3-hydroxylases 3-hydroxypicolinic acid activating enzyme 3-hydroxysteroid oxidase 3-isobuty1-6- ( 3-guanidinopropyl ) -2 3-kb BglII/BamHI fragment 3-kb fragment 3-kb HindIII fragment 3-kb PstI-XhoI fragment 3-kb region 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein 3-ketobutyryl-ACP product 3-ketoreductase 3-ketosteroid delta 1-dehydrogenase 3-ketosteroid-delta 1-dehydrogenase 3-ketosteroid-delta 1-dehydrogenase ( KS1DH ) gene 3-ketosteroid-delta 5-isomerase 3-ketosteroid-delta 5-isomerases 3-kilobase fragment 3-kilobase pair region 3-methylcephem hydroxylase 3-O-acyltransferase 3-O-acyltransferase ( 3-0-AT 3-O-acyltransferase gene 3-O-acyltransferases 3-O-AT gene 3-O-methyltransferase 3-O-rhamnosylglucoside rutin 3-octaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase 3-OH site 3-oxoreductase 3-phosphomonoesterase 3-polyol motif 3-polyphosphate synthetase 3-side chain 3-side chains 3-stem-loop 3-stem-loop structure 3-T-tail 3-terminal CCA sequence 3-terminal fragment 3-terminal sequence 3-terminus 3-untranslated region 3.0 kb DNA fragment 3.0 kb fragment 3.0-kb fragment 3.0-kb insert 3.0-kilobase SstI fragment 3.0kb fragment 3.1 kb PstI restriction fragment 3.1-kb fragment 3.1-kb open reading frame 3.1kb DNA fragment 3.2 kb BanHI fragment 3.2 kb genomic BamHI fragment 3.2 kb Sstl-Sphl DNA fragment 3.2-kb DNA fragment 3.2-kb fragment 3.3 kb open reading frame 3.3 x 10 ( 8 ) spores 3.3-kb DNA fragment 3.35 kb fragment 3.35-kb EcoRI fragment 3.4 kb fragment 3.4 kb SphI-G fragment 3.4-kb BamHI fragment 3.4-kb DNA fragment 3.4-kb DNA sequence 3.4-kb fragment 3.4-kb region 3.4-kb regulatory region 3.5 kb BamHI fragment 3.5 kb DNA fragment 3.5-kb DNA fragment 3.5-kb fragment 3.6 x 10 ( -5 ) CFU/donor genome 3.6-kb DNA fragment 3.6-kb gene 3.6-kbp DNA fragment 3.6-kbp fragment 3.6-kilobase-pair KpnI restriction fragment 3.6kb SacI fragment 3.7 kb Psti-SacI DNA region 3.7-kb homologous DNA sequence 3.8 kb DNA fragments 3.8 kb fragment 3.8 kb fragments 3.8 kb NcoI fragment 3.8 kb S. noursei DNA fragment 3.8-kb fragment 3.8-kb restriction fragment 3.8-kbp BamHI fragment 3.8kb BamHI-SphI fragment 3.8kb fragment 3.9-kb BglII-BamHI fragment 3.9-kb fragment 3.9-kb PstI-PvuII fragment 3.98-kb SphI fragment 3/4-fucosidase 30 actinomycete cultures 30 amino acid N-terminal sequence 30 bp cis-element 30 bp sequence 30 bp upstream 30 genes 30 kb DNA fragment 30 kb inverted repeat 30 kDa 30 kDa products 30 kDa protein 30 L-lysine subunits 30 residues 30 X 40 X 65 A 30-35 kDa 30-40 sites/genome DNA 30-60 kb fragments 30-bp region 30-bp sequence 30-kb DNA fragment 30-kb segments 30-kb terminal inverted repeats 30-kbp region 30-kDa chitinase 30-kDa esterase 30-kDa protein 30-kDa subunit 30-residue leader sequence 30.3-kbp plasmids 30.5 kDa 30.8-kb region 30.8-kDa protein 300 A2 300 amino acids 300 base pairs 300 copies per chromosome 300 copies per genome 300 genes 300 kb AseI-F fragment 300 kDa 300 to 10 300-311 300-bp leader region 3000 clones 3007-bp DNA fragment 301 amino acid residues 301 amino acid residues and 266 water molecules 304 amino acid protein 304th base 305-M ( r ) protein 307 amino acid residues and 33 kDa 307 amino acids 3088 nucleotide sequence 30kDa 30S and 70S initiation complex 30S ribosomal subunit 30S ribosomal subunits 30S rRNA precursors 30S subunits 31 317 bp sequence 31 amino acid region 31 amino acid residues 31 and 45 kDa 31 kDa 31 kDa specificity factor 31 nucleotides upstream 31 proteins 31-bp intergenic region 31-bp region 31-kDa PG-bound protein 31-kDa protein 31-kDa subunits 31-kDa xylanase 31-kilodalton ( kDa ) protein 31-O-demethyl-FK506 methyltransferase 31-O-desmethylFK-506 structure 31-O-FK-506 demethylase 31-O-methyltransferase 31-residue potential signal sequence 31.4 kDa 31.5 kb genomic DNA region 31.5 kDa 31.8 kDa 31.8-kb chromosomal region 311-bp DNA fragment 312 amino acids 312 base pairs 314 amino acid residues 314 amino acids 314-amino-acid precursor 3152 bp BamHI fragment 317 amino acids 318 amino acids 319 cosmids 319-amino acid open reading frame 32 amino acid residues 32 kDa 32 kDa per subunit 32-eSA1 DNA 32-kDa catalytic domain 32-kDa domain 32-kDa endo F1 protein 32-kDa mature protein 32-kDa protein 32-kDa subunits 32-kilobase DNA segment 32.2 kDa 32.6 kb genomic DNA 32.6 kDa 32.8-kb segment 320 proteins 321 amino acids 322-residue polypeptide 324-amino acid secreted regulatory protein Factor 3240-bp DNA fragment 326 amino acids 328 amino acid residues 328 amino acids 329 amino acids 329 bp terminal inverted repeat sequence 32P-end-labeled restriction fragments 32P-labeled DNA 32P-labeled plasmid 33 500 molecular weight core protein 33 amino acid residues 33 base pairs downstream 33 kb DNA segment 33 kDa 33 kDa protein 33 nucleotides upstream 33 open reading frames 33-34 nt upstream 33-kb chromosomal DNA segment 33-kb DNA segment 33-kb fredericamycin ( FDM ) biosynthetic gene cluster 33-kb region 33.0 nmol/mg protein 33.1 kDa 33.2 kDa 33.7 kDa 33.8-kbp DNA fragment 33.9 kb revealed 24 open reading frames 33.9 kb revealed 24 putative open reading frames 330 codons 330-bp DNA fragment 331 amino acid residues 331-bp S. tropica CNB-440 circular genome 332 amino acids 332-residue protein 334 amino acids 335 amino acids 335-bp fragment 3352 bp positive BamHI fragment 336 amino acids 336-residue endopeptidase 339 amino acids 33kDa phosphoprotein 33P66 33R77 34 bp and 39 bp 34 bp upstream 34 gene clusters 34 genes 34 kb contiguous DNA 34 kb fragment 34 kDa 34 residues 34 single-residue substitution mutants 34-base pair recognition sites 34-kDa polypeptide 34.1 kDa 34.2 kDa 34.2-kDa protein 34.3 kDa 34.5 kDa 34.6-kDa surface-anchored protein 34.8 kDa 340 amino acids 3409-bp PvuII fragment 341 amino acids 343 amino acids 343-residue polypeptide 344 amino acids 344-amino acid protein 345-amino-acid open reading frame 345-amino-acid protein 346 amino acids 347 residues 34kDa 35 amino acids 35 bp region 35 candidate genes 35 genes 35 kb bap gene cluster 35 kDa 35 open reading frames 35 residues 35 X 25 X 40 A 35-kDa cellulose ( Avicel ) -binding protein 35-kDa cellulose-binding protein 35-kDa mature form 35-kDa mature metalloprotease 35-kDa protein 35-kDa proteinase 35-residue signal sequence 35.4 kDa 35.6 kDa 35.6-kDa carbohydrate-binding protein 35.7 kDa 350 bp terminal region 350-bp segment 3511-bp cDNA 354 amino acids 355 amino acid pre-pro-mature enzyme 356 kb linear plasmid 356-kb linear plasmid 357-base pair fragment 358 amino acids 35kDa 35S promoter 35S-labeled molecules 36 bp upstream 36 genes 36 kDa 36 kDa protease 36 kilobase-long gene cluster 36-amino-acid signal sequence 36-bp direct repeats 36-bp MrpA binding site 36-kDa DrrA protein 36-kDa endochitinase 36-kDa protease 36-kDa protein 36-kDa secreted form 36.2-kb genome 36.5 kDa 36.7-kb fragment 36.8 kDa 360 bp fragment 360-kb element 362 residues 363 amino acids 363 amino-acid residues 363 base pairs 364 amino acids 364-amino-acid open reading frame 365 365 023 bp linear plasmid 365-bp int gene 3651 1 bp DNA insert 368 amino acid residues 36bp region 37 37 alpha-amylases 37 amino acids 37 genes 37 kDa 37 kDa soluble protein 37 to 55 bp 37 tumor cell lines 37-kb DNA region 37-kDa subunits 37-kilobase amplified genomic sequence 37.3-kilodalton protein 370-390-nm and 440-470-nm regions 371 amino acids 372 residues 372-amino-acid protein 373-base-pair DNA segment 375 residues 376 bp perfect palindrome 377 amino acids 378 base pairs 378 bp fragment 38 38 amino acid secretion signal sequence 38 bp upstream 38 kDa 38 proteins 38 residues 38-kb fragment 38-kDa ATCase polypeptide 38-kDa form 38-kDa protein 38-kDa subunit 38.2 kDa 38.4 kDa 3802 bp Sstl DNA fragment 381 amino acids 383-RK-1 384-bp afp1 gene 385-nucleotide 5 leader sequence 386 amino acid residues 386-amino-acid protein 387-bp open reading frame 388 amino acid residues 388 amino acids 388 codons 388 residues 388-amino-acid protein 38kDa 39 amino acid residues 39 kb neoaureothin ( nor ) biosynthesis gene cluster 39 kDa 39 nucleotides ( nt ) upstream 39 site-directed mutant enzymes 39-amino-acid sequence 39-bp inverted repeat 39.4-kb region 39.6 kDa 39.8 kDa 390 kDa 392 amino acids tentatively named S. griseus protease 392-amino acid polypeptide 393 amino acids 396 amino acid residues 396 amino acids 397-bp fragment 398 amino acids 399-codon ftsZ open reading frame 3a 3a-f 3A-O-acetyl-prechromomycin A4 3A4 isozyme 3AB 3alpha-HSD/CR 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3alpha-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/carbonyl reductase 3b 3beta-hydroxysteroid oxidase 3D-visualization software 3D12 3D6 3D6 antibody 3Fe-4S ] ferredoxin enzymes 3G2 3GMP complex 3H-labeled autoregulators 3H-labeled precursors 3H-TdR 3HHx units 3K 3kb leaderless monocistronic mRNA 3R 3T3 3T3 cells 3Y1 rat fibroblasts 4 4 -isovaleryltransferase gene 4 -O-acyltransferase gene 4 genes 4 kb DNA segment 4 kb fragment 4 kb region 4 nt inverted repeat 4- phosphopantetheine transferase 4-5-S RNA 4-AB 4-alpha D-glucan glucan hydrolase 4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase family 4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase 4-alpha-glucanotransferase 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase 4-Azaleucine-resistant mutants 4-base-pair sequence 4-beta-D-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase 4-beta-D-xylan xylanohydrolase 4-beta-D-xylanohydrolase 4-beta-glucanase 4-beta-xylanase 4-bp inverted sequence 4-bp repeat sequence 4-carbon extender units 4-coumarate/cinnamate : CoA ligase gene 4-D-glycanases 4-day culture 4-dehydratase 4-dephostatin 4-dichlorophenol ( 2.4-DCP ) peroxidase 4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 4-dioxygenase 4-endoxylanase 4-epimeric anthracyclines 4-glucan glucanohydrolase 4-glucanase 4-glucanase A 4-glucanases 4-glucanglucan hydrolase 4-glycanase 4-glycanases 4-hydroxy-11-methoxywarfarin 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolases 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid ( ferulic acid ) esterase 4-hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase 4-hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase gene 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate-3-dimethylallyltransferase 4-isoprene 4-kb BamHI fragment 4-kb region 4-ketoreductase 4-ketoreductase genes 4-kilobase pair DNA fragment 4-MHA 4-MHA-activating enzyme 4-MHA-AMP ligase 4-MHB 4-mycarosyl isovaleryl-CoA transferase 4-N-acetylmuramidase 4-NQO 4-O-acetyl-L-chromose B 4-O-acyltransferase gene 4-O-acyltylosins 4-O-sulfated N-acetylgalactosaminyl beta 4-Oxo-avermectin 4-phenylimidazole/malonate complex 4-phosphopantetheine ( P-pant ) cofactor 4-phosphopantetheine cofactor 4-phosphopantetheine-binding site 4-phosphopantetheine-binding sites 4-phosphopantetheinyl cofactor 4-phosphopantetheinyl transferase ( PPTase ) gene 4-PP 4-sulfated disaccharide units 4-xylanase 4-xylanases 4-xylopyranosyl units 4.0 kb BamHI fragment 4.0-kb Bam HI fragment 4.0-kb BclI fragment 4.1 kb BamHI fragments 4.1-kb DNA fragment 4.1-kb fragment 4.1-kb insert 4.1-kb segment 4.16kb insert DNA fragment 4.17 kb extrachromosomal element 4.2 kb SacI-EcoRI DNA region 4.2 kb- SalI fragment 4.2-kb EcoRI fragment 4.2-kb SacI-EcoRI fragment 4.2-kb Sph I fragment 4.2-kb SphI-BamHI fragment 4.3 kb DNA 4.3 kb operon 4.3 kb region 4.3-kb DNA region 4.3-kb fragment 4.3-kbp BamHI fragment 4.3kb fragment 4.4 kb BamHI fragment 4.4-kb fragment 4.4-kb SacI-BamHI fragment 4.4-kb SphI DNA fragment 4.4-kb SphI fragment 4.4-kb SphI-Sa/I DNA fragment 4.4-kbp BamHI fragment 4.5 kb cloned DNA fragment 4.5 kb DNA fragment 4.5 kb fragment 4.5-kb BamHI fragment 4.5-kb BamHI fragments 4.5-kb BamHI-KpnI fragment 4.5-kb cryptic plasmid 4.5-kb DNA fragment 4.5-kb fragment 4.5-kbBamHI fragment 4.5-kilobase DNA fragment 4.5-kilobase fragment 4.5S RNA 4.6 kb region 4.6-kb fragment 4.7 kb repeats 4.7 kb sequence 4.8 kb DNA fragment 4.8 kb resistance fragment 4.8 kb Sau3A fragment 4.8-kbp DNA fragment 4.8kb DNA 4.9 kb Sau3A I genomic DNA fragment 4.9 Mb core region 4.9-kb DNA fragment 4.9-kb KpnI fragment 40 40 amino acid signal sequence 40 and 300 per chromosome 40 and 43 kDa 40 bp upstream 40 kb fragments 40 kDa 40 kDa multiple sugar import protein 40 open reading frames 40 residues 40 sequenced amplification products 40-bp 40-bp inverted repeats 40-h cells 40-kb DNA segment 40-kb fragments 40-kb gene cluster 40-kb region 40-kDa precursor form 40-kDa subunit 40-kilobase region 40-kilodalton protein 40.5 kDa 40.8 kDa 40.9 kDa 400 bp upstream 400 class 3 gland units 4009-B 402 amino acid residues 402 residues 403 residues 404 genes 405-amino-acid protein 406 amino acid residues 406-amino-acid protein precursor 408-residue prepro sequence 40S subunits 41 amino acids 41 and 43 kDa 41 kDa 41 residues 41-amino acid C-terminal product 41-bp sequence 41-nucleotide construct 41.3 kDa 41.36 kDa 41.6 kDa 41.7 kDa 410 kDa 410 residues 410-amino-acid protein 410-bp DNA fragment 413 amino acids 414 amino acids 415 amino acid residues 417 amino acids 41K 42 and 43 kDa 42 and 45 kDa 42 genes 42 kbp region 42 kDa 42 kDa kinase 42 kDa mature chitinase 42 kDa protein 42 kDa proteins 42 kDa repressor 42 kDa repressor isoform 42 kDa repressor protein isoform 42 open reading frames 42 potential M. bovis-specific antigens 42 residues 42 sites 42- and 20-kDa proteins 42-kb fragment 42-kDa cell-bound esterase 42-kDa complex 42-kDa protein 42-kDa truncated enzyme 42-kDa truncated form 42.1 kDa 42.5-kDa sesquiterpene cyclase 42.6 kDa 42.7 kDa 42.8-kbp DNA region 420 amino acids 420-kb Asel fragment 421 amino acids 422-bp CpI1 glnA gene 426 and 352 426-bp terminal inverted repeats 427 aa protein 43 43 kDa 43 kDa enzyme 43 kDa integrase protein 43 kDa subunits 43 open reading frames 43 putative protein coding sequences 43 residues 43-bp-long region 43-kb linear DNA molecule 43-kb napyradiomycin biosynthetic cluster 43-kDa antigen 43-kDa N-terminal fragment 43-kDa protein 43-kDa subunit 43-kDa subunits 43-kDa xylanase 43.4-kb contiguous region 430 amino acid residues 430 bp locus 430 kDa 431-438 431-amino-acid ( aa ) transposase 436 amino acids 437 amino acids 437-bp pFQ12 plasmid 438 bp 439-442 439-bp segment 439-bp Telenti fragment 43H6 43kDa 44 kDa 44 kDa nuclease 44 kDa nucleases 44 kilodaltons 44 nucleotides upstream 44 sequences 44 streptomycete genes 44-base mixed oligonucleotide probe 44-kDa 1 44-kDa degradation product 44-kDa polypeptide 44-mer mixed oligodeoxynucleotide probe 441-amino-acid overlap 442 amino acid ( aa ) residues 443 amino acid ORF 444 bp amplified probe 445 associated water molecules 448 amino acids 449-bp intervening region 44bp imperfect terminal inverted repeat 45 bp common core sequence 45 bp sequence 45 genes 45 kb revealed genes 45 kb-length linear molecule 45 kDa 45 kDa enzyme 45 kDa heme protein 45 kDa protein 45 nucleotides ( nt ) upstream 45 residues 45 to 75 nt downstream 45-base-pair imperfect inverted-repeat sequence 45-bp deletion 35 bp upstream 45-bp deletion abolished replication protein 45-bp deletion mutation 45-bp sequence 45-kb region 45-kDa protein 45-kDa secreted protein 45.1 kDa 45.6 kb region 45.6 kDa 45.7 kDa catalytic domain 450 amino acids 450-amino-acid C-terminal domain 450-base DNA fragment 450-bp hybridization probe 450-kb fragment 450-kb fragments 450-kb terminal inverted repeats 451 bp DNA sequence 451-bp fragment 453 amino acid protein 454 amino acids 456-residue mature enzyme 457-amino acid prepro-mature protein 458-bp fragment 459 residues 45K 45S preribosomal RNA 46 46 bp common sequence 46 bp sequence 46 kD form 46 kDa 46-kDa protein 46.19 kDa 46.9 kDa 460 bp 465 amino acids including 38 residues 466 amino acid residues 469 residues 46kDa 47 beta-lactamases 47 genes 47 kb cyclomarin/cyclomarazine biosynthetic gene cluster ( cym ) harboring 23 open reading frames 47 kb-region 47 kDa 47 residues 47-bp sequence 47-kDa DHOase polypeptide 47-kDa enzyme 47-kDa mature SK 47-kDa recombinant protein 47-kDa truncated chitinase 47.5 kDa 470-amino-acid polypeptide 471 amino acid residues 471 bp 475 bp upstream 475 bp xysA promoter 475-amino-acid protein 476-bp open reading frame 477 amino acids 477 genes 479 amino acids 4799 bp fragment 48 kb long genome 48 kb segment 48 kDa 48-base-pair segment 48-h cells 48-h cultures 48-h old cells 48-kDa polypeptide 48-kDa protein 48.1 kDa 482 amino acids 483 amino acids/subunit 4849F 485 amino acid sequence 486 amino acids/subunit 488 residues 489 amino acids 489-amino acid polypeptide 489-amino-acid DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein 49 kDa 49 kDal peak 49 type II restriction enzymes 49-bp sequence 49-kDa chitinase 49.4 kDa 49.5-kDa polypeptide 49.89 kDa 491-amino-acid protein 492 associated water molecules 492-amino-acid protein 494 residues 496 bp 496-amino-acid protein 497 amino acid residues 498 amino acid residue porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase 499 amino acids 4a-f 4A-keto-9-demethylpremithramycin A2 4A-ketopremithramycin A2 4A-O-deacetyl-3A-O-acetyl-prechromomycin A4 4b 4B2 4B4 4B4 antibody 4C DNA 4CL gene family 4CL-like enzyme 4E-BP1 4Fe-4S ] ferredoxins 4Fe-4S ] proteins 4G22 4GlcNAc beta 1 4R 4VO2+ enzyme 4W1 5 5 [ prime ] region 5 and 3 untranslated regions 5 flanking region 5 genes 5 kb region 5 kb SalI fragment 5 kb stability region 5 noncoding regulatory sequence 5 nucleotide sequence 5 plasmids 5 region 5 terminal sequence 5- 5- and 3-untranslated regions 5-3 gene 5-5 dimer 5-7 bp upstream 5-adenylyl-beta 5-AGTTA* 5-alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase 5-amino-3-beta- 5-base-pair region 5-beta 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase ( RubisCO ) form I large-subunit genes 5-capped mRNAs 5-carbon furanose precursor 5-CATATG 5-CCGCGG-3 sequence 5-CTA 5-D-4 5-deazaflavin cofactors 5-didehydroavermectin B2a 5-Dihydroxyacetanilide epoxidase 5-dnaK-grpE-dnaJ-hspR 5-enol-pyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase 5-epimerase 5-epimerases 5-exonucleases 5-FDA 5-FDI 5-FDRP 5-flanking region 5-fluoro-5-deoxy adenosine synthetase 5-fluoro-5-deoxyadenosine synthase 5-fluorodeoxyadenosine synthase 5-GGA-3 5-GGC sequences 5-GGPy sequences 5-HT receptors 5-hydroxylmilbemycin beta7 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein-labeled Proteinase 5-kb chromosomal PvuII fragment 5-kb DNA fragment 5-kb portion 5-kb protocatechuate catabolic gene cluster 5-kb segment 5-L jar fermentor 5-L stirred fermentor 5-L-arabinofuranosidase 5-lipoxygenase 5-monophosphate phosphodiesterase 5-noncoding DNA 5-noncoding region 5-O- ( alpha-mycarosyl ) -platenolide II 5-phosphate termini 5-poly ( ribitol phosphate ) chains 5-TCGAG-3 consensus sequence 5-terminal portion 5-terminal sequences 5-terminal start codon 5-to-3 pyrophosphoryl-transferring enzyme 5-trisphosphate receptor 5-TTGACA-3 5-untranslated region 5-upstream region 5-upstream regions 5.0 kb Sau3A I genomic DNA fragment 5.0-kbp BamHI fragment 5.1 kb fragment 5.1 kb SalI DNA fragment 5.1-kb MboI fragment 5.12 kb region 5.2 kb region 5.2-kb BamHI fragment 5.2-kb MboI insert 5.2-kb segment 5.3-kb DNA region 5.3-kb polycistronic transcript 5.3-kb region 5.3-kbp insert 5.4 kb mRNA 5.4-kb chromosomal DNA segment 5.4-kb segment 5.5-kb DNA fragment 5.5-kb PstI fragment 5.6 kbp downstream region 5.6-kilobase fragment 5.7 kb amplified DNA sequence 5.7 kb BamHI chromosomal DNA fragment 5.7 kb downstream 5.7 kilobase pairs 5.7-kb amplifiable sequence 5.7-kb DNA sequence 5.7-kb probe 5.7-kb sequence 5.7-kilobase ( kb ) amplifiable DNA sequence 5.7-kilobase ( kb ) amplified DNA sequence 5.8 Mb S. arenicola circular genome 5.8-kb genomic fragment 5.9 kb Eco RV fragment 5.9-kb EcoRI-SalI fragment 5.9-kbp DNA insert 5.9-kilobase DNA fragment 5.9-kilobase EcoRI-SalI restriction fragment 5/6/1-B-5 5/6/3-B-3 50 amino acids 50 base pairs upstream 50 bp downstream 50 bp non-coding pSVH1 sequence 50 bp region 50 bp upstream 50 genes 50 kb linear DNA 50 kb linear plasmid 50 kb region 50 kDa 50 residues 50 S proteins 50-amino acid signal sequence 50-kb R-plasmid pTP10 50-kDa forms 50-kDa glycoprotein lymphokine 50-kDa lipase 50-kDa PQQ-glucose dehydrogenase ( GluDH ) -B enzyme 50-kDa protease 50-kDa protein 50-kDa subunit 50.6-kDa basic protein 500 bp DNA sequence 500 bp fragment 500 copies per genome 500 dalton exocellular enzyme 500 dalton protein 500 nt downstream 500-bp 16S rRNA gene 500-bp PCR product 501 bp open reading frame 5018-bp DNA fragment 507 base pair linear chromosome 507 residues 50B4 50S ribosomal ( r ) protein 50S ribosomal subunit 50S subunit 50S subunits 50S-subunit 51 bp DNA fragment 51 bp protected sequence 51 bp upstream 51 kDa 51 nucleotides upstream 51-bp synthetic promoter 51-kDa 51.3-kDa enzyme 512 amino acids 5140-A1 518 bp long genome 51Cr-labeled red blood cells 52 kDa 52 kilodaltons 52-kDa protein 52.6 kDa 520 kilobases 520-570bp region 523-amino-acid protein 527 amino acids 527 open reading frames 528-bp open reading frame 529 amino acids 52K 53 kDa 53-kDa peptidase 530 kDa 535 amino acid residues 535 codons 536-amino acid residue open reading frame 538 amino acids 538-amino acid protein 54 and 42 kDa 54 and 42 kDa proteins 54 kDa 54 kDa subunit 54 open reading frames 54-bp 5-noncoding region 54-kDa protein 540 amino acids 540-amino acid protein 540-bp fragment 541 amino acids 5439-bp fragment 5469-bp fragment 547-amino-acid protein 548-bp BglII-SmaI fragment 54nt core sequence 55 amino acid residues 55 amino acid-activating modules 55 constituent active sites 55 domains 55 kb gene cluster 55 kDa 55 kDa molecular mass. PoTPase 55 open reading frames 55 residues 55-kb contiguous DNA region 55-kDa mycelium-associated ( lipoprotein ) proteinase 55-kDa PK 55-kDa protein 55.5-kDa polypeptide 550 amino acids 550-bp BglII-SmaI DNA fragment 5530-bp continuous segment 554-bp open reading frame 556-amino-acid protein 55Fe complexes 55kDa 56 kDa 56-kb erythromycin gene 56-kD fibroblast HABP 56-kDa beta4-subunit 56-kDa kDa protein 56-kDa protein 56-kDa proteinase 56.2 kDa 56.4 kDa 564 amino acids 566 amino acids 566 residues 569 pseudogenes 57 and 50 kDa 57 kDa 57 nucleotides ( nt ) upstream sequence 57 nucleotides upstream 57 open reading frames 57-kDa amylase 57-kDa inactive protein 57.1 kDa 570 amino acids 571-amino-acid protein 573 amino acid protein 573 bp DNA sequence 574-bp DNA region 575 units 576 and 8400 576-A1 576-A2 576-A3 576-bp gene 579 bp gene 579-bp cloned fragment 58 amino acid residues 58 bp sequence 58 kDa 58-bp attB sequence 58-bp sequence 58-kDa species 580-amino-acid protein 580-bp DNA fragments 580-bp region 582-amino-acid protein 583 amino acid protein 5838-DNI 588-bp fragment 58B 59 kDa 59-kDa beta5-subunit 59-kDa chitinase 59-kDa enzyme 59-kDa exochitinase 59.2 kDa 592-amino-acid protein 5923-DNI 593 amino acids 598 amino acid residues 598-amino-acid protein 5a and 5b catalytic domain motifs 5A2-84 mutant 5alpha-cholestane3beta 5alpha-reductase 5b 5C Fe ( II ) site 5E2 5H3 5J10 5K 5K mutant 5nt ( GGAGG ) SD sequence 5R 5S clavam biosynthetic genes 5S gene 5S ribosomal RNA sequences 5S rRNA 5S rRNA gene 5S rRNA genes 5S rRNAs 5S-rRNA gene 5 μg/ml DMBPO 6 bp palindromic core sequence 6 bp repeats 6 Dral sites 6 kb DNA fragment 6-5-6 motif 6-8-2 network 6-9 sites 6-amino penicillanic acid ( 6-APA ) acyltransferase 6-Aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase 6-aminohexanoate-linear dimer 6-beta-D-fructan 6-levanbiohydrolase 6-beta-glucosidase 6-bis- ( 4-hydroxybenzyl ) -1 6-bisphosphate ( TagBP ) -specific aldolases 6-bisphosphate aldolase 6-bp deletion 6-carbon N-acetylamino-pyranose precursor 6-DCT-biosynthetic genes 6-dEB 6-dEB precursor 6-dEB synthase 6-dehydratase 6-dehydratase fragment 6-dehydratase gene 6-dehydratase genes 6-dehydratases 6-dehydro VB-A reductase 6-dehydroVB-A reductases 6-demethylchlortetracycline ( 6-DCT ) biosynthetic genes 6-deoxyerythronolide B 6-deoxyerythronolide B ( 6-DEB ) synthase 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase gene 6-deoxyerythronolide B. 6-Deoxyerythronolide B 6-diaminopimelic acid ( D-Alanyl-meso-A2pm ) endopeptidase 6-dioxygenase 6-galactan chains 6-galactanase gene 6-glucanase 6-hydro-lyase 6-hydroxy-d-nicotine oxidase 6-hydroxy-l-nicotine oxidase 6-hydroxylase 6-hydroxylation enzyme 6-kb DNA fragment 6-kb DNA region 6-kb fragment 6-kb insert 6-kb member 6-kb region 6-linked D-galactosyl side chains 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase 6-N-acetyltransferase 6-N-acetyltransferases 6-O-diacetylmuramidase 6-O-sulfated N-acetylgalactosaminyl beta 6-phospho-beta-glucosidases 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenases 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 6-sulfated disaccharide units 6-trichlorophenol-grown cells 6.03-kb PstI fragment 6.2 kb PstI and 2.9 kb BamHI fragments 6.2-kb pMEA300 DNA region 6.3-kb BamHI- BglII DNA fragment 6.3-kb DNA fragment 6.3-kb fragment 6.3-kb region 6.3-kb S. setonii DNA fragment 6.4-kb Bg/II DNA fragment 6.4-kb DNA fragment 6.4-kb fragment 6.4-kbp S. setonii DNA fragment 6.4-megadalton fragment 6.5 kb DNA fragment 6.5 kb PvuII fragment 6.5 kb region 6.5 kb SstI fragment 6.5-kb EcoRI-PstI fragment 6.5-kbp chromosome fragment 6.56-kb SstI fragment 6.6-kb DNA Bam HI fragment 6.7 kb amplifiable unit 6.8-kb EcoRI-PstI region 6.8-kilobase-pair ( kbp ) transposable element 60 amino acid residues 60 amino acids 60 and 31 kDa 60 cell lines 60 constituent active sites 60 kDa 60 kDa protein 60 nucleotides upstream 60 sigma factors 60-70s O. S. Tsyperovich investigated hydrolytic enzymes 60-kb region 60-kDa pre-proenzyme form 60-kDa preproenzyme 60-kDa protein 60-kDa protein product 60-nt repeat 60-nt sequence 60.788 kDa 60/61/66A 600 bp DNA region 600 kb segment 600 Mr protein 600-nt open reading frame 602 bp 602 residues 603 bp 605 amino acids 606 amino acids 609 bp sequence 60bp protected region 61 and 19 kDa 61.360 kDa 61.8 kDa 612 bp ORF 61214 kDa 613-bp fragment 619 amino acids 62 kDa 62 kDa and 64 kDa 62 nucleotides upstream 62-kb contiguous DNA region 62-kb region 62-nucleotide noncoding region 62.5 kDa 620 nt transcript 621 amino acids 621-amino-acid protein 622 amino acids 623 genes 624 amino acid sequence 626-bp cloned fragment 629-bp intergenic region 62K 63 amino acids 63 bp upstream 63 kDa 63 proteins 63-amino-acid protein 63-base-pair synthetic promoter 63-kDa alpha3-subunit 63-kDa fragment 63.4 kDa 63.5 kDa protein 631 amino acid residues 632-bp Sau3AI fragment 638 bp DNA region 63kDa 64 bp downstream 64 bp upstream 64 genes 64 kDa 64-kb biosynthetic gene cluster 64.3 kDa 64.6 kbp DNA region 642-amino-acid protein 6425 actinomycete colonies 65 amino acid residues 65 kDa 65 kDa polypeptide 65 kDa protein 65-kb chromosomal region 65-kb region 65-kb segment 65-kDa heat shock protein gene 65-kDa membrane-associated protein 65-kDa protein 65-kDa proteins 650 bp non-coding region 650 nt telomeric DNA sequences 6500 P450 gene sequences 652 bp pSVH1 revealed 11 open reading frames 654-bp receptor gene 657-bp DNA fragment 66 chromosomes 66 genome 66 kDa 66 kDa per subunit 66 kDa polypeptide 66 sigma factors 66 tRNA genes 66-bp gap 66.4 kDa 660 kb DNA element 660-Da protein 665-bp DNA region 667 667 amino acids 67 kDa 670 amino acids 671 bp DNA 677 Da whose sequence 68 chimeral pld genes 68 kDa 68 kDa chitinase precursor protein 68 open reading frames 684 bp 686 base pairs 686 basepair ( bp ) circular chromosome 687-bp intact receptor gene 689-amino-acid overlap 69 kDa 694-bp region 696 bp 6B 6bp upstream 6dEB 6Gal5A 6kb 6R 6th subunit 7 7 clones 7 genes 7 kb BamHI fragment 7 kb region 7 kb upstream 7 key loci 7-ADCA 7-bis ( 2-carboxyethyl ) -5 ( 6 ) -carboxyfluorescein 7-bp interrupted palindrome 7-bp sequence 7-carbon product 7-demethyl SF2415A3 7-diaminomitosene 7-diodate isomerase 7-ethoxycoumarin 7-hydroxy-6-methoxycoumarin 7-hydroxycephem-methyltransferase 7-kb BamHI fragment 7-kb fragment 7-kb region 7-kb segment 7.0 kb DNA fragment 7.0 x 10 ( 4 ) transformants per microg DNA 7.0-kb DNA fragment 7.0-kb fragment 7.0-kb repeated DNA sequence 7.1 kb NotI fragment 7.2 kb Bg/II restriction fragment 7.2-kb DNA fragment 7.2-kb genomic region 7.2-Mb chromosome 7.2-Mb linear chromosome 7.3 kb fragment 7.3 kbp DNA fragment 7.4-kb region 7.4-kilobase-pair BamHI fragment 7.5 kb DNA fragment 7.5 kb segment 7.5 kb XhoI DNA fragment 7.5-kb DNA region 7.5-kb SstI-generated fragment 7.5kb HindIII fragment 7.6-kb DNA fragment 7.6-kb fragment 7.6kb PstI-KpnI DNA fragment 7.7 kilobase ( kb ) segment 7.7-kb snbC gene 7.8 Mb linear chromosome 7.8-kbp fragment 70 amino acids containing two helix-loop-helix EF-hand motifs 70 bp upstream 70 constituent active sites 70 kb region 70 kD 70 kDa 70 predicted TPR-like-containing proteins 70 proteins 70- and 94-kDa proteins 70-kDa chitinase 70-kDa fluorescent marker 70-kDa NADPH-dependent flavoprotein disulfide reductase 70-kDa reductase 70-residue N-terminal cell wall-binding domain 700 nucleotides long mRNA 7000 genes 702 open reading frames 708 amino acids 70kDa 70S and 80S ribosomes 70S complex 70S ribosomal complex 70S ribosomes 71 aa protein 71-bp region 710 codons 711 open reading frames 714-bp intact receptor gene 7172 coding sequences 719 bp fragment 72 500 molecular weight species 72 genes 72 positive selection vectors 72-h cultures 724 and 730 PHX genes 726 amino acids 726 and 809 proteins 73 amino acid residues 73 amino acids 73-amino-acid segment 73-kDa proteinases 730 bp DNA fragment 732 bp PCR product 732-bp fragment 734 amino acid residues 738 aa protein 74 amino acid beta-sheet protein 74 amino acid residues 74 amino-acid residues 74 and 173 bp upstream 74 bp 74 kDa 74 kDa open reading frame 74 kDa protein 74 nucleotide RNA 74 residues 74 transcriptional units 74 transcriptional units were probable A-factor-inducible genes 74-86 kDa 74-kb region 74-kDa protein 740 amino acids whose amino terminal sequence 7434AN4 746 amino acids 749/C. These Streptomyces enzymes 75 amino acid residues 75 bp upstream 75 kb biosynthesis gene cluster 75 kb region 75 kDa 75-kDa deletion mutant 75-kDa enzyme 755-bp polymerase chain reaction product 76 amino acids 76 bp upstream 76 kDa 76-amino-acid domain 760-bp oriT fragment 764 amino acids 764-amino-acid protein 77 amino acid residues 77 residues 77-nucleotide ( nt ) sequence 770 amino acids 770 different genes 774-amino-acid protein 774-bp open reading frame 78 amino acid residues 78 kDa 78-amino acid protein 78-amino-acid polypeptide 78-kDa polypeptide 7825 theoretical proteins 786-aa sequence 7860 bp DNA fragment 79 kb DNA region 79 nucleotides ( p2 ) upstream 79 proteins 79-amino-acid putative integral membrane protein 790 bp 7900-derived blocked mutants 793 939 bp region 7b 7Fe ferredoxins 7S 7sites 8 8 bp direct repeats 8 kb BamHI fragment 8 kb DNA fragment 8 kb downstream 8 kb upstream 8 Mb linear chromosome 8 Mb linear DNA 8-10 day cultures 8-9-Mb Streptomyces chromosome 8-9KD 8-bp inverted repeat sequences 8-bp palindrome 8-bp perfect inverted repeat 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin-dependent oxidoreductase 8-kb DNA fragment 8-kb DNA sequence 8-kb fragment 8-kb portion 8-kb probe DNA 8-KetodCF 8-kilobase ( kb ) sequence 8-kilobase internal fragment 8-Mb linear chromosomal DNA 8-Mb linear chromosome 8-Mb linear molecule 8-methyl-3-oxononanoyl-acyl carrier protein 8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase 8-trihydroxynaphthalene reductase 8.0-kb DNA fragment 8.0-kb DNA sequence 8.0-kb insert 8.0-kilobase DNA sequence 8.05 kb fragment 8.1-kb fragment 8.1-kbp EcoRI fragment 8.2 kb DNA sequence 8.3 kb DNA region 8.3-kb multicopy plasmid 8.5 kb BamHI DNA fragment 8.5 kb fragment 8.6-kb fragment 8.7-kb BamHI fragment 8.7-kb region 8.8-kb region 8.8-kilobase amplifiable unit 8.9-kb BamHI fragment 8.9-kilobase Streptomyces plasmid 80 and 37 kDa 80 base pairs upstream 80 bp upstream 80 kb-length linear molecule 80 residues 80-85 residues 80-kD DNA-binding protein 800 ) globular protein 800 and 1100 800 bp upstream 800 ssgA variants 800-base-pair DNA segment 805 base pairs 80kb region 81-base-pair segment 81-kb plasmid 81.3 kDa 810 base pairs 815 base pairs 816-bp open reading frame 82 amino acid residues 82 amino acids 82 and 123 bp upstream 82 kDa 82 kDa Avicelase 82-90 kD family 82-kDa cellulase 82-kDa enzyme 82-kDa protein 822 bp 825 predicted genes 827-bp fragment 83 amino acid protein 83 bp downstream 834-B1 837-amino-acid protein 84 bp upstream 84 kb gene cluster 84 sensor kinase genes 84-kDa dimer 841 residues 843 aa protein 843 bp pikAV ORF 843-bp open reading frame 846-bp sequence 847-amino acid ORF1 protein 85-kb contiguous region 85-kb tylosin biosynthetic gene cluster 85-kDa PBP 85-kilobase C-1027 biosynthesis gene cluster 855 bp cryptic plasmid 85A promoter 85K 85K PK 86 residues 86-kb DNA region 86-nucleotide transcript 86.4 kDa 86.5K 8629-bp DNA sequence 864 base pairs 864-residue precursor protein 87 bp upstream 87 kDa 87 nucleotide 87.6K 870-bp open reading frame 871-bp-long IS1515 element 878bp DNA fragment 88 88 amino acid protein 88 kDa 880-bp mRNA 884 bp sequence 8843 microbes 888 bp 89 amino acid residues 89 bp downstream 89 bp upstream 892-amino acid ( aa ) protein 8a-deoxy-5-oxoavermectin B1a 8a-deoxyavermectin B1a 8RB13 8 min 9 bp imperfect inverted repeats 9 bp inverted repeat 9 bp long direct repeats 9 kb downstream 9 oclock region 9-10 oclock region 9-11 nucleotides upstream 9-DPMA3 9-fluorenylmethoxy carbonyl ( Fmoc ) -amino acid-D-Ala-D-Ala species 9-hydroxyaloesaponarin II 9-hydroxyl oxidase 9-kb fragment 9.1-kb multicopy plasmid 9.1-kilobase DNA fragment 9.2-kb nonconjugative plasmid 9.2-kb plasmid 9.3-kb DNA fragment 9.3-kb plasmid 9.38 kb DNA-fragment 9.4-kb DNA fragment 9.5 kb mRNA 9.5-kb region 9.7 micromol min ( -1 ) mg ( -1 ) total soluble protein 9.8-kb DNA region 90 amino acids 90 kb genomic segment 90 kDa heat shock proteins 90-kb gene cluster 90-kDa protein 900 base pairs 900-base transcription unit 900-bp inverted terminal repeat sequences 900-nt catalytic domain region 903 bp 906-bp fragment 91 bp upstream 91-min region 92 770 bp 92 base pairs 92 bp upstream 92 kD gelatinase 92 kDa 92-bp upstream 92-kb sequence 92-kDa ADP-ribosylated protein 92-kDa chitinase 921-bp sequence 921bp plmS3 ORF 922-Da RecX protein 929 base pairs 93-kilobase linear DNA plasmid 93-residue protein 934 amino acids 94 residues 94.2 kDa 940 base-pair long segment 943 residues 945 bp 95 kDa 95-amino-acid segment 95-kb avr gene cluster 95-kb region 95-kDa protein 952 possible SGPB mutants 9531-bp DNA fragment revealed 10 open reading frames 96-amino-acid protein 960-nucleotide major open reading frame 9676 probes 969-bp open reading frame 97 kDa 97-kDa protein 9706 genes 971 amino acid protein 972 aminoacyl residues 972-bp gene 978-bp open reading frame 98 and 80 kDa 98 publicly available microbial genomes 984 base pairs 99 amino acids 99 kDa 99-amino-acid open reading frame 992 amino acids 993-amino acid protein 993amino acid ( aa ) protein 9A2 9bp sequence 9bp upstream 9EN-5-1 9p21 9p21 deletion 9S-PR complexes =ATCC 3351 =pK =PstI > 117 differentially expressed genes > 30 kbp cosmids > 50 open reading frames > 60 kb carrying 25 putative genes > 95 % pure BLIP/l culture > RNA [ ( 14 ) C ] benzylpenicillin [ ( 14 ) C ] benzylpenicillin-enzyme complex [ ( 32 ) P ] labeled tmRNA seven proteins [ 1- ( 13 ) C ] -labeled precursors [ 2Fe-2S ] cluster-containing protein [ 3Fe-4S ] ferredoxin [ 3H ] ALDO-MR complex [ 3H ] arachidonic acid-labelled platelets [ 3H ] cholesterol-labeled lipoproteins [ 3H ] serine-labelled molecules [ 3H ] substance P ( NK-1 receptor ) binding sites [ 3H ] UMP into RNA [ Lin [ methylene-13C ] PMS-St. trypsin ] -2 ] CCK8 ] ET-1 `` anti-tRNA-like transcripts `` Arthrobacter aureus -C70 Apld+ cells `` AT-less multifunctional type I PKS proteins `` attB-like sequence `` basic ( low electrophoretic mobility ) receptor `` CE4 `` classic Type-1 copper site `` cofactor free monooxygenase domain `` Copper B site `` cupin superfamily `` CYPome `` early whi genes `` health promoting products `` His-Glu-Xaa-His motif `` imino acid site `` long fragments `` migration stimulating factor `` mini-circle sequence `` minimal PKS gene `` missing regions `` oxyanion hole region `` penicillin-binding enzyme family `` pGM-vectors `` prolyl tri/tetra-peptidyl aminopeptidase `` redundant domain `` ring region `` Rossmann-like ( beta/alpha/beta ) domains `` rpoD box region `` S1-3 site `` S4-6 site `` serine type enzymes `` SSI-like proteins `` Streptomyces cyaneus cluster `` Streptomyces maritimus enterocin biosynthetic gene cluster `` Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor-like ( SIL ) proteins `` transposable element `` typical prokaryotic consensus promoter sequence A ( 1 ) /A A + T-rich transcriptionally active sequences A domain A factor A P2 A P3 A proteins A residue 47 bp upstream A site A subunit A subunits A third polycistronic mRNA A+57L A+T-rich region A-0.79kb region A-01 A-1 A-1 strain A-130 A-2 A-218 A-230 A-269 A-269A A-305 A-4 A-500359 A-500359 A A-500359 E A-500359 F A-500359 H A-503083 A A-72363 A-1 A-8V A-9 A-914 a-amylase A-binding glycoproteins a-chymotrypsin A-domain A-domain DNA sequence A-domains A-F A-factor A-factor 1a A-factor biosynthesis mutants A-factor deficient mutants A-factor gene A-factor homologues A-factor mutants A-factor receptor A-factor receptor protein A-factor regulon A-factor-binding protein A-factor-controlled promoter sequence A-factor-deficient bald mutant A-factor-deficient mutant A-factor-deficient mutants A-factor-dependent genes A-factor-dependent promoters A-factor-dependent protein A-factor-dependent strR promoter A-factor-dependent transcriptional activator A-factor-dependent variants A-factor-like regulators A-factor-like signaling molecule A-factor-negative mutants A-factor-receptor protein A-factor-responsive protein A-factor-responsive transcriptional activator A-G a-glucosidase A-II A-PCP-E domains A-rich box A-site A-site construct A-SMase a-Thr a-type cytochromes A. brasilense genes A. brasilense SK048 mutant A. Lactoquinomycin B A. mediterranei DSM 43304 lipase A. nicotinovorans DNA A. nidulans gene A. nitritigenes A. orientalis GlcNase A. oryzae aminoacylase-1 A. parasiticus ver-1 A. pelletieri antigens A. pyogenes cultures A. R39 A. R39 beta-lactamase A. R39 enzyme A. sojae arabinofuranosidase A. thaliana cells A. utahensis DNA A004 A011 A1 A1 promoter a1-antichymotrypsin A10 A10255B A104L A108 A11 A12 A13 A134E A135Q A14 A1408 A15 A15R A16 A16884A A16886B A16886B- ( 14 ) C-6 A16886B- ( 14 ) C-8 A1a A2 A2 endoglucanase a2-helix A2002 A201A A21 DNA A21978 system two peptide synthetases A21978C A21978C antibiotic complex A21978C family A21978C1 A23187-treated rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes A237 A240 A249 genomic DNA A252 A25T A26 A271 A294G A2a A2B2 A2pm carboxyamide amidase A3 A3 ( 2 ) chromosome A3 ( 2 ) genome A3 ( 2 ) proteins A307 A340 A347S scFUMC mutant A35512B A375 cells A375M A38 A3b A4 A4-1 A4-1 blastomere a4-2 A40926 biosynthetic gene A41030A A427 A427 cell A431 cell A431 cell line A431 cells A4a A4b A4G A5 A50 A54145 complex A549 A549 cells A57 A58 A58365A A58365B A585 A617 A634 A69 A7 A72363 A-1 A8 A80915A A82548A A83586C A9 A9-E9 A90931b A91 A91 Streptomyces sp A9145 A9145C A933 acylase A933 acylase-defective mutant a=41.7 A a=79.6 A AA aa sequence aa surrounding this processing site AA-98 aa-tRNA substrate aa-tRNAs substrates AA586 AA6554 genome Aaa AAA ATPase gene AAB-4 AAC AAC ( 2 ) AAC ( 2 ) gene AAC ( 3 ) -III AAC ( 3 ) -VII enzyme AAC ( 3 ) -X aac ( 3 ) -Xa gene aac ( 3 ) IV AAC ( 6 ) enzymes aacC1 mRNA aacC4 apramycin resistance gene aacC4 gene aacC7 aacC7 gene aacC7 had promoter aacC7 structural gene AACs Aad-Cys-Val synthetase AAME AAME precursor AAMT AANN AAP AB2A AB3 AB5A Abamectin ABBA prenyltransferases ABC ( ATP binding cassette ) superfamily ABC ( ATP-binding protein cassette ) superfamily ABC subunit ABC-2 subfamily ABC-2 transporter family ABC-traffic ATPases ABC-transporter superfamily ABC-type multidrug resistance proteins ABCA1 gene ABCB1 ABCC1 ABCG2 aberrant products aberrant protein aberrant shunt products ABIR ABIR-positive A549 cells ABK Abl abnormal ( eroded ) cultures abnormal cells abortive enzyme-DGPC complex above cells above five proteins above genes above mentioned 2 kb DNA region above proteins above subunits above-mentioned proteins ABPA AbpS ABR Abs absA genes absA locus absA mutants absA1 and absA2 genes absA1 gene absA1 non-antibiotic-producing mutants AbsA1 protein AbsA1 sensor kinase absA2 gene AbsA2 kinase AbsB absB gene absB locus absB mutants AbsC ABSTRACT Common scab Abu18 abundant lipA transcripts abundant proteins AC-2 Ac-628 variants acapsular mutants acarbose 7-kinase acarbose kinase acarviostatin products ACAT acb-gene cluster AcbC acbC gene acbC homolog gene acbD acbD gene AcbD protein AcbK protein AcbL AcbM AcbM protein AcbN AcbO AcbO protein AcbP AcbR AccA accA1 accA2 mutants ACCase ACCase carboxyltransferase domains accB accB null mutant AccD1-6 AccD4-5 AccE acceptor molecules acceptor substrate site accessory cells accessory enzymes accessory gene product accessory genes accessory Hyp proteins accessory protein accessory proteins accessory RNA binding domains accessory sequences acclimation phase 32 proteins accumulated vdh mRNA AcdH AcdH flavoproteins acdH gene acdH mutant aceA gene aceB aceB gene aceBAK operator region acetaldehyde dehydrogenases acetamidase acetamidase promoter acetate kinase acetate-grown cells versus glucose-grown cells acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase acetohydroxy acid synthase Acetohydroxy-acid synthases Acetohydroxyacid synthase acetohydroxyacid synthases Acetolactate synthase small subunit acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA carboxylase acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase ( acc ) promoter acetyl coenzyme A synthetases acetyl coenzyme A. DNA fragments acetyl esterase acetyl xylan esterase Acetyl xylan esterase A acetyl xylan esterases acetyl-CoA acetyl-CoA carboxylase acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunits acetyl-CoA molecules acetyl-CoA starter unit acetyl-CoA synthetase acetyl-CoA transferases Acetyl-CoA-Synthetase acetylase acetylated fragments acetylated histone species acetylated histones acetylated products acetylated substrates acetylated/deacetylated units acetylation gave C ( 18 ) H ( 19 ) NO acetylcholinesterase Acetylnanaomycin A acetylornithine deacetylase acetyltransferase acetyltransferase gene acetylxylan esterase acetylxylan esterase A acetylxylan esterases ACH-2 Achromobacter protease I Achromogenes acid a-naphthyl acetate esterase acid alpha-glucosidase acid degradation products acid hydrolases acid hydrolysis products acid pH nuclease acid phosphatase acid phosphatases acid precipitable RNA acid proteases acid proteinase acid proteinases acid-extracted M protein acid-hydrolyzed cells acid-precipitable polymeric lignin acid-precipitable RNA acid-stable enzymes acid-stable glucose isomerase acid/alkaline phosphatase acid/alkaline/neutral protease enzyme acid/base Glu-128 residue acidic ( high electrophoretic mobility ) receptor acidic amino acid residues acidic amino acid residues Asp50 acidic amino acid-specific endopeptidase acidic amino acid-specific endopeptidases acidic amino acid-specific proteinase acidic amino acids acidic amino-acid-specific proteinase acidic components acidic fibroblast growth factor acidic glycoconjugates acidic glycoprotein acidic glycosaminoglycan ( AGAG ) components Acidic hydrolysis gave 3 acidic lipopeptide antibiotic complex acidic macromolecule acidic pH shock-induced genes acidic phosphotyrosine protein phosphatases acidic protein acidic proteins acidic receptor acidic ribosomal protein acidic soils acidic sphingomyelinase acidic-amino-acid-specific proteases acidic-amino-acid-specific proteinase acidophilic enzyme Acidovorax delafieldii strain BS-3 chromosomal DNA ACK ackS ackS gene Acl-1 aclacinomycin A aclacinomycin methyl esterase Aclacinomycin methylesterase Aclacinomycin-10-hydroxylase aclacinomycin-10-methyl esterase aclacinomycin-negative mutant aclarubicin-resistant cells AclR ACM ACM aa sequence Acm acyl carrier protein acm gene acmA gene product AcmACP acmB acmD gene ACMS I ACMS II AcmT ACN AcnA acnA mutant acnA promoter acnA transcript ACNU resistant glioma cells ACNU-resistant glioma cells AcoA acoA citA mutant acoA disruption mutant AcoK aconitase aconitase-like protein aconitases ACP ACP acyltransferase ACP acyltransferase domains ACP docking site ACP domain ACP domains ACP gene ACP genes ACP subunits ACP transacylase ACP-ACPS complex ACP5 ACPA ACPL AcpP ACPS Acr ACR-resistant cells AcrB Acremonium chrysogenum expandase/hydroxylase Acremonium recifei 1 acrosomal hydrolases AcrR ACRr and ADMr cell lines ACRr cell line ACRr cells ACS ACS and SA genes ACS gene ACS protein AcsR acsR gene acsR mutant ACSs Act Act acyl carrier protein-dependent malonyltransferase act and otc genes act aromatase genes Act biosynthetic genes act cyclase Act D act gene cluster act genes act I act ketoreductase Act KS act KS/CLF complex act PKS genes Act polyketide chain Act polyketide synthase act polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes act promoter act transcripts ACT-1 act-PKS genes Act-producing cultures Act1 Act12 actA actA/actR intergenic region actI actI & actIII genes actI and actIII genes actI and actIII promoters actI gene actI polyketide synthase actI probe actI promoter actI region actI start codon allowing protein actI-homologous region actI-orf1 actI-orf1 beta-KS product actI-orf2 actI-orf3 actI/III region actII region actII-ORF1 actII-orf1 gene actII-ORF2 actII-ORF2/3 promoter actII-orf4 ActII-ORF4 activator actII-ORF4 activator gene actII-ORF4 and redD transcripts actII-orf4 clones actII-ORF4 gene actII-ORF4 gene product actII-ORF4 locus actII-ORF4 mRNA actII-orf4 mRNAs actII-ORF4 product actII-ORF4 promoter ActII-ORF4 protein actII-ORF4-177 mutant actIII actIII gene actIII gene product actIII polyketide reductase actIII product actIII promoter ActIII protein actIII-actI intergenic region Actil-ORF4 actin actin 1-GUS protein actin gene actin gene promoter region actin genes actin regulatory protein actin- actin-like proteins actinase actinobacteria colonies Actinobacteria family 19 chitinases Actinobacteria populations Actinobacteria-specific primers actinobacterial 16S rRNA genes actinobacterial genome sequences actinobacterial genomes actinobacterial signature protein actinobacterial Taps Actinobispora strains actinobolin actinokinase Actinomadura nitritigenes Actinomadura R39 Actinomadura R39 secrete D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving serine peptidases Actinomadura sp Actinomyces pyogenes Actinomycetaceae enzymes Actinomycetales enzymes Actinomycetales xylanase genes actinomycete ( bacterial ) chymotrypsins actinomycete antibiotic export proteins actinomycete aph genes actinomycete chromosomes actinomycete chymotrypsins actinomycete complex actinomycete complexes actinomycete cultures actinomycete DNA Actinomycete DO-38 Actinomycete DO-52 actinomycete family actinomycete Fhb actinomycete genes actinomycete genomes actinomycete linear plasmid actinomycete lytic enzymes actinomycete origin actinomycete PFK enzymes actinomycete plasmids actinomycete populations actinomycete producing albonoursin actinomycete promoters actinomycete serine-threonine protein kinases actinomycete Streptomyces viridosporus T7A actinomycetes aac genes actinomycetes family actinomycetes linear plasmids actinomycetes promoters actinomycin components actinomycin family actinomycin synthetase actinomycin synthetase 2 Actinomycin synthetase I Actinomycin Synthetase II actinomycin synthetases actinomycin X2 actinomycin Z complex actinomycin-nonproducing mutants actinomycin-producing cells actinomycin-producing cultures actinomycin-producing S. antibioticus cells actinophage B alpha actinophage lyg deletion mutants Actinophage MSP2 actinophage mu 1/6 actinophage Pa16 actinophage Pal 6 Actinophage phi C31 deletion c mutants actinophage R4 actinophage R4 cos sequence actinophage VWB Actinoplanes ianthinogenes Actinoplanes sp Actinoplanic acids A actinopyrones A actinorhodin actinorhodin ( Act ) biosynthetic gene actinorhodin ( act ) biosynthetic genes actinorhodin ( act ) minimal polyketide synthase actinorhodin ( act ) synthase acyl carrier protein actinorhodin ACP gene actinorhodin acyl carrier protein actinorhodin beta-ketoacyl synthase ( KS ) mutants actinorhodin biosynthesis cluster actinorhodin biosynthesis DNA actinorhodin biosynthesis genes actinorhodin biosynthetic cluster actinorhodin biosynthetic gene actinorhodin biosynthetic gene cluster actinorhodin biosynthetic genes actinorhodin cluster-situated regulator gene actinorhodin early biosynthetic genes actinorhodin gene cluster actinorhodin ketoreductase actinorhodin minimal polyketide synthase actinorhodin non-producing mutants actinorhodin pathway-specific activator gene actinorhodin PKS actinorhodin polyketide biosynthase gene actinorhodin polyketide synthase actinorhodin polyketide synthase ( PKS ) gene cluster actinorhodin polyketide synthase acyl carrier protein actinorhodin polyketide synthase alpha subunit actinorhodin polyketide synthase gene actinorhodin polyketide synthase genes actinorhodin-specific activator ActII-orf4 actionmycin X2 actIV loci ActIV-ORF1 protein activated cryptic genes activated enzyme activated Hageman factor activated hepatic stellate cells activated human leukocytes activated killer cells activated lymphocytes activated mononuclear phagocytes activator ( actII-ORF4 ) and biosynthetic genes activator and repressor genes activator DNA region activator gene activator protein activator protein 1 activator protein-1 Activator proteins activator sgcR1 activator-regulator activator-regulator protein activator-regulator proteins active alkaline phosphatase active cholinergic factor active clones active complex active enzyme active enzymes active fraction converted cells active holo-protein active ICM holoenzyme active isopenicillin N synthase active protease B active proteases active proteins active sequence active site active site serine hydrolases active sites active tetrameric form active TGase protein active transport components active trehalase active-centre motif active-form transglutaminase active-site active-site and substrate-binding regions active-site beta-lactamases active-site motif active-site motifs active-site mutants active-site region active-site regions active-site serine beta-lactamases active-site serine DD-peptidase active-site serine penicillinases active-site-directed inactivators active-site-serine enzymes active-site-serine penicillin-recognizing enzymes active-site-serine penicillin-recognizing proteins active-transport protein subunits actively antibiotic producing stationary phase cultures actomyosin ATPase ActR ActVA ActVA active site actVA mutants actVA region actVA-ORF1 ActVA-ORF5 ActVA-ORF5 gene product ActVA-Orf6 actVA-Orf6 gene ActVA-Orf6 monooxygenase ActVA-Orf6 protein ActVB ActVB active site ActVB component ActVB family actVB gene actVI genes actVI genetic region actVI mutants actVI region actVI-ORF1 actVI-ORF1 product actVI-ORF1 protein actVI-ORF1-ORFA and actIII-actI intergenic regions actVI-ORF1-VA-ORF2 transcription unit actVI-ORF2 product actVI-ORF3 actVI-ORFA actVII genes actVII loci actVII-orf4 actVII-orf4 gave primarily mutactin acute hyaluronidase acutely infected cells acutely infected T-cell lines ACV ACV monomer ACV synthase ACV synthetase ACV-synthetase acvA and ipnA gene ACVS ACVS gene AcyA acyB2 acyclic substrates acyl acceptor binding site acyl ACP ligase domain acyl carrier protein acyl carrier protein ( ACP ) domain acyl carrier protein domain acyl carrier protein domains acyl carrier protein gene acyl carrier protein transacylases acyl carrier protein-condensation ( ACP-CON ) domain Acyl carrier proteins acyl chain acyl chains acyl CoA-ligase acyl complexes acyl enzyme acyl enzyme-ligand complexes acyl enzymes acyl side chains acyl transferase acyl transferases acyl- ( Ac2-L-Lys-D-alanyl- ) enzyme acyl-ACP thioesterase acyl-acyl carrier protein acyl-carrier protein acyl-carrier-protein Acyl-CoA carboxylase acyl-CoA carboxylases acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase acyl-CoA dehydrogenase acyl-CoA dehydrogenase homologue acyl-CoA oxidase acyl-CoA substrates acyl-CoA synthetase acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes acyl-CoA synthetases acyl-CoA-synthetases/peptide synthetases acyl-enzyme acyl-enzyme complexes acyl-HSL signal molecules acyl-peptide hydrolase acyl-side chain acylase acylCoA transferases acylkinases acylphosphotransferases acyltransferase acyltransferase ( AT ) gene acyltransferase domain acyltransferase domains acyltransferase homolog acyltransferase-homologous DNA fragment AD ( 10 ) cells Ad-1 Ad12-3Y1 cells ADA ADAMTS5 ADC addA ade-1 adeA adenine 29 nt upstream adenine covalent binding site Adenine MTases adenine phosphoribosyltransferase adenine phosphoribosyltransferase genes adenine-N1 methyltransferase adenosine 3 adenosine 3-OH site adenosine 5-triphosphate-dependent kinase adenosine deaminase adenosine homopolymer tails Adenosine kinase adenosine substrates adenosine-deaminase adenosine-labelled RNA adenosylcobalamin-dependent methylmalonyl CoA mutase adenosylcobalamin-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase adenosylmethionine synthetase adenoviral antigens adenovirus 2 and 5 adenovirus 2 DNA adenovirus 2 DNA at eight sites adenovirus DNA adenovirus DNA sequences adenovirus E1A gene adenovirus E1A oncogene adenovirus oncogenes adenovirus type 2 DNA at eight sites adenovirus-infected KB cells adenovirus-transformed hamster cells adenylate cyclase adenylate cyclase gene adenylate kinase gene adenylate kinase-encoding gene adenylate ligase adenylate-forming enzyme adenylate-forming enzyme superfamily adenylate-forming enzymes adenylate-forming superfamily adenylation domain adenylation domains adenyltransferase adenylyl cyclase adenylylation site adenylyltransferase adenylyltransferases ADF ADH adhered S. alga BrY cells adherently growing cells adhesion plaques containing vinculin adhesive glycoprotein fibronectin ADIC synthase ADIP adipocyte adipoyl-side chain adjacent ( secondary ) inverted-repeat motifs adjacent actI region adjacent actIII gene adjacent acyltransferase ( AT ) domain adjacent binding sites adjacent dnrIJ genes adjacent downstream sequences adjacent dps genes adjacent ferredoxins adjacent furS gene adjacent gene adjacent homologous genes adjacent located terpene synthase genes adjacent malP gene adjacent mevalonate pathway gene clusters adjacent neo gene adjacent nitrogen-carbon molecular fragments adjacent operator sequences adjacent rep ( SLP2 ) gene adjacent rep gene adjacent repressor gene adjacent rppA gene adjacent secondary sites adjacent sequence adjacent sequences adjacent VarR binding sites adjacent xylE reporter gene adjoining gene ADK ADK gene ADM Ado AdoMet-binding site Adozelesin ADP adp gene ADP ribosyl cyclase ADP-collagen- ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases ADP-ribosyl-transferase ADP-ribosylated endogenous proteins ADP-ribosylated protein ADP-ribosylated proteins ADP-ribosylating toxins ADP-ribosyltransferase AdpA adpA ( TTATTG ) gene AdpA binding sites AdpA dimer AdpA family proteins adpA gene adpA promoter AdpA protein AdpA regulon AdpA transcriptional activator AdpA-binding consensus sequence AdpA-binding site AdpA-binding sites adpAc mRNA adpAch coding region AdpB ADPRT adriamycin resistant HL-60 cells adriamycin11 ADS-containing variant ADS-SA1 ADS2 ADS205 ADS5 ADS5.7 ADS6 AdsA adsorbed cells adsorbent resins adsorption constant was 0.6 x 10 ( -8 ) ml min-1 ADT probes adult ( p < 0.001 ) fibroblasts adult animal collagen adult cells adult chick retinal Müller ( glial ) cells Adult fibroblasts Adult skin fibroblasts adventitial fibroblasts adventitious attP-containing plasmid adventitious promoter AEA AEC AEC2 AEI Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein aerated shake flask cultures aerial hyphal cell aerial hyphal initial cells aerial mycelium surface proteins aerobactin aerobic class Ia nrdAB RNR genes aerobic class Ib nrdEF RNR genes AEW AF antigen AF biosynthetic genes AF-11 AF-2 afcD gene affinity-labeled enzyme affinity-purified trypsin Afl- mutant aflatoxin aflatoxin biosynthetic enzymes aflR aforementioned domain Afp1 afp1 gene AfsA AfsA family afsA gene afsA locus AfsA proteins AfsA regulatory family AfsA-like protein AfsA/ArpA homologues afsB afsB gene afsB mRNA afsB sequence AfsK afsK gene AfsK-binding protein AfsK-interacting protein AfsK-like protein AfsL afsQ afsQ mutant afsQ1 and afsQ2 genes afsQ1 gene AfsQ1-Q2 afsQ2 gene product AfsQ2 proteins AfsR AfsR binding sequence AfsR binding site AfsR coding region afsR coding sequence afsR gene afsR genetic locus afsR mutants AfsR protein AfsR-binding site AfsR-DNA complex AfsR-encoding sequence AfsR-kinase AfsR-protected sequences afsR2 mRNA afsR2 promoter AfsR2 regulatory protein afsS afsS binding site afsS promoter Ag AG-resistance gene agaA AgaA protein AGAG agar plate cultures agar-plate cultures agarase gene agarase protein agarose gene agaT age-damaged proteins AGGAG aggrecan cDNA aggrecan epitopes aggregation factors agitoxin2 agl genes agl3R aglycone modification enzymes aglycone products agmatine ureohydrolase AGPR AGPR sequences AGPRs agq genes agrA gene agriculture domain Agrobacterium rhizogenes AGs AGTACT sequence AH-758 AH-Sepharose 4B AH44 AH66 cells Aha1 AHAS AHAS catalytic subunit AHAS gene variants AHB AHBA AHBA biosynthetic gene AHBA biosynthetic gene clusters AHBA biosynthetic genes AHBA biosynthetic operon AHBA synthase AHBA synthase gene AHBA synthases AHC-52 AHFCAs AHL AHL-acylase AHL-degrading enzyme AhlM ahlM gene AHLs Ahp Ahp18 variants ahpC ahpC and ahpD genes AhpC proteins ahpCD transcripts AhpD AhpF AhR AhrC AHS Ahx AI-409 AIB AIB factor AICE proteins AICEs AII AIII aimed protein Air AJ/22 AK AK-111-81 antibiotic complex AK-AB27 AK-AH76 AK39 AKD-2 AKD-2A AKD-2C aklanonic acid methyl ester cyclase aklanonic acid methyltransferase aklaviketone reductase aklavinone 11-hydroxylase aklavinone 11-hydroxylase gene aklavinone biosynthetic gene aklavinone C-11 hydroxylase aklavinone-11-hydroxylase aklavinone-aclacinomycin biosynthetic gene aklavinone-producing mutant aknA AknA protein aknA region aknB aknC AknH aknI aknP aknQ aknX aknX gene AknX protein AKR Akt AKT/PKB AKWWTQ motif AKWWTQG motif al introduced phr genes AL-322 AL-719 AL072 AL081 Ala Ala ( 305 ) mutants ALA dehydratase Ala enantiomers Ala mutant Ala rich crystalline regions ALA synthase ALA synthase gene Ala yielded enzymes Ala-124-Gly mutant enzyme Ala-2 Ala-237 Ala-28 Ala-Pro-Ala-beta-naphthylamide ( APA-beta NH-Nap ) substrate Ala/Pro-repeat region Ala103 residue Ala14-Leu15 Ala18 Ala2 Ala33 Ala357 Ala39 Ala56 alachlor biodegradation products Alanine Dehydrogenase alanine scanning library alanine-activating enzymes alanine-substituted mutant proteins ALAS ALAS-encoding gene ALB albB AlbC albD albomycin delta2 albomycin delta2 Fe3+ complex Albonoursin albulus KO-23 albumin albus EN46 albus G beta-lactamase albus G D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase albus G enzyme albus G enzymes alcian-blue-stained GAGs alcohol dehydrogenase alcohol dehydrogenases alcohol-dehydrogenases aldehyde 108 aldehyde 12 aldehyde dehydrogenase aldehyde fuchsin aldehyde groups aldehyde product aldehyde-mediated cross-linking residues AldH alditol oxidase AldO ALDO-MR complex aldohexose 4-ketoreductases aldohexose 5-epimerases aldoketo reductases aldolase aldolases aldose 1-epimerase aldose reductase ALG-5 ALG-5 alginate lyase gene algal cells alginate lyase gene alginate molecules alginate-entrapped cells alias beta-toxin aligned amino acid sequences aligned regions aligned sequences ALiP-P3 aliphatic acyl-chains aliphatic chains aliphatic side chain aliphatic side chains aliphatic straight side chains alkali ( pH 8.0 ) regions alkali-labile sites alkali-lignin alkali-thermotolerant extracellular protease alkaline xylanases alkaline ( pH 9-10 ) regions alkaline D-peptidase alkaline lipase alkaline pH region alkaline phosphatase alkaline phosphatase ( AP ) enzymes alkaline phosphatase regulatory protein alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-HN antibodies alkaline phosphatase-linked hyaluronectin alkaline phosphatases alkaline phosphodiesterase alkaline protease alkaline proteases alkaline proteinase alkaline proteinase A alkaline proteinases alkaline region alkaline serine protease alkaline serine proteinases alkaline serine proteinases A alkaline-phosphatase-encoding genes alkalophilic mutants alkalophilic xylanase Xyn11 alkane 1-monooxygenase alkane hydroxylase AlkB Alkene monooxygenase alkinonase A ALKO 2718 cultures AlkS alkyl chain alkyl chains alkyl hydroperoxide reductase alkyl hydroxyperoxidase subunits alkylamino acid substrates alkylated enzyme alkylating subunit alkylhydroperoxidase alkylhydroperoxide reductase all-beta protein all-helical central bacterial transcriptional activation domain allele alleles allergen-specific T-cell clones allogeneic A375 melanoma cells allogeneic cells allophycocyanin gene Allosamidin allosamidin-insensitive chitinase gene allosteric activity site allosteric ATP-PFK enzymes allowed regions almond glycopeptidase A almost complete 16S rRNA gene almost complete sequence almost totally inactive protein almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequence almost-complete nucleotide sequence aln4 aln5 alnA alnumycin gene cluster aloesaponarin II alp polyketide products alpA alpha ( 2 ) beta ( 2 ) -heterotetramer alpha ( 6 ) beta ( 6 ) dodecamer alpha 1-acid glycoprotein alpha 1-antitrypsin alpha 1-protease alpha 2-antiplasmin alpha 3 alpha 4 alpha 4 beta 1 alpha 5 beta 1 fibronectin receptors alpha and beta components alpha and beta subunits alpha B alpha chain alpha chymotrypsin alpha component alpha E alpha family alpha helical domain alpha helices alpha helix II alpha isomer alpha site alpha subunit alpha subunit gene alpha- ( 32 ) P ] dCTP-labeled PCR product alpha- and beta- alpha- and beta-mannosidases alpha- or beta-subunits alpha-1 alpha-2 alpha-2-macroglobulin alpha-AAA alpha-actinin alpha-adrenergic receptor alpha-Amidase alpha-amino acids alpha-amino-beta- alpha-aminoadipic acid precursor alpha-aminoadipic acid side chain alpha-aminoadipoyl side-chain alpha-aminoadipyl side chain alpha-aminoadipylcysteinyl-valine synthetase alpha-amylase alpha-amylase ( Amy ) -encoding gene alpha-amylase family alpha-amylase gene alpha-amylase gene promoter region alpha-amylase inhibitor ( HaimII ) gene alpha-amylase molecule alpha-amylase protein alpha-amylase superfamily alpha-amylase TO1 gene alpha-amylase-encoding gene alpha-amylases alpha-branched-chain fatty acid starter unit alpha-carboxylated building blocks alpha-chain alpha-chitin alpha-chitin-binding proteins alpha-CHT alpha-chymotrypsin alpha-chymotrypsin molecule alpha-chymotrypsin molecules alpha-chymotrypsin- alpha-CyD alpha-D- pyranoside form alpha-d-glucopyranosyl-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase alpha-D-glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferases alpha-DADH alpha-Dehydrobiotin alpha-dehydrobiotin- alpha-dicarbonyl side chain alpha-factor alpha-form alpha-fucosidase alpha-fucosidases I alpha-galactosidase alpha-galactosidase gene alpha-galactosidase genes alpha-gamma-beta alpha-glucanase alpha-glucosidase alpha-glucosidases alpha-glucoside 1-glucohydrolase alpha-glucosyl azide product alpha-helical bundle alpha-helical C-terminal domain alpha-helical content than TipAS alpha-helical fold alpha-helical region alpha-helical regions alpha-helical rod domain alpha-helical structure alpha-helical subdomain alpha-helices alpha-helices E alpha-helix alpha-helix ( beta alpha ) units alpha-helix alpha6 alpha-helix at catalytic site alpha-helix containing Cys101 Alpha-helix F alpha-helix portion alpha-helix transmembrane regions alpha-helix-rich fold alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix ( HTH ) motif alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix DNA-binding consensus sequence alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix DNA-binding motif alpha-humulene synthase ( ZSS1 ) gene alpha-hydroxyketopentaenes alpha-Hydroxylase alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase alpha-isopropylmalate synthase alpha-keto acid dependent oxygenases alpha-keto acid substrate alpha-keto ester reductases alpha-ketoacid cofactor alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase alpha-ketoacid-dependent oxygenases alpha-ketoacyl synthase gene alpha-ketoglutarate ( alphaKG ) -dependent halogenases alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase alpha-ketoglutarate dependent enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate transaminase alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent oxygenase alpha-ketoglutate ( alpha-KG ) -dependent dioxygenases alpha-ketoisovalerate dehydrogenase alpha-KG cosubstrate alpha-L form alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase AbsB alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase domains alpha-L-Arabinofuranosidase II alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase/acetyl esterase alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases alpha-L-arabinosidases alpha-L-Fucosidase alpha-L-Fucosidases alpha-L-fucoside fucohydrolase alpha-l-O-methylglucuronidase alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl sugar moieties alpha-lactalbumin alpha-linked L-oleandrose units alpha-lipomycin alpha-lytic protease alpha-mannanase alpha-mannosidase alpha-mannosidase enzymes alpha-methoxy-beta alpha-methyl-tryptophan-grown cells alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase alpha-naphthylacetate at pH 7 -- 9 alpha-p-coumaric acid moieties alpha-subfamily alpha-subunit alpha-subunits alpha-Thrombin alpha-Toc alpha-tomatine-detoxifying enzyme alpha-tubulin alpha-type subunit alpha/beta domain alpha/beta F supersecondary structural element alpha/beta hydrolase alpha/beta hydrolase family alpha/beta hydrolase fold family alpha/beta-hydrolase fold family alpha/beta-hydrolase structural family alpha/beta/alpha motif alpha1 alpha1-3 alpha14 alpha2 alpha2-alpha3 alpha2/beta2 structure alpha27 alpha2beta1 integrin alpha2beta2 heterotetramer alpha2beta2gamma2 alpha2I domain alpha3 alpha3-beta4 alpha3-beta5 alphabeta-1 alphaF alphaGlc 1-P AlPO4-sucrose agar alpR alpT AlpV alpV mutant alpV transcripts alpW mutant alpZ AlpZ-interacting molecule ALR already known proteins alrS altemicidin altered aspartokinase altered penicillin-binding protein altered proinsulin altered subunits alternate product binding site alternate substrates alternate translation initiation codons alternative ( minor ) sigma factors alternative gene product alternative KS domains alternative principal sigma factor alternative promoter alternative proteins alternative ribosomal proteins Alternative RNA polymerase sigma factors alternative sigma factor alternative sigma factor sigmaB alternative sigma factors alternative start codons alternative substrates alternative translational start site Alu I AluI AluII alveolar macrophages AlyPEEC alyPEEC gene alyPEEC gene product AlyPEEC internal sequence AM AM-1 AM-21 AM-27 AM-28 AM-29 AM-3 AM-7 AM1 AmB Amberlite IR120B Amberlite IRA-68 anion exchange resin Amberlite XAD-4 Amberlite XAD-7 AMBR-1 amdS gene AME amf amf gene cluster AmfBA AmfC amfC gene amfC homolog AmfC products AmfR amfR gene amfR mutant AmfR recombinant proteins amfR-amfA-amfB gene cluster AmfS amfS mutant amfT mutant amfT-depleted mutant AMG AMG-P1 AMGs AMHA amicyanin family amide donor molecule Amide synthase genes amide synthases amides.The whole cells amidine group acceptors amidinohydrolase amidinohydrolase ( pah1 ) isoenzymes amidinohydrolase enzymes amidinotransferase amidinotransferase gene amidinotransferase insertion mutant amidinotransferases amidinotransferases and their genes amido side chain amidohydrolase amidohydrolase superfamily amidotransferase aminase subunit amine products amino acceptor amino acceptor X-NH2 amino acceptors amino acid ( 4 ) residue amino acid ( aa ) residues amino acid ( aa ) sequence amino acid ( EAA ) receptors amino acid 1 amino acid 4-nitroanilide substrates amino acid 8 amino acid acceptor amino acid activation domains amino acid acylases amino acid and/or nucleotide sequences amino acid antibiotic RI-331 amino acid biosynthesis operons amino acid blocks amino acid components amino acid decar-boxylase gene amino acid decarboxylases amino acid dehydrogenases amino acid diastereomers amino acid enantiomers amino acid homopolymers amino acid influx amino acid kinase family amino acid moieties amino acid molecules amino acid motifs amino acid nitrogen amino acid oxidase amino acid permeases amino acid position 103 amino acid position 62 amino acid precursors amino acid racemases amino acid repeats amino acid residue side chain amino acid residues amino acid residues 134-256 amino acid segments amino acid sequence amino acid sequence data bases amino acid sequence motifs amino acid sequence resembling acyl-CoA decarboxylases amino acid sequences amino acid shift-down amino acid side chains amino acid side-chain amino acid side-chains amino acid species amino acid substrate amino acid substrates amino acid utilization operons amino acid-activating protein components amino acid-incorporating modules amino acid-specific adenylation domains amino acid/antibiotic 4-fluorothreonine 2 amino acid/enzyme amino acids amino acids 1-86 amino acids 163-179 Omega loop amino acids 2-151 Amino acids 226 amino acids 267 to 453 amino acids 60-110 amino acids l-DAB amino sugar amino sugars amino terminal peptide bonds amino terminal region amino termini amino terminus amino terminus region amino-acid carboxylate group amino-acid chain amino-acid dioxygenase amino-acid residue per subunit amino-acid sequence amino-acid sequences amino-acid side chains amino-containing resin amino-deoxychorismate synthase gene amino-DOI amino-peptidases amino-terminal 349 residues amino-terminal alpha-helix amino-terminal amino acid sequence amino-terminal coding region amino-terminal domain amino-terminal domains amino-terminal end amino-terminal fragile portion amino-terminal half amino-terminal NAD ( P ) -binding sites amino-terminal peptide sequence amino-terminal pre sequence amino-terminal protein amino-terminal protein kinase-like domain amino-terminal receiver domain amino-terminal region amino-terminal residue amino-terminal sequence amino-terminal sequences amino-terminal truncated form amino-terminal-threonine protease amino-terminus aminoacyl-S-FkbP aminoacyl-S-protein aminoacyl-synthetase thioester complex aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases aminoacyl-tRNAs aminoacylase aminocoumarin antibiotic clorobiocin aminocoumarin antibiotic coumermycin A1 aminocoumarin antibiotic novobiocin aminocoumarin antibiotic simocyclinone D8 aminocoumarin moieties aminocoumarin resistance genes aminocoumarin-resistant B subunits aminocoumarin-sensitive GyrB aminocoumarin-type antibiotics novobiocin aminocoumarins aminocyclitol 3-N-acetyltransferase type VII aminocyclitol amidinotransferase aminocyclitol component aminocyclitols biosynthetic enzymes aminodeoxy-scyllo-inositol kinase aminoethoxyvinylglycine ( AVG ) -producing Streptomyces sp aminoethoxyvinylglycine-producing Streptomyces sp aminoglycosid-resistant E. coli strains aminoglycoside ( AG ) acetyltransferases aminoglycoside 2-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside 2-N-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside 3 type III phosphotransferase aminoglycoside 3-N-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase gene aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase type VIII ( APHVIII ) encoding gene aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferases aminoglycoside 6-phosphotransferase aminoglycoside acetyltransferase Aminoglycoside acetyltransferases aminoglycoside antibiotic complex aminoglycoside antibiotic flavomycin aminoglycoside antibiotic streptomycin aminoglycoside family aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside N6-acetyltransferases aminoglycoside phospho-transferases aminoglycoside phosphotransferase aminoglycoside phosphotransferase ( aph ) gene aminoglycoside phosphotransferase displayed ATPase aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene ( aph ) promoter aminoglycoside phosphotransferase type VIII aminoglycoside phosphotransferase VIII ( APHVIII ) gene aminoglycoside phosphotransferases aminoglycoside resistance genes aminoglycoside-3-acetyltransferase Aminoglycoside-6-N-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside-inactivating enzyme aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes aminoglycoside-N-acetyltransferase aminoglycoside-O-phosphoryl-transferase aminoglycoside-producing actinomycete strains aminoglycoside-resistance determinants aminoglycoside-resistance-encoding gene aminoglycosideinactivating enzymes aminoheptose sugar aminomethylase aminomutase aminopeptidase aminopeptidase B aminopeptidase components aminopeptidase gene fragment aminopeptidase P genes aminopeptidases aminopeptidases-leucine aminopeptidase aminosugar antibiotic 3 aminosugars aminoterminal ends aminoterminal sequence Asp1 aminotransferase aminotransferase enzymes aminotransferase subfamily II aminotransferases aminotripeptidases AMK amk gene Amk protein kinase AmkA aml mRNA aml promoter region amlB amlC ammonium ( 40 mM ) -supplemented cultures ammonium ions repressed ketoisovalerate dehydrogenase ammonium permeases ammonium specific products AMMP AMO AMO complex AMO genes AMO polypeptides AMO subunits AmoB amorphous regions amoxicillin Amoxycillin AMP ligase AMP-binding proteins AMP-CPP AMP-forming ACS gene AMP-ligase AMPA AMPA receptor AMPA/kainate receptor AMPA/kainate receptors AMPBA ampC beta-lactamase gene ampC gene ampC mRNA ampC ribosome-binding site AmphC polyketide synthase protein amphDIII gene amphDIII mutant amphibian ribonuclease amphibian tyrosinases amphN cytochrome P450 gene Amphotericin B amphotericin B-resistant clone amphotericin biosynthetic genes amphotericin gene cluster amphotericin polyketide synthase amphotericin polyketide synthase genes Amphotericin-B ampicilin resistance gene ampicillin ampicillin-resistance gene amplifiable AUD1 element amplifiable DNA amplifiable DNA region amplifiable DNA sequence amplifiable DNA sequences amplifiable element amplifiable fragment amplifiable region amplifiable regions amplification products amplified 16S rRNA genes amplified activated c-Ki-ras gene amplified argR gene amplified DNA amplified DNA fragment amplified DNA sequence amplified DNA sequences amplified fragments amplified gene fragment amplified genes amplified region amplified rpoB region amplified sequence amplified sequences AMPPNP AMPPNP molecules Ampr ampr gene AmpR repressor/activator AmR AmrA amrAand amkA genes AMT domain amtA amtA and argK genes amtB amtB gene amtB-glnK-glnD operon AmtR amy gene amy nucleotide sequence amy promoter Amy protein amy reporter gene amy structural gene amy TO1 amy TO1 gene Amy+ Amy+ colonies Amy- colonies AmyA Amycolatopsis mediterranei DSM 43304 lipase Amycolatopsis mediterranei mutAB genes Amycolatopsis orientalis ( Nocardia orientalis ) protoplasts Amycolatopsis orientalis subsp amyH amyH gene amylase amylase gene amylase II amylase IV amylase protein amylase proteins amylase regulatory sequences amylases amyloid precursor protein amyloid prion protein amyloid recombinant ovine prion protein amyloid-forming proteins amylolytic enzyme AN-1 AN-3 AN-7 AN-7 component AN-7 components AN-7A AN-7B anabolic products ANAE analog gene analogous enzyme analogous genes analogous tris-cobalt ( III ) complex anaphylatoxins anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase ancestral ArpA protein ancestral genes ancestral N-acetyltransferase domain ancestral novF homologue ancestral proteins anchored subunit ancient lateral gene ancient populations ancillary genes and 7 androgen receptor androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines androgen-receptor androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cells ANF ANF-receptors Ang II Ang II-induced DAG angiogenic factor basic fibroblast growth factor angiogenic factors Angiotensin ( Ang ) II angiotensin converting enzyme angiotensin I converting enzyme angiotensin II angiotensin-converting enzyme angucycline antibiotic family angucycline biosynthetic genes angucycline cyclases angucycline family angucycline tailoring genes angucyclins anguibactin biosynthetic genes angular cyclases Anhydrochymotrypsin anhydrotetracycline ( ATC ) oxygenase enzyme anhydrotetracycline monooxygenase anhydrotetracycline oxygenase anhydrotrypsin anhydrotrypsins animal alpha-amylases animal carboxypeptidases animal fatty acid synthases animal meal proteins anion exchanger anion exchangers anionic chum salmon trypsin anionic enzyme molecules anionic sites anionic water-soluble iron-porphyrins anisomycin-desensitized cells anisotropic atomic temperature factors anisotropic temperature factor ankyrin repeat ANN ANN/GA annotated genes annular binding sites ANOVA ansamycin 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid ( AHBA ) synthase gene ansamycin AHBA synthase genes ansamycin family ansatrienin Ansatrienin A ansatrienin biosynthetic gene cluster ant lineages Ant variants ant- mutants antagonistic regulator Antarctic actinobacterial populations anterior region anthelminthic avermectins anthelmintic avermectins anthracene-9 anthracyclin anthracycline 4-Omicron-methyltransferase anthracycline antibiotic Tcm C anthracycline biosynthetic genes anthracycline complex anthracycline components anthracycline family anthracycline glycone substrates anthracycline inducing factors anthracycline molecules anthracycline non-producing Streptomyces peucetius mutant anthracycline substrates anthracycline-negative mutants anthracycline-nonproducing ( Ant- ) mutants anthracycline-resistance genes anthranilate synthase anthranilate synthase ( trpEG ) genes anthranilate synthase genes anthranilate synthetase anthraquinone emodin anthraquinone natural products anthraquinone product anthrone oxygenase anthrone Tcm F2 anthropogenic pollutants anti sigma factor Anti sigma factors anti- ( xylanase B ) antibodies anti- Pythium protein anti-30 kDa chitinase antibodies anti-Afp1 antibodies anti-AfsR antibody anti-aggrecan mAbs anti-anti sigma factor kinases anti-anti sigma factors anti-anti-sigma factor anti-anti-sigma factors anti-anti-sigma/anti-sigma factor pairs anti-AP antibodies anti-APHVIII antibody anti-apoptotic factor Anti-apoptotic oncoproteins anti-apoptotic protein anti-APP monoclonal antibody anti-ArpA antibody anti-B hemagglutinin anti-B specific lectin anti-BAT monoclonal antibody anti-BLMA monoclonal antibody anti-BLMT monoclonal antibody anti-cancer related protein anti-CD44 monoclonal antibodies anti-CD44 monoclonal antibody anti-CHB1 antibodies anti-ChbB antibodies anti-chick hsp90 monoclonal antibody anti-chitinase antibodies anti-chondroitin sulfate antibody anti-CipB antibodies anti-codon loop anti-codon loop region anti-CpeB antibodies anti-DmdR antibodies anti-DnaK monoclonal antibody anti-EGFR anti-enzyme antibodies anti-epidermal growth factor receptor anti-Fas antibody anti-fBAT monoclonal antibody anti-FKBP antibody anti-Flag anti-Flag antibodies anti-gamma globulin antibodies anti-gamma globulins anti-gp120 anti-HEL mAb anti-hemaglutinin antibodies anti-hen egg-white lysozyme antibody anti-His-tagged HS12 polyclonal antibody anti-HIV protease anti-HSP90 antibody anti-human CD-4 antibody anti-human CD-44std antibody anti-IF2 anti-IL-5 neutralizing antibody anti-inflammatory cytokine anti-IPNS antibodies anti-isobutyrate ( AIB ) factor Anti-link protein mAbs anti-lipoteichoic acid antibody anti-malarial effector genes anti-malarial gene anti-myosin IgG anti-OA immunoglobulin E antibody anti-P3 antibody anti-P8 antibodies anti-PAF anti-PHB IgG anti-phosphotyrosine antibody anti-rabbit IgG antibodies anti-rCcaR antibodies anti-rCcaR immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) antibodies anti-RNase E monoclonal antibodies anti-rotavirus antibody anti-S-antigen antibody anti-sigma ( H ) protein anti-sigma factor anti-sigma factors anti-Sip antibodies anti-SSI polyclonal antibody anti-SU2 antibodies anti-TSH receptor antibodies anti-tumor compound mitomycin C anti-type II collagen polyclonal antibody anti-tyrosinase anti-xylanase antibodies anti-YlaC factor anti-σH factor antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein antiapoptotic protein antibacterial antibiotic complex Antibacterial antibiotics LL-E19020 alpha and beta Antibacterial factors A antibacterial products antibacterial protein antibacterial small molecules antibacterial-producing mutants AntiBase antibiotic 1 Antibiotic 273a1 antibiotic 273a2 antibiotic 273a2 alpha antibiotic 273a2 beta Antibiotic 3 antibiotic 4009-B antibiotic 834-B1 antibiotic A-695 antibiotic A10255B antibiotic actinorhodin antibiotic albomycin delta2 antibiotic alpha antibiotic aurantin antibiotic aureothin antibiotic biosynthesis enzymes antibiotic biosynthesis genes antibiotic biosynthesis inducers antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenases antibiotic biosynthesis operons antibiotic biosynthetic enzymes antibiotic biosynthetic genes antibiotic candicidin antibiotic cephamycin C antibiotic cerulenin antibiotic chrysomallin antibiotic complex antibiotic complexes antibiotic component antibiotic DC-52 Antibiotic Downregulator Mutant antibiotic export complex antibiotic factor antibiotic family antibiotic gene clusters antibiotic genes antibiotic granaticin antibiotic griseochelin Antibiotic IC101 antibiotic IT-62-B Antibiotic K-82 A antibiotic LL-AB664 antibiotic methyltransferases antibiotic moenomycin A antibiotic molecule antibiotic named platenocidin antibiotic nikkomycin immobilized cells antibiotic non-producing strains antibiotic novobiocin Antibiotic OM-173 components alpha A antibiotic pathway-specific activators antibiotic phosphotransferases antibiotic product antibiotic production genes Antibiotic PS-5 antibiotic regulatory mutants antibiotic regulatory protein antibiotic regulatory proteins antibiotic resistance determinants antibiotic resistance factors antibiotic resistance genes antibiotic resistance markers antibiotic resistance plasmids antibiotic resistance regulator antibiotic resistant mutants antibiotic roseoflavin antibiotic rRNA binding sites antibiotic rubradirin antibiotic S15-1 antibiotic SF-2052 producer Micromonospora sp antibiotic SF2446B3 antibiotic substrates antibiotic synthesis : absA mutants antibiotic synthesis genes antibiotic synthesis impair AbsA2 antibiotic synthesis impair AbsA2 kinase antibiotic synthesized per 1 unit antibiotic TAN-883b antibiotic target sites antibiotic tylosin antibiotic valanimycin antibiotic Wr-142 FPG Antibiotic X-14885A antibiotic XK-90 antibiotic-blocked mutant antibiotic-downregulator-deleted Streptomyces coelicolor ΔwblA ΔSCO1712 mutant antibiotic-enzyme complexes antibiotic-inactivating enzymes antibiotic-modifying enzyme antibiotic-negative mutants antibiotic-producing agar cultures antibiotic-producing eubacterium Streptomyces coelicolor antibiotic-producing PKS gene clusters Antibiotic-producing polyketide synthases antibiotic-producing strain antibiotic-producing Streptomyces sp antibiotic-producing Streptomyces strains antibiotic-production clusters antibiotic-production genes antibiotic-resistance markers antibiotic-resistance-encoding genes antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains antibiotic-resistant clones Antibiotic-sensitive mutants antibiotics 273a1 antibiotics 273a1 alpha antibiotics 273a2 alpha antibiotics and enzymes antibiotics and industrial enzymes antibiotics nystatin antibiotics SF2415A1 antibiotics SF2446-A1 antibiotics SF2446A1 antibioticus 18-kDa nuclease antibioticus chitinase antibioticus glycosyltransferases antibioticus NF-18 antibioticus OleG2 glycosyltransferase antibioticus PNPase antibioticus polymerase antibioticus polymerases antibioticus rpsO-pnp intergenic region antibioticus sigE null mutant antibioticus tyrosinase antibodies antibody Antibody 43H6 antibody-linked polymerase anticancer component Anticapsin anticoagulant within 24 h. LMWH-4.7 antifungal agent blasticidin S antifungal agent pimaricin antifungal agent validamycin A antifungal antibiotic nystatin antifungal antibiotics niphithricins A Antifungal antibiotics S-632-A1 antifungal metabolites antifungal molecules antifungal pimaricin antifungal polyene antibiotic nystatin antifungal polyene macrolide pimaricin antifungal protein antifungal protein 1 antifungal sensor antigen complexes antigen presenting cell antigenic sites antigens antimetabolite resistant mutant antimicrobial metabolites-in antimutagenic factor antimutagens antimycin A antimycin A. antimycin A1a antimycin A2a antimycin A3 antimycin A7a antimycin A9 antimycin antibiotic family antimycin complex antimycin family Antimycins A antimycins A3a antioxidant enzymes antipain antiparallel beta-sheet antiparallel beta-sheet structure antiparallel beta-sheeted domains antiparallel beta-sheets antiparallel beta-strands antiparallel sheet antiparallel six-and seven-stranded beta-sheets antiparallel strands antiphospholipase antipodal clavams antisense repressor antisense RNA antisense RNAs antisense strand upstream D-XI gene antisigma factor antithrombin antitumor agent valanimycin antitumor antibiotic daunomycin 1 antitumor antibiotic himastatin antitumor antibiotic protein antitumor antibiotic vicenistatin antitumor protein antitumour antibiotic protein antiviral antibiotic S15-1 anucleate cells AOPBA AOT AOX1 promoter AP AP gene AP-1 AP-3 AP-TGase ap1 ap1/CIR6 region AP19-2 AP2 APA apa gene APA protein ApaI ApaI fragment apartokinase APBA apc Ape Ape18 Ape18I variant complexes APH APH ( 2 ) ] enzyme aph ( 3 ) -Ic gene APH ( 3 ) enzyme APH ( 3 ) protein APH ( 3 ) -III APH ( 3 ) enzymes APH ( 3 ) family APH ( 6 ) genes APH ( 7 ) enzymes aph coding sequence aph constructs aph gene aph gene sequence aph genes aph leaderless mRNA APH molecule aph promoter APH protein aph reading frame aph regulatory region APH type V aph7 aphD aphD gene aphE aphE gene aphE gene product APHE-1 APHE-3 aphI promoter aphII APHII enzyme aphII gene aphII neomycin-kanamycin resistance gene aphII reporter gene aphll neomycin/kanamycin resistance gene aphp1 transcript APHVIII aphVIII aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene aphVIII coding sequence APHVIII enzyme aphVIII gene APHVIII sequence aphVIII structural sequence API apical branchless cells apical cells apical elongation sites apical hyphal region apical syncytial cells apidaecin 1b aplysiatoxin apo-ACP form apo-acyl carrier proteins apo-cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase apo-enzyme apo-Fe DndC apo-Fe DndC protein apo-form apo-form enzyme apo-HPPD.HPP complex apo-mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase apo-neocarzinostatin apo-NsrR apo-protein sequence apo-RsrA apoaequorin Ca2+ reporter protein apodehydrogenase apoenzyme apoprotein apoprotein gene apoprotein genes apoptosis-inducing factor apoptotic bodies Apoptotic cells apoptotic related genes apoptotic sub-G ( 1 ) phase apotyrosinase APP apparent anti-sigma factor apparent hydrophobic-amino-acid-rich region apparent molecular weight 41 kDa apparent motifs apparent penicillin binding protein apparent penicillin binding proteins apparent transcriptional start sites apparently noncoding region APPL APPL-associated protein application factors APPLs ApR apramycin ( Am ) -resistance gene apramycin biosynthetic genes apramycin resistance gene apramycin resistant gene aprE APs ApS clones Aqualysin I AR AR 15 min AR-054 Ar386 Arabidopsis RelA/SpoT homolog Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells Arabidopsis thaliana suspension-cultured cells Arabidopsis transgenic line arabinofuranosidase B arabinofuranosidase domains arabinofuranosidase gene arabinogalactan-protein arabinose-responsive P ( BAD ) promoter arabinosyl side-chains arabinosyl transferase AraC family araC-like regulatory gene AraC-like regulatory protein AraC/XylS family arachidonoyl-CoA synthetase Araraquara region ARC ArcA archaea archaeal class II RNRs archaeal CYP sequences archaeal gene archaeal proteins archaeal type II IPP isomerase archaebacterial enzymes archael plasmids archaeum Pyrococcus woesei archeal genome archeal-eukaryotic-type DNA primase and genes archetype polyene archetypical alpha/beta barrel protein arcyriaflavin A ard1 ard2 ardI ARDRA ARE ARE ( ccaR ) sequence ARE sequence ARE sequences ARE-containing DNA fragment area undergoing construction AreB areB gene areB-deleted mutant areB-leuCD intergenic region arene dioxygenase genes ArfA ArfA-deletion mutant Arg Arg ( 190 ) side chain Arg ( 205 ) interaction network Arg ( 205 ) side chain arg A1 ARG box Arg boxes arg gene arg mutants Arg- mutants Arg- variant Arg- variants Arg-17 Arg-23 Arg-244 Arg-295 arg-4 arg-6 Arg-86 Arg-99 Arg-99 side chain Arg-cluster region Arg-Gly-Asp -dependent integrins Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser ( RGDS ) cell adhesion domain Arg-Tyr-Asp-Ser ( RYDS ) sequence Arg162 Arg19 Arg215 Arg215 side chain Arg215-mutated chitinase Arg222 residue Arg23 Arg237 Arg29 Arg29-Ala30 Arg29-Ala30-Asp31 Arg31 Arg65 Arg67-Glu68 Arg70-Glu71 Arg72 Arg73 Arg74 Arg75 Arg84 argA argA locus argA mutant argA1 argB argB gene argB2 mutant argC argC gene argC mutants ArgC protein ArgC proteins argE argG argG gene argG initiation codon argG mutants argG nucleotide ( nt ) sequence argG-carrying 2.1-kb fragment argGH transcript argH argH gene arginase arginases arginine ( ARG ) box-containing sequence arginine ( Arg ) substrates arginine 2 arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase arginine AGA codons arginine aminopeptidase arginine auxotrophic ( Arg- ) mutant arginine auxotrophic mutant arginine auxotrophic mutants arginine biosynthesis gene arginine biosynthesis genes arginine box arginine side chain arginine side chains arginine substrates arginine-18 arginine-auxotrophic ( Arg- ) mutant arginine-glutamine motif arginine-succinate synthase arginine-X-specific cysteine proteinases arginino-succinate synthase argininosuccinate synthetase argJ argJ and oat2 genes argJ gene argK argR argR gene arm-length disulfide cross-linkers AroB proteins Arogenate dehydrogenase aromatase aromatases aromatic ( type II ) polyketide synthases aromatic aldehyde oxidase aromatic amino acid aminotransferases aromatic amino acid ammonia lyase aromatic amino acid end products aromatic amino acids 1 and 3 aromatic antibiotic biosynthetic genes aromatic hydroxylases aromatic polyene macrolide antibiotic biosynthetic gene cluster aromatic polyketide biosynthesis genes aromatic polyketide epsilon-rhodomycinone using plasmid-borne deoxysugar biosynthesis genes aromatic polyketide synthase aromatic polyketide synthases aromatic polyketides genoketide A1 aromatic prenyltransferase aromatic prenyltransferases aromatic PTase aromatic side chain aromatic side chains aromatic side-chain aromatic small molecules aromatic starter unit aromatic substrates ArpA arpA gene arpA homologue ArpA homologues arpA mutant arpA mutants arpA null mutants ArpA protein ArpA-DNA complex ArpA-like protein ARS ars gene cluster arsC gene product Arsenate-resistant ( AsR ) clones arsenic resistance gene cluster arsenite-translocating ATPase arsO arsR ArsR families ArsR family arsR1-arsB Artemia salina chitin Artemia salina nauplii artemisinin artemisitone-9 arterial smooth muscle cells arthritic cartilages Arthrobacter ermA gene Arthrobacter G12 produced extracellular chitinases Arthrobacter glucose isomerase Arthrobacter linear plasmid Arthrobacter M-02 Arthrobacter nitroguajacolicus Rü61a Arthrobacter pascens F164 Arthrobacter simplex Arthrobacter simplex gene Arthrobacter sp arthrobactin arthropodan hemocyanins artificial biosynthetic gene cluster artificial chitooligosaccharide substrates artificial chromosomes artificial eukaryotic transcription factor artificial gene cluster artificial gene clusters artificial hemoproteins artificial Kex2-endopeptidase recognition site artificial mutant proteins Artificial neural network Artificial neural networks artificial substrates artificial tetramerization domain artificial transactivator artificial xylo-configured substrates aryl hydrocarbon receptor aryl monosaccharide acceptors aryl-formylamine amidohydrolase arylamine N-oxygenase arylamine synthetase arylamine synthetase complex arylesterase arylsulfatase arylsulfatases AS AS 4.693 AS-9 AS-B AS-Bs ASBIII protein ASBIII-DNA complexes asd gene AseI AseI linking clones AseI macrorestriction fragments AseI sites AseI-D fragment Asel fragment Asel fragments Asel-C fragment Ask ask gene ask genes asm17 Asn Asn ( GlcNAc ) 2 ( Man ) 6 Asn-170 Asn-313 Asn132 Asn161Ala mutant Asn173 Asn45 Asn485 hydrogen bond network Asn51 Asn79 Asn84 Asn87 Asn99 AsnI AsnO Asp Asp-12 Asp-13 Asp-255 Asp-3 Asp-313 Asp-313 residue Asp-37 Asp-40 Asp-49 Asp-54 Asp-57 Asp-6 Asp-9 Asp-98 Asp-Asp doublet sequence Asp1 Asp101 mutant enzymes Asp172 Asp32 Asp40 Asp41 Asp50 Asp54 Asp57 Asp62 Asp64 Asp68 Asp8 Asp80 Asp9 Asp93 aspartate aminotransferase aspartate family aspartate kinase aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase gene Aspartate transcarbamoylase aspartate-rich domain aspartic acid family aspartic proteases aspartic proteinases aspartokinase aspartokinase ( ask ) gene aspartyl proteases AsPC-1 cells Aspergillus antigen Aspergillus melleus proteinase Aspergillus niger 1 Aspergillus niger glucose oxidase Aspergillus oryzae aminoacylase-1 Aspergillus serine proteinase ASPND1 AsR clones ASR1 ASR1 mutant assembly factor assistant gene astrocyte astrocytes asymmetric unit AT ( 6 ) domain AT domain AT domains AT rich regions AT-125 AT-125/enzyme protomer AT-rich region AT-rich regions AT-rich sequences AT2 AT4 domain AT50 AT51 AT52 AT6 AT8 ATA ataP genes ATase ATC ATCase ATCC 155 ATCC 184 ATCC CCL-17 ATCC15154 genomes ATCC185 ATCC23877 genome ATCC382 ATCC383 ATCC39243 DNA fragments ATCC412 AtfA ATG ATG codon ATG construct ATG initiation codon ATG initiator codon ATG start codon ATG start site ATG translation initiation triplet ATG translation start codon ATG translation-initiation codon ATG translational initiation codon ATH8 cells ATM ATP ATP binding cassette ( ABC ) -type transporters ATP binding protein ATP cone domain ATP diphosphohydrolase ATP synthase ATP synthase complex ATP synthases ATP-aggregated type VI collagen fibrils ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) family ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) membrane-spanning transporters ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) proteins ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) transporter ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) transporter gene ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) transporter superfamily ATP-binding cassette transporter ATP-binding cassette transporters ATP-binding cassette transporters ( ABC-transporters ) superfamily ATP-binding consensus sequences ATP-binding domain ATP-binding domains ATP-binding motifs ATP-binding protein ATP-binding proteins ATP-binding site ATP-binding sites ATP-binding transport proteins ATP-binding transporter proteins ATP-cone domain ATP-dependent aminoglycoside phosphotransferase ATP-dependent membrane-translocating proteins ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase ATP-dependent protease ATP-dependent protease family ATP-dependent proteases ATP-dependent serine proteinase ATP-dependent transport proteins ATP-dependent transporters ATP-derived product ATP-diphosphohydrolase ATP-glucokinase ATP-grasp fold superfamily ATP-hydrolysing enzymes ATP-hydrolysing protein ATP-Na2 ATP-PFK ATP-utilization products ATP/GTP binding site ATP/Mg2+-dependent enzyme ATP/Mg2+-dependent enzymes ATPase ATPase domain ATPase domains ATPase subunit ATPases atpD ATR-MIR atr1 aminotriazole resistance gene atrA gene AtrA-g-binding site atrazine spill site att sequence att site attachment site attachment sites attB attB ; shorter sequences attB and attP sites attB mutants attB recognition site attB sequence attB site attB sites attB-ura4+ plasmid attenuation site attenuator ( trpL ) regions attL and attR sites attP attP fragments attP recognition sites attP sequence attP site attP sites attP-int loci attR attR site attractive host cells attX ATX atypical ABC proteins atypical hydrophilic region atypical PKS extender unit ethylmalonyl-CoA atypical telomere sequences atypical tylG mutants atypical variants atypical whorl-forming Streptomyces species AUA AUD fragment AUD locus AUD sequence AUD-Sar 1 AUD-Sar 1 left-adjacent sequences AUD-Sar 1 yielded coamplified sequences AUD-Sar 1-derived 8.0-kb DNA sequence AUD-Sr 1 sequence AUD-Sr1 sequence fragments AUD1 AUD1 element AUD2 AUD205 locus AUD4 AUD6 AUD90 AUDs AUG AUG codon AUG translational start codon aur PKS cluster aur1 aur1 gene cluster aur1 polyketide gene cluster aur1A aur1A gene aur1Ap promoter aur1Ap promoter region aur1P aur1P gene Aur1P protein Aur1P regulator aur1R aur2 aur2 cluster aur2 gene cluster aurafuron biosynthetic gene cluster aureolic acid family aureolic acid group family aureothin ( aur ) pathway genes AurF AurF enzyme AurF homologues auricin gene cluster AURJ3M aurj3M gene authentic enzyme authentic gamma-butyrolactone receptors authentic initiation site authentic peptide synthetases authentic thioesterase enzymes autoantigens autoclaved yeast cells autoinducer-defective npi287 mutant Autolytic enzymes autolytic lysozyme autonomous parvovirus genomes autonomous plasmid -S autonomous plasmids Autonomous SLP1 plasmids autonomously replicating plasmid autonomously replicating plasmids autophosphorylated site autophosphorylation site autoregulated protein autoregulating factor autoregulator autoregulator molecules autoregulator receptor autoregulator receptor protein autoregulator receptors autoregulator VBs autoregulator-dependent transcription start site autoregulator-negative mutants autoregulator-receptor protein autoregulators autoregulatory DNA-binding protein autoregulatory element autoregulatory factor autoregulatory protein autoregulatory signaling molecule Autotaxin AUX/IAA protein AUX/IAA transcriptional repressors auxiliary enzymes auxiliary PKS components auxiliary protein auxin-binding protein 1 auxin-deficient cultures auxin-inducible gene auxin-inducible genes auxin-inducible par B promoter auxin-inducible promoter auxin-responsive promoter auxin/indole-3-acetic acid ( Aux/IAA ) repressor proteins auxotrophic markers Av PKS available bacterial genomes available chlamydial sequences available DNA sequence available EST sequences available nucleotide sequences available postsynaptic GABA receptors available protein databases available protein sequences available proteinases available red-like cbbL sequences available sequences aveA3-aveA4 avea3/aveA4 aveAI module 2 aveBI-BVIII aveC gene aveC shuffled gene aveC transcripts aveD region aveF aveI aveI gene AveR aveR mutant average B factor average genes average pseudolysin-SMPI complexes avermectin avermectin A1 avermectin A2 avermectin aglycone dTDP-oleandrose glycosyltransferase avermectin B avermectin B components avermectin B O-methyltransferase avermectin B1 avermectin B1a avermectin B2 O-methyltransferase avermectin biosynthetic gene avermectin biosynthetic gene cluster avermectin biosynthetic genes Avermectin complex avermectin family avermectin gene cluster Avermectin homologs avermectin loading domain avermectin pathway-specific regulatory gene avermectin PKS avermectin PKS genes avermectin polyketide synthase avermectin polyketide synthases avermectin-B1b avermectin-H2B1a avermectin-producing gene cluster avermectins avermitilis acyl-CoA dehydrogenase genes avermitilis genomes AVES 1 AVES 2 AVES 3 AVES 4 AVG AviABC1 AviABC2 avian oestradiol-17 beta dehydrogenase avian ovomucoid first domains Avicelase Avicelase gene AviD avidin avidin binding site avidin chain avidin family avidin polypeptide chains avidin subunits avidin tetramer avidin-biotin complex avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase avidin-enzyme avidin-like domain avidin-peroxidase avidinbiotin alkaline phosphatase aviG1 avilamycin A. aviG1 avilamycin biosynthetic gene avilamycin biosynthetic gene cluster AviM aviRb AviX12 AVM AVM gene cluster AVM polyketide synthase avocado cellulase AVP avr deoxysugar genes avr genes avrBCDEFGHI genes avrE AvrF protein AWCD AX912 mutant AxeA Axenic bacterial cultures axial region AXR axr1 axr1-3 axr2-1 AY641538.1 AYG mutant protein AYR Az azatyrosine-resistant cell lines azatyrosine-resistant clones azatyrosine-resistant colonies azide-resistant ( ATPase defective ) SecA protein Azinomycin B aziridine N-methyltransferase Azoalbumin Azotobacter cultures B ( 2 ) b = 104.6 A b = 23.5 A b = 23.7 A b = 34.1 A b = 51.0 b = 51.2 A b = 51.5 A b = 57.7 b = 59.6 A b = 67.65 A b = 75.3 b = 84.7 b = 92.2 b = 93.9 b = 96.3 b = 96.6 B and C B and C subunits B cells B complex B components B diets were 47.8 B family B gene products B genes B locus B lymphocyte B lymphocytes B site B subunit B subunits B-0.67kb B-0618 B-1 B-11 B-16 B-2 B-26 B-276 B-3 B-4 B-45 B-7655 B-cell B-chain B-factor B-factors B-form crystals b-HABR B-II B-ring cyclase B-subunit B-type ketoreductase B-type nucleotide binding motifs B-type nucleotide-binding motifs B. brevis cells B. brevis enzyme B. cereus penicillinase B. lactofermentum ftsZ gene B. melitensis 16M chromosome B. melitensis galE gene B. subtilis cellulase gene B. subtilis colonies B. subtilis genes B. subtilis quercetinase B. subtilis recR region B.subtilis SSB B/W F1 B0 B1 B1 culture B12 B12-coenzyme B159 B16 B16 BL6 cells B16 cell B16 melanoma cells B16-F10 B16-F10 and Lewis lung carcinoma cell lines B19T B1a B1a 5 B1b B1b 6 B2 B2a B2b B2OMT B3 B4 B5 B59 B6 B7A B9 B96 b=33.0 b=54.3 A b=68.1 A b=95.2 A BA biosynthetic gene cluster BA dimer BA none producing mutants BA-2 BA-sensitive mutant BA2H BAA BAA-alpha BAA-beta BAA-gamma BAA-type alpha-amylase BAAs BAC Bac A BAC clone BAC clones bacillary subtilisins bacillopeptidase F Bacillus brevis produced gramicidin S Bacillus cells Bacillus cellulase family Bacillus circulans chitinases Bacillus circulans WL-12 Bacillus gene Bacillus high-expression vector Bacillus intermedius 7P ribonuclease Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase Bacillus shackletonni Bacillus signal peptide coding regions Bacillus SOX Bacillus species Bacillus sphaericus leucine dehydrogenase Bacillus spp Bacillus stearothermophilus ALR Bacillus stearothermophilus degT genes Bacillus stearothermophilus glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Bacillus subtilis 168 Bacillus subtilis 23S rRNA Bacillus subtilis bioassay only morphological mutants Bacillus subtilis chromosome Bacillus subtilis ctc promoter Bacillus subtilis div genes Bacillus subtilis DNA Bacillus subtilis FAS ACP-holo-acyl carrier protein synthase ( ACPS ) complex Bacillus subtilis genome Bacillus subtilis glutamine synthetase gene Bacillus subtilis gyrB probe Bacillus subtilis levansucrase Bacillus subtilis phage phi105 Bacillus subtilis promoters Bacillus subtilis protease VII Bacillus subtilis protein Bacillus subtilis proteinase Bacillus subtilis reporter strain sensing specifically lipid II Bacillus subtilis revealed five cross-reactive proteins Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase Bacillus subtilis SecA proteins Bacillus subtilis sequence Bacillus subtilis sigmaB Bacillus subtilis spoVE gene Bacillus subtilis/Bacillus licheniformis pairs Bacillus subtilus veg and ctc promoters Bacillus thuringiensis proteins Bacillus vegetatively-expressed promoters Bacillus ypgA3 gene Bacillus-Clostridium lineages bacilysin bacilysin synthetase bacitracin-silochrome backbone amide protons backbone carbonyl oxygens background macrolide-inactivating glycosyl transferase bacteria Streptomyces avidinii bacteria-type enzyme bacterial ( Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ) lipase bacterial 16 S ribosomal DNA bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA bacterial 3alpha bacterial 4CL enzyme bacterial A-type aconitases bacterial ACV synthetase bacterial ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases bacterial alkaline proteinases bacterial alkaline serine proteinase bacterial and fungal beta-lactam biosynthetic genes bacterial aphH gene bacterial APs [ enzymes bacterial aromatic polyketide synthases Bacterial Artificial Chromosomal ( BAC ) conjugation vector bacterial artificial chromosome bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) vector bacterial beta-1 -- > 3 glucanase bacterial beta-lactamases bacterial cell bacterial cell cultures bacterial cell wall precursors bacterial cell wall-synthesizing DD-peptidases bacterial cells bacterial cellulases bacterial cellulose binding domains bacterial cellulose-binding domain bacterial cellulose-binding domains bacterial chitinase bacterial chitinases bacterial chromosome bacterial chromosomes bacterial chymotrypsin-like serine protease Bacterial circular chromosomes bacterial CitMHS family bacterial citrate synthases bacterial colonies bacterial colony-forming units bacterial components bacterial CS-like protein bacterial cultures Bacterial CYP51s bacterial cytochrome P450 monooxygenases bacterial D-alanyl-D-alanine transpeptidases bacterial dd-peptidases bacterial DNA gyrase bacterial DNA-MTases bacterial elongation factor bacterial endotoxin bacterial enzymatic complexes bacterial enzyme bacterial enzymes bacterial erythromycin resistance operon bacterial exo-chitinases bacterial family 18 chitinases bacterial family 19 chitinase bacterial family 19 chitinases bacterial fnr promoters bacterial fructokinases bacterial gene bacterial genes bacterial genome bacterial genome sequence bacterial genomes bacterial glnE genes bacterial glucose isomerases bacterial glutamine amidotransferases bacterial glycohydrolases bacterial gyrase bacterial Hanks-type protein kinase bacterial helix-turn-helix superfamilies Bacterial hemoglobins bacterial histidine kinase bacterial histidine kinases bacterial histone-like proteins bacterial host genome bacterial hyaluronate lyases bacterial hyaluronidase bacterial hyaluronidases bacterial K ( + ) channel proteins bacterial K ( + ) channel subunit bacterial K+ channel bacterial laccase bacterial LctB subunits bacterial linear DNA bacterial lipases bacterial lysozyme bacterial lysozymes bacterial mcrA gene bacterial membrane lipoproteins bacterial membrane proteins bacterial membrane transport and receptor genes bacterial metalloendopeptidases bacterial metalloproteases Bacterial modular polyketide synthase bacterial motor proteins bacterial multidomain permeases bacterial muramidase bacterial mutanases bacterial natural product library bacterial nitric oxide synthase Bacterial nitric-oxide synthase proteins bacterial nonheme type bromoperoxidase bacterial origin bacterial peptidoglycan cross-linking enzymes bacterial peptidoglycan glycosyltransferases bacterial phospho-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide-translocase bacterial PKS genes bacterial PLase C bacterial plasmid bacterial plasmid replication proteins bacterial plasmids bacterial PNPases bacterial polynucleotide phosphorylases bacterial polyphosphate kinases bacterial populations bacterial potassium channel bacterial prenyltransferase bacterial products bacterial proline 3-hydroxylase bacterial promoters bacterial protease bacterial proteases bacterial protein bacterial protein surface antigens bacterial proteinase bacterial proteins bacterial pyridoxal phosphate linked gamma-aminobutyric acid-alpha-ketoglutaric acid transaminase bacterial quorum-sensing regulons bacterial RecA proteins bacterial regulators bacterial regulatory proteins bacterial repressors bacterial response regulators bacterial ribonuclease barnase bacterial ribonucleases bacterial ribosomal peptidyl transferase bacterial ribosomal peptidyltransferase bacterial ribosome bacterial RNA polymerases bacterial RNAP alpha subunits bacterial RNase III bacterial RNR operons bacterial rRNA bacterial S2 chymotrypsins bacterial SecA homologs bacterial sequences bacterial serine hydroxymethyl transferases bacterial serine protease bacterial serine proteases bacterial serine proteinase bacterial sialyltransferases Bacterial sigma ( sigma ) factors bacterial SMC proteins bacterial sources hybrid enzymes bacterial species bacterial squalene-hopene cyclases bacterial SRP complex proteins bacterial Streptomyces jumonjinensis IPNS bacterial Streptomyces lividans protein bacterial stringent factor bacterial sub-family bacterial sugar epimerases bacterial sugar kinases bacterial TetR protein bacterial thioredoxin-dependent ArsC-type arsenate reductase bacterial topoisomerases bacterial transcriptional activation domain bacterial transcriptional regulators Bacterial transglutaminase bacterial translocase I bacterial TrpRS proteins bacterial trypsin bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ bacterial tubulin homologue bacterial two-component response regulator proteins bacterial type I glutamine synthetases bacterial type I polyketide synthases bacterial type II minimal polyketide synthase bacterial type II PKS enzymes bacterial type II polyketide synthases bacterial Type III bacterial type III polyketide synthase bacterial tyrosinases bacterial tyrosine kinases bacterial universal primers bacterial walls bacterial xylA genes bacterial xylose isomerase genes bacterial xylose isomerases bacterioferritin bacteriological glycosidases bacteriolytic complex bacteriolytic enzyme complex bacteriolytic enzymes bacteriophage B bacteriophage DNA bacteriophage DNAs bacteriophage encoded cell wall hydrolase Bacteriophage FP22 bacteriophage FP43 bacteriophage FP43 DNA bacteriophage FP43 pac site bacteriophage genome bacteriophage lambda Charon 4 bacteriophage lambda cI gene bacteriophage lambda DNA bacteriophage lambda library bacteriophage lambda lysozyme bacteriophage lambda promoters bacteriophage lambda vector bacteriophage MP13 bacteriophage P23 bacteriophage Pa16 bacteriophage Pal 6 bacteriophage phi C31 attachment site bacteriophage PS8 bacteriophage T4 Bacteriophage T4 DNA bacteriophage T4 endonuclease bacteriophage T4 lysozyme bacteriophage T7 mRNAs bacteriophage T7 promoter bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase-lysozyme bacteriophage TP-68 bacteriophage-based integrative vector bacteriophage-uninfected cells bacteriophages bacteriorhodopsin bacterium Bacillus sp bacterium Lysobacter enzymogenes bacterium Micromonospora aurantiaca W2b bacterium Micromonospora sp bacterium Nocardia aerocolonigenes bacterium played host to 15 genes bacterium Streptomyces avidinii bacterium Streptomyces sp Bacto ( R ) Penase Bactopenase baculovirus IE2 promoter Bad BAEE baeyer-villiger monooxygenases Bafilomycin A1 bafilomycin B1 bafilomycin B2 bafilomycin C1 Bahamas Baikal region BAL 31 exonuclease BAL cells Bal31 Balb/c-originated serum-free mouse embryo ( SFME ) cells BALB/MK BALB/MK cells Bald ( bld ) mutants BALF Bam H I-Sal I fragment Bam HI fragments Bam HIA fragment bamA1 bamA2 bamA3 bamA4 BamH BamH I BamH I site BamHI BamHI 7.0-kb fragment BamHI fragment BamHI fragments BamHI restriction enzyme site BamHI restriction fragments BamHI site BamHI termini BamHI-BamHI 4.0 kg fragment BamHI-BamHI 4.0-kb fragment BamHI-BamHI 8.0 kb DNA fragment BamHI-digested 3.8 kb fragment BamHI-generated DNA fragments BamHIB fragment BamHIB-fragment banana plantlets band 3 band I band II band-3 band-3 protein band-like structures 25 A bands I bands II BANP bap bap gene cluster bap genes BAP1 BAP1 cell line bar bar and gus genes bar and pat genes bar gene bar gene product bar promoter bar transcript bar yield fusion proteins Bar- mutant bar-hybridizing restriction fragment BarA barA gene barA genes BarA protein barA start codon BarA target gene barA upstream region BarA-binding DNA sequences BarA-responsive element BarA-responsive elements barB barB allele barB promoter barB termination codon barB transcription start site barB transcriptional start site barB translational start codon barB upstream region barB upstream regions BarB-like regulatory protein BARE BARE sequence BARE-1 BARE-2 BARE-3 BAREs barley chitinase barley endochitinase barnacle carbonic anhydrase barnase barS1 barS1 gene BarS1 protein barS2 barS2 gene barstar complexes barX barX deletion mutant barX gene barX mutant BarX protein barZ basal sequences Base base sequence base-complex base-pair region basement membrane collagens basement membrane components BASF basic alpha-helical region basic AMFs basic amino acids basic amino-terminus basic components basic fibroblast growth factor basic hydroxylase/lyase basic macrolide family basic NH2 terminus basic pH limb basic protein basic proteins Basic receptor basic replicon region basic SARP domain basic shortened aliphatic chain molecule basic side chain basic side chains basic SLP2 locus BASTA BAT batch bioreactor cultures batch culture batch cultures batch suspended-cell culture baumycin-group anthracyclines baumycin-negative but daunorubicin-accumulating mutant baumycin-producing Streptomyces sp Bax bax mRNAs Bax oncoproteins Bax-overexpressing HEK293T cells BB138 Bbchit1 Bbr BC BC loop region BC29 BC4 BC8 bca gene BCCP BCCP components BCD gene cluster BCDH BCDH enzyme complex BCFA BCFAs BCG BCG DNA fragments BCG-derived amino terminus BCG-nef Bcl I Bcl I site Bcl I-fragment Bcl-2 Bcl-2 mRNA bcl-2 proto-oncogene Bcl-2/Bcl-xL Bcl-X BCL-X ( L ) Bcl-xl Bcl-xL-overexpressing Ms-1 cells BclI BclI endonuclease BclI fragments BclI site BclI sites BclI-2 fragment BclI-fragment BclI-generated DNA fragment BclI-site BCO bcpC Bcr-abl BCRP BCRP ( MDA-MB-231-BCRP ) genes BCRU-ME3 BCRU-MM18 BCRU-MM40 bdtA BE-12406B BE-13793C BE-18257B BE-19412A BE-19412B BE-24566B BE/G4 BE16627B bee HAases behavior actinomycin synthetase I BEL-7402 BEL-7402 cells BEL-7404 cells belactosin A benA benB benC bench-scale stirred tank bioreactor BenQ benQ null mutant bent DNA molecule benzenic AHBA gene cluster benzenic AHBA genes benzoate-CoA ligase encN gene benzodipyrrole subunits Benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase benzoisochromane quinone moieties benzoisochromanequinone ( BIQ ) biosynthetic gene clusters benzylpenicillin benzylpenicilloyl- ( W233L ) enzyme benzylpenicilloyl-enzyme EI complex Berninamycin B berninamycins B best defined beta-sheet regions best established sites best shuffled gene best-characterized member Bestatin Beta beta 1 integrins beta 1-adrenergic receptor beta 2-adrenergic receptor beta 8 beta alpha-loops beta and beta subunits beta and gamma beta cells beta chain beta gamma-crystallins beta LIP-II beta proteins beta site beta subunit beta subunits beta- beta- ( 1 -- > 3 ) glucanase beta- rhodomycin -1 beta-1 beta-1 -- > 6 glucanases beta-1 dimers beta-1-4-endoglucanases beta-2 beta-actin beta-adrenergic receptor beta-agarase beta-alpha-beta beta-amylase beta-arrestin beta-B2 beta-barrel subunits beta-branched side chains beta-branched side-chains beta-branched variants beta-carotene dehydrogenase beta-casein beta-catenin beta-cells beta-chain beta-chains beta-chitin beta-cyclodextrin beta-D-fructofuranoside fructo-hydrolase beta-D-Galactosidase beta-D-glucopyranosyl units beta-D-glucosidase beta-D-glucosidases beta-D-mannosidase beta-D-xylosidase beta-dehydrogenase beta-dehydroPhe-alpha beta-endoglycosidases beta-epsilon subcomplex beta-galactose end groups beta-galactose residues beta-galactosidase beta-galactosidase enzyme beta-galactosidase gene beta-galactosidase reporter gene beta-GlcNAcase beta-GlcNase beta-glucan endohydrolases beta-glucanase beta-glucanases beta-glucopyranosyl units beta-glucoronidase beta-glucosidase beta-glucosidase ( bgs1 ) genes beta-glucosidase gene beta-glucosidase-negative mutant beta-glucosidases beta-glucoside-specific phosphotransferases beta-glucuronidase beta-glucuronidase gene beta-glycanase family beta-glycanases beta-glycosidase beta-glycosidases beta-glycosyltransferases beta-haemolytic streptococci beta-Hexosaminidase beta-hexosaminidase A beta-hexosaminidase-encoding gene beta-Hexosaminidases beta-HPA beta-hydroxy-N1 beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenases beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase beta-hydroxyvaline unit beta-isomer beta-keto acyl synthase beta-ketoacyl : acyl carrier protein synthase subunits beta-ketoacyl ACP synthase beta-ketoacyl ACP synthase components beta-ketoacyl ACP/CoA reductase beta-ketoacyl oxidoreductase beta-ketoacyl reductase beta-ketoacyl synthase beta-ketoacyl synthase ( KS ) core regions beta-ketoacyl synthase ( KS ) domain beta-ketoacyl synthase-encoding gene beta-ketoacyl synthases beta-ketoacyl systhase beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthases beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein/coenzyme A reductase beta-ketoacylsynthase beta-ketoaminoaldehyde 5 beta-ketothiolase beta-lacatamases beta-lactam acylase family beta-lactam antibacterial agent carbenicillin beta-lactam antibiotic desacetylcephalosporin C beta-lactam antibiotic synthesis gene clusters beta-lactam antibiotics penicillin beta-lactam binding site beta-lactam biosynthesis gene cluster beta-lactam biosynthesis genes beta-lactam biosynthetic cluster beta-lactam biosynthetic genes beta-lactam compounds benzylpenicillin beta-lactam family beta-lactam genes beta-lactam inactivators beta-lactam molecule beta-lactam molecules beta-lactam structure beta-lactam substrates beta-lactam synthetase beta-lactam synthetases beta-lactam target enzymes beta-lactam-antibiotic-destroying enzyme beta-lactam-interacting proteins beta-lactam-processing enzymes beta-lactam-producing fungi beta-lactam-producing strains beta-lactam-recognizing enzymes beta-lactam-sensitive DD-peptidases beta-lactam-sensitive enzymes beta-lactamae gene beta-lactamase beta-lactamase ( bla ) gene beta-lactamase ( Bla ) inhibitor protein beta-lactamase active site beta-lactamase complexes beta-lactamase enzymes beta-lactamase exhibited dd-carboxypeptidase beta-lactamase gene beta-lactamase genes beta-lactamase I beta-lactamase II beta-lactamase inactivators beta-lactamase inhibitor protein beta-lactamase inhibitory activity designated olivanic acid complex beta-lactamase inhibitory molecule beta-lactamase inhibitory protein beta-lactamase inhibitory proteins beta-lactamase molecule beta-lactamase promoter beta-lactamase reporter gene beta-lactamase structural gene beta-lactamase substrate beta-lactamase transcript beta-lactamase-encoding bla gene beta-lactamase-encoding gene beta-lactamase-encoding genes beta-lactamase-inhibitory protein beta-lactamase-labeled antibodies beta-lactamase-negative species beta-lactamase-nonproducing variant beta-lactamase-producing strains beta-lactamases beta-lactams beta-lactoglobulin beta-lactone esterase beta-lactone structure beta-lysine activating enzyme beta-lysine binding enzyme beta-lysine moieties beta-mannanase beta-mannanases beta-mannosidase beta-mannosidase-encoding gene beta-mannosidases beta-methylbiotin beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase gene Beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases beta-N-acetylhexosaminidases beta-OH-Tyr beta-oriented side chains beta-phaseolin or TobRB7 promoters beta-propeller domains beta-propeller phytase beta-receptor beta-receptors beta-sandwich jelly-roll motif beta-sheet B1 beta-sheet core beta-sheet region beta-subunit beta-subunits beta-thalassemia using molecules beta-toxin beta-trefoil lectins beta-trefoil structure beta-tubulin beta-type subunit beta-xylanase beta-xylosidase beta-xylosidase Xyl43B beta-xylosidases beta2-tubulin gene promoter beta5-subunit betaalphabetabetabeta betagamma-crystallin superfamily between 6 and 8 Bex BF4 BFA BFC bFGF BfrI Bg/II Bg/II fragment Bg/II-linearized streptococcal plasmid Bg1II ( b ) site Bg1II ( c ) site BG200 BG201 BG6 BG7 BGA BGC-823 BGIA BgIII BGIT Bgl II Bgl II-digested genomic DNAs bgl operon promoter-silencer region Bgl3 BglC BglI BglII BglII cloning sites BglII fragment BglII fragments BglII site BglII-digested genomic DNA BglII-generated fragments BglII-PstI DNA fragment BglII-SmaI fragment bglT bgs1 probe BH5 BHIS media BHK BHK-21 cells BI-X2 bialaphos ( antibiotic ) production ( bap ) genes bialaphos ( BA ) resistance gene bialaphos acetylhydrolase bialaphos biosynthetic gene bialaphos biosynthetic gene cluster bialaphos production genes bialaphos resistance gene bialaphos tolerance gene bialaphos-nonproducing mutants bialaphos-nonproducing S. hygroscopicus mutants bialaphos-resistance gene bialaphos-resistant colonies biantennary sugar chain bicistronic mRNA bicistronic RifA construct bicistronic transcript bicistronic transcripts bicupin pirins showing quercetinase bidentate iron ( III ) -catecholate ( DOPA ) complex bidG bidirectional cefD-cmcI promoter region bidirectional phoRP-phoU promoter region bidirectional promoter bidirectional tra-traR promoter region bifunctional AAC ( 6 ) -APH ( 2 ) gene product bifunctional aromatase/cyclase bifunctional beta-xylosidase-xylose isomerase enzyme bifunctional cyclase/aromatase bifunctional cyclase/dehydrase bifunctional enzyme bifunctional eukaryotic aconitases bifunctional expandase/hydroxylase bifunctional multimodular enzyme bifunctional non-heme iron oxygenase bifunctional plasmid bifunctional protein bifunctional shuttle plasmids BII bikiniensis DNA fragment bilateral pulmonary infiltrates bile-salt-stimulated lipase BIM bimodular protein bimodular proteins binary complexes binary enzyme-neomycin complex binding domain binding domains binding factors binding molecule binding motifs binding protein binding proteins binding region binding regions binding sequence binding sequences binding site binding site sequence binding sites binding-protein-dependent ABC transporters binding-site binuclear active site binuclear copper-binding site bioactive isocoumarin dimer bioactive microbial molecules bioactive molecules bioactive proteins biocatalytic enzymes biochemically uncharacterized proteins biocontrol agents and plant growth promoters bioconversion product bioconversion products bioconvert product biofilm-forming salt-tolerant Streptomyces sp biofuel cells biogenetic sequence BioImage computer software biological molecules biologically active molecules biomass decay whereby oxidative enzymes biosynthesis ( sttA ) genes Biosynthesis Gene biosynthesis gene clusters biosynthesis genes biosynthesis products biosynthesis sequence biosynthetic and regulatory genes biosynthetic block sites biosynthetic complex biosynthetic enzyme biosynthetic enzymes biosynthetic gene biosynthetic gene cluster biosynthetic gene cluster revealed genes Biosynthetic Gene Clusters biosynthetic genes biosynthetic glutamate dehydrogenase biosynthetic machinery Biosynthetic mutants biosynthetic pathway enzymes biosynthetic precursor biosynthetic precursors biosynthetic products biosynthetic sequence biosynthetic structural gene biosynthetic structural genes biosynthetic transcripts Biotin biotin carboxyl carrier protein biotin carboxyl carrier proteins biotin carboxylase biotin carrier protein biotin operon repressor biotin recognition sequence biotin- ( 14 ) C biotin-binding molecules biotin-binding protein biotin-binding proteins biotin-binding site biotin-binding sites biotin-binding tetrameric proteins biotin-containing protein biotin-containing proteins biotin-dependent acyl-CoA carboxylase biotin-dependent carboxyltransferases biotin-horseradish peroxidase biotin-labeled hyaluronic acid binding protein biotinyl-monoclonal antibody biotinylated acetoacetyl-ACP biotinylated alpha subunit biotinylated binding region-link protein complex biotinylated fibrinogen biotinylated HA-binding protein biotinylated hyaluronan binding complex biotinylated hyaluronan binding protein biotinylated immunoglobulins biotinylated molecules biotinylated monoclonal antibodies biotinylated probe biotinylated protein biotinylated protein subunit biotinylated-hyaluronan binding protein biotransformation involving five ( steps a-e ) overexpressed enzymes biotransformation products Bioxalomycin alpha 2 bipartite protein biphenomycin A biphenyl dioxygenases BIQs BirA birchwood xylan substrates Bireplicon plasmids bispora cellulases BK bkdA gene bkdAB cluster bkdAB gene cluster bkdF BkdR bkdR gene BL21 BL21* BL21trxB ( DE3 ) cells Bla bla gene bla locus bla promoter blaA BlaA DNA binding-site blaA genes BlaA protein BlaA region blaA-blaB regulatory region blaB blaB homologues blaB products black colonies blaL blaL clone blaL product BlaM BLase blaSHV-2 ( pBP60-1 ) gene BLAST blasticidin family blasticidin S blasticidin S biosynthesis gene cluster blasticidin S gene cluster blasticidin S producer Streptomyces griseochromogenes blasticidin S-acetyltransferase blaU blaU clone blaU gene blaU structural gene BLB BLCG BLCG genes bld genes bld mutants bld-1 bld-17 bld261 gene Bld7 Bld7 mutant bldA bldA gene bldA gene product bldA leucyl tRNA bldA mutant bldA mutants bldA product bldA promoter bldA region bldA tRNA bldA-encoded tRNA bldA-regulated and unregulated genes BldB bldB gene bldB locus bldB mutants bldB null mutant BldB protein bldC BldC family members bldC locus bldC mutant BldD BldD binding site BldD dimer bldD gene bldD mutant BldD sequence bldD start codon bldD transcript bldD transcripts bldD+ bldD-containing fragment bldD-like extracellular complementation phenotypes BldDN BldDN/DNA complex bldF BldG bldG mutant bldG mutants bldG null mutant bldG promoter bldG promoters bldG translation start bldG-specific promoters bldH bldH mRNA bldH mutants bldH promoter bldH promoters bldH-mutant colonies bldH109 mutant bldI mutant bldJ bldJ mutants BldK bldK locus BldK transporter bldK-mutant strain extracellularly complement bld261-mutant colonies BldKB bldM bldM null mutant bldMp1 promoter BldN bldN null mutant ble gene product bleomycin ( BLM ) family bleomycin ( Bm ) -binding protein bleomycin ( Bm ) N-acetyltransferase bleomycin A5 bleomycin biosynthetic gene cluster bleomycin hidrolase bleomycin molecule Bleomycin N-acetyltransferase bleomycin resistance genes bleomycin resistance proteins bleomycin-binding protein bleomycin-binding proteins bleomycin-biosynthesis gene cluster bleomycin-inactivating enzyme bleomycin-resistance ( BmR-encoding ) genes bleomycin-resistance gene bli gene bli open reading frame bli start codon bli/claR double mutant bli/claR mutants bliA bliA gene bliB bliB gene BLIP BLIP gene BLIP proteins BLIP-I BLIP-I protein BLIP-II BLIP-like protein BLM BLM biosynthetic gene BLM biosynthetic gene cluster BLM cell lines BLM cluster blm gene cluster BLM hydrolase BLM megasynthetase blmA BLMA dimer blmA gene BLMA homodimer blmA-carrying pUC plasmid blmAB resistance genes blmB blmB-carrying COS-1 cells BlmG gene product BlmI blmI gene BlmI protein BlmIII non-ribosomal peptide synthetases BlmIII proteins blmIII-Ox domain and blmIII gene BLMr cell line BLMr scell line BLMs BLMT blood cells blood coagulation factor Xa protease blood coagulation factor XIII ( F-XIII ) -positive cells blp bls gene bls1 bls2 BlsM blsM gene Blt BltR blue copper protein blue fluorescent color variant Blue Sepharose CL-6B blue-pigmented antibiotic actinorhodin Bm Bm acetyltransferase Bm family Bm hydrolase Bm molecule Bm molecules Bm N-acetylating enzyme Bm N-acetyltransferase Bm resistance determinant Bm-binding protein Bm-binding proteins Bm-binding site Bm-resistance determinant BM1 Bm92 BMACP BMCC BMK BMP-7 Bmr BmR acetyltransferase BmR-binding protein BmrR Boc Boc- ( D-Phe ) 2 BODIPY-alpha-casein boil-denatured cells Bolivia 6 bona fide HA synthase gene bone marrow cells Bone morphogenetic protein 7 borA1-A6 borA3 bordering regions borJ borK borrelidin gene cluster borrelidin starter unit Bouvardin bovine activated Hageman factor Bovine alpha-chymotrypsin bovine aorta smooth muscle cells bovine aortic endothelial cells bovine articular and rat chondrosarcoma chondrocytes bovine articular chondrocytes bovine blood fibrin bovine brain calmodulin bovine brain enzyme bovine carboxypeptidase A bovine cells bovine chymotrypsin bovine chymotrypsin-bovine pancreatic trypsin bovine chymotrypsin-P1 BPTI variant complexes Bovine chymotrypsins bovine clotting factors bovine Cpase A bovine enzyme bovine erythrocytes bovine eyes bovine fibroblasts bovine genome bovine heart mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex bovine high molecular weight ( HMW ) kininogen bovine intestinal alkaline phosphatase bovine lens leucine aminopeptidase bovine liver catalase bovine liver monoamine oxidase Bovine oocytes bovine pancreas chymotrypsin bovine pancreatic alpha-chymotrypsin bovine pancreatic carboxypeptidase A bovine plasma prekallikrein bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial cell bovine serum albumin bovine testes hyaluronidase bovine testicular hyaluronidase bovine thyroglobulin bovine trypsin box box 1 Box 2 Box 3 BOX-PCR BOX-PCR products BPAEC BPB BPH BPH chondroitin sulfate B BPMVEC BPN BPO 1 BPO 1a BPO 2 BPO 3 BPO-A1 bpoA1 gene bpoT BPP BprA BPS bpsA bpsA gene product BPTI BQ-123 Br Br-Fe ( IV ) -oxo complex Bradyrhizobium spp brain acetylhydrolase brain glutamate decarboxylase brain protein brain synaptosomes branched cells branched chain polyketide synthase extender unit branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase branched-chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase enzyme branched-chain acyl-ACP species branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase ( BCDH ) complex branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase gene branched-chain amino acids branched-chain fatty acid biosynthetic precursor branched-chain protein branching and septation sites branching site Brassica napus KASIII gene BrdU breast carcinoma cell lines breast carcinoma cells Brevibacterium enzyme Brevibacterium flavum MJ233 chromosomal DNA brgA brgA mutants bridged bimetallic active site brief ( 5-10 min ) hyaluronidase BRM broad mechanistic terms broad-host-range plasmid broad-spectrum alkaline phosphatases broad-spectrum carbohydrase broad-spectrum mercury resistance locus bromide-dependent peroxidase bromoaplysiatoxin bromoperoxidase bromoperoxidase A2 bromoperoxidase gene bromoperoxidase-catalase bromoperoxidase-catalase gene bromophenol blue dye marker broth cultures broth-grown cells brown pigment production genes Brp brp A brp gene brpA brpA gene product brpA-dependent proteins brpA-independent gene products brpAp1-and brpAp2-protected fragments brush-border dipeptidase Bs BS-21 BS1 Bs44 BS6 BSA BSase BSC BSCs bsdBCD genes BsdD bsdD gene BSG BSM1 BSM3 BspMI BsrBI fragment BssHII BssHII-BamHI 1.3-kb fragment BsSSB Bst YI restriction endonuclease BstBI recognition site BstEII recognition sites BT 352 Bt lines BT-20 BT1 integrase BT117 BTAD BTCC 2 Bti33 Bti34 Bti36 btr btrN btrS BtuC BU-4601 A BU-52 bubbler tube cultures bubbler-tube cultures building genome bulk mRNA bump-seed culture but genes Butalactin butirosin-biosynthetic btr gene cluster butyrate starter unit biosynthesis genes butyrolactone autoregulator butyrolactone autoregulators butyrolactone receptor family butyrolactone receptor protein butyrolactone receptor proteins butyrolactone receptors butyrolactone-type autoregulator 1 butyryl-CoA BV2 cells BV2 microglia BVMO motif BVMOs BVR-18 BW755C BxlA bxlA gene bxlA gene product BxlA-encoding gene BxlE BxlF BxlG BxlG proteins BxlR bxlR gene by-products BY7 Bz BZ1 BZ2 BZ4 C C ( - ) proteins C ( 13 ) side chain C ( 14 ) precursor C ( 17 ) side chain C ( 2 ) -symmetric dimer C ( 28 ) H ( 36 ) NO C ( 37 ) H ( 52 ) N ( 2 ) O ( 8 ) S. Trierixin C ( 45 ) -PP C ( 45 ) H ( 70 ) N ( 8 ) 0 C ( 4a ) -FMN-hydroperoxide species C ( 4a ) -FMN-hydroxy species C ( 5 ) N unit C ( 6 ) side chain C ( 7 ) -cyclitol monomers C ( 7 ) N-aminocyclitol-containing natural products C ( 7 ) sugar C ( 8 ) precursor c ( repressor ) gene c 0.5 c = 100.82 A c = 101.7 A c = 121.1 ( 1 ) A c = 124.2 A c = 130.30 A c = 135.8 A c = 147.2 A c = 151.7 A c = 183.4 A c = 184.8 A. Six molecules c = 192.4 A c = 202.6 A c = 256 A c = 28.4 A c = 35.60 A c = 359.5 A c = 41.7 A c = 419.6 A c = 47.9 A c = 49.5 A c = 520.0 A c = 58 A c = 61.22 A c = 66.40 A c = 69.6 A C beta-lactamases C components C core-type Int binding sites C domain c gene C residue 103 nucleotides upstream C residue 155 nucleotides upstream C residue 35 bp upstream C termini C terminus C-0.62kb C-1 C-10 C-1027 C-1027 biosynthesis gene cluster C-1027 regulatory genes C-1027-AG C-1027-nonproducing mutants C-11 C-12 C-127 C-12a C-13 C-14 C-14R-teleocidin A. One teleocidin A-isomer C-14S-teleocidin A C-15 C-15 hydroxylase C-16 C-16 methine protons C-16 stereoisomers C-17 C-17 side chain C-18 C-18-hydroxy Plm B C-19 C-19 ethyl homolog C-19393 E5 C-19393 H2 being 8 C-19393 S2 C-2 C-2 deoxygenated substrate C-2 epimer C-2 side chain C-2 side chains C-2 units C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-25 C-26 side chain C-27 C-3 C-3 amino group C-3 aminotransferase TylB C-3 epimer C-31 C-33A C-35 C-38 C-39 C-4 C-4 hydroxy group C-4-C-5 C-4a C-5 C-5 methyltransferase C-5 monooxygenase C-51 collagenase C-6 C-6 monooxygenase C-7 C-7 cephem-hydroxylase C-7 hydroxylase C-7 site C-72 C-7alpha position C-8 C-8 hydroxy group C-8 hydroxylase C-9 C-9 carboxy group C-9 hydroxylase C-9 ketoreductase C-9 methylene C-APPL c-Cbl C-DNS C-DNS- ( N ) QR ( C ) sequences C-domains C-F bond C-F bond-forming enzyme c-fos C-glycosylated premithramycin-type molecules C-glycosyltransferase c-Hc d C-II c-Jun c-jun mRNA c-Jun N-terminal kinases c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase C-labeled water-soluble products C-methyltransferase C-methyltransferase domain c-mutants c-myc c-myc mRNA C-N C-nitroso-sugar C-O C-P C-P bond forming enzyme C-P bonds c-raf C-reactive protein c-region c-Src c-Src activator C-terminal C-terminal 117 residues C-terminal 12 amino acid residues C-terminal 330 amino acids C-terminal 390 amino acid sequence C-terminal 56 amino acids C-terminal `` sorting signal C-terminal adenylyltransferase domain C-terminal alpha-helix C-terminal amidated eCT C-terminal amidated glucagon C-terminal amino acid sequences C-terminal amino acids C-terminal amino-acid sequences C-terminal aminotransferase ( AMT ) domain C-terminal anchor C-terminal and central parts C-terminal arginines C-terminal arm C-terminal ATP binding site C-terminal binding domain C-terminal CAAX motif C-terminal carboxyl C-terminal catalytic domain C-terminal CBM C-terminal CBM42 C-terminal cellulose binding module III domain C-terminal cellulose-binding domain C-terminal chitin-binding domain C-terminal coenzyme B12 binding domain C-terminal coiled-coil region C-terminal cysteine residues C-terminal cytoplasmic domain C-terminal D-alanyl-D-alanine moiety C-terminal DNA-binding domain C-terminal DNA-binding motif C-terminal domain C-terminal domains C-terminal end C-terminal ends C-terminal eukaryotic-type kinase domain C-terminal extension about 15 residues C-terminal family 42 carbohydrate-binding module C-terminal flexible loop C-terminal fragment C-terminal fragment 357-364 C-terminal glutamic acid C-terminal half C-terminal half region C-terminal halves C-terminal helix-turn-helix ( HTH ) motif C-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain C-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif C-terminal helix-turn-helix motif C-terminal His ( 8 ) fusion protein C-terminal His tag C-terminal His-tag-encoding sequence C-terminal histidine tags C-terminal histidine-tag C-terminal homologous region C-terminal hydrophobic-potential membrane-spanning segments C-terminal inducer-binding domain C-terminal inhibitors C-terminal intracellular domain C-terminal ligand-binding domain C-terminal loop C-terminal mature protease domain C-terminal membrane anchor C-terminal module C-terminal modules C-terminal moiety C-terminal multi-helix domain C-terminal nucleotide binding pocket C-terminal one third C-terminal one-tenth C-terminal one-third C-terminal part C-terminal parts C-terminal Phe-113 C-terminal phosphatase domain C-terminal polypeptide C-terminal polypeptides C-terminal portion C-terminal portions C-terminal pro regions C-terminal prodomain C-terminal proline C-terminal propeptide C-terminal propeptide encoded a functional enzyme C-terminal protein C-terminal proteolysis sites C-terminal R95-P151 region C-terminal region C-terminal regions C-terminal regions resembled type-I aminotransferases C-terminal regulatory motif C-terminal repeat sequence C-terminal repeats C-terminal residue C-terminal residues C-terminal Rossmann domain C-terminal S-aminoethyl-Cys residues C-terminal segment C-terminal segments C-terminal sequence C-terminal sequences C-terminal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase C-terminal six histidine sequence C-terminal six-His affinity tag C-terminal smaller region C-terminal structure C-terminal substrate binding domain C-terminal substrate-binding domain C-terminal tail C-terminal tetratrico peptide repeat ( TPR ) domain C-terminal thioesterase domain C-terminal thioredoxin-like domain C-terminal three residues C-terminal transmembrane anchor C-terminal truncated StrR proteins C-terminal valine C-terminal YFKAGXYXQ C-terminal Z-2 C-terminal Z-dehydrotryptophan residues C-terminally encoded products C-terminally identical proteins C-terminally located degradosome scaffold region C-terminally truncated counterpart C-terminally truncated ORF C-terminally truncated RecA proteins C-termini C-terminus c. 1000 probes c. 4000 probes c. 66 kDa C. albicans chitinase C. butyricum malQ gene C. fimi beta-1 C. fimi-type cellulose-binding domains C. glutamicum cells C. glutamicum cytochrome b C. glutamicum genome C. perfringens sialidase C. reinhardtii rbcS2 gene C. reinhardtii regulatory elements C. thermocellum cel genes C. thermocellum enzymes C. thermosulfurogenes enzyme C1 c1 hemes C10 C10-UK-2A C10/C15 C1027 C1027 apoprotein C1027 molecule C1027 occurred neither between apoprotein C1027-induced double-strand break C104S mutant C10GII C10GIII C10GIV C10HSL C10PNC C11 C11A/C27L C11H13NO5 C11H14O6 C12 C12-C15 C12-HSL C120 protein C123A C123S C12b C12O C12O gene C12O-encoding genes C12O-encoding genetic locus C13 C13-C25 fragment C14 C142S C15 C15-C15-C16 species C15-C16-C16 species C155Y/Y184H/V275I/C281Y mutant C16 C16 : 1 cis 9 C17 C173A C17H23NO7 C18 C1O C2 C2 units C2-C3 C2-units C21 side chain C21H28O8N2 C22 C22H20O10 C22H25N3O3S C23 C23O C24 C24H27NO9 C251S C251S mutants C26-specific CYP105P1 C26H21NO11 C26H26O9 C26H33NO7 C27H28O9 C27T c28 deletion mutant C281 C28H20O12 C28H26N4O3 C28H41NO16 C28S mutant C29H36N2O16S C29H43NO16 C2A C2O C3 C3 deposits C3 unit C3 units C3-O C30H33N3O10 C31 C31 delta 65 phage mutants C31 integrase C31 integrase plasmids C31H24O11 C31H40N2O17S C31O8H38S C32H42N2O17S C33H30O17 C33H44N2O17S C34 C34H35NO14 C34H35NO15 C34H46N2O17S C34H48N2O17S2 C35 C35H59NO11 C35H60NO11 C38H40O15 C38H48N8O12S C38H50N12S C39H48N8O12S C39H65NO14 C3a C3b C3H/HeJ C3H/nu/nu C3H10T 1/2 mouse cells C4 C4 OH groups C4 starter unit C4-building blocks C4-S C40 precursor C40H43NO15 C40H51N9O13S C40H68O10 C41 C42 enzymes C42H40O17 C43ins1 C44 C44H62N2O11 C45/C73A C45A C47H63N9O13 C47H78O14 C4b C4b C4H C4H9 C4S C5 C5 PEPCase C5-oxo-avermectin B1a C52H70O18 C53H62N10O14S2 C56H68N10O14S2 C57H87NO18 C58H103N3O18 C58H86N2O18 C59H88N2O18 C5a receptor C5H5N5O2 C5N unit C6 C6 ethyl side chain C6 glioma or primary rat heart cultures C6-S C60H86N4O22 C61H106O22 C61H109NO21 C61H45N7O15Cl6 C63H88N11O21 C64/69S C6PC C6PC > C6PDB C6PE C6PG C6PS C6S C7 C7-cyclitol synthase C7/C12 C71 C71H107N17O27 C71SM73KC101S C730.1 C73H111N17O27 C74H113N17O27 C7H10N2O6 C7H11N3O5 C7H15 C7p C8 C8-linked PBD dimers C8/C13 C8166 cells C8a C8H13N3O4 C8H17 C9 C9-R product C9-UK-2A C93 C99 C9beta- c=224.6 Å c=30.6 A c=51 c=69.0 A c=71.2 A c=fos mRNA Ca ( 2+ ) -activated enzyme Ca ( 2+ ) -citrate complex Ca ( 2+ ) -dependent complex Ca ( 2+ ) -dependent phospholipase Ca ( 2+ ) -independent PLD enzymes Ca ( 2+ ) independent enzyme CA biosynthetic operon Ca-ATPase Ca2++ Ca2+-binding proteins Ca2+-binding site Ca2+-dependent PK 85K Ca2+-dependent protein kinases Ca2+-independent bacterial enzymes Ca2+-independent transglutaminase Ca2+-selective channels Ca2+/calmodulin Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine protein kinases Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent STPK Ca3 Ca6 CAAX motif CAB cabA cabB CabB protein cabC CabD CabE cabE genes cabM CABs CAC CaCO CAD CAD-4 Cadaverin cadmium-induced protein cADPR CaEs17 caesius glucose kinase caesius mutants caesius N47 caespitosus neutral proteinase caespitosus proteinase CAF caffeate oxidase CAG CAG17 cagA cagA gene CAI-121 CAI-127 CAI-24 Cairomycin B CAL-B calbindin 28 kd calbindin-D28k calcineurin Calcitonin calcium ATPase calcium binding site calcium dimer calcium ion binding sites calcium monomer calcium sensor protein-S calcium vector protein calcium-activated enzyme calcium-activated metalloenzyme calcium-activated protein kinase calcium-activated zinc metalloenzyme calcium-activated zinc metalloprotein calcium-binding domain calcium-binding form calcium-binding protein calcium-binding regulatory proteins calcium-binding site calcium-binding sites calcium-binding type 3 repeats Calcium-containing collagen calcium-dependent ATPase calcium-dependent transglutaminase calcium-independent transglutaminases calcium-regulatory proteins calcium-stabilized enzyme calcium/calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase CalD calerythrin calf intestinal adenosine deaminase calf prochymosin gene calf thymus DNA calf thymus DNA topoisomerase calf thymus DNA topoisomerase II calmodulin calmodulin superfamily calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase calmodulin-dependent cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase calmodulin-independent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase calmodulin-like protein calpain Calpha calreticulin calS8 calS9 calS9 UDP-xylose biosynthetic genes caltractin calycosin calycosin exhibited tyrosinase calyculin A Calyptella species CAM CAM-RNase CamA camalexin CamB cAMP-dependent group II phospholipase A2 cAMP-stimulated mesangial cells Campania region camphor hydroxylase Cams Cams Arg mutants CaMV 35S promoter CaMV35S can-specific probes cancer cell lines cancer cells candicidin candicidin biosynthetic gene candicidin biosynthetic gene cluster candicidin cluster candicidin complex Candida cells candidate biosynthetic gene candidate genes candidate holin gene candidate mycothiol biosynthetic genes candidate NsrR-binding motif candidate open reading frames Candidate partitioning genes candidate regulatory DNA sequence motif candidate regulatory gene candidate regulatory genes candidate regulatory proteins candidate sigma factor candidate virulence factors candihexin complex Cangenes Canine fibrinogen canine granulocytes canine granulocytic elastases canine prothrombin cannabinoid receptors canonical E. coli promoter canonical product CanP1 loading domain cantharidin cap site cap1EI41R gene capillary endothelial cells capillary regions capreomycin phosphotransferase capsaicin was 10 ( 2 ) -10 ( 4 ) times capsule gene cluster CAR car gene Car8 CarA carazostatin carB CARB enzymes carB gene carB product Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II carbamoyl-phosphate ( CP ) -binding amino-acid sequence carbamoylpolyoxamic sidechain carbamoyltransferase carbamoyltransferase ( CT ) gene carbapenem and clavulanic acid biosynthetic genes carbapenem biosynthesis genes carbapenem biosynthetic genes Carbapenem non-producing mutants carbapenem OA-6129 B2 carbapenem synthesis gene products Carbazomycin B carbenicillin carbenoxolone-NADH-enzyme ternary complex carbocyclic structures carbohydrase Carbohydrate antigens carbohydrate chains carbohydrate chanins carbohydrate component carbohydrate components carbohydrate dimer carbohydrate esterase families 1 carbohydrate esterase family 4 carbohydrate esterase family 4 enzymes carbohydrate permease carbohydrate residues carbohydrate side-chain carbohydrate-binding sites carbohydrate-free invertase carbohydrate-specific ( PAS ) stain carbomycin 4-O-methyltransferase gene Carbomycin A carbomycin biosynthetic region carbon ( 14 ) -labeled precursors Carbon 1 carbon 2 carbon 25 carbon 26 Carbon 3 carbon 4 carbon 5 carbon 7 carbon catabolite repressor carbon chain carbon chains carbon components carbon flux regulating 6-phosphofructokinase carbon side chain carbon substrate carbon substrates Carbon-13 carbon-14 carbon-carbon bonds carbon-fluorine bonds carbon-nitrogen precursors carbon-oxygen bonds form carbon-phosphorous bonds carbon-sources.Other motifs carbon-sufficient cultures Carbonic anhydrase carbonic anhydrase B carbonic anhydrases carbons 1 and 2 carbons 2 -- 5 carbons 4 and 9 carbonyl-N190Q carboplatin carboxy peptidase carboxy termini carboxy terminus carboxy-peptidase carboxy-terminal catalytic domain carboxy-terminal DNA binding domain carboxy-terminal domain carboxy-terminal protease carboxy-terminal region carboxy-terminal third carboxy-termini carboxy-terminus carboxyethylarginine synthase carboxyfluorescein carboxyl ( acid ) proteinases carboxyl and amino phosphate-binding sites carboxyl carbon carboxyl ester lipase carboxyl esterase carboxyl group carboxyl groups carboxyl methyltransferase carboxyl proteinase carboxyl proteinases carboxyl terminal regions carboxyl termini carboxyl terminus carboxyl transferase domain carboxyl transferase subunit carboxyl-rich GAG carboxyl-terminal amino acid sequence carboxyl-terminal domain carboxyl-terminal end carboxyl-terminal four amino acid residues carboxyl-terminal Phe113 carboxyl-termini carboxyl-terminus carboxylase carboxylase subunits carboxylases carboxylate group carboxylate groups carboxylate ligands carboxylate residues per monomer carboxylate substituent meta carboxylation products carboxylester lipase carboxylesterase Carboxylesterases carboxylic acid side chain carboxylic acids 1a-f carboxylic amino acid residues carboxylic side chains carboxylmethylcellulose ( CMC ) -liquefying enzyme carboxyltransferase component carboxyltransferase domain carboxyltransferases carboxymethyl cellulase carboxymethylated protein carboxymethylated RNAse carboxymethylcellulase carboxypeptidase carboxypeptidase A carboxypeptidase A-like enzyme carboxypeptidase B carboxypeptidase G ( 2 ) precursor carboxypeptidase inhibitor carboxypeptidase S precursor Carboxypeptidase T Carboxypeptidases carboxypeptidases A carboxypeptides B carboxyphosphono group carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate ( CPEP ) phosphonomutase carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate ( CPEP ) phosphonomutase gene carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate ( CPEP ) synthase carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate mutase carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate-mutase gene carcinoma cells cardiolipin synthase cardiolipin synthases carE CarE gene CarE product cargo molecules cargo protein Carlsberg subtilisins carminomycin 4-O-methyltransferase carminomycin 4-O-methyltransferase enzyme carminomycin 4-O-methyltransferase protein carminomycin 4-O-metyltransferase carotenoid biosynthesis gene cluster carotenoid biosynthesis genes carotenoid-producing mutants CarQ Carquinostatin B carrier macromolecule carrier protein domain carrier proteins CARs cartilage link proteins CAS cas1 CAS1 isoenzyme cas1 mutant cas1 transcript cas2 cas2 mutant CasA casA coding region Casamino acids-limited chemostats case associated LT products casein kinase II casein-starch agar caseinase Caspase caspase 3 caspase 9 caspase inhibitors caspase-1-like proteases caspase-3 caspase-3 and -8 caspase-3 inhibitor Caspase-3 proenzyme caspase-3-like proteases caspase-7 caspase-hemoglobinase caspase-hemoglobinase protein caspase-hemoglobinase-fold proteases caspase-related proteases caspases castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase cat cat coding sequence cat gene cat leaderless mRNA cat mRNA cat promoter cat start codon CAT variants Cat1 Cat4 catA catA and catR gene catA and catR genes catA gene catA mRNA catA-II catabolic enzyme catabolic enzymes catabolic gene cluster catabolic genes catabolic ornithine aminotransferase catabolite control protein catabolite-controlled gene catabolite-controlled genes catabolite-controlled promoters catalase catalase A catalase A gene catalase gene catalase genes Catalase-deficient mutants catalase-peroxidase catalase-peroxidase CpeB catalase-peroxidases catalase/bromoperoxidase catalases catalytic active site catalytic alpha-subunit catalytic amino acids catalytic and substrate binding domains catalytic base catalytic component DrrA catalytic cysteine residues catalytic domain catalytic domain sequences catalytic domains catalytic fragment catalytic groups catalytic His57 residue catalytic HKD motifs catalytic HxKxxxxD motifs catalytic ketosynthase catalytic metal M2 catalytic metal species catalytic region catalytic regions catalytic residue Asp52 catalytic residues catalytic RNAs catalytic Ser-70 catalytic Ser195 catalytic Ser195 residue catalytic similarities between modular nonribosomal peptide synthetases catalytic site catalytic sites catalytic subunit catalytic subunits catalytic triad residues catalytic water molecule catalytical chaperone catalytically active cytochrome P-450 catalytically active P-type ATPase catalytically competent domain catalytically inactive integrase mutant catalytically inactive mutant catalytically inactive P420 form catalytically relevant protein CatB catB gene catB mutant catB promoter CatB protein catBp catBp transcripts catC gene CatC protein catC transcripts CatCHIA CatD catechol 1 catechol 2 catechol 2 catechol dehydrogenase gene catechol deoxygenase catechol dioxygenase catechol oxygenase catechol-O-methyltransferase catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors catechol-O-methyltrasnferase catechol-type substrates catecholase catecholoxidases categorized enzyme category I catena Bölkendorf catethol dioxygenase cathechol O-methyltransferase cathepsin B. EI-2346 cathepsin B. Manumycin cathepsin C. The glycosidases cathepsin G cathepsin L cation binding sequence cation exchange resin cation-binding sites cation-exchange resin cationic ( polyethylene imine ) polymers cationic channels cationic DNA complexes catR CatR protein catR transcripts CATs cattle bone insoluble collagen cattle cells cattleya aerial mycelium negative ( Amy- ) mutants cattleya gene/enzyme cattleya product cauliflower mosaic virus ( CaMV ) 35S promoter cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter Cb Cb biosynthetic gene cluster Cb-resistance determinants Cb-resistance genes CB14 CB17 CBA/JCr cbbL cbbL gene cbbL gene fragments cbbL genes cbbL sequences CBD CBD1 CBD2 CBD3 CBDCex CBDs Cbeta CBHII cbhII gene CBI CbiX CbiXhp CBL CBM CBM and linker region CBM family CBM family 5 CBM family 6 CBM-truncated proteins CBM13 CBM2 CBM42 CBMs cbp cbp gene CBP21 cbpA-hspR-orf operons CbpC CbpC-form cbs gene CBS-466.68 CBS762.70 CBZ Cbz-Phe-Gly-NH2 Cbz-Thr-delta MeTyr CC-1065 CC-1065 adenine binding site CC-1065 binding sequence CC-1065 binding sequences CC-1065 binding sites CC-1065 complexes CC-1065 modified ( MspI-BstNI ) 117 base pair fragment CC-801 cells CC50 CCA sequence CCAAT motif ccaR ccaR constructs ccaR deletion mutant ccaR gene ccaR mRNA ccaR mutant ccaR mutants ccaR promoter region CcaR protein CcaR regulator CcaR transcriptional regulator ccaR transcripts ccaR-encoded protein CcaR-expressing population CCC DNA CCC DNA molecules ccc DNAs CCC plasmid DNA cccDNA CCCP CCD CCF CchJ CchK CCK CCK type-A receptors CCK type-B receptors CCK8 CCKA CCKB CCKB receptor CCKB receptors CCP1 CcpA CCR ccr coding region ccr gene ccr gene product ccr mutant ccr-disrupted mutant CCR-resistant mutant CCR5 ccrA1 ccrA1 mutants CCRC 940061 CCRF-CEM CCRF-CEM cells CCRs Cd CD-1 CD-4 antibodies CD11b CD13 CD14 CD15 CD16-induced phospholipase D CD16-induced secretory PLA2 CD16-triggered phospholipase Cd2+ CD20 CD23 CD26 CD3 CD3 positive cells CD34 CD4 CD4 molecules CD4 proteins CD4+ T cells CD4-positive cells CD44 CD44 molecules CD44 receptors CD45 CD45-associated protein-tyrosine phosphatase CD68 CD8-positive cells CD8F CDA CDA biosynthetic gene cluster CDA biosynthetic genes CDA cluster CDA cyclase CDA synthetase cda-1 CDA3 cyclase CDA4 CDA4a cdaPS2 cdaPS3 cdaR CDAs cdaX cdaX and cchK genes CDBA CDC cdc2 cdc25A and cdc2 genes Cdc28 Cdc28 kinase CDCl3 CDDP CDG CDHs CDHs were monomers CDK2 cDNA cDNA clone cDNA clones cDNA fragment cDNA fragments cDNA insert cDNA library cDNA molecule cDNA nucleotide sequences cDNA sequence cDNAs CDO CDP CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase superfamily CDP-D CDP-D-glucose synthase CDP-D-glucose synthases CDP-DAG CDP-linked substrate CDP-ME CDP-ME2P CDPSs CDRIL-312 CDs CDSs cdtABC mutant CE+S CE+S antigen CE-108 CE-108B ce26 CE4 CEA CEA.alpha CEAS ceaS1 ceas2 ceaS2 start codon Ceb CebE CebF CebG CebR cebR gene CEC cefD cefD and ceaS2 genes cefD and cefE genes cefD gene cefD gene product cefD promoter cefE cefE gene cefE open reading frame cefEF cefEF gene cefEF genes cefEh and cefDh genes cefEorf cefF cefF gene cefoxitin cefT gene cel gene cel gene locus cel genes cel-1 cel-1 gene Cel1 Cel1 enzyme Cel1 mature enzyme Cel12A mature enzyme Cel2 Cel5 Cel5A Cel6B CelA celA gene celA1 celA1 gene CelB cell adhesion molecule cell culture cell cultures cell division activator protein cell division proteins cell gene cell line cell lines cell motility-promoting substrate molecules cell surface binding sites cell surface CD44/hyaluronan receptors cell surface glycoprotein cell surface protein cell surface proteins cell surface receptor cell surface receptor component called common gamma-chain cell surface receptors cell survival factor cell wall hydrolases cell wall lytic enzymes cell wall-degrading M-1 enzyme cell wall-synthesizing enzymes Cell-associated beta-glucosidase cell-binding domain cell-bound alpha-amylase cell-bound amylase cell-bound D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidases cell-bound enzymes cell-culture systems cell-cycle-specific kinase cell-division-cycle 31 gene product Cell-free enzyme Cell-free glucose isomerase cell-membrane-associated enzymes cell-permeable TAT-phiC31 integrase cell-surface CS cell-wall hydrolyzing enzymes cell-wall lytic enzyme cell-wall lytic enzymes cell-wall protein cell-wall proteins cell-wall-associated subtilisin-like serine proteases cell-wall-located deoxyriboendonuclease cell2A gene cellobio-hydrolase cellobiohydrolase II cellobiohydrolases cellobiose-binding protein cellodextrinase cellular ATP cellular branched-chain amino acids cellular components cellular DNA cellular factors cellular glycoprotein cellular macromolecules cellular microtubules Cellular nuclease cellular phosphoprotein cellular pp60c-src cellular protein cellular proteins cellular receptor cellular RNA cellular tyrosine kinases Cellulase cellulase ( celA1 ) genes cellulase A cellulase and xylanase genes cellulase B cellulase catalytic domains cellulase complex cellulase family cellulase gene cellulase genes cellulase-containing polygalacturonase Cellulase-free xylanase cellulase/xylanase-negative mutant cellulases cellulolytic enzymes Cellulomonas enzyme cellulose binding domains cellulose chains Cellulose synthase cellulose synthase-like protein cellulose-binding domain cellulose-binding domain families cellulose-binding domain tag fusion protein cellulose-binding domains cellulose-binding protein cellulose-bound form CEM-SS cells CenA CenA catalytic domain central 6 bp palindrome central 65-kb segment central ATPase domain central catalytic domain central conserved region central core sequence central domain central domains central enzymes central half region central helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif central hydrophobic region central NrdR ATP cone domain central region central regulatory protein central segmented coiled coil rod domain central sequence central transcriptional activator central transcriptional repressor centrally located gene centromere-like sequence CEP-751 CEPA cephalic region cephalopodan Hc C-terminal unit cephalosporin 7 alpha-hydroxylase cephalosporin C cephalosporin C acetyl esterase cephalosporin C transporter Cephalosporin genes cephalosporin substrates cephalosporin synthases cephalosporinases Cephalosporium acremonium DNA probe Cephalosporium acremonium enzyme Cephalosporium acremonium expandase-hydroxylase gene cephamycin and clavulanic acid genes cephamycin biosynthetic enzymes cephamycin biosynthetic gene cluster cephamycin biosynthetic genes Cephamycin C cephamycin C biosynthetic enzymes cephamycin C form cephamycin C gene cluster cephamycin C genes cephamycin gene cluster cephem carbamoyl transferase CER cells cereulide-H ( + ) form certain factors Cerulenin Cervimycin C cervix carcinoma cell lines CETP Cex Cex xylanase CF CF-1 CFB CFBP CFE CFL CFP CFP-10 CFP-10 protein families CFU CfXyn10A CG 50 CG sequence CG sequences CG-50 cg0910 gene CGA CGCCC CGD cgkA gene CGL cGMP than form 2 cGMP-dependent protein kinase cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase CGP CGP 58 CGTase CGTases CGU CGUCA sequence CH gene Ch-4S Ch-OS CH-Sepharose 4B CH2N2 CH3 CH41 CH999 chain length factor chain length factors chain length-determining factor chain-extending enzymes chain-length factor chain-length factor proteins chain-length-factor ( CLF ) genes chain-terminating thioesterase ( TE I ) domains Chalaropsis muramidase chalcone isomerase chalcone isomerase ( CHI ) gene chalcone synthase chalcone synthase ( CHS ) gene chalcone synthase-like ( CS-like ) type III polyketide synthase chalcone synthase-related enzymes chalcone synthase-related polyketide synthase Chalcone synthases chalcosyltransferase channel pore-forming P-region channel protein channel-forming protein chaperone DnaK chaperone heat shock protein 90 chaperone protein chaperone- and protease-encoding genes chaperone-like MelC1 chaperone-like protein chaperonin ( heat shock protein 60 ) sequences chaperonin genes chaplin and rodlin genes chaplin and SapB biosynthetic genes chaplin domains chaplin genes charcoal-treated bovine serum albumin charged side-chains Charon 35 Chartreusin CHB CHB1 chb1 gene CHB1 protein CHB2 chb2 gene CHB2 proteins chb3 gene CHB3 protein ChbB chbB gene ChbB protein homologue ChBD ChBD ( ChiC ) -type CBMs ChBDs CHBs CHC CHC-B1 CHC-B2 CHC-CoA biosynthesis genes CHC-CoA biosynthetic gene cluster CHC-CoA biosynthetic genes CHC-derived side chain chcA ChcB chcB gene CHE CHE gene cheap value-added product chemical factors chemical precursors chemical signalling molecule chemical signalling molecules chemically synthesized gene chemokine chemokines chemostat cultures chemotherapeutic molecules chemotype II chemotypes I and II CHEs CHI CHI gene chi genes Chi-A Chi-B Chi19F Chi25 Chi30 chi30 and chi40 genes chi35 chi35 and chi25 genes Chi40 Chi40 protein Chi40c protein Chi40s chi63 chi63 promoter chi65 chi65R chi65S chiA chiA and chiD genes chiA gene chiA promoter ChiA1 chiB chiB gene chiB ORF encoded a protein ChiC ChiC gene chiC promoter chiC promoter region Chicamycin A chick cerebral cortex synaptosomes chick embryo cells chick embryo fibroblasts chick embryo prolyl hydroxylase chick-embryo fibroblasts chicken bursal B-cell line chicken coccidia chicken DT40 hybrid somatic cells chicken egg white avidin chicken embryo cells chicken embryo fibroblasts chicken embryonic fibroblast ( CEF ) cells chicken feathers chicken gizzard MLCK chicken osteoclast ( cOc ) ATPase chicken vitreous collagen fibrils chiD chiD gene chiE chiF ChiG ChiIS chiIS and/or ermE* promoter region chiIS gene chimaeric enzymes chimera chimera beta-lactamases chimera C chimera protein Chimeras chimeric aph7 gene chimeric aphH gene chimeric AT ( 0 ) -ACP ( 0 ) fragments chimeric BSC chimeric channels chimeric chromosomes chimeric construct pre-TorA-23K chimeric CSB chimeric DNA chimeric enzyme chimeric enzyme Stx15 chimeric enzymes chimeric form chimeric FtsY proteins chimeric gene chimeric gene library chimeric gene product chimeric glutathione-S-transferase-streptavidin protein chimeric mel operon chimeric plant promoter chimeric plasmid pBN183 chimeric plasmids chimeric PLDs chimeric pro-region chimeric promoter chimeric promoters chimeric proteasomes chimeric protein chimeric proteins chimeric regions chimeric target promoters chimeric xylanase chimeric xylanases Chinese hamster ovary ( CHO ) cells Chinese hamster ovary ( CHO-K1 ) cells Chinese hamster ovary cells Chinese hamster V79 cells Chinikomycins A ChiR chiR gene chiral stationary-phase columns ChiS chiS and chiR genes chit36 chitin chitin binding domain chitin binding domains chitin binding protein chitin binding proteins chitin chains Chitin deacetylase chitin deacetylase ( CDA ) gene chitin synthase chitin synthases chitin synthetase chitin-binding domain chitin-binding domains chitin-binding protein chitin-binding protein-deficient mutant chitin-binding proteins chitin-catalytic domain chitin-containing substrates chitin-inducible enzyme chitin-linked proteins chitinase chitinase ( chi ) genes chitinase ( Cht ) -encoding gene chitinase 63 gene chitinase A chitinase A1 chitinase C chitinase C precursor chitinase C-1 chitinase class V peptide sequence chitinase class V proteins chitinase D showed 62.8 chitinase F chitinase G chitinase gene Chitinase gene fragments chitinase genes chitinase homolog chitinase I chitinase II chitinase inhibitor allosamidin chitinase IV gene chitinase locus chitinase promoter-binding protein chitinase S chitinase-degrading genes chitinase-like sequence chitinase-like sequences chitinase-sensitive form chitinases chitinolytic actinomycete complex chitinolytic enzymatic complex chitinolytic enzyme complex chitinolytic enzymes chitinous substrates chito-oligomers chito-oligomers-monomers chitobiases chitobiosidase chitosan endo-hydrolase chitosanase chitosanase gene chitosanase hydrolysed ( GlcN ) 6 chitosanase II chitosanases Chl element chl gene Chl- mutant Chlamydia trachomatis chlamydial homologues chloramine-T product chloramphenicol ( Cm ) acetyltransferase chloramphenicol 3-O-phosphotransferase chloramphenicol ; carbon 2 chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene chloramphenicol acetyltraferase chloramphenicol acetyltransferase chloramphenicol acetyltransferase ( cat ) gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase variants chloramphenicol hydrolase chloramphenicol phosphotransferase chloramphenicol resistance ( CmR ) markers chloramphenicol resistance gene chloramphenicol resistance transponson Tn9 chloramphenicol sensitive mutants Chloramphenicol-3-acetate esterase chloramphenicol-inactivating kinase chloramphenicol-nonproducing mutants chloramphenicol-producing actinomycete Streptomyces phaeochromogenes chloramphenicol-resistance determinant chloramphenicol-resistance gene chloramphenicol-resistant ( Cmlr ) pleiotropic mutant chloramphenicol-resistant ( CmR ) EC transformants chloramphenicol-resistant protein chloramphenicol-resistant S. lividans TK24 strain lacking plasmids chloramphenicol-sensitive ( Chl- ) strains chloramphenicol-sensitive mutants chloramphenicol-sensitive variants chloride channel chloride channel blocker picrotoxinin chloride-bound form chlorinase chlorination-deficient mutant chlorocarcin complex chlorocarcins A Chlorocardicin chloroeremomycin cluster chloropeptin I chloropeptin II chloroperoxidase chloroperoxidases chloroplast protein chloroplast-directed enzyme chlortetracycline ( CT ) resistance gene chlortetracycline biosynthetic gene cluster CHM CHO CHO cells cho gene cho genes CHO mutant CHO mutants Cho-encoding gene CHO-K1 cells ChoA choA gene ChoA protein choB ChoE choE allele choE monocistron choII gene cholecystokinin type-B receptor antagonist named tetronothiodin cholera toxin cholesterol 7 alpha-monooxygenases cholesterol ester hydrolase cholesterol esterase cholesterol esterase enzyme cholesterol oxidase cholesterol oxidase ( Cho ) -encoding gene cholesterol oxidase ( choA ) gene cholesterol oxidase gene cholesterol oxidase-encoding gene cholesterol oxidases cholesteryl ester transfer protein Choline kinase choline oxidase chondroblasts chondrocyte cultures chondrocytes chondrocytes ; chondrocytes chondroitin chondroitin ABC lyase chondroitin AC lyase chondroitin SO4 A chondroitin sulfate ( CS ) isomers chondroitin sulfate A chondroitin sulfate B chondroitin sulfate chains chondroitin sulfate isomers chondroitin sulfate molecules chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate co-polymers chondroitinase chondroitinase ABC digestion products chondroitinase AC II chondroitinase B chondroitinase C chondroitinase-AC II chondroitinases chondrosarcoma chondrocytes choP choP and choA genes choP gene choP protein chorismate mutase Chounghwamycin A chp genes ChpA ChpD CHR CHR28 CHR3 Chromate reductase chromatin chromic complexes Chromobacterium violaceum gene chromofor fragment chromofuscus A11 Chromogenes chromogenic cephalosporin 87/312 chromogenic cofactors chromogenic transcriptional reporter chromomycin A2 chromomycin A3 chromomycin gene cluster chromomycin SDK chromomycin-non-producing mutant chromophore binding site chromosomal ( attB ) site chromosomal ( attB ) sites chromosomal 15117 target sites chromosomal adsA gene chromosomal afsK gene chromosomal amfC gene chromosomal amfR gene chromosomal amyE locus chromosomal and plasmid genes chromosomal attachment site chromosomal attB sequence chromosomal attB site chromosomal attP site chromosomal binding sites chromosomal chbB gene chromosomal cyaA gene chromosomal deletion mutant chromosomal deletion mutants chromosomal disruption mutant chromosomal DNA chromosomal DNA encoding eight CLA biosynthetic genes chromosomal DNA fragment Chromosomal DNA fragments chromosomal DNAs chromosomal element chromosomal ermR gene chromosomal fragment chromosomal fragments chromosomal gene chromosomal gene clusters chromosomal genes chromosomal glk-lacZ fusion chromosomal glnA and glnII genes chromosomal glnA gene chromosomal gyl DNA sequences chromosomal gylR gene chromosomal inserts chromosomal integrated sequence chromosomal integration site chromosomal integration vectors chromosomal ligD coding region chromosomal locus chromosomal markers chromosomal pkaG gene chromosomal plcR genes chromosomal pleiotropic regulatory gene chromosomal ptpA gene chromosomal rearrangements chromosomal recA gene chromosomal region chromosomal regions chromosomal rppA gene chromosomal segments chromosomal sequences chromosomal sgmA gene chromosomal site chromosomal sites chromosomal sppA gene chromosomal Streptomyces lividans 66 operon chromosomal streptothricin resistance gene chromosomal terminal inverted repeats chromosomal termini chromosomal urdGT1c deletion mutants chromosomal virulence ( chv ) genes chromosomally integrated SLP1 segment chromosomally integrated vhb gene chromosomally located promoters chromosomally-encoded 16S rRNA methyltransferase chromosome chromosome 1 chromosome 28 chromosome 2q33 chromosome : six genes chromosome a single alk locus chromosome beyond ORF1 chromosome called unstable region chromosome deletions chromosome end regions chromosome ends chromosome fusion chromosome I chromosome II chromosome partitioning genes chromosome rearrangements chromosome sequences chromosome structure chromosome utilizing att site chromosome walk experiment chromosome-borne metronidazole resistance genes chromosome-derived beta-lactamases chromosome-encoded beta-lactamases chromosome-mediated enzymes chromosomes chromosomes 16 chromosomes and extrachromosomal DNA chromosomes and plasmids chromosomes I chromosomes sequence chronically infected cells Chryseobacterium proteolyticum pro-protein-glutaminase CHS CHS gene ChS-6 chum salmon trypsins chv genes chvA chvB chvG chvI CHY1 Chymoelastases chymostatin chymostatin arginine complex chymostatin molecule chymotrypsin chymotrypsin families chymotrypsin family chymotrypsin genes chymotrypsin homologs chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 chymotrypsin superfamily chymotrypsin-like active subunit chymotrypsin-like enzymes chymotrypsin-like microbial proteinase chymotrypsin-like protease chymotrypsin-like proteases chymotrypsin-like protein chymotrypsin-like proteinases chymotrypsin-like serine peptidase chymotrypsin-like serine protease chymotrypsin-type protease gene chymotrypsins CI-1 CI-2 CI-920 cI857 cI857 gene cI857 repressor cI857 repressor gene CICH2 CID-MS peaks CIE cilastatin cinA cineromycin B cineromycin B. Though butalactin cinerubin R cinerubins Cinnabaramides F cinnamate-4-hydroxylase cinnamate/coumarate : CoA ligase cinnamonensis ACB-NLR-2 cinnamoneus transglutaminases cinnamycin biosynthetic gene cinnamycin structural gene cIPNS CIR CIR sequences CIR-1 CIR-2 CIR3 CIR4 CIR5 CIR6 CIRCE CIRCE element circular chromosome circular chromosomes circular DNA circular DNA chromosomes circular DNA molecule circular DNA mutants circular DNAs circular fertility plasmid circular molecules circular plasmid Circular plasmids circular Streptomyces transposable element circularized chromosomes circumferential fibrils cirramycin A1 cirramycin F-1 CIRs CIRs 1 & 2 CIRs 5 and 6 cis cis -acting negative regulatory elements cis acting locus cis element cis VB-C specific binding protein cis- and trans-acting elements cis-/trans-elements cis-1 cis-3 cis-acting DNA elements cis-acting elements cis-acting locus cis-acting oriT locus cis-acting plasmid cis-acting region cis-acting regulatory elements cis-acting sequence cis-acting sequence determinants cis-acting sequences cis-acting sites cis-diol form cis-element cis-encoded antisense sRNA cis-ethylenylidene cis-Muconate cycloisomerase cis-positioned recognition sites cis-stilbene Cisplatin cisplatin ( CDDP ) -resistant cell lines cisplatin binding site CIT-AR CitA citA mutant citG CitM CitMHS family members citrate synthase citrate synthases citromycinone aglycone14 citropeptin CK CK4412 chromosome CKD-711 CKD-711a Cl CL-deficient Rhizobium etli mutant CL190 CL190 HMG-CoA reductase CL190 specifying type II isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase Cl2 CLA cla gene ClaI ClaI fragments ClaI site ClaI sites ClaR claR gene claR mutant ClaR protein claR single mutant class A class A enzymes class Actinobacteria using primers class B class B asparagine synthetases class C class C beta-lactamase class C beta-lactamases class C T316A mutant class C T316V ( Thr315 -- > Val ) mutants class D beta-lactamases class I class I class I amplifiable sequence class I hydrophobins Class I mutants Class I photolyases class I RNR class Ia and class II RNR genes class Ia and class III RNR genes class Ia nrdAB transcripts class Ia RNR class Ia RNR nrdABS genes class Ib class Ib RNR genes class Ic ribonucleotide reductase class II aldolases class II mutants class II nrdJ transcripts class II oxygen-independent RNR nrdJ gene class II photolyases class II restriction endonucleases class II RNR class II RNR genes class II seryl-tRNA synthetase class II site-specific endodeoxyribonuclease class III class III bald mutants class III cyclases class III gene class III higher-plant chitinases class III mutants class III ribonucleotide reductases class IIIA bald mutants class IIIB ( bld4 ) mutant class IV chitinases class V act mutants class V chitinase class V chitinases class-A beta-lactamases class-B beta-lactamase II class-I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase-like enzymes class-I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases class-II restriction endonuclease classic `` chymotrypsin family classical aldolases classical beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases classical housekeeping promoter classical N-acetylglutamate synthase classical NAGS classical pathway C3-convertase classical penicillins classical products classical Rossmann-fold motif classical serine proteases clavam families clavam genes clavaminate synthase clavaminate synthase 1 isoenzyme clavaminate synthase 2 clavaminate synthase 2-encoding gene clavaminate synthetase clavaminic acid synthase clavulanic acid biosynthetic enzymes clavulanic acid biosynthetic gene cluster clavulanic acid biosynthetic genes clavulanic acid gene cluster clavulanic acid non-producing mutant clavulanic acid producing cells clavulanic acid reductase clavulanic acid when seemingly essential biosynthetic enzymes clavuligerus ACV-synthetase clavuligerus ATCC 27064-containing molecules clavuligerus carbamoyltransferase clavuligerus genomic DNA fragments clear zone negative mutant Clear-plaque ( c ) mutants cleavable 2-deoxy-2-fluoroxylobioside inactivator cleavable complex cleavable DNA cleavage DNA cleavage site cleavage sites cleaved reactive site clerodane hydrocarbon terpentetriene CLF CLF ( KSbeta ) genes ClgR clgR gene clgR homologue clgR promoter ClgR regulon members client proteins ClO clo-hal ( - ) mutant cloG-cloY intergenic regions cloN2 cloN2 mutant cloN2 sequence cloN6 ( - ) mutants cloN7-defective integration mutants clonal culture clonal human bone marrow-derived stromal cell line clone daptomycin biosynthetic genes clone DNA clone fragments clone genes cloned 15 kb Bcl I segment cloned 2.5 kb DNA fragment cloned 6.5 kb SstI fragment cloned 80.2 kb region cloned aac genes cloned aceA gene cloned acoA gene cloned AFdase gene cloned afsB gene cloned afsR2 gene cloned alpha-amylase gene cloned aph VIII gene cloned aphVIII gene cloned beta-lactamase gene cloned cbp gene cloned cells cloned cex gene cloned dagA gene cloned DG42 cDNA cloned DNA ; efficient phage promoters cloned DNA fragment cloned DNA fragments cloned DNA sequence cloned DNA sequences identified nine tyl biosynthetic genes cloned esterase gene cloned fragment cloned fragment ( 9 kb ) contained seven genes cloned Frankia attB site cloned gene cloned gene cluster cloned gene fragment cloned gene product cloned gene products cloned gene was named AdpA-dependent sigma factor gene cloned genes cloned gimA gene cloned glk DNA cloned glk DNA at sites cloned glnA gene cloned gtfE gene cloned homologous DNA sequence cloned int gene cloned ipoA gene cloned kexstatin I gene cloned L. lactis DNA fragment cloned lipase gene cloned melanin biosynthesis genes cloned novobiocin-resistant gyrB sequence cloned NP1-1PR kan gene cloned npr gene cloned npr sequence cloned oxytetracycline ( OTc ) -resistance gene cloned P. chrysogenum pcbC and penDE genes cloned phenoxazinone synthase gene cloned pigment gene cloned proB gene cloned promoter regions cloned redD gene cloned region cloned resistance gene cloned S. cattleya argG gene cloned S. clavuligerus aceB gene cloned S. clavuligerus DNA fragment cloned S. coelicolor DNAs cloned S. coelicolor glnA gene cloned S. rochei gene cloned S. venezuelae DNA fragment cloned S. venezuelae gene cloned S. viridochromogenes GSII gene cloned salI restriction-modification genes cloned segments cloned sequence cloned sequences cloned sodF gene cloned sodN gene cloned soyC gene product cloned SS-1198PR kan gene cloned ssi gene cloned Streptomyces genes cloned Streptomyces Nm resistance gene cloned T. fusca xylanase gene cloned tlrA gene cloned Tylr gene cloned whiE DNA cloned whiE locus cloned xyl genes cloned xylanase gene cloned xyn10A gene clones exo-chiO1 gene clones produced soluble proteins clones representing another locus cloning genes cloning plasmids cloning promoter sequences cloning sequences cloning site cloning vectors CloQ cloQ-like prenyltransferase genes CloR clorobiocin biosynthetic gene cluster clorobiocin cluster clorobiocin gene cluster clorobiocin producer S. roseochromogenes closed active site closed complex closely spaced binding sites closely spaced start sites clostridial lysozyme clostridial sialidase Clostridium histolyticum collagenase Clostridium neuraminidase Clostridium perfringens sialidase Clostridium sporogenes Clostridium stercorarium F-9 xyl43B gene Clostridium thermocellum NCIB10682 DNA fragments Clostridium thermosulfurogenes cloZ Clp ATP-dependent protease Clp ATPases Clp complex clp genes Clp proteolytic complex clpB clpB gene ClpC ClpC proteins clpC1 gene ClpC1 protein ClpP clpP gene clpP genes ClpP peptidases clpP promoter region clpP1 clpP1 and clpC1 promoters clpP1 and clpP2 genes ClpP1 ClpP2 clpP1 clpP2 operon clpP1 gene ClpP1/P2 clpP1P2 mutant clpP3 and clpP4 genes clpP3 clpP4 operon clpP3 promoter clpP5 ClpX clpX gene clpX mutant clr product Cls clt locus clt region clt sequences clt-korB sequences cluster crt genes Cluster II cluster-associated regulatory gene cluster-flanking regions clustered genes clustered regulatory region clustered S. viridochromogenes bap genes clusters contained genes CLX CLXI Cm CM acetyltransferase Cm acetyltransferase enzyme Cm biosynthesis gene cluster Cm biosynthesis genes CM cellulase Cm resistance gene Cm resistance gene promoter Cm-inactivating enzyme CM-RNase CM020 revealed expected biosynthesis genes Cm1-4 Cma CMC CMC chains cmc genes CMCase CMCase 1 CMCase 2 CMCases cmcH cmcH gene cmcH product CmcI cmcJ CmcJ proteins cmcT cmcT gene CmCys5-light ( B ) chain CmdF CMK-7 cells Cml cml locus cml-11 pdx-2 cml-11 pdx-3 cml-12 cys-28 cml-12 pdx-4 cmlK cmlK-disrupted mutant cmlR cmlR gene Cmlr mutant Cmlr variants CmlS Cmls arg mutants CmlS clones CmlS sequence Cmls variants Cmm cmmA gene cmmGI CmmGIII cmmMIII gene cmmMIII gene product cmmWI gene CMN CMN biosynthetic gene cluster CMN group ; ( vi ) 14 proteins CMN resistance gene CMO CMP-sialic acid synthetase cmr cmr gene cmrB cmrX Cms CMUAc130 CMY-1 Cn1 Cn2 Cn3 Cn4 CNB-982 CNBr CNG CNH-370 Cnl CnPNC CNQ-525 revealed 33 open reading frames CNQ-525-based nap biosynthetic cluster CNQ766 CnrH CNS CNS-specific glycoprotein Co ( 2+ ) cofactors CO dehydrogenase CO Domain II CO oxidoreductase Co protein co-catalytic metallopeptidase co-cultured HIV-1-infected and uninfected MOLT-4 cells co-factor co-factors CO-grown cells co-mutant loci co-mutation region co-repressor co-substrates co-transcriptional units co-translated kinase CO2 Co2 ( + ) -substituted enzyme CoA CoA ligase CoA ligase domain CoA species CoA-linked RNA coactivators coagulation factor coagulation factor G subunit alpha coat proteins CoATP cobalamin cofactor cobalamin-binding domains cobalamin-containing carbon skeleton-rearranging enzyme cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase cobalt enzyme cobalt enzymes cobaltochelatase CobC protein cocatalytic zinc metallopeptidases Cochliobolus heterostrophus GPD ( glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ) promoter CodA CODEHOP primers coding and promoter sequences coding and regulatory region coding and regulatory regions coding and regulatory sequences coding region coding regions coding sequence coding sequences codon codon bias than genes codon usage typical of Streptomyces genes codon-optimized chalcone isomerase gene codon-optimized recombinant xylanase gene codon-optimized synthetic genes codons 697 and 1062 codY gene coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) genome coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) identified putative genes coelicolor actIII protein coelicolor genome coelicolor genomes coelicolor M145 nrdAB genes coelicolor M145 nrdABS genes coelicolor methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase coelicolor promoters coelicolor SGNH-hydrolase coelicolor tetR gene coenzyme B coenzyme B ( 12 ) -dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutases coenzyme B12 coenzyme B12-dependent mutases CoF cofactor cofactor-binding site cofactor-free haloperoxidases cofactorless chitosanase cofactorless enzyme cofactorless protein cofactors cognate AbsA1 sensor histidine kinase cognate actI promoter cognate acyl carrier protein cognate anti-sigma factor cognate AT domain cognate ATPase subunit cognate class B high-molecular weight penicillin-binding protein ( HMW PBP ) gene cognate complex clusters cognate DNA-binding receptors cognate E. coli tat gene cognate enzyme cognate ftsI gene cognate G-protein-coupled LPA receptor cognate HKs cognate HMW PBP gene cognate inner membrane protein cognate kinase cognate LipR regulators cognate methyltransferase cognate polyketide modification enzymes cognate promoters cognate protease cognate repressor protein cognate response regulator cognate sensor kinase cognate sensory protein kinase cognate sequence cognate sigma factor cognate SSBs cognate TTG leucine codon cohesive ends site cohesive proteins coil-coil domain coiled-coil dimers coiled-coil proteins Col-0 cold denaturation region cold-active pectate lyase among five pectate-lyase-encoding sequences cold-induced bacterial proteins cold-shock proteins cold-shock-induced proteins ColE1-type plasmids coleoptile epidermal cells coli glucose isomerase gene coli shuttle plasmid coli-type promoters ColIb-P9 collagen collagen component collagen deposits collagen fibers collagen fibril collagen fibrils collagen framework collagen hydrolysing enzyme collagen I collagen network collagen precursors collagen substrata collagen type I collagen type III collagen type IV collagen types I collagen types I-III collagen types III collagen types IV collagen- collagen-associated sites collagen-associated sulfated proteoglycans collagen-based scaffolds collagen-I collagen-sparing protease collagenase collagenase 2 collagenase I collagenase-treated explants collagenase-trypsin collagenases collagenases 1 and 3 collagenases I and II collagenolytic enzymes collagens collective name xBASE colloidal chitin colloidal high-molecular mass chitin colloïdal chitin COLOC colominic acid molecules colon 26 cells colon carcinoma cells colonic carcinoma cell lines colonslacZ gene colony forming units colony type gamma-1 colony-forming units colony-stimulating factors commercial Bacillus chitosanase commercial bovine trypsin commercial chitinase commercial enzyme commercial enzymes commercial microbial chitinases commercial pectinesterase commercial protease commercial proteases commercial proteinases commercial xylan degradation products common 1129-bp BclI-PstI DNA fragment common 2.6 Kb KpnI fragment common 3.1-kb DNA fragment common alpha/beta hydrolase common antigen common core sequence common genes common intercistronic region common partial sequence common promoter region common recognition site common scab common syntenous Actinomycete genes communication molecules compact globular domain compact globular proteins compatible low-copy plasmids compatible low-copy-number plasmid compatible plasmid Compatible plasmids competence factor competent Streptomyces rimosus M4018 cells complement enzymes complement gene complement H039 complement KS complement mutants complement proteins complement receptors complementary auxotrophic mutants complementary DNA complementary recombination site complementation plasmid complementing auxotrophic markers complementing enzyme complementing gene complete desA promoter region complete ENase gene complete epoA gene complete genes complete lipA gene complete nucleotide sequence complete pentalenene synthase gene complete priming glycosyltransferase gene complete recA gene complete structural xln gene complete tRNA gene complex enzymes complex I complex III complex natural products complex peptidyl nucleoside family complex polyketide synthase enzyme complex substrates composite plasmid composite plasmids compound 1 Compound 3 Compound II compounds 7a comprehensive sequence Con A concanavalin A binding site concatemeric forms condensation ( C ) domain condensation domain condensation domains conditioning factor configuration-retaining beta-glycosidases confluent 3T3-L1 preadipocytes confluent adult fibroblasts confluent cells confluent cultures confluent surface cultures conidiation-specific transcription factor conjugative F plasmid conjugative plasmid conjugative plasmids conjugative Streptomyces coelicolor genetic element conjugative Streptomyces plasmids Conmy A-treated cell cultures Conmy A-treated cells Conmy B consecutive beta-1 consecutive domains consecutive M1-P-M2 motifs consensus -10 and -35 elements consensus -10 region consensus -35 region consensus AdpA-binding sequence consensus AdpA-L-binding sequence consensus binding sequence consensus binding site consensus catalase motif consensus DnaA box consensus DnaA box sequence consensus flavin adenine dinucleotide binding sequence consensus for E. coli and Streptomyces promoters consensus for vegetative promoters consensus helix-turn-helix motif consensus heptamerous sequence consensus inverted repeat sequence consensus MetR-binding sequence consensus motif consensus motifs consensus optimal sequence consensus PHO boxes consensus primer sequences consensus promoter consensus promoter sequence consensus promoter sequences consensus promoters consensus RBS sequences consensus RpoN binding site consensus sequence consensus sequence motif consensus sequences consensus target sequence consensus target sites consensus thioesterase active-site sequence consensus upstream sequence consensus-type promoter conserved active site conserved amino acid motifs conserved catalytic motif conserved central core region conserved central region conserved dnaA and dnaN genes conserved DXHXXG cobalamin-binding motif conserved flanking genes conserved gene conserved genes conserved GlnR binding site conserved helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif conserved helix-turn-helix motif conserved inverted repeat conserved inverted repeat sequence motif conserved inverted repeats conserved KS domains conserved lipase box conserved motif conserved motifs conserved nucleotide sequence conserved nucleotide-binding sequence conserved pentapeptide sequence conserved prokaryotic pabB sequences conserved prokaryotic tRNA gene conserved region conserved regions conserved rodA and ftsW genes conserved sequence conserved sequence elements conserved sequence motif conserved sequence motifs conserved sequences conserved serine-catalytic active site conserved structural elements conserved structural motif conserved SXR site conserved Trp-Arg-Tyr motif conserved ttrA helicase-like gene conserved type 1 copper site conserved tyrosine motif conserved ZAS-specific sequence motif conserved zinc binding site constituent protein families constitutional disaccharide units constitutive CaMV 35S promoter constitutive double cauliflower mosaic virus ( CaMV ) 35S promoter constitutive enzyme constitutive enzymes constitutive ermE promoter constitutive ermE* promoter constitutive ermE-up promoter constitutive ermEp ( * ) promoter constitutive esterase isozymes constitutive glucokinase constitutive high-level-expression vector constitutive mycobacterial promoter constitutive PermE* promoter constitutive promoter constitutively active kinase constitutively active promoter constitutively expressed promoter contaminating proteins contiguous DNA contiguous downstream gene contiguous genes contiguous region covering nine genes contiguous S. coelicolor genes contiguous tetratricopeptide repeats continuous 150-kb region continuous culture continuous cultures continuous DNA Continuous liquid cultures control ( skin-derived ) cells control adult fibroblasts control cells control culture control cultures control fetal fibroblasts controllable xylE gene controlling gene conventional ribosome binding site conventional ribosome-binding site conventional SCP2*-derived Streptomyces expression plasmid COOH terminus COOH-terminal 162-residue region COOH-terminal 49 residues COOH-terminal domain COOH-terminal end COOH-terminal portion COOH-terminal region COOH-terminus cooperating proteins coordinately regulated genes coordination complexes cop/korB copper binding domains copper metalloenzyme copper oxidases copper sites copper-activated binary complex copper-adapted cells copper-binding domain copper-binding sites copper-transfer protein copper-zinc superoxide dismutase coproporphyrin copurified protein copy per five genomes core catalytic beta-subunits core catalytic domain core central region core domain core domains core element core enzyme core PAL/HAL domain core promoter core protein core proteins core regions core RNA polymerase core sequence core sequences core site core streptavidin core subunits core TTS sequence core-binding domain coregulated promoters corepressor corn processing by-products corn products corneal endothelial cells Corneal epithelial cells corona radiata cells correspondent gene corresponding 14-membered macrolactone product corresponding genes corresponding promoters corresponding proteins corresponding subunits cortisone reductase corynebacterial genes corynebacterial sequences Corynebacterium glutamicum genome identified 4 genes COs COS cells cos fragment cos site COS-1 cells COS-7 cells cos16F4 cos20 cosAR7 CosD cosG cosK cosmid cosmid ( 36 202 bp ) revealed 34 complete ORFs cosmid ( pABC6.5 ) whose DNA insert cosmid 16F4 cosmid 6D7 cosmid clone cosmid clone 16F4 cosmid clone containing closely linked beta-lactam antibiotic biosynthetic genes cosmid clones cosmid cloning vector pHC79 cosmid containing all biosynthetic genes Cosmid cos16F4 cosmid DNA template cosmid gene cosmid gene library cosmid genomic DNA library cosmid H24 cosmid inserts cosmid libraries cosmid library cosmid library ; mutagenized cosmids cosmid library harbouring Brucella melitensis 16M DNA cosmid library using amplified PCR fragments cosmid pSPC8 cosmid purd8 cosmid sequences cosmid shuttle vector pOJ446 cosmid vector cosmid vector pJB8 cosmid vector pOJ446 cosmid-based gene cosmids cosmomycin A. Rhodilunancin B cosmomycin D-producing Streptomyces olindensis ICB20 cosynthesis between kalafungin-nonproducing mutants COTC COTC over RNA cotranslational protein cotton fiber genes cotton fiber specific LTP3 promoter couL coumermycin A1 coumermycin biosynthetic gene cluster coumermycin gene cluster couN3 ( - ) und couN4 ( - ) mutants couN5 counter selectable marker counterpart gene CouO couO mutants coupling protein covalent adduct site covalent complex covalent complexes covalent linkage sites covalent modification site covalent xylobiosyl enzyme covalently attached protein cox genes COX-2 CP Cp acetyltransferase Cp complex Cp family Cp IB Cp phosphotransferase CP-45 CP-60 CP-63 CP-78 CP-base CP-Y CP1 cp1-aphII fusion CP17L cp2 cp3 CP4-EPSPS gene CP9 Cpase A Cpase B CPase S Cpase SG Cpases cpb1 Cpb1 proteins CPC CpcB CPD-WII CpeB cpeB gene CpeC CpeD CPEP CPEP phosphonomutase CPEP phosphonomutase gene CPFX CpG sequences CpG-containing sequences CPG2 CPG2/PSMA CPH cPHB CPI CPI-CPI dimers CpI1 Cpk cpkA cpkB cpkC CPL lysozymes CPO-L CPO-T Cpp CPPTI-I CPPTI-II cprA cprA gene CprB cprB disruptants cprB gene CPs CPS enzyme CPT CPTIO CPTPs CPW CPY cpz21 CR CR- and SOX-encoding genes CR-1 CR-2 CR-3 CR-4 CR-5 CR-6 CR-encoding gene CR1 CR1-CR4 CR2 CR3 CR4 Cr6+ craA craA gene craA homologue craA-promoter crab chitin crab collagenase crab shell chitin crab-shell chitin crayfish enzyme Crayfish trypsin Cre cre ORF Cre recombinase CREA catabolite repressor CreA/Crel carbon catabolic repressor binding domains Creatinase creating mutants creatinine phosphokinase CREF crescentin cresolase CrgA crgA gene CRM1 crm1 mutant cells CRM1 nuclear export receptor CRM1-mediated iNOS mRNA CRM1/exportin1 nuclear export factor croA cross-hybridizing sequences Cross-linked xylose isomerase cross-linking enzymes Cross-reacting antibodies cross-reactive epitopes cross-reactivity against antibody crossover site crotins 2 and 3 crotonase crotonyl CoA reductase gene Crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase Crotonyl-CoA reductase crotonyl-CoA reductase gene Crp CRP-like cis-acting element Crr crr gene crr-ptsI gene locus CRs Crt Crt ( - ) -mutants crt gene cluster crt genes CrtB crtB genes CrtE crtEIBV null mutant CrtI crtI genes crtS CrtT crtW genes crtZ crude ACV-synthetase crude Arthrobacter M-02 alpha-mannosidase crude enzymatic complexes crude enzyme crude enzymes crude exoglucanase crude glyoxalase crude heparinase crude keratin protein crude keratinase Crude protein crude ribosomal fraction revealed 17 phosphoproteins crude streptomycete arylsulfatases cry1F gene Cry1F protein Cry34Ab1 cry34Ab1 and cry35Ab1 genes Cry35Ab1 binary insecticidal crystal proteins Cry35Ab1 proteins cryIA ( c ) gene CryIA ( c ) protein cryptic antibiotic gene cluster cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters cryptic crt genes cryptic indigenous plasmids cryptic kan gene cryptic kanamycin ( Km ) -resistance-encoding gene cryptic low copy plasmid cryptic phiC31 attachment sites cryptic phiC31 recognition sites cryptic plasmid cryptic plasmids cryptic protein cryptic type I polyketide synthase cryptic type I polyketide synthase gene cluster crystal form II crystal structure complex crystallin superfamily proteins crystalline alpha-chitin crystalline anticapsin crystalline chitin Crystalline cross-linked xylose isomerase crystalline D-xylose isomerase crystalline enzyme crystalline orthorhombic form crystalline product crystalline regions crystalline substrate crystalline substrates crystalline trypsin crystallized colorless platelets crystallographic complex crystallographic R factor crystallographic R factors crystallographic R-factor Cs CS-514 CS-56 CS-56 monoclonal antibody CS-57 CS-like protein CS1 CS1 isozyme cs1/cs2 CS103 cs2 CS3 CS684 CsA binding protein cSA gene CSB Cse CseA CseB CseC CSF CSFs CSH CSH motif CSL CslAsc CslAsc membrane protein cslAscreplacement mutant CSLM CSN csn gene CSN-A104L csnN106 gene Csp family Csp proteins Csp1 CSP4 CspA CspA ( St ) -overexpressing cells cspA gene cspA mRNA cspAp CspB cspBp CspC CspD CSR CsrA CSRs CSU-1 csxA CsxA-related protein sequences CT CT gene CT gene primers CT resistance determinants CT scanning 4 CT-4 CT/AG-biased sequence CT1-6 CT2 CTA CTA ; cold-inducible transactivator CTA-P CTAB CTACgcNCGTAG ctaE CTC CTC gamma ctc promoter CTCB07 CTCTT/AAGAG CTD CTD fragment Cterminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain CTLA-4 Cto1 cto1 gene CtoA CTP CTP forms CTP synthetase Ctr ctrA gene CtrDCB Cts cts-mutants CTT CTTTA/TAAAG CTTTT/AAAAG CTX Cu Cu ( II ) -reconstituted mutant proteins Cu ( II ) .Bm molecules Cu ( II ) complex Cu ( II ) into apotyrosinase Cu-EDTA CuA CuA and CuB sites CuB CuB-binding region Cuban soils cubic space group P2 ( 1 ) 3 cultivated tumour cells cultivation ribosomal proteins cultured A431 cells cultured B16 melanoma cells Cultured brain capillary endothelial cells cultured cancer cells cultured cells cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells cultured chondrocytes cultured endothelial cells cultured fibroblasts cultured granulosa cells cultured H9-4 strain Cultured HPMCs cultured human arterial smooth muscle cells cultured human breast and colon carcinoma cells cultured human KB cells cultured human leukemia ( HL-60 ) cells cultured KB cells cultured mammlian cells cultured monkey corneal endothelial cells Cultured myoblasts cultured neutrophils cultured OHK cells cultured primary human skin fibroblasts cultured rat fibroblasts cultured rat Kupffer cells cultured Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chondrocytes cultured segments cultured silkworm cell line BmN4 cultured species cultured spleen cells cultured Streptomyces griseus ATCC 13273 cultured tobacco cells cumulus cell-oocyte complex cumulus cells cumulus material contained many proteins cumulus-oocyte complex cumulus-oocyte complexes cupin domain cupin superfamily cupredoxin active sites cupredoxin-like domain cupredoxine domains cupredoxins Cupric reductase cupric site current exo-glycosynthases CUT-1 family cutaneous T-cell lymphomas Cutinase cutinase Ser42 side chain cutinases cutR cutRS cutting site CvhA cvhA mutant cvm5 mutant cvm6P cvm7P cvm7P mutants cvn1 mutant cvn9 Cvn9 proteins cvnA1 mutant cvnA9 cvnA9 mutant cvnD9 cw EPR CwlA amidase CwlL amidases Cx CXCR4 CXL1.1 CXL1.1 mutant CY-C10 agar cya3 cya3 gene product CyaA cyan fluorescent protein Cyanide-resistant oxidase cyanide-sensitive cytochrome oxidase cyano-containing saframycin A cyano-enzyme cyanobacteria species cyanobacterial species cyanocycline A Cyanocycline C cyanogen bromide fragments cyanogen bromide peptide fragments cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose 4B Cyanovirin-N Cyc2 cyclase cyclase construct cyclase domains cyclase enzymes cyclase gene cyclase genes cyclase primers cyclase protein cyclase-dehydrase cyclase-encoding gene cyclases cycle PRINS cyclic AMP ( cAMP ) receptor protein ( CRP ) superfamily cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase cyclic AMP receptor protein cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase cyclic AMP-stimulated mesangial cells Cyclic dihydrofolate reductase cyclic dimer cyclic dipeptide oxidase cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase cyclic hemiacetal type tautomers cyclic lipopeptide acylase cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase cyclic nucleotide-binding domain cyclic peptide moieties cyclic peptide natural product cyclic RGD motif cyclic ring structure cyclic thiopeptide antibiotics having dehydroalanine side chains cyclic-nucleotide-binding domain cyclin B1 cyclin D cyclin D1 cyclin D1 mRNA cyclin dependent kinase cyclin E cyclin-box cyclin-dependent kinase-4 and -6 cycling NRK cells cyclipostins cyclitol moieties cyclization assay components cyclization product cyclodextrin glucanotransferases Cyclodipeptide synthases cyclohexanecarboxylic acid ( CHC ) primer cyclohexanecarboxylic acid-derived side chain cyclohexapeptide domain cyclohexylcarbonyl-CoA cyclomarin A Cyclooctatin cyclooxygenase cyclooxygenase product cyclooxygenase-2 cyclopentene-1 cyclophilin cyclophilin A cyclophilin A gene cyclophilin A. Sanglifehrin A cyclophilin family cyclophilin genes cyclophilin sequences Cyclophilins cyclophosphamide-resistant P388 cells cyclopropane FAs cyclopropane fatty acid synthase cyclosporin A. Two active components cyclosporin D derivative SDZ PSC 833 Cyclostreptin cyclothialidines B Cyd cyd promoter cydABCD operon Cylindrospermum sp cym locus CymA megasynthetase CymD cynodontis promoter regions cynthochrome P450 hydroxylase CYP CYP complement CYP families CYP forms CYP genes CYP mRNAs CYP proteins CYP superfamily CYP-150 cytochrome P-450 CYP101A1 CYP101A1/P450cam CYP105 CYP105 family CYP1051A1 sequence CYP105A1 CYP105B1 CYP105D1 CYP105D1 gene CYP105D5 CYP105F2 CYP105P1 CYP107 family CYP107A1 CYP107A1/P450eryF CYP107B1 CYP107P3 CYP112 CYP114 CYP115P CYP117 CYP121 CYP147F1 CYP154A1 CYP154A1-related CYPs CYP154C1 CYP157 forms CYP157C1 CYP158A1 CYP158A1 products CYP158A1 structures CYP158A2 CYP158A2 products CYP161C2 CYP161C3 CYP17 CYP17 arginine-rich domain CYP17 mutant proteins CYP170A1 CYP170A1 gene CYP245A1 CYP252A1 CYP27A1 CYP27B1 CYP3A4 CYP51 CYP51 gene CYP51 residues CYP51s CypA CypA.SFA complexes cypate conjugation site cypate-cyclo cypate-DFO cypermethrin CYPome CYPs Cys Cys ( 19 ) Cys ( 4 ) -Cys ( 34 ) bond Cys ( 6 ) -Cys ( 31 ) bond Cys 35-Cys 50 Cys mutants Cys residue yielded an inactive protein Cys+ revertants Cys-110 Cys-168 Cys-2 Cys-201 Cys-251 cys-28 cys-28 cml+ strain Cys-29 Cys-6 Cys1 Cys1-Asp9 Cys1-Cys13 Cys101 Cys11 Cys122Ala mutant Cys122Gln KASIII Cys122Gln mutant Cys123 Cys13 Cys13I Cys169 active site Cys19 Cys31-Cys46 Cys35 Cys35-Cys50 Cys37 Cys41 Cys44 Cys47 Cys49I Cys64 Cys64-Val65 Cys64-Val65 peptide bond Cys68-Cys98 Cys7 Cys7-Cys19 Cys71 Cys71-Cys101 disulfide bond Cys8 Cys88 Cys92Ser mutant Cys98 CysA cysB Cysl cystathionine beta-lyase cystathionine beta-synthase cystathionine beta-synthase sequences cystathionine gamma-lyase cystathionine gamma-synthase cystathionine isomers cystatin families cystatins cysteine 104 residue cysteine 96 cysteine beta-lactamase cysteine mutants cysteine protease cysteine proteases cysteine proteinase cysteine proteinases cysteine redox-active segment cysteine substitution mutants cysteine synthase cysteine synthase isozyme A cysteine synthase sequences cysteine synthetase cysteine- ( 14 ) C-3 cysteine-269 residue cysteine-containing metalloendopeptidase cysteine-less mutant cysteine-ligated disaccharide structure cysteine-rich proteins cysteine-rich putative transcription factor cysteine-substitution mutants cysteine-to-amine cross-linker cysteinyl transferases cystine- ( 14 ) C-1 cystine-stabilized alpha-helical ( CSH ) motif CytC3 cytidine 5-diphosphate 1 cytidine deaminase cytochalasin cytochalasin B-primed neutrophils cytochrome cytochrome a-type terminal oxidase cytochrome b cytochrome b5 cytochrome bc1 complex cytochrome bd cytochrome c cytochrome c oxidase cytochrome c peroxidase cytochrome components cytochrome oxidase cytochrome P ( 450 ) monooxygenase cytochrome P-450 cytochrome P-450 EncR cytochrome P-450 enzyme cytochrome P-450 family cytochrome P-450 hydroxylase cytochrome P-450 hydroxylases cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases cytochrome P-450 protein cytochrome P-450-like protein cytochrome P-450s cytochrome P-450sca cytochrome P-450sca ( CytP-450sca ) monooxygenase cytochrome P-450sca monooxygenase cytochrome P-450sca-1 cytochrome P-450sca-2 cytochrome P-450soy oxidized camphor cytochrome P-450soy-enriched intact cells cytochrome P-450SU1 cytochrome P-450SU2 cytochrome P-450SU2 protein cytochrome P420 proteins cytochrome P450 cytochrome P450 ( CYP ) enzymes cytochrome P450 ( CYP ) resembling various sterol 14alpha-demethylases cytochrome P450 ( CYP ) superfamily cytochrome P450 ( P450 ) -dependent monooxygenase cytochrome P450 ( P450 ) enzymes Cytochrome P450 158A2 Cytochrome P450 170A1 cytochrome P450 enzyme Cytochrome P450 enzymes cytochrome P450 epoxidase cytochrome P450 gene cytochrome P450 gene fragments cytochrome P450 genes cytochrome P450 hydroxylase cytochrome P450 hydroxylases cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases cytochrome P450 monooxygenase cytochrome P450 monooxygenase Ema1 cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes cytochrome P450 monooxygenases cytochrome P450 monoxygenase gene cytochrome P450 oxidase cytochrome P450 PikC cytochrome P450 StaP cytochrome P450 superfamily cytochrome P450 xenobiotic-metabolising enzyme cytochrome P450-encoding gene cytochrome P450-like domain cytochrome P450-like protein cytochrome P450-related oxidases cytochrome P450-type hemoproteins cytochrome P450-type monooxygenase cytochrome P450cam cytochrome P450s cytochrome P450s CYP105A1 Cytochrome P450sca-2 cytochrome P450SU-1 cytochromes cytochromes b cytochromes P-450sca-1 cytochromes P-450SU1 cytokeratin cytokine cytokine- cytokines cytokinetic protein cytolytic factor cytolytic toxin Cytophaga lytic enzyme Cytophaga sp cytoplasm-resident engineered CYP105D1 cytoplasm-resident TrkA and KtrA subunits cytoplasmic 38-kDa precursor protein cytoplasmic and luminal domains cytoplasmic antigens cytoplasmic binding protein cytoplasmic C-terminus cytoplasmic components cytoplasmic domain cytoplasmic domains cytoplasmic enzyme cytoplasmic enzymes cytoplasmic extract antigens cytoplasmic loop i cytoplasmic loops cytoplasmic microtubules cytoplasmic Ni-SOD cytoplasmic pore subunits cytoplasmic protein cytoplasmic signaling proteins cytoplasmic soluble protein cytoplasmic structures cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase cytoplasmic-soluble protein cytosaminomycins A cytosine : UDP-glucuronosyltransferase cytosine base cytosine deaminase cytosine-specific methyltransferases cytosine-substituted bacteriophage T4 DNA cytoskeletal ParA proteins cytoskeletal proteins cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase inactivating protease cytosolic enzyme cytosolic form cytosolic glutathione S-transferase cytosolic isoenzyme cytosolic marker enzyme cytosolic PAP cytosolic phospholipase A2 cytosolic protein cytosolic proteins cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor protein cytosolic sulfotransferases cytostatins Cytosylglucuronic acid synthase cytotoxic 5K mutant cytotoxic lymphocytes cytotoxic microbial RNases cytotoxic protein cytotoxic T cell cytotoxic T lymphocytes cytotoxic T or NK lymphocytes cytotoxic T-lymphocytes cytotoxic targets cytotoxicity against 37 human tumor cell lines cytotoxicity-associated biochemical markers cytotrienin A CytP-450 CytP-450sca-2 cytP450sca-2 cytP450sca-2 gene CyX Cz d ( TTGGCCAA ) 2 D genes D products D- ( - ) -3 D-35 D-5 D-54N D-55 D-62 D-Ala carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase D-Ala carboxypeptidases D-Ala ligases D-Ala-D-Ala termini D-Ala-D-Ala-containing precursors D-Ala-D-lactate ligase D-Ala-D-lactate synthase D-Ala-D-X ligases D-alanyl-A2pm endopeptidase D-alanyl-D-alanine ( DD ) -peptidases/transpeptidases d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase d-alanyl-d-alanine ligase D-alanyl-D-alanine motif D-alanyl-D-alanine peptidases d-alanyl-d-alanine transpeptidase D-alanyl-D-alanine transpeptidases d-alanyl-d-alanine-carboxypeptidase d-alanyl-d-alanine-peptidase D-alanyl-D-alanine-recognizing protein D-amino acid acylase D-amino acid oxidase D-amino-acid amidase D-aminoacylase D-aminoacylases D-aminopeptidase d-Arg d-Asn D-beta-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase D-biotin D-biotin binding site D-carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase D-glucose isomerase d-glucose moieties D-glucose unit D-glucose units D-glucose-6-phosphotransferase D-glucose-u-14C paromomycine II D-glucose/xylose isomerase ( GXI ) gene D-II D-isomer D-Lac-containing precursors D-lactate dehydrogenases d-Leu D-mannose-specific lectin D-olivose 4-ketoreductase D-olivose unit D-olivose units D-olivosyltransferase D-OS d-PA D-periodic fibrillar collagens D-phenylalanine/DAA complex d-Phg D-ring cyclase D-stereospecific amino-acid amidase D-stereospecific peptide hydrolase D-sugars D-Tyr- ( D-Phe ) 2 D-valine D-XI gene D-xylose isomerase D-xylose isomerases D-xylose keto isomerase D-xylose keto-isomerase D-xylose ketol-isomerase D03 D1 D102 D111 D111A D117 D12 D128N/E129Q D133 D151A D156 D160 D163N/E167Q D17 D172 D17K D1K D2 D201A D214 D218 D23 D248 D249 D25 D25K D265 D265 enzymes D265N mutant D27A mutant D2O D313 D313A D315 D389A D43 D49A D50 D50N D50N/E94Q D52 D53 D56 D56A D56N D57A D57A mutant D57N D58 D62 D63 D70A D70A gene D71 D79 D81A D9 D93 D93O delta DA11 DAA DaaA daaA gene DaaA protein DAB DABA DACS DAG DAG acyltransferase DAG molecules dagA dagA gene dagA p2 promoter dagA p3 promoter dagA promoter dagAp4 and Bacillus subtilis veg promoters dagAp4 promoter DAH2 DAH4 DAH5 DAH6 DAHP synthase DAHP synthase sequences DAHP synthases DAHP synthetase DAHPS DAHPS-encoding gene DAIP DAM DAOC DAOC synthase DAOC/DACS active site DAOCS DAOCS isozymes DAOCS-DACS DAOG DAP daptomycin biosynthetic gene daptomycin gene cluster daptomycin nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes dark gray wild-type spores dark scarlet variants DAS 165 dasA dasA [ ( GlcNAc ) ( 2 ) -binding protein gene dasABC genes dasB dasR dasR mutant DasR-responsive elements Data mining revealed homologous proteins database proteins database search revealed regions dauB dauC dauC gene dauD gene dauI dauK dauK gene daunomycin cluster daunomycin polyketide biosynthesis gene cluster daunomycin polyketide biosynthesis genes daunomycin polyketide synthase biosynthesis gene region daunomycin polyketide synthase biosynthesis genes daunorubicin ( DNR ) -doxorubicin ( DXR ) polyketide synthase daunorubicin ( Dnr ) gene daunorubicin biosynthesis enzymes daunorubicin biosynthesis genes daunorubicin biosynthetic gene daunorubicin C-14 hydroxylase daunorubicin PKS complex daunorubicin PKS genes daunorubicin polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes daunorubicin production gene daunorubicin resistance protein daunorubicin-doxorubicin resistance gene daunosamine biosynthesis gene dauW Day 7 DBD DBD domain DBG DBG exhibited tyrosinase dbv genes dbv14 and dbv30 upstream regions Dbv22 dbv30-dbv35 operons Dbv4 DC DC 107 DC-52 DC-81 dCF Dcm methylation site dCMP deaminase DCP DCP degradation product DCS DCS resistance gene DD carboxypeptidases DD motif DD peptidase DD-carboxypeptidase DD-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase DD-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase enzyme DD-carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase dd-carboxypeptidases DD-endopeptidases DD-peptidase DD-peptidase substrate DD-peptidases DD-peptidases/penicillin-binding proteins DD-transpeptidase/carboxypeptidase DD-transpeptidase/penicillin-binding protein DD84 DDA DDAA DDBJ databases ddcA ddcA gene DDL DDL-encoded gene DdlB DDP ddpX DDQ DE 3 DE-52 DE-53 DE3 DE52 dea deacetoxycephalosporin C ( DAOC ) synthase/hydroxylase deacetoxycephalosporin C hydroxylase Deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase ( expandase ) gene deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase/hydroxylase Deacetoxycephalosporin/deacetylcephalosporin C synthase deacetylase enzyme deacetylcephalosporin C acetyltransferase deacetylcephalosporin C hydroxylase deacetylcephalosporin C synthetase deacetylcephalosporin C synthetase ( hydroxylase ) gene dead cells dead macrophages DEAD-box helicase DEAE DEAE 5PW DEAE-Cellulofine columns produced active enzyme DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange resins DEAE-cellulose-glucose isomerase DEAE-Sepharose CL 6 B DEAH helicase motif DEANO DEBS DEBS genes DEBS loading domain DEBS1 DEBS1 protein decidual cells decomposition products deduced amino-acid sequences deduced major promoter region deduced protein deduced proteins deduced rep proteins deep-sea sediment core defective dehydratase defective gene Defective haptoglobin defective lambda S allele defective mRNA defence-related genes define bld ( bald colony ) genes degenerate oligonucleotide probes Degenerate polyketide synthase DegP degradation-resistant tag degradative enzyme genes dehydratase dehydratase domains dehydratases dehydro-N-methyltyrosine ( delta MeTyr ) unit dehydroalanine side chains dehydrogenase dehydrogenase gene dehydrogenases dehydromutactin dehydropeptidase dehydroquinate dehydratase Deinococcus radiodurans genome delaminomycin A delay factor deleted region Deletion derivative plasmids deletion DNA fragment deletion DNA fragments deletion mutant deletion mutants deletion plasmid deletion plasmids delimitated region delivered suicide plasmid delta delta ( 5 ) -3-ketosteroid isomerase delta ( L-alpha-aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine ( ACV ) synthetase delta 10 delta 13-prostaglandin reductase delta 2- delta 3-cephalosporins delta 9-Desaturase Delta barB mutant delta C p delta C3 delta Di-0S delta Di-4S delta Di-6S delta dnrJ mutant delta lacZ gene delta lincomycin biosynthetic genes delta melC mutants delta Sres delta stgR mutant delta stgR null mutant delta subunit delta TDP-glucose synthase delta W17 deletion Delta zur mutant delta- delta- ( L-alpha-Aminoadipoyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine ( ACV ) synthetase delta- ( L-alpha-aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D valine ( ACV ) synthetases delta- ( L-alpha-Aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine ( ACV ) -synthetase delta- ( L-alpha-Aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine ( ACV ) synthetase delta- ( L-alpha-aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase Delta-1-Piperideine-6-carboxylate ( P6C ) dehydrogenase delta-24 delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase Delta-piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase Delta310/N305L/M306I triple mutant Delta5-3beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase Delta5-6 delta5-delta6 DeltaabsA1 mutant DeltaareB mutant DeltaasnO mutants deltabarA mutant DeltabarS1 mutant DeltabldA mutant DeltabldC mutants DeltaC DeltachpABCDEFGH mutant DeltachpABCDEH DeltaclgRDeltaclpC mutant DeltaclpC mutant DeltadesA mutant deltafabH mutant DeltaG DeltagdmRI mutant DeltagdmRII mutant DeltahasP mutants DeltaK mutant Deltalat mutants deltamethrin DeltamsdA mutant deltamycin A4 DeltaNCgl0748 mutant DeltanepA mutant DeltanysF mutant DeltanysF mutants DeltaPho DeltaphoP DeltaphoP mutant DeltaphoR-phoP deletion mutants DeltapimM mutant Deltappk Deltapur5 deltarelA mutant deltarshA mutant DeltarsmG mutant DeltaS Deltasco2127 DeltassrA cells DeltastaF DeltastaG DeltastaH DeltastaJ DeltatatB DeltatatB mutant DeltatatC mutant DeltatatC mutants DeltatatC single mutants demethylmacrocin O-methyltransferase denatured proteins denitrification and NO detoxification genes denitrification genes dense cultures deoxyhexose biosynthetic gene cluster deoxyhexose molecules deoxyinosamine dehydrogenase deoxyinosine-containing probe deoxyinosine-containing synthetic probe deoxyoligonucleotide probes deoxyribonuclease deoxyribonucleotide precursors deoxysugar biosynthesis and one gene deoxysugar biosynthetic enzymes deoxysugar biosynthetic gene deoxysugar biosynthetic genes deoxysugar molecules deoxythymidyl diphosphate ( TDP ) -glucose dehydratase gene deoxyxylulose phosphate reductoisomerase DEP depB DEPC depolymerisation products derepressed yeast cells Derivative clones derivative plasmid dermal fibroblasts des and pikC genes des genes desA desA box desA gene desA promoter desA promoter region desABCD cluster desABCD gene cluster desacetoxycephalosporin C synthase desacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase Desaturase DesD desensitized cells desertomycin complex desferrioxamine ( des ) operon promoter region desferrioxamine B designer enzymes designer molecules desired plant genes desired protein desosamine ( des ) biosynthetic gene cluster desosamine biosynthetic enzymes desosaminyltransferase desR desR gene DesR protein destabilase-lysozyme DesV DesVII glycosyltransferase desVIII gene detergent-extract wild-type enzyme determinant factor devA devA promoter devB developmental ( bald ) genes developmental gene developmental genes developmental regulatory factors developmental sigma factor genes dexamethasone-induced luciferase reporter-gene DFO DFO and cypate motifs DFP DFP-sensitive alkaline proteinases DFS dG bases DG42 DG42 mRNA DGPC DH domains DH1 DH18 DH5alpha DHA-PS DHA12 family DHAE I DHAE II DHAP DHFR-EGFP heterodimers DHP-A DHPA DHPS dhq gene DHQase DHS di-demethyldeoxysugar avermectins di-domain di-modular NRPS subunit diabetes type II diabetic serum growth factor diacylglycerol ( DAG ) kinase Diaion HP-10 Diaion HP-20 diaminopropane-supplemented cultures diastatochromogenes Diastatochromogenes cluster DIBAs Dibromoaplysiatoxin dibromostearoyl chains dicentric chromosomes dideoxysugar biosynthesis genes didomain proteins dietary protein Diethyl pyrocarbonate inactivated D-xylose isomerases Different synthetic precursors differentiated 3T3-L1 mouse adipocytes differentiated cells differentiated colonies differentiated regions differentiative markers diffusible gene product diffusible low-molecular-weight chemical substances called autoregulators diffusible molecules diffusible product diffusible signal molecule diffusible toxins digestion products digestive enzyme digestive enzymes digestive lipase digoxigenin reporter molecule digoxigenin-labeled N-terminal probe digoxigenin-labeled probe dihydro-PCA dihydrochalcomycin biosynthetic gene dihydrocyclohexenylcarbonyl CoA reductase dihydrocyclohexenylcarbonyl coenzyme A ( CoA ) synthetase dihydrocyclohexylcarbonyl CoA starter unit Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase dihydroF dihydrofolate reductase dihydrogranaticin B dihydrogranaticin Granatomycin A dihydrokalafungin dihydromonacolins dihydroorotase ( DHOase ) subunits Dihydropteroate synthase dihydropteroate synthases dihydrostreptomycin oxidoreductase Dihydroteleocidin B dihydroteleocidins dihydroxy acetamido dehydrogenase Dihydroxyphenylalanine ( DOPA ) melanins diketopiperazine ( DKP ) family dimer dimer fragments dimer peptide fragments dimer protein dimer proteins dimeric chromosomes dimeric complexes dimeric enzyme dimeric form dimeric molecule dimeric nonactin dimeric products dimeric protein dimeric protein molecule dimeric streptavidin Dimeric TrpRS II dimerization domain dimerization motif dimerization-competent but functionally defective alleles dimers dimethylallyl diphosphate isomerase dimethylallyltranstransferase dimethyltransferases DIMT dinactin dinitrogenase reductase dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribose glycohydrolase dinitrophenylated protein dinuclear active site dinuclear aminopeptidase dinuclear copper site dinuclear site dinucleotide-binding domains diolmycin A1 diolmycin A2 dioxygen-dependent aldehyde oxidase Dioxygenases dipeptide permease genes dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase dipeptidyl carboxypeptidases dipeptidyl peptidase II dipeptidyl peptidases Dipeptidylaminopeptidase diphosphate complex diphosphate molecule diphtheria toxin gene promoter direct 11 nt repeats direct repeat sequences disaccharide avermectins disaccharide chain disaccharide hydrolytic enzymes disaccharide products discontinuous locus discrete acyl carrier protein discrete PCP protein discrete protein discrete small protein disparate genes dispase autolysis inducing protein dispensable chromosomal region dispensable DNA displace receptor displayed streptavidin disruptant produced 6-dehydroxy pladienolide B. Two genes disrupted proteasome genes disrupted relA gene disrupted-tarA mRNA Disruption mutants dissimilar subunits dissipative dynamical factors distal deoxysugar moieties distal gene distal genes distal half-site distal NH2-terminal DNA-binding domain distal promoter distal transcription start distant binding sites distant DNA sequences distant site distant sites distinctive complexes distinctive helix-turn-helix motifs distinctive isobutyryl polyketide fragment distinctive large linear plasmids distinctive sequences disturbed sites disulfide bonds disulfide bridge disulfide bridges disulfide bridges/50 kg proteins disulfide links disulfide reductase disulfide reductases disulfide variant disulfide-bridged polypeptide chain disulfide-containing substrate disulphide reductase disulphide stress-response sigma factor diterpene cyclase gene dithionite-reduced cytochrome b dithionite-reduced enzyme divalent cation binding sites divalent metal cofactor divalent metal-dependent regulatory ( DmdR ) proteins divalent metal-regulated enzymes divergent central region divergent genes divergent large subunit ( LSU ) rRNA genes divergent multi-drug-resistant cells divergent otcX genes divergent pacsR and pmacs1 promoters divergent promoter region divergent promoters divergent selection lines divergent transcript divergent transcripts divergent tuf-like genes divergently transcribed coding sequence divergently transcribed gene divergently transcribed repressor gene diverse biphenyl/PCB degradative genes diverse cell lines diverse degradative genes diverse family members diverse proteins diversified CYP superfamily divinyl sulfone-activated Sepharose CL-4B division protein division sites DivIVA DivIVASC-EGFP hybrid DJ400 DKB DKP DL-DAP DM14 DMAC DMAPP DMB DMBPO DmdR dmdR and galE genes dmdR gene dmdR genes DmdR proteins DmdR repressor dmdR1 dmdR1 and dmdR2 genes DmdR1 divalent metal-dependent regulatory protein DmdR1 forms dimers dmdR1-deletion mutant dmdR2 DmdR2 proteins DMI-1 DMI-2 DMI-3 DMI-4 DMJ DMP 450 DMPC dmpM dmpM gene dmpM gene product dmpM stop codon DNA DNA 5 DNA 6 DNA adenine methylase DNA and RNA DNA bases DNA binding elements DNA binding motif DNA binding protein DNA binding proteins DNA binding regulatory proteins DNA binding site DNA binding sites DNA chromosomal region DNA complexes DNA elements DNA fragment DNA fragments DNA G DNA gyrase DNA gyrase subunits DNA gyrases DNA insert DNA interacting molecules DNA library DNA methylase DNA methylases DNA methyltransferase DNA molecule DNA molecules DNA motif DNA motifs DNA nickase DNA photoreactivating enzyme DNA polymerase DNA polymerase alpha DNA polymerase I DNA polymerase I. GCH III DNA polymerase III DNA polymerase III subunits DNA polymerases DNA probe DNA probes DNA promoter regions DNA recognition element DNA recognition motif DNA recognition sequence DNA recognition sites DNA region DNA regions DNA reiterations DNA relatedness and 16S rDNA sequence DNA represented three nonoverlapping regions DNA segment DNA segments DNA sequence DNA sequence motif DNA sequences DNA site DNA template DNA topoisomerase DNA topoisomerase I DNA topoisomerase IIalpha DNA topoisomerases DNA topoisomerases I DNA transfer ( Tra ) proteins DNA translocase typical for Streptomyces plasmids DNA units DNA- ( AfsRDeltaC ) ( 2 ) -RNAP complex DNA-1 DNA-ArpA complex DNA-binding consensus sequences DNA-binding domain DNA-binding domains DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif DNA-binding hemoprotein DNA-binding motif DNA-binding motifs DNA-binding OmpR family DNA-binding protein DNA-binding proteins DNA-binding receptors DNA-binding region DNA-binding repressor DNA-binding response regulator DNA-binding sites DNA-binding thumb domain DNA-binding transcription factor DNA-binding transcriptional repressors DNA-deduced amino acid sequence DNA-dependent DNA polymerases DNA-dependent RepA ATPase DNA-dependent RNA polymerase DNA-dependent RNA polymerase ( RNAP ) alpha subunits DNA-dependent RNA polymerases DNA-ligase DNA-methylase DNA-methyltransferase DNA-methyltransferases DNA-MTase DNA-MTases DNA-naphthyridinomycin complexes DNA-protein complexes DNA-protein cross-links DNA-related enzymes DNA-ses DNA-topoisomerase complex DNA/DNA microarray comparative genome DNA_pol_B_2 domain dnaA dnaA and dnaN genes dnaA and gyrAB genes DnaA box DnaA box sequences DnaA boxes dnaA gene dnaA genes dnaA locus dnaA promoter mutants dnaA promoter region DnaA protein DnaA proteins dnaA region DnaA-box dnaA-dnaN intergenic region dnaA-gyrB region DNAase DnaB DnaB-like helicase C-terminal domain dnaE dnaE gene DnaJ dnaJ gene dnaJ genes DnaJ heat-shock protein dnaJ homologs DnaK dnaK and dnaJ sequences dnaK coding sequence DnaK family dnaK gene dnaK locus dnaK operon promoter dnaK operon promoter region dnaK promoter DnaK protein DnaK proteins DnaK sequence DnaK-bound substrates DnaK-HspR regulon dnaKp fragment dnaKp region dnaN gene sequences dnaN locus DNase DNase 1 DNase I DNase I/T7 exonuclease DNase II DNase-I DNaseI DNases dnaY gene dnd gene cluster dnd genes dnd locus dnd plasmid Dnd proteins dnd-bearing elements dnd-counterpart loci DndA dndA gene dndA-E gene cluster dndB DndC DndD dndDB database dNDP-glucose 4 dNDP-glucose dehydratase DNI-2 DNI-3 DNJ dnm and drr genes DNMR dnmT dnmT gene dnmT mutants DnmU dnmU gene dnmV genes dnmZ DNQX DNR DNR resistance gene DNR-DXR polyketide synthase DnrC dnrC gene dnrC-dnrD intergenic region DnrD DnrD protein dnrE dnrF dnrF gene DnrF protein DnrG dnrG-dpsABCD promoter dnrG-dpsE intergenic region dnrH dnrH and dnmT genes DnrH protein dnrI dnrI ( transcriptional activator ) homolog dnrI gene dnrI promoter dnrI promoter region DnrI protein DnrI regulatory proteins dnrIJ transcript dnrJ DnrJ protein DnrJ proteins dnrK dnrKPQS genes dnrM gene DnrN dnrN gene DnrN proteins DnrO dnrO gene DnrO protein dnrQ dnrQ gene dnrQS genes DNRr dnrR1 fragment dnrR2 locus dnrR2 segment dnrS dnrUVJI genes dnrV dnrW dnrX dnrX genes DO-116 DO-86 docking domains dodecameric ATCase/DHOase complex dodecameric S. coelicolor enzyme dodecameric type II dehydroquinases DOG Dog GHAP DOI synthase DOI synthases dolichol-phosphate-mannose synthase Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 domain 8 Domain II Domain III dominant AUX/IAA mutants dominant DNA dominant factor dominant glutamine synthetase dominant insertion site dominant marker dominant microbial species dominant pathogenic species dominant product dominant protein dominant selectable gene dominant sequences dominant soil-borne phytopathogens dominant species dominating products DON donor cells donor DNA Donor plasmids dopa decarboxylase DOPA melanins dopamine beta-hydroxylase dopaminergic neurons DOPC DOPS doramectin DORF438 DORF438 and DTYRA genes dormant cells dormant genes dormant M. luteus cultures dorsal ( lens-forming ) region dorsal portion dorsal region DOS DotA double mutant enzyme double site-directed mutant protein double strand-specific endoRNase RNase III double stranded form double-copy GI gene double-cysteine mutants produced cross-linked complexes double-helical DNA double-mutation glucose isomerase ( GIG138PG247D double-strand cleavage sites double-strand DNA double-strand replication origin and replication protein double-stranded double-stranded barrel helix enzymes double-stranded circular DNA double-stranded DNA double-stranded DNA ( dsDNA ) genome double-stranded DNA genome double-stranded fragments double-stranded linear DNA molecules double-stranded nucleic acids double-stranded RNA transcripts double-stranded short DNA fragments double-zinc aminopeptidases double-zinc enzyme double-zinc exopeptidase down-regulatory gene downstream activation site downstream des genes downstream enzyme downstream enzymes downstream five genes downstream gene downstream genes downstream orf3 gene downstream region downstream reporter gene downstream translational initiation site DoxA doxA cytochrome P-450 gene doxorubicin ( DXR ) gene cluster doxorubicin biosynthetic genes doxorubicin resistance genes doxorubicin-resistant P388 murine leukemia cell lines DOXP DP-107 DP-178 DP2 DP2.. DPG dpgA DPP-II DPP-IV DPPA DPPH DPPIV dps genes dpsA dpsABCDEFGdauGI genes dpsB dpsB gene dpsC DpsC enzyme dpsCD deletion mutant dpsCgene dpsD homologues dpsE dpsE promoters dpsF dpsG dpsG polyketide synthase gene dpsH DpsY dpt gene cluster dpt genes dptA DptBC subunit dptD dptD genes dptE dptE and dptF genes dptF dptG dptGHIJ locus DptI dptJ dptJ genes DQ molecules DR dr-API DR5 DR54 draft sequence DRAG DraI DraI fragments DraI gave 15 and 9 fragments DraI linking cosmids DraI sites Dral and Asnl fragments Dral fragment Dral fragments Dral restriction endonucleases Dral sites DRAT dre Driselase Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase mutants Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenases Drosophila melanogaster alcohol dehydrogenase Drosophila symbol=anon-35F/36F gene Drr DrrA drrA and drrB genes drrA gene DrrA protein DrrAB drrAB and drrC daunorubicin resistance genes DrrAB complex drrAB DNR/DXR resistance genes drrAB genes drrAB locus drrAB region drrB drrB gene DrrB protein DrrB proteins drrC drrC gene DrrC protein DRS DRS-1 drug binding site drug bonding sequences drug bonding site Drug efflux proteins drug efflux proteins having 14 transmembrane segments drug modification site drug molecule drug molecules drug resistance gene drug resistance genes drug resistance transporter drug self-resistance protein drug-binding protein drug-enzyme complex drug-inactivating enzymes drug-independent femX suppressor mutants drug-inducible leaderless mRNA drug-modified oligomers drug-modified phi X174 RFI DNA drug-resistant bacterial mutants drug-resistant cell lines drug-resistant cells Drug-Resistant L5178Y Cells drug-resistant mutants drug-sensitive parent cells drug-treated cells dry cells DSB DSC dsDNA DSE DSM 2932 DSM 738 DSM40697 total DNA DSMZ 9242 DSO region DSPC Dst-2 Dst-3 DSW-6 dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-glucose 3-epimerase dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose aminotransferase dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose reductase dTDP-6-deoxy-d-xylo-hex-4-ulopyranose reductase dTDP-d-Fucp mutase dTDP-D-glucose synthase dTDP-deoxyglucose epimerase gene dTDP-dihydrostreptose synthase dTDP-glucose 4-ketoreductase dTDP-glucose dehydratase dTDP-glucose synthase dTDP-glucose synthase gene dTDP-glucose synthase genes dTDP-glucose synthases dTDP-glucose-4-ketoreductase dTMP kinase dTMP-kinase DTNB dtxR dtxR gene DtxR-binding site DTYRA DU-145 dual culture dual function acceptor binding site duf-62 gene duf-62 genes DUF921 DUFs Dulse proteins duocarmycin B2 duplex DNA region duplex human telomeric DNA duplex linear plasmids duplicate chaperonin genes duplicated DNA sequence dust cells DXP reductoisomerase DXP synthase DXP synthases DXR dxr gene DXR PKS acyl carrier protein DXR precursors DXR/DNR DXRr DXRr-mutants dxs 1 dxs 2 dxs gene dxs genes dyadic symmetry element dyatic symmetric element dying cells DYR DzmP DZP Dzx E ( 297 ) ESLR ( 301 ) or E ( 297 ) QSRW ( 301 ) both containing standard EXXR motifs E ( 5 ) gene E ( 7 ) E + degradation products E domains E genes E sigma 70-like promoters E*S complex E-4 E-5 E-64 E-86 E-ChoA E-domain E-II E-isomer E-rosette-forming lymphocytes E-selectin E-selectin-immunoglobulin e-site e-sites E. amylovora hrp gene cluster E. chrysanthemi kdgR regulatory gene E. cloacae 908R enzyme E. coli ( pNIL400 ) colonies E. coli -35 consensus sequence E. coli aceB gene E. coli alpha subunit E. coli cells E. coli chromosome E. coli clone E. coli clones E. coli consensus promoter sequence E. coli donor cells E. coli DXP synthases E. coli enzyme E. coli enzymes E. coli expression vector E. coli factor E. coli FtsY NG domain E. coli galK gene E. coli GCH II protein E. coli genes E. coli glucose isomerase gene E. coli high-copy-number plasmid E. coli inner membrane protein E. coli lac promoter E. coli LacI repressor E. coli methionine sulfoxide reductase E. coli methyltransferase gene E. coli P0 cores E. coli phr recA cells E. coli plasmid E. coli plasmid pACYC184 introduced at various sites E. coli plasmid promoter E. coli plasmids E. coli polynucleotide phosphorylase E. coli promoter E. coli promoter consensus sequence E. coli promoter consensus sequences E. coli promoter probe plasmid E. coli promoters E. coli proteases E. coli rRNA E. coli secA gene E. coli signal peptidase E. coli tRNA E. coli trpF gene E. coli uhpA product E. coli umuDC region E. coli YbaD protein E. coli-produced ChcA protein E. coli-Streptomyces shuttle expression vector E. coli-Streptomyces shuttle plasmids e. g. Streptomyces flavochromogenes E.C. E.C. E.C. E.C. E.C. E.coli rrnB 16S rRNA gene E1 E1 alpha E1 alpha subunit E1 BCDH E1 beta E1 component E1 subunit E104K E104K beta-lactamase mutant E11 cells E118 E13 E131D mutant E139A E139K E142A E156/173D enzyme E166 E17 E170 E174 E174Q E178A mutant E180K E181A VanX mutant E196X SGAP E197A E1A-3Y1 cells E2 E2 components E2 gene E2 subunits E213A E221A E221A mutants E225 E22A E22D E22Q E236 E3 E3 gene E356 E356A E356D E383A mutant E4 E4 mutant E41K E46 E5 E5 cellulose binding domains E541D E541Q E55 E6 E74K E8 E84O epsilon E85 E9 E94Q EA Ea321 EAA EAA motif early active genes early and late structural genes early biosynthetic genes early cephamycin biosynthetic genes early cephamycin genes early cultures early enzymes early gene early genes early LaA precursors early logarithmic phase culture early mesodermal cells early mRNAs early post polyketide synthase early promoter element early region early sporulation-specific sigma factor early transcripts early whi genes early-exponential-phase cultures early-response genes early-stage nocardicin A biosynthetic genes EAU EB EBDs Ebelactone B EBM11 Ebosin Ebosin biosynthesis gene Ebosin biosynthesis gene cluster ebrC ebrS ebrS and ebrC promoters ebrS promoter EBV early antigen EBV genome-carrying human lymphoblastoid cells EBV-non-producer Raji cells EC EC 1 EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC10 EC2.5.1.6 EC22 EC3 EC4.1.3.8 EC50 ECF ECF ( extra cytoplasmic functions ) subfamily ECF factors ECF sigma factor ECF sigma factors ECF subfamily ECF-dependent promoter sequences ECF1 ECFP ECFP-EYFP heterodimer Ech Echiguanine A echinocandin B deacylase ECHO 30 ECM ECM components ECM Lp ECM molecules ECM proteins ecm18 Eco RV fragment Eco86 economically viable enzymes EcoR I EcoR I site EcoR1 EcoRI EcoRI -- C fragment EcoRI and KpnI restriction sites EcoRI cleavage site EcoRI DNA fragments EcoRI insert EcoRI restriction endonuclease EcoRI restriction sites EcoRI site EcoRI- NdeI fragments EcoRI-EcoRI-PstI3.0 kb DNA fragment EcoRI/HindIII restriction fragment EcoRII methylase EcoRV site EcoRV sites ecovanX gene ECP ECPVA ecrA1/A2 ecrA2 gene-disruptive mutants ectodermal cells ectodermal protein ectodermal-associated glycoproteins ectoine hydroxylase gene ED-1-positive cells ED50 EDG3-expressing CHO cells EDG3-overexpressing CHO cells EDTA EDTA and 1 EDTA-resistant clones EDTA-treated suberin EE57A EE57B EE57C ( hutG ) encoding formiminoglutamate hydrolase EE57D EER EF hands EF-14 EF-35 EF-76 EF-G EF-G/EF-2 EF-G/EF-2 cluster EF-hand CAB EF-hand calcium-binding protein EF-hand motifs EF-hand proteins EF-hand super-family EF-motif EF-P EF-Tu EF-Tu antibodies EF-Tu cleaving membrane bound protease EF-Tu mutants EF-Tu proteins EF-Tu sequence EF-Tu x GTP x aminoacyl-tRNA complex EF-Tu-EF-Ts complex EF-Tu/EF-1alpha EF-Tu1 EF-Tu1-antibiotic complex EF-Tu2 EF-Tu3 EF-Tu3 species eff-482 region effector 1a effector cells effector domain effector molecules effector plasmid effector-binding domains efficient allosteric protease efficient protease efficient proteases efflux gene products efflux protein efp gene EFTEM Eg5 EGCG EGF EGF receptor EGF receptors EGF-R EGF-receptor EGFP EGFP fusion proteins egfp gene EGFP gene fusions EGFP-CslAsc fusion protein EGFP-DHFR heterodimeric form EGFR egg lysozyme egg proteins egg-white avidin egg-white lysozyme egg-white trypsin Egl eglC eglC gene EglS eglS probe EGs EGTA EGTA confirmed metal-citrate complex EGZ Eh EH21A1-A4 EHDV-2 ehr mutants Ehrlich-ascites tumor cells EI complex EI proteins EI* eight cefE-homologous genes eight chaplin genes eight known genes eight promoters eight reassembled genes eight remaining genes EII EII proteins EIIB domains EIIC domain EJ-ras-metallothionein ( MT-1 ) hybrid gene EL-4 EL7 ElaGT elaiophylin Elasnin elasnin-producing strain elastase elastase-like metal proteinase elastases elastin fibers showed antigenic sites elastinolytic metalloproteinase gene electron transfer proteins element elements elevated transcripts elfamycin antibiotic family elloramycin biosynthesis gene cluster elloramycin biosynthetic gene cluster elloramycin gene cluster elloramycin non-glycosylated intermediate 8-demethyl-tetracenomycin C. Several plasmid constructs ElmG elmGHI genes ElmGHI proteins elmGHIJ genes ElmGT glycosyltransferase ElmH ElmI elmMI ElmMII ElmMIII elongating peptide chain elongating RNA polymerase molecules synthesizing transmission operon transcripts elongation enzymes elongation factor elongation factor-related proteins elongation factors elongation module ELS ELS cells ELSs ELT3 cells eluted protein Em resistance elements EM18 Ema1 Ema16 Ema17 Emb embAB embB EmbC Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas EMBL EMBL Nucleotide Sequence EMBL-4 EmbR embryogenic cultures embryonal carcinoma ( F9 ) cells embryonic glial cells embryonic MM cell line embryonic mouse skin emerging genome sequence EMF Emr enamel matrix proteins ENase ENase gene ENase-encoding gene ENases EncD encH EncM encN encode ( deduced ) gene products encoded gene products encoded protein encoded proteins encP gene End end products end sequence end-labeled restriction fragments end-labelled maltodextrins end-product amino acids end-products EndB endo D. One enzyme endo F1 endo F2 endo F3 endo- and exoribonucleases Endo-A Endo-A gene promoter endo-alpha-1 endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase Endo-beta-1 endo-beta-acetylglucosaminidase endo-beta-galactosidase endo-beta-mannanase endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase ( Endo ) F1 gene endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H ( Endo H ) gene Endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H gene endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases Endo-beta-N-acetylmuramidase endo-beta-xylosidase Endo-cellulase endo-chitinase endo-DNase Endo-enzyme Endo-Fsp gene endo-GalNAc-ase-S endo-glucanases endo-glycosidase endo-H Endo-M endo-N-acetyl-glucosaminidases endo-N-acetylglucosaminidases endo-N-acetylglucosaminidases A Endo-N-acetylglucoseaminidase endo-N-acetylmuramidase endo-N-acetylmuramidases endo-type cellulase endo-type enzyme endo-type glucanase endo-type hydrolase endo-type semi-alkaline cellulase endo-type xylanase endocellular bacterial enzymes endocellular enzyme endocellulase endocellulase gene endocellulase T. fusca Cel5A endocellulases endochitinase endodeoxyribonuclease endogalactosaminidase endogenic plasmid endogenic regulator endogenous activated sugars endogenous alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase endogenous antibiotic pyocyanin endogenous ATPase endogenous E. coli ferredoxin endogenous E. coli signal sequences Endogenous elastases endogenous enzymes endogenous factor regulating activated transglutaminase endogenous flavokinase endogenous functional redox partners endogenous genes endogenous holo-acyl carrier protein synthase endogenous hyaluronidase endogenous isovaleryl-CoA endogenous ketoreductase endogenous LCO endogenous ligands endogenous metalloprotease endogenous phosphatase endogenous phospholipases endogenous plasmid endogenous promoter endogenous protease endogenous proteases endogenous protein acceptors endogenous protein kinase endogenous protein kinases endogenous proteins endogenous resistance genes endogenous sequences endogenous serine protease endogenous Streptomyces plasmids endogenous tachykinins endogenous target enzyme endogenous Tax-induced HTLV-I long terminal repeat-driven reporter gene endogenous TGase-activating protease endogenous TipA-family protein endogenous tumor promoter endogenous tylosin endogenous type II polyketide synthase endoglucanase endoglucanase ( glucanases ) enzymes endoglucanase A endoglucanase B endoglucanase C Endoglucanase CelB endoglucanase gene endoglucanase I endoglucanase Z endoglucanases endoglucosidase H endoglycanase endoglycoceramidase endoglycosidase endoglycosidase H endoglycosidases endohydrolases endolysin gene endomannanases endomuramidases endonuclease endonuclease cleavage-sites endonuclease enzymes endonucleases endopeptidase endopeptidase gene endopeptidase resembling bovine trypsin endopeptidases Endophytic bacteria populations endophytic populations endophytic streptomycete cultures endoproteases endoproteinase ENDOR endoribonuclease endoribonucleases endoRNase endothelial cell endothelial cells endothelial monolayers endothelial NOS endothelin endothelin ( ET ) -1 receptors endothelin B receptor endothelin converting enzyme endothelin ETA receptor endothelin ETB receptor endothelin receptor endothelin type B receptor endothelin-1 endothelin-3 endothelins Endotoxin endotoxin Cry11A endotoxins endoxylanase endoxylanase complex endoxylanases endproducts enediyne antitumor antibiotic family enediyne polyketide synthase energy minimized complex engineered gene engineered protein subunits engineering S-peptide sequence enhancer-like region enlarged linear plasmid ENM ENM structural gene enm-expression plasmid enol fragment enoyl reductase enoyl reductases enoyl-CoA hydratase enoyl-CoA-hydratase genes enoylreductase enrichment cultures ent-1 ent-9alpha ent-CDP synthase ent-kaurene synthase Enterobacter aerogenes Enterobacter cloacae beta-lactamases Enterobactin enterobactin esterase enterocin biosynthesis enzymes enterocin biosynthesis gene cluster enterocin biosynthesis genes enterocin family enterocin type II polyketide synthase enterococcal vancomycin resistance genes enterokinase entire 2.6 kb mini-circle sequence entire amplified DNA sequence entire Bacillus subtilis genome entire DNA fragment entire DNA sequence entire ftsQ ORF-ftsQ-ftsZ intergenic region-containing construct entire fusion protein entire homologous chromosomal glk region entire pcbAB gene entire rpp locus entire sequence entire sequences entire sprC gene entire structural gene entrapped cells EntVanX active site envelope gene envelope genes environment encode folded enzymes environmental DNA environmental factors environmental red-like cbbL genes EnvR EnvZ enzymatic complex enzymatic domain enzymatic domains enzymatic elements enzymatic motifs enzyme enzyme 1-cyclohexenylcarbonyl CoA reductase enzyme 2-nitropropane dioxygenase enzyme 3-dehydroquinase enzyme 3-phosphoglycerate mutase enzyme active site enzyme active sites enzyme alpha-galactosidase enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase enzyme beta-galactosidase enzyme beta-ketoacyl synthase II enzyme beta-lactam synthetase enzyme carboxyphosphonoenolpyruvate mutase enzyme cDNA enzyme clavaminate synthase enzyme cleaved RNA enzyme complex enzyme complexes enzyme cysteine dioxygenase enzyme D-xylose isomerase enzyme effectors enzyme EI enzyme exchanging two water molecules enzyme FabF enzyme family enzyme farnesylpyrophosphate cyclase enzyme fragments benzylpenicillin enzyme galactokinase enzyme gene enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme homologues enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase enzyme I enzyme II enzyme isoforms enzyme isopenicillin N synthase enzyme molecule enzyme molecules enzyme monomer enzyme p-aminobenzoic acid synthase enzyme parathion hydrolase enzyme performs dd-carboxypeptidase enzyme phenoxazinone synthase enzyme phenoxazione synthase enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate mutase enzyme phosphoribosyl isomerase enzyme polynucleotide phosphorylase enzyme product enzyme protein enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase enzyme subunit enzyme subunits enzyme sugar phosphate phosphohydrolase enzyme TlrB enzyme trehalase enzyme tryptophan binding site enzyme tyrosinase enzyme was 3.61 x 10 ( 3 ) M-1.min-1 enzyme was 87 kDa enzyme was 97 kDa enzyme xylose ( glucose ) isomerase enzyme-aminoglycoside complex enzyme-binding region enzyme-Fe ( II ) -substrate-nitrosyl complex enzyme-generated alkylating product 17 beta- enzyme-generated ethoxyacetylenic ketone product enzyme-immobilized ligand complex enzyme-inhibitor complex enzyme-inhibitor complexes enzyme-ligand complexes enzyme-magnesium complex enzyme-penicillin complexes enzyme-phospholipid complex enzyme-product complexes enzyme-substrate complex enzyme-substrate complexes enzyme-substrate Henri-Michaelis complex enzyme.carbonyl donor Michaelis complex enzyme.substrate.inhibitor complex enzymes enzymes active sites enzymes binding sites enzymes catalytic domain enzymes forming stable acyl-enzymes enzymes product enzymic complex enzymically-active alginate lyase EohrdB-specific promoter consensus sequence eosinophils EOT epeA epeR epi-DNR epi-isozizaene synthase epichlorohydrin epidermal growth factor epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) receptor epidermal growth factor receptor epidermal growth factor receptor-associated tyrosine kinase epidermal ornithine decarboxylase epidermal peels epiderstagenes Epiderstatin epimerase epimerase domain-encoding sequences epimerase gene epimerase translation start site epimerase/dehydratase epimerases epimeric isomers epimerization ( E ) -domains epimerization domain epimerization domains episomal plasmid episomal plasmids epithelial and glandular cells epithelial cell line epithelial cells epithelial islands epithelial origin epithelioid cells epitherial cells epithienamycin family epitope epitope region epitope tag recognizing streptavidin epitopes ePL molecule EPNP EPO EPO-R EpoA EpoA protein epoF Epostatin epothilone B epothilones B epoxidase epoxidases epoxide hydrolase epoxide hydrolase gene epoxide hydrolases epoxysemiquinone antibiotic LL-C10037 alpha EPR EPR spectra EPS EPS 139A EPS-m EPS1 epsilon -polylysine equivalents epsilon components epsilon subunit epsilon subunits epsilon- gamma- epsilon-A2pm ( L ) -D-A laOH epsilon-aminocaproyl-4- ( 4-aminophenylazo ) phenylarsonic acid Sepharose 4B epsilon-Lysine acylase epsilon-PL epsilon-PL over stirred tank type reactors epsilon-PL polymer epsilon-PL producers epsilon-PL production cultures epsilon-PL products epsilon-PL synthetase epsilon-PL-degrading enzyme epsilon-PL. gamma-PAB epsilon-poly-L-lysine-degrading enzyme epsilon-subunit EPSPS EPSPS transgene EPSs EPST Epstein-Barr virus plasmid EPTC EQIAS software equal domains equal populations equimolar human plasmin-streptokinase complex equimolar light ( B ) chain-streptokinase complex equivalent DNA equivalent domain equivalent functional domain equivalent gene cluster equivalent genes equivalent nine active site domains equivalent region Er ER Ca ( 2+ ) ATPase Er PKS Er polyketide synthase Er-producing Arthrobacter sp Er-production loci eryA34 ER5 domain ER5 domain mutants ER5 NADPH binding site ER720 ErA erasing dispase erbB Erbstatin ERD44 mutant erg12 erg19 erg8 ERIC ERK ERK1 ERKs Erm family erm genes Erm methyltransferase Erm methyltransferases erm proteins erm type I erm type I genes erm type II resistance genes erm-type genes erm37 ermA ermA gene ermA transcripts ermA-coded protein ErmC ErmC methyltransferase ermD ermD gene ermD proteins ermE ermE gene ermE gene DNA ermE products ermE promoter ermE promoters ermE region ermE reporter gene ermE* constitutive promoter ermE* promoter ermE-P1a ermE-up promoter ermE-up promoter mutant ermEp* ermEp* promoter ermEp* promoter sequence ermMT ErmSF ErmSF methyltransferase eRNAs 5 and 6 ErR ErR determinants ErR gene ErR-encoding gene error-prone DNA repair ertX Erw Erwinia genes ery biosynthetic genes ery genes ery glycosyltransferase genes ery promoters Ery+ ery-ORF5 TEII enzyme eryA eryA genes eryA homologous genes EryA mutants eryA PKS genes eryA polyketide synthase genes eryAI eryAI gene eryAI-containing transcript eryAI-homologous regions eryAI-homologs eryAIII and eryG genes eryAIII gene eryB eryB and eryC1 genes eryB gene eryB25 eryB26 eryB46 eryBII eryBIII mutant EryBIV eryBV ( mycarosyltransferase ) gene eryBV deletion mutant eryBV gene eryBVII eryBVII deletion mutant eryBVII gene EryC1 eryC1 gene eryC1 mutants eryC1-60 eryC1-gene product eryCII eryCII deletion mutant eryCII gene eryCIII eryCIII ( desosaminyltransferase ) gene eryCIII deletion mutant eryCIII genes eryCV gene eryD gene EryF eryF and eryK genes eryG EryK EryK hydroxylase erythraea ErR-encoding gene erythraea genes erythraea genome erythraea KS1 degrees culture erythraea malonyl-CoA decarboxylase erythraea malonyl-CoA decarboxylase gene erythraea mutants erythraeus 6 and 1 erythraeus chitinase erythraeus plasmids erythraeus trypsin erythreus ZJU325 erythro-beta-methylmalyl-CoA erythro-diastereomer erythro-isomer erythrocyte ghosts erythrocytes erythroleukemia ( MEL ) cells erythromcyin PKS erythromycin ( Em ) resistance gene erythromycin ( Er ) resistance ( ermE ) gene Erythromycin A erythromycin A nonproducing mutants erythromycin A-producing polyketide synthase erythromycin analogs erythromycin and oleandomycin type I PKS genes erythromycin B erythromycin biosynthesis genes erythromycin biosynthetic ( ery ) cluster erythromycin C erythromycin C-12 hydroxylase erythromycin C-22 hydroxylase erythromycin eryAII biosynthetic gene cluster erythromycin eryAII module 4 erythromycin gene erythromycin gene cluster erythromycin gene clusters erythromycin module 4 erythromycin O-methyltransferase erythromycin O-methyltransferase-negative mutant erythromycin PKS erythromycin PKS genes erythromycin polyketide synthase Erythromycin polyketide synthetase erythromycin resistance ( ermE ) gene erythromycin resistance gene erythromycin resistance promoter erythromycin-penicillin erythromycin-producing polyketide synthase erythromycin-resistance gene erythromycin-resistant clone erythronolide B erythronolide precursors erythropoietin erythropoietin receptor erythropoitin Es-1 Es-2 eSA 1 element eSA 1 fragment eSA 1 genetic element eSA1 eSA1 extrachromosomal genetic element eSA1 genetic element ESAC ESACs ESAT-6 ESAT-6 gene cluster ESAT-6 loci Escherichia coli -10 consensus sequence Escherichia coli 23S rRNA Escherichia coli [ beta ] -glucuronidase gene Escherichia coli `` suicide vectors carrying manipulated S. lividans DNA fragments Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase ( phoA ) reporter gene Escherichia coli and Streptomyces lividans expression vectors Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase Escherichia coli B Escherichia coli bacteriophage lambda integrase Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase ( GUS ) gene Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene Escherichia coli BL21 ( DE3 ) cells Escherichia coli BL21 ( lambdaDE3 ) cells Escherichia coli broad host-range plasmid Escherichia coli cells Escherichia coli central iron repressor Escherichia coli chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene Escherichia coli clone Escherichia coli consensus promoter motif Escherichia coli consensus promoter sequences Escherichia coli crp mutant Escherichia coli cultures Escherichia coli DH5 alpha Escherichia coli DH5alpha Escherichia coli DNA gyrase Escherichia coli enzyme dihydrofolate reductase Escherichia coli expression vectors Escherichia coli fatty acid ketoacyl synthase Escherichia coli fatty acid synthase Escherichia coli ferric uptake regulator ( Fur ) protein Escherichia coli gal operon Escherichia coli galactokinase Escherichia coli galK gene Escherichia coli glnA mutant Escherichia coli glnA null mutant Escherichia coli glucose kinase mutant Escherichia coli glutamine auxotrophic mutant Escherichia coli glyoxalase I Escherichia coli gyrase Escherichia coli HlyB protein Escherichia coli insertion elements Escherichia coli K-12 Escherichia coli lac promoter Escherichia coli LacI repressor Escherichia coli lacZ gene Escherichia coli library Escherichia coli maxicells Escherichia coli membrane lipoprotein gene Escherichia coli merT promoter Escherichia coli mutant Escherichia coli NIHJ Escherichia coli O52 O antigen Escherichia coli PBPs/DD-carboxy-peptidases 5 and 6 Escherichia coli phage vectors Escherichia coli plasmid Escherichia coli plasmid vector Escherichia coli plasmids Escherichia coli polymerase Escherichia coli positive regulatory proteins Escherichia coli promoter Escherichia coli promoter consensus sequence Escherichia coli promoter-probe plasmid Escherichia coli promoters Escherichia coli R-TEM beta-lactamase-encoding gene Escherichia coli relA and spoT genes Escherichia coli rep protein Escherichia coli repressors Escherichia coli rhamnose mutarotase Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins Escherichia coli RNA polymerase Escherichia coli Rosettatrade mark cells Escherichia coli rpoC gene Escherichia coli secA Escherichia coli sequence Escherichia coli sigma ( 70 ) -like -10 recognition region Escherichia coli T1dD protein Escherichia coli T7 RNA polymerase Escherichia coli tac ( trp-lac hybrid ) promoter Escherichia coli transformants harboring plasmids Escherichia coli tRNA Escherichia coli trp aporepressor Escherichia coli two-plasmid system identified potential promoters Escherichia coli type I signal peptidase mutant Escherichia coli ubiB Escherichia coli under T7 promoter Escherichia coli vector plasmid Escherichia coli vector pULHis2 Escherichia coli xylose isomerase- Escherichia coli-like DnaA boxes Escherichia coli-like promoter consensus sequences Escherichia coli-Rhodococcus shuttle plasmid Escherichia coli-Streptomyces shuttle plasmids Escherichia coli-Streptomyces shuttle vector Escherichia coli-type pol III alpha-subunit Escherichia coli-type promoter Escherichia colis native methylmalonyl-CoA mutase Escherichia genes Escherichia mRNA Escherischia coli database coliBASE ESEM FEG eshA eshA gene eshA mutant EshA protein EshA proteins eshA transcript eshB ESI-FTICR ESI-MS ESI/MS Esigma31 Esigma66 EsigmaB EsigmaE ESIMS esophageal squamous cancer cell lines ESSCM essential activator gene essential alkaline protease essential biosynthesis genes essential cofactors essential conjugation protein essential DNA locus essential early genes essential early region essential gene essential genes essential inverted-repeat and direct-repeat sequences essential ketosynthase gene essential penicillin-binding proteins essential region essential regions essential regulator gene essential replication region essential sporulation factor essential transfer genes est coding sequence est gene estA estA gene ester substrates ester-bound fatty alcohol side chain esterase esterase A esterase active proteins Esterase B esterase domain esterase gene esterase gene construct esterase mRNA esterase promoter fragment esterase substrates esterase transcript esterase-encoding gene esterases ESTPKs estradiol-17 beta estradiol-17beta estrogen receptor estrogen receptor-positive and -negative cell lines estrogen-induced sulfated glycoprotein estrogen-induced sulfated glycoproteins estrogen-receptor estrogen-responsive human mammary adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells ET family ET-1 ET-1 receptors Et-3 eta ETA receptor ETA receptors eta-c eta-c inserted downstream etamycin producing S. griseoviridus cultures etb ETB receptor ETB receptors etbC etbD2 ETBE etc. Transcripts ETH 11317 ETH 22794 ETH- strains Eth-1 Eth-2 ETH14630 ETH9247 ethanol stimulons ethanol than cells ethanol-insoluble pellet ethanol-precipitable complex ether-treated cells ethidium bromide ( 5 muM ) reduced O-methyltransferase ethoxycarbonylated D-xylose isomerase ethyl side chain ethyl unit ethylene synthetase ethylmalonate extender unit ethylmalonyl-CoA EtOH etoposide-resistant cancer cells etoposide-resistant HT-29 cells ETYA eubacterial genomes eubacterial GSI enzymes eubacterial heat shock genes eubacterial HtpG paralogs eubacterial promoters eubacterial regulatory proteins eubacterial RNA polymerase alpha subunits eubacterial RNA polymerase factors eubacterial RNA polymerase sigma factors eubacterial RNA polymerases eubacterial rRNA genes eubacterial sequences eubacterial sigma 70 family eubacterial topoisomerases eubacterial transcriptional regulators eubacterial tRNAs eubacterial vegetative promoters eubacterial vegetatively expressed genes eucaryotic calcium-binding proteins eucaryotic cells eucaryotic protein kinases eucaryotic sugar permeases eucaryotic tRNA genes eukaryote cDNA eukaryote enzymes eukaryote Hsp90s eukaryote-like CYPs eukaryote-like glutamine synthetase II eukaryotes harbored genes eukaryotic 2-phospho-D-glycerate hydrolases eukaryotic 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenases eukaryotic acyl CoA dehydrogenases eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases eukaryotic BCDH complexes eukaryotic calmodulins eukaryotic cardiolipin synthases eukaryotic catalases eukaryotic cell eukaryotic cell lines eukaryotic cells eukaryotic chitinases eukaryotic convertases eukaryotic cyclophilins eukaryotic cystathionine beta-synthase sequences eukaryotic diterpene cyclases eukaryotic DNA-binding protease eukaryotic DNA-end-binding protein eukaryotic enzymes eukaryotic epoxide hydrolases eukaryotic G-protein-coupled receptor eukaryotic gene products eukaryotic genomes eukaryotic glycosyl transferase eukaryotic HAS1 eukaryotic histone H1 eukaryotic hormone receptors eukaryotic inwardly rectifying channels eukaryotic ion channels eukaryotic K+ channels eukaryotic Ku proteins eukaryotic large rRNAs eukaryotic lysyl-tRNA synthetases eukaryotic monoamine oxidases eukaryotic organisms eukaryotic origin eukaryotic probe eukaryotic protein eukaryotic protein kinase eukaryotic protein kinases eukaryotic protein Ser/Thr kinases eukaryotic protein serine/threonine kinases eukaryotic proteins eukaryotic Ras-like proteins eukaryotic sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins eukaryotic separin family eukaryotic Ser/Thr and Tyr kinase sequences eukaryotic Ser/Thr PK eukaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinases eukaryotic serine proteases eukaryotic short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases Eukaryotic SSBs eukaryotic sulfatases eukaryotic transactivation domain eukaryotic transcriptional regulators eukaryotic UDP-glucuronosyltransferases eukaryotic vectors eukaryotic voltage sensor domain eukaryotic-like protein Ser/Thr kinase eukaryotic-type adenylate cyclase eukaryotic-type adenylate cyclases eukaryotic-type cyclic nucleotide-binding domains eukaryotic-type PPs eukaryotic-type protein kinase eukaryotic-type protein kinases eukaryotic-type protein phosphatases eukaryotic-type protein Ser/Thr kinase eukaryotic-type protein serine/threonine kinases eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr protein kinases eukaryotic-type serine-threonine protein kinase eukaryotic-type serine/threonine protein kinase eukaryotic-type serine/threonine protein kinases European habitats europium-labeled streptavidin even cells evolutionary conserved units evolutionary history of genes EWTI EX2HX60-180EX2H sequence motif EXAFS excess glucose kinase exo-1 exo-beta-1 exo-beta-D-glucosaminidase exo-beta-glucosaminidase exo-chiO1 gene exo-enzymes exo-glucanases exo-glycosidases exo-oligoribonuclease exo-type enzyme exo-xylan hydrolase exoC exocellular 40 000-Mr enzyme exocellular 54000-Mr enzyme exocellular beta-lactamase inhibitory protein exocellular dd-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase exocellular enzyme exocellular nucleases exocellular proteases exocellulase E3 gene exochitinase exogenous A-factor exogenous chitinase exogenous cofactors exogenous cytokines exogenous DNA Exogenous elastases exogenous hyaluronan synthase 2 ( Has2 ) gene exogenous phosphatase exogenous promoter exogenous sphingomyelinase exon 6 exons exonuclease exonuclease III exopolyphosphatase exoprotease exoproteases exoSa gene exoSa genes expandase gene expandase genes expandase-hydroxylase expandase/ hydroxylase expected cephalosporin binding site expected N-terminal sequence expensive precursors experimental protease explicit water molecules exponential cultures exponential phase cultures exponential-phase cells exponentially growing cultures export proteins exposed cells Expression plasmids expression-secretion vector expression-vectors Expression/secretion vectors extended short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family extender unit binding site external plasmid tet promoter external thioesterase genes extra cellular protein extra DNA extra epimerase domain extra loop domain extra-cellular enzyme extra-cellular inulinase extra-copy wild type gene extracellular 90-kDa serine proteinase extracellular actinorhodin extracellular active-site serine beta-lactamase extracellular active-site serine DD-peptidase extracellular agarase extracellular agarase ( dagA ) gene extracellular agarase gene extracellular alkaline phosphatase extracellular alkaline serine protease extracellular alpha-amylase extracellular alpha-amylase protein extracellular alpha-galactosidase extracellular alpha-glucosidases and/or transglycosylases extracellular alpha-mannanase extracellular alpha-mannosidase extracellular AmfS extracellular amylase extracellular azocaseinase extracellular bacterial proteases extracellular bacterial serine protease extracellular bacteriolytic enzyme extracellular beta-agarase extracellular beta-glucosidase extracellular beta-lactamase extracellular beta-lactamase-inhibiting proteins extracellular beta-lactamases extracellular biotin-binding protein extracellular carboxylesterases extracellular carboxypeptidase extracellular cellulases extracellular CHB1 protein extracellular chitin-binding protein extracellular chitinase Extracellular chitinases extracellular chitinolytic enzyme extracellular chitinolytic enzymes extracellular chitosanase extracellular cholesterol oxidase extracellular chymotrypsin-like proteases extracellular clostridial lysozyme extracellular complementation groups extracellular crude enzyme extracellular culture protein extracellular D-stereospecific endopeptidase extracellular DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein extracellular deoxyribonuclease extracellular DNAases extracellular DNases extracellular domain extracellular effector extracellular elastase extracellular endodeoxyribonuclease extracellular endogenous enzymes extracellular endoglucanase extracellular endopeptidase extracellular enzyme Extracellular enzymes extracellular esterase extracellular esterases extracellular factors Extracellular fluid protein extracellular form extracellular forms extracellular gamma-butyrolactone signalling molecules extracellular guanyloribonuclease extracellular HbpS protein extracellular heme-binding protein extracellular hyaluronan lyases extracellular inhibitors extracellular L-glutamate oxidase extracellular laccases extracellular leucine aminopeptidases extracellular lignin peroxidase extracellular lignin peroxidase ALiP-P3 extracellular lignin-inducible peroxidase extracellular lignocellulose-catabolizing enzyme extracellular lignocellulose-degrading enzymes extracellular lipase extracellular lyase extracellular lytic enzyme extracellular mammalian-type serine protease extracellular matrix ( ECM ) protein extracellular matrix around the cells extracellular MCL-PHA depolymerase extracellular melanin extracellular metallo ( Zn ) DD-peptidase extracellular microbial regulators extracellular microbial ribonuclease extracellular MTGase extracellular muralytic enzymes extracellular neutral metalloprotease extracellular Npr extracellular nuclease extracellular nucleotide 3-pyrophosphokinase-2 extracellular peptidoglycan glycosyltransferases extracellular peroxidase extracellular peroxidases extracellular phenol oxidase extracellular phospholipase D ( PLD ) gene extracellular polysaccharide-degrading enzymes extracellular protease extracellular protease inhibitor protein extracellular proteases extracellular protein extracellular proteinase extracellular proteinases Extracellular proteins extracellular proteolytic complex extracellular proteolytic enzymes extracellular proteome extracellular PstS protein extracellular ribonuclease extracellular ribonucleases extracellular serine protease extracellular serine proteases extracellular serine proteinase extracellular serine-proteinases extracellular signal protein extracellular signal-regulated kinase extracellular signal-regulated kinases extracellular signalling molecule extracellular soluble protein extracellular space disulfide bonds extracellular starch-debranching enzyme extracellular Streptomyces transglutaminase extracellular tendamistat extracellular tetrameric protein extracellular TGase extracellular thermostable lipase extracellular tripeptidyl aminopeptidase extracellular tyrosinase extracellular xanthan lyase extracellular xylan hydrolase extracellular xylan hydrolases Extracellular xylanase extracellular xylanases extracellularly produced proteases extracellullar elastase extrachromosomal cyclic DNA had 7 identification sites extrachromosomal DNA extrachromosomal DNA element extrachromosomal DNA had 6 recognition sites extrachromosomal element extrachromosomal elements extrachromosomal molecules extrachromosomal site extracted enzyme extracytoplasmic function ( ECF ) family extracytoplasmic function ( ECF ) sigma factor extracytoplasmic function ( ECF ) sigma factors extracytoplasmic function RNA polymerase sigma factor extracytoplasmic function sigma factor extracytoplasmic function sigma factors extracytoplasmic phenol oxidase extradiol dioxygenases extragenic ribosome binding site extraneous proteins extranuclear receptor extreme C-terminal region EXXR motif EY1 eye lens crystallins EYFP F F ( 1 ) -F ( 0 ) ATPase F cells F family F intron f-1 f-11 f-12 F-2 f-20 f-21 F-244 f-25 F-287 F-40 F-41 f-6 F-A F-actin F-B F-box protein F-like plasmids F-XIII-positive cells F. oxysporum trypsin F/10 family F/10 family xylanases F/10 xylanase F0 F1 F1 complex F1 endo-N-acetylmuramidase F1 enzyme F1 portion F114 F14 F142A mutants F1F0 F2 alpha F2 DNA fragment F20 F221A F221I SSAP F221S F264 F26W F283 F3-2-5 F3-2-5-treated LNCaP prostate cancer cells F344 F4 F40 F420 F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase F420-dependent H4MPT reductase F6 F6 cosmid F77Y mutant F8 F8 mutant FA-30 FA-70C1 FAB FAB-MS FAB-MS. FabA fabB FabC fabC gene fabCF FabD fabD gene product fabDHCF FabF FabF/B FabF/H bacterial fatty acid synthase FabH fabH gene FABMS FABP FABPs FabZ facC gene facilitator protein FACS-optimized gfp gene factor C protein factor C-like antigen factor Xa cleavage sequence FAD FAD binding domain FAD binding domains FAD cofactor FAD monooxygenase FAD pyrophosphorylase FAD-binding sites FAD-containing enzyme cholesterol oxidase FAD-dependent disulphide oxidoreductases FAD-dependent disulphide reductases FAD-dependent l-tryptophan amino acid oxygenase FAD-dependent monooxygenase FAD-dependent oxidoreductase FAD-dependent Sus scrofa D-amino acid oxidase fadA FadD fadD1 fadD1 and macs1 genes fadD1 null mutant FADH ( 2 ) -dependent bacterial halogenases FADH ( 2 ) -dependent halogenases FADH2 FADH2-dependent halogenases FadL-GBP FadL-GBP fusion protein Faeriefungin fairly rigid binding site FAM-labeled PCR products FAMEs family 1 glycosyl hydrolases family 10 enzyme family 10 xylanases family 11 xylanases family 12 cellulases family 18 bacterial chitinases family 18 chitinase family 18 chitinase genes family 18 chitinases family 19 chitinase family 19 chitinase genes family 19 chitinases family 20 enzyme family 20 enzymes family 6 enzyme family S9 enzymes family V type cellulose binding domains family-1 glycosyl hydrolases family-11 enzyme FAP far-UV and near-UV regions far-UV region far2 FarA FarA binding sequence farA deletion mutant farA gene farA mutant FarA protein farA transcript farA transcription initiation site farA transcripts farA translation start codon farA translational start site farA upstream region FarA-binding sequence FarA-binding sequences FarA-binding sites farA-flanking region FARM farnesyl-protein transferase farnesylpyrophosphate cyclase farnesyltransferase farR1 farR2 farX FAS FAS ACPs FAS enzymes FAS II FAS ligand Fas-associated death domain FAS-encoding genes FAS-like domains Fase-I Fase-II FasL FASs fast-growing saprophyte M. smegmatis and ( ii ) mycobacterial promoters FASTA fastidious gram-negative species fattiviracin A1 fattiviracin FV-8-treated cells fatty acid biosynthesis enzyme fatty acid chain fatty acid ketoacyl synthase fatty acid molecule fatty acid precursors fatty acid synthase fatty acid synthases fatty acid-binding proteins fatty acyl carrier protein fatty acyl chain fBAT FbiB FBR FBRM FBRM probe FBS Fc fragment Fc gamma receptor Fc region Fc-receptor Fc-receptors FCF-C4 FCF-C4 chimera FCF-C5 fcf1 fcf2 FcpC FCRC-48 FCRC-57 FCRC-A48 FCS Fd-1 Fd-2 FD-594 FD-891 FD-892 FD-895 Fd1 Fd2 fda gene fda transcript FDAS FDF1 FDH family FDM FDM E fdm gene cluster FDM PKS fdmC FdmH ACP fdmR fdmR1 fdmR2 FDMs fdmW FDPSase FDR1 FdR2 FdRs Fdx Fdx4 Fdxs Fe ( 4 ) S ( 4 ) cluster Fe ( II ) -alphaKG-dependent enzymes Fe ( II ) /alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase gene Fe ( II ) IPNS-ACV complex Fe ( TpCPP ) -Xln10A complex Fe ( TpCPP ) -Xln10A-imidazole complex Fe-containing cultures Fe-containing superoxide dismutases Fe-S clusters binding domain Fe2+ chelators 1 Fe2+/oxygen-dependent enzyme FEB-MS fed-batch cultures feed additive growth promoter feed products feed proteins feed substrates Fem family FemX enzyme femX null mutants Ferensimycin A* fermentation product fermentation products fermentation-derived natural products fermentative cultures fermented cultures fermentor-grown batch cultures fern enzyme ferredoxin ferredoxin ( fdx ) proteins ferredoxin binding site ferredoxin gene ferredoxin reductase ferredoxin reductases ferredoxin sequence ferredoxin-like redoxin ferredoxin-NADP ( sup+ ) -reductase ferredoxin-type reductase subunit ferredoxins ferric CYP158A2 ferric flaviolin complex ferric reductase ferric uptake regulator ferric-uptake regulator ferrichrome-type family ferritin-labeled antirabbit immunoglobulin ferrous active site ferrous dioxygen-bound flaviolin complex ferrous-ion-dependent dioxygenase fertility factor fertility factors fertility mutants fertility plasmids FeSOD fetal ( p < 0.005 ) fibroblasts fetal and adult fibroblasts fetal blood vessels fetal cells fetal fibroblasts fetal hemoglobin Fetal skin fibroblasts fetal-like cells few Frankia genes few monomeric proteins FeZnSOD enzyme Ffh Ffh NG domains FG-HMBC FGD FGFR-1 FH-S 1832 FHA domain Fhb Fhbs FI-HA fibril structures fibril-forming collagens Fibrilar elements fibrillar network fibrillar proteins fibrin fibrin clot tube SW-1 fibrin-specific fibrinolytic enzyme fibrinogen fibrinogen receptor Fibrinolytic alkaline protease fibrinolytic enzyme fibrinolytic enzymes fibrinolytic protease fibrinolytic serine protease fibroblast fibroblast activation protein fibroblast cell lines fibroblast cells Fibroblast cultures fibroblast hyaluronan binding protein fibroblast-derived thymocyte activating factor fibroblasts fibronectin fibronectin receptor fibronectin substrates fibronectin type III domains fibronectin type III modules fibronectin type III sequence fibronectin type III-like domain fibronectin type III-like domains fibronectin-3 domains fibronectin-coated substrata fibropellin avidin-like domain fibropellins fibrosarcoma Meth 1 Fibrostatin C fifth enzyme fifth gene fifth membrane-spanning segments fifth transmembrane domain fifty S. avermitilis genes filamentous cells filipin molecule film-forming iodophor complex final complex final crystallographic R factor final enzyme final gene final purified product final R factor first ( P1 ) constitutive promoter first 15 amino acids first 25 amino acids first 310 amino acids first 35 amino acids first 38 N-terminal amino acids first aspartate-rich motif first beta-lactamase inhibitor protein first chitin-binding protein first condensation domain first core domain first exon first extracellular-amylase-encoding gene first intron first inverted terminal repeat sequences first native fluorination enzyme first nucleotide-binding domain first peptide synthetase gene first phase genes first presumed enzyme first putative PHA synthase gene first regulatory protein first reversible complex first site first Tetrahymena gene first two extension domains FISH probe fission yeast crm1 mutant FITC FITC-labelled secondary antibodies five actinobacterial signature proteins five alp-located regulatory genes five chymotrypsin-type serine protease genes five contiguous genes five genes five latter genes five multifunctional proteins five putative regulatory genes five relevant enzymes five signal peptidase genes five tylC genes five-carbon substrates fixed cells fixed red blood cells FK FK binding protein FK-506 binding protein FK-506 increased demethylase FK-506-binding proteins FK506 binding domains FK506 binding protein FK506 cluster FK506 gene cluster FK506 polyketide synthase FK506/FKBP complex FK520 gene cluster FKB domains FkbA fkbA gene fkbB fkbC fkbD fkbGHIJK fkbL fkbM fkbM gene FkbP FKBP domains FKBP family FKBP-12 FKBP-33 FKBP12 FKBP12 prolyl isomerase FKBP12/calcineurin FKBP12/rapamycin complexes FKBP12/TOR complexes FKBPs fkbS FKMT FL FL cells FL1 Fl81 FLA flA and flB genes FLA. flagellar and chemotaxis promoters flanking chromosomal region flanking chromosomal sequences flanking fragments flanking genes flanking lasC gene flanking markers flanking opposite coding sequence flanking region flanking regions flanking sequence flanking sequences flanking target sequences flask culture flask cultures flatus-inducing factor flavanoid apigenin flavanone naringenin flavin adenine dinucleotide-containing flavoproteins flavin adenine nucleotide-containing hydroxylases flavin binding site flavin cofactor flavin hydroxylases flavin mononucleotide reductase flavin monooxygenase flavin oxidoreductase flavin prosthetic group nor required nicotinamide cofactors flavin reductase flavin reductase ActVB flavin reductases flavin-dependent amine oxidase flavin-dependent halogenase flavin-dependent halogenases flavin-dependent monooxygenase CchB flavin-linked epoxidase flavin-type bacterial hydroxylases flavin-type monooxygenases flaviolin flaviolin ferrous dioxygen-bound CYP158A2 complex flaviolin molecule flaviolin molecules flavobacter chondroitinase Flavobacterium endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase flavobacterium enzyme Flavobacterium signal sequence Flavobacterium sp Flavobacterium species flavocytochrome b2 flavocytochrome protein flavodoxin NADP ( + ) -reductase flavoenzyme flavoenzyme cholesterol oxidase flavoenzyme family flavoenzyme oxidoreductase flavoenzymes flavohemoglobin flavohemoglobins flavokinase flavokinase/FAD synthetase flavone luteolin flavonoid-derived plant natural products flavonol quercetin flavopersicus ATCC 19756 catalyzed inositol dehydrogenase flavoprotein flavoprotein Fdx reductase flavoprotein hydroxylase flavoprotein hydroxylases flavoprotein isobutylamine N-hydroxylase flavoprotein oxidases flavoproteins flavum ftsZ gene flavum ftsZ homolog flavum ftsZ product FlB FLC4 FLC4 cells flexible ( leucine-like ) residues flexible binding loop flexible DesVII glycosyltransferase flexible enzyme flexible helix-containing loop flexible human leukocyte elastase flexible leukocyte enzyme flexible lid domain flexible linker flexible linker region flexible loop flexible loop region flexible protein flexuous chains flexuous spore chains FliA flK Flp FLP recognition target sites FLP recombinase flp-expressing plasmids FLPe Flu-APA FluG fluid-phase marker fluorescein-labelled amplified products fluorescein-labelled penicillins fluorescence labeled acyl enzymes fluorescence-labeled lectins fluorescence-lectin fluorescent anti-tubulin antibody fluorescent beta-lactam probe fluorescent cross-linked subtilisin fluorescent target proteins fluorescent UMB molecule fluorinase fluorinase enzyme fluorinases fluorination enzyme fluorine-containing substrate fluoroacetate 1 fluoroacetyl-CoA fluorometabolite gene cluster fluostatin family Fluostatins fluvirucin B2 FM A FM3A FMA FmKH epimerase fMLP FMLP 10 fMLP-induced N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase FMN FMN molecule FMN oxidoreductase FMN reductase FMN reductases FMN-bound form FMN-dependent monooxygenase FMNH2 fmr genes fmrO fmrS fmrT fms1 fms10 fms11 fms12 fms13 fms3 fms4 fms5 fms7 fms8 fms8 gene fms8 mutant FN FN mRNA fni gene FNIII-like domain FNQ I FNQ I cluster Fnq26 fnq28 Fnr FNR family FNR global regulators FNR-like transcription factors FO1F.10 gene product foam suppressors fodder proteins folate binder complex folate hydrolases folate-binding protein folC gene product folded proteins folylpolyglutamate synthetase folylpolyglutamate synthetases fom1-4 fom4 FomA fomA and fomB genes FomB FomB proteins fomE fomR food quality enhancer food toxins foreign AGs foreign DNA foreign DNA fragment foreign DNA fragments foreign gene foreign gene flanking sequences foreign gene products foreign gene sequence foreign genes foreign NDP sugars foreign phr genes foreign promoter formaldehyde dehydrogenases former two genes former uranium mining site formiminoglutamate iminohydrolase formulation-delivered resistance genes fornix region fortimicin KK1 Fortimicin-A ( FTM-A ; astromicin ) -resistance genes fosB fosB genes fosC fosfomycin biosynthetic gene fosfomycin carbons 1 and 2 Fosfomycin production genes fosfomycin resistance gene four adjacent genes four genes four subunits four-copper oxidase four-copper oxidases four-helix-bundle subunits fourth antibiotic-resistance gene fourth gene Fourth passage cells FP cellulase FP-54 FP-60 FP22 FP22 genome FP43 FP43 genome FPase FPG mutant FPLC FPLC-Mono Q/HR FPMAP FPP fpr FQ A biosynthetic genes Fr FR-008 FR-008 PKS gene cluster FR-008/candicidin FR-008/candicidin complex FR-008/candicidin gene cluster FR-900098 FR-900148 FR-900336 FR-900462 FR-900482 FR2 FR3 Fraction A Fraction B1 Fraction B2 Fraction B3 Fraction C fraction I fraction S1 fractionated natural product library fractions 1 and 2 fragment nucleotide sequence FRAME Frankia plasmid Frankia strain ArI5 genomic DNA Frankia strain CpI1 glutamine synthetase gene FRAP FRECD3 Fredericamycin ( FDM ) A Fredericamycin A free cells free dry cells free enzyme free plasmid free plasmids free resting cells free soil hydrogenases free-standing adenylation domain freeze-dried cells fren-ORF1-5 genes FREs freshly isolated rat hepatocytes FRI-5 fridamycin E. Peaks Friend erythroleukemia cells friulimicin biosynthetic genes frog oocytes frozen dairy products FRPM frr gene frrp2 FRT sites fruA gene fructokinase fructose 6-phosphotransferase fructose-grown cells FS2 fscF fscO fscP fscP cytochrome P450 gene FscRI transcriptional regulators fscTE mutant FSH fsr gene cluster fsrBDC and gelE-sprE transcripts FT-B FT-IR FTAF FTIR FTM-A FTM-group FtsK ftsK deletion-insertion mutants FtsK motor domain FtsK-like TraB protein ftsK-null mutant FtsL ftsQ ftsQ open reading frame ftsQ ORF ftsQ-ftsZ intergenic region ftsQ-null mutant ftsW FtsW-FtsI complex ftsW-null mutants FtsY ftsY gene FtsY GTPase FtsY/Ffh NG domains FtsZ ftsZ gene ftsZ genes ftsZ locus ftsZ mutant ftsZ promoter region FtsZ protein ftsZ transcripts FtsZ-EGFP FtsZ-enhanced green fluorescent protein ftsZdelta2p mutants Fuc Fuc-TVII fucose-containing oligosaccharide chains fucose-depleted substrates fuculose aldolase gene full DEBS gene full length protein full length RamR full length SCO2299 protein full mutase gene sequence full structural gene full-length 43-kDa protein full-length alpha subunit full-length cDNA sequence full-length gene full-length mammalian nitric oxide synthases full-length polyketide product full-length protein full-length pSCL sequence full-length recombinant protein full-length sequence full-length sequences full-length sodN gene full-length transcript full-length xylanase gene fulllength recombinant protein fully functional cyclase fully sequenced genomes Fumarase fumarase C gene fumarate reductase function-unknown genes functional ( energetic ) motif functional 2-oxoglutarate-dependent 3-methylcephem hydroxylase functional actVI-ORFA gene functional ADC lyase genes functional bromoperoxidase gene functional chloroperoxidase gene functional coupling protein functional domains functional genes functional glucose kinase gene functional gyl promoter functional insertion sequence functional kcsA gene functional MalE binding protein functional MreB protein functional principal factor functional promoter functional promoter sequence functional proteins functional regions functional relationships among genes functional ribosomal RNA functional sequence functional traA gene functional traB gene functional tRNA ( ser ) gene functional whiA gene functional xylose genes functionally diverse oxidoreductases functionally interactive genes fungal 15 kDa protein fungal ACV synthetases fungal beta-lactam biosynthesis genes fungal cDNA fungal elements fungal enzymes fungal genome fungal IPNS proteins fungal Mn-peroxidase fungal mutanases fungal promoter fungal protease fungal proteases fungal protein fungal proteins fungal regulatory genes fungal secretory radical copper oxidases fungal type II DHQases fungi proteinase K fungus enzyme Fur Fur family fur genes Fur-binding motif FurA furA coding sequence furA gene FurA protein furA pseudogene fura-2-AM-loaded cells furA-catC mRNA Furaquinocin ( FQ ) A FurS FurS fusion protein furS gene FurS protein Further StrR-binding sites fus-tuf1 intergenic region fusants f-1 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp Fusarium spp fusca chromosomal DNA fusca genomic DNA fusca xylanase A fused protein FusH fusH gene fusidic acid-sensitive mutant fusion ( F ) glycoprotein fusion construct fusion constructs fusion gene fusion genes fusion glycoprotein fusion GST-MS construct fusion partner fusion partner protein fusion PF9 fusion points fusion product fusion products fusion protein fusion protein products fusion proteins fusion-type sesquiterpene synthases fusogenic enzyme Fv domain Fv fragments FV-13 FV-8 FV-8 molecule FXYN FXYN xylanase FyuA receptor FyuA-green fluorescent protein FZB42 G ( T/G ) -3 G family g folic acid/mg protein G protein-coupled EDG3 receptor g proteins G residue 63 nucleotides upstream G+C content DNA probes G+C content genome G+C rich ( 72 % ) reading frame G+C-rich DNA G+C-rich Micrococcus luteus genome G+C-rich Streptomyces genomes G-200 G-243D mutants G-25 Sephadex sizing column G-418 G-75 G-actin G-box-binding factor 1 G-CSF G-L gene G-N-7 G-protein G-protein coupled receptors G-protein-coupled LPA receptors G-protein-coupled receptors G-quadruplex G-quadruplex structure G-quadruplex structures G-quadruplex-interactive molecule G-quadruplex-interactive molecules G-rich regions G0069A G015 G1 nor link protein G111 G133D G138P G157 G16 mutant G163R/G170E/A347S scFUMC mutants G193 residue G19N G2+M region G2-arrested cells G2201-C G226R G226S G226SR G234S G238S G238S beta-lactamase mutant G243 G247D G2535 G284P G3 G3 DNA G324 G3P G4 DNA G44-A G44-G1 G5 G50R G527 G6PDH G745 G748 G748 within 23S ribosomal RNA G77E G79A G79D G79E G8 genomic library GA GA doses between 2 GA-biosynthesis inhibitors GA-induced barley high-pI type B GA-signaling mutants GA. GAA GAAAAATCCCAAG GAAS7310 GAB GABA GABA receptor GABA receptors GABA-benzodiazepine receptor-chloride ion channel complex GABAergic-related behaviours gabosine I gacA GacA/S gacB GacK protein GacS GAF GAF domain GAFP GAG GAG degrading enzymes GAG preparations with various enzymes gag proteins GAG-DMB complex GAGases GAGs Gain Gal gal ( UDPglucose 4-epimerase ) proteins gal alleles gal and lac genes Gal beta 1-3 ( Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6 ) GalNAc Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta 1- Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc gal gene products gal genes gal K gene gal K mutants gal-lac gene cluster GAL4 GAL4 DNA-binding sites galactokinase galactosamine moieties galactose binding lectin galactose genes galactose mutarotase galactose oxidase galactose recognition site galactose side chains galactose utilization enzymes galactose utilization genes galactose utilization operon Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase gene galactose-binding lectin galactose-binding sites galactose-dependent promoter galactose-grown cultures galactose-induced promoter galactose-inducible GAL promoters galactosidase galactoside utilization genes Galanthus nivalis agglutinin galbus NR-2 galE galE and galK genes galE gene galE product galE protein galE proteins galilaeus 3AR-33 genome galilaeus mutants galK galK gene galK genes galK mutants galK- mutant galK-deficient Streptomyces lividans mutants gallium complexes galM galM protein GalNAc-beta galP1 galP1 promoter galP1 promoter region galP2 galP2 promoters GalR GalR/LacI family galT galT gene Gam gamma delta gamma deltas delta ( delta ) end gamma enteric species Klebsiella pneumoniae gamma interferon gamma site gamma subunit gamma variable regions gamma-32P ] ATP yielded autophosphorylated products gamma-actinorhodin gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) -controlled chloride ion channels gamma-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase gamma-B crystallins gamma-butyrolactone A-factor gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor gene gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator receptor proteins Gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator receptors gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator regulatory island gamma-butyrolactone autoregulators gamma-butyrolactone binding protein Gamma-butyrolactone derivative molecules gamma-butyrolactone receptor gamma-butyrolactone receptor gene gamma-butyrolactone receptor homologue gamma-butyrolactone receptor protein gamma-butyrolactone receptors gamma-butyrolactone SCB1 gamma-butyrolactone signal receptor Gamma-butyrolactone signalling molecules gamma-butyrolactone-autoregulator gamma-butyrolactone-binding protein Gamma-butyrolactone-binding proteins gamma-butyrolactone-like autoregulator gamma-butyrolactone-receptor gamma-butyrolactone-type molecules gamma-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase/beta-ketoadipate enol-lactone hydrolase gamma-chymotrypsin gamma-CyD gamma-globin mRNA gamma-globulin gamma-glutamyl transferases gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gamma-glutamyltransferase gamma-IFN gamma-interferon gamma-lyase gamma-lyases gamma-OH group gamma-PAB gamma-PABs gamma-variable region ganefromycin alpha ganglioside GM1 gap gap coding region GAP dehydrogenase gap gene gap-P gap-P promoter gap-P promoter region gap1 gap2 GAPDH GAPDH isozyme GAPDH structural gene GAPDH-encoding gap gene GapR gapR gene GapR protein garA gene garO Gas gastric adenocarcinoma cell lines gastric cancer GXF251L gastric digestive proteinases gastropodan hemocyanin sequence gatA gene gatY gatZ GatZ gave transcripts gavibamycin N1 gB GB-2 GBAP GBM GBMs GBP GBP-EGFP fusion protein GBP-fusion proteins GBPs GC pairs GC sequences Gc-4 PF GC-MS GC-MS. GC-rich DNA sequences GC-rich DNA-binding transcription factors GC-rich elements GC-rich streptomycete genes GC-specific drug CHR GC/MS GC3s GCACTCN9GAGTGC motifs GCC GCGCAGC sequence GCH II GCH II proteins GCH III GCP II GCPII GCPII carboxypeptidase GCPII sequence GCTC gD GDH GDH family gdhA gdhA probe GDM GDM-pks gdmA2A3 gdmA3 gdmF gdmH gdmM gdmN gdmO gdmP gdmRI transcript GDNF GDNF mRNA GDP GDP-binding sites GDP-mannose dehydratase GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase GDPD GDS motif GE2270A GE3 GE37468 A GE37468A GE3B GE81112 factors GE81112 factors A gel yielded small enzyme molecules gel16 gelatinase geldanamycin biosynthetic gene geldanamycin biosynthetic gene cluster geldanamycin biosynthetic genes geldanamycin polyketide synthase ( GdmPKS ) gene cluster geldanamycin post-polyketide synthase GelE gelsolin gem-diamine 1-N-iminosugars Gene gene cluster bkdAB gene product gene products gene promoters gene regulatory elements gene sequences gene-containing DNA fragments gene-disruption mutant gene-disruption vector gene-specific transcripts general phosphotransferase enzyme general protein general PTS phosphotransferases general stress response proteins general stress response sigma factor general stress-response sigma factor general stress-response sigma factor sigmaB generic VP16 transactivation domain genes genes placed near parS genetic element genetic elements genetic markers genetically engineered fibroblastic cell line genetically mapped genes genetically unstable chloramphenicol resistance gene genoketide A2 genome sequence genome sequences genome-specific DNA genomic Asel fragments genomic Bacillus subtilis DNA genomic clone Genomic clones genomic DNA genomic DNA fragment genomic DNA fragments genomic DNA lambda phage library genomic DNA library genomic DNAs genomic elements genomic fragments genomic library genomic region genomic sequence genomic sequences Genomospecies 2 Genpept90 gentamicin C complex gentamicin complex gentamicin resistance gene genus Alcaligenes genus-specific primer sequences genus-specific probe geoA geoA gene geoA1 geranylgeranyl diphosphate ( GGDP ) synthase gene geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate ( GGPP ) synthases GerB GerD GerF GerGTII GERI-155 GERI-155 genome GERL germacra-1 germacradienol synthase/terpene cyclase germacradienol synthase/terpene cyclase gene cluster germacradienol-geosmin synthase germacradienol/geosmin synthase Germicidin germination sites GerSM2 mutant GEWL GEX1 GEX1A GEX1A/herboxidiene GFAP GFG GFP gfp reporter genes gfp reporter plasmid gfp transcripts GFP-encoding gene GG sequence GG-3 GG5073SP GG5073SP mutant GGDP GGDP synthase GGDP synthase gene GGDPS GGDPSase GGGGA GGPP GH 10 GH 10 xylanase GH 12 enzymes GH family GH family 12 GH family 55 GH family 71 GH-2 family GH10 GH10 catalytic domain GH10 xylanase GH10 xylanases GH11 GH19 GH19 chitinases GH2 GH2 members GH2 subfamily GH22 lysozyme GH3 cells GH43 GH43 module GH48 cellulases GH6 GH9 GHAP GHF 16 GHF16 GHF16 1 GHs GI GI gene GI1 GI1 ) gene GI1 gene GI2 ) coding gene GI2 gene GI50 GI92 GIA giant cells giant linear plasmid giant linear plasmids giant modular polyketide synthases giant multienzyme proteins giant multifunctional enzymes GIAO gibberellin A3 gibberellin A3-inducible gene gibberellin-induced alpha-amylase gibberellins gidA gidA gene gidB GIG138P gilGT gene gilOIII gilV gene GIMN4.003T gingipains GIs given protein GL GL-binding protein GL1 GL261 cells GL261 glioma cells GLA GLA 0 GLA.0 GLA.O gland-like component glaucescin Glaucesin Glc Glc+ Glc+ supressor mutants Glc-1-P-TT enzymes Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 GlcAbeta1-3GlcNAcbeta1-4 GlcN GlcN-alpha ( 1-1 ) -Ins GlcN-GlcN GlcN-Ins GlcNAc beta 1 GlcNAc-Ins-P GlcNAc-TA GlcNAc/GlcNAc-rich oligomers GlcNAcase inhibitor nagstatin GlcNAcases GlcNAcbeta GlcNase GlcNase gene GlcNbeta GlcP glcP1 glcP2 glcP2 transcripts glgB glgB genes glgBI operon GlgBII glgBII operon glgC gene glgC gene product glgP glgX GLI ( KDNE ) A motif Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor glial cells glial fibrillary acidic protein gliceril-asparagine agar glioblastoma-astrocytoma glioma cell lines glioma cells Glk glk chromosomal gene glk deletion mutant glk DNA glk gene Glk isoforms glk mutant glk mutants Glk-GlcP permease complex glkA glkA and SCO2127 genes glkA gene glkA mRNA glkA mutant glkA sequence glkA-ORF3 glkA-ORF3 mutants glmA glmB GlmT GlmU Gln Gln 167 Gln- mutants Gln-230 Gln-tag Gln-tags Gln/Glu codons Gln101 Gln101 mutant enzyme Gln101 mutant enzymes Gln15 Gln18 OMTKY3 mutant Gln214 glnA glnA amino acid sequence glnA and glnII promoters glnA gene glnA mutant glnA promoter glnA-like genes glnA-type genes GlnA2 GlnA3 glnA3 gene product GlnA4 glnALG operon glnB glnB gene GlnD glnD insertion mutant glnD null mutant GlnE glnE mutant glnII glnII ( GSII ) gene glnII gene glnII promoter glnII region glnII single mutants glnII upstream region glnK GlnR GlnR binding site GlnR boxes glnR mRNA glnR mutant glnR p2 glnR promoter glnR promoters GlnR protein GlnR repressor proteins GlnR target genes GlnR-homologous proteins GlnRII glnRII promoter GlnRII share identical binding regions GLO7 GLO7p1 GLO7p2 global phage population global protein global regulator global regulatory gene global regulatory networks global regulatory protein global sulfatase global transcriptional activator global transcriptional regulator globin domain globin domains globin gene promoters globin genes globins globisporus 1912 with activated cryptic genes globisporus 3-1 globisporus lytic enzyme globisporus produced an enzyme globular protein globular proteins glpK1-deleted mutant glpQ1 glpQ1 gene glpQ1 promoter glpQ2 glpQ2 promoter glr-mutants gltB gene gltBp1 gltBp2 promoter gltBp3 Glu Glu 115 Glu 22 Glu B. subtilis protease Glu residues Glu S. griseus protease Glu-100 Glu-120 Glu-128 Glu-132 Glu-147 Glu-166 Glu-19 Glu-196 Glu-203 Glu-213 Glu-22 Glu-220 Glu-236 Glu-240 Glu-36 Glu-94 Glu-containing CDA Glu-specific enzymes Glu-specific Streptomyces griseus proteinase Glu-tRNA ( Gln ) amidotransferase subunitA Glu-Xaa bonds Glu/Asp-specific enzyme Glu/Asp-specific enzymes Glu101 Glu104Asp Glu12 Glu131 Glu142 Glu143 catalytic base Glu146-Arg222 Glu155 Glu178 Glu18 Glu18 variant Glu180 Glu186 Glu196-Arg202 Glu197 Glu203 Glu203 side chain Glu207 Glu216 Glu22 Glu22 residue Glu23 Glu240 Glu266 Glu349 Glu353 Glu358 Glu36 Glu361 Glu383 Glu41 Glu425 Glu48-Lys65 Glu54 Glu541 Glu61 Glu67 Glu71 Glu71-Trp72-Asn73- Glu85 Glu87 Glu94 GluA gluA gene glucanase glucanases glucidic determinants GluCl-alpha GluCl-beta glucoamylase glucocorticoid response element glucokinase glucolipsin A glucopiericidin A glucopiericidinols A1 Glucopiericidins glucosamine monoprotonated species Glucose ( xylose ) isomerases glucose carbons 1 and 6 glucose end-product Glucose isomerase glucose isomerase gene glucose isomerase molecules glucose isomerases glucose kinase glucose kinase ( glkA ) deletion mutant glucose kinase gene glucose kinase null mutants glucose limited chemostat glucose molecule glucose oxidase glucose permease glucose phosphotransferase glucose polymers glucose sensitive and chitin glucose significantly repressed lipase glucose stubs glucose transporter 4 glucose yielded avermectins glucose- or glycerol-grown cultures glucose-1-P glucose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyl transferases glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferases glucose-2- ( 14 ) C labeled fosfomycin carbon 2 glucose-6-phosphatase glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase glucose-6-phosphate translocase glucose-analogous structures glucose-asparagine agar glucose-BENNETTs agar glucose-containing media glucose-encapsulating liposomes glucose-fed culture glucose-grown cells glucose-grown cultures glucose-isomerase glucose-limited and ammonium-limited continuous cultures glucose-limited chemostat cultures glucose-limited continuous cultures glucose-methanol-choline ( GMC ) oxidoreductase family Glucose-Peptone-Yeast extract agar glucose-regulated protein-94 glucose-repressed alpha-amylase gene glucose-repressible promoters glucose-repressible transcription unit glucose-salts-agar glucose-sensitive glucose-sensitive chitin-dependent promoter glucose-stimulated insulin glucose-supplemented cells glucose-utilizing ( gut-1 ) mutant glucose-yeast extract complex glucose/sucrose family glucose/xylose isomerase glucosidase glucosidase I glucosidases glucosidases I and II glucosyl acceptors glucosyl residues glucosyl transferase glucosylated methymycin/neomethymycin products glucosyltransferase glucosyltransferase I glucuronidase glucuronosyl residues glucuronosyltransferases GluNH2 GluOx GluSGP GLUT1 GLUT2 Glutamate carboxypeptidase II glutamate dehydrogenase glutamate mutase glutamate mutases glutamate oxiadase gene glutamate oxidase glutamate side chains glutamate synthase glutamate synthases glutamate synthetase glutamate-activated chloride channel glutamate-activated chloride channels glutamate-specific endopeptidase glutamatic dehydrogenase glutamic acid acetyltransferase glutamic acid side chains glutamic acid-specific endopeptidase glutamic acid-specific protease glutamic acid-specific serine protease glutamic-acid-specific endopeptidase glutamic-acid-specific serine protease glutamic/lysine residue pairs glutamicum regulation network glutaminase glutamine : 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase glutamine amidotransferase glutamine amidotransferase subunit glutamine auxotrophic marker glutamine binding site glutamine substrate glutamine synthetase glutamine synthetase ( GS ) enzymes glutamine synthetase genes glutamine synthetase I Glutamine synthetase I ( GSI ) enzyme glutamine synthetase II glutamine synthetase II gene glutamine synthetase isoforms glutamine synthetase subunits glutamine synthetase-encoding glnA gene Glutamine synthetases glutamine-234 glutamyl proteinase glutamyl-tRNAGlu reductase glutaraldehyde cross-linked calcium alginate immobilized cells glutaraldehyde-fixed fibroblasts glutaredoxin-like protein glutarimide antibiotic named epiderstatin glutarimide antibiotic S-632-A2 glutarimide side chain glutathion S-transferase glutathione peroxidase glutathione reductase glutathione S-transferase glutathione S-transferase ( GST ) fusion expression vector glutathione S-transferase fusion construct glutathione S-transferase fusion protein glutathione synthetase glutathione-S transferase ( GST ) fusion vector glutathione-S-transferase glutathione-S-transferase-streptavidin fusion protein glutathione-S-transferase-streptavidin gene glutathione-S-transferase-streptavidin protein glutathione-S-transferases GluTR GluTR genes gluzincin family GlxR Gly Gly ( 1 ) Gly 221 Gly codons Gly mutant Gly-188 Gly-238 Gly-containing lipid II Gly-Gln-x-x- ( Ala/Lys ) -Ala motif Gly-rich domains Gly-rich linker Gly-X-Gly-X-X-Gly motif Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly motif Gly-Xaa-Ser-Xaa-Gly sequence Gly/Pro-rich linker region Gly1-Asn2-Trp3-His4-Gly5-Thr6-Ala7-Pro8-++ +Asp9-Trp10-Phe11-Phe12-Asn13- Tyr14-Tyr15-Trp16 Gly1-Asp9 Gly1-Phe2-Ile3-Gly4-Trp5-Gly6-Asn7-Asp8 -Ile9-Phe10-Gly11-His12-Tyr13-Ser14+ ++- Gly15-Asp16-Phe17 Gly107 Gly149 Gly18 Gly188 Gly198 Gly201 Gly278 Gly32 Gly40 Gly43 Gly5-enhanced green fluorescent protein Gly52 Gly53 Gly66 GlyA GlyA homologues GlyA protein glycanase glycanase G family glycanase gene glycanases glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases glycerol kinase glycerol molecule glycerol non-utilizing ( but glycerol-resistant ) mutants glycerol operon glycerol residue glycerol utilization operon glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase glycerol-arginine agar glycerol-regulated promoter glycerol-sensitive mutants glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterases glycine amidinotransferase glycine and 3 Glycine max glycine-rich linker region glycine-rich zinc-binding domain Glycinothricin glycoconjugates glycocyamidine derivatives 1 and 2 glycogen glycogen branching enzyme glycogen branching enzyme isoforms glycogen branching enzymes glycogen deposits glycogen metabolism clusters glycogen phosphorylase glycogen phosphorylases Glycogen synthase kinase-3beta glycol chitin glycolytic enzyme glucose kinase glycolytic enzymes glycolytic substrate Glycomyces species glycopeptidase A glycopeptide antibiotic A35512B glycopeptide antibiotic producers glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin glycopeptide antibiotic vancomycin glycopeptide antibiotics teicoplanin glycopeptide balhimycin glycopeptide fractions glycopeptide producers glycopeptide teicoplanin glycopeptide-3 glycopeptide-producing organisms glycoprotein glycoprotein antigens glycoprotein enzymes glycoprotein microfibril network glycoprotein microfibrils glycoproteins glycosaminoglycan ( GAG ) -degrading enzymes glycosaminoglycan ( GAG ) component glycosaminoglycan ( GAG ) components glycosaminoglycan chain Glycosaminoglycan chains glycosaminoglycan coat glycosaminoglycan portion glycosaminoglycan synthase glycosaminoglycan-degradative enzymes glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzyme glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes glycosidase glycosidase family 10 members glycosidase inhibitor glycosidase inhibitors glycosidases Glycosidation-less mutants glycoside chains glycoside derivatives glycoside hydrolase Glycoside hydrolase Clan GH-C groups family 11 xylanases glycoside hydrolase family glycoside hydrolase family 115 α-glucuronidase glycoside hydrolase family 12 glycoside hydrolase family 18 catalytic domain glycoside hydrolase family 19 chitinase glycoside hydrolase family 2 glycoside hydrolase family 5 catalytic module glycoside hydrolase family GH-64 glycoside hydrolases glycosidic components glycosidic link glycosphingolipid-degrading enzyme glycosyl acceptor glycosyl binding subsite glycosyl binding subsites glycosyl hydrolase glycosyl hydrolase domain glycosyl hydrolase enzymes glycosyl hydrolase family glycosyl hydrolase family 10 xylanase glycosyl hydrolase family 115 glycosyl hydrolase family 16 glycosyl hydrolase family 19 glycosyl hydrolase family 20 glycosyl hydrolase Family 48 catalytic domain glycosyl hydrolase superfamily glycosyl hydrolases glycosyl hydrolases family glycosyl moieties glycosyl residues glycosyl transferase glycosyl transferase gene glycosyl transferases glycosyl unit glycosyl-enzyme glycosyl-hydrolase family 18 N-terminal catalytic region glycosyl-hydrolase family 19 chitinases glycosyl-hydrolase family 6 glycosyl-hydrolases glycosylases glycosylate tylosin glycosylated aminocoumarins glycosylated beta-chains glycosylated endochitinase glycosylated form glycosylated phytase glycosylated precursors glycosylated products glycosylated proteins glycosylated substrates glycosylation genes glycosylation inhibitors glycosylation region glycosylation sites glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor attachment signal glycosyltransferase glycosyltransferase auxiliary proteins glycosyltransferase domain glycosyltransferase gene glycosyltransferase gene product glycosyltransferase genes glycosyltransferase MshA glycosyltransferase MtmGIV glycosyltransferase OleG2 glycosyltransferase TylMII glycosyltransferase UrdGT2 glycosyltransferase-auxiliary protein glycosyltransferases glycosynthase enzyme glycoxyl hydrolase glycyl substrates glycyl-L-alpha-amino-epsilon-pimelyl side chain glycyl-L-alpha-amino-epsilon-pimelyl side-chain glycyl-l-amino acids glycyl-tRNA species glycyl-tRNAs glycyrrhizin GlyNH2 glyoxal oxidase glyoxalase I glyoxalases glyoxylate cycle comprising isocitrate lyase glyphosate oxidoreductase Gm Gm biosynthetic gene cluster flanked by resistant genes GM lines GM-CSF GM1 GM2 GM2 activator protein GM2AP GM3 GMC oxidoreductase family GMC oxidoreductase family members GMP GMP synthetase GMPP GNB gnd gene GNDU 1 GnRH GnRH receptors GnRH-A GntR GntR family GntR family proteins GntR family transcriptional regulator GntR family transcriptional regulators GntR superfamily GntR-family regulator DasR GntR-like protein GntR-like regulator GntR-type transcriptional regulator GntR-type transcriptional regulators Go 40/10 Goadsporin goadsporin biosynthetic gene goblet cells god ( goadsporin ) genes godA godF godG godH gene products godI GOGAT gold streptavidin gold-binding polypeptide ( GBP ) fusion protein Gold-chitinase- gold-labeled b-HABR gold-labeled lectin gold-labeled recombinant chitinase gold-lectin Golgi alpha-1 Golgi complex gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor good penicillin substrates good substrates goose egg white lysozyme Gostatin gougerotin GOX gox gene gox transgenes GP GP-3 GP1 gp120 gp120- gp120-CD4 binding inhibitors gp130 gp144 gp144 catalytic domain gp160 gp160 gene gp41 gp78 GPA GPA substrates GPA1 gene GPAAPTARVD GPC GPCR gpd promoter gpd-Bbchit1 construct gpdA promoter GPIb/IX GPIIb/IIIa GPP GPP methyltransferase GPR12 transfected cells GPSAG GPSI gpsI gene GPSI protein sequence GPT GPY Gr GR-2 gra-ORF5 gra-ORF5 protein gra-ORF6 gra-ORF6 product gra-ORF9 GraD GraE Gram positive tyrosinases Gram-negative bacterial species gram-negative bacterium Lysobacter enzymogenes Gram-negative efflux genes gram-negative enzymes gram-negative member Gram-negative proteobacteria cyclophilins Gram-negative rod-shaped mesophilic marine bacteria not members Gram-negative sequences Gram-negative strains gram-positive bacteria whose genome sequence Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus sp gram-positive bacterium Streptomyces lividans gram-positive beta-lactamases gram-positive cells gram-positive cluster gram-positive cocci Gram-positive efflux genes gram-positive enterococci gram-positive enzymes Gram-positive eubacterial HtpG proteins Gram-positive pathogens Gram-positive pathogens including members Gram-positive signal peptidases gramicidin gramicidin A gramicidin S gramicidin S synthetase granaticin B granaticin biosynthetic gene granaticin PKS granaticin PKS genes granulocyte colony-stimulating factor granulocyte CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor granulocyte-macrophage CSF granulocytes granulocytic elastases granulomas cells granulosa cells grass lignins Grb2 Grb2-Sam68 Grb2-Sos1 GRE greater extent permeabilized cells Greek key beta-barrel Greek key motifs green fluorescent protein green fluorescent protein ( EGFP ) gene green fluorescent protein FAP fusion protein green fluorescent protein gene green fluorescent protein reporter gene green fluorescent protein-encoding gene green products green-like cbbL sequences griAB GriC griC and griJ promoters GriD griE griEF locus griF griG griH griI griJ griR GriR monomers griS gris ARO/CYC gris genes gris open reading frames griseocarnum gene products griseochelin griseofulvin griseolosporeus MF730-N6 griseorhodin A griseorhodin biosynthesis gene cluster griseorhodin C. FCRC-57-G griseorhodins A griseoruber 202 produced chitinase griseorubiginosus S980-14 arylsulfatase griseorubin griseorubin complex griseosporeus YM-25 griseoviridin griseucin A griseus ( ATCC 13273 ) 7Fe ferredoxin griseus ( SG ) trypsin griseus 2247 genome griseus 26K griseus 301-22-L griseus alkaline protease griseus amino-peptidase griseus aminopeptidase griseus carboxypeptidase griseus chitinase griseus chitosanase griseus chromosomal DNA griseus crystalline protease griseus enzymes griseus ferredoxin griseus genome griseus glutamic-acid-specific protease griseus KCTC 9080 genome griseus Kr-15 griseus LP-16 griseus metallo-endopeptidase II griseus metalloendopeptidases I and II griseus metalloproteinase II formed more stable complexes griseus mutants griseus NP1-1 griseus producing grisin griseus promoterless amy gene griseus protease griseus protease 1 griseus protease 3 griseus protease A griseus protease B griseus protease B1 griseus proteases griseus proteases 1 and 3 griseus proteases A griseus proteinase griseus proteinase A griseus proteinase B griseus proteinases griseus proteinases A griseus prtB gene griseus SS-1198PR griseus trypsin griseus trypsins griseusin aromatase/cyclase grisin biosynthesis genes grisin resistance gene grisorixin griSR griT grixazone A grixazone biosynthesis gene cluster Grm grmA grmA product grmB Grn- mutants GrnR groE and dnaK promoter regions groE gene groE genes GroE proteins GroEL GroEL and DnaK proteins groEL gene groEL genes GroEL-APH fusion protein GroEL-like chaperonin groEL-like genes GroEL-like heat shock proteins GroEL-like proteins GroEL/ES groEL1 groEL1 coding sequence groEL1 mutant groEL1 promoter region GroEL1-APH translational fusion protein groEL1-neo gene GroEL2 groEL2 gene groEL2 transcript groES-groEL1 and groEL2 transcripts groES-like gene groES/EL1 groES/EL1 operon and groEL2 gene groES/EL1 or groEL2 structural genes Group 1 beta-lactamases Group 1 endoxylanases group 1 mutant Group 2 endoxylanases Group 2 enzymes group 2 mutants group 3 sigma factor Group 4 group activated both Hageman factor group activated Hageman factor group B Group C gene group comprising exclusively short-branching HtpG proteins group II group II capsule gene clusters group II capsule genes group II capsule transport genes group II homologs group II phospholipase A2 group II PLA2 group II Pseudomonas lipases Group II truncated hemoglobins group III group III capsule gene clusters Group S1A serine proteases group-specific antibodies Group1 xylanases groups I growing acyl chain growing cells growing polyketide chain growing S. parvulus cells growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells growing yeast cells growth 30 degrees C growth : 31 proteins growth but leupeptin growth factor growth factor-stimulated cells growth factors growth hormone-encoding gene growth phase-dependent promoter growth promoter growth promoters growth units growth-inhibited recipient cells growth-inhibiting proteins growth-phase growth-phase-regulated gene growth-promoting factors growth-related transcripts GRP78 GRP78 protein GRP94 GrpE grpE heat-shock gene GrpE molecule GrpE proteins grpE-dnaK-dnaJ GrpE-like protein GrsT GS GS enzyme GS genes GS protein GS proteins GS structural gene GS-14 GS-like genes GS1 GS14 GS9 GSH/protein GSI GSI family GSI gene GSI protein GSI trees GSI-beta-subtype enzyme GSII GSII gene GSII-like enzyme GSII-type enzyme GSIII gsr gsr gene GSs GST GST fusion partner GST gene GST gene sequence GST had subunit GST inhibitors GST isoenzymes GST-AfsR-g GST-BlaA fusion protein GST-fused proteins GST-II GST-II protein GST-PhoP GST-PhoP fused protein GSTs GT-B GT-rich region GT4 GTAs GTC GTC construct GTCACGCAG GTF gtfB and gtfE genes GtfE protein GTFs GTG GTG ( 1 ) GTG codon GTG initiation codon GTG initiator codons GTG sblA translational start codon GTG site GTG start GTG start codon GTG starting codons gtmA gtmE gtmF GtmG gtmM GTP GTP 3-pyrophosphotransferase GTP binding site GTP cyclohydrolase GTP cyclohydrolase I GTP cyclohydrolase II GTP cyclohydrolase II homologues GTP cyclohydrolase III protein GTP gamma GTP hydrolizing region GTP per min mg protein GTP-binding consensus sequences GTP-binding domain GTP-binding protein GTP-binding proteins GTP-binding sites GTP-bound form GTP-gamma-S GTPase GTPase superfamily gtr GTs GTTAT GTTAT/ATAAC cleavage site guaA loci guaiacol and 2 Guam guanidine hydrochloride ( GdnHCl ) -denatured subtilisin BPN guanidino N-methyltransferase guanidinoacetyl-CoA guanidinodeoxy-scyllo-inositol O-carbamoyltransferase Guanidylfungin A guanidylfungin B guanine base guanine rich sequences guanine-nucleotide exchange factor guanine-preferential RNase guanosine 3-diphosphate 5-triphosphate ( pppGpp ) synthetase Guanosine diphosphate d-glucose : d-glucose-6-phosphate 1-glucosyl-transferase guanosine pentaphosphate synthetase guanosine-cytosine-rich sequences guanyl-specific ribonuclease guanyl-specific RNAse guanylate endoribonuclease guanyloribonuclease guanylyl ribonuclease guanylyl-endoribonuclease guanylylated protein guayacil moieties GUG translation initiation codon guinea pig Hageman factor guinea pig ileal strips guinea pig ileum strips guinea pig liver tissue transglutaminase guinea pig splenocytes Gulbarga region Gulf region Guo Guo-3-P GUS GUS fusion gene GUS gene GUS reporter gene GUS reporter transcripts gut-1 mutant GV gene cluster GVHD gvp genes gvpA mRNA gvpJKLM genes GW0742 GW2/577 GWO GWRa GWRb GX GX biosynthesis enzymes GX biosynthesis genes GX-19 GXGXXGXXXA GXI GXI-positive clones GXSXG GXSXG motif GXYN GY2 GYG motif GyIR gyl DNA gyl promoter gyl transcripts gylA mutants gylA-gylB intercistronic region gylABX operon gylABX promoter region gylB gylB genes gylCABX operon gylP1 gylP2 gylR gylR and gylABX promoter regions gylR gene gylR null mutants GylR protein gylRP gylX GYM- agar gyr B proteins gyr B sequences gyr B subunits GyrA gyrA gene gyrA genes gyrase gyrase B ( GyrB ) subunit gyrase B protein gyrase B subunit gyrase cleavage site gyrase complexes gyrase genes gyrase.DNA complex gyrases gyrB gyrB ( R ) resistance gene gyrB gene gyrB genes gyrBR gyrBS H ( + ) -PPase H ( + ) -PPases H ( + ) -pyrophosphatase H ( + ) -translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase H ( + ) -translocating pyrophosphatases H ( 2 ) O H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) -resistant mutant H ( 2 ) O-mediated ring-expansion rearrangement H ( 2 ) SO H ( 4 ) B H ( 4 ) B. H ( K ) XG active-site motifs H family H NMR H+-PPase H+-PPases H+-pyrophosphatase H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase H+-translocating pyrophosphatase H-14 H-16 H-2 H-4 H-5 H-associated protease H-bond-forming residue H-H-motif H-nmr H-Q H. BROCKMANN6 H. capsulatum chemotype I H. capsulatum chemotypes I and II H. polymorpha Deltaxyl1 mutant H. polymorpha genome H. polymorpha glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene H. polymorpha xylose reductase H. pylori putative drug resistance protein H021 H026 H028 H035 H036 H038 H039 H054 H061 H063 H065 H075 H10 H124 H138 H138A mutant H16 H166N mutant proteins H180A mutants H189Q H2 H201 H201A mutant H207 H220E mutant enzymes H220K H220N mutant enzymes H220S H220S structure H230 H239 H244Q H283 H292 cells H2O H2S H3 H364 H37 H37Rv genomic DNA fragments H44 H44 L-TA H44 mutant H441 H441 cells H460M cell culture H460M cells H46A AldO mutant H5 region H5 segment H57 H5ts125-transformed Sprague-Dawley rat embryo cells H6 H69/CDDP H7 H72A mutant H72A-free structure H72A-free structures H81 H83 H83E84TGH87VLG90LPD93-Met103 sequence H86 H87 H9-4 H96 H96A mutant HA HA binding morphoregulatory factors HA binding sites HA biosynthetic gene cluster HA chains HA disaccharide repeat HA positive structures HA receptor HA receptors HA synthase HA-binding protein HA-binding region HA-binding sites HA-CD44 HA-containing GAG ( SF ) population HA-f HA-positive neurons HA-specific hyaluronidase HAA HAA analogs HAase HAases HABP HABP products HABr HaeIII haem-based monoxygenases haem-binding protein haem-bromoperoxidases haem-containing enzyme haem-dependent catalase haem-independent manganese-peroxidase haem-type bromoperoxidase haemagglutinin haemagglutinin-esterase-fusion ( HEF ) protein haemocyanin subunits Haemophilus ducreyi pilin Haemophilus influenzae genome haemopoietic stem cells HAF Hageman factor Haim I Haim II HaimII HaimII gene HaimII protein HAIR HAIR boxes HAIR sequence hairpin 35 HAL structures half sites half-met-Ty form halide binding site halide-binding sites haloalkane dehalogenase halogenase halogenase gene halogenase gene fragment halogenase genes halogenase hrmQ halogenase sequences halogenases haloperoxidase haloperoxidases halstoctacosanolide C hamster cells hamster embryo fibroblasts hamster oocyte-cumulus complex HAPB HapI haploid ( DH ) inbred lines haptoglobin harboring genes hardB and hsp70 promoters harvested cells HAS HAS family HAS2 Has2 antisense cells Has2 antisense clones Has2 sense gene HAS3 hasB gene HAse hasL hasP hasR hasR locus HATPase_c domain HATPase_c family Hb Hb-free ghosts Hb-Sepharose 4B HB101 HB8 HBD HbF HbpS hbpS gene hbpS genes HBr HBVsAg sequences HC HC-34 HC1 HC34 HCA hCath A hcf106 homologs HCl HCO-60 HcpR HCs HCT 116 colorectal carcinoma cells HCT-116 HCT-15 cancer cells HCT116 HCV NS3 protease hd30 HDAC HDAC inhibitors HDAC6 HDACs HDC HDH HDK HDL HDL3 head and/or tail domain head assembly proteins head genes head protease head-to-tail concatemers headless tails heart enzymes heat inactivated enzyme heat labile toxic factors heat shock gene heat shock gene promoters heat shock genes heat shock promoters Heat shock protein Heat Shock Protein 90 heat shock protein gene heat shock proteins heat shock-specific sigma factor heat stable enzyme heat-denatured enzymes heat-inactivated enzymes heat-induced heat shock protein heat-induced luciferase reporter-gene heat-induced reporter gene Heat-inducible ( ct ) mutants heat-inducible protein heat-killed Brucella abortus cells heat-killed fungus cells heat-labile protein heat-labile toxin heat-resistant conditioning factor heat-shock gene heat-shock genes heat-shock protein heat-shock protein-90 heat-shock proteins heat-shock stress regulon heat-shock-induced genes heat-stable factor heat-stable phosphatase heat-treated DL heat-treated whole cells heavy chains heavy Coomassie-blue stained line heavy rare earth elements heavy rare-earth elements heavy segments HEF envelope glycoprotein HEF1 HEF2 hEGF hEGF protein HEH domain HEH domains HEK293 HEL HeLa HeLa cell HeLa cells HeLa S3 HeLa S3 and PLC hepatoma cells HeLa S3 cell HeLa S3 cells HeLa S3 human cerivical cancer cells HeLa-CD4+ cells HeLa-CD4-LTR-beta-gal cells HeLa-S3 cells HeLa/XBP1-luc cells helical flap helical regions helicase II Helicases helices 1 and 2 helices 2 and 3 helices 54 and 64 helices alpha 2 helices I and II helix 10 helix 2 helix alphaF helix II Helix III helix-extension-helix ( HEH ) domain helix-loop-helix EF-hand proteins helix-loop-helix motif helix-turn-helix ( HTH ) DNA-binding motif helix-turn-helix ( HTH ) GntR protein family helix-turn-helix ( HTH ) motifs helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif helix-turn-helix domain helix-turn-helix domains helix-turn-helix motif helix-turn-helix motifs helix-turn-helix regulators helix-turn-helix structure helix-turn-helix transcriptional activator helminthogermacradienyl cation 5 helper enzymes helper phage M13K07 helper plasmid Helper T cells hemA hemA-asuA gene hemagglutinin hematin hematoxylin/eosin hemB Heme heme B molecules heme binding site heme biosynthetic gene heme but zinc coproporphyrin heme C-binding motifs heme inhibitor KCN heme oxygenase superfamily heme peroxidases heme protein heme proteins heme-binding HR2 region heme-binding protein heme-containing homodimeric enzyme Heme-degrading enzymes heme-dependent catalase heme-dependent catalase-peroxidase heme-independent manganese peroxidase heme-independent manganese-peroxidase heme-peroxidase heme-thiolate proteins hemicellulases hemicellulolytic enzymes hemicellulolytic α-glucuronidases hemicellulose moieties hemin hemoglobin hemoglobin gene hemoglobin-expressing S. lividans cells hemoglobin-expressing strain hemoglobin-Sepharose resin hemoglobinases hemoglobins hemolysin hemolytic phospholipase C hemoprotein hemp fiber pectin HEMPAS hen egg lysozyme hen egg white lysozyme hen egg white lysozymes hen egg-white avidin hen egg-white lysozyme hen lysozyme HEP 2 Hep G2 cell lines HEp-2 HEp-2 tumor cell lines heparan sulphate-containing proteoglycan monomers heparan-sulfate rich sites heparanase 1 Heparin-Sepharose CL 6 B heparinase heparinase III heparinase-digested GBMs heparinases I heparitinase heparitinase 1 heparitinases hepatic liver microsomes hepatic metastases hepatitis A 3C proteinase hepatitis B viral surface antigen Hepatitis C Virus ( HCV ) non-structural protein 3 hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7402 cells hepatocellular carcinoma cells hepatocytes hepatoma 22 hepatoma AH109A cells hepatoma AH130 hepatoma AH136B hepatoma BEL-7402 cells hepatoma cell line hepatoma cells HEPES hepG2 heptaene nystatin analogue S44HP heptaenes heptameric imperfect repeat sequences heptanoyl-gamma-D-Glu- ( L ) -meso-alpha heptasaccharide chain heptasaccharide side chain Her2 herbicide resistant genes herbicide tolerance gene herbicide tolerance transgene Herbimycin A Hermes-1 monoclonal antibodies herpes family Herpes simplex HETCOR hetero-oligomeric complex hetero-oligomeric repressor hetero-tetramers Heterobasidion sp heterocaryotic colonies heterodimer heterodimer complex heterodimeric alphabeta complex heterodimeric beta-ketoacyl synthase heterodimeric molybdenum hydroxylase heterodimeric protein heterodimers heterodinuclear Mn/Fe cofactor heterodinuclear Mn/Fe redox cofactor heterogeneous bases heterogeneous LSU rRNA species heterogeneous rRNA molecules heterogeneous site heterogenous population heterokaryon heterokaryon Ag149 heterokaryone colonies heterokaryons heterokaryotic colonies heterologous 6-dEB heterologous 6-deoxyerythronolide B ( 6-dEB ) synthase heterologous A heterologous ACPs heterologous activator gene heterologous activators heterologous alpha-amylase gene heterologous AT domains heterologous ATs heterologous bacteria heterologous bacterial hemoglobin gene heterologous ccr gene Heterologous Cel5B heterologous CsnN174 heterologous DNA heterologous DNA probes heterologous donor DNA heterologous ermE* promoter heterologous Escherichia coli TEM beta-lactamase heterologous expression produced functional LctB channels heterologous gene heterologous gene probe heterologous genes heterologous gra protein heterologous gyr A heterologous host Streptomyces lividans heterologous hosts heterologous modular phoslactomycin PKS heterologous modular PKSs heterologous MspI MTase heterologous N-terminal docking domain heterologous non-heat-inducible promoter heterologous non-producing Streptomyces hosts heterologous origins heterologous parathion phosphotriesterase heterologous PCR primers heterologous phosphotriesterase heterologous PKS complexes heterologous polyketide synthase genes heterologous polypeptide heterologous polypeptides heterologous probe heterologous probe acbC heterologous probes heterologous promoter heterologous promoters heterologous protein heterologous protein parathion hydrolase heterologous protein subunits heterologous proteins heterologous radioactively labelled DNA heterologous reporter heterologous RNA polymerase heterologous RNA polymerase holoenzyme heterologous signal sequences heterologous Streptomyces avermitilis avrE or Saccharopolyspora eryBIV genes heterologous Streptomyces sp heterologous Streptomyces strains heterologous system co-expressing borI heterologous systems heterologous translocases heterologous transposable element heterologously expressed enzyme heterologously expressed TatA proteins heterologously produced proteins heterologously-expressed S. coelicolor TatA protein heteromeric channels heteronuclear NMR heterooligomeric 9S-PR complexes heterooligosaccharide products heteropeptide phenylacetyl-L-cysteinyl-D-valine heterotrophic substrates heterotypic sites HetF protein hetI product HEW HEWL HexA hexa-His-fusion protein hexa-oxazole bis-macrolactams hexacyclic actinorhodin molecule hexaene H-85 hexaHis-tagged fusion protein hexahistidine fusion protein hexahistidine fusion proteins hexahistidine-ErmSF Hexahistidine-tagged recombinant Scp15 proteins hexamer structure alpha2beta2gamma2 hexameric complex hexameric form hexameric structure hexane-MeOH hexanucleotide sequences hexasaccharide cleavage products hexasaccharide product hexasaccharide side chain hexokinase hexosaminidase hexose nucleotidylating enzyme hexose-1-phosphate nucleotidylyltransferases HEXXH consensus sequence HEXXH sequence HEXXHXXGXXD motif HF HFCS HFI portion hflX HFO Hg Hg ( II ) -inducible plasmid Hg ( II ) -inducible promoter Hg ( II ) complexes Hg resistance transposon Tn501 Hg+ Hg2+ Hg2+ reductase Hg2+-resistant strains HGA HgCl2 HgCl2.A. pyogenes HGL hGM HgR HGT HH1 HH2 HH21 HhaI HHL HI double mutants HIF-1 HIF-1 binding site HIF-1alpha HIF-1alpha protein hIFN gene hIFN-alpha 2 hIFN-alpha 2 monoclonal antibody high affinity binding sites high affinity nickel transporter genes high affinity nickel transporters high affinity site high available protein high copy number plasmids high expression plasmid high mannose-type chains high Mg2+-grown cultures high molecular mass ( > 106 kDa ) species high molecular mass cyclophilins high molecular mass Tat complexes high molecular weight complex high molecular-weight penicillin-binding proteins high oxidoreductase high- and low-affinity sites high-affinity B site high-affinity binding site high-affinity binding sites high-affinity binding subunit high-affinity CC-1065 binding sequence high-affinity CyX receptor high-affinity epitopes high-affinity GABA receptors high-affinity phosphate transport system pstSCAB high-affinity phosphate-binding protein high-affinity receptor sites high-affinity site high-affinity transport system pstSCAB high-affinity virginiae butanolide receptor high-copy circular plasmids high-copy number plasmid high-copy plasmids high-copy-number conjugative Streptomyces phaeochromogenes plasmid high-copy-number plasmid high-copy-number plasmid expression vector high-copy-number plasmids high-copy-number Streptomyces plasmid high-copy-number vector High-expression plasmids high-field NMR high-frequency Arg mutants high-GC genes high-GC Gram-positive chromosomes high-level vancomycin resistance-associated genes high-M ( r ) HA high-mannose-type glycoforms high-molecular-mass acidic protein high-molecular-mass complex high-molecular-mass complexes high-molecular-mass components high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding protein high-molecular-size plasmid high-molecular-weight Avicelase high-molecular-weight group B penicillin-binding proteins high-molecular-weight penicillin-binding protein high-Mr penicillin-binding proteins high-producing mutants high-producing strains high-production variant high-resolution S1 nuclease high-salt-washed microsomes high-spin Fe ( IV ) complexes High-titer polyclonal antibodies high-yielding mutant higher cells higher ethylated homologues higher molecular weight enzyme highly alkalophilic enzymes highly conserved beta subunit highly conserved catalytic HxKxxxxD motifs highly conserved cofactor-binding domain highly divergent tuf3 gene product highly expressed genes highly homologous DNA sequence highly invasive human bladder carcinoma cells highly migratory mesenchymal cells highly purified protein HIL Y-86 hIL10 him Himastatin Hind III hindbrain regions HindII HindIII HindIII restriction site HindIII-EcoRI sites HindIII-HindIII 2.08KB DNA fragment HindIII-HindIII 2.0kb DNA fragment HinfI Hinge I region HIO3 HIR-50 His His ( 6 ) fusion protein His 11 His 199 His 213 His 228 His 43 His 53 His 57 His 68 his genes His+ His-1 His-101 His-102 His-102 mutants His-106 His-117 His-117 mutants His-155 His-164 His-189 his-2 His-212 His-220 His-271 His-298 his-3 promoter His-320 His-37 His-38 His-54 His-57 His-62 His-66 His-tag fusion protein His-tag fusion proteins His-tagged AcbM protein His-tagged fusion proteins His-tagged MsiK protein His-tagged product His-tagged protein His-tagged proteins His-tagged protomer per asymmetric unit His-tagged receptor proteins His-tagged recombinant enzyme His-tagged recombinant protein His-tagged recombinant proteins His-tagged Xys1 enzyme His-Thr-Gly sequence His101 His14 His15 His18 His209 His220 mutants His270 His298 His37 His43 His53 His54 His54 isoform His57 His6 sequence His6-tagged fusion protein His6-tagged M. thermautotrophicus type II IPP isomerase His6-tagged phiC31 proteins His65 His70 His72 His8-tagged protein His83 His87 hisA gene hisA1 HisAT hisN gene Hispmi* histatins histidase histidase structural gene histidase-encoding structural gene histidine aminotransferase histidine ammonia-lyase histidine ammonium-lyase histidine biosynthetic genes histidine decarboxylase histidine kinase histidine kinase sensor-transmitter protein histidine kinases histidine permease histidine sensor kinase histidine-57 histidine-containing phospho-carrier protein histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein histidine-phosphocarrier protein histidine-tagged fusion protein histidine-tagged gene histidine-tagged protein histidine-tagged telomere-associated protein histiocytic lymphoma cell line histone deacetylase histone deacetylases histone H1 histone molecules histone-like HU-type protein histone-like protein histones HisXAsp ( 53-57 ) XHis hitherto tyrosinases hitherto unassigned gene hitherto unisolated members HiTrapQ HIV envelope gp160 HIV gp41 protein HIV reverse transcriptase HIV transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein HIV-1 gene HIV-1 long terminal repeat-driven gene HIV-1 protease HIV-1 resistant variant HIV-1 Tat-induced gene HIV-1-infected cells HJ02 HK HK SCO0203 HK-803 HK022 HK97 HKD motif HKD motifs HKI-179 HKT1 HL-12 HL-60 HL-60 cells HL-60/AR HL60 HL60 granulocytes HL60TB cells HL60TB promyelocytic leukemia and Colo 205 colon carcinoma cells HLB HlyB-like membrane translocators Hm HM D46 HM3KO human melanoma cells HM3KO melanoma cells HmaS HMBC HMBPP HMG CoA HMG-CoA HMG-CoA reductase HMG-CoA reductase gene HMG-CoA reductases HMG-CoA synthase HmgA hmgA disruption mutant hmgr gene Hmo HMQC HMR hmr19 hmr19 disruption mutant hmr19 gene HMS HMS enzyme families HMW DNA fragments HMWP1 HMWP2 HN HN1 HN4 HNP HO1 hog heart succinic thiokinase hog trypsins hol gene hol2 holin-like protein holmicro1/6 gene Holo ACP synthase holo acyl carrier proteins holo PCP domain holo-ACP synthase holo-acyl carrier protein ( ACP ) subunit holo-acyl carrier protein synthase holo-protein complex holomycin synthetase hom-5 homo-dimer homo-dimeric protein homocomplexes homodimer homodimer families homodimeric ActR homodimeric PKSs homodimeric protein homodimeric SDR homodimers Homogeneous bacteriolytic enzymes homogeneous endo F1 homogeneous enzyme homogeneous enzymes homogeneous protein homohexameric complex homologous 11.7 kb BamHI DNA fragment homologous actinorhodin biosynthesis genes homologous alpha-amylases homologous antigens homologous chromosomal DNA homologous domains homologous enzyme homologous enzymes homologous gene homologous genes homologous hydrolases homologous mcl1 gene homologous nucleotide sequences homologous protein homologous proteins homologous regions homologous rpoV gene homologous sequence homologous sequences homology regions homopolymer fragments homoserine dehydrogenase homoserine kinase homotetrameric D-xylose isomerase homotetrameric ligand-gated intracellular Ca2+ channels homotetrameric protein homotrimeric exoribonuclease HON horizontally transferred elements hormaomycin 1 hormone biosynthetic gene hormone-sensitive lipase ( HSL ) family horseradish peroxidase horseradish peroxidase type II host ( attB ) genomes host bacterial chromosome host cells host cellular DNA host chromosome host chromosomes host E. coli cells host factor host factors host genome host plant cells host plant genes host proteins host sequences host-encoded DnaA protein hosts chromosome house-keeping murF1 gene house-keeping sigma factors housekeeping factor housekeeping gene housekeeping genes housekeeping sigma factor housekeeping Streptomyces promoters HP HP-20 HP-20 resin HP-21 HP1 HP5-29 HP530 HP77 HPA HPAEC HpaI HpaII HPD HpdA hpdR HpGAP HpgAT HPH HPH-3 HPLC HPLC UV/Vis absorbance spectral library Hplc-nmr HPLC-PDA HPLM HPMC HPMCs HPP HPP epoxidase HPPD hppD mutant hppD-hpdA promoter region HppE HppE sequences hppR gene HPQ HPQ melanin HPr HPr ( Ser ) kinase HPr family HPr kinase/phosphatase HPr mutant HPr protein HPr-like proteins HPr-P HPrsc HPSEC HPTLC HQNO HR HR-MS HR04 HR40 HR40 mutant hrcA hrcA gene hrcA homologue hrcA mutant hrcA proteins HrcA repressor hrcA-grpE-dnaK hrcA-grpE-dnaK operon hrd gene products hrd genes hrd promoters hrd-encoded sigma factors hrdA hrdA tandem promoters HrdB hrdB gene hrdB gene product hrdB homologue hrdB products HrdB protein HrdB proteins hrdB-P1 hrdB-P2 hrdC hrdC null mutant hrdD hrdD gene hrdD genes hrdD mutants hrdD p1 hrdD p2 promoters hrdD promoters hrdD sigma factor gene hrdDp1 hrdDp1 and hrdDp2 transcripts hrdDp1 promoter hrdDp1 transcript hrdDp2 hrdE hrdT hrdT gene HRFAB-MS HRFABMS HrmQ HRMS HRP hrp gene cluster HRPCR hrpI hrpL hrpN hrpN operons hrpS hrpS mutants HRV2 2A proteinase Hs 683 ( glioma ) cell lines HS-LPME HS-SPME HS1 HS12 hsaA-D and other stress response genes HSC hsCTLA-4 hsCTLA-4 gene HSD domains HSD motifs HSD structural element HSD supersecondary element HSDM1C1 mouse fibrosarcoma cells HSDs Hse HSI protein HSL HSL family HSL negative mutant HSL substrate HSL-acylase Hsp hsp110 Hsp18 hsp18 gene hsp18 gene product hsp18 mRNA hsp18 promoter HSP18 protein hsp18 RNA hsp18-rheA promoters Hsp27 HSP56 HSP56-58 species HSP58 hsp60 HSP65 HSP65 gene HSP70 hsp70A hsp72/73 Hsp90 Hsp90 client proteins Hsp90 protein Hsp90 protein chaperone complex Hsp90-dependent client proteins Hsp90s HSP94 HspR HspR /HAIR regulon HspR binding site HspR binding sites HspR consensus binding sequence hspR disruption mutant hspR mutant hspR null mutant HspR protein HspR repressor HspR-associated inverted repeats HspR-dependent genes HspR-regulated genes HSPs HSQC HSS HSV type 1 HSV-specific glycoproteins HT-29 cells HT107 cells HT1080 cells HT32 HTA HTE cells HTH HTH DNA-binding domain HTH motif HTLV-I mRNA HTLV-I p19 antigen hTNF hTNF beta hTNF beta cDNA hTNF-V ( H ) H molecules hTNF-V ( H ) H-S-tag fusion proteins hTNFalpha HtpG HU235 hub huge linear plasmids huge purification factor HuIFNalpha-2b human 11 beta- and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases human 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase human 20S proteasome human 5-lipoxygenase human A549 lung epithelial cell line human airway epithelial cells human alpha 2-macroglobulin human alpha-amylase human alpha-l-iduronidase human and mouse cell lines human and mouse cells human and murine tumor cell lines human and porcine aminoacylases-1 human antigen human aortic smooth muscle cells human beta-N-acetylhexosaminidases human blood group O erythrocytes Human blood monocytes human brain tumor cell line human breast adenocarcinoma cancer cell line human breast cancer cell line human breast cancer cell lines Human breast carcinoma cell lines human buccal and urinary tract epithelial cells human c-Ha-ras gene human c-Ha-ras genes human cancer cell lines human cancer cell-lines human cancer cells human carbonic anhydrase II human carcinoma cell lines human carcinoma cell model KB-3-1 human carcinoma cells human cardiac myosin human cell lines human cells human cervical cancer HeLa S3 cells human chromosome 12 human chromosome 19 human chromosomes human chronic erythroleukemia cell human chronic leukemia cell line human CML K562 cells human coagulation factor Human Colon Tumor 116 cells human conjunctival goblet cells human cyclin-dependent kinase human CYP27A1 human CYP2R1-VD 3 complex human CypA human cystatin C human cytomegalovirus protease human dendritic reticulum cells human dihydrofolate reductase human dihydropteridine reductase human dipeptidyl aminopeptidase II human DNA human DNA topoisomerases I and II human elastase Human embryonic kidney 293T cells human embryonic kidney cell lines human enzymes human epidermal growth factor human epidermoid carcinoma cell line human epithelial cells human erythrocytes human erythroleukemia cells human erythropoietin receptor human esophageal cancer EC17 cells human esophageal squamous cancer cell lines human fetal and postnatal fibroblasts Human fetal pancreas explants human fibroblast cells human fibroblasts human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells human gamma globulins human gastric adenocarcinoma cells human gastric lipase human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori human GCP II Human GCPII human gene human genome human genomic sequences human glial hyaluronate-binding protein human glioblastoma human glioma cell lines human glucagon receptor Human glutamate carboxypeptidase II Human glutathione reductase human glycoprotein human granulocyte elastase human granulocytes human group I pepsin human HeLa S3 cells human helper T cells human hepatocarcinoma Hep3B cell line human hepatoma PLC/PRF/5 cells human HSC line LX-2 human hsp70B promoter human Hsp90α human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ( HIV-1 ) regulatory protein human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gene human immunodeficiency virus type 1 regulatory protein human immunophilin cyclophilin A human insulin human interferon alpha 2 human interleukin-2 human interleukin-3 human keratinocytes human kidney renin human Kox-1-derived transsilencing domain Human leucocyte chemotaxis using cells human leukemia cell line human leukemia cells human leukemia HL-60 cells human leukemic K562 cells human leukemic K562 multidrug-resistant cells human leukemic U937 cells human leukocyte human leukocyte elastase human leukocytes human lung adenocarcinoma cell line human lung adenocarcinoma cells human lung cancer cell lines human lung cancer LX-1 human lung epithelial cells human LX-1 human lymphoblastic leukemic cell line human lymphocytes human lymphocytic leukemia MDR-CEM cells human lymphoma cell line human lysozyme human lysozymes human malignant melanoma cell lines human malignant mesothelioma cells human medulloblastoma human megakaryoblastic leukemia CMK-7 cells human melanoma A375 cells human melanoma cell line human melanoma cell lines human mesenchymal stem cells human metalloproteinases human milk human mini-chromosome human mitochondrial genome human MLR human monoamine oxidases human monocyte-derived macrophages human monocytes human mononuclear phagocytes human myelogenous leukemia K562 cells human NAT2 human neoplastic T-cell line human neuroblastoma human neutrophil cells human neutrophil elastase Human NK cells human non-small-cell lung cancer cell line human normal dermal fibroblasts human normal fibroblast cell line human normal fibroblasts human normal skin human O erythrocytes human oocyte-cumulus complex human or bovine vitreous collagen fibrils human or rabbit genome human oral epidermoid carcinoma ( KB ) cells human orbital fibroblasts human origin human osteosarcoma ( tk- ) cells human osteosarcoma MG63 cells human OTCase human ovarian cancer A2780 cells human ovarian carcinoma HO-8910 cell line human ovarian tumor cell line human p16 gene human p21 gene Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma AsPC-1 cells Human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells human pancreatic alpha-amylase human pancreatic cancer cell line human pathogens human peripheral blood lymphocytes human peritoneal mesothelial cells human pi class glutathione S-transferase human placenta topoisomerase II human placental 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Human placental estradiol 17 beta-dehydrogenase human placental microsomes human plasma human plasma components human plasma proteins human platelet human platelets human PMN human polymorphonuclear leukocytes human polypeptide chain elongation factor 1alpha human populations human PP1 regulatory subunit human primary cells human promyelocytic leukemia ( HL-60 ) cells human promyelocytic leukemia cells human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells human prostate cancer cell human prostate cancer cells human proteins human ras human red cells human regulator human salivary alpha-amylase human salivary proteins human serum albumin human skin fibroblast cultures Human skin fibroblasts human small cell lung cancer H69 cells human small cell lung carcinoma Ms-1 cells human solid tumor cells human soluble Interleukin 6 receptor human stomach cancer cell line human stomach tumor SC-6 cells human synovial fluid phospholipase A2 human synovial fluids human synovial phospholipase A2 human T and NK lymphocytes human T cell leukemia Jurkat cells human T cell line human T cells human T lymphocytes human T-cell leukemia Jurkat cells human T-cell receptor human telomerase human telomeric basket-type G-quadruplex human Tenons capsule fibroblasts Human teratocarcinoma-derived cells human thoracic aortas human thrombospondin 1 human thrombospondin 1 type 3 repeats human transferrin human tumor cell lines human tumor cells human U-937 tumor cells human umbilical vein endothelial cells human urokinase human VEGF promoter human VSMCs human Y chromosome humans and Pseudomonas species humidus strain S5-55 cultures hundred fifty-eight cultures hup gene hup transcript hup2 gene hur HUSI-1 HUT 6037 inducibly produced two chitosanases hut genes HutC subfamily HutC/GntR subfamily HutC/GntR type regulator DasR hutH hutH start codon hutH structural gene hutH translation start codon hutI HutP HUVEC HUVECs HVA1 HW-40 HW-50 HXKXXXXD ( HKD ) motifs HxlR family HY-12 HYAL 1 HYAL 2 Hyal B Hyal C HYAL-1 hyaluronan affinity protein hyaluronan molecules hyaluronan receptor hyaluronan receptors hyaluronan-aggrecan complexes Hyaluronan-binding macromolecules hyaluronan-binding probes hyaluronan-binding proteins hyaluronan-binding region hyaluronan-binding site Hyaluronan-binding sites hyaluronan-degrading enzyme hyaluronan/hyaluronan receptor hyaluronate 3-glycanohydrolase hyaluronate 4-glycanohydrolase hyaluronate degradation products hyaluronate receptor hyaluronate-binding cells hyaluronate-binding region hyaluronectin hyaluronic acid-binding glycoprotein hyaluronic acid-splitting enzymes hyaluronidase hyaluronidase-pretreated fibroblasts hyaluronidase-treated adult cells hyaluronidase-treated cells hyaluronidases Hyb-24 hybrid hybrid anthracyclines hybrid attachment sites hybrid ble gene hybrid cefE gene hybrid cell hybrid clones hybrid cluster protein hybrid clusters hybrid construction hybrid constructs hybrid dioxygenase ( todC1 : : bphA2A3A4 ) genes hybrid DNA Hybrid DptD subunits hybrid enzyme hybrid enzymes hybrid expandase ( deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase ; DAOCS ) gene hybrid fragment hybrid fragments hybrid gene Hybrid gene constructs hybrid gyrB genes hybrid histidine kinase hybrid isopenicillin N epimerase gene hybrid Kyn ( 13 ) module hybrid molecule hybrid molecules hybrid multicopy plasmid hybrid natural products hybrid nonribosomal peptide synthetase/polyketide synthase hybrid NRPS-PKS hybrid NRPS/PKS hybrid penicillin N expandase gene hybrid peptide-polyketide natural products hybrid pikAI complementation plasmids hybrid PKS hybrid PKS-NRPS megasynthetase hybrid plasmid hybrid plasmid pSU10 hybrid plasmid PVGB21 hybrid plasmids hybrid polyketide synthase hybrid polyketide synthases hybrid products hybrid promoters hybrid proteins hybrid pSU 3 plasmid hybrid pSU1 hybrid synthases hybrid transcription units hybrid vector hybrid xylanase TB hybridisation probes hybridization probe hybridization probes hybridized DNA fragment hybridized probe hybridized region hybridizing clone hybridizing clones hybridizing fragments hybridizing region hybridizing regions hybrids Hydantocidin hydantoin utilization protein hydratase domain hydratase/isomerase superfamily hydrated solid protein hydrogen bonded water molecules hydrogen-bonding site hydrogenans 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase hydrogenase syntons 1 and 2 hydrogenases Hydroheptin hydrolase hydrolase domain hydrolases hydrolysis product hydrolysis products hydrolytic enzyme hydrolytic enzymes hydrolytic exoribonuclease hydrolytic fragments hydrolytic reaction products hydroperoxidase-catalase hydroperoxidases hydrophilic amino terminus hydrophilic cephalosporins hydrophilic monomers hydrophilic region hydrophilic regions hydrophobic amino acid residues hydrophobic amino acids hydrophobic amino termini hydrophobic aromatic portion hydrophobic beta-barrel domain hydrophobic channel hydrophobic clusters hydrophobic component hydrophobic core region hydrophobic core-cleavage region hydrophobic core-cleavage site hydrophobic cores hydrophobic domain hydrophobic enzyme hydrophobic microbial proteins hydrophobic molecule hydrophobic P1 side chain hydrophobic penicillins hydrophobic peptidic morphogen hydrophobic polyene region hydrophobic polypeptide hydrophobic protein hydrophobic proteins hydrophobic region hydrophobic regions hydrophobic S1 hydrophobic secreted proteins hydrophobic side chains hydrophobic side-chains hydrophobic sidechain hydrophobic site hydrophobic transmembrane proteins hydrophobic transmembrane regions hydrophobin family hydrophobins hydroquinone oxidase hydroquinone-epoxidases hydroxyethyl side chain hydroxyindole O-methyl transferase hydroxyindole O-methyltransferase hydroxyl-containing aromatic acceptors hydroxylamine mutagenesis delivered 9 stable ts mutants hydroxylase hydroxylase and expandase genes hydroxylase gene hydroxylase LanZ5 hydroxylase proteins hydroxylases hydroxylated products hydroxylation substrate hydroxymandelate oxidase hydroxyneurosporene methyltransferase hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenases hydroxyquinol mC7N unit hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases Hyg hyg gene hyg gene promoter hyg resistance gene hyg21 hyg21 gene hyg21 mutant Hyg26 protein hygB Hygrocin A hygromycin ( hyg ) resistance gene Hygromycin A hygromycin B hygromycin B phosphotransferase hygromycin B phosphotransferases hygromycin gene cluster hygromycin phosphotransferase hygromycin resistance ( hyg ) gene hygromycin resistance gene hygromycin-resistance gene hygromycin-resistance plasmid hygroscopicus 17997 genome hygroscopicus bialaphos-resistant gene hyper-productive mutants hyperactive vitamin D 3 hydroxylase hyperexpression vector Hyperpap colonies hypertransposing elements Hypertrophic chondroblasts hypertrophic chondrocytes hypertrophic scar fibroblasts hypervariable alpha region hyphal fragments hyphal regions hypothetical 49.5-kDa protein hypothetical circular progenitors hypothetical domains hypothetical factors hypothetical free soil enzymes hypothetical membrane protein hypothetical protease hypothetical protein hypothetical proteins hypothetical regulatory protein I converted ampicillin I genes i protein I-355 I-factors I03 I222 I222 form I222 structure I298 I305 I305L I305M I41R I49A I49C mutants I49P mutant I50 I50s Ia antigens IAA IAF18 IAF36 IAF74 IAF9 IAM IAMI295 IAMI470 Ib Ib-specific determinant IBAH IBL-14 ibp IC ( 50 ) = 1.8 μM IC101 IC201 ICAM-1 ICAM-1/LFA-1 ICBB8309 ICBB8415 ICE ice nucleation protein ICL ICL enzymes IclR IclR family iclR gene iclR gene product IclR repressors IclR sequence IclR-like regulator iclR-type regulatory gene IclR-type transcriptional regulator iclR-type transcriptional regulator genes ICM ICM holoenzyme icm meaA mutant ICM subunits IcmA icmA gene IcmA protein IcmB ICR-191 Id Id enzymes ID50 ideal fusion protein identical 60 kDa subunits identical C termini identical core sequences identical N-terminal sequence identical NH2-terminal sequence identical subunits identification sites identifying molecules idhA idhA mutant IdhA protein idi-1 idi-2 gene IDT IDUA IDUA protein IDUA transgene IE gene IE genes IEt IF IF proteins IF-like protein IF1 IF2 IF3 IFN-alpha 1 IFN-alpha 1 gene IFN-gamma IFO 3105 IFO13350 harboring pWHM3-TR1R2 IFO3232 IFs IFS gene IgA IgE IGF-I IgG IgG antibodies IgG antibody IgG molecule IGI IgM IgM-alkaline phosphatase IgM-fluorescein conjugates IgM-immunogold conjugate IgM-peroxidase IGS IHNV IHNV viral RNA II-29 II-deficient HL-60/MX2 cells II03 II13 II23 IIa IIACrr IIb IIC9 fibroblasts III-2 III03 IIIb IIs IKA 18/4 IKA18/4 IKD472 IL-1 IL-1 beta IL-1 beta- IL-1 receptor IL-1 receptors IL-10 IL-11 IL-11 gene IL-11 mRNA IL-15 IL-18 IL-1beta IL-1R IL-1RI IL-1ss IL-2 Il-2 antibody immunoreactive proteins IL-2 gene IL-2 receptor IL-2 receptors IL-3 IL-4 IL-4R IL-4R alpha chain IL-5 IL-6 IL-6- and IL-11-dependent cell lines IL-6-dependent cell line IL-6-dependent cells IL-8 IL-8 mRNA IL-8 promoter ILA Ile Ile 200 Ile mutants Ile-255 Ile-4 Ile21 ileS genes illumination-related loci IlrA IlrA ( SLP2 ) protein ILS ilvB ilvB genes ilvBN gene ilvC ilvE ilvN genes IM-2 IM-2-binding protein IM-2-specific binding protein IM-2-specific receptor IM-2-specific receptor gene IM-2-type isomers imbricin-producing culture IMET JA 5142 IMET JA 5142/01P1 IMET JA 5570/10P imidazoleglycerolphosphate dehydratases imidazolone-5-propionate hydrolase iminobiotin Immature cells immature spore chains immediate precursors immediate upstream sequence immediate-early ( IE ) genes immediate-early promoter immigrant chromosome immobilised protein immobilized anhydrotrypsin immobilized cells immobilized complex immobilized enzyme immobilized enzymes immobilized forms immobilized luffa cells immobilized protein immobilized resting cells immobilized streptavidin immobilized xylose ( glucose ) isomerases immobilizing proteins immobilizing Streptomyces phaeochromogenes cells immune cells immunoaffinity chromatography identified bacterial SSBs immunoaffinity purification yielding RNA polymerases immunoaffinity-layered enzymes immunoaffinity-layered glucose oxidase immunocompetent cells immunocomplexes immunodominant 65-kilodalton antigen immunodominant protein immunoglobulin E immunoglobulin E antibody Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) antibodies immunoglobulin G antibodies immunoglobulin heavy chain immunoglobulin M immunoglobulin-secreting cells immunoglobulins immunoglobulins IgG immunological consequences immunological cross-reactivity between two isozymes immunological-reactive protein immunologically competent cells immunologically cross-reacting 45-kDa decarboxylase immunologically detectable proteinase immunologically related proteins immunomycin nonproducing mutants immunoperoxidase immunophilin immunophilins immunoreactive protein immunostained SMC proteins immunostimulating drug Bestatin immunosuppressive complex immunosuppressive natural product immunosuppressors imp genes imp promoter imp region IMP-dehydrogenase impA ImpC impC gene product impC gene products importin beta family IMSNU-1 in-frame deletion mutants in-phase ATG initiation codon IN6CPBD IN6CPBD-treated cells INA 654 inactivated enzyme inactivated hyaluronidase inactivated ketosynthase domain inactivated product inactivated products inactivating enzymes inactivation product inactivator inactive Ala mutants inactive apo-enzyme inactive apo-form inactive apo-proteins inactive enzyme inactive forms inactive glycosylated molecule inactive inclusion bodies inactive inclusion bodies when ChoB protein inactive mutant inactive mutant chitosanase inactive mutant H ( + ) -PPases inactive mutants inactive penicillin-enzyme-membrane complexes inactive protein inactive proteolytically derived protein inactive radioactive product inactive RamC multimers inactive TH-2PLD mutant inactive variant inactive variants inclusion complex IncN plasmids incoming plasmid incompatibility region incompatible plasmid incompetent complex incompetent MelC1.MelC2 binary complex incomplete gene incorporation into protein IncP plasmid IncPalpha plasmid IncPalpha plasmids IncQ IncQ-based mobilizable plasmid incubation product IncW independent activation sites independent enzyme independent fusion domain independent gene independent lineages independent virulence factor independently transcribed response regulator gene indicator gene indigenous large plasmids indirect metabolic sequence indispensable central regions indodeglycerol phosphate synthase indolocarbazole family indolocarbazole precursors Inducer-dependent prokaryotic transcriptional repressor proteins inducible bacteriophage T7 promoter inducible beta-lactamase inducible beta-lactamase genes inducible enzyme inducible genes inducible mercury resistance genes inducible phage T7 promoter inducible pIN-III-ompA vector inducible promoter inducible T7 promoter inducible tipA promoter inducible tipAp promoter inductive mesenchymal cells Indulin industrial enzymes industrial interest whose genome inert acyl-enzyme inert acyl-enzymes inert chromic desferriferrioxamine B complexes inessential DNA inessential early gene products infected cells infected erythrocytes infected Vero E6 cells inferred proteins inflammatory cells inflammatory cytokine inflammatory cytokines inflammatory mediators inhibitor complex inhibitor molecule inhibitor protein inhibitor-deficient mutant inhibitor-deficient mutants inhibitor-enzyme complex inhibitor-like proteins inhibitor-subtilisin complex inhibitory activity toward proteases inhibitory determinant inhibitory end-products inhibitory factor inhibitory mediator inhibitory strains representing 29 microbial species inhibitory than erbstatin initial cleavage products initial complex initial ParB-parS complex initiation codon initiation codons initiation complexes initiation factors initiation protein initiation proteins initiation site initiation sites inkO innate Tc-controllable promoter inner membrane protein inner membrane proteins Inoculum A Inoculum B Inoculum C inorganic pyrophosphatase iNOS iNOS enzyme iNOS mRNA iNOS promoter-driven luciferase iNOS protein inosamine-P-amidinotransferase inosamine-phosphate amidinotransferase Inosamine-phosphate amidinotransferases inosine and/or 2 inositol monophosphatases inosose aminotransferase inosose product input plasmids Ins insect chitinase insect genomes insect growth regulator insecticidal secondary metabolite avermectins insensitive enzyme insert DNA insert DNA fragment inserted element insertion element insertion elements insertion mutant insertion sequence insertion sequence ( IS ) element insertion sequence element insertion sequences insertion site insertion sites inserts encoded typical signal sequences insoluble chitin insoluble chitin substrates insoluble collagen insoluble complexes insoluble intracellular proteins insoluble protein insoluble substrates insulin insulin B-chain insulin receptor insulin receptor substrate-1 insulin-like growth factor-I insulin-producing beta cells insulin-producing beta-cells insulin-release insulins int gene int gene product intact actIII gene intact animal cells intact bacterial cells intact barS2 gene intact cells intact cultured cells intact DNA molecules intact fusion protein intact HPr protein intact L1210 cells intact red cells intact sequence integral biosynthetic proteins integral epimerization ( E ) domains integral membrane component integral membrane domain integral membrane glycoprotein integral membrane protein integral membrane proteins integral thioesterase domain integrant lines integrase integrase enzyme integrase family integrase gene integrase mRNA integrase/transposase proteins integrated gene integrated sequences integrated transgenes integration plasmids integration site integration sites integration vector integrational pIJ702-based plasmid vector gave mutants integrative element integrative elements integrative expression vectors integrative gene disruption construct integrative plasmid integrin alpha vbeta3 receptor Integrin alpha2beta1 integrin-beta1 intein coding sequence inter-alpha-inhibitor family inter-alpha-inhibitor-related 120-kDa complex inter-alpha-trypsin inter-connected gene products inter-domain linker regions inter-gene regions interacted cells interacting domains interacting molecules intercellular adhesion molecule-1 intercellular components intercistronic kilB promoter region intercistronic mer promoter region intercistronic region interdependent transcripts interdomain regions interesting aromatic polyketide biosynthesis genes interferon interferon alpha 2 interfilament contact site intergenic intergenic non-coding region intergenic region intergenic regions intergenic sequences interlacunar network Interleukin ( IL ) -1 interleukin ( IL ) -4 interleukin ( IL ) 10 interleukin 1 interleukin 1 beta interleukin 1 beta- interleukin 2 interleukin 3 interleukin 6 Interleukin-1 Interleukin-1 alpha interleukin-1 beta interleukin-1 receptor interleukin-10 interleukin-15 interleukin-1beta interleukin-2 interleukin-2 receptors interleukin-2-activated cells Interleukin-4 interleukin-6 interleukin-6 receptor interleukin-8 interleukin-dependent nontransformed leukocytes interleukine-6 interleukins 6 Intermediary enzymes intermediate between classical penicillin-binding proteins intermediate filament proteins intermediate filament subunit proteins intermediate metabolism enzymes intermediate pro-Npr intermolecular dimers internal 6.5-Mb region internal 99-bp EcoT14I fragment internal acyltransferase internal amino acid sequences internal AT domains internal beta-1 internal constitutive promoter internal DNA fragment internal EcoNI-SmaI fragment internal initiation codons internal MluI site internal monooxygenase internal peptide fragments internal peptide sequences internal promoter internal proteins internal region internal ribosome entry site internal SphI site internal sporogenous hypha forming coiled chains internal thioesterase domain intervening genes intervening sequence intestinal glucosidase intestinal I-cells intestinal lipase intestine alpha-glucosidase intra-operonic genes intracellular actinomycin-binding proteins intracellular acyl-CoAs intracellular alpha-glucosidases intracellular amino acids intracellular beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase intracellular beta-xylosidase intracellular cephalosporin C esterase intracellular constitutive enzyme intracellular cysteine proteases intracellular enzyme intracellular enzymes intracellular glucose isomerase intracellular glucosyltransferase intracellular L-asparaginase intracellular malate dehydrogenases intracellular melanin intracellular methylmalonyl-CoA intracellular peroxidase intracellular PHB depolymerases intracellular protease intracellular protein intracellular protein receptors intracellular signaling molecule intracellular signaling proteins intracellular Smad proteins intracellular sorbitol oxidase intracellular tyrosinase intracellular wall proteins intraepithelial lymphocytes intragenomic homologues intramembrane segment intrinsic S. coelicolor factor introduced cells introduced E. coli phr gene introducing heat-killed cells intron introns inulinase invariant acidic amino acids invariant EXXR motif invariant residue Asp121 invertebrate alpha-amylases invertebrate sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins inverted resolution sites inverted terminal repeats inverted-repeat sequences investigating determining factors involving four enzymes iodide-accumulating marine strains iodinated proteins ion channel proteins ion channels ion transporters ion-conducting proteins ion-exchange resins ion-permeable channels Ion-selective channels ion-translocating ATPases IOP IP mutant IP3R IPG IPM IPM around photoreceptor inner segments IPM HA IPMI IPMS IPN IPN acyltransferase IPN synthase IPNS IPNS gene IPNS genes IPNS isozyme IPNS ribosome binding site IPNS triple mutant IPNS-deficient mutant IPNS-encoding pcbC gene IPNSs ipoA TTA codon ipomicin structural gene Ipomoea batatas catechol oxidase IPP IPP isomerase IPP isomerase gene IPP isomerases IPt ipt ( isopentenyl transferase ) gene ipt-type MAT vector IPTG IPTG inducible promoters IPTG-induced transformed cells IPTG-inducible lac promoter IpxC IR IR proteins IR-L IR1 IR2 IR3 IRA-93 IRBCs IRC-50 IRES iris epithelial cells iromycin family iron ( II ) complex iron ( III ) -tetra-alpha4-ortho-carboxyphenylporphyrin iron ( III ) -tetra-para-carboxyphenylporphyrin iron boxes iron chelating agent 2 iron complexes iron regulatory proteins iron repressor ( DtxR ) -binding site iron siderophore transporter genes iron-binding sites iron-chelators iron-containing superoxide dismutase iron-containing superoxide dismutases iron-dependent proteins iron-independent mutants iron-metabolism proteins iron-porphyrin cofactors iron-regulated desA promoter iron-regulated genes iron-regulated promoter iron-regulated promoters iron-sulfur cluster iron-sulfur cluster using alpha iron-sulfur protein irp1 irp1 gene irp1 mutant irp2 irp3 irp4 irp5 irregular ( alpha/beta ) 8-barrel comprising eight beta-strand/loop/alpha-helix units irregular smaller units irreversible complexes irreversible conformationally locked EI** complex irreversible inactivator IRS IRS transcribed longer mRNAs IS cluster IS elements IS-A0 IS-A3 IS-B3 IS-like element IS-like elements IS1000 IS110 IS110 element IS110 insertion element IS1110 IS1110-derived probe IS1110-hybridizing sequences IS112 IS116 IS1164 elements IS117 IS117 attachment ( attP int ) sites IS117 attachment site IS117 integrated into secondary sites IS117 target sites IS117 transposase IS1373 IS1629 IS3 IS3 family IS466 IS466 elements IS466A IS468A IS468A* IS468B IS469 IS470 IS493 IS6 family IS6-related element IS6-type transposable element IS6100-containing non-replicative plasmid IS702 IS801 transposase-like protein IS869 IS900 IS901 IS902 IscS IsdG IsdI ISL2 islet cells ISM-B ISM-B resistance gene Isn iso-16 iso-chorismate synthase isobutylamine hydroxylase isobutylamine N-hydroxylase isobutyrate-resistant stains isobutyryl coenzyme A isobutyryl-CoA isobutyryl-CoA mutase isocaproic side chain isocitrate dehydrogenase isocitrate lyase isocitrate lyase gene isocitrate lyases isoelectric point 6.2 isoelectric point around 8 Isoenzymes isoflavone synthase ( IFS ) gene isoforms isogenic constructs isogenic mutants isogenic rho ( + ) cells isoglycoproteins Isoinhibitor K isolated genes isolated nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) domains isolated rat hepatocytes isolated subunits isolating detergent-solubilized membrane antigens isoleucine gave enzyme isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase isologous rabbit gamma globulins isomaltase isomerase isomerase gene product isomerase-defective E. coli mutants isomerases isomigrastatin isonuatigenone when diosgenin isopenicillin epimerase isopenicillin N isopenicillin N ( IPN ) synthase isopenicillin N acyltransferase isopenicillin N epimerase Isopenicillin N isomerase Isopenicillin N synthase isopenicillin N synthase ( IPNS ) genes isopenicillin N synthase genes isopenicillin N synthases isopenicillin N synthetase isopenicillin N synthetase ( IPNS ) gene isopenicillin N synthetase genes isopenicillin N-epimerase isopenicillin N-synthase isopenicillin-N synthase isopentenyl diphosphate ( IPP ) isomerase isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase ( idi ) type 2 gene isopentenyl transferase gene isoprene units isoprenoid cyclase isopropyl side chain isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside-inducible T7 promoter isopropylmalate isomerase isopropylmalate synthase isoquinocycline B IsoSL1 isotope labeled precursors isotope-labelled HSV-specific proteins isovaleryl-CoA isovalerylspiramycin components isozymes ISP ISP ( International Streptomyces Project ) cultures ISP 2 ISP4 ISP5230 ISP5230 DNA ISP5230 genomic DNA ISRm4 ISs ist gene istamycin ( IS ) components istamycin-inactivating enzyme IT-143-B IT-62 IT-62-B ITCC 4517 iterative polyketide synthases iterative type I polyketide synthase Its deduced protein its gene ITSs IV IV chitinases IV03 IVa IVb IVc Ivermectin ivermectin synthesized gene cluster IX-H8 J J-104303 J-109384 J-13-3 J-13-3 chitinase J-2 J. lividum enzyme J1501 J1501 lineage J1501 possess L-TIRs J173 J1929 J2K2 heterotetramer J774 J774A.1 JA 3890b JA 6599 V13 JA/ET jack bean alpha-D-mannosidase Jad protein JadFGH jadFGH oxygenases JadH jadH mutant jadI jadJ jadL jadM jadM sequence jadN jadN ORF jadO jadomycin A jadomycin B jadomycin B ( JdB ) biosynthetic genes jadomycin B biosynthesis genes jadomycin biosynthetic genes jadomycin congeners jadomycin cyclase gene jadP jadQ product jadR jadR ( 1 ) were lost ; mature cultures jadR genes jadR1 jadR2 JadS jadT product jadV product jadW ( 1 ) -disrupted mutant jadW ( 1 ) -disrupted mutants jadW2 jadW3 jadX Jag JAK-3 jar-fermentor batch cultures Jaurin JB-4 JBIR-02 JBIR-04 JBIR-06 JBIR-11 JBIR-23 JBIR-90 JC-1 Jcl-ICR JCM3304T JdB Jenamidine A JF-A JF-B JI66 jinggangensis *75 JL10 Jlim1 Jlim2 = 25 nmol min-1 ( mg DS ) -1 JM109 JM83 Jni1 JNK JNK ( c-Jun N-terminal kinase ) /stress-activated protein kinase JNK isoforms JNK/SAPK JNK/SAPKs JNK/stress-activated protein kinase JNKs JP95 Jpn JS2 JS4 JS6 JS82 JS85 JS87 JT46 Juglomycin Z julimycin-B complex jumonjinensis IPNS gene Jun N-terminal kinase junB junction fragment junction fragments junction sequences junction site junction site region junctional complexes junD JURKAT Jurkat cells Jurkat lymphocytes Jurkat T cells just biosynthetic genes juxtacanalicular region juxtacellular network juxtaposing phsA gene JXH4 K ( + ) -ion-charged ionophore complex K ( + ) -selective channel family K ( + ) -selective channel sequences K ( + ) -selective channels K ( + ) channel proteins K ( + ) channel sequences K ( + ) sympoter proteins k ( 2 ) /K K ( 2 ) HPO K ( Ca ) channels K antigen K+ channel K+ channel GYGD signature sequence K+ channel homologue K+ channel P-domain K+ channels K+ complex K+-rich cells K+-selective channel protein K+2 K-11 K-12 K-13 K-235 K-245 K-562 K-82 A K-82 B complex K-82 B2 K-channel K-region K-rev-1 suppressor gene K. aridum 2.9 kb BamHI genomic fragment K. aridum genome K. setae-attB sequence K1 K10 protein K105 K106 K11 K1115 A K12 K15 K15 DD-peptidase K15 transferase K156/173D K164R K1E346DPLD mutant K1PLD K2 K202 K252c K2Pt ( C2O4 ) 2 K2Pt ( CN ) 4 K30 K33 K37 K410N mutants K43R K43T K4Fe ( CN ) 6 K54 K562 K562 cells K562/ADM K56R mutant ribosome K61 K61A K73 K88E K88E mutant K88E-GI92 double mutant K88E-GI92 double mutant ribosomes K88R mutant ribosome K88R mutants KA-107 KA-304.Recombinant chitinase KA-304.The gene KAA1 KAB-14 KAB-2 kac338 KAI-32 KAI-90 Kakadumycin A Kalafungin kalafungin-nonproducing mutants kalI kallikrein/BPTI complex kamB kamB product kamC kan coding region kan gene kan gene fragment kan gene region kan genes kan promoter kan region Kan+ clones Kan12 kanA kanamyceticus genomic DNA kanamycin ( Km ) resistance marker Kanamycin A kanamycin B. Primers kanamycin biosynthetic gene kanamycin phosphotransferase gene kanamycin resistance gene kanamycin resistance genes kanamycin resistance promoter kanamycin-gentamicin resistance methylase kanamycin-resistance gene kanamycin-resistance-encoding gene kanamycin-resistant clones kanamycin-resistant ribosomes kanB KanM Kanr Kanr and Neor genes kappa light chain kappa-carrageenase kappa-casein kapurimycin A3 KAS KAS III KASIII KASIII gene KASIII mutants kasJ kasJ gene kasK kasK gene KasK protein kasL and kasM genes kasM kasN kasO kasO deletion mutant kasO transcriptional start site kasP kasPQ transcript kasQ kasQ-kasR kasR kasT kasT gene kasU kasU-kasJ kasugamycin acetyltransferase kasugamycin acetyltransferase gene kasugamycin-producing S. kasugaensis MB273 KAT I KatA katA mutant katA-regulatory elements KatF katF gene product katG katG gene KATO III cells KAu ( CN ) 4 Kav Kazal-type trypsin Kazusamycin B KB KB carcinoma cells KB cell line KB cells KB/VCR cells Kb1 KB3H4/NaBH4 KB5 KbaY KbaZ KbpA KC KC cultures KC301 lysogens KC505 KC515 KC515 DNA KC515 phage vector KC516 KC518 KC659 KC750 KC859 kcat 164 s-1 kcat/Km = 1.3 x 10 ( 5 ) M-1 s-1 kcat/Km = 3.2 x 104 M-1 s-1 kcat/Km = 5.8 x 106 M-1 s-1 kcat/Km nearly 2 units KCC S-0309 KCCS0263 KCl KCN KcsA KcsA channels kcsA gene KcsA K+ channel KcsA potassium channel KcsA protein KcsA structure KcsA subunits KcsA tetramer KCTC 0041BP KCTC 0041BP genome KdgR kdgR negative regulatory gene KdgR-binding site Kdn KdpA subunit KdpB subunit KdpC KDR kendomycin biosynthetic gene kendomycin-treated U-937 cells KerA keratan sulfate-enriched domain keratan-sulfate-like molecules keratin keratin 10 keratin-degrading proteases Keratinase keratinase enzyme keratinases keratinases 1 and 2 keratinocyte keratinocyte cultures keratinocytes keratinolytic enzyme keratinolytic proteinases keratinolytic serine protease keratinous substrates keto ester reductase keto-reductase ketoacyl synthase ketoreductase ketoreductase ( KR ) domains ketoreductase gene ketoreductase genes ketoreductase motifs ketoreductases ketosynthase ketosynthase ( KS ) 1 domain ketosynthase ( KS ) domains ketosynthase ( KS ) gene fragment ketosynthase ( KS1 ) domain ketosynthase and chain-length factor genes ketosynthase complex ketosynthase domain ketosynthase domains ketosynthase genes ketosynthase II Kex 2 proteinase Kex2 proteinase Kexstatin I key developmental regulator gene key enzymes key gene key genes key morphoregulatory molecules key pathway-specific regulatory gene key precursors key regulatory genes key regulatory protein key secondary metabolite regulatory element key Streptomyces coelicolor regulators kfrA kg-1 kgmA gene kgmB kgmB gene kgmB gene product KgmB methylase kgmB transcript Kgp KH-614 KH-95 KH29 Ki Ki-1 KI72 kidney AVP-V2 receptors kilB KilB fusion protein kilB gene KilB mutants kilB promoter kilB promoter region kilB promoter sequences KilB protein kilB sequence kilB spread gene KilB spread protein kilB-specific mRNA killed bacterial cells killer toxin-like protein killing site kilogram enzyme kinase kinase catalytic domain kinase domain kinase insert domain-containing receptor kinase-anti-sigma factor kinase-like genes kinases kinetically differentially expressed genes kinetically stable proteins kinetoplast DNA Kir Kir2.1 kirromycin biosynthetic gene Kit kitasamycin complex Kitasatospora cystarginea NR-4 KIVDH KJ-72 Klebsiella aerogenes Klenow fragment Km = 1.25 X 10 ( -3 ) M. Phosphatase Km acetyltransferase Km biosynthetic gene cluster Km biosynthetic proteins KM resistance determinants KM-102 cells KM-resistance gene KM-resistance segment kmr kmr gene kmr mRNA kmr transcript Kms KNF 2047 KNI-272 KNO3 knock-out mutants knockout mutant knockout mutants KO-100 KO-179 KO-23 KO-390 KO-417 KO-8119 KOH komodoquinone A kookaburra ovomucoid third domain kor ( kil override ) transcription control genes KorA korA ( 241 aa ) and korB ( 80 aa ) loci korA gene product KorA protein KorA proteins KorA repressor protein KorB korB gene korB gene product korB locus korB operator sequence korB ORFs KorB protein korB regulatory gene KorB repressor KorB repressor protein korB sequence Korean soils KorSA korSA ( kil-override ) gene product korSA gene KorSA protein kosinostatin KOSN-1633 Kpn I KpnI KpnI site Kps KR KR domain KR domains KR1 domain KR12 domain KR16 domain KR21 KR6 KR6 domain kreact=0.024 min-1 kringle domain KS KS ( 6 ) domain KS ( 6 ) modules KS ( S ) domain KS 10-2 KS alpha KS and ACP subunits KS beta KS domain KS domains KS fragment KS gene KS III KS-AT original region KS-AT region KS-MAT KS-MAT ( S656A ) mutant KS/CLF KS/CLF complex KS1 KS3 KS505a biosynthetic gene cluster KSalpha KSalpha subunit KSalpha/KSbeta KSalphaKSbeta ksbA ksbA disruption construct KSbeta KSbeta gene KSbeta genes KSbeta subunit ksdD gene ksdR KSIII KSM KSM acetyltransferase KSM acetyltransferase gene KSM transporter genes KSM-26 KSM-9 KSM9 KSQ KSs KT1 KT2 KTG KTG triad yielded very unstable proteins KtrAB KtrAB family KtrB protein Ku protein sequences Kunitz pancreatic trypsin Kunitz type inter-alpha-inhibitor family Kv Kv channels KW-2189 KY-11 Kyiv region Kyn kynurenine formamidase kynurenine formamidase I kynurenine formamidase II L : -lysine molecule L cells L Dap L form L gene L protein L+58A L-105 L-155 L-156 L-2 l-3 L-365 L-368 L-50S L-65 L-65 mutants L-659 L-681 L-683 L-689 L-694 L-740 L-88 L-9 L-AAA L-AAO l-Ala L-Ala6 L-Alanine dehydrogenase l-alpha L-alpha-aminoadipyl side-chain l-amino acid acylase L-amino acid oxidase L-amino acid oxidases L-amino acids L-amino-acid oxidase L-Arginine-glycine amidinotransferase l-Asn L-Asn ( OH ) 3 L-Asn11 L-Asp L-Asp ( OMe ) 9 L-asparaginase L-aspartate transcarbamylase L-cysteine ligase L-DOPA L-DOPA oxidase l-DOPA-2 L-epimer L-erythro form L-factor L-form L-form cells L-form colonies L-forms L-fucose specific lectin L-fucose-specific hemagglutinins l-galactosyl residues L-Gln L-glutamate 1-carboxy-lyase L-glutamate oxidase L-glutamate oxidase ( gox ) gene L-Glutamate synthetase L-glutaminase L-glutaminase enzyme L-glutamine : 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose aminotransferase L-glutamine : DOI aminotransferase L-glutamine : inosose aminotransferase L-glutamine : scyllo-inosose aminotransferase L-glutamine utilizing enzymes L-gulonolactone oxidase L-His-S-NikP1 L-histidine amino-transferase L-histidinol-phosphate phosphatase L-isomer L-isomers L-lactate dehydrogenase l-Leu l-Leucine-regulatory mutants L-lle13 L-lysine 2-aminotransferase L-lysine 6-aminotransferase L-Lysine cyclodeaminase L-lysine decarboxylase L-lysine epsilon-amino transferase L-lysine epsilon-aminotransferase L-lysine epsilon-aminotransferase gene L-malyl-CoA L-malyl-CoA/beta-methylmalyl-CoA lyase L-meso-a L-Methionine decarboxylase L-moieties L-mycarosyl-erythronolide B. OleY methyltransferase l-oleandrosyl-tetracenomycin l-Phe l-phenethicillin L-pipecolate precursor L-RBB-elastin L-rhamnosyltransferase L-Ser L-shaped structure L-specific nicotine oxidases L-TA l-Thr L-threo-DOPS L-threonine aldolase L-thyrosin L-TIR L-TIRs L-tryptophan C-methyltransferase L-type Ca2+ channels L-Tyr L-tyrosine 3-hydroxylase L-Val-L-Trp L-valine ligase L-valine-activating enzymes L-Xaa-D-Xaa L. casei cells L. pentosus D-xylose isomerase L. pentosus xylose genes L. pentosus xylR L/B L/N L033 L1 L1 genes L1 mutant L1 ribosomal proteins L1/pExIM1 L10 L10 gene L10-L7/L12 operons L102 L102A L102Y variant L105 L108 L11 L11 ( RplK ) ribosomal protein L11 N-terminal domain L11 protein L116 L117P L119A L119F L12 L1210 L1210 cell line L1210 cells L1210 culture established cells L1210 leukemia cells L1210 mouse leukaemia cells L13 L134 L15 and SecY coding sequences L15 coding sequence L15 r-protein L15-SecY-Adk coding regions L16 L17 L184 L186 L18K L18R L19 L2 L2 protein L21 L23 L25 L27 L277Q L28 L284 L29 L3 L3 chitinase L309 L31 L32 L33 L36 L3T4 ( + ) cell subsets L3T4 ( + ) T cell subsets L5178Y L5178Y cells L5178Y lymphoblastoma L5178Y mouse leukemic cell L57 L6 cells L6 myoblasts L7 L7/12 L7/L12 L7/L12 protein L7/L12 proteins L7/L12 r-protein L81C L81C channel L90K L929 cell LA-15 LA-2 LA-20 LA-29 LA-35 LA-8 LaA LaA precursors LAB LAB1 LAB2 LAB4 LAB5 LAB6 LAB7 labeled precursors labeled product labeled products labeled RNA fragment labeled total RNA labelled enzyme labelled protein laboratory-induced streptothricin-resistant mutant laboratory-stirred cell lac gene lac promoter lac promoter sequence Lac promoters lac-promoter LACA Laccase laccase family laccase substrates laccase-like extracytoplasmic phenol oxidase laccase-type oxidase LacI LacI family LacI-like negative transcriptional regulator LacI/GalR family members Lacl/GalR family Lactacystin lactate dehydrogenase lactic acid dimers lacto-N-biosidase lacto-N-fucopentaose I lacto-N-fucopentaose I and II Lactobacillus delbrueckii aminoacyl-histidine dipeptidase Lactobacillus fermenti Lactobacillus helveticus 53/7 genes Lactobacillus species Lactococcus lactis galactose mutarotase lactonamycin biosynthetic genes lactonamycin cluster lactonamycin gene cluster lactonamycin Z gene cluster lactonase lactone II lactoperoxidase lactoquinomycin A lactoquinomycin A. Lactoquinomycin B lactoquinomycin B lactose 20 g lactose permease lacZ lacZ alpha fragment lacZ constructs lacZ fusion gene lacZ gene lacZ promoter LacZ protein lacZ reporter lacZ reporter gene LaE LaeA LAETG LAF LAF1 LAF2 LAF3 LAF4 LAF5 lagging-strand fill-in LaL LAL family regulatory genes LAL-family LamB lambda cI857 repressor lambda cos site lambda DASH II clone lambda DNA lambda endolysin lambda exonuclease lambda integrase family lambda P lambda P ( R ) P ( L ) promoter lambda phage promoter lambda phage regulated expression elements lambda repressor lambdaR Laminarin laminarinase laminaripentaose-producing beta-1 laminectomy site laminectomy sites laminin laminin-nidogen laminin/laminin-nidogen lamprey amidinotransferases landomycin biosynthetic gene landomycin E ( LaE ) gene cluster LanE mutants Langerhans islets Langmuir region langostino crab shells lanGT1 gene lanGT1 mutant lanGT2 LanGT3 LanGT4 lanGT4 mutant lanI lanI gene lanJ lanK Lankacidin lankacidin biosynthetic gene lankacidin molecule LanP-type protease LanT-type transporter lantibiotic-like molecule LanV LAP Lapstatin large ( 0.45-0.5 Mb ) fragment large ( 3649 amino acids ) multidomain delta- ( L-alpha-aminoadipyl ) -L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase large ( 721 residues ) subunits large ( alpha ) subunit large ATP-binding regulators large circular plasmids large conjugative plasmids large diketopiperazine ( DKP ) family large DNA fragments large family large genomic segments large high-copy-number plasmid large intestine ( 0.5-1.3 ) x 10 ( 10 ) cells/gr large invertedly repeated sequence Large late transcripts large linear plasmid large linear plasmids large loop region large membrane-associated proteins large molecules large multifunctional PKS proteins large multifunctional protein large negatively charged region large plasmid large polyketide synthase genes large polyketide synthase proteins large precursor protein large protein complex large species-specific terminal regions large subunit large subunits large sulfotransferase family large transcriptional regulators large transcripts large unstable region larger ( left-hand ) transcription unit larger autonomous plasmid Larger ribosomal subunits Las las genes las+ ech+ spo+ nic-1 rif-3 markers Las- mutants LasA LasA protease lasaliensis NRRL3382R lasalocid A lasalocid biosynthetic gene cluster LasB LasD last 12 residues last 42 amino acids last decade numerous genes last enzyme last four precursors last gene last pathway precursor last product last three enzymes last three factors last two genes last two pristinamycin I precursors last years genes LAT lat and cefD genes lat and pcbAB promoters lat gene lat gene product lat mutant lat promoter lat transcripts LAT-encoding gene LAT-GFP LAT-GFP fusion product LAT-Mut1GFP fusion protein late exponential -early stationary phase cultures late genes late sporulation genes late sporulation-specific sigma factor late sporulation-specific sigma factor gene Late static iron-containing cultures late transcripts late-acting enzymes late-exponential phase cultures late-expressed transcripts late-growth-phase cells late-sporulation-specific sigma factor gene latently infected cells later enzymes lateral wall synthesizing complex latex-clearing protein latter complex latter enzyme latter lytic enzyme latter protein Lavanducyanin Lavendustin A layered horseradish peroxidase LB LBD LBG LBTI Lc LC-MS LC-MS/MS LC-NMR LC-UV LC/MS LC/MS/MS LCE Lck LCL LCO lcp lcp ( VH2 ) disruption mutant lcp genes Lcp homologue Lcp homologues LctB LctB channels LctB cRNA produced functional LctB channels LctB K+ channels LctB protein LD50 LDH ldh gene LDL LDL receptor LDR lead binding protein lead sequence leader peptidase leader peptide gene leader peptide plus apoprotein leader peptide region leader proteinase leader region leader sequence leader sequences leadered aph and malE mRNA leadered mRNA leaderless beta-lactamase gene leaderless cypA mRNA sequence leaderless cypA transcript leaderless mRNA leaderless mRNAs leaderless snpA transcript leaderless transcript lecithin side chains lectin lectin particles lectins leech eglin C leech head hyaluronidase leech hyaluronidase leech hyaluronidases left sites left target site left-end inverted repeat left-hand region legiolysin-like HPPD genes leguminous seed protein leinamycin ( LNM ) biosynthetic gene cluster leiomyoma cell line leishmanial species LEISS LEISS-Afp1 LEISSTCDA LEN-1 lentil lectin LEO lep gene cluster lepA LepB Leptolstatin Leptomycin B leptomycin/kazusamycin family lesion surface areas less-conserved terminal sequences LetD protein lethal genes lethal Streptomyces avidinii streptavidin gene lethal traB gene lethal zygosis ( Ltz+ ) markers Leu Leu 20 LEU element Leu mutant Leu-18 leu-2 leu1 locus Leu14 Leu15-Tyr16 Leu18 Leu4 Leu43 Leu45 Leu5 leuA leuA operons leuB leuC genes leucanicidin leucine ( LeuDH ) and valine ( ValDH ) dehydrogenases leucine acyltransferase leucine aminopeptidase leucine at 305 leucine codon TTA leucine codon UUA leucine dehydrogenase leucine markers leucine recombinant plasmid leucine-57 leucine-rich nuclear export signal ( LR-NES ) containing proteins leucine-rich repeat domains leucine-specific protease leucomycin A3 Leucopeptin leucyl-tRNA gene leuD gene leukaemomycin A leukaemomycin B1 leukaemomycin B2 leukaemomycin-blocked mutants leukemia cells leukemic ( CCRF-CEM ) cells leukemic cell lines leukocyte leukocyte elastase OMTKY3 leukocyte-function-associated antigen-1 leukocytes Leukoregulin leukotriene-A4 hydrolase leupeptin leupeptin acid reductase leupeptin acid synthetase leupeptin-inactivating enzyme leupeptin-inactivating protein leupeptin-nonproducing mutant leustroducsin B Leustroducsins leuU levan product levanases levansucrase levomycetin Lewis lung carcinoma cell line LexA LF2ase LFA-1 LFA-1/ICAM-1 LfrA LGOX LGT LH-20 LH13 LH20 LHM100 LIE LIEs ligA ligand molecule ligand sequence ligand-activated receptor ligand-activated transcription factors ligand-binding domain ligand-binding site ligand-binding sites ligand-free H72A mutant ligand-free protein ligase domain ligD flanking sequence light ( B ) chain light ( B ) chain-streptokinase complex light-dependent promoter light-induced sigma factor lignin peroxidase lignin peroxidase gene Lignin peroxidase-expressing clones lignin peroxidases lignin-degrading heme peroxidases lignin-peroxidase ligninases lignocellulose catabolism genes lignocellulose-degrading hydrolases lignolytic peroxidase like integrating plasmids likely binding motif likely regulatory gene likely ribosomal binding site lima bean trypsin limiting factor Lin lincomycin nonproducing mutants lincomycin precursors lincomycin-production gene lincosaminide antibodies lincosaminide O-nucleotidyltransferase linear 8 Mb chromosome linear 8.7 Mb chromosome linear chromosomal DNA linear chromosomal DNA molecule linear chromosome linear chromosomes linear DNA linear DNA plasmid linear DNAs linear elements linear genomic sequences linear peptide products linear plasmid linear plasmids linear poly-beta-ketide precursor linear S. coelicolor chromosome linear segments linear Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) chromosome linear-mapping Borrelia species linear-mapping chromosome linearised chromosomes Link module domain link protein linked antibiotic biosynthetic pathway genes linker domains linker region linker regions Lip lip gene LIP-I Lip1 lipA lipA gene lipA promoter lipA promoter region lipA promoters lipA-expressing E. coli clone lipase lipase gene lipase gene promoter lipase-encoding gene lipase-positive clones lipase/esterase family lipB lipB insertion mutant LipB protein lipid A lipid II lipid messenger molecule lipid-requiring enzyme lipid-soluble calcium complex lipid-treated enzyme Lipoamide dehydrogenase lipoamide dehydrogenase-overexpressing cells lipoamide dehydrogenases lipoarabinomannan lipocalin lipocalins lipofectin-DNA complexes lipolytic enzyme Lipolytic enzymes lipolytic products lipophilic redox cofactors lipophylic complexes lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) -induced murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells lipoprotein lipoprotein attachment sites lipoprotein genes lipoprotein LpqB lipoprotein signal sequence lipoprotein signal sequences lipoprotein sphingomyelin lipoxygenase LipR LipR box lipR product LipR proteins lipR sequence LipR/TchG family Lipstatin lipstatin molecule liquid batch cultures liquid cultures liquid shake cultures liquid- and solid-grown cultures liquid-grown cultures Listeria monocytogenes lit ( light-induced transcription ) genes LitA LitB LitQ LitR litR mutant LitS litSAB Liu live cells live PC12 cells liver alcohol dehydrogenase liver cancer cells liver endothelial cells liver enzymes Liver X receptors living cells Lj20 LK LK6-A lkcA LkcC lkcF LkcF protein lkcG produced lankacidin lkmB mutants lkmB region lkmF lkmK LL-2 LL-A491 LL-AB664 LL-AC541 ll-alpha LL-BO1208 beta LL-C10037 alpha LL-D49194 LL-D49194 alpha 1 LL-diaminopimelic acid isomer LL-E19020 alpha LL-P018 LLC LLC-PK1 LLC-PK1 cells LLnL lly gene lly locus lly region LM LM gamma LMB lmb genes LMB-treated cells LMB-treated U937 cells lmb/lmr gene cluster lmbA LmbB1 LmbB1 protein LmbC LmbF lmbH lmbH genes lmbI LmbIH LmbIH protein lmbJ lmbJ and lmbIH genes lmbJ gene LmbJ protein LmbK LmbM lmbN gene LmbO LmbS LMMC Lmo0919 LMP7 proteasome subunit lmrA lmrB lmrB gene lmrC LMrS LMWC LMWH-4.7 LNCaP LNCaP cells lnd glycosyltransferases LndGT4 lndGT4 gene lndI lndI gene lndJ lndL lndL genes lndM2 lndW lndW gene product lndW promoter LndYR lndZ4 LndZ4/LndZ5 lndZ5 LNM lnm biosynthetic gene cluster lnm gene cluster LNM hybrid NRPS-PKS megasynthetase LnmG lnmH LnmI lnmI gene lnmJ LnmP LnmQ load cells loading domain loading protein locus SCO 7131 log V log-phase cultures logarithmic-phase cells logarithmically growing cells Lon Lon ATP-dependent protease gene lon gene lon gene product lon-like gene lone pair region long ( 49 aa ) signal sequence long 42 ( or 44 ) residue leader sequence long acyl chains long additional sequence long C-2 side chain long fragment construct long fragments long glycoside chains Long inverted repeats long loop connecting two domains long open reading frame long open reading frames long palindromes long palindromic sequences long polycistronic mRNA long sp sequences long spiral spore chains long spore-chains long terminal inverted repeats long terminal sequences long tip cells long transcript long uninterrupted perfect palindromes long-branching sequences long-chain ( sphingoid ) base long-length acyl chains long-lived acyl-enzyme complex long-palindromic linear plasmids long-sought-after dehydrogenase long-term experimental field sites long-term transgene long-terminal inverted repeats longest fatty acid chains longest gene product longest saccharide chain loop 2 loop deletion mutant loop PSE-4 mutant enzymes loop region loop regions loop-helix-loop-helix motif loop-in/loop-out structures loose spiral chains Lovastatin lovastatin nonaketide synthase lovastatin side chain LovB LovB ACP-CON didomain LovB MAT domain low abundance proteins low active cells low affinity site low copy 12.2 kb Streptomyces plasmid low copy number low copy number replicative plasmid low copy number vector low copy plasmids low copy-number plasmid low cost protein low density lipoprotein ( LDL ) receptor low m.w. protein low molecular weight ( 14 low molecular weight - basic proteins low molecular weight enzymes low molecular weight growth factor low molecular weight ligands low molecular weight products low molecular weight proteins low-affinity binding site low-affinity nucleotide-binding site low-affinity penicillin-binding protein low-affinity site low-copy number plasmids low-copy Streptomyces plasmid low-copy-number low-copy-number cosmids low-copy-number plasmid low-copy-number plasmids low-copy-number Streptomyces vector low-copy-number vector low-cost substrates low-density cultures low-density lipoproteins low-efficiency mutants low-level cytidine deaminase low-level transgene low-M ( r ) penicillin-interacting proteins low-M ( r ) protein low-molecular-mass ( 75-kDa ) enzyme low-molecular-mass EXs low-molecular-mass form low-molecular-mass phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase low-molecular-mass proteins low-molecular-mass substrates low-molecular-weight low-molecular-weight aminopeptidase low-molecular-weight heparin low-molecular-weight heparins low-molecular-weight molecule low-molecular-weight polymer molecules low-molecular-weight products low-Mr DD-peptidases/penicillin-binding proteins low-Mr PBPs/DD-peptidases low-Mr penicillin-binding protein low-Mr penicillin-binding proteins low-occupancy water molecule low-producing colonies low-resolution S1 nuclease loxP sites LPA LPA receptors LPC029 LPC029 HSL-acylase lpd gene lpp Lpp promoters LpqB LPS-induced iNOS protein LPS1 lptA lptB LptI LR541 LRE LRI lrm lrm and mgt genes lrm enzyme lrm gene lrm product LS-T293 LS153 LS166 LS177 LS182 LS2151 LSD lsn LSN B LSN-B LSNs LSSP LSU gene LSU genes LSU rRNA LSU rRNA genes LSU rRNA molecules LSU rRNA species LT LT2 LTA LTA4H LTEP-78 cells LTM LTR LtsA ltsA disruptant mutant LtsA enzymes ltsA homologues LtsA mutants Ltz LU cell lines LucGR-StreptAv fusion protein luciferase luciferase constructs luciferase expression plasmids luciferase gene luciferase genes luciferase reporter luciferase reporter fusions luciferase reporter gene luciferase reporter gene construct luciferase-encoding luxA luciferase-encoding luxAB luciferase-like monooxygenase gene Luisol A Lumbricus terrestris lectin lumenal paclitaxel site luminacin family luminal diameter C31 DNA lung cancer cell lines lung cancer LXFL529L lung carcinoma cell lines lung metastases luteolin Lux LuxA luxA and luxB genes luxAB luxAB genes LuxB luxB gene LuxC LuxD LuxE LuxR family LuxR family regulatory domains LuxR family transcriptional regulatory proteins LuxR protein family LuxR transcriptional regulatory proteins luxR-family regulatory gene LuxR-type activator LuxR-type C-terminal helix-turn-helix LuxR-type transcriptional regulator LX-1 LXR LY294002 lyase lyc gene lycopene cyclase lycopene cyclases Lycopersicum esculentum agglutinin lydicus genome lyg+ gene Lymph node cells lymph node T cells lymphocyte enzymes lymphocyte H-2 lymphocyte kinase lymphocyte subsets lymphocytes lymphocytic leukemia P388 ascites sarcoma-180 lymphoid neoplasms Lymphostin lyngbyatoxin A lyngbyatoxin A. Teleocidin lyophilized cells lyophilized cultures Lys Lys ( 38 ) /Lys ( 213 ) ammonium/amino groups Lys ( 69 ) -Arg ( 70 ) mutant Lys ( 69 ) -Lys ( 70 ) and Lys ( 69 ) -Arg ( 70 ) sequences lys-2 Lys-234 Lys-240 Lys-250 Lys-300 Lys-410 Lys-43 Lys-507 Lys-56 Lys-73 Lys-79 Lys-88 Lys-91-mutated enzymes Lys-gingipain Lys-plasminogen Lys-tag Lys11 Lys155 Lys18 Lys180 Lys182 Lys183 Lys216 Lys352 Lys36 Lys38 Lys438 Lys5 Lys65 Lys65 -- -- Arg mutant Lys71 Lys73 Lys79 Lys88 -- > Glu str allele Lys89 Lys9 lysA lysed broth cultures lysine 6 amino-transferase lysine 6-aminotransferase lysine 9 lysine amidinotransferase lysine aminotransferase lysine binding site lysine binding sites lysine breakdown product lysine cyclodeaminase lysine decarboxylase lysine donor protein lysine epsilon-amino transferase lysine epsilon-aminotransferase lysine epsilon-aminotransferase gene lysine monomers Lysine permease Lysine Sepharose 4B lysine side chain lysine-20 lysine-234 residue lysine-6-amino-transferase ( lat ) gene lysine-6-aminotransferase lysine-68 lysine-epsilon-aminotransferase lysine-epsilon-aminotransferase gene lysine-X-specific cysteine proteinase lysis products lysis protein lyso-cardiolipin lyso-GM1 Lysoamidase lysoamidase complex Lysobacter enzymogenes Lysobacter enzymogenes alpha-lytic protease lysocellin lysoenzymes lysogenic Bacillus subtilis culture lysogenic growth many temperate bacteriophage genomes lysogenic phage SAt2 Lysolipin I Lysolipin X lysophospholipase lysosomal alpha-glucosidase lysosomal enzymes lysosomal pH lysosomal storage disorders lysosomal V-ATPase lysosomal vacuolar-type ( V- ) ATPase lysosomal vacuolar-type ATPases lysosome-like dense body lysosomes Lysosomotrophic agents leupeptin lysostaphin Lysozyme lysozyme protoplasts lysozyme superfamily lysozyme-encoding genes lysozyme-treated bacteria lysozymes lysR LysR family LysR family members LysR transcriptional regulators LysR-type activator LysR-type promoters LysR-type transcriptional activators LysR-type transcriptional regulator LysR-type transcriptional regulators lysyl endopeptidase lysyl endopeptidase-generated fragments lysylendopeptidase Lyt2 lytic endopeptidases lytic enzyme lytic enzyme complex lytic enzymes lytic transglycosylase gp144 Lytic transglycosylases lytically infected cultures lyticus 2435 producing lytic enzymes Lz M ( r ) 110 M ( r ) 18868 M ( r ) 20.2 kDa M ( r ) 28 kDa M ( r ) 3 M ( r ) 654 M ( r ) = 18 kDa M ( r ) s M 23 M 8-2 m = 31 kDa M = 65 kDa M AHB m gamma delta-1 m gamma delta-1 element M gene M protein M-1 M-1 enzyme M-10 M-102L M-117D M-117D mutant M-16D M-16D mutant M-20 M-271 M-4 cells M-4-TR7 cells M-9337 M-950 m-C7N unit m-calpain M-CSF M-CSF receptors M-II M-O m-RNA M-sAP M-Z18 M. alligatoris colonies M. alligatoris genome M. avium 35-kDa protein M. avium pcaA locus M. bovis BCG cultures M. inyoensis sisomicin-resistance ( sisA ) gene M. jannaschii genes M. leprae-specific repetitive element M. luteus cells M. mazei grpE gene M. smegmatis cells M. smegmatis mc ( 2 ) 155 cells M. thermoautotrophicum genomic DNA M. tuberculosis sigF M. tuberculosis whiB3 gene M. voltae tRNA m.p. 188 approximately 189 degrees C M.PstI methyltransferase M.U.G. 4 M.W. 850 M.W. 885.15 m/z 363.1 m/z 947.5 Da M03 M1 M1 enzyme M1-M5 M1-R95 M10 M1011 M103 M1033 chromosomes M1033 protoplasts M104 M109 M11 M12 M13 M13mp1 M13mp1 DNA M13mp18 M13mpI DNA M14 M145 M15 M15S M16 M188I M188V M19 M1L M1PG M2 M2 metal binding site M2 regions M2 site M2+TE protein M2-metal binding site M21R M22 M23 M28 M28 family members M2R M3 M3-are M338-M1 M3DeltaMI mutant M4 protease family M4018-delta zwf2 M518 M570 M600 m62A M68V m6A m6A gamma-MTase whose recognition sequence M7 M70G M73K M7a M7A21 M7A21 cell m7G46 M8 M8-2 M99A MA 406 A-1 MA 7066 MA-104 MA144 S1 MA144 U1 MA406-A-1 MAb mAbs MacOMeTase MACP MACP K macro-restriction fragments macrocin O-methyltransferase Macrocin-O-methyltransferase macrocyclic lactone family macrolactone 6-deoxyerythronolide B macrolactone precursor macrolide 2 macrolide 2-phosphotransferase macrolide 2-phosphotransferase II macrolide 3-O-acyltransferase gene macrolide 4 -O-acyltransferase gene macrolide 4-O-acyltransferase macrolide ABC transporters macrolide aglycone libraries macrolide antibiotic precursors macrolide antibiotic tylosin macrolide antibiotic-producing strains macrolide antibiotics O-acyltransferases macrolide avermectin macrolide binding site macrolide family macrolide glycosidases macrolide glycosyl transferase macrolide glycosyltransferase macrolide glycosyltransferase ( MGT ) family macrolide modification enzyme macrolide modification enzyme 4 -O-acyltransferase macrolide monooxygenases macrolide oxidases macrolide P450 monooxygenases macrolide products macrolide resistance determinants macrolide-lincosamide- streptogramin type B ( MLS ) superfamily macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin macrolide-resistance determinants macrolide-resistance-encoding genes macromolecular complex macromolecular components macromolecular fractions macromolecule permeable mutant macromolecules macromomycin ( MCM ) apoprotein macromomycin ( MCM ) apoprotein gene macromomycin ( MCR ) -resistant ( r ) cell sublines Macromomycin A macromomycin apoprotein macrophage macrophage cell lines macrophage colony-stimulating factor macrophage inflammatory protein 2 Macrophage-activating factor macrophage-depleted cultures macrophages macroporous resin macrorestriction fragments macroreticular resin Diaion HP-20 Macrostatin macrotetralide synthase Macrotetrolide antibiotic polynactins macrotetrolide complex Macrotetrolide synthase MACS1 macs1 transcriptional start site macs1-fadD1 genes MadA made stable plasmids Madin-Darby bovine kidney ( MDBK ) cells Madin-Darby canine kidney ( MDCK ) cells Madindoline A Madurella mycetomatis 3 MAF magnesium binding sites magnesium-binding site magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester oxidative cyclase magnitude greater amidase MAH main chains main factors main limiting factor main lytic enzymes main metalloproteinase main MMF biosynthetic gene main molecule main mRNAs main oxidation-reduction enzymes main product main products main promoter main protein main reactive site main superfamilies main-chain-cleaving pectinases main-chain-cleaving Pseudomonas pectinases mainly prokaryotic HetF family maize ubiquitin gene maize ubiquitin gene first intron major active factor major anaplerotic enzyme major antigenic protein major biotransformed product major chaperone genes major cold shock proteins major cysteine proteinase major cytosolic protein major degradation product major degradation products major elements major end product major endoglucanase major enriched protein major excision repair proteins major extracellular proteinase major facilitator family major facilitator superfamily major facilitator-family MDR pump ( ebrC ) gene major fragment major fragments major gene major glutamine synthetase major glycoproteins major histocompatibility complex major histocompatibility complex class II restriction element major intrinsic protein family major membrane protein major non-spike protein major outer membrane porin protein major outer membrane protein major potentially protein-coding region major product major products major promoters major protein major proteins major reaction center site major reactive center site major regulatory protein major replication protein major resistance gene major RsrA binding site major secreted proteins major sigma factor major sigma factor hrdB major sigma factors major Thermomonospora fusca YX extracellular protease gene major transfer protein major virion protein major wall-associated proteins Mak1 mak1 gene mak1-related genes Malate dehydrogenases malate synthase malate synthase ( stMS ) gene malate synthase A malate synthase enzymes malate synthase ORF Malate synthases malayamycin response gene MALDI-TOF MALDI-TOF MS MALDI-TOF/TOF MalE malEFG gene cluster maleylpyruvate isomerase MalF MalFGK complex MalG MalI Malic enzyme malignant cells malignant mesothelioma cell lines malignant pleural effusion specimens revealed CS malignant pleural mesothelioma ( MPM ) cells malK malK gene malonamyl starter unit malonate molecules malonate-metabolizing gene Malonyl acyl carrier protein malonyl AT domain malonyl CoA malonyl CoA : holo-ACP transacylase ( MCAT ) enzyme malonyl CoA specific acyltransferase malonyl transferase malonyl transferase ( MT ) enzymes malonyl-ACP decarboxylase malonyl-ACP precursors malonyl-acyl carrier protein malonyl-CoA malonyl-CoA decarboxylase malonyl-CoA decarboxylase gene malonyl-CoA extender units malonyl-CoA synthetase malonyl-coenzyme A malonyl-enzyme malonyl-specific acyltransferase domain malonyl-specific domain malonyltransferase malonyltransferase gene malQ malQ gene malR malt diastase maltokinase maltokinases maltooligosaccharide-forming amylase maltophilin maltose binding protein maltose permease subunit maltose-binding protein maltose-binding protein-DnrO ( MBP-DnrO ) fusion protein maltose-forming alpha-Amylase maltotetraose-producing enzymes maltotriose-forming amylase maltotriose-producing alpha-amylase Malyl-CoA lyase malyl-CoA-hydrolyzing enzyme mammalian 11 beta-hydroxysteroid and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases mammalian 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mammalian 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mammalian alpha-amylase mammalian alpha-amylases mammalian BLM hydrolase mammalian catalases mammalian CDOs mammalian cell cultures mammalian cell lines mammalian cell surface marker fusion genes mammalian cells mammalian cells-Escherichia coli shuttle vector mammalian ceruloplasmin mammalian Chinese hamster ovary cells Mammalian chitinase mammalian COS cells mammalian counterparts mammalian Cpase A mammalian cytochrome P-450 mammalian enzyme mammalian enzymes mammalian gene products mammalian genomes mammalian glutathione transferases mammalian histidases mammalian histone deacetylase mammalian histone deacetylases mammalian homolog mammalian hyaluronidase mammalian hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases Mammalian internal proteinase mammalian L-tyrosine hydroxylases mammalian lysozymes mammalian metalloendopeptidases mammalian methylation sequence mammalian mitochondrial CYP27A1 mammalian N-methyltransferases mammalian NOS catalytic domain mammalian NOS cofactor Mammalian NOSs mammalian origin mammalian P450 forms including human liver cytochrome P4503A4 mammalian PAF-AHs mammalian pancreatic CPase A mammalian pancreatic serine proteinases Mammalian phospholipase D mammalian platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolases mammalian PP1 mammalian protease mammalian proteasome subunit mammalian protein mammalian ribonuclease family mammalian signal sequence mammalian species Mammalian sperm mammalian SRP receptor mammalian SRP54 protein mammalian TGases mammalian transactivator mammalian transsilencer mammalian trehalases mammalian trypsin mammalian trypsins mammalian tumor cells mammalian type serine protease mammalian/human cell lines Man alpha 1 Man1 Man2 Man3 ManA manA gene manB Manbeta 1 Manganese peroxidase manganese superoxide dismutase manganese-containing superoxide dismutases manganese-containing superoxide oxidoreductase manganese-peroxidase mannanase A mannanase enzymes mannitol dehydrogenase Mannitol kinase mannitol- grown cultures Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase Mannitol-oxidizing enzymes mannitol/fructose family mannose-containing glycoproteins mannose-specific plant lectins mannosidostreptomycinase mannosyltransferase Manumycin A manumycin family many cells many eukaryotic cells many mammalian cells MAP MAP kinase MAPK MAPK superfamily molecules MAPKAP kinase-2 mapped transcripts Mapra1 MAR01 MAR2 MAR4 marginal cells maridomycin III marine actinomycete cultures marine fungal culture marine microbe-derived chitinase marine Streptomyces sp marine Streptomyces species marinopyrrole B marker gene Marmycin A MarR family MarR-like regulators mass 34 kDa MAST mast cell mast cell lines mast cells master regulator MAT MAT domain MAT genes matB matched pabAB matrix although highly ordered networks matrix collagens matrix components matrix metalloproteinase-2 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 matrix metalloproteinases matrix molecules matrix-associated glycoproteins matrix-depleted chondrocytes Matrix-intact chondrocytes mature 16S rRNA mature 3 terminus mature 6-kDa repressor molecule mature active tyrosinase mature chitinase C mature chitosanase mature cholesterol oxidase mature chondrocytes mature colonies mature DD-peptidase mature domain mature elastase mature enzyme mature enzyme gene mature extracellular 286 amino acid protein mature extracellular protein mature gene product mature HaimII protein mature hTNFalpha mature human interferon mature lipase sequence mature metalloprotease mature MTGase mature PHS subunit mature protease mature protease domain mature protein mature proteinase domain mature proteins mature purified protein mature purified proteins mature recombinant enzyme mature rRNA molecules mature rRNAs mature S. netropsis TGase mature spore chains mature SSI coding region mature SSI region mature stage infected erythrocytes mature streptavidin sequence mature Streptomyces DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein mature TGase mature TGase gene mature tRNAs mature viral proteins mature VSI protein mature Vsi-SK fusion protein mature xylanase matured enzymes maximal cholesterol oxidase maximal protease Maximum cellulase Maximum dehydrogenase Maximum general peptidase maximum lignin peroxidase maximum lipase Maximum peroxidase mazG homologue Mb MB-8 Mb1 Mb12 Mb2 MB273 MB273 cell Mb2890 Mb3895 Mb6 MBA MBBF MBC Mbl Mbl-mCherry fusion protein MboI MboII MBP MBP-BarX MBP-DHQase MBP-DHQase complex MBP-DnrO MBP-OleB MBP-OleB fusion protein MBP-OleB hybrid protein MBP-OleB tryptophans MBP-PknA fusion protein mbtH mbtH-like gene mbtH-like genes MbtH-like proteins MC MC biosynthetic gene cluster MC cluster MC resistance genes MC resistance locus MC1 McAb MCAP MCAT MCATs MccB17 mce1 locus MCF-10A MCF-10A cells MCF-7 MCF-7 cells MCF-7 human breast cancer cells MCF-7/ADM cells Mcl-1 MCL-1S MCL-PHA depolymerase MCL-PHAs mcl1 mcl1 homologs MCM apoprotein MCM apoprotein gene MCM gene MCM protein sequence MCR mcr+ gene product mcr-2 mcr-4 mcr-6 mcrA mcrA gene mcrA gene product MCRA protein mcrB MCS MD mesenchymal cells MDA-231 ( estrogen refractory ) breast cancer cell lines MDC MDCK cells MDCK-derivative cells MDCK-I cells MDCK-II MDCK-II cells MDHs MDM MDM III mdmA and lrm genes mdmA gene mdmB mdmB gene mdmC MDMs MDMSU140 MDMSU52 MDP MDP enediyne PKS and associated genes mdp gene cluster mdpA MDPD MDR MDR cells MDR gene sequences MDR genes MDR systems MDR tumor cells MDR variant cells MDR1 ME-2 MeaA meaA gene meaA gene product med-ORF12 med-ORF8 medermycin biosynthetic gene Mederrhodin A medium-chain-acylated amino terminus MEGA megakaryocytes Megalomicin megalomicin ( meg ) biosynthetic gene cluster megalomicin PKS genes meiF MEK mel ( melanin ) sequence mel and GI1 sequences mel C1-C2 gene mel C2 gene mel gene mel gene sequence mel promoter mel repeats mel sequence Mel- phenotypes mel/sIL-6R Melan-a cells melanin ( mel ) gene melanin ( mel ) promoter melanin ( mel+ ) gene Melanin biosynthesis genes melanin gene melanin genes melanin locus Melanin negative variants melanin operon genes melanin-negative mutants melanin-production locus melanin-synthesizing mutants melanogenic enzyme melanoma B16 melanoma cell lines melanoma cells melB MELC melC loci melC locus melC promoter melC transcript melC1 MelC1 mutant protein melC1 promoter MelC1 protein melC1 start codon melC1+ melC2- ( pSA1 ) plasmid melC1- melC2+ ( pPF950 ) plasmid MelC1-MelC2 binary complex MelC1-MelC2 complex MelC1-negative mutant MelC1.MelC2 binary complex MelC1.MelC2 complex melC2 MelC2 apotyrosinase MelC2 complex melC2 intact ( melC1- melC2+ ) plasmids melC2 ORF MelC2 proteins MelC2 tyrosinase melO melO gene membrane alkaline phosphodiesterase membrane anchor protein membrane anchors membrane component membrane component PtsC2 membrane cyclophilins membrane filter Nanosep 300K membrane fusion protein family Membrane glutamate carboxypeptidase membrane interaction elements Membrane Invasion Culture membrane lipoproteins membrane permeable chymotrypsin substrate membrane preparations had oxidase membrane protein membrane protein complex membrane proteins membrane spanning region membrane sugar receptors membrane transport proteins membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase membrane-anchor domain membrane-anchoring proteases membrane-associated and energy-providing proteins membrane-associated divisome component SsgB membrane-associated enzyme membrane-associated heterocomplex membrane-associated hyaluronidase membrane-associated isozyme membrane-associated multifunctional enzyme membrane-associated phosphokinase membrane-associated protein membrane-associated proteins membrane-associated TatA membrane-bound membrane-bound active efflux pump membrane-bound ATPase membrane-bound DD-carboxypeptidase membrane-bound ectopeptidase membrane-bound electron transport chain membrane-bound enzyme membrane-bound Flavobacterium hydrolase membrane-bound form membrane-bound hyaluronate-binding protein membrane-bound IL-2 receptor membrane-bound kinase membrane-bound lipid-prebodies membrane-bound penicillin binding proteins membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins membrane-bound peptidases membrane-bound polyprenyltransferases membrane-bound protein kinase membrane-bound proteins membrane-bound sensor proteins membrane-bound transpeptidase membrane-damaging peptide polymyxin B membrane-embedded protein membrane-embedded sensor histidine kinase membrane-integral domains membrane-integral subunits membrane-localized transporters membrane-spanning domain membrane-spanning domains membrane-spanning protein membrane-spanning protein Ser/Thr kinase membrane-spanning proteins membrane-spanning region membrane-spanning regions membrane-spanning segments membrane-spanning sequences membranous sphingomyelin membranous substrate MEME men genes menaquinone oxidoreductase MEP mep20 gene products mep20 mRNA MEPs Mer mer B mer gene mer genes mer mRNA mer promoter MerA merB mercuric ion reductase mercuric reductase mercury resistance genes mercury-specific transport proteins merE meridamycin biosynthesis gene cluster meridamycin biosynthetic gene cluster meridamycin modular polyketide synthase merP merR MerR family MerR family transcriptional regulator merR gene MerR-DNA complex MerR-family regulator MerR-type transcriptional regulator MerR/SoxR family merT mesaconyl-CoA hydratase mesangial cells mesenchymal cells mesenchymal stem cells meso-alpha mesodermal cells mesophilic enzyme Mesothelial cells mesothelioma cell lines mesothelioma cells Met Met ( 10 ) -Gln ( 11 ) Met 103 Met 73 Met side chains Met-1 Met-94 Met1 Met120Tyr variant Met18-Glu19 Met180 Met70 Met73 Met73-Val74 metA metabolic enzyme metabolic enzymes metabolic products metabolically rich 8.7-Mbp genome metabolism-related repressors metabolized amine products metal binding ligands metal chelator sensitive protease metal cofactor metal complexes metal coordinating ligands metal ion binding motifs metal ion cofactor metal ion-bound water molecule metal-activated enzyme xylose isomerase metal-binding domain metal-binding protein metal-binding site metal-binding sites metal-citrate complexes metal-free glucose isomerase metal-free protein metal-ion-dependent ( S ) -2-hydroxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase metal-protease metallo-dependent hydrolase superfamily metallo-endopeptidases metallo-exopeptidase metallo-phosphodiesterase/phosphatase enzymes Metallo-Proteinase metallo-proteinases metallocarboxypeptidase metalloendopeptidase metalloendopeptidase ( SSMP ) promoter metalloendopeptidase II metalloendopeptidases metalloendoproteases metalloenzyme metalloenzyme D-xylose isomerase forms metalloenzymes metallopeptidase metallopeptidases metallopeptide structure metalloprotease metalloprotease enzymes metalloprotease gene metalloproteases metalloprotein metalloproteinase metalloproteinase gene metalloproteinase-2 metalloproteinases metallothionein metallothionein-like domain-including protein metaloproteinases metazoan IF metF metF gene metF locus MetH methionine synthase methanogenic oxidoreductase methanol-inducible AOX1 yeast promoter methanol-inducible promoter methionine 73 methionine adenosyltransferase methionine adenosyltransferase gene methionine supplements methionyl-tRNA methotrexate-Sepharose 4B methoxymalonate-specifying AT8 domain methoxymalonyl extender unit methoxymalonyl-acyl carrier protein methoxymalonyl-specific acyltransferase ( AT ) domains methyl terminus methyl-acceptor methyl-free DNA methyl-transferase methyladenosine phosphorylase methylase methylase enzyme methylase gene methylase-coding sequence methylase-deficient mutant methylate 23S ribosomal RNA methylation product methylation products methylation site Methylchymotrypsin methylene-linked dimeric product methyleneglutarate mutase methylenomycin biosynthesis genes methylenomycin biosynthetic ( mmy ) gene cluster methylenomycin biosynthetic genes methylenomycin gene cluster methylenomycin-producing recipients mmy genes methylenomycin-resistance protein methylmalonate mutase methylmalonate-specific acyltransferase ( AT ) domain methylmalonate-specifying AT6 domain methylmalonic acid semialdehyde dehydrogenase methylmalonyl acyl carrier protein methylmalonyl CoA mutase ( mcm ) genes methylmalonyl-ACP substrates methylmalonyl-CoA methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase methylmalonyl-CoA extender unit methylmalonyl-CoA mutase methylmalonyl-CoA mutase gene methylmalonyl-CoA mutases methylmalonyl-CoA this enzyme methylmalonyl-CoA units methylmalonyl-specific acyltransferase domain methylthioadenosine phosphorylase ( MTAP ) gene methyltransferase methyltransferase enzyme methyltransferase gene methyltransferase genes methyltransferases methymycin/pikromycin biosynthetic gene metK metK gene MetK protein metKp2 mev and ter genes mevalonate ( MV ) pathway gene cluster mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase mevalonate kinase mevalonate pathway enzyme mevalonate pathway enzymes mevalonate pathway gene cluster mevalonate pathway genes Mevastatin Mevinolin Mezlocillin MFA MFPT MFPT-treated cell cultures MFPT-treated cells MFS MFTZ-1 Mg ( 2+ ) -binding aspartate-rich domain Mg ( 2+ ) -binding domains Mg ( 2+ ) transport protein mg crude protein mg DNA mg protein Mg-1 mg-1 protein Mg-2 Mg-ATP Mg-ATP complex Mg-ProtoMe cyclase MG1 Mg2+-deficient cultures Mg2+-dependent endonuclease MG3 MG63 cells MgATP MgATP ( 2- ) complex MGc80-3 MgCl2 mGCP MGLP MGLP gene MGS MgSO ( 4 ) .7H ( 2 ) O MGT mgt gene mgt product MgtE MH-K1 MH60 cell line MH60 cells MH802-fF5 MHA MHM MI614-43F2 MI982-63F1 miaA MIAPaCa-2 MIAPaCa-2 cell MIB MIC90 micellar complex Michaelis complex microbial alkaline proteinases microbial alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase microbial alpha-amylase microbial antigens microbial beta-glucosidases microbial biodethatch product microbial carboxypeptidases microbial cells microbial chitinases microbial collagenolytic enzymes microbial competitors microbial components microbial cultures microbial DAHP synthase sequences microbial dnaN genes microbial domains Microbial endo-beta-1 microbial endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases microbial enzyme microbial enzymes microbial genes microbial genome sequence microbial genome sequences microbial genomes microbial genotypes microbial glucosidases microbial growth factor microbial inhibitor sequences microbial intact cells microbial IPNS genes microbial lipases microbial macrolides bafilomycin A1 microbial natural product library microbial origin microbial origins microbial plant cell wall hydrolases microbial population microbial populations Microbial products microbial proline hydroxylases microbial proteases microbial proteinase microbial proteinases microbial proteins microbial ribonuclease microbial ribonuclease family microbial ribonucleases microbial RNAses microbial serine protease microbial species microbial succinyl-CoA synthetases microbial TGase microbial transformation products microbial transglutaminase microbial transglutaminase ( MTGase ) gene microbial transglutaminases microbial xylanase microcin B17 Micrococcus luteus UvrA proteins Micrococcus lysodeikticus Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells microcycle formed spores microcystin-LR Microcystinase microcystins microelements microfibril network microfluidic channel microg DNA microg plasmid pIJ702 DNA microgram 14C-labelled rRNA duplexed per 100 micrograms filter-bound DNA microgram DNA micrograms DNA micrograms/1 x 10 ( 6 ) cells microheterogeneous fraction II Micromonospora 5 Micromonospora species Micromonospora viridifaciens neuraminidase ( EC ) gene microorganism constitutively produced D-xylose isomerase microorganism itself during culture microperoxidase 8 microperoxidases microsomal aromatase microsomal desaturase microsomes Microsphaeropsis sp Microtetraspora glauca microtubule microtubule modulator microtubule proteins microtubules MICs 12.5 MICs 25.0 MID 5 mid polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes mid-exponential phase cell cultures mid-exponential phase cultures mid-logarithmic M. smegmatis mc ( 2 ) 155 cells midA MIDAS midB midC middle domain middle-sized plastic pots midecamycin 4 -hydroxyl propionyltransferase gene ( mpt ) gene midecamycin A midecamycin PKS genes midecamycin polyketide synthase genes midecamycin propionyltransferase ( mpt ) gene midgut cells midgut epithelial cells midH midI midK migrastatin migrated enzyme migrating cells migration stimulating factor milbemycin A4 milbemycin A4- milbemycin alpha11 milbemycin alpha14 milbemycin beta6 milbemycin family Milbemycins alpha milbemycins alpha 1 milbemycins alpha 2 milk protein-hydrolyzing proteinase min-1 minD gene MinD-like protein mineral oligoelements mineralocorticoid receptor mini-chromosome mini-circle attachment site mini-circle sequence mini-library Mini-linear plasmids mini-SCP1 minicells minicircle integration site minimal activating fragment minimal biosynthetic genes minimal DNA fragment minimal enzymically active core protein minimal eukaryotic promoter minimal fragment minimal functional region minimal genes minimal iterons-plus-repA locus minimal media ( MM ) when fertility plasmids minimal ordered library minimal ori fragment minimal p-vac region minimal pIJ101 clt locus minimal pIJ101-based replicon unless suitable kil-override ( kor ) genes minimal PKS complex minimal PKS enzyme complex minimal PKS genes minimal PKS subunits minimal polyketide synthase minimal polyketide synthase domains minimal polyketide synthase enzymes minimal polyketide synthase genes minimal replication region minimal replicon plasmids minimal Tat translocases minimal tipA promoter region minimal type II polyketide synthase minimum Man1 alpha 3Man1 alpha 6Man1 beta 4GlcNAc1 beta 4GlcNAc structure MINITAB software MINO minor collagens minor factors minor fragment minor fragments minor overlapping fragments minor product minor products minor protein Mip protein MIP-1 alpha MIP2 MIR-1 mireB mirror repeat misshapen cells missing fragment missing gene products missing genes missing mycarose-biosynthetic gene MIT Mit-1 mitA mitB mithramycin gene cluster mithramycin glycosyltransferase genes mithramycin glycosyltransferases mithramycin minimal PKS genes mithramycin synthase-like type II PKS gene cluster mithramycin type II polyketide synthase mithramycin-PKS genes mithramycin-sensitive mutant MITKK-103 MitN mitN gene mitochondrial apo-aspartate aminotransferase mitochondrial ATPase mitochondrial cytochrome c mitochondrial DNA mitochondrial electron transport chain mitochondrial import signal mitochondrial isoenzyme mitochondrial matrix protein P1 mitochondrial respiratory chain mitogen mitogen-activated protein ( MAP ) kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase mitogen-activated protein kinases mitogens mitomycin antibiotic complex mitomycin biosynthetic gene cluster Mitomycin C mitomycin C-resistance gene mitomycin C-treated laminectomy sites mitomycin radical oxidase mitomycin-binding protein mitotic cells mitotically dividing cells mixed cultures mixed function oxidase mixed lymphocyte culture mixed lymphocyte cultures mixed lymphocytes mixed POPC-containing monolayers mixed-acid phosphatidylcholines mixed-species cultures MJ202-72F3 MJ635-86F5 MJ929-SF2 MJ995-OF5 MJM1 MJM2 MK MK-10 MK-9 MK251-43F3 MK277-AF1 MK359-NF1 MK50 MK730-62F2 MK800-62F1 MK929-43F1 MKC-442 MKI MKN-45 human stomach cancer cell line ML-236B ML55 MLCK MLCs MlnI recognition site MLR MLR-52 MlrA mlrA and mlrD genes mlrA gene MlrC MLS MLS ( B ) -binding site MLS resistance element MLS-resistant cells MLSB MLSB resistance ( R ) determinants MLSr Mm 1 Mm biosynthetic genes Mm non-producing mutants Mm-production-encoding genes MM18 MM2 MM216-87F4 MM23 MM40 MM46 MM52 MM9 MmA MMC MmChi60 mmcR gene MmcR methyltransferase mmcR methyltransferase gene MMF MMF autoregulator mmfLHP genes MMFs MML1614 MMLV MMP Mmr mmr gene mmr methylenomycin resistance gene mmr-specified protein mmsA gene MmsA protein mmy and parAB regions mmy DNA mmy gene cluster mmy genes mmyB Mn Mn ( 2+ ) -dependent enzyme Mn ( 2+ ) -dependent glutamine synthetase Mn ( 2+ ) -dependent protein phosphatases Mn ( II ) peroxidase Mn-peroxidase Mn2+ Mn2+-dependent protein phosphatases MNBDA MNBDH MnCl2 MnCl2 x 4H2O MnIII/FeIII form MnP mnp1 MNP3 MnSO MnSO4 MnSODs MNU20 MO mobaraensis pro-transglutaminase mobile construct mobile genes mobile genetic element mobile genetic element-related genes mobile genetic elements Mobilizable shuttle plasmids MocA model protein model proteins model RNA transcript model steroid binding domain moderate-copy-number streptomycete plasmid modification gene modification sites modified amino-glycoside resistance gene modified enzyme modified enzymes modified gene modified genes modified lac promoter modified maize EPSPS gene modified pat-coding region modified plasmid modified protein modified proteins modular cellulases modular PKS and 15 additional genes modular polyketide synthase modular polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes modular polyketide synthases modular protein modular type I polyketide synthases module 5 and module 6 subunits MoeB MoeBR MoeZ molecular chaperone GRP78 molecular chaperone proteins molecular complex molecular formula C29H24CINO11 molecular formula C30H30NO13C1 molecular mass 40 082 Da molecular mass 47 kDa molecular mass 52.6 kDa molecular mass 87 kDa molecular mass approximately 48 kDa molecular mass was 115 kDa molecular weight 9 kDa MOLT-4 MOLT-4 cells MOLT-4/III molybdenum hydroxylase molybdenum-containing CO dehydrogenase molybdopterin binding protein MomA momA-like monooxygenase gene MOMT structural gene Monascus culture MonCII Monensin monensin biosynthetic gene cluster monkey kidney ( BSC-1 ) cells monkey metallothionein monkey proinsulin Mono Q Mono Q HR mono-oxygenase ( gdmM ) gene Monoacylglycerol lipase monoamine oxidases monocarboxylic substrates monocistronic 1.2-kb transcript monocistronic 500-nt transcript monocistronic bldG transcript monocistronic cas2 transcript monocistronic claR transcript monocistronic gene monocistronic mRNA monocistronic operon monocistronic sodF transcripts monocistronic sodN mRNA monocistronic transcript monocistronic transcripts monoclinic unit cells monoclonal antibodies monoclonal antibodies 4/8/9-A-2 monoclonal antibody monoclonal antibody A8 monoclonal antibody L-71 monoclonal antibody NDOG1 monoclonal Camelidae variable heavy-chain domain-only antibodies monoclonal immunoglobulins monocupin family monocytes monocytic cell surface marker monofunctional genes monofunctional proteins monolayer cultures Monomer 1 monomer protein monomer subunit monomeric ( 30 kDa ) heat-stable enzyme monomeric 35-kDa protein monomeric active species monomeric BLMA ( BLMT ) molecules monomeric flavoenzyme monomeric form monomeric forms monomeric insert monomeric precursors monomeric protein monomeric red fluorescent protein monomeric sarcosine oxidases monomeric subunit monomeric units monomeric zinc metalloenzyme monomodular nonribosomal peptide synthetase monomodular protein mononuclear non-heme iron enzymes mononuclear non-heme iron-dependent enzyme mononuclear phagocyte mononuclear phagocytic cells monooxygenase monooxygenase AgqB monooxygenase homolog monooxygenases monophenolase monophosphatases MonoQ Monospecific antibodies monoterpene cyclase monoverticillus flexuous spore-chains morphogenetic sequence morphological differentiation genes morphologically differentiating S. coelicolor cultures most efficient promoters motility-related genes mountain-forest soils mouse anti-human CD68 monoclonal antibody mouse bone marrow cells mouse cells mouse colon 26 mouse colon 26 adenocarcinoma cells mouse CYP27B1 mouse epidermal cell line mouse erythrocytes mouse erythropoietin mouse gene mouse genome mouse H2-K mouse hepatocytes mouse L-929 cells mouse leukemia L1210 and human SCLC cells mouse leukemia L5178Y cells mouse leukemia P388 cells mouse macrophage cell line mouse macrophages mouse mammary gland tumor cells mouse mammary tumor virus ( MMTV ) -LTR promoter mouse melanoma cell line B16 or/and human alveolar epithelial cell line mouse myeloma cells mouse myoblasts mouse neuroblastoma cell line mouse neuroblastoma Neuro2A cells mouse Nif3l1 Mouse oocytes mouse RAW264.7 and human 28SC macrophage cell lines mouse RAW264.7 macrophage cell line mouse RAW264.7 macrophages mouse sarcoma 180 mouse splenocyte cytokine mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha mouse tumour necrosis factor alpha ( mTNF ) gene mouse tyrosinase gene mouse-rat lineage Mox MoxA mp 133 approximately 135 degrees C mp 161 approximately 162 degrees C mp 215 approximately 220 degrees C mp 95 approximately 105 degrees C MP-11 MP-9 MP2 MP8 MPC MPCAs MPF1 MPH ( 2 ) II mphA mphB MphR MphsA MPKR gene MPM MPM motif MPM motifs MPM-type potassium channels MPN MPNs MPO MPP+ mpr gene MPR2 mprA mprA gene mprR MPs mpt gene Mr Mr 105 Mr 110 Mr 15073 Mr 180 000 Mr 209 kDa Mr 225 Mr 28 100 Mr 3500 Mr 37 000 D-alanyl-D-alanine peptidase MR 43 Mr 52 Mr 53 000 D-alanyl-D-alanine peptidase Mr 9 MR-heterocomplex MR13 MraY MRD molecule MRDP MRDs A mre gene cluster Mre gene products MreB mreB gene mreB homologues MreB polymers MreB-eGFP MreB-enhanced green fluorescent protein MreB-specific antibodies mreC mRFP1 Mrg1 mrgA MRL/lpr mRNA mRNA domains mRNA leader region mRNA sequence mRNA sequences mRNA species mRNA transcript mRNA transcripts mRNA-binding protein mRNA-like domain mRNAs MRP1 MrpA MrpA binding sites mrpS mrpS site mrpS sites Mrs MRSA MRSA strains MS genes MS homologue gene MS-271 MS-271. MS-282a MS-282b MS-MS MS/MS MS1/7 MS2 MS3/20 MS310 MS405 MSB MscL MscL homolog msdA msdA coding region msdA gene MSDH MSF MSH MSH glycosyltransferase MSH mutants MSH phosphatase MSH S-conjugate amidase MSH S-conjugates MSH synthase MSH-deficient mutants MSH-dependent maleylpyruvate isomerase MSH-dependent S-transferases mshA MshB mshB-D mshC MshD mshD genes MSI01 MSI016 MSI051 MSI06 MSI09 MSI23 MSI28 MSI36 MSI42 MsiK msiK gene msiK null mutant msiK S. lividans mutant MSL Msm MSP2 MSP8 MspI Msr MST1/Krs2 MST2/Krs1 MSWC MSX MT proteins MT subunit MT-2 MT-2 cells MT-4 MT-4 cells MT1110 cultures MT310 Mta mta gene MTAP MTAP gene MTase MTase clones MTase gene MTases MTC MTC cells MTC species MTCC 2469 MTCC 6637 MTCC 7317 immobilized cells MTCCB 1652 MTCCB 1824 MTCCB 733 MTCCB 737 MTCCB 741 MtftsZ MtftsZ promoter regions MTG MtgA MTGase MTGase cross-linked most food proteins mTHF MTL mtlE mtlK MtlY MtlZ Mtm mtm genes mtm locus mtm V gene MTM-SK mtmC mtmC gene mtmD mtmD gene mtmE mtmGIII mtmGIII gene MtmGIV glycosyltransferase mtmK mtmMI mtmMI and mtmMII genes mtmMI gene mtmMII gene mtmOII gene mtmOIII mtmOIV gene mtmQ mtmQXPKST1 mtmR mtmR gene mtmR region MtmTIII mtmU mtmU gene mtmV mtmW mtmX mTNF mTNF cDNA mTNF gene mTNFalpha mTor mTOR kinases Mtr mtr gene mtrA mtrA gene MtrAB MtrB mtrB gene MtrR mtrX MTX Mu transposase MU-X2 MU-X2 substrate mu1/6 endolysin mu1/6 genome mu1/6 hol2 mu1/6 holin much pabS transcript mucin-like glycoproteins muconate cycloisomerase gene muconate lactonising enzyme mucopolysaccharidases mucus glycoprotein MudI1734 elements multi copy glutamine synthetase gene multi-copper oxidases multi-copper phenol oxidase multi-copy plasmid multi-copy vectors multi-drug resistance genes multi-drug-resistant staphylococci multi-modular polyketide synthases multi-modular type I polyketide synthases multi-subunit protease multi-subunit proteins multicatalytic protease complex multicatalytic proteinase complex multicomponent enzyme phenanthrene dioxygenase multicopper oxidase multicopy multicopy aph constructs multicopy ask gene multicopy mini-SCP1 plasmid multicopy plasmid multicopy plasmids multicopy Streptomyces lividans 66 genomic library multicopy Streptomyces-Escherichia coli shuttle vector multicopy vector multicopy vector plasmid multidomain fibropellin proteins multidomain subunits multidomain telomere-associated protein multidomain trimeric glycoprotein multidrug extrusion protein Multidrug resistance ( MDR ) genes multidrug resistance cell lines multidrug resistance gene multidrug resistance-related protein multidrug resistant cells multidrug resistant erythroleukemia K562 cells multidrug-efflux transporters multidrug-resistant ( MDR ) cells multidrug-resistant ( MDR ) tumor cells multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii multidrug-resistant cell lines multidrug-resistant cells multidrug-resistant human cells multidrug-resistant L5178 Y cells multidrug-resistant mutant multidrug-resistant P388 leukemia ( P388/R ) cells multienzyme complex multienzyme complexes multienzyme peptide synthetase multienzyme protein complex multifaceted flavoprotein multifunctional 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase gene multifunctional cyclase-dehydratase-3-O-methyl transferase multifunctional enzyme multifunctional enzymes multifunctional peptide synthetase multifunctional peptide synthetases multifunctional protein multifunctional protein subunits multifunctional proteins multifunctional synthases multilocus sequence multimer resolution protein multimeric metalloprotein multimeric protein multimerized hTNF-V ( H ) H proteins multimodular enzymes multinucleated giant cells multinucleoid cells multiple ArpA-like proteins multiple binding sites multiple bromoperoxidases multiple chromosomes multiple cloning site multiple cloning sites multiple direct repeats multiple drug resistant cancer cells multiple gene clusters multiple genes multiple homologous genes multiple human tumor cell lines multiple kinases multiple MDM proteins multiple oncogenes multiple operator sites multiple pMEA-like elements Multiple promoters multiple proteases multiple proteins multiple regulatory genes multiple sigB-like genes multiple tandem promoters multiple transgenes multiple tumor cell lines multiple virulence genes multiple-drug-resistant cancer cells multiply phosphorylated proteins multiprotein complexes multipurpose oxygen activating/scavenging proteins multisubunit complexes multisubunit enzyme complex multisubunit pol III holoenzyme mumbaistatin mung bean nuclease mur genes mur16 MurA murA gene MurA inserts MurA protein sequences muralytic enzyme muramic acid/cell protein muramidase muramidase contained serologically active M protein muramidases muramoyl moieties muramoyl-pentapeptide-carboxypeptidase muraymycin gene cluster murC mureidomycin A mureidomycins ( MRDs ) A murein formation gene cluster E murF-like sequence murF2 murG Murine and human carcinoma cells murine and human tumor cell lines murine and rat monoclonal antibodies murine asthma model murine B-16 melanoma cells murine B16-BL6 melanoma cells murine bone marrow cells murine brain cells murine carcinoma cell culture murine erythroid progenitors murine erythroleukemia ( Friend and RV133 ) cells murine erythroleukemia cells murine glioma ( 203 glioma ) cells murine hybridoma cultures murine inducible NOS murine leukemia P388 murine leukemic cells murine lymphoblastma L5178Y cells murine lymphoblastoma L5178Y cells murine macrophage cell line murine macrophage cell lines murine microglial cells murine monocytic leukemia MDR-P388 cells murine neuroblastoma cell line murine peritoneal macrophages murine phenylalanine hydroxylase cDNA murine PT67 packaging cells murine Sonic hedgehog protein murine splenocytes murine tumor cells murine tumor line murine tumor-planted mouse models mushroom tyrosinase mustard inhibitor ( MSI ) family mut1GFP mutA mutAB mutAB gene Mutactimycin A mutactin mutagenesis-enhancing SCP1 plasmid mutagenized colonies mutagenized cultures mutagenized pSW344E plasmids mutagenized S. griseus colonies mutanase mutanase-like gene mutanase-like genes mutanases mutanolysin mutanolysin complex mutanolysin gene mutant 113 mutant 135 mutant 21/8 mutant 27 Mutant 4 mutant actI gene mutant ActII-ORF4 mutant ActII-ORF4-177 proteins mutant AfsK protein mutant alleles mutant ANR-58 mutant ArpA mutant binary complexes mutant bld-1 mutant C5VR5 mutant C730.1/pLH18 mutant called Streptomyces rimosus γ-45 mutant cell line mutant cells mutant channels mutant CHB1 proteins mutant chitosanase mutant chitosanases mutant colonies mutant complex mutant cosmids mutant cultures mutant D-35 mutant D218L cIPNS protein mutant DEBS mutant DeltacabB mutant deltasprAB mutant E.coli strain mutant E128H enzyme mutant enzyme mutant enzyme H220K mutant enzymes mutant F8 mutant galP1 promoters mutant gamma-1 mutant gene mutant genes mutant genome mutant genR10 mutant GI ( GIG138P mutant HO1 mutant HO2 harboured cyaA mutant II mutant inhibitor mutant integrase mutant JT46 mutant K+ channels mutant kan12 mutant KO-100 mutant KSB mutant L-TAs mutant L1 mutant L11 protein mutant lacking avermectin B 5-O-methyltransferase mutant libraries mutant library Mutant lineages mutant loci mutant M-102L mutant M4018-delta zwf2 mutant MelC2 mutant MIT-A5 mutant MK2 Mutant nca-1 mutant NTG1 mutant P30L mutant p53 mutant P57 protein mutant P57 proteins mutant phenotypes mutant phiC311 yg2 mutant pimR gene mutant plasmid molecules mutant plasmids mutant PLD library mutant priA promoter mutant principal sigma factor mutant pro-subtilisin mutant produced A-factor mutant produced histidase mutant produced mainly sporulating colonies mutant produced white spores mutant producing only III mutant promoter fragments mutant promoter regions mutant proteases mutant protein mutant protein DD-carboxypeptidase mutant proteins mutant ptpA gene mutant R18Q protein mutant R6D4 mutant recognition sites mutant RG 2 mutant ribosomes mutant RNA polymerases mutant rplK gene mutant rRNA operon mutant RsrA protein mutant S. argillaceus M7U1 mutant S. lividans 1326.32 mutant SHV-1 proteins mutant SHV-2 proteins mutant sites mutant SN13 mutant Spo 1 mutant strain HO1 mutant strain IMET JA 3933/G44 mutant strain NSA205 mutant strain produced xylose isomerase mutant strain Streptomyces sp mutant Streptomyces fradiae JS85 mutant Streptomyces sp mutant Streptomyces tendae 901/395 mutant T7A-81 had higher xylanase mutant TB mutant Tendamistat molecules mutant tetramer mutant tRNA transcripts mutant trpS gene mutant trypsin Mutant ts-38 mutant uridylyltransferase mutant variants mutant xylanase mutant xylanase XYNB mutant xylanases Mutants mutants carried amplified DNA sequences mutants D-35 mutants lacked UDP-galactose-4-epimerase mutants produced proteins mutants representing cloned whi genes mutants retained SCP2 plasmid mutants segregated minute colonies mutants synthesized 2.6-28.3 mutants synthesizing proteases mutants using plasmids mutarotase mutase gene mutase genes mutase-epimerase mutase-specific antibodies mutated abpS-genes mutated AdpA-binding sites mutated AdpA-L binding sites mutated apo-avidin mutated ask gene mutated binding sites mutated Chinese hamster ovary ( CHO ) cells mutated enzymes mutated gene mutated genes mutated locus mutated promoters mutated proteins mutated rarA product mutated SSI molecules mutated type I sites mutation H207K mutations defined five transfer-related genes mutB mutB gene products MUV-6-17 mutant MV cluster MV pathway gene cluster MV pathway gene clusters MV1 MVP MVP7 MW 1 MW 1073 MW 23 MW 300.2 MW 400 MW 443 MW 459 MW 486 MW 542 MW 622 MW 666 MW 769 MW approximately 160 000 Da MWL MX-1 Mx8 Mx8 DNA Mx8 imm gene MxaA mxaB1 mxaB2 MY336-a My7 myc epitope sequence myc-Akt Myc-dihydrofolate reductase MYC-Pl-II mycA mycA1 mycaminosyltransferase mycarose biosynthetic enzyme mycarose cluster mycarosyl glycosyltransferase mycB mycCII mycD mycE mycelial cells mycelial colonies mycelial form mycelial fragments mycelial glutamine synthetase mycelial hyfs mycelial protein mycelial proteins mycelial regions mycelial RNAs mycelial-phase cultures mycelium fragments mycelium-associated Avicelase mycelium-associated enzyme mycelium-associated factor mycelium-associated forms mycetoma grains mycF mycF genes mycG Mycinamicin mycinamicin biosynthetic gene cluster mycinamicin II mycinamicin II ( Mm ) -resistance-encoding genes mycinamicin III ( MIII ) O-methyltransferase Mycinamicin non-producer M7A21 mycinamicin PKS gene mycinamicin polyketide synthase mycinamicn biosynthetic gene mycinose-biosynthetic gene mycobacteria-Escherichia coli shuttle plasmid mycobacterial acyl-CoA carboxylase mycobacterial cell mycobacterial chromosome mycobacterial DNAs mycobacterial expression-secretion vector mycobacterial gene products mycobacterial genes mycobacterial genome mycobacterial GroELs mycobacterial insertion element mycobacterial IS elements mycobacterial promoter mycobacterial promoters mycobacterial proteins mycobacterial regulatory genes mycobacterial sequence mycobacterial species Mycobacterium avium homolog Mycobacterium avium subsp Mycobacterium bovis BCG Mycobacterium initiator tRNA Mycobacterium integral membrane proteins Mycobacterium leprae chromosome Mycobacterium smegmatis cells Mycobacterium smegmatis homologue Mycobacterium smegmatis mc ( 2 ) 155 Mycobacterium smegmatis mc ( 2 ) 155 cells Mycobacterium smegmatis rpsL gene Mycobacterium smegmatis whmD gene Mycobacterium species Mycobacterium tuberculosis 85A promoter Mycobacterium tuberculosis aminopeptidase Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis furA Mycobacterium tuberculosis homologue Mycobacterium tuberculosis hypothetical protein mycobactin biosynthetic gene MycoDB Mycodextranase Mycolases Mycoplasma alligatoris Mycoplasma hominis Mycoplasma laidlawii A. Mycoplasma pneumoniae mycoplasmal gene mycoredoxins mycorrhiza helper bacterium Streptomyces sp Mycostop mycothiol genes mycothiol S-conjugate amidase mycothiol-dependent isomerase mycothiol-dependent maleylpyruvate isomerase gene mycothione reductase mycotoxins mycotrienin mycotrienin I mycotrienin II mycotrienins mycotrienol I or II mydA mydA-G mydH mydI MYE myelin basic protein myeloblasts myeloid cells myeloperoxidase myo- [ 3H ] inositol-labeled neutrophils myo-inositol dehydrogenase myo-inositol dehydrogenase gene myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase myoblast cultures myoblasts myofibroblasts myogenic regions myokinase myosin B myosin light chain kinase MYR myrA MyrA protein myrB myristoyl-CoA MysA MysB proteins Myxobacter AL-1 protease myxobacterial acyl-transferase domains myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum So ce26 myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca DW4/3.1 chromosome Myxococcus colonies Müller cells Müller sodF N ( 1 ) -amino group N ( 2 ) O N ( 3 ) -amino group N ( alpha ) -benzoyl-l-lysine-p-nitroanilide than modified porcine trypsin N alpha N and/or C-termini N epsilon 2 N form N nor O N region N terminal sequence N termini N terminus N- ( 2-amidinoethyl ) -2-amino-4-hydroxy-7H-pyrrolo N- ( p-coumaroyl ) serotonin N- [ ( 5-phosphoribosyl ) -formimino ] -5 amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide isomerase N- and C-termini N-1 N-115 N-12 N-126 N-128 N-13 N-139 N-3 N-4 cytosine-specific DNA methylases N-6 adenine-specific DNA methylases N-71 N-9-3 N-acetyl glucosaminidase N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase N-acetyl-D-glucosamine ( GlcNAc ) sequences N-acetyl-D-glutamate deacetylases N-acetyl-glucosaminidase N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase N-acetyl-muramidase N-acetylampicillin N-acetylgl ucosamine-specific lectin N-acetylglucosamine units N-acetylglucosamine-attached proteins N-acetylglucosaminidase N-acetylglucosaminidases N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase I N-acetylglutamate semialdehyde dehydrogenase N-acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase N-acetylhexosaminidase N-acetylmuramidase N-acetylmuramidase SR1 gene N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase N-acetylpuromycin hydrolase N-acetylpuromycin N-acetylhydrolase N-acetyltransferase N-acetyltransferase-encoding domain N-acetyltransferase-encoding gene N-acyl homoserine lactone molecules N-acylhomoserine lactone-degrading acylase n-alkane degrader actinobacterium Gordonia sp N-amidino-scyllo-inosamine oxidoreductase N-arachidonylethanolamine phospholipid precursors N-blocked aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase N-carbobenzoxy-D-phenylalanyl triethylenetetramine-Sepharose 4B N-demethyllincomycin methyltransferase N-diacetylchitobiose { ( GlcNAc ) 2 } N-dimethyltransferase N-domain N-fatty acyl ( C5-C18 ) derivatives N-fatty-acyl-l-amino acids N-feruloylserotonin N-form cells N-formimidoyl derivative N-formimidoyl thienamycin N-Formimidoylthienamycin N-formyl-1-hydroxy-13-dihydrodaunomycin N-formyl-D-Xaa N-formyl-Val-Thr-Leu-Val-Pip-Leu-Pip N-glycosidase A N-glycosidase F N-glycosylation site N-glycosylation sites N-glycosyltransferase N-glycyl-clavaminic acid synthetase N-heterocyclic core structure n-hexadecane treated guinea pig skin N-hydroxylase N-hydroxylases N-hydroxyurea 1 N-hydroxyvaline N-linked glycoproteins N-Lys-tert-BOC-protected A54145 complex N-methyl-D-aspartate ( NMDA ) receptor N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidin N-methylation domain N-methylene N-methylpyrrole-containing oligopeptide antibiotic netropsin N-methyltransferase N-methyltransferase tailoring gene N-NDMU N-NMB N-NMU N-oleoyl-sphingomyelin N-oleoylsphingomyelin N-oxidase N-oxygenase N-P n-pro n-region N-source utilization spectra N-stearoyl-sphingomyelin N-substituted formamide deformylase N-terminal N-terminal ( 366 amino acids ) domain N-terminal 104 amino acids N-terminal 110 amino acids N-terminal 139 amino acids N-terminal 14 amino acids N-terminal 2 N-terminal 23-kDa fragment N-terminal 47-amino-acid segment N-terminal 70 amino acids N-terminal 70-residue segment N-terminal 95 amino acids N-terminal aa sequence N-terminal aa sequences N-terminal active-site loop N-terminal acyl carrier protein N-terminal Ala-Pro-Asp-Ile-Pro-Leu sequence N-terminal Ala-Pro-Asp-Ile-Pro-Leu-Ala-Asn-Val-Lys-Ala sequence N-terminal alpha-amino group N-terminal amino acid N-terminal amino acid ( aa ) sequence N-terminal amino acid ( aa ) sequences N-terminal amino acid residues N-terminal amino acid sequence N-terminal amino acid sequences N-terminal amino acids N-terminal amino-acid sequence N-terminal amino-acid sequences N-terminal ATP binding site N-terminal catalytic domain N-terminal catalytic module N-terminal chitin-binding domain N-terminal condensation domain N-terminal core N-terminal cytoplasmic tail N-terminal deletion mutant N-terminal DNA-binding domain N-terminal domain N-terminal domains N-terminal end N-terminal fatty acid moiety N-terminal fatty acyl groups N-terminal flavoprotein oxygenase N-terminal fragment N-terminal GH43 module N-terminal glycine ( Gly ) residue N-terminal glycoside hydrolase family 43 module N-terminal half N-terminal half region N-terminal helix N-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif N-terminal hexa-histidine fusion protein N-terminal hexahistidine-tag N-terminal His ( 6 ) -tag N-terminal His ( 6 ) -tagged protein N-terminal His ( 6 ) fusion protein N-terminal His ligand N-terminal His-tag N-terminal His10-tagged SgcR3 N-terminal His6 affinity tag N-terminal HKD motif N-terminal hydrophobic amino acids N-terminal hydrophobic segment N-terminal hydrophobic sequence N-terminal kinase domain N-terminal larger region N-terminal loop N-terminal MBP-tagged fusion protein N-terminal module N-terminal nucleophilic ( Ntn ) hydrolases N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain N-terminal one-third N-terminal part N-terminal PAS domain N-terminal peptide sequence N-terminal polyhistidine-tagged protein N-terminal portion N-terminal preprodomain N-terminal prepropeptide portion N-terminal pro N-terminal pro-sequence N-terminal prodomain N-terminal proline 9 residue N-terminal propeptide region N-terminal prosequence containing 150 residues N-terminal protein sequence N-terminal proteolysis sites N-terminal receiver domain N-terminal region N-terminal region amino acid sequences N-terminal regions N-terminal repeats N-terminal residue N-terminal residues N-terminal RNA-binding domain N-terminal SARP domain N-terminal secretion signal sequence N-terminal segment N-terminal segments N-terminal sequence N-terminal sequences N-terminal Ser/Thr kinase domain N-terminal signal peptide sequence N-terminal site N-terminal strep-tagII N-terminal tail N-terminal transmembrane anchor N-terminal transmembrane segment N-terminal triphosphate-binding domain N-terminal Trp N-terminal truncated form N-terminal two thirds N-terminal winged-helix DNA-binding domain N-terminal YXRSELREM N-terminal-His₆-tag proteins N-terminal-protected dipeptides N-terminally 6x histidine-tagged 54 kDa isoform N-terminally located transmembrane domains N-termini N-terminus N-terminus segment N-terminus sequence N-triMeGlcNH2 N-trimethyl group N-type Ca2+ channels N. brasiliensis protease N. farcinica circular chromosome N.R.R.L. 3585 N1 N10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase N10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase N106 N127 N127D N132 N132A N132S mutant enzymes N148D N173D N173D xylanases N174 N174 chitosanase N174 endochitosanase N174-CONS N174-K164R N2 N2 mutants N2- ( 2-carboxyethyl ) -arginine ( CEA ) synthetase N219D mutant N219L mutants N285 N2O N2ph-F N3 N300A N300S mutant N304 N304A N304K N304L N304R N304R mutant enzymes N304X R306L double mutants N312 N318 N318A N318H N36 N480 residues N480A N480Q N48D N5 N5-C4a locus N531 N531 RpoB types versus rifampin N6 N6-methyladenine-DNA methyltransferase N84A N85 N92A N92D Na ( + ) -activated enzyme Na ( + ) -activated protease Na ( + ) -binding site Na ( + ) /H ( + ) antiporter protein Na ( + ) site Na ( 2 ) HPO Na+ Na+ channels Na+-K+-ATPase Na+-selective channels NA-148 NA1 NA2 Na2EDTA NA3 NaBH4 NaCN NAD NAD ( H ) -dependent 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase NAD ( H ) binding region NAD ( P ) ( + ) -dependent amino acid dehydroganase sequences NAD ( P ) ( + ) -dependent amino acid dehydrogenase sequences NAD ( P ) -binding consensus sequence NAD ( P ) -CDH NAD ( P ) -dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases NAD ( P ) -dependent carboxylic acid reductase NAD ( P ) -dependent cholesterol dehydrogenases NAD ( P ) -dependent oxidoreductases NAD ( P ) -glycohydrolase NAD ( P ) H NAD ( P ) H-dependent enzymes NAD ( P ) H-dependent steroid oxidoreductases NAD binding proteins NAD oxidoreductase NAD+ NAD+ cofactor NAD+ kinase NAD+ oxidoreductase NAD+-dependent alanaine dehydrogenase NAD+-dependent L-valine dehydrogenase NAD+-glycohydrolase NAD-dependent 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase NAD-dependent ATP dehydrogenase NAD-dependent l-glutamate dehydrogenase NAD-GDH NAD-independent L-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase NAD4 NADH NADH dehydrogenase NADH dehydrogenase II NADH reaction products NADH-cytochrome P-450 reductase NADH-dependent ferredoxin reductase NADH-dependent oxidoreductase NADH-flavin reductase NADH-linked fermentative lactate dehydrogenase NADH-oxidase NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase NADP NADP ( + ) oxidoreductase NADP -linked enzyme NADP oxidoreductase NADP+ NADP+ oxidoreductase NADP+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase NADP-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase NADP-glycohydrolase NADP-linked dehydrogenases NADPH NADPH coenzymes NADPH cofactor NADPH dependent aromatic hydroxylases NADPH dinucleotide-binding sites NADPH oxidase NADPH-containing thioredoxin reductase NADPH-dependent alpha-keto ester reductases NADPH-dependent disulfide reductase NADPH-dependent enoyl reductase NADPH-dependent enzyme NADPH-dependent hydroxylase NADPH-dependent hydroxylases NADPH-dependent ketoreductase NADPH-dependent thymidylate synthetase NADPH-linked acetoacetyl coenzyme A NADPH-thioredoxin reductase NaeI NaeI site NaeI-specific cytosine C5-methyltransferase naeIR gene NAEs NaF NAG NAG-ase nagA NAGase NagB nagB gene NagC nagC gene nagH gene NAGK NAGKs NAGS Nagstatin naked 16S rRNA molecule NALC named revertant cells NaN3 nanaomycin A nanaomycin B. Nanaomycin B Nanaomycin D reductase nanI gene NAO naoA naoA gene naoA-disruption mutant NaOH NaOH-hydrolysis products NAPE NAPE precursors naphthacenone Tcm F1 naphthalenic AHBA genes naphthocyclinone biosynthesis gene cluster naphthocyclinone gene cluster napsamycin gene cluster napyradiomycin A2 napyradiomycin family Napyradiomycin SR Narasin narbonolide product NarGHJI narGHJI-encoded nitrate reductase NarI narrow pH range 2.7-3.6 nascent carbon chain nascent oligoketide ( polyketide ) chain nascent peptide releasing factors nascent polyketide chain nascent protein nascent rib-mRNA NaSCN NAT nat gene nat promoter nat promoter region NAT protein NAT proteins nat1 nat1 gene NAT2 Nat42 Nat54 native 42 kDa repressor native 54 and 42 kDa isoforms native AknX native amy promoter native and denatured protein native and synthetic auxin promoters native bacterial signal sequence native binding protein native Bradyrhizobium japonicum population native catalase native cells native chitinase Native chloroperoxidase native chromosomal bldM locus native collagen native Cu ( II ) form and Co ( II ) -substituted protein native Cu-thionein native dimer native DNA native DnaA protein native Domain II native enzyme native enzymes native ferrioxamines B native Flavobacterium hydrolase native Flavobacterium species signal sequence native flp gene native flp within Streptomyces cells native GAG polymers native gene Native hyaluronate lyase native IM-2-binding protein native insertion elements native keratin proteins native KilB protein Native LAF native LAT enzyme native oxygen-regulated promoter native phoA promoter native pikromycin polyketide synthase gene native PKS-associated promoter native plasmid native promoter native promoter sequence native proteases native protein native proteins native rplK gene native S. griseus ferredoxin native SGAP native signal sequence native SR1 enzyme native St. trypsin native streptomyces protein native Streptomyces signal sequence native Streptomyces synthase native Streptoverticillium mobaraense enzyme native subunit native synthase native teleocidin native TGase native tyrosinase native Vsi protein native XlnC protein native xylose isomerase native-type Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase NATs natural acyltransferase natural aliphatic penicillins natural alpha protein natural AT ( 6 ) domains natural avermectin complex natural avermectins natural counterpart Ebosin natural dicarboxylic substrates natural enzyme natural erythromycin loading domain natural factors natural fermentation product natural ferric RA complex natural gene natural killer ( NK ) cell natural killer cell natural ligands natural metal-solubilizing chelators natural NF-kappa-B site natural penicillins natural peptide fragments natural plasmid natural populations natural product natural product avermectin natural product lactacystin natural products natural promoter natural protein natural redox mediators natural regulatory sequence natural RNA polymerase start site natural S. cinnamoneus protein natural SAM-P20 natural sIL-6R natural sites Natural statins natural substrates natural whole bacterial cells natural-abundance carbon-13 naturally folded protein NB-1 NB-ARC domain NB-contaminated soil NB-grown cells NB-induced proteins Nb-resistant gyrase NB10 NB10-NB11 gene fragment NB11 NBD NBD-C1 nbmB NBRC14893 whole cells NBRF data base NBS NC0604 NCBI database nce2 NCgl0748 and hflX genes NCgl0748 protein NCI NCIM 2020 NCIMB 8233 NCN group NcoI site NcR NCS NCS cluster NCTC 2665 NCZ NCZs ND ( 4 ) Cl/D ( 2 ) O ND17 NdeI NdeI site NDF NDGA NdgR ndgR deletion mutant NdgR protein ndh gene NDIP ndk ndk gene NDL NDMC-034 NDP kinases NDP sugars NDP-2 NDP-activated deoxysugars NDP-deoxyhexose 4-ketoreductase NDP-hexose synthases NDV NDV F0 NE2 near perfect repeat sequences near UV/visible region nearly all genes nearly all lineages nearly complete 16S rDNA sequence nearly complete 16S ribosomal DNA ( rDNA ) sequence nearly homogenous protein nearly identical -10 binding domains nearly identical nucleotide sequences nebramycin complex nec1 nec1 gene Nec1 protein nec1 transcriptional start sites nec1-IS1629 region necessary genes necrogenic protein necrosis-inducing protein necrotic protein gene nedA Nef nef gene negative regulator negative regulators negative regulatory genes negative selection marker sacB gene negative transcriptional regulator neighbor chains neighboring subunit neighboring subunits neighboured elongation sites neighbouring senS and senR genes neighbouring sequences nemadectins neo neo and bla genes neo coding region neo gene neo gene and mel gene neo gene cluster neo mRNA Neo15 neo15 and neo16 genes Neo16 neo5 Neo6 Neo8 NeoA neoantimycin family NeoB NeoC Neocarzilins neocarzinostatin neocarzinostatin apoprotein gene neocarzinostatin naphthoate synthase neocopiamycin A neoD gene neomycin ( Nm ) resistance gene neomycin acetyltransferase neomycin biosynthetic gene cluster neomycin gene cluster neomycin phosphotransferase neomycin phosphotransferase gene neomycin phosphotransferase-encoding gene neomycin phosphotransferases neomycin resistance ( aph ) gene neomycin resistance gene neomycin resistance marker neonatal islet cell neonatal pig testes neoplastic cells NeoR neospiramycin I NepA nepA deletion mutant nerve or muscle cells NES NES sequences NES-containing proteins NES-fused proteins nested coding sequences network element neu-transformed fibroblasts neural cell lineage neural crest cells neural crest or MD mesenchymal cells neural crest or mesodermally derived ( MD ) mesenchymal cells neural crest-derived pigment cells neural lineage neural networks neuraminidase neuraminidase-labile group Neuro 2a cells neuroblastoma cell neuroblastoma cell line neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid NG108-15 cells neurodegenerative diseases neuroendocrine markers neurokinin A neuronal cell neuronal hybridoma N18-RE-105 cells neuronal K+ channels neuronal NOS Neurospora crassa his3 gene products Neurospora crassa tyrosinase Neurospora mutant neutral endopeptidases neutral genomic site Neutral lipases neutral metal proteinase neutral phosphatase neutral polymeric resin neutral protease neutral proteases neutral proteinase neutral site neutral subtilopeptidase Neutrophil neutrophil elastase neutrophil enzymes neutrophil granulocytes neutrophils new differentiation factors newly synthesized proteins newly-generated amino terminal sequence next 2-3 d. Subcultured chondrocytes next enzyme next-to-last precursor NF ( integrated SCP1 donor ) strains NF ( normal fertility ) strain 2612 NF strain NF strains NF x SCP1- superfertile crosses NF-18 NF-kappa-B NF-kappa-B consensus sequence NF-kappa-B proteins NF-kappaB NF-kB NFAT NFAT transcription factor NfdA nfdA gene NfxB NG domain NG domain processed beta-lactamase NG protein Ngc NgcE ngcE gene ngcE mutants NgcE protein ngcEFG operon NgcF NgcG NgcR NGDH enzyme NGF NGR234 ngt ngt gene NH ( 2 ) -terminal portion NH ( 3 ) NH ( 4 ) NO NH ( 4+ ) -shocked cells NH+4 Nh-resistance gene NH1 NH2 NH2 termini NH2 terminus NH2-terminal 173 residues NH2-terminal 20 residues NH2-terminal 245 residues NH2-terminal amino acid sequence NH2-terminal amino acid sequences NH2-terminal four residues NH2-terminal part NH2-terminal portion NH2-terminal region NH2-terminal residue NH2-terminal residues NH2-terminal segment NH2-terminal sequence NH2-terminal valine NH2-terminus NH2CH2 NH2OH NH3 NH4 NH4+ NH4+ > NHE NHFS NHM cells Ni ( III ) active site Ni-affinity column Ni-metalloenzymes Ni-sepharose resin Ni-SOD Ni2+ nibradiris NRRL3061.The gene nic-1 nicA nick site nick-translated DNA probes nickel ( II ) complexes nickel active site nickel enzymes nickel isomerase Nickel ligands nickel sites nickel superoxide dismutase nickel-containing superoxide dismutase nickel-hyperaccumulating plant Alyssum bertolonii nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid resin nickel-responsive DNA-binding protein nickel-responsive member nickel-responsive regulator nickel-responsive transcription factor nickel-uptake regulator nicking site NiCl 2 NiCl2 nicotinamide coenzymes nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase nicotine-degrading enzymes NIF3L1 nifH nifH gene sequence nifV nifV gene nifV ORF nigericin biosynthetic genes nigericin producing strains NIH 3T3 cells NIH 3T3 fibroblasts NIH 3T3gamma1 NIH/3T3 cells NIH/3T3-BR cells NIH3T3 cells NIHAB NiIII Nik 15 Nik1 Nik5 Nik8 nikA nikA promoter region nikB NikC nikC gene NikC protein nikC-encoded L-lysine 2-aminotransferase nikC-inactivated mutant NikD gene product nikE nikE mutants NikE protein nikF nikF gene nikF mutant nikG nikG gene nikG genes nikkomycin biosynthesis gene cluster nikkomycin biosynthetic enzyme nikkomycin biosynthetic enzymes nikkomycin biosynthetic gene nikkomycin biosynthetic gene cluster nikkomycin gene cluster nikkomycin non-producing mutants nikkomycin production histidine aminotransferase nikkomycin Wx nikkomycin X nikkomycin Z nikkomycin-negative mutant nikkomycin-nonproducing mutant nikkomycin-producing strain Streptomyces ansochromogenes Nikkomycins nikkomycins I nikkomycins pseudo-Z nikkomycins starts Nikkomycins-producing strain nikO nikO gene nikP1 nikP1 gene nikP1 mutants NikP1/NikQ nikP2 nikP2 gene nikP2 mutants nikQ nikQ and nikR genes nikQ gene nikQ mutants nikR nikR gene NikR gene product nikS nikS product nikT nikT gene product nikT mutants nikU nikV nikV gene nikV mutants nim genes nim-related resistance genes nine biosynthesis genes nine carbapenem ( car ) genes nine genes ninhydrin-positive degradation products NIOAB nipAB nipC NIPOAB NIR NIR fluorescent probe nirB nirB promoter nirBD nirBD-encoded nitrite reductase NIRS NiSO4 x 6H2O NiSOD NiSOD enzyme NiSOD homologs NiSOD polypeptide nitrate reductase nitrate respiration genes nitric oxide synthase nitric oxide synthases nitrification reactor nitrite reductase nitrite reductases nitrite-responsive loci nitroalkane oxidase nitroalkane-oxidizing enzyme nitroalkane-oxidizing enzyme gene nitroalkane-oxidizing enzymes nitroaryl reductase nitrobenzene strain Z2 nitrobenzene-degrading enzymes nitrocefin nitrogen metabolism enzymes nitrogen metabolism genes nitrogen metabolism GlnRII nitrogen metabolism-related genes nitrogen per 10 ( 12 ) particles nitrogen source stimulated more enzyme nitrogen substrates nitrogen-fixing Frankia sp nitrogen-regulated genes nitrogen-regulated promoter nitroreductase Nitrosoguanidine-induced melanin-negative mutants nitrosoguanidine-induced revertants nitrosylation product nitroxide side chain nitroxide side chains NK cell NK cells NK-1 receptors NK-2 receptor NK-2 receptors NK-3 receptors NK86-0279 II NL15-2K NlaIII MTase-encoding gene Nle10 NLS NLS motifs NM-294 Nm-B NM16 NMDA NMMA nmol.mg-1.min-1 NMR NMT amino acid ( aa ) sequence NMT sequences NMT structural genes NNM-A NNM-A monooxygenase NNM-B NNM-E NnrR NNRTI-resistant HIV strains NNS NO NO detoxification genes No protein NO synthase NO-synthase No. 314 No.9 recombinant plasmid noboritomycin A Noc Nocardia aerocoligenes Nocardia aerocolonigenes Nocardia cholesterol oxidase Nocardia had common antigenic epitopes Nocardia minima proteinases Nocardia-like variant Nocardia-like variants nocardial DNA nocardicin A Nocardioides sp Nocardiopsis dassonvillei subsp Nocardiopsis prasina OPC-131 nocF nocO yielded mutants nocR nocR disruption mutant Nod Nod factor NodB protein nodb-like protein nodG gene NodIJ nodU genes nodulation factors nodulation gene products nodulation proteins NOESY nogalamycin biosynthesis genes nogalonic acid methyl ester cyclase non ribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) genes non-acetate primer unit non-acetylated fragments non-adjacent gene clusters non-aggregated factor non-amplified sequence non-annular site non-annular sites non-antibiotic-producing mutant non-apical branchless cells non-apical cells non-bacteriocin heterologous protein non-bubbling mutants non-calcium-activated enzyme non-calcium-modulated leucine aminopeptidase non-clavulanic acid clavams non-coding region non-coding regions non-coding sequences non-competitive beta-lactam inhibitors non-complement enzymes non-conserved genes non-conserved wbl genes non-core regions non-covalent enzyme-inhibitor complex non-denatured BPO 1a non-dividing cells non-DNA binding form non-DNR-producing S. peucetius dnrJ mutant non-essential 1.1 kb sequence non-essential BclI sites non-essential extracellular enzymes non-essential region non-essential regions non-fluorescent cells non-functional ( Mycobacterium leprae ) enzyme non-fusion protein non-glycosylated phytase non-GM commercial hybrid non-GM maize grains non-haem bromoperoxidase non-haem bromoperoxidases non-haem chloroperoxidase non-haem haloperoxidase non-haem iron oxygenase non-haem iron oxygenases non-haem iron-binding enzymes non-heme domains non-heme ferrous iron dependent dioxygenase non-heme ferrous iron dioxygenases non-heme ferrous iron-containing enzyme non-heme ferrous iron-dependent dioxygenases non-heme ferrous iron-dependent oxygenase non-heme iron-dependent dehydrogenase/oxygenases non-heme iron-dependent halogenases non-identical subunits non-induced cells non-iron-containing porphyrins non-linked genes non-LNM-producing mutants non-lysosomal intracellular protein non-lytic enzyme non-malonyl-transferring protein non-modified monomeric proteins non-native substrates non-native tetrameric motif non-natural amino acid residues into proteins non-natural cell surface receptors non-natural isomers non-natural receptors non-neuronal cells Non-optimal ( rare ) codons non-optimal codons non-permissive sites non-Pfam hypothetical protein non-phosphinothricin tripeptide ( PTT ) -producing mutant non-phosphinothricin tripeptide producing mutants non-phosphorylatable BldG protein non-phototrophic bacterial genomes non-PKS genes non-polar replacement mutants non-prenylated aromatic precursors non-producer mutant non-producing cultures non-producing mutant non-producing mutants non-producing variants non-proteinogenic p-hydroxyphenylglycine ( pHPG ) precursor non-proteoglycan proteins non-PTT-producing mutants non-receptor tyrosine kinase non-redundant biosynthetic enzymes non-replicating plasmids non-replicative Escherichia coli vector non-responsive channels non-ribosomal peptide ACV synthetase non-ribosomal peptide enzyme non-ribosomal peptide synthase non-ribosomal peptide synthases non-ribosomal peptide synthetase non-ribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) genes non-ribosomal peptide synthetase genes non-ribosomal peptide synthetase-associated diiron arylamine N-oxygenase non-ribosomal peptide synthetases non-ribosomal peptidyl synthetase non-rubber degrading mutant non-secretory sequences non-selftransmissible plasmids non-small cell lung cancer cell lines non-specific complexes non-specific protease non-sporulating cells non-sporulating mutant non-sporulating S. griseus bald 7 mutant non-sulfated disaccharide units non-toxic butyrolactone SCB1 Non-transformed SFME cells non-varied substrate non-viable bacterial cells non-viable cells non-viral gene non-viral site-specific gene therapy vector non-viral vector nonactate polyketide synthase Nonactate synthase nonactate synthase gene nonactin nonactin biosynthesis gene cluster nonactivated macrophages nonactivated snpA promoter nonadapted cells nonaketide product nonannular lipid binding sites nonannular sites Nonantibiotic-producing mutants nonaxenic Chlamydomonas culture noncatalytic domain nonchlorinated organic substrates noncoding sequence noncoding vector sequences noncovalent complexes nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels nondigested DNAs nondiscordant sequence nonembryogenic cultures nonessential gene nonessential genes nonessential region nonessential transposon sequences nonfixed rat fibrosarcoma cells nonfluorescent product nonfunctional ssgA gene nonfused protoplasts nonglycosylated alpha-chains nongrowing cells nongrowing spherical cells nonhaem-type BPO 1a nonhaem-type bromoperoxidase nonhaem-type bromoperoxidases nonhematopoietic cells nonheme bromoperoxidase nonheme chloroperoxidase nonheme halogenases nonhemolytic phospholipase C nonhost-specific toxin nonidentical recombination sites nonintegrating Streptomyces plasmids nonJ nonK nonlabeled precursors nonlignin components nonlinear non-ribosomal peptide synthetase nonmalignant cells nonmalignant human breast epithelial cell line Nonomuraea genes Nonomuraea genome Nonomuraea positive regulator nonoverlapping cosmids nonoverlapping pSL1 fragment nonoverproducing cells nonpathogenic suppressive isolates Streptomyces diastatochromogenes nonphosphorylated enzyme nonpolyketide synthase ketoreductase nonprecursor molecule nonprimed cells nonproducing cultures nonproducing mutant nonproducing mutants nonproductive co-complexes nonproductive site nonprotein chromophoric component nonproteinogenic amino acid precursors nonR nonR gene nonR gene product nonreducing-end glucosamine unit nonreverting Grn- Grns mutants nonribosomal peptide synthase nonribosomal peptide synthetase nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) complexes nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) consensus sequences nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) gene nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) genes nonribosomal peptide synthetases nonS nonS mutant nonspecific acyl-CoA synthetase nonspecific alkaline phosphatase nonspecific common metal site nonspecific enzyme nonspecific long chain acyl CoA-synthetase nonspecific long chain acyl-CoA synthetase nonspecific proteinases nonspore-forming Mycobacterium smegmatis mc ( 2 ) 155 nonsporulating mutants nonsterile soils nonsynonymous nucleotide sites nontoxic butyrolactone SCB1 nontranscribed intergenic region nontransfected cells nontransformed fibroblasts nontransmissible plasmids nontumorigenic cell types nontumorigenic cells nordebromoaplysiatoxin normal adult counterparts normal and tumor cells normal cell line normal cells normal chromosomal markers normal dermal fibroblasts normal fibroblasts normal human bronchial epithelial cells normal human fibroblasts normal human hepatocytes normal human mesothelial ( NHM ) cells normal human mesothelial cells normal lymphocytes normal mouse splenocytes normal NIH 3T3 cells normal phenotypes normal polyketide product normal rat fibroblasts normal skin cells normal skin fibroblasts normally grown cells normally grown control cultures normally poorly expressed red genes Norsolorinic acid synthase NOS NOS family NOS homologs NOS homologue NOS protein NOS proteins NOS-interacting protein nosiheptide resistance gene nosipheptide resistant clones NOSs notlysozyme nourseothricin ( Nc ) acetyltransferase nourseothricin acetyltransferase nourseothricin acetyltransferase gene nourseothricin resistance gene novA novC novel accessory genes novel activation domain novel Al3+ complex novel cryptic plasmid novel early sporulation gene novel evolutionary lineages novel factor novel gene novel gene product novel gene sequence novel genes novel giant linear plasmids novel LAL family novel natural products novel products novel protease novel protease gene novel protein novel protein domains novel protein family novel proteinase novel regulators novel ST-resistance gene novel thioesterase novG novG gene NovG protein NovH NovI NovK NovL NovM NovM reaction products NovN NovO Novobiocic acid synthetase novobiocin biosynthetic gene novobiocin biosynthetic gene cluster novobiocin gene cluster novobiocin-non-producing ( Nov- ) mutants novobiocin-resistant DNA gyrase B subunit Novobiocin-sensitive gyrase NovP NovQ NovR NovS novS gene products novU NovW novWUS genes NOx NOXA NP-06 NP-1 NP-105 NP-7 NP1 NP1 mutant NP1-1PR NP13 NP2 NP213 NP4 NP57 NP60 NP61 NP62 NP71 NP9 NPGB NphB NphB homolog npi287 mutant NpmA NPN NPP npp biosynthetic genes NPP pathway-specific regulatory genes nppRI nppRIII nppRIII-disruption mutant Npr Npr mature domain Npr protease NpsA NpsB NPT NQO NR NR 0659 NR 0660 NR 0662 NR-1 NR-3 NRC-501 nrdA NrdAB nrdAB genes nrdABS nrdABS genes nrdB nrdB mutant nrdJ nrdJ deletion mutant nrdJ deletion strain mutants nrdJ gene nrdJ mutant nrdR NrdR binding sites NrdR box motifs NrdR box sequences NrdR boxes NrdR N terminus NrdR-boxes nrdRJ genes NRK cells NRPS NRPS adenylation domains NRPS domains NRPS gene clusters NRPS genes NRPS interdomain region NRPS modules NRPS TEII tycF NRPS-encoding genes NRPSs NRRL 2338 NRRL 2564 chromosomal DNA NRRL 2702 NRRL 2702 erythromycin NRRL 2834 NRRL 3111 NRRL 3193 NRRL 3585 NRRL 3761 NRRL 3851 NRRL 5331 NRRL 8057 NRRL 8144 NRRL 8165 NRRL B-2702 NRRL B-5799 NRT NRT cells NRTIs NS-5 NS.A4 NS1 NS1 terpene product NS3 NS3/NS4A NS3226 NS4A/NS4B NS4B/NS5A NSA205 NSA228 NSAR57 NSAS NSAS holo-ACP NSC NSC 188491 NSC 298223 NSC-305263 NSCLC nsdA nsdA disrupted mutant nsdA disruption mutant nsdA fragment nsdA gene nsdA homologous gene NsdA homologues nsdB nsh gene nshA nshA transcript nshA-p2 nshR nshR gene NsrR NsrR protein Nt nt 1065 nt 112-197 upstream nt 429 nt sequence nt sequences NT17 NTBC NTD NTD biosynthesis operon ntdABC promoter NtdR protein Nterminal part Nterminal SARP domain NTG NTG 061 NTG-induced whi mutants NTG1 NTK 227 NTK 937 NTL NTM NTM species NTP NTP pyrophosphohydrolases NTP-ases NTP-binding motifs NTPase NTPs Ntr NTR Reg1 NtrA ( sigma 54 ) boxes NTU-88 NUC-18 nuclear chromatin nuclear condensation appeared ; high molecular weight ( HMW ) DNA fragments nuclear DNA nuclear export complex nuclear export signal nuclear factor kappaB binding sites nuclear factor-kappa-B nuclear factor-kappaB nuclear factor-kappaB ( NF-kappaB ) site nuclear genome nuclear hormone receptors nuclear localisation signal nuclear localization signal nuclear localization signal ( NLS ) -fused proteins nuclear receptor nuclease nuclease hydrolysed endonucleolytically double-stranded circular and linear DNA nuclease S1 nuclease S1 mapping identified seven RNA 5 end-points upstream Nuclease Stn alpha nucleases nucleated cells nucleic acid MTases nucleic-acid-binding domains nucleobase-modified RNAs nucleoid proteins nucleophilic acceptor nucleophilic halogenase nucleophilic halogenases nucleophilic serine ( S195A ) created an enzyme nucleophilic water molecule nucleoprotein complex nucleoside antibiotic complex nucleoside bases nucleoside diphosphate kinase nucleoside diphospho ( NDP ) -deoxyhexose 3-epimerase nucleoside moieties nucleoside moieties nikkomycin Cz nucleoside monophosphate kinases nucleoside phytotoxin nucleoside portion nucleoside transferases nucleoside-diphosphate ( NDP ) -activated l-digitoxose Nucleoside-diphosphate ( NDP ) kinase Nucleoside-specific antibodies nucleotidase nucleotide ( nt ) and deduced amino acid ( aa ) sequences nucleotide ( nt ) sequence nucleotide ( nt ) sequences nucleotide -141 to -113 nucleotide 5-phosphate pyrophosphotransferase nucleotide 706 to 1337 region nucleotide base nucleotide binding domain nucleotide binding site nucleotide blocks nucleotide cofactor nucleotide cyclases nucleotide G748 nucleotide hydrolase nucleotide phosphodiesterases nucleotide positions -270 and -50 nucleotide positions 120 nucleotide positions 576 and 995 nucleotide positions about -235 nucleotide precursors nucleotide pyro photransferase nucleotide pyrophosphokinase Nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase nucleotide sequence nucleotide sequences nucleotide sugar nucleotide sugar binding motif nucleotide sugar precursor nucleotide triphosphate-binding domain nucleotide U2479 within helix 89 nucleotide-binding amino acid sequence nucleotide-binding domain nucleotide-binding domains Nucleotide-binding motifs nucleotide-binding sites nucleotides 1287 to 1289 nucleotides 1309 and 1310 nucleotides within codons nucleotidyltransferase motif nudix hydrolases null mutant null mutants numerous eubacterial HtpG proteins numerous factors numerous mammalian steroid hormone receptors numerous RNAs Nur nur gene Nur orthologs Nur protein Nur recognition box Nur/DNA complex NusG nusG gene nusG genes NusG protein NusG proteins NusG-like protein nutrient-agar nutritional factors nutritional markers Nutritional mutants NW-G01 nylon oligomer hydrolase nylon-6 industry by-products NysA nysA gene NysA KS ( S ) domain NysA protein NysC nysDI nysDI and nysDII genes nysDIII NysF nysF gene nysG nysG deletion mutants nysH NysL nysL gene NysL protein NysR regulators nysRII nysRIII nystatin nystatin A1 nystatin biosynthesis gene cluster nystatin biosynthetic gene nystatin biosynthetic gene cluster nystatin complex nystatin gene cluster nystatin PKS nystatin polyketide synthase nystatin structural and regulatory genes nystatin-like biosynthetic genes NZB X NZW F1 O gamma O- ( carboxymethyl ) -cellulose columns O-2 O-carbamoyldeacetylcephalosporin C O-carbamoyltransferase O-carbamoyltransferases o-chloro-p-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside acceptor O-demethyl puromycin O-methyltransferase O-Demethylabierixin O-demethylation products O-demethylpuromycin O-methyl transferase enzyme O-demethylpuromycin O-methyltransferase O-Desmethylbouvardin O-Methyltransferase O-methyltransferase enzyme O-methyltransferases o-phenanthrolin O-phosphotransferase O-SPM o-substituted benzoate moieties o-toluidine blue stain O1 O2 O5 O507 O52 O644 OA synovial fluids OA-6129 A OA-6129A OA-6129B1 OA-6129B2 OAT OAT sequences oat1 oat1/oat2 double mutants oat2 oat2 gene oat2 genes oat2 mutant oat2 promoter Oat2 protein OATs Obg obg gene Obg protein Obg/Gtp1 family obvious acyltransferase domain obvious ATP pyrophosphatase obvious candidate gene obvious catalytic bases obvious open reading frame obvious ribosome-binding site Oc mutant occidentalis genes OCCs occupied binding sites OCH ( 2 ) CO ] - units ochratoxin A Ochrobactrum anthropi Ochrobactrum anthropi D-aminopeptidase OCT octaketide monomer octalin 5 octamer octanoyl act ACP octanoyl penicillin octanoyl-CoA octanucleotide sequence octuple mutants Oda ODC oestradiol dehydrogenase oestradiol-tagged tryptic receptor fragment oestrogen receptors oestrogen receptors protein Ogamma1 OHIO-1 OHK cells ohrA ohrA and ohrR genes ohrA and ohrR promoters ohrA gene ohrA-ohrR intergenic region ohrB ohrC ohrR ohrR gene OKT4-positive lymphocytes old cultures OLD family older cultures oleandomycin biosynthetic gene oleandomycin biosynthetic gene cluster oleandomycin gene cluster oleandomycin non-producing mutant oleandomycin polyketide synthase gene oleandomycin resistance gene oleandomycin type I polyketide synthase oleandomycin-producing culture oleandomycin-producing organism possessed extrachromosomal cyclic DNA oleandomycin-resistance gene oleandrose units oleandrosyltransferase OleB oleB gene OleB protein OleC oleC resistance determinant revealed four complete open reading frames OleC5 OleC5 protein oleD gene OleD intracellular proteins oleD product oleG1 gene oleG2 gene oleG2 glycosyltransferase gene OleI oleI gene product oleN2 oleN2 gene product oleNI and oleT genes OleP oleP and oleB genes oleP gene OleP1 oleP1 gene OlePKS oleR oleR gene product oleS and oleE genes oleU 4-ketoreductase gene oleU genes oleW oleY OleY methyltransferase oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes oligoketide synthase oligomeric form oligomeric forms oligomeric multicopper oxidase oligomeric products oligomeric protein oligomeric proteins Oligomycin F oligomycin sensitivity-conferral protein oligonucleotide gene probe oligonucleotide probe hybridizing sites oligopeptide permeases oligopeptide transporters oligopeptide-binding components oligopeptide-permease family oligoribonucleases oligosaccharide chains oligosaccharide component oligosaccharide end products oligosaccharide glucosidases I and II oligosaccharide moieties oligosaccharide products oligosaccharide repeating units oligosaccharide substrates oligosaccharide units OM averaged 5 percentage units OM-10.1 OM-10.1 cells OM2 OM3 OM4 OMB OMJPQ3 OmpA OmpA signal sequence OmpF OmpR OmpR family OmpR-binding domain OmpR-like DNA binding domain OmpR-like regulator OmpR-like regulator protein OmpR-PhoB subfamily OmpT ompT-deleted mutants OMSVP3 OMSVP3 molecule OMSVP3 molecules OMT OMTKY3 OMTKY3 complexes OMTKY3 domain OMTKY3 P1 variants OMTKY3-Ala32I complex OMTs OMW ONBA onc+ cells onc- cells oncogene oncogene promoters oncogene-transformed variants oncogene-unexpressed ( onc- ) counterparts oncogenes oncogenic ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells onconase oncostatin M one-dimensional ( 13 ) C NMR one-electron reduced holoenzyme ONS-12/ACNU ONS-6 oocyte-cumulus complex oocytes OP-2 OPA OPC-520 open cleft-shaped substrate-binding site open complex open reading frame open reading frame 2 open reading frames open reading frames 7 and 8 open subunit open-chain aldoaminal structure open-chain C ( 7 ) precursor open-chain diketo form open-reading frame open-reading frames operational taxonomic units operator ( ROP ) sites operator allele operator binding sites operator element operator region operator sequence operator sequence BARE operator sequences operator sites operator-constitutive ( Oc ) mutant operator-like elements operator-like sequence operator/repressor gene operators downstream genes operon construct operon promoter operon reading frame operon-like cluster operonic genes operons constitutive promoter opossum oocytes Opp oppA oppA2-disrupted mutants oppB oppC OppD/F opposite direction overlap sph promoter sequences OprF-cSA fusion proteins OPs opsonized-sheep red blood cells opsonized-SRBC optimal ribosome-binding site optimum proteinase OR C oraA oral cancer cell lines Orange II orbital fibroblasts order 16S-23S-5S order I ordered Gly rich sequences ordered secondary structural elements ORF ORF 1 ORF 1-4 ORF 101 ORF 1197 ORF 1215 ORF 22 ORF 24 ORF 25 orf 3 ORF 330 ORF 4 ORF 5-9 orf 56 ORF 613 ORF 7 ORF A ORF B ORF C ORF G ORF H ORF J ORF pab ORF product ORF share ORF X ORF-1 orf-2 ORF-3 orf-3 gene ORF-393 ORF-4 ORF-438 ORF-438 and IRES DNA fragments ORF-438 and tyrosinase genes orf-9 ORF-A ORF-B ORF-OSRT ORF-PR ORF-PR product ORF-X ORF0 ORF1 ORF1 gene ORF1 product ORF1 sequences orf1* product ORF1-3 orf1-4 ORF1-6 orf1-orf4 ORF1-ORF5 orf1-sigB-dmdR region ORF1/ORFA intergenic region showed overlapping divergent promoters ORF10 orf10 and orf11 genes ORF10 and X5 genes ORF100 ORF100 gene product ORF100 gene products ORF100 homolog orf107recR ORF11 ORF11* ORF12 ORF12* ORF12-13 orf1219 ORF13 ORF14 ORF15 orf1590 alleles orf1590 gene orf16 orf17 ORF17 protein orf18 orf18 * orf183 orf19 ORF19/ORF20 orf192 ORF2 orf2 coding sequence orf2 gene ORF2 mutants ORF2 product orf2* ORF2-13 gene products ORF2-ORF4 region ORF2/3 ORF202 orf21 orf22 orf22 mutants orf22/orf23 ORF23 orf23 mutants orf23 product ORF24 orf26 ORF3 ORF3 gene orf3 gene product ORF3 product ORF3 protein ORF3 proteins orf3* orf31 orf35 orf37 orf378 orf378 without His ( 6 ) -tag ORF4 ORF4 gene orf4 gene product ORF4 product ORF4 products ORF4 protein ORF438 ORF438 gene ORF438 genes ORF469 ORF48 ORF5 ORF5 gene product ORF5 product Orf5 protein orf50 orf56 ORF6 orf6 gene ORF6 gene products ORF6 product ORF6 protein orf61 orf61 gene orf61 gene product orf61-encoded protein ORF699 orf699 and nsh genes ORF7 orf8 orf822 orf84 ORF85 orf9 ORF909b ORF99 orfA ORFB ORFB product ORFC orfD orfE orfE gene ORFI orfIp1 promoters ORFL3 orfM orfMDR-encoded proteins orfP1 orfP1 gene orfPS orfRDR orfRDR-encoded protein ORFs ORFs 1-4 ORFs 1-5 ORFs 101 to 103 ORFs 101 to 103 share motifs ORFs 11 ORFs 3 and 4 ORFs 6 and 7 ORFs 9 ORFs B ORFs harbored essential genes ORFs-1 and -2 orfs1*-4* orfTH4 ORFtnp ORFVI orfX orfX gene product orfX1/X2 orfY orfY mutant organism made novel products organism whose genome organismal genomes organisms whose genomes ori ori fragment oriC oriC and several genes oriC region oriC sequences origin signal peptide sequence original 4.5-kb BamHI fragment original antibiotic-negative mutants original bacterial cluster and occasionally inserted new genes original chitinase genes original clone pPA2 original construct original culture original dehydratase original enzyme original enzymes original fragment original gene original genomic insert DNA original host genome original mRNA original nucleotide sequence original pah gene original pIMB R8 original plasmid original plasmids original promoter original S. cacaoi enzyme original sequence original start codon original strain harboring unintegrated plasmid original transformed cells original upstream region oriT oriT oriT fragment oriT region oriT sequence oriT-containing fragment oriV OrnA ornA coding sequence ornA homologue ornithine acetyltransferase ornithine acetyltransferase enzyme ornithine aminotransferase ornithine carbamoyltransferase ornithine decarboxylase ornithine-5-aminotransferases orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase orphan biosynthetic gene clusters orphan G protein-coupled receptors orphan RRs orsellinic acid synthases ortho-cleavage catechol catabolic operon orthologous cytochrome P450s orthologous gene orthologous genes orthologous region orthologue genes orthosomycin family OS-4742 A1 OS456 osaAB osaB osaB mutant osaC OSF osmoregulation gene osmotic shock-related protein osmotically-active molecules OSRT OSRT oxidized several proteins OSRT-encoding gene osteoclast osteoclasts OTA OTC OtcC otcC gene otcC gene product otcD1 otcX otcZ OTf otr otr ( A ) gene otr ( B ) gene Otr B Otr C otr genes otrA otrA and otrB resistance genes otrA coding region otrA coding sequence OtrA fragment otrA gene otrAp1 OtrB OTUs ouabain-insensitive Mg2+-ATPase OUR out-of-frame start codon outer membrane protein outer membrane proteins outermost sites ovarian cancer cells over 225 micrograms DNA/50 mg cells overall consensus sequence overall temperature factor overexpressed protein overexpressing cells overlap region Overlapped regions overlapping binding sites overlapping chromosomal deletions overlapping divergent promoters overlapping DnaA box overlapping DnaA boxes overlapping dnrN/dnrO ( p1 ) promoter region overlapping fragments overlapping genes overlapping oligodeoxyribonucleotides whose sequences overlapping PHO box overlapping promoters overlapping proteins overlapping reading frames overlapping region overlapping restriction fragments overlapping S. coelicolor DNA fragments overlapping segments overlapping sequences overlapping stop-start codons overlapping transcripts overnight broth cultures overnight-cultured intact islets overproducing mutants oviedomycin biosynthetic gene cluster oviedomycin gene cluster ovomucoid domain ovomucoid third domain ovomucoid third domains own biosynthesis genes own degradation product own gene promoter own proteolytic enzyme own rare factor proteins own signal sequence own whiG gene OXA type beta-lactamases OXA-10 class D enzyme Oxa-2 Oxachelin oxalacetate acetylhydrolase oxanosine 3r oxazolomycin ( OZM ) biosynthetic gene oxiAB oxiB oxidase genes oxidation domain oxidation product oxidation products oxidative defence proteins oxidative enzymes oxidative stress responding factor Oxidative stress-related proteins oxidised type-3 copper site oxidized active site oxidized enzyme oxidized tyrosinase oxidoreducatase oxidoreductase oxidoreductase Ecm17 oxidoreductases oxopropalines A OXT oxy-enzyme oxyanion binding site OxyB OxyD oxydoreductases oxygen oxidoreductase oxygen stress regulatory protein oxygen-activating ligand oxygen-binding site oxygen-bound [ Cu ( II ) -O ( 2 ) ( 2- ) -Cu ( II ) ] form oxygen-dependent enzymes oxygenase oxygenase domain oxygenase genes oxygenases OxyJ oxyplicacetin OxyR oxyR gene oxyR genes oxyR homolog oxyR mutant oxyR transcripts oxytetracycline ( OT ) resistance gene oxytetracycline ( OTC ) -resistance gene oxytetracycline ( oxy and otc genes ) PKS genes oxytetracycline gene cluster oxytetracycline resistance genes oxytocin receptor oxytyrosinase Oxz OZ OZM ozmC gene ozmH P P ( 1 ) and P ( 2 ) sites P ( 32 ) -DNA P ( 4-6 ) site P ( II ) -type signal transduction protein P ( orf5 ) promoter P ( R ) P P ( ren71 ) promoter P ( rib ) -RFN P ( spo ) mutant P ( virR ) promoter P 388 P phosphatase P-1 P-100 P-104 P-1894B P-2 P-3 P-388 P-40 P-45 P-450 P-450 monooxygenase P-450-like enzyme P-450cam P-450CVA1 P-450CVB1 P-450dNIR P-450I P-450II P-450LV P-450mel P-450mel gene P-450RPP P-450s P-450sca-1 P-450sca-2 P-450soy P-450SU1 P-450SU2 P-450VD25 P-450VD25 gene P-51 P-60 P-aes1 P-aes2 p-aminoacetophenone containing family p-aminobenzoate ( PABA ) synthase p-Aminobenzoate N-oxygenase p-aminobenzoate synthase p-aminobenzoic acid ( PABA ) molecule p-aminobenzoic acid ( PABA ) synthase p-aminobenzoic acid ( PABA ) synthetase p-aminobenzoic acid biosynthesis genes p-Aminobenzoic acid synthase p-aminobenzoic synthase gene P-cells p-coumarate hydroxylase P-domain P-glycoprotein P-glycoprotein-overexpressing VJ-300 cells p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase p-hydroxymandelate synthase p-hydroxyphenylglycine unit p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase P-leuA P-loop P-loop nucleoside triphosphatases P-loop-like motif P-methylation enzyme P-methyltransferase p-nitrophenol UDPGTs p-nitrophenol UDPGTs were substrates p-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside acceptor p-nitrophenyl phosphorylcholine substrates p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-cellobioside since module M4 p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylobioside substrate p-nitrophenylphosphatase P-pant portion P-per P-selectin P-selectin- P-TEFb P-type ATPase P-type ATPase family members P-type ATPase transporter genes P-type ATPases p-vac region P. aeruginosa enzymes P. chrysogenum genome P. chrysosporium translation elongation factor gene P. fluorescens cholesterol oxidase P. fumosoroseus genome P. luminescens Lux proteins P. ostreatus enzymes P. patens genome P. porphyrae cells P. pseudoalcaligenes KF707 biphenyl dioxygenase ( bphA1A2A3A4 ) genes P. rosea genome P. shermanii methylmalonyl-CoA mutase P. sojae protein P0 P1 P1 ( SEP8 ) promoter P1 amino acid side chains P1 and P2 promoters p1 and p3 promoters P1 Leu18 P1 phenylalanyl side-chain P1 position P1 promoter P1 reactive center site P1 residue P1 residues P1 side chain P1 side-chains P1 site P1 variants P1-P10 P1-P3 P1-P3 residues P1-P4 P1-site mutants P1-xylA gene P1/P2 arm-type sites P10 P115S p120 p1258 P138 P14 p14-IIp P14C/N39C p15 p15 forms P159A p16 p16 mRNA p16/lNK4a gene transcriptional regulatory domain p16/luciferase reporter P168 P170 P170-glycoprotein P19-derived neurons P1a P1a and P1b promoters P1b P1b start site P1c P1c promoter initiation site p1J702 vector P2 P2 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 P2 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 form P2 promoter P21 p21 ( WAF1/CIP1 ) p21 gene p21/WAF1 gene P212121 p21WAF1/Cip1 P22 p24/32 P240 p26k p26k protein P28-1 P2C P3 p3 and p4 promoters P3 protein P3 sporulation protein P30L P32-labeled intracellular macromolecules P321 P3221 P3409 P35 P357N p36 MBP kinase P371 P371A2 p38 p38 MAPK p38/RK p38/RK MAP kinase P388 P388 cells P388/CPT5 cells P388/R cells P388/S cells P388/VCR P388/VCR cells P388CPT5 cells P388D1 P388D1 cell cultures P388D1 cell line-derived LAF P388D1 cells p38s P3rpoH promoter P4 P4 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 P4 ( 3 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 P4 residue P4 site p4 transcripts P4-like integrase P4-P6 residues p40 p40 protein p42 p42 ORF p446M7 P450 P450 ( cytochrome P450 ) enzymes p450 ( terf ) gene P450 105D5 P450 domains P450 encoding gene P450 enzyme P450 enzymes P450 family P450 gene P450 genes P450 hydroxylase P450 hydroxylase genes P450 K-helix P450 mono-oxygenase-inactivation mutants P450 mono-oxygenases P450 monooxygenase P450 monooxygenase gene family P450 monooxygenase genes P450 monooxygenases P450 oxygenase P450 proteins P450 secondary structure elements P450 subfamily P450-substrate complex P450cam P450s P450sca-2 P450SU1 P450SU1 antigen P450SU2 p47 ( phox ) -deficient CGD P49.5 P5 P5-4 P50740 P510 p53 p53 downstream genes p53 gene p53 protein p55 P56 p56lck P57 p59/HBI P6 P6 residues P60 p60src p60v-src-associated tyrosine kinase P61 p63 P65 P68 residue P68T mutants p6BC12 P6C P6C dehydrogenase P7 P7 component P7 protein P7.P8 complex p70 S6 kinase P8 P8/1-OG P815 P83-L90 p9/43-2 P91S P91S mutants P91S rpsL mutants P99 P99 beta-lactamase P99 cephalosporinase P9L PA 147 PA domains PA phosphohydrolase PA-46101 A PA-48153C PA-calcium complexes PA-gelatin PA-induced actin PA.Ca pA2 and pA4 transcripts PAAG PAAR Pab pab gene pab locus Pab+ colonies pab-complementing fragment PabA PABA synthase PABA synthase gene PABA synthases PABA-overproducing mutant pabAB pabAB gene pabAB resembled genes PabB PabB domain pabB products pabB- mutants pabB-complementing gene pabC PabC-1 pabC-1/pabC-2 double mutant pabC-2 pabS pabS gene pabS promoter pabS transcript pac PAC enzyme PAC expression plasmid pac gene PAC selectable marker PAC-expressing parasites PAC-H packed infected erythrocytes packed red blood cells pactum proteinase pACYC 184 PAD PaDSAR PAE37 Paenibacillus enzyme PaEST-1 PAF PAGE PAH pah gene PAH monomer PAH-13 pah-specific probe pah1 pah2 pah2 gene pah2 transcripts PAI Paim I Paim II Paim isoforms paired genes paired KR-DH domains pAK71 PAL Pal-C Pal-G pAL1 Pal6 pale yellow-brown powders pale-grain fungi palindrome palindrome 24bp palindrome-generating linear plasmids palindrome-mediated leading-strand fold-back palindromes palindromic 18-nt ARG boxes palindromic and superpalindromic terminal sequences palindromic AT rich sequences palindromic AT-rich sequence palindromic binding motifs palindromic binding sites palindromic heptanucleotide sequence palindromic hexanucleotide sequence palindromic inverted repeats palindromic linear plasmids palindromic sequence palindromic sequences palm domain containing proteins palm domains palmitated trehalose-binding protein palpebral and bulbar regions palpebral region PAMA pamamycin-607 pAMbeta1 PamfT pancreatic alpha-amylase pancreatic alpha-chymotrypsin pancreatic amylases pancreatic beta cells Pancreatic beta-cells pancreatic elastase pancreatic enzymes pancreatic islets pancreatic lipase pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor-ovomucoid inhibitor family pancreatic serine proteases pancreatic trypsin PanK pANT12 pANT1202-derived SnpR ( LysR-like protein ) activated snpA promoter pANT45 pantothenate kinase pantothenate kinase ( panK ) gene Panulirus interruptus hemocyanin pAO1 DNA PAP pap genes PAP I pap-pitH1 promoter pAP42 pAP43 papA papain-released products papB papC papM pApp PapR1 papR1 promoter PAPs C PAR par genes par promoter PAR-2 ParA ParA family parA stop codon para-aminobenzamide unit para-follicular cells para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase ( pHBH ) fold family para-nitroanilide-activated substrates parAB ParAB family parAB genes parAB promoters paracaspases paracrine bacterial growth factor parafollicular cells Paraguay 2 Parallel cultures paralog gene cluster region paralogous ceaS1 and ceaS2 genes paralogous genes paralogous sigma factors paralogue gene cluster paralogue genes paramagnetic ( 1 ) H NMR paramagnetic elements parasite genomes parasite-infected erythrocytes parathion hydrolase ParB ParB binding sites ParB complexes ParB molecules ParB protein ParB proteins ParB segments ParB- ParB interaction domain parB-null mutant parent ( P388/S ) cells parent B. subtilis 170 and 1997 parent cell lines parent cells parent culture parent cultures parent genes parent molecule parent sphingomyelin parent vegetative hyphal cells parental alleles parental cell line parental cell lines parental cells parental chromosomal fragments parental chromosomes parental enzymes parental genes parental genomes parental MDCK cells parental PC-9 cells parental phenotype parental plasmid parental prostate cancer cell lines parental SCP2* plasmid parental types paromomycin acetyltransferase paromomycin phosphotransferase Paromotrypsin PARP parS sequence parS sequences parS sites partial 16S rDNA sequences partial 16S ribosomal ( r ) RNA partial aveD gene partial B. subtilis 23S rRNA sequences partial nucleotide sequence partial xylanase gene partially purified enzyme partially-purified ACV-synthetase particular 5.75 kb DNA fragment particular sigma factor partition gene partitioning genes partner protein partner-switching pair ParX ParY proteins PAS PAS domain PAS3 pASK18 passenger proteins Pasteurella piscicida PAT pat and bar genes PAT enzymes pat gene PAT protein PAT proteins pathogen factors pathogen molecules pathogen resistance genes pathogenicity related gene Pathway A pathway-specific activator pathway-specific activator gene pathway-specific activator genes pathway-specific activator protein pathway-specific activator StrR pathway-specific activators pathway-specific acyl carrier proteins pathway-specific genes pathway-specific late regulator pathway-specific positive regulator pathway-specific positive regulators pathway-specific positive regulatory genes pathway-specific products pathway-specific regulator pathway-specific regulator gene pathway-specific regulators pathway-specific regulatory gene pathway-specific regulatory genes pathway-specific regulatory protein pathway-specific regulatory proteins pathway-specific transcriptional activator pathway-specific transcriptional activator genes pathway-specific transcriptional regulator pathway-specific transcriptional regulators pauA pauA gene Paulomycin A pB13 Pb4/Pb4 species PBAD promoter PBD PBD dimers PBD hybrid PBD hybrids PBDs pBES16PR Pbf pBL1 pBL1 promoters PblaF pBluescript KS ( + ) multiple cloning site pBluescript M13- PBMCs pBN183 deletion mutant pBN183-transformed S. thermophilus clones pbp PBP 2 PBP 3 PBP 5 pbp gene product PBP-1 PBP-2 PBP-3 PBP1A PBP1B pbp2 PBP3 PBP4 PBP5 PBP5/6 pbp83 pbpA pbpA gene pbpA penicillin-binding domain PBPs pBR322 beta-lactamase pBR322 DNA pBR322 plasmid pBR322 tet gene pBR322-derived Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322-derived insertion vector pBR325 region pBRPLR1 pBRPLR2 PBS PBS depolymerase PbsA pBT1 pBT2 pBT3 pBT37 PC PC substrates PC-14 PC-14/CDDP PC-3 PC-3 cell line PC-9 PC-9/CDDP cells PC-9/CDDP cisplatin-resistant cell lines PC-phospholipase C ( PLC ) /DAG kinase PC-PLC PC-SUV PC1 PC12 cells PC14 pC194 plasmid family PC196 PC22 pca gene cluster pcaGH genes pcaL homologue PCB pCB20 pCB4 PCB7 pcbAB pcbAB and pcbC genes pcbAB gene pcbAB gene product pcbAB start codon pcbAB transcript pcbAB transcripts pcbABp pcbC pcbC ( encoding isopenicillin N synthase ) genes pcbC gene pcbC gene product pcbC start codon pcbC transcript pcbC-specific probe Pcbp promoter pcbR PcbR protein sequence PcbR-specific antibodies pccB pccB and accA1 genes pccB gene PccB hexamers PccE PCD pcd gene PCh PchA pchA gene pCHIO12 PCI-1 PCI-1 complex PCI-1-SGPB complex pCIA2 pCJR24 pCJW93 PCL pCLJ15 PCMB pCMB-derivatized enzyme PCMs pCN3H8 pCN3H8 DNA pCN6C5 pcnB PCP PCP domain PCP domains PCP proteins Pcp sequences PCP-specific 4-phosphopantetheine transferases PCP-specific PPTases PCPs PCR amplification ofa genus-specific sequence PCR amplification product PCR amplification products PCR amplified fragment PCR fragment PCR fragments PCR primers PCR probes PCR product PCR products PCR-amplified 16S rDNA PCR-amplified DNA fragment PCR-amplified genes PCR-cloned coding portion PCR-restriction enzyme PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism pCR1 PcrtY transcripts pcs PCS biofilm mixed culture Pct pct gene pct gene cluster pctL gene PctL protein PD6 PDB pDBN183-transformed S. thermophilus contained deleted plasmids PDE III PDF1.2 PDGF PDGF BB PDGF BB homodimer PDGF beta-receptor PDGF receptor PDGF-stimulated cells PDGFR-beta Pdh PDI PDMS-based microfluidic channel PDS-1 pdx-6 pdxA PDZ PE1 PE2 peak I enzyme peak II peak II enzyme peanut agglutinin pEB2 pECHChi40-9 construct pECT2 pectate lyase pectate lyase superfamily pectate lyases pectin pectin degradation products pectinase pectinase-encoding sequences Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp pEF-BOS/blmA-transfected COS-1 pEF-BOS/blmB PEG PEG 3350 PEG 5000 PEG 6000 PEG was 3 PEG-1900-catalase PEG-5000-catalase PEI PEI soils peIB pel B pel gene pel genes pelE pellet culture PEMF PEMs PenD penDE encoding enzymes penDE gene penE pENE 1 pENI penicillin penicillin acylase penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthetic genes penicillin and cephamycin biosynthetic genes penicillin attachment site penicillin binding protein penicillin binding proteins penicillin biosynthetic genes penicillin dihydroF penicillin G penicillin K acylase penicillin N epimerase penicillin N expandase penicillin N ring expansion enzyme penicillin ring cyclization enzyme penicillin ring-cyclizing enzyme penicillin ring-expansion enzyme penicillin side-chain penicillin target DD-peptidase penicillin target enzyme penicillin V acylase penicillin-binding domains penicillin-binding protein penicillin-binding protein 4 penicillin-binding protein gene penicillin-binding proteins penicillin-hydrolyzing enzyme penicillin-interactive proteins penicillin-recognizing enzymes penicillin-recognizing family penicillin-recognizing protein superfamily penicillin-recognizing proteins penicillin-sensitive D-alanyl carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase penicillin-sensitive D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase penicillin-sensitive D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving peptidase exhibiting high transpeptidase penicillin-sensitive DD-carboxypeptidase penicillin-sensitive enzyme penicillin-sensitive enzymes penicillinase penicillinases Penicillins Penicillium chrysogenum 51 Penicillium chrysogenum pcbC gene Penicillium sp penicilloyl serine transferases penicilloyl-serine transferases PenM penM and pntM genes pentalenene 1 pentalenene synthase pentalenene synthase gene pentalenene synthase mutants pentalenene/mg protein pentalenolactone biosynthetic gene clusters pentalenolactone F pentalenolactone family pentalenolactone resistance gene pentalenolactone-insensitive GAPDH isoform pentalenolactone-sensitive form pentapeptide chain pentose phosphate pathway enzymes pentose phosphate substrates Pentostatin pentyl side chain PEP PEP mutase PEP phosphomutase PEP-phosphomutases pep1 gene Pep1 proteins Pep2 pep2 gene PEPC PEPCase PepN PepN proteins PepP pepP gene pepper-field soils pepsin-extracted T antigen pepsin-inhibitor complex Pepsinogen genes Pepstatin Pepstatin A peptidase peptidase family peptidases peptide apoprotein peptide bonds and two substrate-binding sites peptide chain peptide chain release factor 2 peptide chains peptide extended third domain peptide fragments peptide growth factors peptide hydrolase peptide hydrolases peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase peptide p-nitroanilide substrates peptide product peptide segment peptide segments peptide sequence peptide sequences peptide substrates peptide subunit peptide subunits peptide synthases peptide synthetase peptide synthetase genes peptide synthetases peptide whose gene sequence peptide-derived amino acids peptide-N4- ( N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl ) asparagine amidase peptide-permeases peptidoglycan ( PG ) fragments peptidoglycan -- polysaccharide complex peptidoglycan blocks peptidoglycan chain precursors peptidoglycan components peptidoglycan fragments peptidoglycan hydrolase peptidoglycan hydrolases peptidoglycan monomers peptidoglycan precursors peptidoglycan substrates peptidoglycan subunits peptidoglycan-binding domain peptidoglycan-mimetic side chains peptidoglycan-mimetic side-chain peptidoglycan-mimetic side-chains peptidyl beta-lactams peptidyl carrier domain peptidyl carrier protein peptidyl carrier protein domain peptidyl carrier proteins peptidyl linkers peptidyl nucleoside antibiotics peptidyl side chain peptidyl substrate peptidyl transferase peptidyl-cephalosporin peptidyl-prolyl bonds peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases peptidyl-prolyl-cis-trans isomerases peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase peptidylnucleoside antibiotic family peptidylprolyl cis-trans-isomerase peptone-yeast extract-iron-agar PerA perchloric acid-soluble protein perfect 12-bp direct repeat sequence perfect 15-bp direct repeat perfect 18-bp palindrome perfect duplexes perfect penicillin perfluorodecalin performic acid-treated PGM peri-hydroxy tricyclic aromatic moieties Pericellular GAG pericellular matrix macromolecules perichordal region pericytes periodic acid-Schiff peripheral blood mononuclear cells peripheral blood T lymphocytes peripheral membrane protein peripheral motoneurons periplasmic binding protein periplasmic component periplasmic enzyme periplasmic nuclease periplasmic oligopeptide-binding proteins periplasmic protein periplasmic solute binding protein periplasmically exported hemoprotein peritoneal macrophages perivitelline space surrounding unfertilized oocytes pErk permanently cured aerial mycelia-negative ( am- ) colonies PermE* promoter permeability factors permeabilized cells peroxidase peroxidase and endoglucanase genes peroxidase isozymes Peroxidase-deficient mutants peroxidase-encoding plasmid peroxidases peroxide-induced gene homologs Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor β/δ persistent late transcripts persistently infected cells persisting peroxidase pertussis toxin pertussis-toxin-sensitive inhibitory G protein PES Pesticidal degradative genes pesticide abamectin PEt pET 23b pET expression vector pET plasmid pET vector pET-32b ( + ) expression vector pET-mel2 pET2 pET23b pET28 petal-like regions PETT pEU5xML2201x plasmids peucetius ATCC 29050 genome peucetius daunorubicin ( DNR ) gene cluster peucetius dnmJVUZTQS genes peucetius dnrD gene peucetius enzyme peucetius squalene-hopene cyclase PF10 PF35 PF35 promoter Pf41 Pf411 Pf412 Pf51 PFACE PFC pFJ103 pFJ104 plasmid pFJ105 plasmid pFJ265 PFK PFK enzymes pfk gene PFK group II PFK proteins PFKs pfp pFP1 pFP11 pFQ11 pFQ12 pFQ31 pFQ32 pFSH102 PFT pfurA -35 region PG fragments PG portion PG-LA PG-peptidase PG-polysaccharide complexes PG45 PG54 PGA pga gene cluster PGA hydrogels shrunk PGA64 PgaE pgaM pGB112 PGE2 pGEM-T vector harboring cDNA fragments PGI2 pGIF3 PGII Pgl pgl genes Pgl variants Pgl+ Pgl- mutants pGL101 probe pGL103 probe pglnA cis-element PglS pglW pglX pglY and pglZ genes pglYZ pglZ Pgm pgm and glgP genes Pgp Pgp probes Pgro and Phrc promoters pgT1 pH 0 pH 10 pH 10.0 pH 10.5 pH 11 pH 11.0 pH 2 pH 3 pH 3-10 pH 3.2 pH 4 pH 4 and 9 pH 4.0 pH 4.5-7.0 pH 5 pH 5 and 8 pH 5 and 9 pH 5-6 PH 5.0 pH 5.0-5.5 pH 5.0-7.0 pH 6 pH 6 and 8 pH 6.5-8.5 pH 7 pH 7 and 8 pH 7-8 pH 7.0-9.0 pH 7.5 pH 7.5-8.0 pH 8 pH 8-10 pH 8.0 became about 10 ( -2 ) times pH 8.5-8.8 pH 8.6 pH 9 pH about 8.3 pH above 5.0 pH and 7 pH approximately 8 pH below 6.5 pH below 7 pH indicator ( red/blue ) antibiotic actinorhodin pH like KcsA channels pH modulator pH optimum 7.5 pH range 2.2-12.0 pH range 3.0-9.0 pH range 3.5-5.0 pH values below 2 pH-gated K+ channel pH-stat pH2 pH7 PHA PHA depolymerase structural gene PHA depolymerases PHA synthase PHA-activated lymphocytes phaA phaB phaC phaC gene phaC genes phaC mutants phaeochromogenes phage ( giving viomycin-resistant transductants ) at homologous sequences phage att site phage attachment site phage attP and bacterial attB sites phage attP site phage clones phage DNA phage DNAs phage enzyme phage f1 intergenic region phage f1 replication origin phage gene products phage genes phage genome phage genome fragment phage genomes phage integrase phage integrases phage lambda DNA phage lambda Ea59 endonuclease phage late promoter phage MSP8 phage mu 1/6 phage mu1/6 phage Pg2 phage phi 29 DNA phage phi A7 phage phi C31KC515 phage phi SPK1 phage PhiC31 attachment site phage phiHAU3 resistance ( phiHAU3r ) gene phage proteins phage R4 phage receptor phage repressor proteins phage resistance gene phage resistant colonies phage RP3 phage SF1 Phage shock protein phage SP 50 phage T7 promoter phage vector lambda EMBL4 phage vector M13 mp19 phage VWB phage-associated lysin phage-derived DNA phage-displayed random peptide library phage-receptor phage-resistant cultures phage-resistant mutants phage-shock protein phage-specific promoters phagocyte phagocytes Pharmaceutical ivermectin PHAs Phase A Phase B phase I Phase II phaseolotoxin Phaseolus vulgaris arcelin 5-I gene pHAT10 based expression vector PHB PHB depolymerase PHB depolymerases PHB granule-associated protein PHB synthase PHB/polyP PHB/polyP channels PHB/polyP complexes PHBs phdABCD gene cluster phdB Phe Phe-97 Phe164 -- -- Ala mutant Phe25-Tyr26 Phe26 Phe39 Phe52 Phe58 Phe63 Phe78 Phe79 Phe94 pheA pheA gene pheA1 pheB phenanthrene dioxygenase ( phdABCD ) genes phenanthrene dioxygenase genes phenanthrene trans-9 phenatic acids A phenazine biosynthetic genes phenazine genes Phenazoviridin phenethicillin phenol hydroxylase phenol oxidase phenolic molecules phenomycin gene phenoxazinone synthase phenoxazinone synthase and polynucleotide phosphorylase promoters phenoxazinone synthase gene phenoxazinone synthase plasmids phenoxazinone synthase structural gene phenoxazinone synthase subunit phenoxazinone synthease mRNA phenoxymethylpenicillin Phenyl Sepharose CL 4B Phenyl-Sepharose 6 FF Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4 B phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenases phenylacetyl-CoA ligase phenylalanine ammonia-lyase phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene phenylalanine ammonia-lyase homologous gene phenylalanine dehydrogenase phenylalanine dehydrogenases phenylalanine hydroxylase phenylglycine biosynthetic genes phenylglyoxal inactive DD-carboxypeptidase phi phi 29 main early and late promoters phi 29 promoters phi 448 phi A4 phi A6 phi A7 phi A7 DNA phi A9 phi AAU2 phi C31 actinophage genome phi C31 actinophage genome fragment phi C31 attB site phi C31 c5 phi C31 DNA phi C31 DNA fragments phi C31 DNA molecule phi C31 early gene cluster phi C31 genome phi C31 integrase phi C31 phage mutants phi C31 phage repressor gene phi C31 phage vector phi C31 phage-based vector phi C31 repressor phi C31 vir1 phi C31-based phage cloning vectors phi C31-based vectors phi C31-derived integration vector phi C31-derived promoter-probe vector phi C31-infected cells phi C43 DNA molecules phi C43/phi C43del heteroduplexes phi HAU3 phi HAU3-resistance gene phi HAU3R gene phi KZ gp144 phi S phi SC347 phi SC623 phi SE45 phi SE57 phi SE6 phi SE6 DNA phi SE60 phi SE69 phi SPK1 phi SS12 phi SS13 phi SS17 phiBT1 phiBT1 integrase phiC31 phiC31 attachment site phiC31 attB sites phiC31 attP site phiC31 attP sites phiC31 genome phiC31 integrase PhiC31 integrase and attP sites phiC31 integrase attB site phiC31 integrase gene phiC31 integrase transgene phiC31 protein phiC31 recognition site phiC31 repressor gene phiC31 targeting site PhiC31-integrase phiC31c5 phiC62 genome Philanthus triangulum F. pHJL302 PHJL401 PHK 16-I cells Phl phloroglucinol synthase PHMB pHN18 pHN19 PHO PHO box PHO boxes PHO depolymerase pho regulon genes phoA phoA and phoD genes phoA and phoD promoters PhoA fusion protein phoA gene phoA promoter PhoA protein PhoB phoC PhoD phomasetin PhoP PhoP ( DBD ) molecules PhoP regulator PhoP-binding regions PhoP-binding sequence PhoP-binding sequences PhoP-controlled genes phoP-disrupted mutant PhoP-protected DNA region PhoP-regulated promoters phopsholipase D enzymes PhoQ PhoR phoR-phoP cluster phoR-phoP deletion mutant phoR-phoP genes Phormidium sp phoRP and phoU promoters phoRP promoter Phoslactomycin B phosphatase phosphatase reaction products phosphatase-like protein phosphatase/phosphomutase phosphatases phosphate binding protein phosphate binding site phosphate control sequence phosphate synthase phosphate-binding lipoprotein phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase phosphate-independent nuclease phosphate-limited resting cells phosphate-regulated genes phosphatidate phosphohydrolase phosphatidic acid ( PA ) -calcium complexes phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase phosphatidic acid product phosphatidic acid-calcium complexes phosphatidyl group acceptor phosphatidylcholine ratio below 1 phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein phosphatidylglycerol ( PG ) molecule phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase phosphatidylinositol kinase phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase phosphatidylinositol-4 phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C ( PI-PLC ) genes phosphatidylserine synthases phosphinomethylmalate isomerase gene phosphinomethylmalic acid synthase phosphinothricin phosphinothricin ( PPT ) N-acetyltransferases phosphinothricin ( Pt ) N-acetyltransferase gene phosphinothricin ace-tyltransferase ( pat ) gene phosphinothricin acetyltransferase phosphinothricin acetyltransferase ( PAT ) protein phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene phosphinothricin acetyltransferases phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase phosphinothricin tripeptide biosynthetic gene cluster phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase ( pat ) gene phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase ( PAT ) protein phosphinothricin-tripeptide ( PTT ) biosynthetic genes phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanyl-phosphinothricin phospho-AbsA2 phospho-AbsA2 phosphatase-active form phospho-transacetylases phosphodiesterase phosphodiesterase I phosphodiesterase/phosphatases phosphodiesterases phosphoenolpyruvate ( PEP ) mutase genes phosphoenolpyruvate : uridine diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase phosphoenolpyruvate mutase phosphoenolpyruvate mutase gene phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase phosphoesterase motif phosphofructokinase phosphoglucomutase phosphoglycerate mutase phosphoglycolipid family phosphoinositide 3-kinase phosphoinositide phosphatase phosphokinase phospholipase phospholipase A phospholipase A2 phospholipase A2 mRNA phospholipase A2 protein phospholipase B phospholipase B1 phospholipase B2 phospholipase C phospholipase C-gamma1 protein phospholipase C-I phospholipase C-II phospholipase D phospholipase D ( PLD ) enzymes Phospholipase D ( PLD ) mutants phospholipase D ( PLD ) superfamily Phospholipase D [ phosphatidylcholine cholinehydrolase phospholipase D enzyme phospholipase D enzymes phospholipase D genes phospholipase D phosphatidyl transferase phospholipase D superfamily phospholipase enzymes phospholipase inhibitors phospholipase-Cgamma1 phospholipases phospholipases A2 phospholipases C Phospholipases D phospholipid acyl chain phospholipid chain phospholipid molecules phospholipid precursor phospholipid substrates phospholipid-hydrolyzing enzymes phosphomannomutase phosphomannose isomerase phosphomevalonate kinase phosphomonoesterase phosphonic acid natural products phosphonomutase phosphonopyruvate ( PnPy ) decarboxylase phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase phosphonyl enzyme phosphonylated beta-lactamases phosphopantetheine arm phosphopantetheine moieties phosphopantetheine side chain phosphopantetheinyl transferase phosphopantetheinyl transferase family Phosphopantetheinyl transferases phosphoprotein phosphatase phosphoprotein phosphatases phosphoproteins phosphoribosyl isomerase A phosphoribosyl isomerases phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase phosphoribosyltransferase phosphorolytic 3 -- > 5 exoribonucleases phosphorothioate links phosphoryl-enzyme complex phosphorylase phosphorylases phosphorylate AfsR phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase phosphorylated forms phosphorylated protein phosphorylated proteins phosphorylated r-proteins phosphorylated response regulator phosphorylation sites phosphotransacetylase phosphotransferase phosphotransferase enzyme phosphotransferase enzymes phosphotransferases phosphotriesterase antibody phosphotyrosine-containing proteins photo-inducible ECF sigma factor photoaffinity-labeled protein Photobacterium damsela alpha2 photolyase ( phr ) genes photolyase gene photomixotrophic rape ( Brassica napus ) cells Photoreactivation-repair deficient E. coli cells photoreceptor outer segments photoreceptors photosynthetic lineage phoU promoters phoU-phoRP intergenic promoter region PHS PHS 1.8 PHS 1.8 and 4.3 plasmids PHS 2.4 PHS 4.3 PHS gene PHS mRNA PHS protein PHS subunit PHS-related protein pHS2 phsA phsA constructs phsA deletion mutant phsA gene phsA locus phsA promoter PhsA protein PhsB PhsC PhsC sequence Phsp18 PHSs pHV14 PHX PHX genes pHyg3 phylogenetic databases phylogenetic domain phylogenetic marker phylogenetic relationship among moeZ sequences physico-chemical environmental factors physiological ATPase subunit phytase phytase gene phytoalexin camalexin phytoalexins phytoene dehydrogenase phytoene dehydrogenases phytoene synthase phytoene synthases phytohemagglutinin phytohemagglutinin-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells phytopathogen Streptomyces setonii sp phytopathogenic fungi phytotoxin phytotoxin thaxtomin phytotoxins pHZ227 ArsB protein pHZ54 pHZ6 pHZ6 among six linear plasmids pHZ808 PhzA PhzE PhzF PI pI 10.68 metal-dependent peptidases pI 4.13 pI 4.4 pI 4.8 pI 5.1 pI 5.38 pI 5.4 pI 6.1 PI enzyme PI factor PI kinase PI molecule PI synthase PI synthetase 2 PI-080 PI-085 PI-200 PI-201 PI-7S Pi-deregulated mutants PI-factor PI-PLC PI-specific transcriptional units PI-synthesizing mutants PI-turnover PI3K PI4-kinase pIA101 pIBR25 pIBRHL1 pIBRHL13 pIBRHL3 PicK picromycin PKS complex picromycin/methymycin PKS picromycin/methymycin PKS genes picrotoxin piericidin A piericidin A1 piericidin B5 piericidin family piericidins pif Pif nudix motif pIF132 pIF413 pig cumulus cells pig heart aspartate aminotransferase pig pancreatic alpha-amylase Pig testicular 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Pig- mutants Pig-pap mutants pIG1 PigA PigB PigD PigE PigF PigG PigJ PigM pigment cells pigment complex pigment epithelial cells pigment gene pigment melanin pigment production genes pigment-defective ( Pig- ) mutants pigment-defective colonies pigment-defective sector pigment-negative ( Pig- ) mutants pigment-producing DNA fragment pigment-protein complexes pigmented antibiotic actinorhodin pigmented iris epithelial cells pigmented precursors pigmentless mutants Pigpap+ colonies PII PII enzyme PII family protein PII protein PII-type signal transduction protein PIIA PIIA synthase PIIA-PIIB+ mutant PIIB PIIB form pIJ 702 pIJ101 pIJ101 clt locus pIJ101 kilB gene pIJ101 kilB promoter pIJ101 korB ORF pIJ101 KorB protein pIJ101 KorB repressor protein pIJ101 replication region pIJ101 repressor KorA pIJ101 site pIJ101 tra ( formerly kilA ) and kilB genes pIJ101 tra and kilB promoters pIJ101 tra gene pIJ101 transfer gene pIJ101-containing cells pIJ101-containing Streptomyces lividans cells pIJ101A promoter pIJ101B promoter pIJ110 pIJ28 pIJ30 pIJ303 pIJ350 pIJ350 plasmid pIJ350 plasmids pIJ350SB pIJ355 pIJ37 PIJ385 pIJ408 pIJ41 pIJ41-derived plasmid pIJ459-mel/sIL-6R pIJ486 pIJ486-hTNF beta pIJ486-vsi-hTNF beta pIJ487 pIJ58 pIJ61 pIJ673 pIJ68 pIJ680 pIJ699 pIJ700 pIJ702 pIJ702 DNA pIJ702 plasmid pIJ702-derived plasmids pIJ702-encoded extracellular lignin peroxidase gene pIJ860 pIJ922 pIJ941 Pik pik cluster loci pik desosaminyl transferase pik gene cluster pik genes Pik TEII thioesterase Pik TEII thioesterase domain PikAI pikAI and pikAII genes PikAI hybrids pikAI promoter PikAIII PikAIV PikAIV ACP6 PikAV pikAV DNA pikAV gene pikAV gene product PikAV TEII PikC PikC cytochrome P450 hydroxylase PikC cytochrome P450 monooxygenase pikC gene PikC hydroxylase pikC-encoded P450 hydroxylase PikD PikPKS PikPKS subunits 1 and 2 PikR1 PikR2 pikromycin biosynthetic enzymes pikromycin biosynthetic gene pikromycin families pikromycin PKS pikromycin PKS gene cluster pikromycin polyketide synthase pikromycin polyketide synthase thioesterase domain pikromycin polyketide synthases pikromycin thioesterase PIM pim genes Pimaricin pimaricin biosynthesis ( pim ) genes pimaricin gene cluster pimaricin genes pIMB R8 pIMB R8 plasmid pimC PimD pimE pimelic acid- ( 14 ) C pimeloyl-CoA synthetase PimM PimM binding-site PimM regulatory protein PimR pimS0 pimS0 gene PIMS0-PIMS4 pimS1 PIMS2 pimS4 Pin pINIII-ompA vector pioneer plant species Pip Pip 1beta Pip 2 Pip binding motifs pip gene Pip protein Pip-binding sites PIP-specific streptogramin antibiotic pristinamycin I Pip/ptr promoter complex pIP501 pipecolate-activating enzyme pipecolate-incorporating enzyme pipecolyl-S-FkbP Piperastatin A Piperastatin B piperazimycin A piperidein-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase piperideine-6-carboxylic acid dehydrogenase PIPP pIPP1 pIPP2 PIPpOFF PIPPs PIR PIR3 pirin homolog pirin-homolog pirin-like protein pirlimycin reaction product pironetin PIs PISC-2002 PIT pitH2 pitH2 promoter pivotal intracellular enzymes pIVPA-hTNF beta Pj pJAR4 pJAS14 pJRJ2 pJV1 transfer genes pJV30 pJV73A pK PK 66K pK alpha pK-a equals 5.85 PK100 pK2 PK25 pK3 pK505 pKa pKa 9.7 PkaA pkaA gene pkaB pkaB gene PkaD pkaD gene PkaG pkatG PKC PKC isoforms PKC- PKC-alpha pKC1218E pKC293 pKC305 pKC505 pKCa 4.5 PKCalpha-EGFP pKCE3 pKCE3 lysogens pKCE3 product PKCs PKCtheta-EGFP pKe1 pKe2 pKf Pkg2 pkg2 gene pkg2 promoter pkg2 transcript pkg3 pkg4 pki1 constitutive promoter PKIs pkn 12 pkn 13 pkn 24 pkn 32 pkn 5 PknA protein kinase PknH PKR PKS PKS ( rubA ) and glycosyltransferase ( rubG2 ) genes PKS ACPs PKS biosynthetic gene cluster PKS biosynthetic genes PKS cluster PKS cluster catalyzing polyketide chain PKS coding region PKS complex PKS cyclases PKS enzyme PKS enzyme complex PKS enzymes PKS expression plasmids PKS expression vectors PKS gene PKS gene cluster PKS gene clusters PKS gene fragments PKS genes PKS heterodimer PKS I PKS II PKS module PKS module 6 PKS modules PKS modules on separate genes PKS multienzyme PKS open reading frames PKS Orf1 homolog PKS products PKS protein PKS protein subunits PKS proteins PKS subunit PKS subunit genes PKS subunits PKS thioesterase domain PKS type I genes PKS unit PKS units PKS-I PKS-II PKS-like gene cluster PKS-related sequences PKS-specific antibodies pKS11 pKSL PKSs pKST2 pKT02 pKU205 pKU501 PkwA pKX101 PL PL C PL D PL molecules PL-I PL-II PL-insensitive enzyme PL-insensitive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase PL-sensitive enzyme PL-sensitive enzymes PL-sensitive GAPDH PL-sensitive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase PL308 PL6-3 PL8 PL8 hyaluronate lyases PL8 structures PLA PLA ( 2 ) PLA depolymerase PLA2 PLA2s Plac placental proteins Placetins Pladienolide B pladienolide B 16-hydroxylase pladienolides A pLAF413 Planobispora linear plasmid pPR2 plant 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthases plant 3-oxoacyl- ( acyl carrier protein ) reductases plant acyl-carrier proteins plant alpha1 plant cell genome plant cells plant chalcone synthases plant chitin-binding proteins plant chitinases plant chloroplast ferredoxin plant chloroplasts plant CHS superfamily plant class IV chitinases plant CS and bacterial CS-like genes plant DAHP synthases plant DNA plant enzyme plant enzymes plant epimerase plant family 19 chitinases plant fatty acid synthases plant genes plant genome plant GlcNAcases plant growth regulator plant lectins plant natural products plant pathogenic fungi plant pathogenic Streptomyces species plant pathogens plant promoters plant protein synthesis initiation factor Plant rhizoplane habitats plant species plant sterol end products plant thylakoid-targeting sequences plant transcriptional regulatory protein plant vacuolar H ( + ) -PPases plant-derived molecules plant-pathogenic Streptomyces species plant-specific isoform plant-specific pristinamycin-inducible promoter plant-tumor-inducing ( Ti ) plasmid plaque-forming unit PLase A2 PLases plasma plasma cells plasma fibronectin plasma insulin plasma kallikrein plasma lipoproteins plasma membrane sphingomyelin plasma protein transferrin plasma proteins plasma renin plasmid plasmid and chromosomal attachment sites plasmid attachment site plasmid carrying genes plasmid cloning vectors plasmid constructions carrying fragments plasmid constructs plasmid control cultures plasmid crossover site Plasmid dimers plasmid DNA plasmid DNA fragments plasmid DNA molecules plasmid DNA-1 plasmid DNAs plasmid encoded TEM-1 beta-lactamase plasmid forms plasmid gene plasmid had genes Plasmid integration sites plasmid intramycelial transfer gene plasmid loci plasmid molecules plasmid origins plasmid oriT sequences plasmid pAFB1 plasmid pAGvarX plasmid pARC1 Plasmid pBRPLR1 plasmid pBRPLR2 plasmid pCHB10 plasmid pDZ8 plasmid pET3a plasmid pGG92 Plasmid pHI90 plasmid pIAF42 plasmid pIJ699-oppA1 plasmid pIJ699-oppA2 plasmid pIJ702 plasmid pJA4 plasmid pJM11 plasmid pKC1139-zwf2 plasmid pKS7 plasmid pLR20 plasmid pMGLP31 plasmid pNI100 plasmid pNS1 plasmid pOS7 plasmid pPS65 plasmid pR4C1 plasmid pRH6 plasmid pRHB101 plasmid proteins plasmid pSA1 plasmid pSAM2 plasmid pSB 24.2 plasmid pSB24 plasmid pSB24.1 plasmid pSE 21 plasmid pSG2 plasmid pSG3 DNA plasmid pSG5 plasmid pSK3 plasmid pSN22 plasmid pSN3 plasmid pSOXS13 plasmid pSS14 plasmid pSS27 plasmid pSU10 plasmid pTO1 plasmid pTRE3 plasmid pTRUBF plasmid pUC3 plasmid pUC3 sequences Plasmid pULMJ55 plasmid pULML30 Plasmid pUTK plasmid pYH12 plasmid SCP2 plasmid SCP2 genes plasmid sequence plasmid sequences plasmid site plasmid SLP1.2 BamHI site plasmid SLP2 plasmid throughout recipient cells plasmid topoisomers plasmid vector pIJ61 plasmid vector pRH6 plasmid vectors plasmid Xis proteins plasmid- plasmid- and phage-borne genes plasmid-associated genes plasmid-based probes plasmid-borne `` spread genes plasmid-borne chromosomal sequences plasmid-borne heterologous Streptomyces polyketide synthase ( PKS ) gene clusters plasmid-borne nonS gene plasmid-borne promoters plasmid-borne sequences plasmid-borne snpR-activated snpA promoter plasmid-borne tuf gene plasmid-carrying donor cells plasmid-cloned genes Plasmid-encoded actinorhodin ( act ) ketosynthase/chain-length factor ( KS/CLF ) complex plasmid-encoded beta-lactamases plasmid-encoded gene plasmid-encoded glk gene plasmid-encoded loci plasmid-encoded locus plasmid-encoded relaxase protein plasmid-encoded Spd proteins plasmid-free culture plasmid-lacking recipient cells plasmid-less mutants plasmid-linked gene cluster plasmid-mediated 16S rRNA methyltransferase plasmid-mediated enzymes plasmid-mediated Escherichia coli RTEM-2 serine beta-lactamase plasmidless variants plasmids plasmids DNA plasmids pSgs44 plasmin-streptokinase complex plasminogen plasminogen activator plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 plasminogen molecule plasminostreptin Plasmodium falciparum DNA topo II Plasmodium falciparum genome Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells Plasmodium vinckei infected erythrocytes plastic-degrading enzymes plastid 16S rRNA genes plate containing ampicillin platelet platelet activating factor platelet deamidase platelet rich plasma platelet-activating factor platelet-derived growth factor platelet-derived growth factor ( PDGF ) -stimulated NIH 3T3gamma1 cells platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor platelets platenolides I and II plating ( eop ) about 5 plausible E1 PLC plc A PLC gamma inhibitors pLC-bar PLC-gamma1 PLC1 PLC2 pLC2-bar pLC2mutCT-bar plcH plcH and plcR genes PlcN plcR plcR genes plcR1 plcR2 plcS PLD PLD ( 42 ) catalytic core and 20 kDa C-terminal domain PLD alpha PLD enzyme PLD enzymes PLD forms pld gene PLD homologs PLD inhibitor 2 PLD isoforms PLD mutants PLD preparation had elastase PLD superfamily PLD- PLD-induced insulin PLD-PLD alpha PLD-specific product PLD/PAP PLD1a protein PLD1b PLD2 PLD42/20 PLD57 pldAIV pldB pldB gene pldB-D pldC PLDcab pldD PLDP pldR PLDs PLDSc PLDStr PLE plecomacrolide family pleiotropic autoregulator pleiotropic autoregulatory signalling protein pleiotropic cytokine pleiotropic effector pleiotropic gene Pleiotropic mutant KSB pleiotropic mutants pleiotropic negative regulator pleiotropic regulator pleiotropic regulator gene pleiotropic regulators pleiotropic regulatory gene pleiotropic regulatory protein pleiotropic transcriptional repressor DasR pleiotropically acting bldA gene pleitropic regulators PLF pLF5 PLFA pLG10 pLG5 Plicate secondary colonies having 1 plicatus beta-hexosaminidase plicatus beta-N-acetylhexos-aminidase plicatus beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase ( SpHex ) gene PlitR PlitS plJ101 korB gene operator/promoter ( OP ) region Plm Plm A PLM B PLM biosynthetic cluster Plm biosynthetic gene cluster Plm C PLM C-F PLM E Plm F PLM G PLM polyketide synthase PLM-A PLM-B pLM10 pLM11 plasmids PLMB plmR2 PLMs plmS ( 2 ) open reading frame plmS ( 2 ) ORF plmS2 plmS3 pLN2 PLP PLP cofactor PLP-cofactor PLP-dependent aminotransferase PLP-dependent beta-replacement enzyme PLP-dependent enzyme PLP-dependent enzymes PLP-dependent transaldolase PLPI pLR20 pLR591 PLS plugs included hyaluronidase pluronic F-68 plus 2 proteins plus-maze behaviours PlyC PM auxin receptors PM hydrolase PM-607 PM-hydrolyzing enzyme PM-inactivating enzyme PM43 PM73 PM87 PMA1 pMAB3 pMAB50 pMCP25 pMCP44 pMCP5 PmcrB promoter pmcTyr1 pmcTyr2 pMCU22aPa construct pMCU22bPa plasmid Pme I pMEA-elements pMEA-like elements pMEA300 pMEA300 proteins pMEA300-encoded KorA protein PmerR promoter PMF pMG40 pMG50 pMG88 pMGLP31 PMH Pmi PMI and PMM genes pmi and prpA genes pMJ9 PMK PML-IV PMM PMM synthase PMMA PMMA-treated cultures PMMA-treated fraction dA1 pMN1 vector plasmid PMNL PMNs pMP66 PmR PMS PMS-St. trypsin PMSF pMSG27 Pmt pMVS300 pMVS301 DNA pMZ1 plasmid pMZS25 pMZS34 PnAA pNBR1 pneumococcal insertion sequences pNI100 pNIS91 pNO33 pnp gene pnp genes pnp ORF PNP-X2 pnp1 pnp2 PNPase PNPase active site PNPase catalytic sites PNPases PNPP PnPy decarboxylase pNQ1 pNQ2 pNQ3 PntD PntE PntM PNU-82 pNZ18 PO PO-RCA-DAB PO2 pOA11 pOA15 pOA23 pOA29 pOA30 pOA7 POAG Poc1 Poc2 pock-forming determinants pock-forming plasmid pock-forming plasmids pock-resistance determinants POHIV pOJ31 pokO4 POL pol gene cluster PolA polA- mutants polar DivIVA protein polB PolC-type alpha-subunit polluted site PolO polR POLs poly ( 3-hydroxybutyrate ) ( PHB ) synthesising genes poly ( 3-hydroxybutyrate ) homopolymer Poly ( A ) ( + ) RNA poly ( A ) tails poly ( ADP-ribose ) polymerase poly ( ADP-ribose ) synthetase poly ( C ) RNA poly ( dimethylsiloxane ) microfluidic channels poly ( glycerophosphate ) chain poly ( T ) region poly ( U ) programmed ribosomes poly beta-lysine chain poly P kinase poly P-driven nucleoside diphosphate kinase poly- ( ADP-ribose ) polymerase Poly- ( R ) -3-hydroxybutyrate/polyphosphate ( PHB/polyP ) complexes poly-beta-ketone cyclase poly-U tails polyadenylation sites polycistronic cebEFG and bglC mRNAs polycistronic gene polycistronic mRNA polycistronic transcript polyclonal antibodies polyclonal antibody polyene biosynthetic gene cluster polyene biosynthetic gene clusters polyene complex polyene cytochrome P450 hydroxylase polyene macrolide antibiotic candicidin polyene macrolide P450 mono-oxygenase polyether polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes polygalacturonase polygalacturonase-encoding sequences polygalacturonases polyguluronate units polyhedral epithelium-like cells polyisoprenoid molecules polykeptide synthase polyketide anthelmintic avermectin polyketide biosynthetic genes polyketide chain polyketide chains polyketide cyclase polyketide cyclase gene polyketide cyclases polyketide gene cluster polyketide gene clusters polyketide genes polyketide ketoreductase polyketide ketoreductase gene polyketide methylmalonyl-CoA acyltransferase gene polyketide monooxygenases polyketide natural products polyketide product polyketide products polyketide reductase polyketide synthase polyketide synthase ( eryA ) genes polyketide synthase ( otcY ) genes polyketide synthase ( PKS ) /nonribosomal peptide synthetase ( NRPS ) hybrid gene polyketide synthase ( PKS ) gene polyketide synthase ( PKS ) gene cluster polyketide synthase ( PKS ) genes polyketide synthase and cyclases genes polyketide synthase complexes polyketide synthase components polyketide synthase deficient mutant polyketide synthase gene polyketide synthase gene cluster polyketide synthase gene probe polyketide synthase genes polyketide synthase locus polyketide synthase protein polyketide synthases polyketide synthesis enzymes polyketide synthetase polyketide synthetases polyketomycin biosynthetic gene cluster polylinker sequence polymer chain polymer plug region polymer-degrading enzymes polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA polymeric complex polymeric forms polymeric glycan chains polymerizing enzymes polymorphic DNA Polymorphic Human arylamine N-acetyltransferase polymorphism Polymorphonuclear leucocytes polymorphonuclear leukocytes Polynactins polynuclear cells polynucleotide chains polynucleotide phosphorylase polyol dehydrogenase polyol fragment polyol region polyoxin ( POL ) biosynthetic gene Polyoxypeptin A PolyP polyP end unit polyP molecule polypeptide chain polypeptide chains polypeptide segment polypeptide sequence polyphenol oxidase polyphosphate ( polyP ) complexes polyphosphate glucokinase polyphosphate kinase polyphosphate kinase gene polyphosphate metabolism enzymes polyphosphate phosphohydrolase polyphosphate-phosphohydrolase polyphosphate-phosphotransferase polyprenol phosphate mannose synthase polyprenyl diphosphate synthase gene polyprotein polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase polysaccharide biosynthesis genes polysaccharide chain polysaccharide deacetylase domain polysaccharide hydrolytic enzymes polysaccharide K antigen polysaccharide lyases polysaccharide-binding domain polysaccharide-peptide complexes polytopic membrane proteins PonR poor precursors POP family POPC POPC liposomes PopR Por1 Por2 porcine alpha2-macroglobulin porcine aortic smooth muscle cells porcine aortic vascular smooth muscle cells porcine cumulus cells porcine DNase II porcine elastase porcine gastric mucus glycoprotein porcine intestinal sucrase porcine Na+/K ( + ) -activated ATPase porcine oocyte-cumulus cell complexes Porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase porcine pancreatic elastase porcine pancreatic elastase I porcine pancreatic lipase porcine pancreatin porcine trypsins pore domain pore domains pore forming region pore region pore-forming macromolecules pore-forming proteins pore-lining `` P-region motif PORF5 porin homologue pOS1 pOS7 pOS7 plasmid position +80 position -180 position -22 position -40 position -50 position 1 position 103 position 11 position 115 position 1172 position 12 position 124 position 12b position 138 position 145 position 164 position 187 position 19 position 195 position 199 position 2 position 2058 position 213 position 22 position 220 position 225 position 226 position 234 position 238 position 243 position 25 position 254 position 255 position 262 position 277 position 283 position 3 position 306 position 310 position 327 position 35 position 4 position 405 position 42 position 49 position 5 position 54 position 6 position 65 position 69 position 7 position 72 position 73 position 8 position 82 position 9 position 92 position 99 position C position C-10 position C-6 position C-7 position C7 position Delta cis3 position downstream position G518 position W266 position-specific hydroxylases positions +12 to +46 positions -117 to -142 positions 16-23 positions 2 and 3 positions 256-266 positions 258-266 positions 73 and 70 positions 8-9 positions yielded enzymes positive 950 bp Sau3AI DNA fragment positive A-factor positive anti-microsome antibody positive anti-TSH receptor antibody positive clone positive clones positive cosmids positive DNA fragments positive effector positive effectors positive gene positive modulator positive pathway-specific regulator positive phage clone positive phosphatase positive regulator positive regulators positive regulatory elements positive regulatory gene positive regulatory protein positive selection vectors positive sense RNA genome positive transcription factors positive transcriptional regulator positive-acting transcriptional regulator positively charged region positively-acting transcriptional regulators possible binding region possible dimers possible factors possible helix-turn-helix motif possible metal-binding protein possible minor promoters possible modification sites possible nucleotide-binding sequence possible post-PKS ( polyketides synthase ) modification genes possible recognition domain possible regulation proteins possible start codons possible type II membrane protein post-enzyme post-heparin plasma lipases post-induction 15N-labelled protein post-PKS elaborative enzymes post-PKS enzymes post-PKS modification gene post-PKS tailoring enzymes post-polyketide synthase post-translational cleavage site post-translational regulatory elements post-translationally modified site posterior region posterior segment postnatal fibroblasts postpolyketide modification genes potassium channels potassium cyanide inactivated histidase potassium transport-deficient yeast mutant potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) scab potato proteinase inhibitor II gene potato scab potato scabs potato tuber discs pOTBP1 plasmid potent virulence factors PoTPase poxvirus envelope proteins PP PP1 PP1-deficient yeast cells PP1/PP2A PP1C PP1C interacting domain PP2A PP2A catalytic subunit alpha PP2Ac-subunit PP2B PP2C phosphatases Pp4CL gene family members Pp4CL1 Pp4CL2 Pp4CL3 Pp4CL4 pp60c-src PPA PPA molecule ppA pp PPA/T-76 complex PPA1294 ppApp PPAR β/δ PPAR-gamma PPAR-gamma ligand-binding domain ppb region pPC7 pPC8 PPD Ppd product PPE PPE-FR901277 complex PpEST-1 PpEST-2 PpEST-3 ppGpp ppGpp increases 2- ppGpp synthetase ppGpp synthetase gene ppGpp-human serum albumin PPi-dependent enzymes PPi-dependent PFK PPi-dependent phosphofructokinase PPi-dependent proteins PPi-PFK PPi-PFK enzyme PPi-PFK enzymes PPi-PFKs PPIase ppk ppk gene ppk mutant PPK1 PPK2 pPKSP32 PPL ppm gene Ppm1 pPM927 PPMs Ppnp Ppnp sequence Ppnp transcriptional start point PPO PpoA PPOs PPP PPP-family ser/thr protein phosphatases pppApp pppGpp pppGpp synthetase pppGpp synthetase active site pppIpp pPR1 pPR2 PPs pPS65 pPSX PPT PPT acetyltransferase PPTase PPTase gene PPTase genes PPTases Pptr PPW pPZ518 pPZ519 ppzP pQE30 pQE60 PQQ PQQ-dependent dehydrogenase pqr ( paraquat resistance ) gene pqr locus PqrA pqrA gene pqrA promoter region pqrA promoter-driven transcripts pqrA501 mutant pqrAB operon caused cells PqrB pqrB gene PR PR-MAb PR-MAbs PR1 pR4C1 pR4C1 plasmid pR4C4 pra pra gene pra gene transcript pra locus pra promoter pra3 pra4 pravastatin pRB pRB-inactivated cells pRB-P pRB394 pRBM4 cosmid prcA prcB prcB2A2 PRE pre- pro-enzyme pre-agarase pre-apoprotein pre-enzyme pre-HaimII protein pre-pro-mature protein pre-proform protein pre-protein pre-secretory proteins pre-SSI protein pre-SSI-encoding region preadapted cells preceding gene preceding genes PRECHORISMIC ACID PORTION precipitating antibodies precipitin precipitin lines precipitin reaction between antigens precocene II precorrin-5 precursor cytotoxic T lymphocytes precursor molecules precursor processing sites precursor protein precursor proteins precursor sequence precursor-committing enzyme precursors predation sequence predicted basic protein predicted DnaK protein predicted gene clusters predicted gene products predicted highly expressed ( PHX ) genes predicted lipid-anchored protein predicted local functional site predicted protein predicted proteins predicted regulator protein predicted Sgm protein predicted structural genes predicted transaminase gene predicting functional sites predominant factor preference toward DNA preferential binding site preferential modification site preferred chromosomal target site preferred integration site preferred modification site preferred modification sites preferred site preferred target site prelabeled cells preliminary consensus sequence preloaded islets premithramycin A1 premithramycin A2 premithramycin A3 premithramycin A4 premithramycin-type molecules PREN40 prenyl transferases prenyltransferase gene prenyltransferases preparation designed II preparation II prephenate dehydratase prephenate dehydrogenase preponderant integral membrane protein prepro mature protease preproenzyme preproteins PREs pRES1 pRES18 present-day DD-peptidase prespore chromosome presumably highly expressed genes presumed promoter regions presumptive actinomycete tRNA genes presumptive oxygenase genes presumptive phosphorylation site presumptive pre-HaimII protein presumptive promoter presumptive promoter region presumptive promoters presumptive protein presumptive S. lividans 1326 protein presumptive signal peptidase cleavage sites presumptive translational start codon previous Streptomyces genome sequences previously cloned S. clavuligerus IPNS gene previously cloned Streptomyces olivaceoviridis exo-chiO1 gene previously sequenced aph gene previously unidentified fifty genes previously-characterised neomycin phosphotransferase gene PRF1 prfB prg1 pRH6 pRHB126 PrheA pRHL1 and pRHL2 plasmids pRHL2 pRHL2 had 3-bp perfect terminal inverted repeats pRHL2 terminal probes pRHL3 termini PriA priA gene primary alkylation site primary amino acid sequence primary amino acid sequences primary and first passage cells Primary and first passage rabbit chondrocyte cultures primary auxin-inducible genes primary bovine articular chondrocyte monolayer cultures primary cervical cells primary chicken embryonic cells primary chimeric transcript primary cleavage products primary cultures primary fragments primary functional attB sequence primary gene product primary gene products primary hamster tracheal epithelial ( HTE ) cell culture primary hepatocytes primary human bone marrow-derived stromal cells primary human monocytes primary lamellae Primary late transcripts primary metabolic arginases primary metabolite genes primary mouse epidermal keratinocytes primary product primary protein primary protein sequence primary region primary sequence primary sequences primary sigma ( 70 ) family primary sigma factor primary signal molecules primary site primary T lymphocytes primary target site primary transcript primary translation product primary translation products primary-cultured dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons primate genomes prime amine-donor site prime solid substrates primed neutrophils primer unit primer-extended M13mp18-SCA DNA priming glycosyltransferase priming glycosyltransferase gene priming glycosyltransferases principal hyaluronan receptor principal promoter principal sigma factor principal sigma factor gene principal sigma factor genes principal sigma factors principal sigma type factors principal sigma-like transcriptional factor principal subunits principle that plasmids PRINS prion protein pristinaespiralis chromosome pristinaespiralis gene pristinaespiralis multidrug resistance gene pristinaespiralis ptr promoter pristinamycin biosynthetic and resistance genes pristinamycin biosynthetic genes Pristinamycin I pristinamycin I ( PI ) synthetases pristinamycin I nonribosomal peptide synthetase pristinamycin I precursors pristinamycin I synthetases Pristinamycin II pristinamycin multidrug resistance gene pristinamycin-induced protein pristinamycin-induced transcriptional regulator protein pristinamycin-repressible plant gene pRJ28 pRL2 pRL4 pRM5 + actVI-ORF1 pRM5-based plasmids pRN14 Pro Pro 339 pro region pro regions pro sequence pro-1 pro-apoptotic protein pro-domain pro-inflammatory cytokine pro-inflammatory proteins pro-MTG pro-MTGase pro-Npr pro-peptide region pro-region pro-sequence pro-subtilisin Pro-TGase pro-transglutaminase pro-tRNA gene Pro-Val-Pro motif PRO41 Pro42I C beta Pro77 proA proA1 proangiogenic genes proapoptotic BIK proapoptotic protein proB mutants probable anti-sigma factor probable BE-40644 biosynthetic gene cluster probable gamma-butyrolactone biosynthetic enzyme probable genes probable glycogen debranching enzyme probable helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif probable metabolic enzymes probable methyl-sensing restriction endonucleases probable protein coding region probable redox-sensing motif probable ribosome binding site probable secreted proteins probable translation products probe fragment problematic regions procaine penicillin procaryotic regulatory elements procaryotic transcriptional repressors procaspase-3 procaspase-8 procedure soluble Remazol brilliant violet 5R dye-coupled chitin degradation products procedure yielded highly-purified core RNA polymerase process-scale high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) unit processing site processing sites Proclavaminate amidino hydrolase proclavaminate amidinohydrolase proclavaminic acid amidino hydrolase procollagenase prodigiosin biosynthesis genes prodigiosin family prodigiosin R1 prodigiosin-biosynthesis genes prodigiosin-group natural products producer cells producer-organism resistance genes products unlike any proteins proelastase profilaggrin/filaggrin proform-like protein progenitor subunits progesterone 16alpha-hydroxylase proinflammatory cytokine proinflammatory cytokines proinflammatory mediators proinsulin prokaryotic 16S rRNA A-site prokaryotic 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Prokaryotic 20S proteasomes prokaryotic 23S rRNA prokaryotic 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase prokaryotic 3 beta/17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase prokaryotic calcium-binding proteins prokaryotic catalase-peroxidases prokaryotic cells prokaryotic chitosanases prokaryotic dehydrogenases prokaryotic Domains prokaryotic drug efflux proteins prokaryotic EF-hand proteins prokaryotic enzymes prokaryotic family members prokaryotic fatty acid synthases prokaryotic genomes prokaryotic GTP-binding protein prokaryotic histone-like protein prokaryotic KdpFABC complex prokaryotic Ku homologs prokaryotic methylases prokaryotic potassium channel prokaryotic promoter region prokaryotic promoters prokaryotic release factor 2 prokaryotic serine/threonine phosphatases prokaryotic squalene-hopene cyclases prokaryotic transcriptional regulators Prokaryotic transcriptional regulatory elements prokaryotic tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase prokaryotic tyrosinases prokaryotic-type type I SPases Prokaryotic/fungal enzymes prolidase proliferating mammalian cells prolific secondary-metabolite-producing strain Streptomyces sp prolin-specific peptidases Proline 3-hydroxylase Proline 3-hydroxylases Proline 4-hydroxylase proline aminopeptidase proline catabolic enzyme pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase proline dehydrogenase Proline iminopeptidase proline iminopeptidases proline molecules proline residue proline residues proline sites proline specific peptidases proline transport mutants proline-115 proline-rich motif proline-rich segments proline-specific dipeptidylcarboxypeptidase proline-tRNA-like cloverleaf structure prolonged conversion culture prolyl 4-hydroxylase prolyl endopeptidase prolyl hydroxylase prolyl oligopeptidase ( POP ) family prolyl oligopeptidase family prolyl-S-FkbP promature junction P1 site promature junction sequences prominent protein promoter promoter -probe plasmid promoter activity-containing regions promoter consensus sequences promoter core sequences promoter deletion fragments promoter elements promoter fragment promoter fragments promoter probe plasmid promoter probe plasmids promoter probe vector promoter probes promoter probing identified four promoters promoter region promoter regions promoter sequence promoter sequence motifs promoter sequences promoter-active fragments promoter-active inserts promoter-active region promoter-bearing DNA fragment Promoter-bearing DNA fragments promoter-less alpha-amylase gene promoter-less aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene promoter-less aphII gene promoter-less gene promoter-less reporter gene promoter-less tyrosinase promoter-probe plasmid promoter-probe plasmids promoter-probe shuttle plasmid promoter-probe shuttle vectors promoter-probe vector promoter-proximal gene promoterless aminoglycoside phosphotransferase-encoding gene promoterless aminoglycoside-O-acetyltransferase I gene promoterless amylase gene promoterless chloramphenicol acetyltransferase ( cat ) gene promoterless gene promoterless kanamycin phosphotransferase gene promoterless kanamycin-resistance gene promoterless lacZ gene promoterless lacZ reporter gene promoterless lat gene promoterless luciferase ( lux ) and neomycin resistance reporter genes promoterless Streptomyces tyrosinase gene promoterless xylE gene promoters promotorless xylE reporter gene Pronase Pronase endopeptidases Pronase enzyme pronase enzymes Pronase trypsin pronounced creatine kinase pronounced when cells propeptide region propeptide segment propeptide sequence propeptide-containing bacterial serine proteases proper cell division site proper cloning site proper monooxygenase propionate ( prp ) locus propionate starter unit Propionibacterium shermanii propionic acid side chain propionyl acylase propionyl acylase gene propionyl-CoA carboxylase propionyl-CoA carboxylase complex propionyl-CoA carboxylases proposed active sites proposed redD promoter propylamino chain Prospective randomised phase II prostaglandin dehydrogenases prostaglandin E2 prostaglandins prostate tumorigenic cell lines prostate-specific antigen prostate-specific membrane antigen prostatic acid phosphatase Protactin protease Protease A protease B protease B gene protease complex protease domain protease enzyme protease enzymes protease family Protease fractions II protease genes protease I protease inhibitor molecule Protease K protease molecule protease mutants protease precursors protease structural gene protease-activated receptor-2 protease-deficient mutants Protease-free chondroitinase protease-free enzyme protease-resistant xylanase protease-sensitive internal region protease-treated erythrocytes proteases proteasomal regulatory subunits proteasome proteasome complex proteasome genes proteasome mutant proteasome substrates proteasome-accessory AAA ATPase proteasome-lacking mutant proteasome-related gene products proteasomes protected 38 nt region protected region protected sequences protecting cells protection sites protective antigens Protein A protein approximately 28-30 kDa protein chains protein coding region protein cofactor protein complex protein complexes protein components protein databases protein distal surface 9 A protein disulfide isomerase protein domain Protein domains protein factors protein families protein family protein farnesyltransferase protein fusion linker site protein His kinase superfamily protein interaction domains protein kinase protein kinase A protein kinase C protein kinase C-alpha protein kinase C-delta protein kinase C. protein kinase gene protein kinase genes protein kinase-like sequence motifs protein kinases protein kinases Calpha protein kinases whose kinase protein larger than 45 kDa protein molecule protein MTases protein O-D-mannosyltransferase protein O-D-mannosyltransferases protein phosphatase Protein phosphatase 1 protein phosphatase 2A protein phosphatase-1 protein phosphatases protein phosphatases 1 and 2A protein product protein products protein S1 protein sequence protein sequences protein Ser/Thr kinase protein Ser/Thr kinases protein Ser/Thr phosphatases protein serine/threonine kinase protein serine/threonine kinase genes protein serine/threonine phosphatases protein serine/threonine phosphatases 1 and 2A protein structural elements protein substrate protein subunit protein subunits protein superfamily Protein synthesis initiation factors protein tyrosine kinase protein tyrosine kinase catalytic domain protein tyrosine phosphatase protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B protein tyrosine phosphatases protein was 50 kDa protein whose sequence protein-binding sequence protein-binding site protein-binding sites protein-coding genes protein-coding regions protein-coding sequences protein-coupled receptors protein-DNA complex protein-NeuAc complex protein-protein protein-tyrosine kinase protein-tyrosine kinases protein-tyrosine phosphatases protein.protein complexes proteinaceous acceptor proteinaceous Kex 2 proteinase proteinaceous metallo-proteinase inhibitor ( S-MPI ) gene proteinaceous split product proteinaceous substrates proteinase Proteinase A Proteinase E proteinase inhibitor genes proteinase K proteinase-1 proteinase-3 proteinase-free Streptomyces hyaluronidase proteinases proteoglycan core protein proteoglycan monomer proteoglycan monomers proteolysis depended upon enzyme proteolysis sites proteolytic active sites proteolytic complex proteolytic complexes proteolytic enzyme proteolytic enzymes proteolytic enzymes-the metalloproteinase proteolytic fragment proteolytic fragments proteolytic fragments 60 and 63 kDa proteolytic inhibitors proteolytic subunit proteolytic subunits proteolyzed enzymes proto-oncogene protocatechuate 3 protocatechuate-3 protomer-protomer complexes proton fractionation factors protonation site protonation sites protoplast cultures protoplast pearl chains Protoplast type L-form cells protoplast-like cells protoplasted cells protoplasts protorubradirin prototrophic clones Prototrophic colonies Prototrophic mutants prototype AMPA/kainate receptor prototypical NRPS macrocyclizing thioesterase domain protylonolide-producing mutant protyrosinase gene Providencia stuartii enzyme providing precursors ProX proteins proximal dnaA and dnaN genes proximal half-site proximal promoters proximal sites PrP ( Sc ) -degrading enzyme prp gene prp operon prpB PrpB protein prpBCDE operon prpC PrpD prpE Prpp prpR gene PrPres pRS vectors pRSC128 prsH prsR Prt prt gene prt P2 gene pRT801 plasmids prunustatin A prx prx gene Ps 1 and 2 Ps isoproteins PS-3 PS-5 PS-6 PS-7 PS-8 PS-IAA4/5 PS1 PS1/5 PS135 vector DNAs PS3 PSA pSA1 pSa1 DNA pSA1 plasmid pSA1.1 pSA2 DNA PsAAO pSAFlat pSAM1 pSAM2 pSAM2 attB site pSAM2 element pSAM2 free form pSAM2 gene pSAM2 genes pSAM2 genetic element pSAM2 immunity factor pSAM2 int gene pSAM2 integrase pSAM2 mutant B3 pSAM2 replicating form pSAM2-based vectors pSAM2-related forms pSAM2B2 pSAR1 pSB 24.1 pSB 24.1 plasmid PSB1 pSB24.1 pSB24.1 DNA fragment near XhoI site pSB24.2 pSB24.2 loci pSBAC pSCL pSCL termini pSCL1 pSCL2 pSCP103 pSCY 2 pSCY 3 pSCY 4 pSCY3 pSCY3 plasmid pSCY5 pSCY6 pSD105 PSDP PSDPs PSE pSE-3 PSE-4 pSE1 pSE101 pSE101 integration sites pSE102 pSE11 pSE12 pSE13 pSE14 pSE15 pSE2 pSE211 and pSE101 elements pSE4 PseC pSer pSET152 pSET152 integration and pIBR25 expression vectors pSET152 plasmid pseudo attP sites pseudo genes pseudo-aminosugars pseudo-attB and -attP sites pseudo-attB sites pseudo-attP pseudo-J pseudo-pepsin pseudo-recognition sites pseudo-Z Pseudoallescheria boydii pseudoaminosugars pseudoattP sites PseudoDB pseudodisaccharide fragments pseudodisaccharide salbostatin pseudodisaccharide unit pseudogene pseudogenes Pseudolysin Pseudomonas acidovorans D3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa algD Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkaline proteinase Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasA protease Pseudomonas atlantica Pseudomonas elastase Pseudomonas protein Pseudomonas pseudoalcakigenes Pseudomonas putida Pseudomonas putida catechol dioxygenase gene Pseudomonas putida F1 toluene dioxygenase ( todC1C2BA ) genes Pseudomonas solancearum or/and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp Pseudomonas sp Pseudomonas spp Pseudomonas-like species Pseudomonas-lytic enzyme pseudooctameric complex pseudoperoxidase pseudosaccharide moieties pseudosugar allosamidin pseudotelomere sequences pSEX100 pSF601 pSF674 pSF689 pSF689 vector pSF765 psfS pSG1 pSG1 pSG1 fragments and immobilized S. griseus DNA fragments pSG1 plasmid integration site pSG1 sequence pSG2 pSG3 DNA pSG5 pSG5 DNA pSG5 fragment pSG5 traB pSG5-based plasmid pSGL1 pSGLgpp pSGLN pSGLS3 pSH1 DNA pSH19-nfdA pSHK1 pSHR2 psi C31 phage DNA fragment psi J psi Z PSI-BLAST pSK1 pSK1 and pSK2 regions pSK1 and/or pSK2 regions pSK1 molecule pSK1* pSK2 pSK2 plasmids pSK2 region pSK2* pSK21-B5 pSK3 pSK3-containing strains pSKC2 cosmid pSL1 pSL1 sequences pSL2 pSLA2 pSLA2 DNA pSLA2 DNA molecules pSLA2 linear plasmid pSLA2 origin pSLA2 palindromes pSLA2 plasmid pSLA2-derived plasmids pSLA2-L pSLA2-L DNA pSLA2-L probe pSLA2-L1 pSLE1 pSLG33 pSLP111 pSLS pSLTK1 pSLV45 pSLV45-hybridizing sequences psmA PSMA or TfR sequence pSMT3 based expression vector Psn PSN-1 pSN2 pSN22 pSN22 contained five genes pSN22 transfer region pSN3 pSNA1 pSOXS13 PSP psp homologues PSP-degrading enzyme pSP02F pSP6 pSP6 plasmid PspA pspA gene pspA homologue PspA protein pSPC8 pspF pspG pSPR910 integration vector pSPRX604 pSPRX604 revealed genes pSR 500 pSR 500 expressed active actinokinase pSR132 pSRC pSRC plasmids pSRC1 pSRC1a pSRC1b PSS PSS 10 PSS 990 PSS polymer pSST8-2 Pst I Pst I-A fragment Pst I-Sph I 620 bp fragment pST1 pST10 pST11 pST12 pST2 pST20 pST22 pST51 pstA pstB pstC PstI PstI PstI ( 4 ) -PvuII PstI fragment PstI fragments PstI isoschizomers PstI M and R genes PstI proteins PstI restriction endonuclease site PstI restriction site PstI sequences PstI site PstI sites PstI-BglII PstI-digested chromosomal fragments PstI-digested S. toxytricini chromosomal DNA library PstI-generated DNA fragments Pstl-digested chromosomal DNA PstrB1 PstrB1-xylE fragments pstS pstS pstS and phoRP-phoU promoters PstS form pstS gene pstS genes pstS null mutant pstS promoter PstS protein pstSCAB pSU 3 plasmid pSU 476 pSU10 pSU13 plasmids pSU17 plasmid pSU3 pSU937 plasmid pSV1 and SCP1 sequences pSV1 plasmid pSVH1 pSW1 pSW2 pSW344E PSWMs psychrotolerant Streptomyces sp pSYE66 Pt PT-CBDCex Pt-resistance gene pT181/pTHT15 family PT7 promoter pT7-7 expression vector pta ackA double mutant pTA4001 gave various composite plasmids PTases pTC1 pTC2 PTCC 1121 PtdOH Pteridic acid A pteridine-dependent dioxygenase Pterin ptetR11 ptetR51 PTF 1 pTG17 PTH4 pThr pTHT15 PTI PtipA ptipA hexamers PtK PTKs PtlA ptlA gene PtlD PtlF ptlF gene PtlH ptmR1 PTP PTP-1B PTP1 PTP1B ptpA PtpA protein PTPase PTPases PTPS PTPS proteins Ptr ptr gene product ptr promoter PTR168 PTR2 family Ptra promoter ptrB PTS PTS enzymes pts genes PTS permeases ptsB gene ptsC1 PtsC2 protein ptsH ptsH gene ptsH homologue ptsI gene PTT PTT biosynthesis gene cluster PTT biosynthetic gene cluster PTT genes PTT resistance-encoding gene Ptt-non-producing mutants Ptt-resistance promoter PTT-specific biosynthetic gene PTTS I PTTS II/III Ptuf3 pTYB11 pTyr pUB307 public available S. coelicolor genome sequence public databases publicly available complete sequence published genome sequences published sequence pUC plasmid pUC plasmids pUC vectors pUC1 pUC119 pUC119 plasmid pUC12 pUC12 sequence pUC13 pUC13 release antinophage phiSF1 pUC18 pUC19 pUC19 plasmid pUC19 plasmid DNA pUC19 vector pUC3 pUC6 pUC6-containing culture pUC702 vector pUC8 pUC8 plasmid pUC8 vector pUC9 pUCO192A and pUCO193 constructs pUCO195P-1 pUCO195P-36 pUCO195P-36-transformed cells pUCS75 PUF pUGT1 pULAM2 pULHis2-derived expression vector pULJA30 pullulanase pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell line pulse-labelled proteins pULVK1 pULVK2A pULVK4 pULVK5 PUPs pur pur cluster pur10 pur10 and pur6 genes pur10 gene Pur10 protein Pur3 pur3 gene pur3 had monophosphatase pur4 pur5 pur6 pur6 gene Pur7 Pur7 substrate Pur8 pur8 gene pur8 genes purative protein purd8 pure 5-androsten-3 beta-ol monolayer pure 57-kDa amylase pure 92-kDa chitinase pure active compound named N01WA-735E pure active molecules pure culture pure cultures pure DD-peptidase pure DmdR1 pure enzyme pure enzymes pure histidine-tagged glucose kinase pure homologous arginine repressor pure isoform P3 pure keratin pure microbial cultures pure monolayers pure neuraminidase pure phospholipases A2 pure piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase pure polypropylene chips pure precursors pure protein Pure recombinant AreB protein Pure recombinant Flavobacterium parathion hydrolase Pure recombinant rBrp protein pure reconstituted RNA polymerase pure sterol monolayers pure streptavidin purification factor purification sequence purification this protein purified 14271 X-PDAP purified 26 000-Mr membrane-bound DD-peptidase purified 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase Purified 30S subunits purified 43-kDa chitin-binding protein purified acetylxylan esterase purified active glycoprotein purified AfsR protein purified aklavinone-11-hydroxylase purified almond enzyme purified amylase purified anti-human CRM1 antibody purified antibodies purified APH ( 6 ) enzyme protein purified aph gene product purified aspartokinase Purified band-3 purified beta-lactamase purified biosynthetic enzymes purified BxlR protein purified C-1027-AG purified chemotrypsin purified chitinase Purified chitobiosidases purified chitosanase purified cholesterol esterase Purified cholesterol oxidase purified clavulanic-9-aldehyde reductase Purified CO oxidoreductase purified complex purified crab shell chitin purified Crp ( Sco ) -cAMP complex purified decarboxylase purified dimeric enzyme purified DmdR repressors purified Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase purified E sigma E holoenzyme purified E. coli holo-ACP synthase purified endochitinase purified enzymatic products purified enzyme purified enzyme protein purified enzymes purified epimerase purified factor purified five S. coelicolor P450s purified fusion enzyme purified fusion protein Purified Fv fragments purified gene product Purified glucose kinase purified glycoproteins purified hemagglutinin purified His ( 6 ) -tagged recombinant AdpA-L protein purified holoenzyme purified HPr kinase purified HrdB protein purified hygromycin B phosphotransferase Purified integrase purified isopenicillin N synthetase purified killer toxin-like protein purified LipR protein purified LmbB1 protein Purified malate dehydrogenase purified MelC1.MelC2 binary complex purified membrane protein purified mutant enzymes purified native receptor purified Nef protein purified neutral proteinase purified ORF3 product Purified OxyR protein purified P. duponti protease purified P. syringae protein purified peroxidases purified pigment-protein complex purified PLA depolymerase purified PMM synthase Purified PqrA protein purified pro-subtilisin purified product purified pronase purified protease purified proteases purified protein purified protein components purified proteinase purified proteins purified receptor purified receptor protein purified recombinant enzyme purified reductase purified rph product purified rScaR protein purified S. clavuligerus ArgR protein purified S. clavuligerus epimerase purified S. coelicolor enzyme purified S. lividans enzyme purified S. peucetius chitinase purified SenS fusion protein purified sigma E Purified sigmaR purified SnbE protein purified soluble enzyme purified soluble protein Purified sphingomyelinase purified stereoisomers purified streptavidin purified Streptomyces mature protein purified Streptomyces plicatus chitinases purified subunit purified subunits purified TomA protein purified tubulin purified type Ib antigen purified xylanase Purified xylanases purifying peroxidases purine deaminase purine nucleoside phosphorylase purine nucleoside phosphorylase ( PNP ) enzymes Purine nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase purine salvage/biosynthesis genes puromycin ( pur ) cluster Puromycin 2 -N-acetyltransferase puromycin biosynthetic gene puromycin biosynthetic pur cluster puromycin N-acetyl transferase puromycin N-acetyl transferase gene puromycin N-acetyltransferase puromycin resistance protein puromycin transacetylase puromycin-N-acetyltransferase ( PAC ) gene puromycin-susceptible organism S. flavotricini subsp purple acid phosphatase purple acid phosphatases purpurea Kan-Gen ( kanamycin-gentamicin ) -resistance gene pUT250 pUT270 putative -10 promoter region putative -35 promoter sequence putative -35 region putative 2-DOS biosynthetic genes putative 3-bp target sequence putative 317 amino acid protein putative 4-hydroxymandelic acid synthase-encoding gene putative 4-phosphopantetheinyl transferase putative 40 kDa l-noviosyl transferase putative 74-kDa protein putative ABC transporter putative ABC transporters putative ABC-type transporter proteins putative accessory enzymes putative aceB clones putative acid-shock-induced gene putative activator protein putative active site putative active sites putative activity domain putative ActVII and WhiE ORFVI proteins putative adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase putative adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase gene putative adenyltransferase putative AfsB protein putative alcohol dehydrogenase putative alcohol dehydrogenase gene putative aldolase gene putative alpha-galactosidase operons putative alternative sigma factor putative amide synthetase gene putative amino acid sequence putative aminoglycoside phosphotransferase putative aminopeptidase putative aminotransferase putative aminotransferase gene putative ammonium transporter putative amplification protein putative angucycline cluster revealed eight genes putative angucycline cyclases putative anti-anti-sigma factor putative anti-sigma factor putative anti-sigma factor protein putative antisigma factor putative antisigma factor gene putative AraC-type regulatory gene putative Arg-tRNA gene putative ATP-binding domains putative ATP/GTP binding motif putative ATP/GTP-binding domain putative B. subtilis hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase putative bacterial CDO homologs putative beta-mannosidase gene putative beta-mannosidases putative bifunctional protein putative binding sites putative biosynthetic gene putative biosynthetic genes putative C-glycosyltransferase genes putative carotenoid biosynthesis protein putative catalytic and/or substrate recognition domains putative catalytic base putative catalytic domain putative CatR-binding site putative cefE gene putative cellobiose-binding protein gene putative chitin binding domain putative chitinase putative cholesterol oxidases putative chromophore binding site putative consensus sequences putative copper-binding protein putative copper-binding proteins putative crtEp promoter region putative cutR gene putative cyclase putative cytoplasmic promoter element putative degradative enzymes putative dehydrogenase putative deoxyaklanonic acid oxygenase putative deoxysugar biosynthetic gene putative desosaminyltransferase putative DNA recognition domain putative DNA-binding protein putative dnrR2 regulatory gene putative dnrU ketoreductase gene putative domains putative DOS biosynthetic genes putative dTDP sugar epimerase putative dTDP-hexose 3-ketoreductase putative E. coli-like promoters putative elaiophylin biosynthetic gene cluster putative electron transport proteins putative endochitinase putative enolpyruvyl transferase putative enzyme putative esterase/lipase putative eubacterial two-component sensor kinase-response regulator putative Fdx reductases putative fifth promoter putative flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent hydroxylase putative flavin-binding monooxygenase putative FMN-dependent monooxygenase putative formate-nitrite transporter putative Frankia tRNA ( Pro ) gene putative fruKA gene locus putative ftsZ promoters putative gene putative gene product putative gene products putative genes putative glucoamylase putative glycogen branching enzyme putative glycosyltransferase putative glycosyltransferase gene putative GntR-type regulator putative Group C HA synthase putative GTP binding motif putative GTP binding site putative GTP-binding protein putative gyl regulatory 0.9-kb gene putative helix domain putative helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif putative helix-turn-helix domain putative helix-turn-helix motif Putative herbicide-resistant fungal colonies putative heterodimeric beta-ketoacyl synthase putative HFO adhesion molecules putative histidine kinase putative homologues putative hybrid two-component protein putative hydrolase putative initiator protein putative insertion sequence putative integral membrane lipid kinase putative integral membrane protein genes putative integrase putative integrase gene putative internal promoters putative isomerase gene putative isoprenoid and hopanoid biosynthetic genes putative K ( + ) symporter proteins putative ketoreductase putative kinase domain putative Kor protein putative KorA protein putative L-prolyl-AMP ligase putative L-prolyl-S-PCP dehydrogenase putative lat gene putative late genes putative lipoproteins putative Lmb proteins putative LmbC protein putative lysis genes putative LysR-type regulator putative LysR-type regulatory gene putative LysR-type transcriptional regulator putative magnesium-binding motif putative malate synthase putative malate synthase gene putative malonyl-CoA transacylase putative maltokinases putative maltose-binding protein gene putative ManB protein putative MC pathway regulator putative member putative membrane binding domains putative membrane protein putative membrane-associated signaling complex putative membrane-damaging toxin putative methionine start codon putative methyltransferase gene putative mevalonate kinase gene putative midecamycin 4-O-methyltransferase putative mitomycin C ( MC ) transport gene putative MmyR/MmfR complex putative mobile genetic element putative molybdopterin binding complex putative motifs putative muconolactone isomerase putative N-arylamine-acetyltransferase putative N-terminally situated helix-turn-helix motif putative NADPH binding site putative NADPH-binding domain putative native promoter putative NDP-d-mannose 5 -epimerase putative negative regulator putative nikkomycin biosynthesis protein putative nitrogen regulatory proteins putative nitrogen sensing/regulatory proteins putative novel isomerase putative NovG binding sites putative NRPS adenylation domains putative NtrC binding site putative nucleotide-linked sugar dimethyltransferases putative O-methyltransferase gene putative oligopeptidases putative oligopeptide transporter putative ORF3 protein putative oriC region putative oxidation domain putative oxidoreductase putative oxidoreductase gene putative oxygen-binding site putative oxygenase putative oxygenase gene putative parS sequence putative pathway-specific regulator putative PBP putative penicillin-binding protein putative peptide products putative phaC ( Sa ) gene putative phenylglycine biosynthetic genes putative phosphatase gene putative phosphorylation site putative PII nucleotidylyltransferase putative pIP501 tra gene products putative pipecolate-incorporating enzyme putative pleiotropic regulatory protein putative ppk gene putative precursor synthesis genes putative priming glycosyltransferase putative priming glycosyltransferase gene putative product putative products putative proline tRNA genes putative promoter putative promoter region Putative promoter regions putative promoter sequence putative promoter-containing DNA fragments putative promoters putative proteasome-associated actinomycete-specific genes putative protein putative protein product putative protein products putative proteinases putative proteins putative quinol cytochrome c reductase putative radical S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase putative radical SAM enzyme putative Rbm biosynthetic genes putative reactive site putative regulator putative regulator gene putative regulators putative regulatory CcaR protein putative regulatory gene putative regulatory genes putative regulatory protein Putative regulatory proteins putative repressor putative repressor gene putative repressor protein putative repressor-binding site putative repressor-like RwhA protein putative response regulator putative Rex-binding sites putative ribosome-binding site putative RNA polymerase binding sites putative rRNA methyltransferase putative S. davawensis ribG gene putative S. venezuelae repressor gene putative SAM-s gene putative secreted exodeoxyribonuclease putative secreted protein putative secretory proteins putative sensor histidine kinase putative serine/threonine protein kinases putative short-chain dehydrogenase putative short-chain oxidoreductase putative sigF-dependent promoter putative sigma factor putative sigma factor-encoding gene putative sigma factors putative sigmaG-dependent promoters putative signal sequence putative small secreted protein putative SnoF protein putative sodN sequences putative solute binding protein putative ST promoters putative start codon putative start codons putative Streptococcus thermophilus promoter putative Streptomyces iron repressor gene putative Streptomyces sigma E cognate promoter putative StrI protein putative structural gene putative subunit putative sugar-binding proteins putative sugar-binding site putative tail gene putative tail genes putative target genes putative telomere replication protein putative TetR family transcription factor putative TetR-family transcriptional regulator putative thymidine diphospho-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose-3 ( 5 ) -epimerase putative TipAL protein binding site putative TMC acyl-CoA transferase gene putative tobramycin biosynthetic genes putative tomatinase gene putative transcription factor putative transcriptional regulator putative transcriptional repressor putative translation start codon putative transmembrane efflux proteins putative transmembrane export protein putative transmembrane sensor histidine protein kinase putative transmembrane spanning sequence putative transport genes putative transporter genes putative transposases putative tRNA ( Arg ) ( AGG ) gene putative tRNA ( pro ) gene putative tRNA Arg ( AGG ) gene putative tRNA genes putative type I PKS genes putative type I signal peptidases putative type II IPP isomerase putative type II thioesterase putative Type-1 copper-binding motif putative uridylyltransferase putative vanX gene putative VB binding protein putative virulence genes putative whiG-dependent promoters putative xyl promoter putative xylobiose-binding protein gene putative zinc ligand-binding regions putative zinc uptake transporter putative Zn-finger domain putative-binding site putidaredoxin reductase pUTK pUWL-KS pUWL-SK pUWL201-Ra+Rb pUWL218 pUWL219 PVAs PVD pVG101SB Pvu II PvuI PvuI termini PvuII PvuII and ClaI sites PvuII restriction fragment PvuII site pVWB PW heaps Pwb Pwb mutant Pwb mutants pWCL1 PwhiH PwhiH promoter pWHM3-TR1R2 pWHR1 pWHR2 pWlux2 pWlux3 pWlux4 plasmids PXAL1 pXT107 PY cultures PY-BHK pyc pyc gene pyc gene product Pyc protein pyc replacement mutant pYK1 PYM pyochelin pyocyanin pyoluteorin Pyr-1 pyran ring closure enzyme ActVI-ORF3 pyranase pyranose sugars Pyrazofurin pyrenyl-F-actin pyrG pyrG gene pyrH pyrH and thal genes pyridine nucleotide-binding domain Pyridine-2 Pyridinopolyamine positions B pyridoxal 5-phosphate ( PLP ) -dependent enzyme pyridoxal 5-phosphate ( PLP ) cofactor pyridoxal cofactor pyridoxal phosphate-binding consensus amino acid sequence pyridoxal phosphate-containing enzyme pyridoxal phosphate-linked mitochondrial aspartate transaminase pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferases pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aspartate aminotransferases pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent dehydrases pyriformis cDNA library pyrimidine bases pyrimidine deaminase/reductase pyrimidine dimers pyroglutamyl peptidase pyrophosphatase pyrophosphate phosphohydrolase pyrophosphate resistant clones pyrophosphate-phosphohydrolase pyrophosphate-resistant deletion mutants pyrophosphokinase pyrophosphokinases pyrophosphoryl acceptors pyrophosphorylases pyrroindomycin B-Ac2 pyrrole-5-methyltransferase pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase pyrrolnitrin pyrrolomycin biosynthetic gene pyrrolomycin biosynthetic genes pyrrolomycin gene cluster pyrroloquinoline quinone ( PQQ ) biosynthetic genes pyruvate decarboxylase pyruvate dehydrogenase pyruvate family pyruvate kinase pyruvate transaminase pyruvate-derived C3 unit pyruvoyl amide side chain Pythium cells pYYE04a1 pYYE04al and homologous sequences Pz-PLGPR pZC1 pZC177 pZC177 showed ornithine acetyltransferase pZC2 Q Q 1.5 Q 3.5 Q-loop region Q-loops from opposing subunits Q.-Toluene treated cells Q286R q3hx3 Q5 Q88 QA QA-binding protein qacA QacA protein QC QC-PCR QcrA qcrB qcrC QcrCAB operon Qi site QM-B814 QM16 qN QN-25 ; plasmids Qo qPCR QQE QR1 Qs QSAR QTCs QTEIM quail lysozyme Quantitative S1 nuclease quaternary complex quaternary ES*AS complex queD and two putative genes queD gene queD operon queD promoter region queD-specific probe quercetin degradation products quercetinase quercetinase genes Quercetinases QUEST computer software quiescent 3T3 cells quiescent animal cells quiescent cells quiescent fibroblasts quiescent NRK cells quiescent vascular smooth muscle cells quinacillin quinaldine-4-oxidase holoenzyme quinol monooxygenase quinone binding sites quinone-forming monooxygenases quinone/hydroquinone element quinoxaline chromophores quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid activating enzyme quinoxalinoyl tetrapeptide chain QuoRex-controlled ( trans ) gene quorum quenching enzyme quorum-sensor-regulated gene QW-motifs QXC R R ( antibiotic resistance ) -factors R +/- M+ mutant R determinants R diastereomers R factor R factor type III R factors R- R- mutants R-1 R-19 R-2 R-20 R-21 R-21 mutant R-39 R-61 R-6dEB r-CDH R-factor R-factors R-isomer R-isomers R-TKLs R-type lectins R. opacus cells R.EcoRI r.m.s.d. < 0.2 A R1 R112 R112 point mutant R1128 A R1128 B R1128 gene cluster R1128 PKS R1128 synthase R1128C R135H R156E R156K R16 R160 R163 R17 R17A R187 R18Q R19 r2 R2 plants R2 subunit R205H R205Y R209 R21 R215A R22 R220L mutant R23A mutant R25 R273 R28 R2A R2YE R2YE liquid culture R3 R306 R306L R307 R307L R318 R32 R39 R39 beta-lactamase R39 beta-lactamases R39 dd-peptidase R39 dd-peptidases R39 enzyme R39 enzymes R39 PBP R39 penicillin-sensitive dd-peptidase R39 serine D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving peptidase R3KO mutant R4 R4 att sites R4 attB and attP sites R4 integrase R4 prophage genome R4c 1 R5- agar R52 R60 R60/K61 residues R60/K61A R60A R61 R61 D-alanyl-D-alanine peptidase R61 DD-carboxypeptidase R61 dd-peptidase R61 DD-peptidase gene R61 DD-peptidase-encoding gene R61 DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein R61 enzyme R61 penicillin-sensitive D-Ala-D-Ala peptidase R61 penicillin-sensitive DD-peptidase R61 serine D-alanyl-D-alanine cleaving peptidase R61 soluble DD-peptidase R61 strains R655 R66 R66 mutant R66A R6K R6K-specified pi protein R7 R74 R8/26 R84A R84A mutant R84F rabbit 20S proteasome rabbit anti-human TNFAIP6 polyclonal antibody rabbit antibodies Rabbit antiserum immunized against sugar phosphate phosphohydrolase rabbit aortic myomedial cells rabbit aortic strips rabbit articular chondrocytes rabbit BLM hydrolase rabbit gamma globulin rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase rabbit peritoneal neutrophil rabbit platelets rabbit reticulocyte proteasome Rac rac-1 rac-NM-294 racemase racemic naringenin Racemic precursors racemomycin ( RM ) resistance genes Racemomycin-B racket frame-like structure radical S-adenosylmethionine protein family radical SAM enzyme superfamily radical SAM protein superfamily radio-iodinated fibrinogen radio-labelled cobalamins radioactive A-factor radioactive alpha-dehydrobiotin radioactive macromolecules radioactive penicillin radioactive precursors radioiodinated proteins radioisotope-labeled substrates radiolabel from proteins radiolabeled 16S rDNA probe radiolabeled acetoacetyl-ACP product radiolabeled enzyme radiolabeled L-proline radiolabeled molecules radiolabeled precursors radiolabeled product radiolabelled purified ribosomal RNAs Raf+ Raf- Raf-1 rag ragA ragABKR ragABKR null mutant ragABKR promoter region ragB ragged NH2-terminal sequence ragK ragR Ralstonia/Cupriavidus spp Ram ram genes ramA RamAB ramABR ramABR disruption mutants ramABR mutant ramB ramC ramC gene ramC null mutant ramC promoter ramC promoter region ramCSAB ramCSAB genes ramCSAB operon ramoplanin ramR RamR DNA binding domain ramR gene RamR protein ramR-activated genes ramR-disrupted mutant RamR-regulated genes ramS ramS gene Ran GTPase rancinamycin-complex Rancinamycins Rancinamycins I random amplified polymorphic DNA random coils random colonies random DNA fragments random fragments Random genomic DNA fragments random peptide sequences random site Random subfragments random-coiled structure random-sequence oligonucleotides randomly isolated mycobacterial promoters range 4.2-4.5 range 7.3-7.7 range pH 6 RanGTP Rao RAP-TGase RAPA rapamycin ( Rp ) -producing polyketide synthase rapamycin biosynthetic enzymes rapamycin gene cluster rapamycin molecule rapamycin PKS gene cluster RAPB RAPD rapeseed ( Brassica napus ) genome RapH rapI rapid-harvest transfected mammalian cells rapidly growing aerial mycelium-forming cells rapidly growing cultures rapidly reannealing sequences rapJ RapK rapL rapL mutant rapL mutants RapM rapN RapO rapP RapP/FkbP rapQ RAPS AT14 Raps proteins RAPS1 RAPS2 RAPS3 rarA rarB rarC products rare actinomycete strain # 8 rare codon rare codon E. coli tRNA genes rare E. coli tRNA species rare earth elements rare hexanoate PKS starter unit rare left-handed beta alpha beta-motif rare leucine codon rare lineages rare nitrile hydratase rarE product Rare spore chains rare tRNAs rare TTA codon rare UUA ( leucine ) codon rare UUA codon rare UUA leucine codon rare-cutting enzymes rare-earth elements rarest codon Rarobacter faecitabidus protease I Rarobacter protease Rarobacter protease I Ras ras ( ts ) -transformed NRK cells ras gene ras gene promoter ras oncogene product ras oncogene-expressed ( onc+ ) cells RAS p21 protein Ras protein ras-dependent transformed cells ras-hybrid gene ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells ras/myc SFME cells RASF Rat rat 17 alpha-hydroxylase-17 rat ACP domain rat alpha-amidase gene rat anterior pituitary cell line rat anterior pituitary tumor cell line rat anti-human monoclonal antibody rat aorta cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase rat brain CCKB receptors rat CCKA receptors rat CD11b A-domain rat chondrosarcoma chondrocytes rat cortical neurons rat CYP17 rat CYP17 gene rat CYP17 sequence rat dihydropteridine reductase rat embryo cells Rat embryo fibroblasts rat epidermal keratinocytes rat epididymal alpha-mannosidase rat FAS rat fibrosarcoma cells rat glia cells rat glioma cell line rat glomerular mesangial cells rat hepatocytes Rat hepatoma cells rat hippocampal CA1 neurons rat kidney mRNA rat L-gulonolactone oxidase rat leukocyte beta2 integrin CD11/CD18 alpha M subunit rat liver epithelial cells rat liver lysosomes rat liver microsomes rat liver mRNA rat liver squalene synthase rat lymphocytes rat mast cell protease 2 rat mast cells rat mitochondrial enoyl-CoA hydratase Rat peritoneal mast cells rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells rat pheochromocytoma PC12 sympathetic neurons rat pheochromocytoma PC12h cells rat seryl tRNA synthetases rat uterine cytosol receptor rat uterine OT receptors rate-cutting enzymes rate-limiting enzyme rate-limiting enzymes rate-limiting factors rate-limiting synthase rather stable enzyme RAW264.7 RAW264.7 cells RAW264.7 macrophages Rb Rb+ RB4 rBarS1 RBB-elestin RBB-xylan RBC RBCs rbcS2 rbcS2 gene rbcS2 intron rbcS2 intron I Rbm Rbm biosynthetic genes rbmA rbmD RbmI RbpA rbpA null mutant rbpA null mutants RBS RbsD RBSs RBTI RC 1071 RC plasmid pSN22 RC3 RCA RCC1 rCcaR Rcg1 Rcg3 RCR RCR plasmids RD2 region RDBR RDF2 RDI rdl genes rdlA rdlB rdm genes B rdmB rdmB gene RdmC rdmE rdmE gene rdmF rDNA rDNA cluster rDNA loci rDNA locus rDNA operons rDNA sequences RDP RDR re-used rockwool slabs REA REA 7.0 REA 9.6 reactant complex reaction product reaction products reaction sequence reactive P1 site reactive site reactive-site consensus sequence read-through transcript readthrough transcripts reagent contained Streptomyces cholesterol oxidase real autoregulator receptor realistic target enzyme RebC rebC homolog rebeccamycin N-glucosyltransferase RebG RebM rebP rebR RecA recA and recX coding sequences recA expression plasmid recA gene recA genes recA homologous gene recA mutant recA mutants recA null mutants RecA protein RecA proteins recA transcript recA-recX cotranscript receptor receptor alpha-subunit receptor domain receptor gene receptor globulins receptor protein receptor proteins receptor-binding domain receptor-binding site receptor-destroying enzyme receptors recF recF gene recF-gyrB region recipient ( SLP2- ) cultures recipient cells recipient chromosome recipient plant cells recipient strain A2 recognition domain recognition sequence recognition sequences recognition site recognition sites recognition target sites recognizable promoter recombinant recombinant ( r ) BLIP-I recombinant ( re- ) plasmids recombinant AbsC recombinant AfsK recombinant alginate lyase recombinant alpha protein recombinant alpha-amylase recombinant alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase gene recombinant AlpZ recombinant amidase Recombinant AMO recombinant amylase Recombinant AviRa and AviRb proteins recombinant bacterial cells recombinant BamA proteins recombinant BarX recombinant BkdA recombinant BLase recombinant CD11b A-domain recombinant CDA3 cyclase recombinant cells recombinant ChcB recombinant chitin deacetylase recombinant chitin deacetylases recombinant chitinase recombinant clavaminate synthase 2 recombinant clone Recombinant clones recombinant CloQ Recombinant colonies recombinant complex recombinant conjugative plasmid recombinant constructs recombinant core streptavidin Recombinant corynebacterial cells recombinant cosmids recombinant Cto1 protein recombinant CtoA protein recombinant cyclase recombinant cyclization domain recombinant CYP105D1 recombinant DaaA recombinant DaaA enzyme recombinant DasA protein recombinant DNA proteins recombinant DnaA proteins recombinant E. coli cells recombinant E. coli clone recombinant E. coli clone harboring MCM gene recombinant E. coli clones recombinant E. coli cultures recombinant Endo-A recombinant enzyme recombinant enzyme organophosphate hydrolase recombinant enzymes recombinant enzymes dTMP-kinase recombinant epoxide hydrolase recombinant EryCIII recombinant Escherichia coli BL21 recombinant Escherichia coli cells recombinant expression plasmid pYH12 recombinant expression vector pHJ3 recombinant F6-6 recombinant FadA enzyme recombinant FomA protein recombinant FomB protein recombinant fragment recombinant fumarase C recombinant fusion protein recombinant futalosine hydrolase recombinant gene recombinant GeoA recombinant glucose isomerase recombinant glycosyltransferase recombinant hemA-asuA gene recombinant hexahistidine-tagged form recombinant hexahistidine-tagged protein recombinant homodimeric 80-kDa proteins recombinant HspR protein recombinant human GCPII recombinant human GM-CSF recombinant human granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulation factor recombinant human IL-6 recombinant human interleukin 3 recombinant human lanosterol synthase recombinant human PLD1b recombinant hyaluronate lyase recombinant HypSc protein recombinant integrase protein recombinant interferon gamma Recombinant isopenicillin N synthase recombinant KsbA protein recombinant MBP-DHQase fusion protein recombinant methyltransferase recombinant MmChi60 recombinant MnP isozyme 1 recombinant MtgA recombinant mutant recombinant N-terminal half recombinant nonribosomal peptide cyclase recombinant NovN recombinant NovP recombinant NovR recombinant NysDIII protein recombinant NysL recombinant origin recombinant P. freudenreichii recombinant P. pastoris recombinant P. pastoris cultures recombinant P450-monooxygenase recombinant parathion hydrolase recombinant PctL protein Recombinant pentalenene synthase recombinant phage lambda libraries Recombinant phospholipase D recombinant phosphotriesterase recombinant phytase- recombinant PhzA recombinant PKSs recombinant plant PLD isoforms recombinant plasmid recombinant plasmid p4H2 recombinant plasmid p6BC12 recombinant plasmid pASK18 recombinant plasmid pAT132 recombinant plasmid pBD90 recombinant plasmid pCA101 recombinant plasmid pCBR4 Recombinant plasmid pCZ2 recombinant plasmid pDML51 recombinant plasmid pEMJ7 Recombinant plasmid pIJ459SAK recombinant plasmid pIJ702-bearing tyrosinase gene recombinant plasmid pIJM95 recombinant plasmid pKC1139-zwf2 recombinant plasmid pMCP25 recombinant plasmids recombinant plasmids pDLI41 recombinant PLD enzymes recombinant PP1/PP2A chimeras recombinant pro-MTGase recombinant pro-transglutaminase recombinant product recombinant products recombinant promoter probe plasmids recombinant protein recombinant proteins Recombinant pSET152 plasmids recombinant putative malate synthase recombinant R. eutropha recombinant rat CDO recombinant reference hirudin recombinant rIFN-alpha A Recombinant RNase Sa3 recombinant RTI-2 protein recombinant S. lividans cells recombinant S. lividans strains recombinant S. spiramyceticus F21 recombinant SAM-P20 recombinant SAM-P45 recombinant ScaR protein recombinant Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase recombinant SCO2299 protein recombinant SCO7701 protein Recombinant seHAS Recombinant SFP2 recombinant SGAP recombinant SGPB Recombinant SGT recombinant sIL-6R recombinant six-His-tagged fusion protein recombinant Sm-ELA Recombinant SnoaB recombinant sorbitol oxidase recombinant spiramycin-producing strain recombinant SSAP recombinant SscR protein recombinant Ste11 recombinant Ste17 protein recombinant strain recombinant strain GS115/DS56 recombinant strain Rcg2 recombinant strain secreted three chitinases recombinant strain SU-1 pFIS319-1 exhibited higher chitinase recombinant strains recombinant strains expressed truncated legiolysin proteins recombinant streptococcal enzymes recombinant Streptomyces antibioticus tyrosinase recombinant Streptomyces cholesterol oxidase recombinant Streptomyces chromofuscus PLD Recombinant Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase recombinant Streptomyces lividans strains Recombinant Streptomyces platensis transglutaminase recombinant Streptomyces rubiginosus D-xylose isomerase recombinant Streptomyces sp recombinant Streptomyces strain Recombinant STXI recombinant synthase recombinant TGase recombinant thermostable chitinase recombinant thioesterase domain recombinant THNS Recombinant TMV-streptavidin complex recombinant TraR proteins recombinant tyrosinase recombinant variant proteins recombinant VarR protein recombinant version showed methyltransferase recombinant VisA protein recombinant wild-type PLD recombinant xylanase recombinant xylanase gene recombinant xylitol oxidase recombinant XYNB protein recombinant yeast cells recombinants produced novel hybrid molecules recombinants were double-crossover choE mutants recombinase recombinase A recombinase RecA recombinase recognition site recombination brought one neomycin phosphotransferase gene recombination plasmid pUB1 recombination product recombination products recombination regions recombination site recombination sites recombination-deficient mutants recombining chromosomes recoverable protein recovering renal tubular cells RecR recR gene recR gene product recR genes recR mutants RecR proteins recX recX gene recX mutant RecX protein red antibiotic undecylprodigiosin red blood cell red blood cells red cells red colour colonies red gene cluster red gene products red mutants Red proteins red structural genes red undecylprodigiosin antibiotic complex red-brown pigment-producing ( rpp ) locus red-colored antibiotic undecylprodigiosin red-colored products red-like cbbL gene libraries red-like cbbL genes red-orange cultures red-pigmented antibiotic undecylprodigiosin red-shifted variant gene red/blue colored polyketide actinorhodin RED1 RED2 redA redD redD coding sequence redD gene product redD locus redD promoter RedD protein redD transcript redD transcripts redD+ gene RedD-Orf1 redD-orf1 genes redD42 reddish-violet component redE gene redF gene products RedH RedJ RedK RedL redox co-factor-dependent enzymes redox cofactor redox controlled anti-sigma factor redox enzymes redox potential ligninolytic peroxidases redox-active nickel sites REDOX-P redox-regulated sigma factor redox-sensing repressor redox-sensing transcriptional regulator redoxin reductase RedP redP-deletion mutant RedPQR redPQRKL genes redQ redR redU mutants reductase reductase component ActVB reductase domains reductase gene reductase subunit reductases reduction products redX redZ redZ mRNA redZ transcripts redZ UUA codon REE ref REF52 reference acarviostatins reference markers reference molecule reference PKS-1 sequences reference proteins reference segments refolded protein refractory complexes Reg1 regenerated enzyme regenerating cells regeneration medium R5 region Region 4 region carried genes region I regular elongation factor regulatable promoters regulated nucleases regulated promoter regulated promoters regulator regulator genes regulator PimM to eight promoters regulator proteins regulators regulatory ( activator ) gene regulatory and resistance genes regulatory C-terminal forkhead-associated ( FHA ) domain regulatory ccaR and claR genes regulatory ccaR gene regulatory components regulatory domain regulatory element regulatory elements regulatory factors regulatory gene regulatory gene locus regulatory gene products regulatory genes regulatory genetic element regulatory light chain regulatory loci regulatory module regulatory molecule regulatory molecules regulatory mutant regulatory mutants regulatory networks regulatory protein regulatory protein binding sites regulatory proteins regulatory region regulatory regions regulatory sequence regulatory sequences regulatory site regulatory subunit regulatory subunits reiterated amino acid sequences reiterated DNA reiterated DNA sequences reiterated sequence reiterated sequences REKs Rel rel ( + ) cells rel gene rel gene product rel mutant rel mutants Rel protein RelA relA and rsh genes relA cells relA deletion mutants relA gene relA gene-disrupted mutant relA mutant relA mutant cells relA null mutant RelA protein relA spoT double deletion mutant relA-deleted mutant relA-disrupted mutant relA-null mutants relA/spoT mutants relAp1 relAp2 relAp2 transcripts relationships among 153 EF-hand ( calcium-modulated ) proteins relaxases relaxed ( rel ) mutant relaxed ( rel ) mutants RELAY relC RelC deletion mutant relC gene RelC mutant relC mutants relC sup double mutant relC49 relevant antigen relevant clones relevant enzymes relevant gene relevant gene products relevant genes relevant ketoreductases relevant polysaccharide esterases relevant proteinases rem gene cluster remaining genes remaining three genes remarkable sequence-selectivity causing direct double-strand breaks RemF REMI RemL RemO REN-21 REN-7 ren24 ren57 ren71 renal dehydropeptidase renal mesangial cells renal tubular cell lines renal tubular cells renatured enzymes renatured protein renaturing protein renin Rennin Rep rep gene rep gene BamHI site rep promoter Rep protein Rep proteins Rep1 Rep2 RepA repA genes RepA proteins repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum ( XP 12RO ) cell line RepC1 repeat elements repeat sequence repeat sequences repeat target sequences repetitive DNA sequences repetitive elements repI repI gene RepL proteins replacement mutant Replacement plasmid replacement plasmids replication-associated proteins replicative plasmid replicon-containing fragment reporter cell line reporter cells reporter enzyme reporter fragments reporter gene reporter gene products reporter genes reporter luxAB gene reporter plasmid reporter plasmids reporter protein reporter xylE gene reportor gene representative enzymes representative protein complexes repressor repressor binding site repressor gene repressor genes repressor locus repressor MerR repressor protein repressor proteins repressor-amplifier proteins repressor-like protein repressor-type receptor protein repressor-type regulator repressors Reptilase requisite 4-O-methyltransferase requisite enzyme res RES1 RES1 genetic element resident AT1 domain resident AT2 domain resident linear plasmids resident plasmid resident populations resident TE II gene resident Ti plasmid residual aspartokinase residual homoserine dehydrogenase residue 7 residue H86 residue His 53 residue P3 residues 225-229 residues 268-299 residues 321-387 residues 427-452 resistance ( lmr ) genes resistance and regulatory genes resistance cells resistance determinants resistance factor resistance factors resistance gene resistance genes resistance proteins resistance-encoding genes resistance/secretion genes resistant cell lines resistant cells Resistant clones resistant penicillin-binding proteins resistant variants resolution ( res ) site resolution 2.1 A resolution factors resolvase protein resolvase-DNA invertase family proteins resolvase/invertase enzymes resolvase/invertase family respective genes respiratory chain respiratory nitrate reductase responder lymphocytes response-regulator ( DNA-binding ) PhoP protein response-regulator gene responsive fungal genes Resting cell cultures Resting cells Resting human NK cells resting lymphocytes resting-cell cultures restricted plasmid restriction endodeoxynucleases restriction endonuclease restriction endonuclease ( ENase ) gene restriction endonuclease fragments restriction endonuclease KpnI-digested chromosomal fragments restriction endonuclease-generated fragments restriction endonucleases Restriction enzyme restriction enzyme fragments restriction enzymes restriction fragment restriction fragment length polymorphism restriction fragment length polymorphisms Restriction fragments restriction length fragment polymorphism restriction length polymorphism restriction map demonstrated 14 unique restriction sites restriction site restriction sites restriction-enzyme-digested DNA restriction-like endonuclease Restriction-reduced mutants resultant polyketide products resultant proteins resultant receptor-ligand complex retarding protein reticular elements reticuli Avicelase reticuli cellulase reticuli senS-senR mutant reticuli senS/senR chromosomal disruption mutant reticulocytes retina at 12 weeks retinal antigen retinal capillary pericytes retinal pigment epithelial cells retinoblastoma protein retinoblastoma susceptibility gene product retinoic acid receptor-beta retroocular tissue fibroblasts retroviral myeloproliferative sarcoma virus promoter Rev reverse transcriptase reverse transcriptases reversible enzyme-inhibitor complex reversible equimolar enzyme reversible multi subunit hydroxyarylic acid decarboxylases/phenol carboxylases reversible noncovalent complex revertant cell lines revertant cells revertant clones revertant locus Revistin Rex REX modulating ROP-containing promoters Rex protein rex-hemACD operons RF220 RFL48 RFL49 RFL83 RflFI RFLP RFLPs RG1 RG2 RGD RGD motif RGD-containing proteins RGDfK RGDfV RGDS Rgl11A Rgll genome Rgp Rgp- and/or Kgp-encoding genes Rgps RGSH6 Rh-mix RHA 1 RHA1 rhaA rhaB rhaB gene rhaC rhamnogalacturonan lyase rhamnogalacturonan-containing substrates rhamnose biosynthesis genes rhamnose gene cluster rhamnosyltransferase RheA RheA protein RheA repressor RheA-complexes Rhesus monkey band-3 Rhesus monkey kidney cells rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts rhGM-CSF rhIL-3 rhizobacterial DNA rhizobacterial populations Rhizobium fredii Rhizobium leguminosarium bv trifolii Rhizobium meliloti Rhizobium sp Rhizobium sp. Rhizobium species Rhizobium trifolii Rhizocticin A Rhizoctonic solani AG-4 RhizoDB Rhizopogon species Rhizopus chinensis aspartic protease rhizosphere soils RhlE RHO Rho 77 Rho 77 displayed a broad RNA-dependent ATPase Rho 77 poly ( C ) -dependent ATPase Rho factors Rho-independent terminator rho-independent terminators RHOD Rhodilunancin A Rhodobacter sphaeroides ( alpha ) rhodochrous B-cells rhodococcal elements rhodococcal plasmids Rhodococcus cells Rhodococcus chromosomal DNA Rhodococcus DNA Rhodococcus equi C7 Rhodococcus erythropolis NI86/21 Rhodococcus genome Rhodococcus opacus Rhodococcus opacus ( strain DSM 44193 ) tipA gene Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1 nitrilase Rhodococcus rhodochrous N54 Rhodococcus sp Rhodococcus spp rhodomycin B Rhodomycin D rhodopsin rhoG rhsA rHyal B RI-331 RI33 RI33.. RIA-1008 RIA-43 Rib ribA ribB ribbon-sheet-microtubules RibC RibC enzymes ribH ribitol phosphate units ribitol residues ribitol units ribitol-phosphate chain ribM riboflavin riboflavin 5-phosphate oxidoreductase riboflavin kinase riboflavin promoter riboflavin synthase ribonuclease ribonuclease A Ribonuclease P ( RNase P ) RNA genes ribonuclease S-protein ribonuclease Sa2 ribonuclease-encoding gene ribonucleases ribonucleoprotein complex ribonucleoprotein complexes Ribonucleotide reductase ribonucleotide reductase subunit R2 ribonucleotide reductases ribosidificus revealed 26 open reading frames ribosomal ( r ) -proteins ribosomal ( r ) RNA ribosomal ( r- ) proteins ribosomal A site ribosomal AT-L30 proteins ribosomal binding site ribosomal intergenic spacer ( RIS ) regions ribosomal L11 ( = rplK ) protein genes ribosomal methylases ribosomal nor plasmid genes ribosomal peptidyl transferase ribosomal precursors ribosomal protection genes ribosomal protection protein ribosomal protection proteins ribosomal protein ribosomal protein ( RP ) genes ribosomal protein genes ribosomal protein L11 ribosomal protein L15 ribosomal protein L34 ribosomal protein S12 ribosomal protein S2 ribosomal protein SS1 ribosomal proteins ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) sequences ribosomal RNA genes ribosomal RNA methylase ribosomal RNA methylases ribosomal RNA methyltransferase ribosomal RNA methyltransferases ribosomal RNA operon ribosomal RNA operon promoter ribosomal RNA sequences ribosomal RNA-encoding ( rrn ) genes ribosomal S12 protein ribosomal subunit L31 ribosomal subunits ribosome ribosome binding site ribosome binding sites ribosome recycling factor ribosome-associated factors ribosome-associated products ribosome-binding sequence ribosome-binding site ribosome-binding sites ribosome-bound ppGpp synthetase ribosome-connected stringent factor ribosome-linked enzyme ribosomes ribosomes phosphorylated six ribosomal proteins ribostamycin ( RSM ) resistance gene ribostamycin producer RIBS RibU ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase ribulose-1 ric1 ric1 fragment ric2 rice actin 1 gene rice chitinase gene rice family 19 chitinase rice RAmylA alpha-amylase transcripts ricin B chain ricin B-chain ricin superfamily ricin toxin B-chain ricin-binding glycoproteins ricin-type lectin ricin/galactose complex ricin/lactose complex Ricinis communis agglutinin I Rieske Fe-S protein Rif rif mutants rif-17 rifA rifampicin-resistant mutants rifampin-resistant TB rifamycin AHBA synthase rifamycin B rifamycin B-producing culture rifamycin SV producer Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 rifamycin SV-producing Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 allowed us to clone rifamycin SV-producing strain Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 rifamycin synthetase rifamycin-producer rifamycin-resistant mutant 2P-15 rifamycin-SV-producing Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 rifG gene rifG-N and -J genes rifH rifL rIFN-beta rIFN-gamma right and left deletion end sequences right junction regions right sites right target site right terminal fragments right terminal inverted repeat right terminal region right terminal segments right terminus right-handed cupped structure rightmost 15.4 kb sequence rightwards transcribed region rigid hydrophobic region rigid pancreatic enzyme RII RIII rimosus aphVIII gene rimosus LS-T hybrid rimosus MA187 rimosus R6 rimosus recA gene rimosus regulatory sequences rimosus tet347 ( otrB ) tetracycline resistance gene Ring A ring B ring expansion enzyme ring fragment ring-cleavage enzymes ring-expanding enzyme deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase ring-like monomers ring-like multimers ring-shaped complex ring-shaped structure Ringer solution without enzyme RIP 5 RIPs RIS region RIS sequences RIS-PCR Rist A RIV genes RK-11 RK-11 mutant RK-11 product RK-1409 RK-1409B RK-1441A RK-1441B RK-16 RK-286C RK-4 RK-4 cells RK-4 converter cells RK-4 cultures RK13 RK2 RLIE RlmA RlmAII RLN-8 cells rlrA rlrA/rorA locus RM-A RM-B RM1 RMCP2 RMES RmlB RmlC RmlC epimerase family RmlD rMnP1 RMTR RNA RNA fragment RNA methylase RNA methyltransferase RNA methyltransferase superfamily RNA nucleotidyltransferase RNA polymerase RNA polymerase alpha subunit RNA polymerase beta subunit RNA polymerase beta-chain genes RNA polymerase beta-subunit RNA polymerase beta-subunit gene RNA polymerase beta-subunit genes RNA polymerase binding site RNA polymerase binding sites RNA polymerase complex RNA polymerase core enzyme RNA polymerase E sigma 70 RNA polymerase enzymes RNA polymerase factor RNA polymerase holocomplex RNA polymerase holoenzyme RNA polymerase holoenzyme form RNA polymerase holoenzymes RNA polymerase II RNA polymerase promoter RNA polymerase recognition site RNA polymerase Sigma ( sigma ) Factor Binding Sites RNA polymerase sigma factor RNA polymerase sigma factors RNA polymerase subunit RNA polymerase-associated protein RNA polymerase-binding 167 bp HinfI fragment RNA polymerase-binding protein RNA polymerase-binding restriction fragment RNA polymerase-binding site RNA polymerase-DNA complex RNA polymerases RNA probes RNA products RNA sequences RNA species RNA substrates RNA subunit RNA targeting LPA ( 1 ) receptor RNA transcripts RNA-binding domains RNA-binding sites RNA-degrading complex RNA-dependent ATPase RNA-directed DNA polymerase RNA.DNA hybrid RNA/DNA/protein RNAase RNAase E RNAase I RNAase Sr RNAP RNAP alpha RNAP holoenzyme RNAPs RNAs rnaSa3 RNase RNase B RNase E RNase E/G family RNAse ES RNase III RNase III family endoribonuclease RNase P protein RNase P proteins RNase P RNA gene RNase P RNA genes RNase PH dimer RNase PH gene RNase PH superfamily RNase PH-like enzyme RNase R RNase Sa molecules RNase Sa2 RNaseP RNA component RNases rnc null mutant rnc open reading frame rnc point mutant rne-deleted E. coli cells rnpA rnpA-rpmH-dnaA-dnaN-recF-orf-gyrB-gyrA rnpB rnpB sequence RNR RNR gene RNR genes RNR operons RNR systems RNRs rod outer segment membrane proteins rod-shaped cells rodA rodococcal host cell RoF RoFMN ROK-family rolling-circle-replication plasmids ROM ROM34 root nodulation factors root specific par promoter root surface region root-associated actinomycete complexes root-colonizing actinomycete complexes root-tip regions ROP operator module 5 ROS roseophilin roseoredoxin reductase rosiglitazone-induced peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Rossmann domain Rossmann-fold domain Rostock site rotary-shaken submerged cultures rounded cells rounded chondrocytes Rous sarcoma virus- ( RSV ) infected cells Rous sarcoma virus-infected rat kidney cells Rp RP 73870 Rp PKS Rp precursor RP-1776 RP-HPLC Rp-like ligase domain RP1 RP181110 RP181110 genome RP2 RP3 RP3 DNA RP3 related attachment sites RP4 RP4 plasmid RP4/RP1 RPBB RPE RpEST-1 RpEST-2 RpEST-3 Rpf rph promoter region rphP1 promoter rphS1 RPI-856 A RPI-856 C rpl/rpo BC gene cluster rplA rplA gene rplB rplB gene rplC rplD rplJ rplJ and rplL intergenic region rplJL operon rplK rplK ( = relC ) gene rplK gene rplK gene sequences rplK genes rplL gene rplQ rplV rplW RPM RPM-producing mutant RPM-producing mutants rpmB2 rpmE1 and rpmG3 genes RpmE2 rpmF2 rpmG2 rpmG3-rpmJ2 operon rpmH RPMI 1640 rpoA gene rpoB rpoB gene rpoB PCR primers rpoB sequence rpoB sequences rpoB-specific PCR product rpoBp rpoBp promoter rpoCHIS rpoCHIS allele RpoD rpoD gene rpoD gene products rpoD genes rpoD homologs rpoD-like genes RpoN rpoN prp+ mutant RpoS rpoV rpoZ rpoZ coding region rpoZ region rpoZ-coding region rpoZ-dependent promoters rpoZ-disrupted gene rpoZ-encoded putative sigma factor rpoZ-P1 rpoZ-P2 RPP cluster rpp operon rpp promoter RPP5 RppA rppA disruption mutant rppA gene RppA mutants rppA-like genes RppB RppB protein RPPGFSPFR RPPs rpsB rpsB vs tsf transcripts rpsB-tsf intergenic region rpsE gene rpsG rpsI rpsK rpsL rpsL ( + ) gene rpsL gene rpsL genes rpsL mutants rpsL mutations K56R rpsL ribosomal protein rpsN2 rpsO rpsO-pnp intergenic hairpin rpsO-pnp intergenic region rpsO-pnp operon rpsR2 rpsS RR RR positive structures RR SCO0204 RR1 RraA RraB RrdA rrdA null mutant RRF Rrf2 family RRg antigen RRg antigens rrg mRNA transcripts RrmA rrn operons rrn operons per genome rRNA rRNA : m1G MTase family rRNA cDNA clones rRNA fragment rRNA fragments rRNA gene clusters rRNA gene promoters rRNA genes rRNA large subunit methyltransferase rRNA methylase ( tsr ) gene rRNA methyltransferase rRNA methyltransferases rRNA monomethylase rRNA operon rRNA operons rrnA promoters rRNA region rRNA sequences rRNA similarity map rRNA species rRNA species complexes rRNA substrate rRNA transcripts rRNA-encoding gene rRNA-modifying enzyme rRNA-operons rRNA-targeted alkaline phosphatase rrnAp rRNAs rrnB rrnC rrnC operon rrnD rrnD operon rrnD p2 rrnD promoters rrnD rRNA gene rrnDp3 rrnE rrnE gene rrnE operon rrnE operons rrnF RRs RS-16 RS-22A RsA RsaI RsB RsbA rsbA and sigB coding regions rsbA-null mutant RsbB rsbB coding region rsbB genes RsbU RsbV RsbV anti-anti-sigma factors RsbW rScaR rScaR protein rSET RSF1010 RsfA RsfB Rsh rsh gene rsh gene-disrupted mutant rsh-disrupted mutant RshA RshA protein RSM RSM resistance gene RsmA rsmA gene RsmA protein rsmG RSP9 RspA rspA homologue spa2 RsrA RsrA mutants rsrA null mutant rsuA rsuA gene rsuA-encoded anti-sigma factor RSV-M glioma cells RT 2.0 RT-PCR products RT1k RTEM-2 rti-2 rub52 RubB Rubber degradation products rubiginosus D-xylose isomerase rubiginosus xylose isomerase rubN4 rubN6 Rubradirin rubradirin biosynthetic gene rubredoxin rubredoxin reductase rubromycin beta Run A ruthenium red-stainable components Rv0793 Rv3281 open reading frame rVisA showed clear L-lysine 2-aminotransferase RWB RWBs RwhA RwhB RXKR decreases RXS motifs ryanodine receptor RYDS site RyR RyR channel Röhm S ( 4-6 ) site S ( N ) 2 S 383-A S ribosomal RNA S rRNA S- [ 14C ] carboxymethyl xylose isomerase S- [ 2- ( 4-pyridyl ) ethyl ] -cysteine protein S-1 S-180 S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine-resistant clones S-3 S-30 protein S-3253 genomic DNA S-4 S-50L S-6 S-63 S-632-A2 S-632-B1 S-64 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-7 S-70 S-8 S-acetyl coenzyme A S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine showed competitive product S-adenosyl-l-methionine ( SAM ) -dependent methyltransferase S-Adenosyl-L-methionine : demethylmacrocin O-methyltransferase S-adenosyl-L-methionine : macrocin O-methyltransferase S-adenosyl-l-methionine : O-demethylpuromycin O-methyltransferase S-adenosyl-L-methionine molecule S-Adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent carminomycin 4-O-methyltransferase DnrK S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent enzyme S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase homolog S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent O-methyltransferase S-adenosyl-methionine-dependent hydroxylase S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase S-adenosylmethione synthetase gene S-adenosylmethionine ( SAM ) -dependent 16S rRNA methyltransferase S-adenosylmethionine ( SAM ) dependent enzyme S-adenosylmethionine ( SAM ) synthetase S-adenosylmethionine O-methyltransferase S-adenosylmethionine synthase S-adenosylmethionine synthetase S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases S-adenosylmethionine-dependent O-methyltransferases S-ALP S-ALP had maximum enzyme S-antigen S-BPNY104F S-carboxymethylated protein S-GAG S-Hemolysin S-hyaluronidase S-isomer S-modified site S-MPI S-MPI gene S-MPI protein S-nitrosomycothiol reductase S-peptide sequence S-peptide-directed protein S-PLI S-protein S-pyridylethylated proteins S-R-R-G-F-L-G sequence S-tag sequence S-transferases S. acidiscabies 84.104 cosmid library clones S. akiyoshiensis chromosome S. albus cells S. albus clpB gene S. albus G enzyme S. albus vdh gene S. alga BrY cells S. ansochromogenes S. antibioticus cells S. antibioticus chromosome S. antibioticus cultures S. antibioticus genes S. antibioticus genome S. antibioticus mel locus S. antibioticus phenoxazinone synthase S. antibioticus phenoxazinone synthase subunit S. antibioticus phs gene S. antibioticus promoter S. antibioticus readthrough transcript S. antibioticus submerged cultures S. antibioticus subunit S. aureofaciens DNA polymerase S. aureofaciens polynucleotide phosphorylase S. aureofaciens thymidylate synthetase S. aureus gyrase S. aureus QacA proteins S. aureus V8 protease S. avermitilis cells S. avermitilis electron-transport genes S. avermitilis gene S. avermitilis genes S. avermitilis genome S. bambergiensis 712 genome S. bingchengensis_226541 chromosome S. cacaoi beta-lactamase gene S. cacaoi enzyme S. cacaoi enzymes S. cattleya cells S. chromofuscus cell cultures S. chromofuscus PLD S. cinnamoneus tuf gene S. clavuligerus autoregulator receptor S. clavuligerus bldG gene S. clavuligerus bldG transcripts S. clavuligerus cells S. clavuligerus class II RNR S. clavuligerus cultures S. clavuligerus gene S. clavuligerus IPNS gene S. clavuligerus LAT S. clavuligerus malate synthase S. clavuligerus mRNA S. clavuligerus pcbAB S. clavuligerus RNA S. clavuligerus rplK S. clavuligerus showed arginase S. clavuligerus terminator sequences S. coelicolor 16S rRNA segment S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) arg genes S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) cells S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) chromosomal afsR gene S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) dagA gene S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) genes S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) genome S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) lipA gene S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) SCO6073 gene S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) sigJ gene S. coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) whiE gene cluster S. coelicolor absB gene S. coelicolor actIII mutant S. coelicolor adenine phosphoribosyltransferase S. coelicolor alpha protein S. coelicolor bar gene S. coelicolor bar gene product S. coelicolor beta subunit S. coelicolor bkdR gene product S. coelicolor cells S. coelicolor chiR gene S. coelicolor chromosomal locus S. coelicolor chromosome S. coelicolor clone S. coelicolor core RNA polymerase S. coelicolor cultures S. coelicolor cytoplasmic protein complexes S. coelicolor enzyme S. coelicolor fatty acid synthase S. coelicolor genes S. coelicolor genome S. coelicolor genomic DNA S. coelicolor glgB genes S. coelicolor glnII gene S. coelicolor glnR mutant S. coelicolor gltB gene S. coelicolor glucose kinase S. coelicolor GS protein S. coelicolor H+-PPase S. coelicolor IP S. coelicolor malate synthase S. coelicolor Mre proteins S. coelicolor mreC gene S. coelicolor msdA gene S. coelicolor Muller cells S. coelicolor mutants S. coelicolor nrdAB genes S. coelicolor NrdR protein S. coelicolor OrfX protein S. coelicolor ParB protein S. coelicolor PNPase S. coelicolor promoter S. coelicolor promoter/activator S. coelicolor protein S. coelicolor RecF protein S. coelicolor rel deletion mutant S. coelicolor rel gene S. coelicolor RNase S. coelicolor rnc gene S. coelicolor SCP3 plasmid S. coelicolor sigG gene S. coelicolor ssgB gene S. coelicolor subunit S. coelicolor tcp830 promoter S. coelicolor transcript S. coelicolor transcripts S. coelicolor tuf1 S. coelicolor tuf3 S. coelicolor type II dehydroquinase S. coelicolor vanRS genes S. coelicolor vanX gene S. coelicolor wblE gene S. coelicolor whiB gene S. coelicolor WhiB protein S. coelicolor xlnB gene S. collinus ccr gene S. collinus chcA gene S. cyaneus proteinase S. davawensis enzyme S. erythraea malonyl-CoA decarboxylase gene S. erythraea strain NRRL 2338 genome sequence S. erythreus cultures S. erythreus strain 1 S. erythreus strain 2 S. erythreus strain 3 S. fradiae aph gene S. fradiae chromosome S. fradiae genes S. galbus fda gene S. glaucescens fabD gene S. glaucescens genes S. glaucescens genome S. glaucescens KASIII gene S. glaucescens sph gene product S. glaucescens tcmA gene S. glaucescens tyrosinase structural genes S. globisporus Pro6 gene S. granaticolor cells S. griseus amy gene S. griseus cells S. griseus chitinase S. griseus enzyme S. griseus EshA protein S. griseus Hrd proteins S. griseus pab promoter S. griseus pcbC gene S. griseus protease S. griseus protease B S. griseus proteases A S. griseus rppA gene S. griseus secA gene S. griseus ssfR S. griseus trypsin S. hygroscopicus chromosome S. hygroscopicus mutant alleles S. hygroscopicus mutants S. levoris cells S. lipmanii IPNS gene S. lividans 66 S. lividans 66 ( strain 1326 ) wild-type genomic DNA S. lividans cells S. lividans chromosome S. lividans clones S. lividans lac gene S. lividans protein S. lividans recA S. lividans recA gene S. lividans SecA protein S. lividans sip genes S. lividans Sip proteins S. lividans XlnA gene S. lividans xylanase A S. lividans xylanase C S. lividans xylanases S. lividans/XylA cultures S. mobaraense transglutaminase S. natalensis genome S. niveus wild-type cultures S. nodosus genes S. nogalater IMET43360 cells S. nogalater polyketide synthetase S. noursei genome S. olivaceoviridis exochitinase S. olivaceoviridis genes S. olivaceus chromosome S. olivochromogenes S. olivochromogenes enzyme S. parvulus cells S. peucetius dnrH gene S. peucetius dnrJ gene S. peucetius genome S. pombe cells S. ramocissimus tuf1 S. rimosus cultures S. rimosus gene S. rimosus recA gene S. rochei chromosome S. rochei enzyme S. roseosporus chromosome S. roseosporus glnA gene S. ruber 78 S. rubiginosus chromosome S. rubiginosus xylA protein S. sanglieri cluster revealed 15 genes S. scabies 87-22 genome S. setonii total DNA S. setoniiplastic compost support ( PCS ) biofilm continuous-stirred-tank-reactor pure cultures S. sp S. sparsogenes S. tendae DNA sequences S. tenebrarius H6 genomic DNA S. turgidiscabies cultures S. venezuelae CBS762.70 subtilisin inhibitor gene S. venezuelae cultures S. venezuelae ISP5230 genomic DNA S. venezuelae pabAB S. venezuelae pdx-4 S. viridochromogenes S. viridochromogenes bar gene S. viridochromogenes chromosome S. viridochromogenes glnII gene S.coelicolor genome S.griseus cells S.kanamyceticus mutants S.lividans 66 S.rimosus gene S.spiramyceticus WSJ-1 S/T-R-R-X-F-L-K s020 S1 S1 binding site S1 domains S1 exonuclease S1 nuclease S1 residues S1 RNA-binding domains S1 site S1 sites S1 subsite S1-3 and S4-6 sites S1-nuclease S1-P1 S10 S10 operon S100/intestinal calcium-binding protein S11 S12 S12 protein S12 ribosomal protein S12A S13 S130 S135 S14 S140 cells S150 supernatant proteins S18 S180 S18E S195 S195A variant S195G S197 S197A S1P S1R S2 S2 binding subsites S216 S22 S24 S27 S290 S3 S3 subsites S33P S347 S379 S379 residues S379T mutant enzyme S38 S38 xylanase S4 S4 sites S4 subsite structures S4 transmembrane segment S4-6 site S410 S44 S44HP S458A S468N/D469E S5 S5 transmembrane segment S5016N S5016N mutant S531 S541 S541 chromosomal DNA S545C S545C mutant S55-B1 S6 S6 regions S632A2 S632A3 S65T mutant S7 S70 S70 ester-linked acyl-enzyme S7011 S78 S8 S89 S9 S97A mutant S97A mutant enzyme S985 S985 carried two plasmids SA cultures Sa gap gene SA gene SA proteins Sa-2 Sa-76 SA-COO SA-like group including sequences Sa-NAO Sa1 Sa2 Sa2 molecules Sa3 saaR SaAraf43A sab sabR sabR disruption mutants SAC I SAC-B sacB saccharide moieties Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL7 promoter Saccharopolyspora erythraea genome sequence Saccharothrix aerocolonigenes gene SacI SacI-blunted region SacI-PvuII fragment SacII SacII activator DNAs saf saf coding region saf gene saf promoter saf promoter region saf reading frame safP Saframycin A Saframycin Ad-1 saframycin Y2b saframycin Y2b-d saframycin Y3 saframycin Yd-1 safranin-O SAFs SAH SaI14 SaI14 protein SaI20 SAKase SAKER-I sal genes Sal I Sal I enzyme Sal I site sal-pM promoter sal-pR sal-pR promoter region sal-pR1 SalB salbostatin SalF SalGI ( SalI ) restriction enzyme SalGI restriction endonuclease SalI salI DNA SalI fragments salI genes SalI methyltransferase salI R gene SalI restriction endonuclease salicylate degradation ; constructs salicylyl-CoA salicylyl-CoA 5-hydroxylase salicylyl-CoA ligase salinomycin biosynthetic gene cluster salinosporamide A salIR salIR and salIM genes salIR and salM genes salIR coding region salivary lysozymes SalL salmon genomic DNA SalO SALP genes SalPI SALPs salQ salQ gene SalR SalRI salRII SalRIII salt bridge Arg124-Glu232 salt-bridge salt-bridges salt-tolerant prolyl aminopeptidase salt-washed ribosomes salvage enzymes SAM SAM binding motif SAM production mutants SAM site SAM synthase SAM synthetase SAM-dependent methyltransferases SAM-induced proteins SAM-P20 sam-P20 gene SAM-P20 protease SAM-P20D gene SAM-P26 SAM-P45 SAM-P45 gene SAM-protein complex SAM-s SAM-s gene SAM-s protein sam5 sam8 sample B sample containing receptor samR samR disruption mutant samR gene SamR protein SAN-G sanC SanCyp18 sanF gene sanF mutants Sanglifehrin A sanglifehrins C SanH sanH disruption mutant sanI sanI disruption mutant sanI double disruption mutant sanJ sanJ gene sanK sanL SanM SanM aldolase sanM and sanN genes SanN SanN dehydrogenase sanN-P2 sannamycin B-glycyltransferase sanO sanO disruption mutants sanO gene sanQ sanQ gene sanS sanS gene SanS protein sanT SanU sanV Saos-2 sAP SAP1 SAP1.1-like gene SAP1.35-like gene SAP2 SAP3 SapA sapA open reading frame sapA promoter SapB SapC saponinase homolog SapT SAR Sar5 SarA sarA mutant Sarcoma 180 sarcoma-180 cells sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein sarcosine molecule sarcosine oxidase sarcosine oxidase gene SARP SARP ( Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory proteins ) family SARP domain SARP family SARP family members SARP family transcriptional regulator SARP regulator SARP type activator SARP-binding sites SARP-encoding genes SARP-family activator SARP-like transcription factor SARPs SARS-CoV ( severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ) genome SARS-CoV genome sas gene cluster sasABCDR gene cluster sasR sat D probe sat-1 sat-1 determinant sat-2 determinants sat-3 SAt1 SAt2 sat4 gene sat4 streptothricin resistance gene saturable transport components Sau3A Sau3A fragments Sau3A restrictase Sau3A restriction endonuclease-generated deoxyribonucleic acid fragment SauI SauLPII endonuclease SAV1223 protein SAV213 SAV2163 gene SAV2750 SAV2998 SAV3818 Savannah River Site saw1 gene saw1 product sawD mutant sawE gene SAXS SB transposase-expressing vector SBA SbcC sbcD SBD SBL SblA sblA gene sblA transcript sblA-disrupted mutant SBP SBP microchannel Sbt SBTI Sc SC 115 cells Sc bldA mutants SC-273 SC-6 SC-7 sc-PAP SC3 SC438 SC7A1 SC7A1 insert DNA SC9B1.20 SC9B1.20 protein SCA ScaI ScaI endonuclease ScaI-cleaved product scaR scar cells scar-derived cells scaR/pET-3d plasmid scattered peripheral fibroblasts scavenging enzymes SCB1 SCB3 ScbA scbA mutant scbA null mutant scbA transcriptional start site ScbR scbR mutant scbR null mutant scbR transcriptional start site SCC cell lines ScCCL ScCCL mutant enzymes sccypB SCD10.09 sCD4 ScDAOCS scDAOCS mutant enzymes SCE87.05 SCFA precursor SCFAs Scg2I restriction endonuclease sch gene cluster schC schC hydroxylase DNA probe Scheme 1 SchI Schizophyllum enzyme scHPr schS6 Sci scissile beta-lactam amide bond Scl Sclerotium rolfsii sclerotome cells sclU SCM SCN SCN cysts ScNP ScNPI scnpi gene Sco SCO 1441 SCO 6650 SCO 6655 SCO0203 SCO0204 SCO0255 sco0330 gene SCO0332 SCO0332 protein SCO0677 SCO0762 SCO0762 gene SCO0781 SCO0869 proteins SCO0888 SCO0914 Sco0958 SCO1134 SCO1134-1132 transcript SCO1134-1142 gene SCO1135 deletion mutant SCO1135 open reading frame SCO1135 protein product SCO1135 transcript SCO1135 xdhR SCO1355 protease Sco1389 SCO1593 SCO1712-dependent genes SCO1712-independent genes SCO1815 SCO2097 SCO2127 sco2127 gene SCO2127 gene product SCO2127 region SCO2127 sequence SCO2195 SCO2207 SCO2217 SCO2299 gene SCO2299 protein SCO2400 SCO2404 SCO2525 SCO2837 open-reading frame SCO2837 protein SCO2904 SCO3548 SCO3896 SCO4138 and SCO1845 genes SCO4244 SCO4263 regulator SCO4677 SCO4677 protein Sco4986 sco5222 gene SCO5222 protein sco5223 gene SCO5260 null mutant SCO5426 SCO5433 SCO5447 SCO5476 SCO6073 gene SCO6166 SCO6571 SCO6571 protein SCO6938 SCO7095 SCO7168 open reading frame whose predicted product SCO7190 SCO7222 protein SCO7223 SCO7252 SCO7443 sco7700 and sco7701 genes SCO7832 SCOA SCOAP ScOMT1 scopafungin scoT ScoT mutants SCP SCP1 SCP1 DNA SCP1 fertility factor SCP1 genes SCP1 linear plasmid SCP1 linear replication ( Slr ) region SCP1 plasmid SCP1 plasmids SCP1-cysB SCP1-cysB plasmid SCP1-rep-like genes SCP1.126 SCP1.127 Scp15 SCP2 SCP2 @ SCP2 derivative plasmid SCP2 fertility factor SCP2 plasmid SCP2* SCP2* plasmid gene SCP2*-derived plasmid SCP2*-derived plasmids SCP2+ donor strain markers SCP2165 scpAB mutants SCPI SCPI plasmid scPLD screened cultures SCS-specific operator-containing promoters ScSSB SCTn1 SCTn1 plasmid SCVme scyllo-inosose aminotransferase SD 1 SD sequence SD141 SD189 SD20 SD245 SD261 SD274 SD8 SD81 SDC SDG motif sdgA SdgC SdgD SdhA SdhB SdhC SDK SDN SDN conserved motif SdpI SDR enzymes SDR family SDR superfamily SDRs SDS SDS-PAAG SDS-PAGE gels SDS-PAGE was 31 kDa SDSL SDSL-EPR SDZ PSC 833 Se SE chitinase SE lysozyme SE lysozymes SE293 gene product Sea sea urchin embryo SEAP sec genes Sec signal sequence SecA secA gene SecA homolog SecA homologs secA promoter SecA protein SecA proteins SecB SecD secE promoter SecF SecG SecG proteins second alpha-glucosidase-encoding gene second cell line second copper-binding site second domain second element second Greek key motif second metal ion binding site second metal site second promoter second putative regulatory sequence second quarter region second region second selectable plasmid second virulence gene secondary antibody secondary factors secondary integration sites secondary metabolism-related genes secondary metabolite genes secondary reaginic anti-OA antibody secondary structure elements secreted form secreted protein secreted proteins secretor mutants secretory phospholipase A2 secretory protein secretory proteins secretory ribonuclease secY gene secY genes SecY protein SecY protein family SecY proteins Segment II segrationally unstable plasmid seHAS protein SEK 15b SEK15 SEK15b SEK34b SEK4 SEK43 SeL selectable aac1 gene selectable viomycin resistance gene selection marker gene selectivity filter region selenomethionine-derivatized protein self antigens self-compartmentalizing proteases self-defense gene self-producing cells self-resistance determinant self-transmissible covalently closed circular plasmid self-transmissible element self-transmissible fertility factor self-transmissible plasmid self-transmissible plasmids self-transmissible SCP2*-derived plasmids self-transmissible Streptomyces plasmid semi-pure food proteins semi-pure proteins semi-purified proteins semi-synthetic hybrid trypsin semi-synthetic penicillins semi-synthetic proteins semialdehyde dehydrogenases seminal factor SenR SenS SenS/SenR sensitive phosphatases sensitized sheep erythrocytes sensor histidine kinase sensor histidine protein kinase sensor kinase sensor kinases sensor protein sensor protein kinase sensor-kinase sensory histidine protein kinases sensory protein kinase sep gene SEP1 SEP8 separable enzymes separate binding protein separate enzymes separate enzymic domain separate promoters Sepharose 2B Sepharose 4B Sepharose 6B sequence elements sequence motif sequence motifs sequence-specific DNA binding factor sequence-specific endonuclease sequenced 111.989 kb DNA region sequenced corynebacterial genes sequenced prokaryotic 23S rRNAs sequential M1-P-M2 motifs Ser Ser 14 Ser-118 residue Ser-17 Ser-170 mutants Ser-170 residue Ser-33 Ser-63 Ser-70 residue Ser-98 Ser-Xaa-Asn/Cys sequence Ser/Thr kinase Ser/Thr kinases Ser/Thr protein kinases Ser/Thr-PK 41K Ser18I side chain Ser18I variant complex Ser35 Ser36 Ser38 Ser42 O gamma Ser42 O gamma side chain Ser45 Ser62 Ser75 Ser82 O gamma Ser90 Ser96 Ser98Asp mutant series II serine 42 serine alkaline proteases serine beta-lactamases serine carboxypeptidase serine carboxypeptidases serine chymotrypsin-like proteinase serine DD-peptidase serine DD-transpeptidase/penicillin-binding protein serine deaminase serine dehydratase serine endopeptidase serine endopeptidases serine enzyme serine enzymes serine esterase serine hydrolase serine hydrolases serine hydroxymethyltransferase serine metal-dependent subtilisin-like proteinase serine metalloprotease serine penicillin-recognizing enzymes serine penicillin-recognizing proteins serine peptidases serine PKs serine protease serine protease having three S-S bonds per molecule serine proteases serine proteinase serine proteinase family serine proteinase gene serine proteinases serine R39 enzyme serine R61 enzyme serine recombinase family serine recombinases serine specific agent PMSF serine threonine phosphatase serine threonine phosphatases serine trypsin-like proteinase serine-containing D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving peptidases serine-protease serine-proteinase serine-proteinases serine-reactive hydrolases serine-threonine kinase serine-threonine protein kinases Serine-type collagenolytic proteases serine-type protease serine-type proteases serine/threonine kinase serine/threonine kinase domain serine/threonine kinases serine/threonine phosphatase serine/threonine phosphatases serine/threonine protein kinase seriously impaired enzyme Serratia chitinase Serratia marcescens trp promoter serum albumin serum alkaline phosphatase serum anti-gamma globulins Serum antibody serum gamma globulin serum glycoprotein serum growth factors serum HI antibody Serum interleukin-6 serum mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase serum PAP Serum precipitins serum proteases serum-free suspension cultures serum-starved NIH3T3 cells seryl tRNA synthetase seryl tRNA synthetase gene seryl-protease seryl-t-RNA synthetase seryl-tRNA seryl-tRNA synthetases sesquiterpene synthase sesquiterpene synthase domains sesquiterpene synthases seven genes seven van genes Sex sex factor sex factors sex plasmids Sf SF-1623B SF-1902 A2 SF-425 SF14 SF2446A1 SF2446B1 Sf9 insect cell line SFA SFAP SFase SFase-2 SFBSs SFBSs binding sites SffA Sfi Sfi I sfiA gene SfiI endonuclease SFM-A SFM-A gene cluster SFME cells SFMP SFOp68 Sfp sfp phosphopantetheinyl transferase gene Sfp-type PPTases SFP1 sfp2 sfr SFSP SFTP Sg bald mutants Sg bldA SG trypsin Sga15 sGAG SGAP SGAP active site SGAP complex SGAP complexes sgcA sgcA gene sgcA1 sgcA1 gene sgcAB locus sgcB sgcD sgcR sgcR gene SgcR1 sgcR1R2 SgcR2 SgcR3 sgcR3 gene SGE2 SGE4 SgfI SGI sgiA sgiA promoter Sgm sgm gene Sgm methylase sgmA sgmA promoter SGMP II SGMPI SGMPII SGNH-hydrolase family SGP SGP3 SGPA SGPA-SSI complex SGPB SGPB : OMTKY3 complex SGPB : OMTKY3-Pro18I complex SGPB-SSI complexes sgpC SGPD SGPE sgpE gene SGRAP SGT SGT mutants SGT2 sgtR1 sgtR1 and sgtR2 genes sgtR2 SH enzyme SH-09 SH-1 SH-2 SH-groups SH10 SH101 SH102 SH103 SH104 SH11 SH12 SH13 SH2-kinase linker region SH3 SH3 domain SH5 sHA molecule shake-flask cultures shaked cultures shaken submerged cultures shaken-flask cultures Shaker protein shared homologous element Shble protein Shc protein shear forces produced mycelial fragments sheep blood cells Sheep erythrocytes sheep red blood cells shelf-stable product shell chitin shelx-86 SHI shiga toxin shikimate-derived starter unit Shine-Dalgarno ( SD ) sequence Shine-Dalgarno region Shine-Dalgarno sequence Shine-Dalgarno sequences Shine-Dalgarno-like sequence Shine/Dalgarno-like sequence Shinorhizobium meliloti hemoprotein shock-related proteins short ( 44 bp ) terminal inverted repeats short ( 6-bp ) repeat short ( 8-nt ) inverted repeat short 5 bp -CGAAA- sequences short acyl chains short chain alcohol dehydrogenase family short chain dehydrogenase/reductase ( SDR ) protein superfamily short chain dehydrogenase/reductase ( SDR ) superfamily short construct short DNA segment short DNA segments short fragment construct short Gly/Pro-rich linker region short identical sequences short internal nonconserved region short nucleotide sequences short sequence short sequence motif short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase family short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases short-chain dehydrogenase reductase ( SDR ) superfamily short-chain dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase superfamily short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase ( SDR ) superfamily short-chain dehydrogenases short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases short-chain ketoreductases short-direct repeat sequences short-lived proteins shorter linear beta-1 shorter plasmid shorter sequence shorter sized transcripts shortest acidic fragment SHPTP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatases shrimp midgut serine proteases shuffled constructs shuffled genes shunt product shunt products shuttle expression vector shuttle plasmid shuttle plasmids SHV beta-lactamase complexes SHV-1 SHV-2pBP60-1 enzyme shy2-2 shyA shyA gene product shyA mutant sialic acid aldolase sialic acid-binding domain sialidase sialidases sialoglycoconjugates sialoglycopeptide to partially deglycosylated proteins sialoglycoprotein Sialoglycoproteins sialomucin sialyl Lewis X sialyltransferase Siamycin I siamycin I structure siamycin I-resistant variant siamycin II siastatin B sibling extension sites side chain side chains side-chains Sideromycin-resistant mutants siderophore yersiniabactin SigA sigA and sigB genes sigA gene sigB sigB and sigC mRNAs sigB coding region sigB gene sigB mutant SigB sigma factors sigB-dtxR-galE cluster SigB-like sigma factor sigB/relA double mutant sigBp1 sigBp1 promoter sigBp1 promoters sigBp2 sigE sigE gene sigE mutants sigE null mutant sigE null mutants sigE promoter sigF sigF gene sigF genes sigF mRNA sigF mutant sigF null mutant sigF promoter sigF promoter region SigF sporulation sigma factors sigF transcripts sigF upon whiG sigF-specific probe sigG SigH sigH gene sigH gene cluster SigH isoforms sigH mRNA sigH mutant sigH mutants sigH operon sigH-dependent gltBp2 promoter sigH-dependent promoter sigH-depleted mutant sigH-encoded proteins SigH-like proteins sigH-P2 promoter sigHNF exhibited defective melanin sigHp1 sigHp2 sigHp2 promoter sigJ sigJ gene sigJp promoter sigma ( 70 ) -dependent promoter sigma ( AdsA ) homologue sigma ( B ) -like promoter sigma ( B ) anti-sigma factor sigma ( B ) general stress response family sigma ( H ) -dependent promoter sigma ( R ) -RsrA complex sigma ( R ) -specific anti-sigma factor sigma ( R ) regulon sigma ( R ) target genes sigma 28 protein sigma 54 form sigma 70 polypeptide sigma 70 protein family sigma 70 subunit sigma 70-like principal sigma factors sigma 70-like subunits sigma A sigma B sigma C sigma D-dependent motility-related promoter sigma E sigma E gene sigma F sigma factor SIGma Factor binding sites sigma factor gene sigma factor genes sigma factor subunits sigma factor-like proteins sigma factors sigma hrdB sigma mutant sigma receptors sigma repertoire sigma subunit sigma WhiG sigma whiG RNA polymerase sigma WhiG-dependent promoters sigma-54 ( RpoN ) -dependent promoter sigma-54 family sigma-AdsA sigma-factor-like proteins sigma-hrdA sigma-R sigma-related factors sigma-whiG sigma1 sigma2 sigma35 sigma46 ( sigma hrdD ) recognized promoters sigma66 sigma70 sigma70 family sigma70-like genes sigmaA SigmaB sigmaB protein sigmaB regulon sigmaB target genes sigmaB-containing RNA polymerase sigmaB-independent proteins sigmaB-like proteins sigmaCrtS sigmaE sigmaF-containing holoenzyme sigmaG sigmaG protein sigmaH sigma factor sigmaH-dependent ssgBp promoter sigmaHrdB sigmaHrdD subunit sigmaLitS sigmaLitS recombinant protein sigmaR sigmaR target gene sigmaR target genes sigmaR target promoters sigmaU-dependent promoter sequence SigN sigN promoters signal cleavage site signal cleaved form signal molecules Signal peptidase signal peptidase cleavage site signal peptidase gene signal peptidase genes signal peptidase II signal peptidase II type signal peptidase recognition site signal peptidases signal peptide coding region signal peptide of secreted proteins signal peptide region signal peptide sequence signal recognition particle ( SRP ) -nascent polypeptide-ribosome complexes Signal Recognition Particle ( SRP ) receptor signal recognition particle receptor signal sequence signal sequence selection vector signal sequences Signal transducing GTP-binding proteins signal transducing proteins Signal transduction components signal transduction inhibitors signal transduction proteins signal-peptidase cleavage site signal-peptide sequence signal-sensing domain signal-sequence-encoding portion signal-transducing histidine kinase signaling molecules signaling proteins signaling sequences signalling molecule signalling molecules signature motif signature protein-binding region signature regions signature sequence signature sequences sigNP1 sigQ SigR sigR null mutant sigR-null mutant sigRp1 sigRp2 sigRp2 transcript SigU SigW SigX sigX gene SigY SIL proteins sIL-4R sIL-4R cDNA sIL-4R protein SIL-6 sIL-6R sIL-6R cDNA SIL1 SIL1 molecule SIL10 SIL12 SIL13 SIL14 SIL15 SIL2 SIL3 SIL4 SIL5 SIL7 SIL8 SilA silent gene silent gene cluster silent genes silent glucose kinase gene silent phenoxazinone synthase ( PHS ) gene silent regions silkworm pupa ovary mRNA silver birch ( Betula pendula ) EST-libraries silver pheasant ovomucoid third domain silver salt C43/63O14Ag sim gene cluster simple motifs simple products simple protein simple Type I synthase simple type III polyketide synthase SIN single ( transiently ) heat-inducible promoter single 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase enzyme single antibiotic resistance genes single attB integration site single chromosomal site single devA promoter single disk-like domain single DNA molecules single inhibitor molecule single module type non-ribosomal peptide synthetase single molecule single mutant enzymes single penicillin-binding protein single plasmid-encoded protein single promoter single restriction sites single sigma factor single subunit single subunits single-amino-acid-substitution mutants single-cell clones single-chain Fv single-copy gene single-copy plasmid single-domain crystallin-like protein single-domain family 19 chitinase single-domain proteins single-domain type I extradiol dioxygenase single-module peptide synthetase single-MPM ancestor protein single-mutation glucose isomerase ( GIG138P single-strand binding protein single-stranded DNA-binding protein gene single-stranded plasmid molecules single-stranded RNA SINR mutants siomycin complex Sip sip ( sli ) gene sip genes Sip proteins sipW sipX SipY sipZ SipZ protein SIRAS sisA gene SISO sisomicin-gentamicin methylase gene sisomicin-gentamicin resistance methylase ( sgm ) gene site 1 site 2 site 3 site 41 bases upstream site C site I site-directed mutant proteins site-directed mutants site-directed variants site-specific integrative element site-specific recombinases sites 1 and 2 six early regulatory sporulation genes six-module polyketide synthase six-stranded variant sixth coordination site sizes 30 and 32 kDa SJ SJA-95 SJM1 SJM1 mutant SK SK15 SK60 SkBr3 cells SKC1 skgA skgA mutant SKGI skin fibroblasts SKLP Sl tsnR SL5 SLAC SlaI SlaI endonuclease SlaI fragments slAPP II SLDs Sleeping Beauty ( SB ) transposase SLF1 SLG Slg01 Sli SliI SliII SliK slIPNS gene slippery sequence slowly growing cell lines SLP 1.2 plasmid SLP1 SLP1 element SLP1 elements SLP1 family SLP1 genetic element SLP1 int-encoded protein SLP1 plasmids SLP1 sequence SLP1 sequences SLP1-derived plasmids SLP1.1 SLP1.2 SLP1.2 origin SLP1.2 plasmid SLP1.2 Streptomyces plasmid SLP1.2 vector SLP2 SLP2 loci SLP2 plasmid SLP2 proteins SLP2+ SLP2+ strains SLP2-borne replication proteins SLP3 SLP4 slpA slpA locus SLPAP slpB SlpD slpD clone SlpD proteinase SLPI slr1 SlrC SLS Slx1p-like predicted nuclease SlyfabCF-disrupted mutant SlyfabDHCF Sm sm ( sm-transformant ) produced 2.7-times SM 3 -phosphotransferase SM biosynthesis gene cluster Sm biosynthetic gene cluster SM gene cluster SM molecule SM phosphorylating enzyme SM phosphotransferases Sm production region SM-196 B Sm-6-phosphotransferase SM-6-phosphotransferase ( SPH ) and amidinotransferase ( ADT ) regions Sm-biosynthesis genes Sm-ELA Sm-ELA gene Sm-inactivating enzyme SM-nonproducing strain 45 Sm-PVA Sm-PVA precursor SM-TAP SM33 SM33 chromosome SMA Sma I Smad1 Smad4 SmaI small ( 1.2 kb ) Sa/I fragment small ( 19.8 kDa ) protein small ( about 100 aminoacids ) homodimeric proteins small ( about 200 aa ) chitin binding proteins small ( beta ) subunit small actinomycete proteins small amine-containing molecules small bifunctional plasmids small branched-chain organic acid precursor molecules small chitin-binding proteins small chromosomal DNA fragments small cofactor-free oxygenases small diffusible signaling molecules small enzyme small gamma-butyrolactone A-factor small gene small heat shock protein small heat shock protein family small heat shock proteins small heat-shock proteins small hydrophobic molecules small hydrophobic protein small hyphal fragments small intergenic region small K+ channel subunit small linear plasmid small mobilizable plasmids small molecular mass ( 30 kDa ) aminopeptidase small molecular products small molecule O-methyltransferases small molecules small monooxygenases small morphogenetic protein small neutral proteinase small non-coding RNAs small organic molecules Small plasmids small polyketide cyclase small polyketide cyclases small polyketide-functionalizing genes small prophage-like elements small protein small proteins small putative membrane protein small regulatory proteins small remaining sugar molecules small signal molecules small subunit small subunits small-molecular-weight effector smaller ( 3 Mb-6.5 Mb ) single circular chromosome smaller linear plasmids smaller subunit smaller-side-chain mutants SMAT SMC smc gene smc parB SMC proteins SMC-associated proteins SmChb SmeA smeA-like genes SmF SMF 305 SMF 306 SMF13 SMF19 SMG SMGI SMMS smooth muscle cells smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase SMP SmpB SMPI SmR SMR5 SMs sms13 SMTP-7 SMY622 SN sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase SN22 SN32 SN77 SN83 SNA-8073-B snaA snaA and snaB genes snaA gene SnaB SnaB proteins SNAC snaC gene SnaC protein snake venom phosphodiesterase SNAP SnbA SnbA protein snbC SnbC protein SnbD SnbDE protein SnbE SnbE proteins SNF4435C SNG9 SngA sngA-deleted mutant sngR sno gene cluster sno locus SnoA SnoaB SnoaL snoF SnoG snoH snpA transcriptional start site snpR SnpR binding site snpR-activated snpA promoter so-called subunit so-called type I polyketide synthases SO4 Soc SOD SOD1 SOD2 sodF sodF gene sodF genes sodF mRNA sodF operator DNA sodF-like gene sodF1 sodF1 coding region sodF1 gene sodF1 promoter fragments sodF2 sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide gel at 30 kDa sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed 69 kDa sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel slab sodium ML-236B sodium succinate-grown cultures sodN sodN gene sodN gene family sodN mRNA sodN protein family SODs soil bacterium Bacillus cereus strain DF4-B soil chemical factors soil DNA soil factors soil-isolated Streptomyces species Soj Soj DNA-binding mutants sole chitinolytic enzyme sole dehydratase domain sole gyrA gene sole product solid cultures solid n-alkane molecules solid protein solid screening clavan medium showed large clearing zones around Streptomyces colonies solid-state fermentation cultures solubilized enzyme soluble cytoplasmic protein soluble cytosolic enzyme soluble DnaA proteins soluble domain soluble enzyme soluble enzymes soluble ferredoxin soluble ferredoxin reductases soluble glucose kinase soluble glycerol kinase soluble His-tagged fusion protein soluble immune complexes soluble methane monooxygenases soluble monomeric flavin-dependent oxidase soluble monomeric flavoprotein soluble prenyltransferase soluble proteases soluble protein soluble proteins soluble receptor soluble recombinant BxlE protein soluble Sn TGase soluble streptavidin soluble substrates soluble vegetative protein solute-binding protein solute-sodium symporter family solution state NMR solvent molecule somatic cells sonicated Streptomyces griseocarneus cells SOPC sophisticated expression vectors Sor sorA sorB sorbitol oxidase Soret region sorR sortase enzyme SOS repair SOS-green fluorescent protein SOT Southern region SOX SOX enzymes SOX protein SOX-encoding gene Sox/DszC protein SoxR SoxR regulons SoXyn10A soy products soyasaponin I soybean agglutinin soybean globulins soybean lipoxygenase soybean peroxidase soybean trypsin soyC SP sp 201 sp A21 SP I SP I component SP II SP II 66 SP III sp sequence SP-207 SP-27 SP-A-poly-lysine and plasmid SP-C SP-I SP-mdmB Sp1 Sp1 elements Sp1 family transcription factors sP1 promoter Sp1- and Ets-binding sequences sP1-driven cholesterol oxidase Sp181110 Sp2 Sp245 SP4 SP6 SP62/2 SP870 SPA SPA-6952A SPA-8893 SPA10 spa2 spaA spaA gene space group P2 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 space group P3 ( 1 ) 21/P3 space group P4 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 space group P4 ( 3 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 space group P6 ( 4 ) 22 space group P6 ( 5 ) 22 space group R3 spacer fragment spacer region spacer regions SPAK SPase SPase I SPases SpB SPbeta SpbR spbR gene SpbR-binding site SpC SPC-A-1 SPC-A-1 cells spcE gene SpcM SpcN spcN gene SpcR SPCR 3.0 SpcR alleles spd genes Spd79 Spd79-flag Spd79-flag protein spdA spdA and traR genes spdB spdB genes SpdB2 SpdB2-His formed oligomers spdB3 spdBs spdC SPDP SPE speA speB special DNA sequences special labeling sequence special m-RNA special mRNA species Streptomyces xanthochromogenes species-specific factors species-specific mycobacterial antigens specific activator gene specific activator protein specific antibodies specific binding protein specific binding sites specific DNA element specific gene specific hyaluronic acid-binding protein specific promoter region specific protein-binding site specific xylan-binding domain spectabilis 1 spectinomycin biosynthetic gene spectinomycin-pretreated Cmls cells spectinomycin/streptomycin ( spc/str ) resistance gene spectrophotometric peroxidase spectrum beta-lactamases spectrum GC1 enzyme sperm sperm cells sperm proacrosin spermatogonia-derived cell line spermatophyte proteins SPFS SPFX SPH sph gene Sph I Sph I fragments Sph I site Sph I-digested genomic DNA SPH sequence spHAS SpHex SphI SphI ENase gene SphI methyltransferase ( MTase ) -encoding gene SphI restriction site SphI site SphI-G fragment sphingolipid ceramide N-deacylase sphingolipid-rich lipid raft subdomains sphingomyelin sphingomyelin-depleted fibroblasts sphingomyelinase sphingomyelinase C sphIR spi spi fragment spi- and spoIIIE-like gene spi-like genes spike glycoproteins spike protein spin probe spin-label mutants spin-label sites spin-spin couplings 3JHN alpha spinach chloroplast protein spinach FdR spinach ferredoxin spinach ferredoxin reductase spinach ferredoxin-NADP ( + ) reductase/ferredoxin spinach NADPH-malate dehydrogenase spinal cord-derived cell cultures spinning cup sequencer spinosyn molecule spinous keratinocytes spiny-spored species spiral spore chains Spirales spore chains Spirales-type spore chains Spiramycin spiramycin biosynthetic gene spiramycin components Spiramycin I spiramycin I 3-hydroxyl acylase Spiramycin II spiramycin III spiramycin non-producing mutants spiramycin non-producing strains spiramycin polyketide synthase genes spiramycin precursor spiramycin producing strain spiramycin resistance gene spiramycin sensitive strain spiramycin-producing S. ambofaciens strain spiramycin-producing strain S. spiramyceticus F21 spiramycin-producing strain S.spiramyceticus F21 spiramycin-resistance genes spiro [ 4.4 ] nonane 1 spiroketal 75 spiroketal precursor spiroketal ring spiroketal-containing polyketide chain Spiroplasma phylogenetic clusters SPL sPLA2 spleen cells splenic lymphocytes splenocytes splitting fibrin SPM SPM-D SPM-D-resistant cell lines SPM-D-resistant sublines SPMAG Spo Spo 1 Spo0A Spo0J spoIIA product SpoIIAA SpoIIAB SpoIIIE spoIIIE gene SpoIIIE protein SpoIIIE/FtsK- SpoIIIE/FtsK-family protein spongiform encephalopathies proteins spontaneous 2 dgalR mutants spontaneous ATPase spontaneous glk mutants spontaneous non-sporulating mutants Spontaneous resistant mutants spontaneous thiostrepton-resistant mutants Spontaneous white mutants spore 50S r-subunit spore chain spore chains spore coat protein spore populations spore ribosomes spore wall synthesizing complex spore-associated proteins spore-forming cells spore-pigment ketosynthases spore-pigment polyketide synthase sporulation controlling genes sporulation gene sporulation genes sporulation mutant Sporulation mutants sporulation sigma factor sporulation specific sigma factor sporulation transcription factors sporulation-inhibitory and transfer gene sporulation-regulatory genes sporulation-related gamma-D-glutamyl- ( L ) meso-diaminopimelic-acid-hydrolysing peptidase I sporulation-specific proteins sporulation-specific sigma factor sporulation-specific sigma factors sporulation-specific sigmaWhiG-containing form sporulation-specific Streptomyces aureofaciens ( Sa ) sigma factor sporulation-specific transcripts sporulation-specific whiB gene SpoT SpoT ( RelA/SpoT ) family spot 2 spot 4 spoT gene products SpoU enzyme family spoVE/ftsW/rodA family SppA SPR sprA sprA promoter sprB sprB promoter sprC sprC gene sprD gene SprE sprE gene SPRHO sprT sprT gene sprT mRNA sprT transcript sprT-disrupted mutant sprU transcript sprU-disrupted mutant SPSS SPSS software spterp13 spurious sites SPVI SPVI chitinase SPVI genomic DNA SPW681 Spx Spy proteins SQAETQR-monodansylcadaverine fluorophore cross-linking product squalene synthase Squalene-hopene cyclase SR SR-11 Sr.EF-Tu1 Sr.EF-Tu3 proteins SR1 enzyme gene SRA SRA14 SRB SRB probe SRBC Src Src kinase Src kinases Src-family tyrosine kinase SrCl2 srcts-NRK cells sre sre gene Sre protein sre structural gene sre-1 SrfI SRL srmA SrmA protein srmB srmB spiramycin resistance gene srmG srmG promoter srmR srmR gene product srmR mutants srmX sRNA gene sRNA genes sRNAs SrnQ SrnR srnR-interrupted mutant srnRQ DNA SRP SRP components SRP receptor SRP-protein complex SrpI srrA srrB srrC srrC mutants SRRGFLG sequence srrX srrX and srrA genes srrX mutant SrrX protein srrX srrA double mutant srrX-deficient mutant srrY srrY gene srs genes SRS-A SrsA srsB srsC Ss clone SS-288B SS-939 SS07 SS1 SS12 SS13 SS17 SS3 SSAP Ssap gene ssb SSBs sscg_02150 and sscg_03688 genes sscR gene ssDNA elements Sse1825I enzyme Sse8387I sites SSF SSF TGase SsfR SsgA ssgA gene ssgA mutant ssgA null mutants ssgA promoter region ssgA promoters SsgA protein SsgA-like proteins SsgB ssgB deletion mutant ssgB gene product ssgB transcript SsgC SsgD SsgF SsgG SsgR ssgR mutant SsH fragment SSI dimer SSI dimer protein SSI family SSI gene SSI gene promoter ssi homologs SSI member SSI molecule SSI mutant SSI mutants ssi promoter SSI proteins SSI signal sequence SSI subunit SSI variants SSI-AP1 SSI-AP1 fusion protein SSI-AP1 protein SSI-family inhibitors whose sequences SSI-family member SSI-insensitive metalloproteases SSI-like ( SIL ) proteins SSI-like protein SSI-like proteins SSI-sensitive proteases SSI-subtilisin complex SSI-treated culture SSL3 SSM ssmA ssmA gene product SSMP promoter SSO SSO fragments Ssp ssp A ssp gene sspA sspA ) gene sspA-deleted mutant SspI ssrA ssrA and smpB genes ssrA gene ssrA genes SstI SstI fragment SstI restriction endonuclease SstII SSU SSU rRNA ST chitinase ST genes ST molecule ST sequence ST sequences ST transcription-activation sequences ST-1 St-12 ST-2 ST-AF ST-F ST-L11 ST-resistance genes ST. verA ST64B Sta staA staB stability region Stability-enhanced mutants stabilized transient complex stable 1 : 1 enzyme-inhibitor complex stable alpha 2 dimer stable cell lines stable DnaK-HspR-DNA ternary complex stable enzyme-inhibitor complex stable Kan- mutants stable Michaelis complex stable molecules Stable mutants stable non-covalent complex stable pigment-defective mutant clones stable PmR transformants ranged about 15 per 106 target cells stable protoplast type L-form cells stable ternary complex stable ternary complexes stable transfectants stably transfected Drosophila Schneiders cells StaC StaG staggered side-chains staining basic proteins staJ staK StaL staMB StaN stand-alone adenylation domain standalone proteins standard aconitase standard alpha-helical region standard antigen standard commercial chitin standard proteins standard type II polyketide synthase staO StaP StaP-CPA complex staphylococcal cells Staphylococcal endoproteinase staphylococcal phage straight phiPVL staphylococcal protease staphylococcal protein A staphylococcal strains Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin Staphylococcus aureus IS256 family Staphylococcus aureus PC1 enzyme Staphylococcus aureus protease Staphylococcus aureus proteinase Staphylococcus aureus sphingomyelinase C Staphylococcus aureus strain Copenhagen Staphylococcus aureus type II topoisomerases Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase staphylokinase staphylokinase gene staphylolytic enzyme staphylolytic enzymes staphylolytic F2 enzyme staphylolytic protease staR starch had alpha-anomeric forms starch-binding domain starch-casein-nitrate agar Starch-Casin starch-degrading enzymes starch-hydrolyzing enzymes starch-saccharifying Bacillus subtilis alpha-amylase start codon start codon GTG start codon site start codons start site starter molecule starter substrate starter substrates starter unit starter unit-specifying enzymes starter units starting enzyme starting gene STAT STAT coding sequence stat gene STAT translational start codon Stat3 state 1 state 2 static cultures Statins Stationary phase cells stationary phase cultures stationary phase genes stationary phase RNAP stationary-phase cells stationary-phase culture stationary-phase cultures statistical framework staurosporine biosynthetic gene cluster STBR STD-NMR ste ( Streptomyces eps ) gene cluster ste 19 gene ste gene cluster ste11 ste11 gene ste15 ste15 gene ste16 ste16 gene ste17 ste17 gene ste22 ste22 gene ste23 ste23 mutant ste5 ste6 ste6 gene product stearothermophilus N-carbamyl-L-amino acid amidohydrolases steffimycin gene cluster stem cells stem domain step 1 step 2 Step I Step II step5 gene steps 1 and 2 steps 2 and 3 stereochemical details stereospecific ketoreductase stereospecific reductase sterigmatocystin steroid 5 alpha-reductase steroid binding site steroid dehydrogenases steroid molecule steroid product steroid releasing antibodies steroid substrates steroid-binding site steroid-transforming enzymes Sterol 14alpha-demethylase sterol dehydrogenases sterol demethylase CYP51 sterol molecules steviol-16alpha STF Stf0 stfG gene stfX gene stgA stgR StgU STI sti locus sti sequences Sti+ Sti+ plasmid Sti+ plasmids Sti-1 STI2 stilbene biosynthetic genes stimulated mesangial cells STKER-II STKER-III stoichiometric 1 : 1 complex stoichiometric acyladenylate-enzyme complex stoichiometric complex stomatin-like genes stop codon stop codon located 99 bp StoPK-1 stoPK-2 stoPK-4 storage at -20 C storage product STP2201-melC DNA fragment STPK STPs Str str genes str mutants Str- Amy- mutants str-6 strA strA gene strA region straight-chain side chains strain 1 strain 10006 producing 2 enzymes strain 12-6 strain 141R Strain 2608 producing monensin strain 3-1 strain 3-1 mycelium fragments strain A1 strain A1R6 strain A2 strain AP19 strain B2682 cells strain B9 strain BalA1 strain C5 daunorubicin type II polyketide synthase strain C5 dauP gene product strain chromosomal DNA strain D65 strain DSM40697 ( attB ) attachment regions strain formed long spore chains Strain GB-2 strain HH21 strain K50 strain lacking key genes strain MH406-SF1 strain N174 chitosanase strain N174 CSN aa sequence Strain NL15-2K strain No. 1 mutants strain PCB7 strain producing avermectins strain R61 DD-peptidase strain R9 strain Streptomyces sp strain-R61 enzyme strain-specific regions strains had straight chains strains possessing family 19 chitinase genes strand beta 2 strands beta 7 and beta 1 strB strB1 strB1 promoter strB1 promoter fragment strB1FGHIK StrB2 protein strD and strE genes strDEM genes StrE strE gene Strep tag fusion proteins StrepH-treated cultures StrepII-SpdB3 StrepII-TraB protein streptavidin streptavidin antigen streptavidin gene streptavidin molecules streptavidin protein streptavidin proteins streptavidin was 12 mg per ml resin Streptazone A streptidine subunit streptidine-6-phosphate dihydrostreptosyltransferase streptidine-P Streptoalloteichus hindustanus Bm resistance protein Streptochlorin Streptococcal group antigens Streptococcal-group-specific antigens streptococci antigens Streptococcus sanguis II Streptococcus thermophilus ( ST ) chromosomal DNA fragments streptofactin streptogramin A streptogramin antibiotic family streptogramin antibiotic pristinamycin II streptogramin B streptogramin B family streptogramin B lyase streptogramin B lyases streptogramin B molecules Streptogramin B variants streptogramin complex Streptogramin family streptogramin resistance enzymes streptokinase streptolydigin streptolysin streptolytic exo-enzyme Streptomyces ( S ) hyaluronidase Streptomyces 16S rDNA gene Streptomyces 16S rRNA genes Streptomyces abuls G Streptomyces aburaviensis var Streptomyces aceB genes Streptomyces achromogenes Streptomyces acyl carrier proteins Streptomyces albogriseolus 444 Streptomyces alboniger DNA Streptomyces albulus MJ202-72F3 Streptomyces albus enzyme Streptomyces albus G Streptomyces albus G enzyme Streptomyces albus G mutants Streptomyces albus valine dehydrogenase Streptomyces alpha-chitin-binding protein Streptomyces ALR Streptomyces amakusaensis MG846-fF3 Streptomyces aminopeptidases Streptomyces amylases Streptomyces ansochromogenes Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein ( SARP ) family Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein regulatory gene Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory proteins Streptomyces antibiotic resistance genes Streptomyces antibioticus 1 Streptomyces antibioticus genome Streptomyces antibioticus PNPase Streptomyces apotyrosinase Streptomyces argenteolus A-2 Streptomyces aromatic polyketide hydroxylases Streptomyces asochromogenes Streptomyces ATP nucleotide 3-pyrophosphokinase Streptomyces aureofaciens BMK Streptomyces autoregulator receptors Streptomyces autoregulators Streptomyces autoregulatory proteins Streptomyces avermitilis origin Streptomyces avidinii Streptomyces avidinii streptavidin Streptomyces azureus MH663-2F6 Streptomyces bangladeshensis sp Streptomyces beta-xylanase Streptomyces bikiniensis var Streptomyces cacaoi var Streptomyces caelestis NRRL-2821 chromosomal DNA Streptomyces caespitosus neutral protease Streptomyces cattleya fluorinase Streptomyces cells Streptomyces chartreusis strain F2 Streptomyces chitinase Streptomyces chitinase promoters Streptomyces chitinases Streptomyces chitosanase Streptomyces choA gene Streptomyces cholesterol oxidase Streptomyces cholesterol oxidase gene Streptomyces chromofuscus phopsholipase D Streptomyces chromosomes Streptomyces chrysomallus FK506 binding protein Streptomyces chrysomallus var Streptomyces chryzomallus var Streptomyces Cht-encoding genes Streptomyces chymotrypsin-like serine protease Streptomyces cinnamonensis A-10 Streptomyces clavuligerus beta-lactam synthetase Streptomyces clavuligerus beta-lactamase inhibitory protein Streptomyces clavuligerus cefE gene Streptomyces clavuligerus deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase Streptomyces clavuligerus deacetoxycephalsoporin C synthase Streptomyces clavuligerus expandase gene Streptomyces clavuligerus genome Streptomyces clavuligerus genomic DNA Streptomyces clavuligerus isopenicillin N synthase Streptomyces clavuligerus nrdJ gene Streptomyces coelicolor ( p ) ppGpp synthetase Streptomyces coelicolor ( Sc ) valine ( branched-chain amino acid ) dehydrogenase-encoding gene Streptomyces coelicolor A STREPTOMYCES COELICOLOR A3 Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) afsK gene Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) alditol oxidase Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) bldB mutants Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) chitinase G gene Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) chromosome Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) DNA fragment Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) genome Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) glnA gene Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) groEL-like genes Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) H ( + ) -pyrophosphatase Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) H+-pyrophosphatase Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) mutants Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) PL8 enzyme Streptomyces coelicolor A3 ( 2 ) produced actinorhodin Streptomyces coelicolor actIII ORF5 gene Streptomyces coelicolor ActVA-Orf6 Streptomyces coelicolor agarase gene Streptomyces coelicolor agarase protein Streptomyces coelicolor bald ( bld ) mutants Streptomyces coelicolor bldA mutants Streptomyces coelicolor bldG gene Streptomyces coelicolor chromosome Streptomyces coelicolor dagA gene Streptomyces coelicolor dnaE gene Streptomyces coelicolor enzyme Streptomyces coelicolor femX null mutants Streptomyces coelicolor gene Streptomyces coelicolor genes Streptomyces coelicolor genome Streptomyces coelicolor glucose kinase ( glk ) gene Streptomyces coelicolor glutamine synthetase ( GS ) structural gene Streptomyces coelicolor H ( + ) -PPase Streptomyces coelicolor H+-PPase Streptomyces coelicolor isatwo-component flavin-dependent monooxygenase Streptomyces coelicolor leuD gene Streptomyces coelicolor MalR repressor Streptomyces coelicolor mono-oxygenase Streptomyces coelicolor mutants Streptomyces coelicolor nrdR gene Streptomyces coelicolor obg gene Streptomyces coelicolor Pip repressor Streptomyces coelicolor promoters Streptomyces coelicolor propionyl-CoA carboxylase Streptomyces coelicolor protein Streptomyces coelicolor quorum-sensing receptor Streptomyces coelicolor ribosomal protein Streptomyces coelicolor RNA Streptomyces coelicolor rpoC gene Streptomyces coelicolor sapA gene Streptomyces coelicolor ssgA Streptomyces coelicolor THNS Streptomyces coelicolor type II dehydroquinase Streptomyces coelicolor type II enzyme Streptomyces coelicolor vdh gene Streptomyces coelicolor whiB Streptomyces coelicolor whiG Streptomyces coelicolor whiG gene Streptomyces coelicor Streptomyces coeruleorubidus AB Streptomyces coeruleorubidus ME130-A4 Streptomyces collinus fully restored monensin Streptomyces confluent cultures Streptomyces conjugative plasmids Streptomyces consensus Escherichia coli sigma ( 70 ) -like promoters Streptomyces consensus promoter Streptomyces crude products Streptomyces cultures Streptomyces cyaneus SP-27 Streptomyces deoxysugar biosynthesis genes Streptomyces diastaticus strain No.7 M1033 D-xylose Isomerase gene Streptomyces diastatochromogenes Streptomyces diastatochromogenes MK800-62F1 Streptomyces diterpene cyclase Streptomyces dizinc aminopeptidase Streptomyces DNA Streptomyces DnaA protein Streptomyces dnaK Streptomyces E.coli sigma 70-like promoters Streptomyces endo-1 Streptomyces endoglycosidase H Streptomyces enzyme Streptomyces enzymes Streptomyces erythraeus lysozyme Streptomyces erythraeus trypsin Streptomyces eurocidicus mf294 Streptomyces exfoliatus cluster 5 Streptomyces exfoliatus lipA gene Streptomyces expression plasmid Streptomyces extracellular chymotrypsin-like protease family Streptomyces family 19 chitinases streptomyces fermentation products Streptomyces flavovirens MH499-OF1 Streptomyces fni gene product Streptomyces fradiae aph gene Streptomyces fradiae genome Streptomyces fradiae mutants Streptomyces galbus NR Streptomyces galbus var Streptomyces galilaeus ATCC 31615 mutants Streptomyces gene Streptomyces genes Streptomyces genetic maps Streptomyces genome Streptomyces genome sequences Streptomyces genomes Streptomyces glaucescens beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein Streptomyces glaucescens enzyme Streptomyces glaucescens fabH gene Streptomyces glaucescens TcmR protein Streptomyces glaucescens tetracenomycin ( Tcm ) tcmJKLMN genes Streptomyces glaucescens tyrosinase Streptomyces griseoaurantiacus MK393-AF2 Streptomyces griseofuscus gene Streptomyces griseolus gene Streptomyces griseus ( S.G. ) trypsin STreptomyces griseus 2682 cells Streptomyces griseus afsA gene Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase Streptomyces griseus amy gene Streptomyces griseus cells Streptomyces griseus chitinase Streptomyces griseus chitinase C Streptomyces griseus chymotrypsins Streptomyces griseus endocellulase Streptomyces griseus metalloendopeptidase Streptomyces griseus mutants Streptomyces griseus peptidase B Streptomyces griseus photoreactivating enzyme Streptomyces griseus pronase Streptomyces griseus protease Streptomyces griseus protease A Streptomyces griseus protease B Streptomyces griseus protease C Streptomyces griseus proteases A Streptomyces griseus proteases B Streptomyces griseus proteinase Streptomyces griseus proteinase A Streptomyces griseus proteinase B Streptomyces griseus proteinases A Streptomyces griseus RX-17 Streptomyces griseus saf gene Streptomyces griseus SS-1198PR Streptomyces griseus trypsin Streptomyces griseus yields five proteolytic fragments Streptomyces gyrase Streptomyces H 273 N-SY2 Streptomyces HAase Streptomyces HAases Streptomyces halstedii Streptomyces halstedii His-tagged xysA gene Streptomyces hazeliensis var Streptomyces hormones called butyrolactone autoregulators Streptomyces hyalurolyticus hyaluronidase Streptomyces hyaluronan lyase Streptomyces hyaluronate lyase Streptomyces hyaluronidase Streptomyces hyaluronidase-sensitive 3-5 nm microfibrils Streptomyces hyaluronidases Streptomyces hygroscopicus 155 producing nigericin Streptomyces hygroscopicus aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus bar gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus complex Streptomyces hygroscopicus gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus hyg gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus LP-93 Streptomyces hygroscopicus phosphinothricin acetyl transferase ( PAT ) gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene Streptomyces hygroscopicus producing bialaphos Streptomyces hygroscopicus SU-A5 Streptomyces hygroscopicus var Streptomyces initiator tRNA Streptomyces K15 DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein Streptomyces K15 enzyme Streptomyces kanamyceticus 1375 and 1 Streptomyces kanamyceticus mutants Streptomyces KcsA gene Streptomyces killer toxin-like protein Streptomyces KSM-9 beta-1 Streptomyces kurssanovii cells Streptomyces laccases Streptomyces lasaliensis NRRL 3382R Streptomyces leader sequences Streptomyces levoris 96 Streptomyces levoris A-9 Streptomyces linear chromosomal DNA Streptomyces linear chromosomes Streptomyces linear plasmid Streptomyces linear plasmids Streptomyces lipase sequences Streptomyces lipmanii epimerase gene Streptomyces litmogenes Streptomyces lividans Streptomyces lividans 66 Streptomyces lividans 66 cell-free cultures Streptomyces lividans 66 produced spontaneous chloramphenicol-sensitive mutants Streptomyces lividans 66 ZX7 Streptomyces lividans acetylxylan esterase Streptomyces lividans cells Streptomyces lividans chromosome Streptomyces lividans cultures Streptomyces lividans gene Streptomyces lividans plasmid 1 Streptomyces lividans strain 66 Streptomyces lividans TK54-HT cells Streptomyces lividans when RNA Streptomyces lividans xylanase A Streptomyces lividans xylanase B Streptomyces luteogriseus DO-86 Streptomyces melanochromogenes Streptomyces methyltransferases Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase Streptomyces morookaensis ATP nucleotide pyrophosphokinase Streptomyces morookaensis nucleotide 3-pyrophosphokinase Streptomyces narbonensis 2a producing beta-1 Streptomyces nashvillensis MD743-GF4 Streptomyces nashvillensis MJ885-mF8 Streptomyces nodosus MH190-16F3 Streptomyces NOS Streptomyces noursei 3890b Streptomyces NrdR protein Streptomyces nucleotide 3-pyrophosphokinase Streptomyces olivaceoviridis A1 Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 Streptomyces olivaceoviridis xylanase XYNB Streptomyces olivochromogenes Streptomyces pab promoter Streptomyces pathway-specific transcriptional activators Streptomyces pathway-specific transcriptional regulators Streptomyces paulus strain 273 Streptomyces peucetius cytosolic proteins Streptomyces peucetius DnrI protein Streptomyces peucetius gene Streptomyces phaeochromogenes Streptomyces phaerochromogenes Streptomyces phage phiC31 integrase Streptomyces photolyase Streptomyces plasmid Streptomyces plasmid pSS27 fragments Streptomyces plasmid-encoded Kor proteins Streptomyces plasmids Streptomyces populations Streptomyces PPM proteins Streptomyces produced lipase Streptomyces promoter Streptomyces promoter motif Streptomyces promoters Streptomyces pronases Streptomyces protease Streptomyces protease inhibitor protein Streptomyces proteases streptomyces protein-peroxidase Streptomyces proteinase Streptomyces proteins Streptomyces qinlingensis sp Streptomyces RecA protein Streptomyces RecA proteins Streptomyces regenerated cells Streptomyces rel mutants Streptomyces rimosus R6 Streptomyces RNA Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4 Streptomyces rochei A2 Streptomyces rochei A2 chromosomal DNA Streptomyces roseochromogenes Streptomyces roseoflavus var Streptomyces roseosporus mutants Streptomyces roseus MA839-A1 Streptomyces rubellomurinus genes Streptomyces rubellomurinus sp Streptomyces rubiginosus glucose isomerase Streptomyces rubiginosus XI Streptomyces rubiginosus xylose isomerase Streptomyces rutgersensis var Streptomyces setonii 75Vi2 shake flask cultures Streptomyces sialidases Streptomyces sioyaensis 1 Streptomyces sp Streptomyces sp7 Streptomyces sparsogenes Streptomyces species Streptomyces species-encoded enzymes Streptomyces species-produced enzymes Streptomyces spheroides 35 spores produced mutants Streptomyces spiramyceticus WSJ-1 Streptomyces strain MJ858-NF3 Streptomyces strain R61 DD-carboxypeptidase Streptomyces strain-R61 DD-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase enzyme Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor ( SSI ) family Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor family Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor-like ( SIL ) proteins Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor-like proteins Streptomyces subtilisin-inhibitor-encoding gene Streptomyces subtilisin-inhibitor-like ( SIL ) inhibitor family Streptomyces telomere complex Streptomyces thermocyaneoviolaceus keto ester reductase Streptomyces thermovulgaris produced multiple protease enzymes Streptomyces tokunonensis sp Streptomyces type cultures Streptomyces type II aromatic PKS Streptomyces tyrosinase gene Streptomyces tyrosinases Streptomyces vector plasmids Streptomyces vegetative promoters Streptomyces verticillus var Streptomyces vinaceus viomycin phosphotransferase ( vph ) mRNA Streptomyces vinaceus vph gene Streptomyces violaceoruber D-xylose isomerase Streptomyces violaceoruber genes Streptomyces violaceus cultures Streptomyces virginiae barA gene Streptomyces viridochromogenes Streptomyces viridochromogenes genome Streptomyces viridochromogenes MH534-30F3 Streptomyces viridogenes Streptomyces viridosporus T7A Streptomyces wedmorensis enzyme Streptomyces were potent B-lymphocyte mitogens Streptomyces xanthochromogenes Streptomyces xanthophaeus MJ244-SF1 Streptomyces xylanase genes Streptomyces xylanases Streptomyces-derived bialaphos resistance gene Streptomyces-derived hyaluronidase Streptomyces-E.coli-type promoter Streptomyces-encoded factor streptomyces-hyaluronidase Streptomyces-inoculated cultures Streptomycesthermophilus J57 which lacked pectinase streptomycete 16S rDNAs streptomycete 16S ribosomal DNA sequences Streptomycete alpha-amylases streptomycete amylases streptomycete cat mRNA streptomycete cell streptomycete cellulase Streptomycete chitinase streptomycete cholesterol oxidase gene streptomycete chromosome streptomycete colonies Streptomycete cultures Streptomycete endopeptidase streptomycete enzymes streptomycete factor Streptomycete family 19 chitinases streptomycete formed glucanase streptomycete gene streptomycete genes streptomycete genomes streptomycete histidase streptomycete IPNS proteins streptomycete linear plasmids streptomycete plasmids streptomycete populations streptomycete products streptomycete proteins streptomycete RNAP alpha streptomycete sigma factors streptomycete species streptomycete type-II polyketide synthases streptomycete-like promoter sequence streptomycetes aac genes streptomycetes aph genes Streptomycetes caesipitosus protease streptomycetes causing potato scab streptomycetes proteins Streptomycetes species showed enzyme streptomycin ( Sm ) biosynthetic genes streptomycin ( SM ) gene cluster streptomycin ( SM ) production genes streptomycin 6-kinase streptomycin 6-phosphotransferase streptomycin biosynthesis-arginine amidinotransferase streptomycin biosynthetic enzymes streptomycin biosynthetic gene streptomycin biosynthetic genes streptomycin cluster-situated regulator streptomycin family streptomycin kinase streptomycin molecule streptomycin phosphotransferase streptomycin phosphotransferase gene streptomycin phosphotransferases streptomycin resistance factor streptomycin resistance gene streptomycin susceptibility markers streptomycin-6-kinase streptomycin-6-phosphotransferase streptomycin-coding gene streptomycin-nonproducing mutants streptomycin-nonproducing variant streptomycin-producing Streptomyces griseus strain 7-455F3 streptomycin-production genes streptomycin-resistance genes streptomycin-sensitive ( StrS- ) variants streptomycin-sensitive allele streptomycin/spectinomycin-resistance gene streptomyciu molecule Streptonigrin Streptorubin B streptorubin B. Fatty acid biosynthetic enzymes Streptothricin acetyltransferase streptothricin acetyltransferase ( STAT ) gene streptothricin acetyltransferases streptothricin isomers streptothricin resistance genes streptothricin-resistance gene streptothricin-type antibiotic nourseothricin streptovaricin complex Streptoverticillium baldaccii Streptoverticillium species produced proteins streptovirudin complex Streptozotocin Stresgenin B stress proteins stress-activated mitogen-activated protein stress-induced proteins Stress-response sigma factor stress-response sigma factors stress-response sporulation-specific sigma-factor gene stress-response-specific sigma factors stress-responsive proteins stress-responsive sigmaB stress-responsive sigmaB-like protein strF and/or strG genes strH gene stringent factor stringent factor-mimic ppGpp synthetase strK gene StrK protein StrL strL coding dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase StrM StrN strong aphII promoter strong charge.transfer complex strong constitutive ermE* promoter strong constitutive ermE*p promoter strong constitutive promoter strong helix-turn-helix motif strong pLac promoter strong promoter strong SnpR-activated snpA promoter strong Streptomyces promoters strong-andconstitutive promoter strQ StrQ protein StrR strR gene strR promoter strR promoter region StrR protein StrR-binding sites StrS StrS family strS marker structural components structural domains structural elements structural gene structural gene cluster structural genes structural genomics protein structural genomics proteins structural homologies between 50 S proteins structural Kanr gene structural luciferase genes structural motifs structural proteins structural region structural repeats structural subunits structural surface proteins structural xlnC gene structurally characterized lipases structurally uncharacterized Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein family structure gene structure-enzyme StrV StrX StsB StsC ( 45.5 kDa ) proteins StsC protein sttA and sttR mRNAs sttA gene sttA transcripts SttH sttR sttR gene sttR mRNA Stuart factor StuI Stv STX-I STX-II STX-III stx-III genes encoded deduced proteins STX-IV Stx15 Stx18 STXF10 StxI stxI gene StxII StxIII stxIV gene STZ SU2 sua promoter suaC and subC genes suaC gene suaP sub-G1 population sub-units subC gene subconfluent cells subdomain Subdomain alpha subdomains submerged actinomycete cultures submerged batch cultures submerged culture complex submerged cultures submerged-fermentation cultures subsequent tailoring enzymes substrate binding domain substrate binding protein substrate binding site substrate binding sites substrate elements substrate glycoproteins substrate molecules Substrate proteins substrate-binding domain substrate-binding domains substrate-binding protein substrate-binding region substrate-binding site subtelomeric DNA subterranean brood cells subtilisin BPN-SSI complex subtilisin family subtilisin-inhibitor protein subtilisin-like enzyme subtilisin-like enzymes subtilisin-like proteases subtilisin-like serine protease subtilisin-like serine proteases subtilisin-resistant core protein subtilisin-SLPI complex subtilisin-SSI complexes subtilisin-type serine proteases subunit 3 subunit beta2 Subunit II subunits subunits 1 and 2 succinate dehydrogenase succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase succinic thiokinase succinyl-CoA succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase Such enzymes sucrose phosphorylase sucrose synthase sufficient peroxidase sugar beet chitinase IV gene sugar binding protein sugar biosynthesis genes sugar biosynthetic cassette plasmids sugar biosynthetic genes sugar C sugar chains sugar kinase sugar methyltransferase gene sugar nucleotide processing enzymes Sugar phosphate phosphohydrolase sugar-binding lipoprotein sugar-modifying aminotransferase sugar-modifying enzyme sugar-specific PTS components sugar-transport proteins suicide plasmid suitable tRNA gene Sulfolobus solfataricus glnA gene sulfonamide-resistance gene sulfonyl enzyme sulfonylurea monooxygenase sulfur products sulfur-linked dimer Sundarbans region sup gene Supercos-1 clones superfamily superoxide dismutase superoxide dismutase family Superoxide dismutase II Superoxide dismutases superoxide-dismutases suppressor gene surface antigens surface cultures surface glycoprotein surface protein antigens surface proteins surface region surface regions surface translocator family surface-active molecules surface-active peptide streptofactin surface-active proteins surface-associated proteins surface-exposed binding site surface-exposed N terminus surface-expressed homomeric chimeras surface-grown cultures surfactant protein surfactin surrogate aldolase surrounding genes susceptible cells Suspended-cell cultures suspension-cultured poplar cells SV-3T3 cells SV-40 SV40 SV40 DNA SV40 early genes SV40 early promoter SV5 nucleocapsid protein SV5 spike glycoproteins SV5 spike proteins SVM2 SVM2-2A7 Svp svp gene Svp protein SVP1 SVP2 SVP3 SvsR SW-1 Sw-HppE gene SW620 Swa I fragments Swetase SWICZ SWISS-PROT Swiss-Prot 23 databases SXDXGXTW motifs SXN SXN element SXXK SXXK and KTG motifs SYBR symmetrical linear repeat Symmetrical sequences symmetry-related half-barrels symmetry-related sites symport protein symporter families symporter proteins symvastatin synaptic complexes synovial cells syntenous genes synthase complex synthase gene synthase protein synthase-like proteins synthesized protein synthetase synthetase-dihydrofolate synthetases synthetic 44 base oligonucleotide probe synthetic anti-malarial gene synthetic cre ( a ) gene synthetic DNA synthetic DNA fragment synthetic DNA probe synthetic DNAs synthetic Escherichia coli-like consensus promoter synthetic flp ( a ) gene synthetic flp gene synthetic gene Synthetic genes synthetic lux genes synthetic oligonucleotide adapter sequence synthetic oligonucleotide probe synthetic oligonucleotide sequences synthetic oligonucleotides synthetic peptide antibody synthetic phosphinothricin acetyltransferase ( PAT ) gene synthetic plant promoter synthetic products synthetic promoter synthetic promoters synthetic ribosome-binding ( Shine-Dalgarno ) sequence synthetic ribosome-binding site synthetic sequence synthetic Shine-Dalgarno sequence synthetic Tc controllable promoter synton 2 syrB2 syrB2 gene system II T ( 2 ) AG T ( 2 ) AG ( 3 ) ] ( n ) primer molecules T ( H ) 2 cytokine T ( thcA ) transcriptional terminator T 1/2 T and B cells T cell derived cell lines T cell growth factors T cell lines T cell subsets T cell-derived soluble mediators T cells T killer cells T lymphocyte T lymphocytes T seven nucleotides upstream T T G T- and B-lymphocytes T-2636M T-76 T-76 molecule T-76 mutants T-cell antigens T-cell receptor T-cell-activating monokines T-DNA T-DNA constructs T-DNA donor plasmid T-DNA genetic markers T-lymphocyte T-N T-N11-A motif T-N11-A motifs T-RFLP T-rich regions T-tropic X4 HIV-1 strains T. fusca T. fusca cellulase genes T. fusca cellulases T. fusca cultures T. fusca DNA T. fusca E2 T. fusca endocellulase T. fusca endocellulases T. fusca endoglucanases T. fusca enzymes T. fusca protease T. thermophilus homologs T. thermophilus phosphatase T. torosa neural crest cells T. viride 18/17 T/KPLD T1 T1 family T1 RNases T109-3 arylsulfatase T112 T134 T160A T168A T17K T190P T190P mutant T190S T1dD protein family T1DM T2 T22 T235 T24 T24 cells T24 human bladder carcinoma cells T2R T2R genes T3 T3-1 T30 T4 T4 DNA ligase T4 DNA polymerase T4-type lysozymes T482 T4L T5 promoter t50 T63R T6G motif T7 T7 promoter T7 promoter-based vector T7 RNA polymerase T7 RNA polymerase-dependent pT7-7 expression vector T7-RNA-polymerase-dependent expression vector T72A T72C T7A T7A enzyme T7A peroxidases T84 T91A T98G cells T98G glioma cells TA TA-3037A TA-3391 TA-se TA100 TA1538 TA98 TAA-stop codons Table 1 Table 6 tablet dosage form tac tac promoter tac-promoter tacB gene tachykinins Tada TAG TAG species TAG stop codon TAG synthase tag-reading frames tagged cytoplasmic domain tagged DnaA proteins TAI 536 TAI 537 TAIL tail genes tail proteins tail regions tail sheath protein tailoring enzymes TAK-637 TAK-779 TAKAHASHI TAM enzymes TAM family TAMEP TAMEP-activated TGase TAN-1030A TAN-1518 A TAN-868 A TAN-950 A TAN-950 complex TAN-999 tandem 6 bp palindromic repeat tandem 8.0-kb repeats tandem coding sequences tandem copies per genome tandem domains Tandem ketosynthase ( KS ) domains tandem KS domains tandem open reading frames tandem oriT loci tandem promoters tandem PRPL promoters tandem PRPLPT7 promoters tandem PRPT7 or PRPLPT7 promoters tandem PRPT7 promoters tandem repeat tandem repeat domain tandem repeats tandem segments tandem Shine Dalgarno sequences tandem soluble domains tandemly arranged tandemly arranged promoters tandemly reiterated sequence tannin -- pullulanase ( TP ) complex Tap tap and tpg genes tap gene Tap proteins TAPI TAPI-regulated TGase TapL TAPs TaqI TaqI methylase TaqI methylases TAR RNA TarA target cell target cells target DNA target DNA fragments target DNA site target enzyme target enzymes target gene target genes target nucleic acid sequences target promoters target proteases target protein target proteins target region target sequence target sequences target site target sites target transphosphatidylated product target-recognition region targeted all genes targeted proteins targets transcription unit Tat Tat complex Tat complexes Tat components tat genes Tat pathway transports folded proteins Tat proteins Tat substrates Tat subunits Tat translocases Tat-dependent extracellular proteins Tat-dependent precursor proteins Tat-dependent preproteins Tat-dependent protein Tat-dependent proteins Tat-dependent signal sequence Tat-dependent signal sequences Tat-dependent xylanase C Tat-exported AldO Tat-exported proteins Tat-induced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ( HIV-1 ) long terminal repeat Tat-targeting sequence Tat-targeting xlnC signal sequence Tat/Sec precursors TatA TATA box tatA deletion TatA proteins TATA-box TATA-like motifs TatABC TatAC tatB TatB protein TatB proteins TatB-like component TatBC tatC TatC component tatC deletion mutant tatC disruption mutant TatC homologues tatC insertion mutant tatC mutant TatC protein TatC subunits TATTCT tautomerase tautomeric form Tautomycetin Tax TB TB mutant TB rpoB gene fragment TB was 5 TB yielded TB-specific PCR products TB-specific DNA TBA TBDB TBL TBL-associated sites TbmA TbmB TbSP1 TbSP1 phospholipase Tc TC-producing strains TC1 TC1 genome TC1/mariner superfamily TC10 TCA TCA codon TCA cycle aconitase TCA cycle aconitase gene TCA-precipitable protein TCAGN12TCAG TCCCA TcCRM1 TCFs tchA tchA gene Tcm Tcm A2 Tcm A2 oxygenase Tcm B3 tcm biosynthetic and resistance genes Tcm C TCM C polyketide synthase genes Tcm C- null mutant TCM D3 TCM E TCM F1 Tcm F1 monooxygenase TCM F2 Tcm F2 cyclase tcm gene cluster TCM PKS Tcm PKS complex Tcm PKS components Tcm type II polyketide synthase TCM- mutant tcmA tcmA gene tcmA tetracenomycin C resistance gene tcmA-tcmR intergenic region tcmG tcmG gene tcmG gene product tcmG promoter TcmG protein tcmGHIJKLMNO operon TcmH tcmH gene TcmH protein tcmI tcmI gene tcmI gene product TcmI protein tcmII-tcmIV region tcmIII tcmIII ( tcmG ) mutant TcmJ tcmJ gene TcmJ protein TcmJKLM proteins TcmK TcmK ketoacyl synthase tcmK KSalpha tcmK mutant TcmK protein TcmK/TcmL ketosynthase subunits TcmKL tcmKLM tcmKLM beta-ketoacyl : ACP synthase and acyl carrier protein ( ACP ) genes tcmKLM polyketide synthase gene products TcmKLMN proteins tcmKLMN177 genes TcmL TcmL chain length factor tcmL deletion mutants tcmL KSbeta subunit genes TcmM TcmM ACP TcmM ACP component tcmM ACP gene TcmM acyl carrier protein tcmM gene TcmN tcmN aromatase/cyclase tcmN cyclase genes tcmN gene tcmN gene product tcmN N-terminal domain TcmN polyketide cyclase TcmN protein TcmN substrate tcmN177 tcmN177 gene tcmO tcmO blocked mutants tcmO gene tcmP tcmPG intergenic region TcmR tcmR gene tcmR genes tcmR promoters TcmR protein tcmVI region tcmVII ( tcmP ) mutant tcp830 tcp830 promoter TcPABP1 Tcr TcR structural gene TcrA tcrC tcrC gene tcrC gene product TCs TCS cognate pairs TCS complement TCSs TCT codons TDH TDP TDP-D TDP-D-glucose dehydratases TDP-D-glucose was 309 nmol min-1 ( mg protein ) -1 TDP-glucose 3-aminotransferase TDP-glucose 4-ketoreductase TDP-glucose dehydratase TDP-glucose synthase TDT TE domain TE domains TE II TE IIs Te-domains Tea TEI domain teicoplanin teicoplanin complex TEII TEII enzyme TEII gene TEIIs teleocidin Teleocidin A teleocidin B telomerase telomerase-positive cells telomere associated protein telomere binding complex telomere DNA telomere promoter telomere replication protein telomere-adjacent locus telomere-associated protein telomere-containing linear plasmids telomere-protecting terminal protein telomeres ( ALT ) -positive cells telomeric proteins telomeric regions telomeric replication proteins Telomestatin telomestatin molecules TEM-1 TEM-1 beta-lactamase TEM-1 enzyme TEM-type enzymes temperate Myxococcus xanthus phage Mx8 genome temperate phage excisionases temperature 45-55 degrees C. Enzyme temperature gave us delta temperature sensitive delivery plasmid temperature sensitive Escherichia coli murF mutant temperature sensitive Escherichia coli secA mutants temperature-inducible gene temperature-labile serine protease temperature-sensitive allele temperature-sensitive cts1 mutant temperature-sensitive delivery plasmid temperature-sensitive DNA replication mutant temperature-sensitive hybrid plasmid Temperature-sensitive integration plasmids temperature-sensitive Kirsten sarcoma virus-infected rat kidney cells temperature-sensitive MAT temperature-sensitive mutant temperature-sensitive mutant Rous sarcoma virus-infected NRK cells temperature-sensitive plasmid temperature-sensitive repressor temperature-sensitive tyrosinase template DNA Tenax TA tendae autoregulator receptor Tendamistat Tendamistat gene Tendamistat ribosome binding site terminal 232 nt contained 10 palindromic sequences terminal 4.1-kb SpeI fragments terminal contingency regions terminal cytochrome oxidase terminal DEBS thioesterase terminal DNA fragments terminal domain terminal electron acceptor terminal enzyme terminal fragments terminal globular domains terminal inverted repeats terminal inverted repeats sequences terminal oxygenase subunit terminal palindromes terminal protein terminal protein homologues terminal proteins terminal pyrrole moieties terminal pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid moieties terminal regions terminal segments terminal sequences terminal thioesterase terminal thioesterase domain terminally bound proteins terminase termination site terminator/initiator ATGA sequence terminus ternary CmcI-Mg2+-SAM complex ternary complex ternary complexes ternary ES*A complex terpene cyclase terpene cyclases terpene products terpene synthases terpenoid subunits terpentecin non-producing mutants terrestrial chitinases test cultures test plant species test substrates testicular HAase testicular HAases testicular hyaluronidase testicular hyaluronidases Testosterone 17beta-dehydrogenase testosterone 5 alpha-reductase testosterone-dependent enzyme testosterone-responsive SC 115 cells testosterone-responsive Shionogi carcinoma 115 cells tet ( O ) and tet ( W ) genes tet ( O ) gene tet gene Tet K Tet M tet promoter Tet Q tet-promoter tet347 tet347 gene tet347 protein tetA tetA plasmid tetAB tetB tetB gene TetB P tetB plasmid TetC tethered acyl carrier protein TetR TetR family TetR family receptors tetR gene TetR homologue TetR regulator family tetR regulatory genes TetR-family regulator TetR-family regulators TetR-family transcriptional regulatory proteins TetR-like DNA-binding motif TetR-like transcriptional repressor tetR-regulated essential genes tetR-regulated P ( tet ) promoter tetrabenzyl-6 tetracenomycin ( Tcm ) A2 tetracenomycin ( TCM ) C gene cluster Tetracenomycin ( Tcm ) F1 monooxygenase tetracenomycin ( Tcm ) F2 Tetracenomycin ( Tcm ) F2 cyclase tetracenomycin A2 tetracenomycin aromatase/cyclase tetracenomycin B2 tetracenomycin B2 oxygenase tetracenomycin biosynthetic gene cluster tetracenomycin C tetracenomycin C and plasmids tetracenomycin C polyketide synthase tetracenomycin C polyketide synthase genes tetracenomycin C-nonproducing mutants tetracenomycin F1 monooxygenase tetracenomycin F2 but plasmids tetracenomycin F2 cyclase tetracenomycin intermediate TcmF1 tetracenomycin polyketide synthase tetracenomycins F2 tetrachloro-1 tetracyclic mithramycin precursor tetracyclic Streptomyces products tetracyclin tetracycline dehydrogenase tetracycline efflux protein tetracycline efflux proteins tetracycline molecules tetracycline promoter tetracycline resistance gene tetracycline resistance genes tetracycline resistance proteins tetracycline resistance region tetracycline sensitive variants tetracycline-producing strains tetracycline-resistance ( TcR ) gene tetracycline-resistance genes tetracycline-resistance proteins tetracycline-resistant cells tetracycline-resistant mutants Tetracycline-sensitive variants tetracyctine sensitive variants tetraene carboxamide chains tetraene rimocidin Tetrafibricin Tetrafungin tetragonal P4 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 tetragonal space group P4 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) 2 tetrahedral addition complex tetrahydrofurane and 1 tetrahydroisoquinoline family tetrahydrolipstatin tetrahydrolyngbyatoxin A tetramer tetramer being 1.4 tetramer containing four subunits tetramer structure tetramer-associated polyP Tetrameric 20 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase tetrameric channel complex tetrameric channels tetrameric complex tetrameric complexes tetrameric enzyme tetrameric form tetrameric glucose/xylose isomerase tetrameric glycoprotein tetrameric K+ channel tetrameric molecule tetrameric potassium channel tetrameric protein tetrameric quaternary structure tetrameric streptavidin tetrameric Streptomyces coelicolor type II polyketide ketoreductase tetrameric structure tetrameric xylose isomerase tetramerization domains tetramers tetrametric molecule tetranactin tetranactin resistance gene tetranucleotide 3 extensions whose sequence Tetraoleoylcardiolipin tetrapeptide degradation product tetrapeptidyl peptidase tetrapetalone A tetrapetalone B tetrasaccharide ( B-E rings ) segments tetrasaccharide chains tetrasaccharide moieties tetrasaccharide product Tetratricopeptide repeat tetronasin tetronasin-resistance determinants tetronothiodin TEWL TF Tf cel5B TF regulator TF-binding site tfa tfa amylase tfa coding sequence TFBS TFBSs TfH TFIIB tfpA TfR TFs TfxA TfxA-cat TG TG1 TGA TGA stop codon TGA stop codons TGA termination codon TGA translational stop codon TGA triplets TGACN19TGAC TGase TGase fragments TGase gene TGase protein TGase substrate TGase-activating protease TGases TGATAA TGEA TGF alpha TGF alpha hybrid protein TGF beta 1 TGF-beta TGF-beta isoforms TGF-beta-1 TGF-beta-3 TGF-beta1 TGGTCTAGACCA TGS Th resistance-encoding gene TH-2 TH-2PLD TH-2PLD mutants TH-3 TH-3PAP TH-3PAP showed enzyme TH-4 TH-4AP Th-inducible tipA promoter TH125 TH2 TH3 Tha thanatin-fused protein thaxtomin A thaxtomin A-binding sites thaxtomin biosynthetic gene thaxtomin biosynthetic gene cluster thaxtomin biosynthetic genes thaxtomin synthetase thaxtomin toxin family theA theA and theB genes theB them generated nonproducing mutants thermolabile protein thermolabile repressor thermolabile xylose isomerases thermolysin thermolysin-like metalloproteases thermolysin-like proteases thermolysin-talopeptin complex thermolysin-type enzymes thermolysinlike metalloproteinases Thermomonospora fusca genes thermophilic alkaline protease thermophilic hydrolase thermophilic nitrilase thermophilic protease thermophilic proteases thermophilic Thermomonospora fusca TfxA family 11 xylanases thermophilic xylanase thermophilic xylose ( glucose ) isomerase Thermoplasma acidophilum tricorn-interacting F1 thermostable alpha-amylase Thermostable cellulase thermostable chimaeric enzymes thermostable chitinase thermostable chitinase gene thermostable D-xylose-glucose isomerase thermostable enzyme thermostable extracellular alpha-amylase thermostable malate dehydrogenase gene thermostable proteases thermostable protein thermostable xylanase thermostable xylanase gene thermostable xylose ( glucose ) isomerase thermostable xylose isomerases Thermotoga maritima xynA gene Thermus thermophilus genes thiazole-containing hybrid peptide-polyketide natural product thiazole-forming nonribosomal peptide synthetase thienamycin ( thn ) gene cluster thienamycin biosynthetic gene cluster thienamycin cyclase gene thienamycin molecule thienamycin non-producing mutants ThiJ/PfpI/DJ-1-like dimerization domain thin fibrils thioacetal-forming enzyme thioester substrates thioesterase thioesterase ( TE ) domain thioesterase domain thioesterase domains thioesterase gene thioesterase genes thioesterase GXSXG motif thioesterase II thioesterase II gene thioesterase motif thioesterase-like protein thioesterases thiol peroxidase thiol-proteases thiolases thiolation domain thiolation domains thiolester donor substrates thiolester substrates thiolsubtilisin thioltrypsin thiopeptide antimicrobial complex Thiopeptin thiopeptin B thiophenoxycefoxitin ThioR ThioR vectors thioredoxin thioredoxin 1 thioredoxin 2 thioredoxin A thioredoxin disulphide reductase thioredoxin gene thioredoxin oxidoreductase thioredoxin reductase thioredoxin reductase-thioredoxin thioredoxin-1 thioredoxin-2 thioredoxin-encoding gene thioredoxins thiostrepton resistance ( tsr ) gene thiostrepton resistance gene thiostrepton resistance gene probe thiostrepton resistant gene thiostrepton-induced promoter thiostrepton-induced protein thiostrepton-induced transcriptional activator protein thiostrepton-inducible promoter thiostrepton-inducible PtipA promoter thiostrepton-inducible Streptomyces lividans promoter thiostrepton-inducible tip promoter thiostrepton-inducible tipA promoter thiostrepton-resistance ( tsr ) gene thiostrepton-resistance gene thiostrepton-resistance gene fragment third domain third domains third enzyme third gene third group genes third potential promoter third protein third quarter region third subunit thirteenth most abundant element THL THN thn gene cluster THN synthase THN-derived melanins thnF thnG mutant ThnH thnI thnJ thnK thnL thnP thnQ thnR THNS ThnT ThnU thnU disrupted mutant thpD Thr Thr ( 69 ) -Lys ( 70 ) sequence thr genes Thr peaks Thr unit thr-1 Thr-165 Thr-168 Thr-235 Thr-phosphorylated site Thr101 Thr12 Thr12 side chain Thr141 Thr17 Thr1Ogamma Thr220 Thr299 Thr301 Thr378 Thr39 Thr40 Thr40 O gamma 1 Thr433 Thr45 Thr59 Thr64 Thr64-Val69 Thr83 O gamma 1 thrB thrB gene thrE thrE inactivation mutant three genes three-component enzyme threonine deaminase threonine dehydratase threonine dehydrogenase threonine protease threonine synthase threonine synthases Threonine-168 throat cultures thrombin thrombin-cleaved form Thrombospondin 1 thrombospondin 1 molecule thrombospondin 1 trimer thrombospondin-like motifs 1 THX ThxA thy- tetracycline-resistant mutant thymidine 5-phosphotransferase thymidine diphosphate glucose 3-aminotransferase thymidine diphosphate glucose 4-ketoreductase thymidine diphospho-glucose 2 thymidine kinase thymidylate synthetase thymidylate synthetases thymocyte thymocyte nuclease thymocytes thyroid cells Thz Ti plasmid TI-1 TI-2 TI-C3 tiamulin ticarcillin TiCl3 tight binding sites tight hydrogen-bond donor site tight inhibitory complexes tightly regulated methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase ( AOX1 ) promoter TIGR TIM barrel domain TIM barrel structure TIM-barrel fold protein timed Micromonospora cultures times many cross-linked units TIMPs TioR TioS TioY tip tip growth mutants TipA tipA gene tipA promoter tipA promoters TipA proteins tipA transcriptional start site tipA translational start codon TipA-box TipA-thiostrepton complex TipAL tipAL gene TipAL protein tipAp tipAp accB conditional mutant TipAS TipAS protein TipAS proteins TipAS-thiostrepton complex TIR TIR polymorphism TIR sequence TIR-L TIR-R TIR1 tir1 mutants tir1-1 Tirandalydigin Tirandamycin A tirandamycin biosynthetic gene cluster TIRs tissue cells tissue culture tissue culture cells Tissue HA tissue plasminogen activator tissue required hyaluronidase tissue-specific isoforms tissue-specific promoter tissue-type transglutaminase titer producing mutant TK 64 TK-21 TK-23 TK-24 TK20 TK21 TK23 TK24 TK24 cells TK24 recA gene TK54 TK64 TK64 chromosome TK64 genome TK64.1 TK66 TKM31 TLC TLCK TLCK-trypsin TLE-Se about 10 ( 5 ) times TLM TLM biosynthetic gene cluster TLM gene cluster TLM non-producing mutant tlmE tlmE glycosyltransferase gene TLMs TLN TLP tlr genes tlr1 tlr2 tlr2 gene tlrA tlrA gene tlrA product tlrA protein tlrA-encoded enzyme TlrB tlrB and tlrD genes tlrB gene TlrB protein tlrC TlrC aa sequence TlrC protein tlrD tlrD product TlrD proteins TlyA Tm TM-224 Tm-25 TM1 TM10 TM11 TM12 TM2 TM2 segments TM51 expression library TM9 TMC TMC biosynthetic genes TMC chain TMC PKS catalytic domains TMC-1 A TMC-49A TMC-66 TMC-86A TMC-86B TMC-95 TMC-96 TMC-producing Streptomyces sp TMC-specific positive regulatory gene tmcN TMGI TMK TMK-1 TMN TMP TMP-SMX TMP/SMX TMPD TMPyP4 tmRNA tmRNA-binding protein TMs TMV coat protein TN Tn 1825 Tn 1826 Tn 5 Tn10 Tn10-encoded protein Tn1000 Tn10delta16delta17 element TN119 Tn1696 TN17 Tn1721 Tn1732-induced mutants Tn1792 Tn1792 insertion mutants Tn1792-tagged sequences TN18 Tn21 Tn3 Tn3 family Tn3 gene Tn3-like element Tn4556 Tn4556 element Tn4556 segment Tn4560 Tn4811 Tn4811 element Tn4811 sequence Tn5 Tn5 aph gene Tn5 insertion mutants Tn5 kanamycin resistance gene Tn5 mutant Tn5 neo gene Tn5 neo reporter gene Tn5-based transposons Tn501 Tn5096 Tn5098 Tn5099 Tn5099-induced transposition mutants Tn5353 Tn5417 Tn5491 Tn5494 TN58 Tn9 plasmids Tn903 TNBS TNC TNC site TNF TNF alpha TNF alpha mRNA TNF cDNA TNF gene TNF-alpha TNF-alpha mRNA TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand TNFa TNFAIP6 TNFAIP6 protein TNFalpha TNGI TNM TNP TNP-470 TNP-SRBC tnpA gene tnrA tnrB tnrB determinant TnrB3 TNS TO SIX TO1 TO1 amylase tobacco cells tobacco class I beta-1 tobramycin biosynthetic gene Toc ToCPP TOCSY today fermentation products TOK1 toluidine blue stains toluyl-AcmACP tomA gene tomatinase Tomatinase null mutants tomato arabinogalactan proteins TopA Topo II Topo II-DNA covalent complexes topoisomerase topoisomerase I topoisomerase I and II topoisomerase I gene topoisomerase II topoisomerase IV topoisomerases topoisomerases I and II Toprim domain TOR TOR mutants Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase total bacterial populations total biofilm cells total cell protein total cell proteins total cellular DNA total cellular protein total complex total DNA total DNA fragments total DNAs total extractable cellular protein total genomic DNA total membrane protein Total mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase total mRNA total nshA-p1/p2 transcript total protease total protein total secreted proteins total soluble cell protein total soluble cellular protein total soluble leaf protein total soluble protein total steady-state nshR transcript total vsi gene toxic DXR toxic KilB protein toxic metabolic byproducts toxin biosynthetic gene cluster Toxoplasma gondii toyocamycin nitrile hydratase Toyopearl HW-55F Toyopearl HW55S TP Tp biosynthetic gene TP biosynthetic genes TP gene TP-A0274 TpCPP Tpg tpg genes Tpg polypeptides Tpg proteins tpgC TpgL TpgR proteins tpgR1 tpgR2 tpgR3 TPNH TPR TPR domain TPR domains TPR-like domains TPs TPU-0043 TPX tr TR-NOE TR1 TR2 Tra tra and kilB promoters tra and traR mRNAs tra gene tra gene affected plasmid tra gene product tra genes tra homologs tra operon genes tra promoter Tra protein Tra proteins tra+ plasmids Tra-like protein Tra/Spr Tra2 Tra2 genes traA traA gene traA gene promoter traA mutant plasmids traA-like genes traA-traB-spdB operon traB TraB protein TraB proteins traC trace component trace element trace elements tracer molecules traditional beta-lactams benzylpenicillin traditional marker molecules traditional phage-display constructs traditional sequencing enzymes TraG TraH TraI TRAIL TRAIL receptor 2 TRAIL receptor-2 TraJ trans acting dehydratase trans geometrical isomers trans isomer trans-1 trans-2 trans-9 trans-acting elements trans-acting factors trans-activator trans-membrane protein trans-membrane segments transacting element transactivator protein Transaldolase transamidinase transamidinase cDNA transamidinase sequence transaminase transcribed region transcription factor transcription factor binding sites transcription factor gene transcription factors transcription fusion constructs transcription initiation and termination sites transcription initiation regions transcription initiation site transcription initiation sites transcription product transcription regulators transcription repressors transcription sites transcription start point 108 bp upstream transcription start site transcription start sites transcription termination factor transcription termination factors transcription termination site transcription terminator sequence transcription unit transcription units transcriptional activator transcriptional activator AdpA transcriptional activator cdaR transcriptional activator gene transcriptional activator genes transcriptional activator PimM transcriptional activator strR transcriptional activators transcriptional antiterminator NusG equivalent protein transcriptional co-repressor transcriptional control region transcriptional elements transcriptional factor transcriptional factors transcriptional fusion vector transcriptional fusions to S. coelicolor promoters transcriptional gene transcriptional inducers transcriptional initiation site transcriptional initiation sites transcriptional regulator transcriptional regulator gene transcriptional regulator protein transcriptional regulators transcriptional regulatory gene transcriptional regulatory genes transcriptional regulatory region transcriptional regulatory regions transcriptional regulatory sequences transcriptional repressor transcriptional repressors Transcriptional start and termination sites transcriptional start point transcriptional start point 82 nucleotides upstream transcriptional start site transcriptional start sites transcriptional termination fragment Transcriptional terminators transcriptional unit transcriptional units transcriptional up-regulator transcriptionally active open complex transcriptionally competent open complex transcriptome analysis transcriptomics-guided targets transcripts covering both genes transdominant mutant transductant colonies transfected cells transfected fusion genes transfer ( tra ) region transfer genes transfer proteins transfer region transfer regions transfer RNA transfer RNA gene transfer RNA genes transfer-associated korB gene Transfer-messenger RNA transferase transferase products transferases transferred gene transferrin transferrin receptor transformant 25-2 transformant cells transformant chromosome transformant colonies transformant produced xylanase Transformants carrying pMCP5 transformants contained deleted plasmids Transformants expressed functional photolyase transformants produced more candicidin transformants produced pock transformants produced streptomycin 6-kinase transformants tested decolorized poly B-411 transformation Transformation frequency increased 10 Transformation frequency was 7.2 transformation products transformed 5.4S MR form transformed Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain BD413 transformed cells transformed clones Transformed Escherichia coli cells transformed hamster cells transformed human cell lines Transformed M. voltae cells transformed NIH 3T3 cells transformed ras/myc SFME cells transformed recombinant plasmid pMD5-2 transformed substrate transformed vector DNA transforming E. coli cells transforming growth factor ( TGF ) -beta type I receptors transforming growth factor alpha transforming growth factor beta transforming growth factor beta 1 transforming growth factor beta-1 transforming growth factors transgene transgenic DNA transgenic maize line transgenic oilseed rape line transgenic potato plants transgenic proteins transgenic R0 Transglutaminase transglutaminase ( TGase ) gene transglutaminase activating metalloprotease transglutaminase gene Transglutaminases transglycosylase transglycosylase/transpeptidase transglycosylases transglycosylation products transhydrogenase transiently existing plasmid transiently inhibited complex transition phase when antibiotic biosynthetic genes translated desR gene translated ksdD gene product translation elongation factor 1 translation elongation factors translation factors translation initiation codon translation initiation factors translation initiation site translation initiation triplet translation product translation products translation start codon translation start codons translation start point translation start site translation-initiation sites translational attenuator-lac reporter gene fusion constructs translational frameshift sites translational fusion expression vectors translational fusion vector translational initiation codon translational product translational products translational reporter translational start codon translational start site translational start sites translational stop codon translationally coupled embA and embB genes translationally coupled genes translationally regulated macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance genes translocase I translocase I inhibitor family translocases translocating protein translocator family transmembrane alpha-helices transmembrane domain transmembrane domain 5 transmembrane domain 6 transmembrane domain 7 transmembrane domains transmembrane domains 8 and 9 transmembrane efflux protein transmembrane histidine protein kinase transmembrane localization segment transmembrane protein transmembrane protein gene transmembrane protein kinase transmembrane proteins transmembrane region transmembrane regions transmembrane segment transmembrane segments transmembrane sensor histidine kinase transmissible plasmid transpeptidase transpeptidases transphosphatidylation products transplantable cell cultures transplantable lines transport genes transport protein transport proteins transport receptors transport-related proteins transporter transporter agl3R transporter complexes transporter protein transporter proteins transporter superfamily transporter-like protein transposable element transposable elements transposable genetic elements transposable-marker gene transposable-marker genes transposase transposase gene transposase pseudogene transposase-like protein transposases transposed element transposition mutants transposition-related proteins transposon delivery plasmid transposon donor molecules Transposon gamma delta transposon generated mutant transposon genes transposon library transposon locus Transposon mutants transposon Tn10 transposon Tn5 transposon-like structure transposon-tagged sequences trapped on-enzyme traR traR gene product TraR protein TraR repressor TraSA traSA gene TraSA protein TrdAI TrdB trdBDFHIK TrdCEFG TrdD TrdH TrdHJK TrdI TrdK TrdL TrdM treated cells treated cultures trefoil domains trehalase trehalases trehalose biosynthetic enzymes trehalose C4 trehalose phosphate synthetase Trehalose phosphorylase trehalose synthases Treponema species treponemes attached per cell Treponemycin TreS proteins Trestatin complex TrfA TRFs Tri TRI-ScC77 TRI-ScE87 Triacsin Triacsin C triacsins Triacsins A triacylglycerol lipase triacylglycerol-aclyhydrolase triantennary sugar chain Trichoderma harzianum endochitinase Trichoderma reesei Trichoderma reesei CBHI Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase II Trichoderma reesei cellulase Trichoderma reesei enzymes Trichoderma reesei mycelia Trichoderma reesei xylanase II Trichoderma sp Trichoderma spp trichomycin A Trichostatin A trichostatin A. Transcriptional regulatory regions Tricorn homologs Tricorn protease Tricorn-like genes Tricorn-like proteins tricyclic immediate precursor tridesoxysugars triene moieties trienomycin A Trierixin trierixin-producing strain Trigger factor triketide lactone product trimer products trimeric form trimeric multidomain protein trimetaphosphatase trimmed 5-kilobase fragment trimodular model-NRPS trinactin trinuclear copper cluster trinuclear copper clusters triose phosphate isomerase triostin A triostin synthetases triostins tripartite l-noviosylaminocoumarin prenylbenzoate natural products tripeptide delta tripeptide L-phosphinothricyl-L-alanyl-L-alanin tripeptide nikkomycin pseudo-J tripeptidyl aminopeptidase tripeptidyl peptidase tripeptidyl peptidases triple mutant triple mutants triple-repeat sequence triple-repeated sequence triplet Trp18 tripolyphosphate phosphohydrolase tripolyphosphosphate-phosphohydrolase tripyrrole molecules tris nickel ( II ) complexes tris-hydroxamate tetrapeptide iron chelator coelichelin tris-oxazole units trisaccharide chain trisaccharide chains trisaccharide moieties trisaccharide segments triterpene cyclases tritium-labeled A-factor tritium-labeled autoregulators Tritium-labeled lactacystin Triton X-100 Tritons trivial name chloramphenicol 3-O-phosphotransferase Trk Trk1 TrkH protein tRNA tRNA ( Arg ) region tRNA ( Gly ) gene tRNA ( Gly ) were cloned and sequences tRNA ( Leu ) -like gene product tRNA ( Leu ) UUA tRNA ( Pro ) gene tRNA ( Pro ) sequence tRNA ( pro1 ) genes tRNA ( ser ) gene tRNA ( Thr ) -like gene tRNA ( Thr ) -like sequence tRNA ( Tyr ) sequence tRNA gene tRNA genes tRNA molecule tRNA nucleotidyltransferase tRNA precursors tRNA processing endoribonuclease tRNA species tRNA-encoding gene tRNA-encoding genes tRNA-encoding sequences tRNA-like sequence tRNA-like sequence 9 bp downstream tRNA-like transcript tRNAGln/tRNAGlu cluster tRNAs trophophase cells tropomyosin protein family tropomyosin-like polarity-determining DivIVA protein troponin-tropomyosin complex Trp Trp 140 Trp 20 Trp 57 Trp 8 Trp 86 trp promoter trp promoter-less plasmids Trp residues Trp-108 Trp-119 Trp-16 Trp10 Trp101 Trp137 Trp227 Trp233 Trp271 Trp271 residue Trp28 Trp39 Trp57 Trp59 Trp60 Trp60 side-chain Trp70 Trp86 Trp97 trpA genes trpA13 trpB trpB and trpA genes trpC trpC gene trpC mutant trpC promoter trpC terminator trpCBA cluster trpCER mutant trpD gene trpD region trpD-coding region TrpE TrpRS TrpRS enzymes TrpRS II TrpRS1 TrpRS2 TrpRS2 mRNA trpS genes trpX trpX gene TRR trs TRSA TrsI TrsII TrsIII trsp1 true HPP epoxidase true product True protein true start codon true target sequence true VB binding protein truncated AbpS proteins truncated AfsR proteins truncated bar gene truncated DBD domain truncated DEBS Module 6+TE ( M6+TE ) enzyme truncated dTDP-hexose 3-dehydratase truncated enzyme truncated fadL gene truncated forms Truncated fragments truncated hemoglobin family truncated hemoglobins truncated mutants truncated NOS proteins truncated oprF gene truncated orf2 truncated ORF3 truncated phsA gene truncated pyrone products truncated relA gene truncated structural gene truncated substrates truncated subunit Trx TrxA trxA and trxB genes trxA/B locus trxA/B-rnpA region trxB gene trxBA operon trxBp1 trxBp2 TrxC TrxR Try16-Leu17 trypsin trypsin family trypsin family proteases trypsin genes trypsin sequences trypsin substrates trypsin-BPTI complex trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors trypsin-digested P trypsin-family enzymes trypsin-kallikrein inactivator trypsin-kallikrein inhibitor trypsin-like component trypsin-like enzyme trypsin-like enzymes trypsin-like protease trypsin-like proteases trypsin-like proteinase trypsin-like serine protease trypsin-like serine proteases trypsin-like substrate trypsin-sensitive region trypsin-trypsin trypsin/BPTI complex trypsinogen trypsins tryptic fragment tryptic fragments tryptic peptide fragments tryptone-soy agars tryptone-yeast extract-glucose tryptophan 5-halogenase gene tryptophan biosynthesis genes tryptophan biosynthetic genes tryptophan C-methyltransferase Tryptophan dioxygenase tryptophan halogenases tryptophan indole side chains Tryptophan oxygenase tryptophan side chain tryptophan synthase A tryptophan transaminase tryptophan units tryptophan-2 tryptophan-7-halogenase tryptophan-docking motif tryptophan-inhibitable 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonic acid 7-phosphate ( DAHP ) synthetase tryptophan-sensitive 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate ( DAHP ) synthases tryptophanyl moieties tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases tryptophyl residues TS proteins TS-1 ts-38 Ts-resistance gene Ts2 TSA TSA 1 TSB tsf tsf genes tsFT210 TSH-receptor antibodies TSK gel HW55S TSK-butyl resin tsnR tsnR-containing DNA fragment TSP TSP domains TSP-1 TSP-2 TSPs tsr tsr and vph genes tsr gene tsr locus tsr selective marker TsrA tsrp1 tsrp2 tsrp2 initiation site tsrp2 start site tsrp2 transcript TsrR tsrT tss TSU-Prl TT region TT-B TT-F TT-G TTA TTA codon TTA codons TTA leucine codon TTA-codon TTA-containing chromosomal genes TTA-containing gene TTA-containing genes TTA-containing regulatory gene TTA-containing reporter gene TTA-TTA Ttc TTCCCCAAAAGTGCCACCTG TTCP TTG TTG codon TTGCAN ( 7 ) TGCAA TTGCTG TTGTCCACA TTM ttm biosynthetic gene cluster ttmB ttmC ttmE TtmF TtmHIJ TtmKLMNOPRS TtmQ TtmT TTN ttn biosynthetic gene cluster TtnAB TtnCDFI TtnGQ TtnH TtnKLMNOPRS TTP thymidylyl transferase TTTAAA TTTTTTG ( T6G ) sequence Tu901 tube protein tuberactinomycin family tuberculosis enzyme tubulin tubulin-like proteins tubulin-targeting molecules tuf genes tuf-1 tuf-1 gene tuf-2 tuf-3 tuf-like genes tuf1 tuf1 and tuf3 genes tuf1 family tuf1 gene tuf1 genes tuf1 ribosome binding site tuf1 transcripts tuf1-specific promoter tuf1p and rpsLp transcripts tuf2 tuf2 gene tuf2 transcripts tuf2-flanking regions tuf2-surrounding open reading frames tuf3 tuf3 genes tuf3 promoter tuf3 transcripts Tuftsin tumor cell B16 tumor cell line tumor cell lines tumor cell-induced platelet tumor cells tumor necrosis factor tumor necrosis factor ( TNF ) -alpha tumor necrosis factor ( TNF ) alpha tumor necrosis factor alpha tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 tumor necrosis factor-alpha tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand tumor promoter tumor promoters tumor site tumor suppressor p53 tumor-promoting factor tumoral cells tumoricidal monocytes tumour cell lines tumour cells tumour necrosis factor alpha tumour necrosis factor-alpha tunicamine motif tunicamycin complex tunicamycin complexes tunicamycin gene cluster tunicamycin-resistance family tunicamycin-resistance proteins tunicamycin-treated protoplasts Tunisian oasis soil tur locus turkey ovomucoid third domain turkey ovomucoid third domain complex turkey ovomucoid third domain P1 mutants turret region TVGYG polypeptides TW10 TW10 fermentation culture twin-arginine consensus motif twin-arginine motif two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenase two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenases two-component transcriptional activator proteins two-domain beta gamma-crystallin proteins two-domain chitinases two-domain proteins two-module protein two-phase region two-stage pH-controlled batch cultures two-strand domains two-stranded domains TX-100 txr1 TXR1 gene txr1 mutant txtA TxtA gene txtA mutants TxtA PCR product txtAB txtAB-encoded thaxtomin synthetase txtB TxtB peptide synthetase catalytic domains txtC TxtR txtR and thaxtomin biosynthetic genes txtR deletion mutant txtR gene TxtR protein Ty ( met ) F TY24 Tye tye ( - ) clones Tyl tyl gene cluster tyl genes tyl mutants Tyl PKS tyl promoters tyl region Tyl1a tylA mutant tylA mutants TylB tylB mutants tylC tylCK region tylD mutants tylE-J region tylF tylF gene tylF gene product tylG ( polyketide synthase ) gene complex TylG complex tylG mutants TylGV tylH1 tylH2 tylJ tyllBA region tylLM region tylM genes TylMII/TylMIII tylMIII tylN tylO TylO protein tylonolide precursors Tylosin tylosin aldehyde reductase tylosin biosynthetic gene tylosin biosynthetic gene cluster Tylosin biosynthetic genes tylosin formed/min/mg protein tylosin genes tylosin idiotrophic mutants tylosin PKS genes Tylosin polyketide synthase tylosin production synthesized macrocin O-methyltransferase tylosin reductase tylosin resistance marker tylosin structural genes tylosin-biosynthetic ( tyl ) gene cluster tylosin-biosynthetic ( tyl ) genes tylosin-biosynthetic genes tylosin-biosynthetic mycarosyltransferase enzyme tylosin-blocked ( tyl ) mutants tylosin-resistance ( Tylr ) gene tylosin-resistance gene tylosin-resistance genes tylosin-sensitive ( Tyls ) mutants TylP tylP promoter TylP protein tylQ tylQ promoter tylR TylS Tyls mutants tylS promoter TylT tylU TYN type 1 ( PP1 ; IC50 131 microM ) serine/threonine protein phosphatases type 1 chain type 1 helper T cells Type 1 RNase H family type 11 ( iterative ) polyketide synthase type 2 chains type 2 IPP isomerase type 2 isopentenyl diphosphate ( IPP ) isomerase type 2A type 3 copper protein type 64-pABA-2 type B type B endothelin receptor Type I Type I ( animal ) fatty acid synthases type I 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase type I and II polyketide synthases type I and type II acyl carrier proteins type I and type II dehydroquinases type I and type II polyeketide synthases type I and type II signal peptidases type I and type IV collagens type I ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) transporter type I carrier proteins type I collagen type I dehydroquinase Type I domain type I enzyme type I epithelial cells type I farnesyl diphosphate synthase Type I FAS type I fatty acid synthase type I geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase ( GGDPSase ) gene type I IPP isomerase type I iterative polyketide synthase type I membrane glycoprotein type I modular enzymes type I modular erythromycin polyketide synthase type I modular polyketide synthase type I modular polyketide synthase genes type I modular polyketide synthases Type I mutants displayed amylase type I NRPSs type I PKS genes type I PKSs type I pneumocytes type I polyketide synthase type I polyketide synthase genes type I polyketide synthase subunit type I polyketide synthases type I prenyltransferases Type I rat FAS type I restriction enzyme HsdR subunits type I signal peptidase type I signal peptidase genes type I signal peptidases type I signal peptidases genes type I SPases Type I sulfatases type I thioesterase type I/type III polyketide synthase Type Ib-specific polysaccharide antigen type II type II ( S. coelicolor ) dehydroquinases type II beta-lactamases type II cellulose-binding domain type II collagen type II collagen without colocalized type I collagen type II complex type II dehydroquinase type II dehydroquinases type II DHQase type II DHQases type II dissociable fatty acid synthases type II dissociated fatty acid synthase type II dissociated fatty acid synthases type II enzyme type II enzymes type II epithelial cells type II FAS type II fatty acid synthase type II griseusin PKS type II isopentenyl diphosphate isomerases type II iterative polyketide synthase type II manumycins type II minimal polyketide synthase Type II multienzyme complex type II mutant type II NRPS type II PKS type II PKS ACPs type II PKS clusters type II PKS complex type II PKS components type II PKS genes type II PKSs type II polyketide ACPs type II polyketide synthase type II polyketide synthase ( PKS ) complex type II polyketide synthase genes type II polyketide synthases type II procollagen type II restriction endonuclease type II restriction endonucleases type II S. coelicolor fatty acid synthase type II sequence-specific restriction endonuclease Type II thioesterase type II thioesterase genes type II thioesterases type II thiolases type II topoisomerase type II topoisomerases Type III type III homology units type III PKS homologous SCO1206 gene product type III polyketide synthase type III polyketide synthase family type III polyketide synthase sequence type III polyketide synthases type III variant type IV type IV collagen type IV collagen fibrils type IV restriction endonuclease type IX collagen type VI collagen type VI molecules type VI protease type XIII xylan-binding domain type-1 ( T1 ) Cu site type-3 copper enzyme tyrosinase type-3 copper proteins type-3 site type-I interleukin-1 receptor type-I polyketide compound biosyntheses type-I polyketide synthase type-II PKS type-II polyketide synthases type-II restriction endonuclease type-III-like repeating units type-specific antigen types I and II types I and II collagens typical ATP binding site typical ATP-binding domains typical bacterial promoters typical beta-lactamase typical beta-lactamases typical CXXC active site typical degradation enzyme typical digestive enzymes typical LAL-type transcriptional family typical modular polyketide synthases typical monofunctional catalases typical prenyl diphosphate binding site typical proteins typical response regulators typical signal sequence typical streptomycete vegetative promoter sequence typical telomeric proteins typical terminal proteins typical thioesterase typical two-domain protein typical vegetative ( sigma 70-recognized ) eubacterial consensus promoter sequence Tyr Tyr 14 Tyr 221 side chain Tyr 7 Tyr 75 Tyr 93 Tyr protein kinases Tyr-12 Tyr-16 Tyr-18 tyr-2 Tyr-7 Tyr-75 Tyr-93 Tyr-Cys redox cofactor TyR-encoding gene Tyr-P Tyr15 Tyr20 Tyr28 Tyr280Phe mutant Tyr38 Tyr7 Tyr87 Tyr9 Tyr90 Tyr95 TYRA tyrC tyrocidine synthetases tyrosinase tyrosinase determinant gene tyrosinase enzyme tyrosinase fragment tyrosinase gene tyrosinase homolog tyrosinase negative cells tyrosinase operon produced melanin tyrosinase promoter tyrosinases tyrosine aminotransferase tyrosine ammonia-lyase tyrosine hydroxylase tyrosine kinase tyrosine kinase oncogenes tyrosine kinases tyrosine molecules tyrosine phosphatase tyrosine phosphatases tyrosine recombinase family tyrosine recombinases tyrosyl residues per monomer tyrosyl-rich motif tyrosyl-S-NovH acyl enzyme tyrT DNA molecules Tü 1718 Tü 179/180 Tü 679 Tü 901 Tü-469 Tü117 Tü2353R Tü24 Tü24 bromoperoxidase Tü57 Tü901 Tü901/AEC1 U- ( 13 ) C U-120 cyclotron U-138 MG ( glioblastoma ) cell line U-14C ] citrulline U-373 MG cell line U-56 U-77 U-937 cells U-turn motif u.v. and visible regions u.v.-irradiated-DNA-binding site U121 U17 U251 cancer cell line U32 U32 genomic cosmid library and its gene U32 oriC DNA fragment U6 U7 U8 U87MG U937 cell U937 cells U937 leukemic cell lines U937/III UA-GAG UAG UAH 23 UAH 30 UAH 51 UAS UB UB-derived cell line UB-derived structures Ubenimex-treated U937 cells Ubi-1 ubiquinone reduction ( Qi ) sites Ubiquitin ubiquitin sequence ubiquitination-deficient mutant beta-receptor ubiquitinylated proteins ubiquitous among Streptomyces species ubiquitous cofactor coenzyme A ubiquitous defense enzyme phospholipase A2 ubiquitous environmental bacterium whose major catalase ubiquitous enzymes ubiquitous plant enzymes ubiquitous proteins ubiX UBT1 UC 11065 cluster UC 11065 DNA UC 8292 UCF1 UCF1-A UCF1-B UCF1-C UCH9 UCH9-d ( TTGGCCAA ) 2 complex UCLA UCN-01 UCN-02 UCS 15A UCS15A UCT4B UDP UDP glucose dehydrogenase UDP-galactose 4-epimerase UDP-galactose 4-epimerase proteins UDP-galactose-4-epimerase UDP-galactose-4-epimerases UDP-GlcA decarboxylase UDP-glucose dehydrogenase UDP-Glucose-4-epimerase UDP-glycosyl-transferases UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase UDPG UDPG oxidoreductase UDPG pyrophosphorylase UDPglucose 4-epimerase UDPGO UDPGP UFAs UGA UGA stop codon UhpA UhpA/LuxR superfamily UIP UK-1 UK-2A UK-2A killed cells UK-3A UK-63 UK-65 ultrathin sections L-form cells ultraviolet and visible regions UMB molecule umbilical vein endothelial cells UMP unamplified 10.5-kilobase DNA sequence unassigned genes uncharacterised minor components uncharacterized gene uncharacterized genes uncharacterized protein Uncharacterized Protein Families uncharacterized proteins undecylprodigiosin ( RED ) biosynthetic genes undegraded protein underlying cells undescribed binding site undescribed genes undifferentiated cells undifferentiated regions unglycosylated proteins unidentified cytoplasmic factor unidentified protein unidirectional recombinase uninduced cells uninduced cultures uninfected cultures unique ( + ) -CC-1065 bonding site unique 1.8 kb monocistronic transcript unique 16S rRNA gene sequence unique 46-membered macrodilactone motif unique adenylation domain unique attachment sites unique BamHI cloning site unique BamHI site unique benzoyl-CoA starter unit unique BglII site unique binding site unique Ca2+-binding site unique calcium binding site unique cbbL clones unique cysteine-containing TipAS peptide fragment unique insertion sites unique ketosynthase domain unique NaeI sequence unique NdeI site unique nickel-specific metal site unique p-nitrobenzoate starter unit unique promoter unique propionate-starter unit unique proteases unique PstI site unique reductase unique restriction site unique restriction sites unique SacII site unique sequence unique snbDE gene unique sodF gene unique start site unique typical eubacterial-like promoter universal M13 primer binding site universal precursors unknown functional domains unknown genes unknown locus unleadered vph mRNA unliganded protein unlinked argR gene unlinked clpC genes unlinked genes unmarked deletion mutants unmodified enzyme unmodified genes unnatural natural products unoccupied site unordered proteins unphosphorylated protein unphosphorylated ribosomes unphosphorylated SenR Unpolymerized tubulin unprocessed pre-protein unprotected derivatized enzyme unrelated Hind III fragment unrelated plasmids unrelated proteins unrelated sigma factor unrelated Streptomyces plasmid unreported type I polyketide synthases ( PKS-I ) genes unsaturated side chain unstable argG gene unstable chromosomal region unstable delivery plasmid unstable DNA sequences unstable gene unstable genes unstable linear chromosome unstable protein unstable region unstable RNA unsubstituted consecutive beta-1 untransformed L. casei cells untreated cells unusual ( 21-mer ) sequences unusual copper-binding protein unusual enzymes unusual frame plot patterns for Streptomyces genes unusual ketosynthase-like protein Unusual polyketide synthases unusual promoters unusual protease unusual small protein unwanted by-product UO2 UO2 ( CH3COO ) 2 uoi gene UP up intact but large plasmids up- and downstream sequences up-mutated ermE* promoter up-promoter mutants up-regulated proteins UPFs upper regions UPRTase upstream ( barp1 ) transcript upstream 1-kb fragment upstream activation sequence upstream activation sites upstream activator sequence upstream activator site upstream aminoacyl/peptidyl-S-PCP upstream and downstream flanking regions upstream and downstream regions upstream DNA region upstream fragment upstream gene upstream gene btrS upstream gene products upstream genes upstream lacZ promoter upstream nucleotide sequence Upstream nucleotide sequences upstream of start codon upstream open reading frame upstream open reading frame melC1 upstream open reading frames upstream ORF upstream ORF ramS upstream partial open reading frame upstream promoter upstream promoter region upstream region upstream regions upstream regulatory region upstream regulatory regions upstream regulatory sequence Upstream sequence upstream sequences upstream stop codons upstream Tac promoter upstream-located furS gene upstream-located gene upstream-located ssgR Uptake hydrogenase uptake hydrogenase genes ura-3 uraA uraB uracil phosphoribosyltransferase uracil phosphoribosyltransferases Urate oxidase Urd urdamycin biosynthetic gene cluster urdamycin gene cluster urdamycin genes urdamycin glycosyltransferases urdG urdGT1a UrdGT1b UrdGT1b- urdGT1b/urdGT1c double mutant urdGT2 gene urdH urdJ urdJ2 urdK urdM urdO urdQ urdR urdZ1 urease proteins URI domain uridylyl enzyme uridylyltransferase urocanase urokinase uroporphyrin I US24 US24 genomic DNA US80 USE-11 USE-51 useful enzyme useful enzymes useful protease useful selective markers USF-19A UshX UshX proteins USSR usual conversion products usual proteins usual Sa structures uterus cancer UXF1138L utilization genes utilizing whole cells UTP UUA UUA codon UUA codons UUA-specific tRNA UUALeu codon UUCG UUG codons UV produced mutants UV-5 lac promoter UV-induced protein UV-irradiated products UV-responsive promoters UV-visible spectral region UV/VIS UVB erythema model UviA uvrA UvrA protein UvrA-like protein UVRABC nuclease uvrB uvrC genes UVRC proteins uvrD gene product uvrE gene UWM5 UWM6 V ( H ) H V ( M ) = 3.8 A V ( max ) /K V ( max ) K v 10 V-187 V-8A v-abl-expressing NIH3T3 cells V-ATPase V-ATPases v-ras-NIH3T3 fibroblasts v-ras-transformed NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts v-Src V-type ATPase V/K V10 V121A V145 V145 residue V145Q V145Q mutant enzyme v1T V2 receptor V2 receptor subtypes V225 V257 V265 V275 V275I V303 V305L mutant enzyme V62R V65E V65F V65G V65I V65K V65L V65S V65Y V76-D80 V76A V76E V79 cells V8 V8 protease V8 proteinase V=640.2 ( 2 ) A vacuolar ( V-type ) ATPase vacuolar ATPase vacuolar ATPases vacuolar enzyme vacuolar H ( + ) ATPase vacuolar H+-ATPase vacuolar proton-ATPase vacuolar-type ( V- ) ATPase vacuolar-type proton translocating ATP-ases Val VAL-A VAL-A precursor Val12-Glu13 Val121 Val13 Val16 Val23 Val351 Val65 Val74 ValA valA gene valanimycin biosynthetic gene cluster valanimycin gene cluster valanimycin resistance gene valanimycin-producing cosmid valB valG Validamycin A validamycin biosynthetic gene cluster valienamine unit valine ( branched-chain amino acid ) dehydrogenase valine ( branched-chain amino acid ) dehydrogenase gene valine dehydrogenase valine dehydrogenase ( vdh ) gene valine-sensitive bacterial acetolactate synthases valinomycin biosynthetic gene cluster valN gene valuable product valvular collagen valyl amino terminus valyl-tRNA valyl-tRNA synthetase Van van genes VanA vanadium-dependent chloroperoxidases vanadium-dependent haloperoxidases vanB vanB gene homologs vancomycin producer Amycolatopsis orientalis C329.2 Vancomycin resistance ( van ) gene clusters vancomycin resistance clusters vancomycin resistance-associated genes vancomycin-resistance ( van ) genes VanH VanH family VanH homologue VanHAX enzymes vanillate decarboxylase vanillate demethylase genes vanillic-acid-induced cells vanillin vanillyl-alcohol oxidase family vanJ vanK vanK gene vanK mutant VanR vanRS vanRS genes VanS VanS effector ligand vanS pta ackA triple mutant VanS/VanR vanSRJKHAX VanX vanX gene vanX homologs variable alpha region variable domain variable gamma region variable protein variable regions variable sites Variamycin B variant plasmids various cell lines various genes varM varphiC31 attB site varR varS varS gene varS promoter region vascular cells vascular endothelial cells vascular endothelial growth factor vascular ET-1 receptors vascular microendothelial cells vascular smooth muscle cell vascular smooth muscle cells vascular smooth muscle layer VB VB biosynthetic gene VB receptor VB-A VB-A reductase VB-C VB-C binding protein VB-C7 VB-receptor VB-specific receptor VB-specific receptor gene VB-type isomer VbrA vbrA gene vbrA homologs VbrA protein vbrA-rplK VBs VC13 VC15 VCR VCR-resistant K562/VCR VD 3 VD 3 hydroxylase vd-mutants unlike v-mutants vdcB VdcC protein vdcD Vdh vdh gene vdh genes Vdh protein vdt-mutants vector and 2.4 kb Sau 3A I chromosomal fragment vector and homologous nucleotide sequences vector and tsr gene vector fragment vector molecules vector plasmid vector promoters vector sequences vector-transfected cells vectors selectable antibiotic-resistance markers vectors trp promoter vegetative cells vegetative culture vegetative cultures vegetative or developmentally late mRNAs vegetative promoter sequence vegetative sigma factor vegetative transcript vegetative-type promoters vegetatively expressed Streptomyces promoter VEGF VEGF plasmid VEGF-receptor-2 VEGFR-2 Vellar estuary showed excellent L-asparaginase venezuelae ATCC15068 alpha-amylase venezuelae DNA fragment venezuelae pikAI-deletion mutant venezuelae pikD gene venom phosphodiesterase ver-1 verA verA coding region veratrole-grown cultures veratryl oxidase vernamycin B vernamycin-B Vero cells verotoxin 1 VERSA-TL 502 versatile metal-specific regulators versatile redox proteins vertebrate cells vertebrate enzyme vertebrate lysozyme vertebrate somatic cells very large genes very large subunits Very unstable mutants very young cultures vesicle substrates vesicle synthases vesicle-specific proteins vesicular stomatitis virus G protein vesicular stomatitis virus-glycoprotein vesicular substrate VF36 Vfr VG212 Vga vga ( A ) gene Vga variants Vga-like proteins Vgb VGNNTP VGY vH VH2 VHb vhb gene vhb structural gene VHL or Ras genes vhloramphenicol-sensitive ( CmlS ) variants viable cells Vibrio furnisii beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase Vibrio lacked TK vicenistatin vicenistatin biosynthetic gene vicenistatin polyketide synthase vicinal oxygen chelate superfamily Vida3 VII VII and IV genes VIII VIIIR vimentin vImF vImF gene VinC vincristine-resistant P388 murine leukemia cell lines vinculin vineomycin A1 vinI vinI gene vinylacetyl-CoA vio genes vioA vioAB vioB VioC vioE violacein biosynthetic gene cluster violaceoruber Tü22 Violamycin A Violamycin complexes Violomycin BII viomycin cluster viomycin gene cluster viomycin phosphotransferase viomycin phosphotransferase ( vph ) gene viomycin phosphotransferase gene viomycin phosphotransferase self-resistance gene viomycin resistance ( vph ) gene viomycin resistance gene Viomycin resistance genes viomycin-resistance ( VioR ) determinants vioP vioQ vir genes vir helper plasmid virA viral antigens viral capside proteins viral coreceptors viral DNA polymerase viral DNA polymerases viral envelope glycoprotein viral envelope gp120 viral fusion ( F ) glycoprotein viral genes viral genome viral glycoprotein gp41 viral glycoproteins viral mRNA viral mRNAs viral neuraminidases viral nucleic acid polymerases viral polyprotein viral promoters VirB virB genes VirC VirD VirE VirF VirG virginiae butanolide receptor virginiamycin biosynthetic gene cluster virginiamycin biosynthetic genes virginiamycin cluster Virginiamycin inducing factors virginiamycin M virginiamycin S ( VS ) -specific transporter virginiamycin S ( VS ) biosynthetic gene virginiamycin S-specific transport protein VirH virI viridochromogenes viridomycin A viridosporus T7A virion proteins virR virR gene virR initiation codon virR operon virR operon genes virulence factor virulence factors virulence gene nec1 and flanking sequences virulence genes virulence plasmid virulence-associated genes virulence-associated nip ( necrosis-inducing protein ) genes virulence-associated sensor histidine kinases virulence-related genes virulence-related proteases virus-transformed cell lines virus-transformed cells virus-transformed counterparts VisA visA deletion mutant visA gene visA mutant VisB VisC VisD visible region vital detoxification enzymes Vitamin A vitamin B12 vitamin B6 cofactors Vitreoscilla haemoglobin gene Vitreoscilla hemoglobin Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene vitro transcripts vitro tumor cell lines vitronectin vitronectin receptor vivo-cloned fragments viz VJ-300 cells VKM Ac-770 variants vldA vldA-mutant vldABC vldB VldE vldH vldI VLDL vldW vlm-1 vlm-1+ gene vlm-2 vlm-2+ gene cluster vlm-8 VlmA protein vlmD vlmE vlmF vlmH vlmH gene vlmI VlmL vlmL gene vlmR vlmR gene VlmR protein Vm VM biosynthetic gene cluster VM core structure VM framework VM gene cluster VM1 VM1 reductase VM3 VM4 Vmax Vmax values measuring 1.23 vmsR vmsR deletion mutant vmsR mutant vmsR product vmsR-surrounding genes vmsS vmsT VNIIA 1195 VNSS VO2+ VOCs volkensin voltage-activated calcium-selective channel voltage-activated channels voltage-gated ion channel ( VGC ) superfamily voltage-gated K ( + ) channels voltage-gated K+ channel families voltage-gated Shaker K+ channel Voltage-sensitive cation-selective ion channels voltage-sensor domain voltage-sensor regions volume change accompanying enzyme-inhibitor complex voluminous tetracyclic angucycline substrates Volvox cis-regulatory elements Volvox genome Volvox hsp70 and rbcS3 promoters Volvox rbcS3 gene von Willebrand factor Voronezh Region VP16 VP16 transactivation domain VP5 vph vph AUG translational start codon vph coding sequence vph gene vph selective marker vph sequence vph start codon VRE VRE strains VS biosynthetic genes VS248 VS253 VS258 VS263 VS519 VS620 vsi coding sequence vsi gene vsi promoter vsi sequences vsi signal sequence Vsi-SK fusion protein VSMC VSMCs VspI restriction fragments VSV VSV glycoprotein VSV methylases VSV nucleocapsid and regions VSV proteins VT1 vulgaris HIR-60 vulnificus proteinase VWB VWB attP VWB attP region VWB DNA VXW VZV W. bancrofti genomic expression library W1 W101F W113 W16 W16A W1A lysozyme W2 W227F W266 W266 mutants W266 residue W266A/H/F W274 W280 W28F W297 W303-MLC30 W308F W3110 Bgl ( + ) spontaneous mutant W51 W59 W59A W60 W60A W67F mutant W82A mutant W85 WA46 chromosomal DNA WA46 DNA WA8242A1 WA8242B WaaG wall-synthesizing unit walled vegetative cells wapA gene wARP washed bacterial host cells washed cells washed resting cells WAT505 WAT600 WAT640 water insoluble products water molecules water-soluble compact globular proteins water-soluble dd-carboxypeptidases water-soluble enzyme water-soluble fragments water-soluble PI factor water-soluble proteins water-soluble purple-red pigment complex water/bilayer interfacial region WB wbI gene wbI genes wbl Wbl family wblA wblA mutant wblA mutants wblC wblE wblE coding region wblE gene wblEp promoter WbN43 WD domain WD-repeat protein WD-repeat proteins WD-repeats coding sequences WD-repeats encoding genes wdlA gene weak cellobiose-binding site weak P1 promoter weak palindrome weaker promoter well-characterized 11.7 kb linear plasmid well-characterized 5.7-kb ADS1 sequence well-characterized Escherichia coli RecA protein well-characterized global regulatory protein well-characterized multifunctional enzyme well-conserved att segments well-defined substrate-binding site well-documented preferential modification site well-known regulatory factor Well-studied sigma factor genes WGA whcE whcE gene where many sequences whi genes whiA whiA mutants whiA promoter whiA sporulation gene whiA-like gene WhiA-like proteins whiB whiB and whiG genes whiB coding region whiB gene whiB promoters whiB regulatory gene whiB sporulation gene whiB-homologous gene whiB-like ( wbI ) genes WhiB-like family whiB-like gene WhiD whiD locus whiD promoters whiE aromatase/cyclase whiE cluster whiE gene cluster whiE genes whiE locus whiE minimal PKS genes whiE promoters whiE region whiE-ORFI-VIII whiE-ORFII homologues whiE-ORFVI enzyme whiE-PKS genes whiEP2 promoter whiESa gene cluster whiESaI and whiESaVIII genes whiESaIII gene whiESap2 promoter WhiG whiG gene whiG gene product whiG genes whiG mRNA whiG sporulation gene whiG-dependent PTH4 transcription unit whiH whiH alleles whiH gene whiH mRNA whiH promoter region WhiI whiI promoter whiJ whiK whiK/bldM locus whiN white colonies whm genes Whm proteins WhmD whmD gene WhmD protein whole afsR gene whole alpha-amylase gene whole cells whole genome sequences whole growing cells whole populations whole putative 3-O-acyltransferase gene whole-cell cultures whole-cell proteins WI-38 WI-38 human fibroblasts wide enough active site wide family wide-domain regulators wide-host-range Streptomyces integration element wide-spread tyrosinases widely dispersed elements widespread bacterial zinc-containing anti-sigma factors wild nsdA gene wild type and site-directed mutant proteins wild type ATCC 27466 strain wild type catR gene wild type cells wild type chitosanases wild type CYP157C1 wild type enzyme wild type gene wild type genes wild type lcp ( latex clearing protein ) gene wild type M145 wild type Nocardia lactamdurans wild type protein wild type S. rimosus recA gene wild type SpcS allele wild type strain 10-22 wild type strain happened at heterogeneous sites wild type strain or melanin-positive variants wild type Streptomyces clavuligerus wild type xylanase wild types wild- type precursor wild-type wild-type ( WT ) genome wild-type `` S. avermitilis wild-type actII-ORF4 gene wild-type AldO wild-type allele wild-type alpha-amylase ( aml ) signal sequence wild-type amino acid sequence wild-type amplifiable units wild-type and mutant alleles wild-type and mutant operator sequences wild-type and mutant proteins wild-type and mutated enzymes wild-type and variant enzymes wild-type Arabidopsis plants wild-type ATCC 29050 strain wild-type ATCC21892 strain wild-type attB wild-type attP and attB sequences wild-type BarA wild-type barstar wild-type beta-lactamase wild-type beta-receptor wild-type bld gene wild-type bldA gene wild-type bliA gene wild-type BLIP wild-type BLIP-I wild-type C730.1 wild-type cell wild-type cells wild-type chains wild-type channel wild-type chromosome wild-type clones wild-type colonies wild-type control strains wild-type cosmid library wild-type culture wild-type cultures wild-type cvhA gene wild-type CYP105A1 wild-type CYP105P1 wild-type DAOC/DACS wild-type DesIV wild-type dmdR1 allele wild-type DNA wild-type DNA region wild-type DnrN wild-type E2 wild-type EGFP wild-type Endo H. Another variant wild-type enzyme wild-type F/10 xylanase wild-type FM3A cells wild-type friulimicin wild-type gamma-branched P1 residue wild-type GAS wild-type gene wild-type genome wild-type genomic DNA fragments wild-type GI gene wild-type H. grisea Cel12A enzyme wild-type IlvN wild-type isozymes wild-type KASIII wild-type KcsA channel wild-type Kv channels wild-type L-TA wild-type L-TA gene wild-type L11 protein wild-type lac operator wild-type large subunit wild-type length wild-type M145 wild-type membrane proteome Wild-type microbial transglutaminase zymogen wild-type molecule wild-type nonribosomal peptide synthetase wild-type Obg protein wild-type OMSVP3 wild-type orflrecR genes wild-type organisms wild-type P35 wild-type P35 protein wild-type parent wild-type parent strain wild-type parental strain wild-type pectate lyase wild-type phenotype wild-type pJTU112 wild-type plasmid DNA wild-type PLD wild-type PLD2 wild-type precursor wild-type priA promoter wild-type pro-MTGase wild-type pro-subtilisin wild-type producer wild-type producer strains wild-type product wild-type promoter region wild-type protein wild-type proteins wild-type pSN22 wild-type R. rhodochrous B-276 wild-type recA wild-type recA gene wild-type regions wild-type regulatory and BVR-18 catalytic subunits wild-type relA wild-type ribosomes wild-type RNAP wild-type rplK gene wild-type RppA wild-type rsmG wild-type S. achromogenes wild-type S. achromogenes DNA wild-type S. ansochromogenes wild-type S. antibioticus mycelia wild-type S. argillaceus wild-type S. argillaceus strain wild-type S. avermitilis wild-type S. clavuligerus wild-type S. coelicolor wild-type S. coelicolor chromosomal DNA wild-type S. coelicolor DNA wild-type S. coelicolor M145 wild-type S. galilaeus wild-type S. griseus wild-type S. peucetius wild-type S. peucetius chitinase wild-type S. peucetius chromosome wild-type S. peucetius strain wild-type S. scabies 87.22 wild-type S. setonii ISP5395 cells wild-type S. tendae wild-type S. toxytricini wild-type S. venezuelae wild-type S. virginiae wild-type S. viridosporus wild-type S. viridosporus T7A wild-type S.lividans strains wild-type scFUMC wild-type SCP1 plasmid wild-type sequence wild-type sequences wild-type showed clorobiocin wild-type Sm-ELA wild-type spores wild-type sporulating cells wild-type ssgB wild-type SSI wild-type Str wild-type strain wild-type strain and three knock-out mutants wild-type strain boosted pimaricin wild-type strain EF-76 wild-type strain OM5 wild-type strain P0 wild-type strain T7A wild-type strain ZX64 wild-type strains wild-type Streptomyces achromogenes wild-type Streptomyces ambofaciens strains wild-type Streptomyces avermitilis strain wild-type Streptomyces coelicolor wild-type Streptomyces coelicolor MT1110 cultures wild-type Streptomyces kasugaensis A1R6 wild-type Streptomyces lividans 66 wild-type Streptomyces lividans 66 genome wild-type Streptomyces sp wild-type streptomycetes wild-type synthase wild-type target gene wild-type thanatin wild-type titre wild-type TK24 wild-type tylosin wild-type vdh gene wild-type XlnA wild-type XlnC wild-type-infected cell monolayers wild-types wildtype ( WT ) strain wildtype DNA wildtype enzyme wildtype tmRNA WJ35 WJ85 WJ85b WlbA WM-23 WM-23 dipeptidyl aminopeptidase WM-23 enzyme wound-derived fibroblasts wounded cultures WP 3913 WP 4669 cluster WP2 wprA WQ2 WS-1228 A WS-5995 A WS-5995 B WS-7338 A WS-7338 B WS-9659 A WS009 A WS1358A1 WS9326A WST-8 WT clones wt FXYN WT genome WT progeny WT-4PI WT-free structure WYE53 WYEC108 WYEC108 populations X X-14547A X-14667B X-14873B X-14952 B X-14952B X-PDAP X-PDAP enzyme X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidases X-ray crystal structure X-ray crystal structures X-ray crystallographic structure X-ray crystallographic structures X-ray structure X-ray structures X-ray three-dimensional structure X/MB1 X1 X2 X22 enzyme X3 X4 X5 X537A X6 X7 X8 X9 Xaa Xaa-proline N-terminal sequences Xac Xac genome Xac opp operon XAD-16 XAD-2 XAD-2 resin XAD-7 XAL863 xanthine dehydrogenase xanthine oxidase Xanthomonas maltophilia L-1 metallo-beta-lactamases Xanthomonas sp xanthomycin A XbaI XbaI fragment XBD XBD/xylan complex XBP1 Xcc XdhC-like protein Xeg Xenopus cyclin A1 Xenopus oocytes xeroderma pigmentosum cell line Xho I - Nde I sites XhoI XhoI site XhoI/BamHI cloning site XhoI/SacI fragment XI XIAP xin xis xis genes Xis proteins XisA recombinase XK-213 XLFG Xln Xln A xln gene xln genes xln promoter xln23 xlnA xlnA gene xlnA promoter XlnA2 xlnB xlnB gene xlnB promoter xlnB signal sequence xlnB-xynA gene XlnB2 xlnC xlnC gene XlnC hydrolytic products XlnC signal sequence XMP aminase Xobeta XP55 xRNA1 Xs XS variant XXFG XXLG XY-2 xy1E reporter gene xyIE constructs xyIE reporter gene xyIE-containing promoter-probe plasmid Xyl xyl 4 xyl gene cluster xyl genes Xyl isomerase Xyl1 XYL1 gene Xyl1 mutants Xyl1 ORF Xyl1 preprotein Xyl1 xylanase Xyl1-Xyl4 Xyl11 Xyl2 Xyl3 Xyl30 Xyl4 Xyl43B xylA xylA and xylB genes xylA gene xylA genes XylA protein xylA sequences xylan binding domain xylan chain Xylan degradation products xylan esterases xylan-backbone degrading enzymes xylan-binding domain xylan-binding domains xylanase xylanase ( xln ) gene xylanase A xylanase A gene xylanase A. Xylanase B xylanase aa sequence xylanase B xylanase B gene xylanase C xylanase C ( xlnC ) signal sequence xylanase eluted xylanase xylanase families xylanase gene xylanase gene fragment xylanase gene promoters xylanase genes xylanase molecules xylanase sequences xylanase X22 xylanase Xyl10A xylanase Xys1 xylanase-coding sequences xylanase-encoding gene xylanase-encoding genes xylanase/beta-xylosidase Xylanases Xylanases A xylanases had identical N-terminal sequences xylanolytic enzymes xylB xylB and xylA genes xylB gene XylD xylE xylE gene xylE gene product xylE mRNA xylE reporter xylE reporter gene xylE-based promoter-probe vector xylitol dehydrogenase xylitol oxidase xylitol-inhibited enzyme XylJ XylJ catalytic domain xylose ( glucose ) isomerase xylose genes xylose isomerase xylose isomerase gene xylose isomerase sequences xylose isomerase-THA complex xylose isomerases xylose-glucose isomerases xylR xylTE reporter fragments xylulokinase xylulose kinase xylulose kinase ( xylB ) genes xylX gene Xyn B Xyn11 xynA xynA gene xynA without origin signal peptide sequence xynA119 ; 1089 bp xynAS27 xynAS9 xynB XynB-CBM2b XYNBs xynBS27 XynC XynZ XYR XYR mutants Xys1 Xys1 and Xyl30 domains Xys1S xysA xysA gene Y chromosome y-butyrolactone signalling factors Y-X Y11 Y15 Y154F Y16 Y172A/F/S Y18 Y18A Y193W Y201A Y224C Y224F Y224L Y25 Y2b Y2K Y3 Y3 block mutant Y3 mutant Y33A mutant Y59 Y62F- Y78A Y82 Y82C Y9FY62F- Yac-1 Yb YB-1 YbaD ybiT ybiT mutant YbtE YbtT YC-17 YC75T YCED9 YclD YD agar Yd-1 Yd-2 ydfK YdiH yeast alpha-factor mating signal sequence yeast Cdc28 kinase yeast cells yeast Cu-thionein yeast cytochrome c peroxidase LX ( 2 ) THLX ( 10 ) AA yeast enzymes yeast expression vector yeast FLP recombinase target sequences yeast idi type 1 and rat acetoacetate-CoA ligase ( Aacl ) genes yeast Man9GlcNAc2 species yeast microsomal glycoproteins yeast Ngg1-interacting factor 3 yeast Ngg1-interacting factor 3 homolog yeast S-adenosylmethionine : delta 24-sterol-C-methyltransferase enzyme yeast sequences yeast Ste20 kinase yeast triosephosphate isomerases yeast-lytic enzyme yeast-lytic serine protease yellow crystalline product yellow-colored product YEME YEME agar yersiniabactin yersiniabactin biosynthetic gene yersiniabactin/pesticin receptor YES-4 yet uncharacterized sensor kinases yet unknown factors YF-0200R YF-0200R-A YfhL ygfH YgiN YHS domain protein yielded several partial sequences yielded similar fragments YiiL yiiL deletion YIM 001 YIM 31634T YIM 41004T YIM 45720 YIM 60475 Yin YJ003 YJ003- OTBP1 YJ003-OTBP1 YJ003-OTBP3 YjgF/YER057c/UK114-family regulatory protein yjlC-ndh operon yjlC-ndh promoter yjlD ( renamed ndh ) gene YkB YL/ecFabH mutant ylaA ylaABCD operon ylaB ylaC ylaD Yokonolide B young 24-hour culture young cells young cultures young germinating cultures young vegetative cells younger cells younger streptomycin-producing cultures Yp/x ypgA ypgA gene ypgA product ypgA3 ypgA3 gene ypgA3 protein YPL yqeZyqfAB operon YrbE YRp7 YS67 YS81 YSA-130 YSDL-10 YSDL-20 YSTAE YT-1 YtcJ-like metal-dependent amidohydrolase family YtrA subfamily YU100 YU100 chromosomal DNA YucG yukK Yun YwbN ywcJ ywfBCDEFG ywfBCDEFG operon ywfH ywfH gene YwpH YX-proteinase YXN YY2 Z Z antigens Z components Z subunits Z- Z-1046 Z-2685 Z-Arg-Leu-Phe-H Z-Asp-CH2-DCB Z-Asp-CH2-DCB-sensitive caspases z-DEVD-fmk Z-double bonds Z-Gly-D-Phe-AH-Sepharose 4B Z-isomer Z-type actinomycins Z-VAD-FMK Z1 Z2 Z6 Z8 strains Z=2 ZAC ZAN-044 ZAS proteins ZBM ZBM biosynthetic gene cluster ZBM gene cluster ZBr ZBr2 ZD23 zinc ( II ) -pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline-inhibitor-enzyme zinc ( II ) complex zinc carboxypeptidases zinc dependent proteolytic enzymes zinc endo-protease zinc endoprotease zinc endoproteases zinc enzyme zinc finger zinc finger motifs zinc finger-type regulatory protein zinc finger-type regulatory proteins zinc metalloendoprotease zinc metalloendoprotease superfamily zinc metalloendoproteases zinc metalloenzyme containing 2 mol zinc/mol protein zinc ribbon DNA binding domain zinc ribbon motif zinc site zinc-ATP/dATP-containing protein zinc-binding motif zinc-binding sequence zinc-binding sites zinc-bound water molecule zinc-bound water/hydroxide molecule zinc-carboxypeptidase zinc-containing anti-sigma factor zinc-containing d-Ala-d-Ala dipeptidase zinc-containing metalloendopeptidase gene zinc-containing metalloendoprotease zinc-containing neutral endopeptidase zinc-containing protein zinc-containing small molecules zinc-containing SODs zinc-containing superoxide dismutase zinc-coordinating residues zinc-endopeptidases zinc-finger DNA binding motif zinc-responsive repressor zinc-specific regulator zinc/mol protein zincophorin Zincphyrin zionesis DNA fragments ZJ1 ZJ2 Zn Zn ( 2+ ) -Bm Zn ( 2+ ) -containing enzymes Zn ( 2+ ) -leucine aminopeptidases Zn ( 2+ ) carboxypeptidase Zn ( 2+ ) endopeptidases Zn carboxypeptidase A family Zn chelators Zn++ Zn- [ 35S ] thionein Zn-bound form Zn-dependent enzyme Zn-RsrA Zn2+ Zn2+ cofactor Zn2+-containing D-alanyl-D-alanine peptidase Zn2+-containing D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving carboxypeptidase Zn2+-containing enzyme Zn2+-containing enzymes ZnSO ( 4 ) . 7H ( 2 ) O ZnSO ( 4 ) .7H ( 2 ) O ZnSO4 x 7H2O znuA and rpmG2 promoter regions znuA promoter region znuA transcripts znuACB operon ZnZn- Zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 ZouA Zp ZSS1 Zur Zur-binding sites ZwA ZwA biosynthesis cluster ZwA biosynthesis-related genes ZwA-producing strain zwa5A zwa5B zwa6 Zwf zwf genes zwf1 zwf2 zwitterionic molecules zwitterionic substrates Zwittermicin A ZX1 ZX64 ZX66 ZX7 zxy19 zygomycete Gongronella butleri Zygorhynchus species zymogen zymogen form zymogens zymosan A ~250 sequences ΔadpAch mutant ΔglnR mutant Δmbl Δmbl mutant ΔmreB ΔmreB Δmbl double mutant ΔPAS ΔpenD ΔpntD mutants ΔptlE ΔptlD deletion mutant ΔptlE ΔptlD double mutant ΔsgcR ΔtrdD mutants α α-domain α-Glucuronidase α-helices α-ketopyrrole moiety α-Pyrone Derivatives α=90 β-1-3-glucanase β-1″ β-domain β-domains β-lactam synthetase β-sheets β=90 γ-butyrolactone-like receptor ε-PL σ ∼56kb